Minutes 01-02-91MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING HELD IN COMMISSION CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2, 1991 AT 6:00 P.M. PRESENT Gene Moore, Mayor Lee Wische, Vice Mayor Lillian Artis, Commissioner Denys "Sam" DeLong, Commissioner Arline Weiner, Commissioner J. Scott Miller, City Manager Sue Kruse, City Clerk Jim Cherof, City Attorney M~yor Moore called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. There was a moment of s~lent prayer followed by the Pledge of A~leglance to the Flag which was led by Vice Mayor Wische. A~ENDAAPPROVAL V~ce Mayor Wische requested that the Report by the Task FOrce on Children and Youth be given immediately prior to N~W BUSINESS, C. Formation of permanent Advisory Board on C~ildren and Youth. Commissioner Weiner requested that the A~enda items remain as scheduled on the Agenda because they w~re twO separate items. The Mayor had just received the r~port and had not had an opportunity to thoroughly review i~. DiscUssion took place and the Commission agreed to l~ave these items as listed on the Agenda. U~der NEW BUSINESS D., City Manager Miller added Temporary S~gn Request for Black Awareness Day and E., Banner Request f~om the Boynton Women's Club. Cbmmissioner Weiner moved to approve the.Agenda as amended. Nice MaYor Wische seconded the motion which carried 5-0. A~NOUNCEMENTS li. A Public Hearing regarding the International Brotherhood of Firemen and Oilers (IBF&O) is scheduled for Monday, January 7, 1991 at 7:30 P.M. Proclamation - Black Awareness Day - February 2, 1991 ~RESENTATIONS Certificate of Appreciation to Mr. David Scott Floering, Eastern Auto Body and Glass City Manager Miller explained that the City's Police ~epartment had received the donation of an armored van from ~rinks, Inc. for use by the City's SWAT team. The van was in need of refurbishing, however, and Mr. Floering agreed to MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYIqTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 2, 1991 do this work at no cost to the City. Mr. Floering contri- buted many hours of labor and hundreds of dollars in materials to the project and a Certificate of Appreciation was presented to him for his generosity. ii. Report of Task Force on Children and Youth AS a follow-up to many months of intensive research into the uhmet needs of children and their families in the community, the Boynton Beach Task Force on Children and Youth had pre- p~red a report of their findings and subsequent recommen- dations. The lengthy report was before the Commission and Commissioner Weiner read out loud the sections entitled, Introduction, Findings, Recommendations and Conclusion. This report is on file in the City Clerk's office. C~mmissioner Weiner extended thanks to those who made this r~port possible. She noted this project was a very ambi- t,ious undertaking and solving these problems would require the combined experience and skills of many people. The Task Fprce believed the children deserve no less. ~ice Mayor Wische moved to accept the report and make it p~rt of the record. Commissioner DeLong seconded the motion w~ich carried 5-0. Llater in the meeting discussion takes place regarding a equest to form a permanent Advisory Board on Children and outh. ~IDS ~one. ~UBLIC HEARING 4. Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: First Impressions Day Care Center Harold Blanchette Julie and Susan Monahan Seacrest Blvd. at S.E. 22nd Ave., northeast corner CONDITIONAL USE - Request for con- ditional use and site plan approval to convert an existing single-family resi- dence into a 2,300 sq. ft. day care center. ~hris Cutro, Planning Director, reported this item had been continued by the Planning & Zoning Board (PZB) at its regu- lar meeting on December 11, 1990 to December 20, 1990. At ~hat time, a revised plan was reviewed and approved. Three MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 2, 1991 comments were added to the plan. A drainage and paving plan is to be submitted prior to building permits being issued ahd the 4' fence on the east side of the property (presently chain link) will be increased to a 6' solid concrete block f~nce. There had been some discussion about the legality of this and Don Jaeger, Building Official had indicated that s!ince the use of this property is non-residential, this change can take place. The applicant had agreed to this. S~aff recommended approval, subject to these conditions as plrovided for by the PZB. Ms. Charlotte Duvall, 117 S.E. 22nd Ave., expressed opposi- tlion to the day care center and did not feel it was needed a~ there are four other centers in the area. Ms. Duvall wDrks at night and the extra traffic in the mornings would aiffect her sleep. She did not look forward to the cement Block wall which would be constructed at her property line. ~r. Ralph Vallarella, 2210 S.E. 1st Street, believed day clare centers were needed, however, not at this location. He p~inted out on a map how the area is already congested with tiraffic. He believed this was a dangerous spot for a day clare center. Mr. Vallarella pointed out other day care cen- ers in that neighborhood on the map. He hoped the ommission would make the proper decision. sthere was no input the audience, PUBLIC further from THE EARING WAS CLOSED. r. Cutro stated staff believed this to be a compatible use ith the surrounding neighborhood, provided the buffers are ut in place and there is no access onto S.E. 1st Street. his is a conditional use in this zoning category. There ere remarks about the ability of children to climb 4' chain ink fences. That had been changed to a 6' concrete block all instead. Relative to the traffic safety situation, olice Chief Hillery remarked this had met the specifica- ions required by the City, the State and the Department. A olice Dept. representative had been in attendance at the RB meeting and this had been reviewed at length. lommissionerWeiner moved that the First Impressions Day are Center request for conditional use and site plan appro- al to convert the existing single-family residence into a ,300 sq. ft. day care center be approved. Commissioner eLong seconded the motion which carried 5-0. 