FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1990 AT 5:00 P.M.
Gene Moore, Mayor
Lee Wische, Vice Mayor
Lillian Artis, Commissioner
Robert Olenik, Jr., Commissioner
Arline Weiner, Commissioner
J. Scott Miller,
City Manager
Sue Kruse, City Clerk
James Cherof,
City Attorney
Mayor Moore called the meeting to order at 5:00 P.M.
Board Appointment
~ommissioner Weiner objected to item $2, "Board
Appointments" being included on the Agenda for this
emergency meeting. The Mayor felt it was an emergency
matter as the person Commissioner Weiner had appointed to
the Code Enforcement Board had been doing business in the
City for ten years without an occupational license. The
Mayor didn't feel the appointee was qualified. He thought
%he Code Enforcement Board should be directed to investigate
~he matter immediately. The Mayor thought Commissioner
~einer's appointing this person without investigation
probably constituted malfeasance.
Commissioner Weiner moved that item $2 be stricken from the
agenda. Commissioner Olenik seconded the motion for
discussion purposes.
Commissioner Olenik pointed out that the Commission could
~iscuss something like this at a special meeting so long as
they affirm the action at the next regular Commission
Mayor Moore called for a vote of all those in favor of the
motion. The motion failed 1-4. Commissioner Weiner voted
in favor of the motion. Discussion on this topic resumes
later in the meeting.
Commissioner Olenik moved to adopt the Agenda.
Wische seconded the motion which carried 4-1.
Weiner voted against the motion.
Vice Mayor
Southern Entertainment vs. City of Boynton Beach
City Attorney Cherof reported the City had been in Court
the morning of May 11, 1990 on Southern Entertainment's
Emergency Motion to compel the City to comply with the
Court's earlier ruling which declared Ordinance 89-17 inva-
lid and unenforceable. The gist of their motion was that
the City had no discretion following the last order of the
MAY 11, 1990
Court, in approving the occupational license application.
They believed that in refusing to approve the occupational
license application, the City was violating the Court's
prior Order. In response to that, the City had raised the
point that the city had zoning in progress as it related to
that particular use in that zone. The Court rejected the
concept of zoning in progress. The Court did not need to
r~each that issue but rather felt the Memorandum of the Order
was a clear directive from the Court that the City not
interfere further with their use of the property in the
i!ssuance of the occupational license. The Court ordered the
City to process the application for approval, to submit it
~o Palm Beach County and to do so by Wednesday, May 16, 1990
at 5:00 P.M. Thereafter, the City would be compelled to pay
a ~ine of $2,000 per day.
Mr. Cherof indicated the application itself had its origin
in the County. He had been in contact with the County offi-
cials and they had forwarded back to the City the applica-
tion for the City to process in accordance with the Court's
Order. Mr. Cherof did not believe there was necessity for
any Commission action at this time with regard to this
matter. It was really an administrative task directed by
the Court. The Commission would need to decide whether they
Wished to appeal the Judge's ruling. Mr. Cherof didn't
believe the Judge would consider any stay during any type of
Discussion took place about the zoning in progress issue.
Other remarks were made by Mr. Cherof about the Judge's
reference to the earlier Stipulation by the City and the
previous adult entertainment Ordinance 80-30 being unenforce-
able and un-Constitutional. The Court apparently felt the
zoning in progress theory was somehow negated by the posi-
tion previously taken.
City Manager Miller had attended the Court session and he
~oted the Judge was upset at the City's reluctance to follow
the Court Order.
~r. Cherof indicated he saw nothing that would warrant an
appeal at this time. Once the Order came through, it could
be discussed.
Discussion ensued among the Commissioners. The Mayor noted
%n Federal Court they take strong repugnance to anyone
~uestioning what you are told to do. If this had been in a
Circuit Court, the Mayor thought the City would have pre-
9ailed. Remarks were made about going ahead and finalizing
~nactment of the Ordinance. The City Manager interjected
the second reading would take place on May 15, 1990. Other
Comments were made about vigorously enforcing all laws of
the City in the area of this establishment because of the
~ossible effect on the neighborhood. The City Manager added
MAY 11, 1990
these laws would be enforced in all areas of the City as
Commissioner Weiner moved that the Commission direct the
City Manager and staff to comply with the Court Order at the
earliest possible moment. Vice Mayor Wische seconded the
motion which carried 5-0.
Board Appointment
Mayor Moore repeated that Commissioner Weiner's appointee
had not complied with the occupational license requirements
for ten years. He thought laws should be enforced uni-
formly and the person should be brought before the Code
Enforcement Board. Reference was made to the Talent Bank
form which indicated the person had operated a business in
the City for ten years. The Mayor had been in contact with
the Occupational License Division for the City and had found
the person had not had an occupational license. The Mayor
thought Commissioner Weiner should have "checked the person
out" prior to appointment and discussion ensued.
Commissioner Olenik wanted staff to determine the address of
the business, if it is operating today and whether it had
operated in the past. Vice Mayor Wische moved that Don
Jaeger, Building Official report to the Commission on this
topic at the City Commission meeting on May 15, 1990.
Commissioner Artis seconded the motion which carried 4-1.
Commissioner Weiner voted against the motion.
The meeting properly adjourned at 5..~./ M.
Vice Mayor
Recording Secretary
(One Tape)