9' Proposed Ordinance No. 091-1 Re: Proposed Boynton Beach Sign Ordinance (First Reading) 3 MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 2, 1991 City Attorney Cherof read proposed Ordinance No. 091-1 by claption only: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, DELETING CHAPTER 21 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, MORE COMMONLY KNOWN AS THE BOTfl~TON BEACH SIGN CODE AND ADOPTING A COMPREHENSIVE SIGN CODE FOR THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH; PROVIDING FOR DEFINITIONS; PROVIDING FOR GENERAL REGULATIONS OF PERMITS; PROVIDING FOR INSPECTION AND INSPECTION FEES; PROVIDING FOR PROCEDURES REGARDING UNSAFE AND UNLAWFUL SIGNS; PROVIDING FOR LICENSING; PROVIDING FOR STRUCTURAL REQUIREMENTS; PROVIDING FOR REMOVAL OF ABANDONED SIGNS; PROVIDING FOR VARIANCES; PROVIDING FOR EXEMPTIONS; PROVIDING FOR SIGN REGULATION IN COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS; PROVIDING FOR SIGN REGULATION IN SHOPPING CENTERS AND MALLS; PROVIDING FOR SIGN REGULATION IN THE CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT; PROVIDING FOR SPECIAL SIGNS; PROVIDING FOR NON-CONFORMING SIGNS; PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILIT¥, CODIFICATION AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE." ayor Moore believed several requests to be heard, which had een received from the public, were premature on first leading and they should be deferred until the second eading. City Attorney Cherof pointed out there had been a ~pecial notice on this proposed Ordinance for a Public Hearing because this is a land development regulation. ere would be two Public Hearings on this Ordinance since it affects more than 5% of the general land area. qity Manager Miller referred to four areas he would like the qommission to consider. These items are as follows: ~) Under Section 21-3 Definitions, Mr. Miller believed they ~hould include a definition for marquee or reader board ~ign. ~) Under 21-18 Sign Prohibition, he wished to add vehicular ~igns and painted wall signs. ) Under Section 21-26(b) Signs for Shopping Center, Mr. [iller pointed out the current language allows for 160 sq. t. He believed free-standing signs for any of these istricts should not exceed 64 sq. ft. per side, or 128 sq. t. maximum. 4) Relative to Section 21-32 Non-conforming Signs, the pre- ~ent language as proposed notes the sign would remain non- Conforming almost in perpetuity. Mr. Miller recommended ~hey include a provision that would require existing non- 4 MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JAI~UARY 2, 1991 conforming signs to be brought up to Code compliance within a five year period. This could even be staggered to three, five or seven years. Mr. Miller was concerned that if a "benchmark" is not included, they would never have confor- mity to the Sign Ordinance. Mr. Miller elaborated on why he believed these individual changes were advisable and discussion ensued. Relative to the painted wall signs, Commissioner Artis wondered if they needed to indicate whether they were talking about commer- cial and residential properties. Mr. Miller responded this Would be for everything. He believed they could enforce this on a person's residence. Discussion took place about inclusion of murals in the prohibition. The consensus was that the Commission did not want murals on residences. Mr. Miller thought perhaps they should even include this point in the Housing Code section. Further discussion took place about vehicular signs and vans and trucks which will park at the end of parking lots with ~-frame signs or large signs hanging from the side of the tlruck. This can be a real problem. Mr. Miller assured the Mayor that smaller commercial vehicle signs (such as mag- netic signs) identifying businesses on trucks and vans Would continue to be allowable, within certain limits. Mr. Miller believed the definitions of marquee or reader board signs should be included because they will be allowing tlhese signs. The difference between these signs was discussed. The Commissioners agreed as far as items ~1 through 93 were Concerned. Discussion took place about Mr. Miller's Suggestion ~4. The Mayor referred to signs that were once Legal, but due to changes in the Code, had become non- ~onforming. He believed they would be penalized somewhat as ~hey couldn't be improved or repainted. Relative to item ~4, the Mayor thought this should probably be set at l0 years. Mr. Miller explained a "staggered" proposal where an old poorly constructed sign would be allowed three years to be brought up to Code. Conversely, another business may have recently spent $25,000 on a beautiful sign. That business Could be allowed seven years to conform. Aesthetically displeasing signs that do not meet any portion of the Code would be brought into compliance first. Three Of the Commissioners remarked they could go along with the sliding scale of five to seven years. Mr. Miller responded if they made the sliding scale more variable, starting at three and going to seven, it would make enforcement easier. City MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 2, 1991 Attorney Cherof believed the variable scale would make enforcement more difficult because they would have people trying to figure out the variables. Mr. Cherof wanted to limit it to the variables that have been Court tested in other municipalities. MOtion Commissioner Weiner moved to have a sliding scale starting ak three years for things that are inherently dangerous. CDmmissioner DeLong seconded the motion which carried 5-0. M~. Jose Aguila, 800 S.W. 1st Court, referred to the revi- siion process this Sign Ordinance had been through. He pbinted out the existing Code served as the base. Following M~. Jaeger's version, the PZB and CAB had spent over five hburs reviewing the proposed Ordinance. Now Mr. Jaeger, Mr. C~tro and Mr. Cherof had come up with a new version. Mr. A~uila believed this should come back before the PZB. He cDuldn't understand why the City had City Boards if they w~re going to bypass their expertise and recommendations. M~yor Moore stated the City had taken the Boards' input into cpnsideration. The City would try this version out and look a~ it again in six months or a year. CYnthia Greenhouse, 618 N.E. 20th Lane, believed the City Manager's four areas of concern reflected some of the major c~ncerns raised by the PZB and CAB. She believed that ~ liegally this Ordinance had to come back before the PZB. Piersonally, she liked what the City Manager had proposed. She remarked that Florida Statutes, Section 163.3174, states the Land Planning Agency has to review all proposed land d!evelopment regulations and make recommendations to the gloverning body. She further stated that Section 163.3164 diefines land development regulations and in that is included silgn regulations. She pointed out that this .had been tDtally revised since it came before the PZB the first time. Mrs. Greenhouse was pleased that non-conforming signs would bie eliminated over a period of time. She knew a lot of ~usinesses were cited a couple of years ago under the pre- sient Code. In view of the proposed revisions, she wondered w~at would happen now that two years had passed. The City Manager was asked to provide Mrs. Greenhouse with an answer oln this point. G~ry Lehnertz, 619 S.W. 2nd Ave., recalled at the recent Board Dinner the Commissioners praised the Board members for the good job they were doing. Now it appeared the Ciommission did not care about the amount of time the PZB and 6 MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 2, 1991 CAB had spent on the Sign Code review. He did not think this was right. He believed the Boards should be listened to. ~ice Mayor Wische remarked those Boards had been given the o~portunity for input. Recommendations came from several sDurces. Staff compiled the recommendations into the v!ersion which was in front of the Commission. The CQmmission did take the effort of the Board members into cbnsideration. ~s there was no further input from the audience, THE PUBLIC HIEARING WAS CLOSED. Notion ~ice Mayor Wische moved to pass this on first reading with t~e recommended alterations. Commissioner Artis seconded t~e motion. A roll call vote was taken by Sue Kruse, City Clerk as follows: Mayor Moore - Aye Vice Mayor Wische - Aye Commissioner Artis - Aye Commissioner DeLong - Aye Commissioner Weiner - Aye Motion carried 5-0. ~UBLIC AUDIENCE Ns. Jean Leary, 1820 New Palm Way, asked that jet skis be ~anned from using the Boat Ramp Park. She pointed out signs rected at the park are disregarded. She explained viola- ions she had recently witnessed at the park. Most of the et skiers at the park were not from this area and it ppeared as if Boat Ramp Park were turning into a "home ase" in the area. The noise from the jet skis was driving ~he residents "crazy." lity Attorney Cherof indicated the City was involved in ollecting Ordinances from other cities and was checking to ee if there had been any challenges to them. The Mayor ~ointed out that any Ordinance adopted would have to be egalty enforceable. Other remarks were made about the oise levels produced when the jet skis are out on the ater and the possibility of obtaining decibel readings. The City Manager explained about discussion that had taken lace with the Florida Marine Patrol. The City had loaned dne of its Code Enforcement Officers trained in the use of ~he decibel meter to ride with the Marine Patrol. The MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 2, 1991 Marine Patrol covers a very large area on this coast, however, and this is not high priority for them. Don Jaeger, Building Official, pointed out the City is precluded from enforcing any kind of regulations except regulations over noise, which is a jurisdiction of the County. If the County adopted a Noise Ordinance, the Marine ~atrol could enforce that. The City might want to send some t~ype of Resolution to the County, encouraging them to adopt ~ Noise Ordinance. While the City Attorney continues to research this topic, he ~as asked'to draw up a Resolution which could be sent to the ~ounty. The City Attorney indicated he would have such a Resolution ready for the next meeting. Ms. Wilda Searcy, 402 N.E. 13th Ave., hoped the City would dontinue to work on summer lunch and work programs for young Deople. Ms. Searcy was still interested in arranging for ~helter at Sara Sims Park so that citizens can play checkers ~nder shelter. Waste containers were needed. On Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights she thought the City should pro- Wide entertainment for the young people. If there were ~lectrical outlets, the young people could play music. The ~ark could be closed at 10:00 P.M. ADMINISTRATIVE ~onsider request for sign variances ~. Pep's Seagrill 9. Gentleman Jim's ~ayor Moore asked that these items be moved up on the ~genda. Staff recommended approval. Don Jaeger, Buildi~ng qfficial noted the Gentleman Jim's sign will be non- qonforming under the new sign ordinance. He recommended it be reduced to 64 sq. ft. instead of 66 sq. ft. as proposed. Both signs will have an area for changeable copy. Vice Mayor Wische moved to approve both signs with the alterations as stated. Commissioner Artis seconded the motion. The vote to approve was 5-0 on Pep's Seagrill. On Gentleman Jim's the vote to approve was 4-1, with the Mayor dissenting. NEW BUSINESS D. Temporary Sign Request for Black Awareness Day 8 MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 2, 1991 As outlined in A1 Newbold, Deputy Building Official's memorandum No. 90-566 to the City Manager, permission is deeded to post six billboard signs from January 21, 1991 through February 4, 1991 in conjunction with Black Awareness Day on February 2, 1991. Banner Request from the Boynton Women's Club The Women's Club requested permission to place a banner the side of their building in conjunction with a fund rlaising event to be held January 13, 1991. on Vice Mayor Wische moved to approve both of these requests. ~ommissioner Artis seconded the motion which carried 5-0. Items for discussion requested by Mayor Gene Moore 112 S. Federal Highway landscaping requirements -- Ms. Betty Bingham Ms. Betty Bingham and her Architect Mr. Corbett, explained ~hat during the summer she started trying to get a barrier Hut between her property and the convenience store located on Federal Hwy. at 1st Street. Ms. Bingham owns the parking ~ot property where the Bus Station is located. People going into the convenience store run over her parking stops. Trucks making deliveries at the convenience store have a ~endency to park on her property. Ms. Bingham felt that the ~equest on the part of the City for certain plantings at the base of the proposed 3' wall were unreasonable. She stated it would involve tearing up half of her lot to put in ~lants. They would be willing to plant Bougainvillea in the back, but she didn't want it tied in with this wall. She had been requested to plant Bougainvillea at various inter- ~als along the wall. Ms. Bingham requested a waiver. Mr. Corbett stated Ms. Bingham is trying to protect her pro- perty from vehicles crossing lots. The wall is not a ~equirement, in his opinion. Ms. Bingham was doing this on a voluntary basis to protect the vehicles that park there ~nd to protect her property from being destroyed. As the parking lot had existed for many years, Mr. Corbett believed it had been "grandfathered in." There was no building in donnection with it that would require a screen wall. He ~tated this is not a buffer wall but is a barrier to protect property. The City Manager referred to the CBD Design Guideline ~equirements for landscaping. The Mayor thought a waiver Should be granted and he explained his reasons. Commissioner weiner thought they should explore a compro- 9 MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 2, 1991 mise. She didn't want to see Ms. Bingham have to put in a whole irrigation system as that might not be necessary. However, there are Code requirements and the City has CBD Guidelines to help beautify the community. The Vice Mayor suggested a clinging vine of some sort that would require no irrigation. This would not interfere with the parking. He pointed out you have to dig a trench to put UP the 3' wall anyway. It could be dug one foot wider to accommodate the planting. Lengthy discussion took place. Mr. Corbett remarked that staff wanted the plantings along ~he wall as well as installation of wheelstops. Staff ~anted her to remove paving and there was discussion about ~reating new landscape strips all the way down the wall or ~he possibility of creating a 3' strip. Mr. Corbett pointed Out this property has no water service to it. The Mayor thought staff had made arbitrary requirements in ~his case. Commissioner Weiner disagreed. Commissioner Weiner had no problem with putting the wall up but she believed the Codes and Guidelines should be followed. ~ommissioner Weiner moved that the recommendation of Ms. Broomfield be followed. The motion died for lack of a ~econd. Mayor Moore passed the gavel and moved that the waiver be ~ranted and that they be allowed to put the wall up without ~ "beautification." The motion died for lack of a second. gavel was returned to the Mayor. Motion ~ice Mayor Wische moved that Ms. Bingham go back, look over the situation and see if she can do some type of landscaping ~hat will satisfy the Code. The Vice Mayor pointed out ~hey had to "furrow" out a narrow trench to build the wall nd he still believed some type of hearty clinging vine could be planted along the wall. Commissioner Weiner seconded the motion which carried 5-0. The Mayor asked if plantings would have to be put on both sides of the wall. The City Manager indicated he would meet With them so they could get some "relaxation" on this. DEVELOPMENT PLANS None. 10 MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 2, 1991 LEGAL A. Ordinances - 2nd Reading - PUBLIC HEARING 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 090-79 Re: Community Relations Board City Attorney Cherof read proposed Ordinance No. 090-79 by caption only: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYlqTON BEACH, FLORIDA, REPEALING RESOLUTIONS NO. 63-FF, 77-SS, 78-II, 83-FF, 85-N, 90-KKKK AND R90-190 IN THEIR ENTIRETY IN ORDER TO PROVIDE FOR THE POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE BOYNTON BEACH COMMUNITY RELATIONS BOARD; PROVIDING FOR THE BOARD'S COMPOSITION, TERMS, THE FILLING OF VACANCIES, RATIFICATION OF SELECTIONS BY THE CITY COMMISSION, DIRECT REAPPOINTMENTS, AND THE POWERS, DUTIES, AUTHORITY, AND FUNCTIONS; PROVIDING A CONFLICTS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AUTHORITY TO CODIFY; AND FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE." Mayor Moore asked if there was any input from the public. ~s there was no response from the audience, THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Vice Mayor Wische moved to adopt proposed Ordinance No. 090-79 on second and final reading. Commissioner Weiner Seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken by Sue Kruse, City Clerk as follows: Vice Mayor Wische - Aye Commissioner Artis Aye Commissioner DeLong Aye Commissioner Weiner - Aye Mayor Moore Aye Motion carried 5-0. 2. Proposed Ordinance No. 090-80 Re: Referendum - Clarifying Sections 17 and 51 of the City Charter pertaining to term of appointed officials following a vacancy City Attorney Cherof read proposed Ordinance No. 090-80 by caption only: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, PROPOSING THAT A REFERENDUM ELECTION BE HELD TO AMEND SECTION 51 OF THE CHARTER OF THE CITY, TO PROVIDE THAT A CITIZEN SELECTED TO FILL A VACANCY ON THE CITY COMMISSION SHALL SERVE UNTIL THE NEXT MUNICIPAL ELECTION AND DEFINING MUNICIPAL ELECTION DATE; 11 MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 2, 1991 PROVIDING A BALLOT TITLE; PROVIDING THE OFFICIAL SUBSTANCE OF THE AMENDMENT TO BE PLACED ON THE BALLOT; DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO SUBMIT A CERTIFIED COPY OF THE ORDINANCE TO THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS; PROVIDING A CONFLICTS CLAUSE; A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING EFFECTIVE DATE." Mayor Moore asked if there was any public input. As there Was no response from the audience, THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Commissioner Weiner moved that proposed Ordinance No. 090-80 be adopted on second and final reading. Vice Mayor Wische seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken by Sue Kruse, City Clerk as follows: Commissioner Artis - Aye Commissioner DeLong Aye Commissioner Weiner Aye Mayor Moore - Aye Vice Mayor Wische Aye Motion carried 5-0. B. Ordinances - 1st Reading Proposed Ordinance No. 091-2 Re: Outlining Planning & Zoning Board Duties and Responsibilities City Attorney Cherof read proposed Ordinance No. 091-2 by Caption only: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, RELATING TO THE DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD; PROVIDING FOR THE CREATION OF A NEW SUBSECTION 19-5(d) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES SETTING FORTH THE DUTIES AND PROCEDURES OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD; PROVIDING TIME LIMITATIONS ON THE PENDENCY OF MATTERS BEFORE THE BOARD; PROVIDING FOR DOCUMENTATION OF RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS; PROVIDING A CONFLICTS CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING AUTHORITY TO CODIFY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE." ~ayor Moore noted that two people had asked to speak on this topic. As Mayor, he ruled that public input would be ~llowed at second reading. ice Mayor Wische moved to adopt proposed Ordinance No. 91-2. Commissioner Weiner seconded the motion. A roll ~all vote was taken by Sue Kruse, City Clerk as follows: 12 MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 2, 1991 Commissioner DeLong Commissioner Weiner Mayor Moore Vice Mayor Wische Commissioner Artis Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye Motion carried 5-0. 2. Proposed Ordinance No. 091-3 Re: Commission action regarding site plans City Attorney Cherof read proposed Ordinance No. 091-3 by caption only: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, RELATING TO SITE PLAN REVIEW AND APPROVAL; PROVIDING FOR THE CREATION OF A NEW SECTION 19-27.1 OF THE CITY CODE RELATING TO COMMISSION ACTION ON SITE PLANS; PROVIDING FOR DOCUMENTATION OF CONDITIONAL APPROVALS OF SITE PLANS; PROVIDING A CONFLICTS CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING AUTHORITY TO CODIFY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE." Vice Mayor Wische moved to adopt proposed Ordinance No. 091-3. Commissioner DeLong seconded the motion. A roll Call vote was taken by Sue Kruse, City Clerk as follows: Commissioner Weiner - Aye Mayor Moore - Aye Vice Mayor Wische - Aye Commissioner Artis - Aye Commissioner DeLong - Aye ~otion carried 5-0. Proposed Ordinance No· 091-4 Re: Amend Occupational License Ordinance for rental pro- perties by deleting single family residential units City Attorney Cherof read proposed Ordinance No. 091-4 by caption only: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, RELATING TO OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE FEES: AMENDING SECTION 13-22 (492); REPEALING THE LICENSE TAX FOR SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL RENTALS; PROVIDING A CONFLICTS CLAUSE: PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING AUTHORITY TO CODIFY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE." Attorney Cherof indicated the $2.00 fee referred to in Section 1 should be corrected to $2.50. 13 MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 2, 1991 Vice Mayor Wische moved to adopt proposed Ordinance No. 091-4 as corrected. Commissioner DeLong seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken by Sue Kruse, City Clerk as follows: Mayor Moore - Aye Vice Mayor Wische - Aye Commissioner Artis - Aye Commissioner DeLong - Aye Commissioner Weiner - Nay Motion carried 4-1. C. Resolutions The Commission didn't have any problem with the following ~ive Resolutions and agreed to address them with one motion. The captions to the Resolutions are provided for infor- mational purposes. 1. Proposed Resolution No. R91-1 Re: Amend Pay Plan & Adopt Job Descriptions "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AMENDING THE PAY PLAN OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FOR THE FISCAL YEAR OF 1990/91 AND ADOPTING JOB DESCRIPTIONS" Proposed Resolution No. R91-2 Re: Service Agreement - Cellular Telephones "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A CERTAIN SERVICE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AND CELLULAR ONE; A COPY OF SAID AGREEMENTS BEING ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A"; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE." Proposed Resolution No. R91-3 Re: License Agreement - Maintenance Management Work Order Software "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A CERTAIN SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT AND SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT BETWEEN GP SOLUTIONS AND THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH; A COPY OF SAID AGREEMENTS BEING ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A" AND "B" RESPECTIVELY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE." 14 MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 2, 1991 4. Proposed Resolution No. R91-4 Re: AT&T Coin Phone Commission Agreement "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A CERTAIN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AND AT&T COMMUNICATIONS, INC.; A COPY OF SAID AGREEMENT BEING ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A"; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE." Proposed Resolution No. R91-5 Re: Accepting certain streets in Leisureville Section 10 as public roads "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY DEDICATED BY AND SHOWN ON THE "PALM BEACH LEISURE SECTION 10 PLAT" RECORDED ON DECEMBER 13, 1973, IN PLATBOOK 30, PAGES 129-141 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE." Vice Mayor Wische moved to adopt Resolutions 1 through 5, shown on the Agenda. Commissioner DeLong seconded the motion which carried 5-0. as D. OTHER 1. Update on Settlement Agreement between Seppala & Aho and City of Boynton Beach City Attorney Cherof reported Seppala & Aho had reviewed the proposed Settlement Stipulation with its attorney. Only one change had been requested, namely, that the release Seppala & Aho will provide to the City will be mutual and that Seppala & Aho will be released at the same time except for guarantee and warranty type work. Mr. Cherof had made that change in the Stipulation. This will be brought back to the Commission by means of a Resolution at the next meeting for authority to execute. The Commissioners had no problem with Mr. Cherof's remarks. 2. Acceptance of Quit Claim Deed Dr. John R. Westine had donated Lot 172, Block A, in Boynton Hills to the City. The lot was valued at $5,000. After the City Attorney has checked the title, the lot can be included in the Infill Construction Program. 15 MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 2, 1991 Vice Mayor Wische moved to formally accept this donation. Commissioner Weiner seconded the motion which carried 5-0. OLD BUSINESS A. Streetlights on Boynton Beach Blvd. (Between Old Boynton Rd. and Cross Creek Shopping Center) As outlined in City Manager Miller's Agenda memorandum ~90-382, it appears that if the City desires streetlighting along this stretch of road, then the City will have to fund it. In view of the City's present financial condition, Mr. Miller did not recommend the appropriation. If this stretch of road is not lit, Commissioner Weiner asked about the City being left potentially liable. Mr. Miller pointed out Boynton Beach Blvd. is a State road and the State is responsible for lighting it. Mr. Miller did not believe special assessment could be imposed primarily because they would not be increasing the value of the Casa Blanca development. Streetlights along Boynton Beach Blvd. would benefit Boynton Beach traffic, not necessarily the Casa Blanca development. Discussion took place on how this situation came about and the Mayor made remarks about the platting law and when it Can be imposed. The Casa Blanca property is under one ownership and will be used for rentals. No action was taken on this item. B. City Engineer Position The City Manager had provided the Commission with a report on this topic by means of Agenda memorandum ~90-385. Mr. Miller stated this matter was in no way a reflection on the current situation or on Vincent Finizio, Administrative Coordinator of Engineering. Mr. Miller believed Mr. Finizio had done an excellent job handling his administrative duties. Mr. Miller felt the City needed to expand the role of its consulting engineers or have a Professional Engineer to protect the City's interests fully and to reduce poten- tial exposure to liabilities. Reference was made to City Attorney Cherof's memorandum to the City Manager dated December 28, 1990 on this topic and other documents which were before the Commission. A comparison had been put together which showed the cost of expanding the consulting engineers' services as compared to employing a full-time City Engineer. Technical comments were made about how the figures compared. Mr. Miller stated if the City were to employ a full-time Engineer, the salary 16 MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 2, 1991 range would be $45,000 to $55,000 (Pay Grade 39 - new classification), plus benefits. Another avenue had been brought to Mr. Miller's attention by means of John Guidry, Utilities Director's memorandum ~91-001. The responsibilities of one of the staff engineers currently employed in the Utilities Dept. could be expanded. This particular individual is a qualified Certified Professional Engineer in several States, including Florida. This would not cost the City much to expand his administra- tive duties. Mr. Miller stated Mr. Finizio would remain in his current position of Administrative Coordinator of Engineering and Inspection. As City Manager, Mr. Miller Would put the employee in at Grade 37 as Deputy City Engineer for about three or four months to see how it works and then go from there. Discussion ensued. Mr. Finizio pointed out from the audience that the Engineering Dept. had been reorganized in January, 1990. It had been decided that the consulting engineers would act as the City Engineer. The Mayor pointed out Mr. Finizio was making engineering decisions and he was not a licensed Professional Engineer. Discussion took place on Mr. ~inizio's job title and decisions and recommendations he has made in that capacity. Mr. Miller reiterated Mr. Finizio had done a good job. The City Manager perceived this to be an administrative decision and he explained. Mr. Finizio attempted to speak several times but the Mayor limited the discussion to those on the dais. Motion Vice Mayor Wische moved to approve the City Manager's recom- mendation in reference to the Professional Engineer posi- tion. Commissioner Artis seconded the motion. In response to a question raised, Mr. Miller stated this would not affect the contract with Gee and Jenson and their services would still be available on an "as needed basis." Gee and Jenson had provided services on several projects but there was no guarantee of any level of service. Mr. Finizio referred to Attorney Cherof's determination ~bout the DPR and individuals reviewing plans that are not P.E.s., relative to critique of design. He pointed out none Of the members of the TRB are P.E.s. Mr. Finizio stated ~hat all of his comments are prefaced by a Code reference. Design critique is submitted to Gee and Jenson, as it always has been. Mr. Finizio stated all plans do not go to Gee and Jenson. He indicated he had been directed in certain instances not to send the plans to Gee and Jenson so the 17 MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 2, 1991 plans would continue to move forward. Mr. Finizio said the "marina project" never went to the consultant because of environmental issues that might have killed the project. He believed there were dual standards when "political" projects were involved. The Mayor thought Mr. Finizio's remarks were "a bunch of hooey." Mr. Harry Marcus, 650 Horizons East, didn't think anyone would question the existence of potential City liability because of not having a licensed Engineer. He hated to see ~his topic politicized. He recommended a decision be made based on the facts and without acrimony. Mr. Marcus thought ~he Vice Mayor's suggestion was fine. Commissioner DeLong brought attention to the Dept. of ~rofessional Regulation Board Of Professional Engineers Chapter 21H-26 Supervision Standards which states in part ~hat "No individual may be entitled or act in the capacity 0f "municipal", "city" or "county engineer" unless that ~ndividual is licensed as a professional engineer in this State." ~aurice Rosenstock, 1 Villa Lane, believed Mr. Finizio's ~bility was "glowing." He stated the table of organization ~oes not require ~Vir. Finizio to be an Engineer. Mr. Rosenstock stated Mr. Nielsen of the Homebuilders Assoc. was '~lobbying on the effect of trying to get somebody else in ~here because Mr. Finizio has been a whistle blower and people don't like whistle blowers." Mr. Rosenstock could ~ot find fault with the City Manager as this was an admi- histrative decision. Mr. Rosenstock referred to the ~ngineer Mr. Miller was considering and asked what the employee has been doing if he had time to take on additional ~esponsibilities. It was suggested that Gee and Jenson be included in the loop more than they have been. Written recommendations on Mr. Finizio's behalf from Annie Matthews, ~rincipal of Poinciana School and Lois Lesslie, Principal of Forest Park Elementary School were made available. These letters are on file in the City Clerk's office. ary Lehnertz, 619 S.W. 2nd Avenue, pointed out that if the ngineer from the Utilities Dept. is moved over to Engineering, the City will have to hire someone else to ~eplace him. If this person was not doing a full-time job for the City, Mr. Lehnertz didn't think he should be ~mployed by the City. He didn't believe Mr. Miller would Rllow something like that. Mr. Lehnertz understood the City ~anager had "pared things down to the bone" in order to save money. Mr. Lehnertz believed the current Engineering Situation covered all the necessary bases and there was no ~eason ~or this action. 18 MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 2, 1991 Mr. Paul Levine, 2400 N.E. 1st Lane, had served as a member of the New York Bar for about 50 years. He had handled only negligence work or tort actions. Part of the time, he defended the City of New York. He had seen strange things happen in the Court system and challenges made on the quali- fications of personnel employed by the city. Mr. Levine believed that the qualified firm of Gee and Jenson could stand the test of qualification. He would hate to see the City challenged in the Courts, based upon the recommendation Of a person who might be qualified in many areas but not be qualified in a specific area. Mr. Levine asked the Commission not to disturb the status quo as it seemed to be working quite well. Mr. Larry Leathers, 46 Heather Cove Drive, asked the Commission to not change the design of the Engineering Dept. He didn't believe they should attempt to fix something that's "not broken." He believed use of Gee and Jenson as consulting Engineers worked out well. He also believed Mr. Finizio had demonstrated superior knowledge of City Codes. If the Commission chose to bring in a licensed Professional Engineer, Mr. Leathers asked that the new person report to Mr. Finizio. Mr. Jose Aguila, 800 S.W. 1st Court, stated that as a member Of a local architectural firm he had worked with Mr. Finizio on a number of projects. He believed Mr. Finizio performs a careful, thorough and efficient job and is very knowledgeable of the Codes. The idea that a full-time Professional Engineer is the only way to protect the City Was, in Mr. Aguila's opinion, erroneous. Mr. Finizio has the backup of Gee and Jenson and their role is not much dif- ferent that if a Professional Engineer is hired. Mr. Aguila stated that Mr. Finizio insists that developers follow the rules and that is a good thing. Mr. Aguila is a Graduate Architect and is not a licensed Architect yet. Discussion took place about the job Mr. Finizio does and decisions he makes. The City Manager interjected he could ~ot think of any plan Mr. Finizio had not "bounced" off of Gee and Jenson. Other remarks were made. Lynne Matson, 1 West Chesterfield Drive, was present to ~epresent Boynton Lakes North and Boynton Lakes. Mrs. Matson referred to negotiations which had taken place with her subdivision's developer. Numerous problems had been ~esolved with assistance provided by the City Manager and Mr. Finizio. Mr. Finizio took the time to explain City Code to residents when they did not understand it. He also explained what needed to be done by the developer to meet Code. Mrs. Matson believed Mr. Finizio was qualified and 19 MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COmmISSION MEETING ~ BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 2, 1991 capable of continuing to be the administrator of the Engineering Dept. To hire a licensed Engineer to head the department would be a costly mistake as Gee and Jenson is doing its job. She asked the City Manager to come up with an alternative that would not be so costly. Cynthia Greenhouse, 618 N.E. 20th Lane, believed the deci- sion had already been made and this was a "done deal." Mrs. Greenhouse stated "Vinnie Finizio makes the developers stick to the Codes and they don't want him there." She did not believe this was an issue related to liability. Mrs. Greenhouse referred to the City Manager's previous statement in April, 1990, that a full-time Engineer wasn't needed. She stated that election time is approaching and it's cam- paign contribution time. She believed developers were putting pressure on the politicians to put the silencer on a man who makes them stick to the Codes. Other remarks were made about the persons who sit as the TRB. Mrs. Greenhouse asked Commissioner DeLong if Randy Nielsen, ~omebuilders Assoc. Political Affairs Representative, had asked Commissioner DeLong to "see what she could do about getting somebody over Vince Finizio." Commissioner DeLong responded that Mr. Nielsen had never approached her with SUCh a request. Commissioner DeLong referred to discussion ~hat had taken place at a recent Planning & Zoning Board meeting. When the Chairman asked to hear specifically from ~he City Engineer, Mr. Finizio stood up and addressed the question. This is what had triggered Commissioner DeLong's ~hinking. Comments were made about Mrs. Greenhouse serving as Mr. Finizio's attorney. Mrs. Greenhouse stated she was speaking as a resident, not as his lawyer. If the Commission wanted to prove this was not political, Mrs. Greenhouse thought they should include Gee and Jenson more fully in the loop. The discussion became heated and insults Were exchanged. Michael Greenhouse was escorted from Chambers by the Police Chief. Commissioner Weiner was concerned that the Engineer under ~onsideration was either not putting in an eight hour day in the Utilities Dept. (she chose not to believe that) or he Was going to be asked to put in a twelve hour day for the ~ame salary. She couldn't believe the latter would happen. She thought the City had a good system currently with Gee ~nd Jenson. She asked why risk stretching a man beyond his ~apabilities when we already have a good situation. Mr. Miller responded that all City employees are having to do a little more in providing services to the City. He referred to statistics in recent years on the number of ~ull-time employees throughout the City. The numbers have 20 MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 2, 1991 decreased and many persons have not been replaced. 35 full- time positions have been cut out from last year. Mr. Miller warned that in coming months, so the City can get out of the deficit, they would be looking toward cutting more posi- tions. Despite these cuts, the employees were attempting to provide the same level of services to the residents. Mr. Miller stated he was not talking about laying off people. However, when positions become vacant, they would not fill all positions. Commissioner Artis had not heard the City Manager actually gay the licensed Engineer would be doing two jobs. Mr. Miller clarified the City Engineer is not a full-time posi- tion. Upper management in the Utilities Dept. would have to re-allocate some of the job duties in that department. Some would have to take on a little more work. Many departments are having to do this. Vote on Motion Made Earlier in Discussion The Mayor began to call for a vote. The City Manager said he would rather just handle the changes administratively. The Mayor stated the Commission wanted the situation of potential liability unequivocably cleaned up. Mr. Miller indicated that would be done. The motion to accept the recommendation of the City Manager which had been made earlier by the Vice Mayor was repeated and Commissioner Artis repeated her second. The motion carried 5-0. NEW BUSINESS A. Items for discussion requested by Mayor Gene Moore 1. 112 South Federal Highway Betty Bingham - Landscaping requirements This was discussed earlier in the meeting. B. Items for discussion requested by Commissioner Sam DeLong 1. Request permission to lobby for Lawrence Road Commissioner DeLong referred to approval given at the pre- vious meeting. The developer had indicated he would ask the County to be able to be in a "pay back" situation if he con- nected at the same time he built Lawrence Rd. This related to the developer meeting concurrency requirements. Commissioner DeLong didn't want this to slip through the cracks. She suggested writing a letter to the County Commission asking if they would please consider the impor- tance of connecting Lawrence Rd., from Woolbright to Boynton Beach Blvd., to relieve traffic. 21 MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 2, 1991 The Commissioners agreed to authorize Commissioner DeLong to work with the City Manager to try and make sure the deve- loper follows through on that. C. Formation of permanent Advisory Board on Children and Youth - Requested by Commissioner Arline Weiner An informative Report on the Findings and Recommendations of the Task Force on Children and Youth was made earlier in the meeting. Commissioner Weiner pointed out that one of the Task Force's first recommendations was to form a permanent Advisory Board on Children and Youth. Remarks were made about the numerous serious problems that need attention. Commissioner Weiner felt that a group of people was needed to focus exclusively on these unmet needs. Commissioner Weiner moved that the City Attorney draw up an Ordinance establishing a permanent Advisory Board on Children and Youth. Vice Mayor Wische agreed there was a need for childre~s programs as well as programs for the elderly. He referred to the professional makeup of the Community Relations Board ~CRB). The Vice Mayor thought the CRB could possibly handle ~his responsibility and he recommended a Commission Workshop With the CRB to determine the CRB's feelings. Discussion ~ook place. The Mayor commented on the massive nature of ~his undertaking. He commended the Task Force on the ~eport. He thought it was obvious that some funding might be required which the City may or may not have. This would ~equire a lot of coordination. The Mayor agreed the Workshop would be advisable. ~ice Mayor Wische moved that the Commission table this ~opic until they .could hold the Workshop meeting with the ~RB. The Mayor passed the gavel and seconded the motion. It was noted that several people had submitted requests to tddressthe Commission this topic. The pointed out om Mayor hey would be given an opportunity for input on the topic. ~ommissioner Weiner reminded the Commission that she already had a motion on the table. Commissioner Weiner's motion ied for lack of a second. The Vice Mayor called for a vote n the motion to table. The motion carried 4-1. Commissioner Weiner cast the dissenting vote. It was agreed ~hat public input would be allowed at the Workshop. No date ~as set for the Workshop. D. Temporary Sign Request for Black Awareness Day This was discussed earlier in the meeting. 22 MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 2, 1991 E. Banner Request from the Boynton Women's Club This was discussed earlier in the meeting. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT A. Update on Capital Improvement Projects Bill DeBeck, Project Manager, had provided an update by m~ans of memorandum ~90-122 to the City Manager. Mr. Miller eilaborated on the status and anticipated completion dates of Filre Station 93, Congress Avenue Park, Hester and Rolling G~een Parks and the Civic Center expansion. ADMINISTRATIVE ~%. Consider request for sign variances 1i. Pep's Seagrill ~. Gentleman Jim's ~hese variances were addressed earlier in the meeting. (~ONSENT AGENDA A. Minutes ~. Regular City Commission Mtg. Minutes of December 18, 1990 B- Bids None C. Approve authorization to dispose of records - Purchasing Records Destruction Request Form 204 had been approved by ~he State Division of Archives. Commission approval was heeded to proceed with destruction of records from the ~urchasing Dept as outlined in the City Clerk's memorandum ~90-228 to the City Manager. D- Update on Blum Plat John Guidry, Director of Utilities, in his memorandum ~90-739 to the City Manager, explained that the Utilities ~ept. would be approving the permit applications for the water system serving this development. 23 MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 2, 1991 E. Well %16 Inspection John Guidry, Director of Utilities, in his memorandum %90-726 to the City Manager, explained that Meredith Corporation and Deep Venture Camera, Inc. will be used to inspect Well 16 and help determine the location of sand infiltration. The procedure will cost $6,300. F. Approval of Bills See list attached to the original copy of these Minutes in the City Clerk's office. Vice Mayor Wische moved to approve the Consent Agenda. motion was seconded and carried 5-0. ADJOURNMENT The meeting properly adjourned at 8:50 P.M. CITY BEACH The ~TTEST: (~it~/Cl erk Recording Secretary (Three Tapes) Mayor Vice Mayor Comml s s loner Commissioner Commissioner 24 AGENDA January 2, 1991 CONSENT AGENDA F cc: ~{gmt Serv, Fin Utilities, Recreation 3.¸ ALLIED LIME P.O. #85951 - Pebble Quick Lime deliveries for part of Nov. and Dec.,1990. Pay from Water & Sewer Rev---401-332-5-365-00 ALLIED UNIVERSAL CORP. P.O. #85959 - Chlorine Gas for Water Plant. Pay from Water & Sewer Rev---401-332-5-363-00 BROOKS PRODUCTS, INC. 500 Concrete Lids w/steel flap and 200 Box and Lids w/steel flap for replacement of old and broken meter boxes and lids for Water Distribution. Pay from Water & Sewer Rev---401-333-5-651-00 CH2M HILL Professional engineering services for the period 10/25/90 thru 11/24/90 - see attached. Pay from Utility Capital Improve.---404-000-0-690-10 CSR HEAVY CONSTRUCTION, INC. Refund of over-payment on Plan Filing Fees for four permits. Should have been $3,375.00, amount paid was $4,915.00. Pay from General Fund---001-000-4-221-40 CUES, INC. Various supplies for Sewage Collection. Pay from Water & Sewer Rev---40t-351-5-433-00 Budgeted Item - Metro-Dade Bid 1483-7/91 DECISION DATA 1 Matrix Line Printer w/pedestal and one year maintenance included - 4,775.00, less trade in Model #6703 of $1,000.00 for Police Dept. Pay from General Fund---001-211-5-670-02 "State Contract #250-000-91-1 ELKINS CONSTRUCTORS, INC. Appl. #6, P.O. #84255: Improvements to B.B. East Water Treat- ment Plant per contract specifications for period 11/16/90 thru 12/16/90. Per bid 4/3/90, Conm~ission approved 4/17/90 Pay from Utility Capital ~mprove.---404-000-0-690-10 ERNST & YOUNG Professional services rendered in connection with the audit of City's 9/30/90 financial statements - Second billing. Pay from various funds. $ 12,990.66 1,281.26 7,300.00 43,633.33 1,540.00 1,782.24 3,835.35 179,371.30 15,000.00 COMMISSION ~^N 2 1~91 APPROVAL 10. 11. 12. 13. 18i. GEO TEC, INC. Boynton Beach Landfill Quarterly & Semi-Annuals. Pay from Sanitation Fund---431-341-5-962-00 J. F. HOFF ELECTRIC Periodic Est. #8 - P.O. #82716 - Motor Control Centers 1 & 2 at the Water Treatment Plant per bid specifications. Per bid 11/21/89, Commission approved 12/5/90. Pay from Utility Capital Improve.---404-000-0-690-10 LANTANA PEAT & SOIL P.O. #85984 - Partial payment #2 for Top dressing Fore Greens & Tees. Pay from Golf Course Fund---411-727-5-345-00 Piggyback Manatee County Bid, Co~nission approved 9/18/90 }{AC PAPERS INC. 160 cartons 8 1/2 x 11 and 30 cartons 8 1/2 x 14 Copy Paper to restock inventory supplies @ Warehouse. Pay from Warehouse Fund---502-000-0-410-10 State Contract #645-120-90-1 5,940.00 21,945.10 1,725.00 5,234.90~ MATRXMEDICAL, INC. P.O. # 86140 ~ Partial payment #1 for emergency medical supplies for Fire Dept. Pay from General Fund---001-221-5-371-00 3M COMPANY 22 Packs 4" White Letters for signs and various signs for Street Dept. Pay from General Fund---001-411-5-348-00 State Contract #550-590-91-1 1,206.59 2,118.53 MOTOROLA P.O. #85995 - Partial payment #3 for repairs not covered under maintenance contract for Communications. Pay from General Fund---001-197-5-431-00 OFFICE DEPOT Furnishings for Fire Dept. Station #3. Pay from Capital Improvement Fund---302-223-5-642-00 18,606.99 1,145.84 19. RAYSIDE TRUCK & TRAILER 1 Flat Bed, Venco Hoist for Body, 1Liftmore Truck Crane plus accessories & installation to complete new truck for Streets Dept. Pay from Vehicle Service Fund---501-193-5-688-00 Co~ission approved 11/7/90, School Board Bid #SB90C-289C 4,766.00 DON REID FORD 95,920.00 Eight 1991 Ford Crown Victoria's for Police Dept. Pay from Vehicle Service Fund---501-193-5-688-00 Commission approved 2/20/90 and 11/7/90 - Bid #028-211-90/v n A , ln JAN 2 1991 APPROVAL 20. 21. E. J. SCHI{ADER C0.,INC. 22 mattresses to accompany new bunk beds at Fire Station #3 for new personnel. Pay from Capital Improvement Fund---302-000-1-450-20 Commission approved 9/5/90 SOLID WASTE AUTHORITY OF PALM BEACH COUNTY Statement for use of County Landfill during the month of November, 1990. Pay from Sanitation Fund---431-341-5-490-01 22. SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT BOARD User charges for month of November, 1990. Pay from Water & Sewer Rev---401-353-5-490-09 23. 24~ DR. PAUL D. THOMPSON Case #SM-91-020 - IBF&O - City of Boynton Beach - Special Master Fee. Pay from General Fund---001-141-5-460-18. OSCAR YAGI & ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS, INC. Inv. #1446 - Ezell Hester, Jr. Park Project - $9,675.80 and Inv. #1445 - Rolling Green Park Project - $1,205.00. Pay from Public Service Tax Constr. Fund 2,189.00 101,464.53 143,287.05 1,705.23 10,880.80 These bills have bean approved and verified hy the department heads involved, checked and approved for payment. Diane Reese, Asst. Finance Director I therefore recommend payment of these bills. Scott Miller, City Manager COMMISSION JAN ~ ]991 APPROVAL Inv#12-458 Inv#12-474 Inv#12-479 Inv#12-485 $ 10,557.06 T.O. 13 Professional services for the Design and Construction of the Deep Injection Well Disposal System for reject waters from the West Water Treatment Plant $ 4,961.30 T.O. 8D Professional engineering services for additional work in support of West Water Treatment Plant Membrane Softening $ 21,194.47 T.O. 10E Professional engineering services during bidding and construction of Improvements to the Boynton Beach East Water Treatment Plant $ 6,920.50 T,O. 10D Professional engineering services during the bidding and construction of Motor Control Centers at East Water Treatment Plant Total $ 43,633.33 Above Invoices for the Period of 10/25/90 thru 11/24/90 COMMISSION JAN :~ 1991 APFROVAL