WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1990 AT 5:15 P. M.
Gene Moore, Mayor
Lee Wische, Vice Mayor
Lillian Artis, Commissioner
Denys Lee DeLong, Commissioner
Arline Weiner, Commissioner
J. Scott Miller,
City Manager
James Cherof,
City Attorney
Peggy White Boulle,
Deputy City Clerk
Mayor Moore called the meeting to order at 5:15 P. M.
1. Final Plat Approval - Woolbright Place
(Tradewinds Development)
City Manager Miller reported all staff members signed off,
and the City Attorney reviewed the letters of credit. City
Attorney Cherof had the original deed for the 3½ acres. In
conjunction with the 3½ acres, he had also reviewed an
opinion of title indicating the property was free and clear
Of all encumbrances. There were no reported mortgages,
liens, and general or special exceptions.
Vice Mayor Wische moved to approve the final plat of Wool-
bright Place %1 (Tradewinds Development). Commissioner
Artis seconded the motion, and the motion carried 5-0.
City Manager Miller noticed no one was present to represent
Tradewinds. He informed the Commission that Tradewinds
requested reductions in the letters of credit. City
Manager Miller called attention to "Engineering Department
Memorandum Number 90-275" and said the requests for reduction
had been approved.
City Attorney Cherof explained that Tradewinds provided an
Agreement on Required Improvements, which was an addition of
the subdivision regulations. The way the agreement was
worded made it appear as though it was a blanket type of
agreement with respect to improvements, some of which were
not completed and some of which had not commenced. City
Attorney Cherof suggested that Tradewinds be required to
amend the agreement and provide specific language
consistent with Memo No. 90-275 from Vincent Finizio,
Administrative Coordinator of Engineering. Said memo is
attached as Addendum A to the original copy of these minutes
in the Office of the City Clerk.
NOVEMBER 14, 1990
The memo tracked two specific aspects of the construction
that the City will be releasing surety on 100%. They were
the construction of water distribution and sewage collection
systems for Home Depot and the off site construction of
water distribution and sewage collection systems for the
P.C.D./L.O.C. City Attorney Cherof said that should be
added to the Agreement before the City accepts it and
releases any reduction of sureties.
City Manager Miller stated they were talking about reducing
bonds substantially, and he explained. He wanted to make
sure the Agreement would be acceptable to Tradewinds. Mayor
Moore asked that he bring this back to the Commission at
their meeting on Tuesday, November 20, 1990.
Woolbright Road
Mayor Moore noticed in the paper that Tradewinds joined in
a suit with some property owners trying to block the exten-
sion of Woolbright Road. Mayor Moore thought Woolbright
Road was vital to the City's interest in that area. City
Manager Miller felt Woolbright Road was very important to
the City because it would substantially reduce the City's
traffic level of service on Boynton Beach Boulevard. He
elaborated, and discussion ensued.
Mayor Moore wondered whether the City should get involved,
and he questioned whether the City Attorney should be asked
to monitor that suit. After discussion, City Attorney
Cherof advised the City would have to enter a plea for
intervention, ask that the City be allowed to file a Brief
iin support of its position, or simply indicate to the
counsel of record what the City's position is and hope the
counsel of record will advise the Court.
Commissioner DeLong inquired whether they should include the
realignment of Knuth Road. Mayor Moore suggested that City
Manager Miller meet with the City Attorney and report back
on Tuesday, November 20, 1990, the most effective way for
the City to become involved. He wanted the public and par-
ticularly the Court to know the City is behind Woolbright
Road going through. The City Commission agreed to this.
2. Update on Boynton Beach Water Treatment Capacity
City Manager Miller referred to Memorandum No. 90-662 from
John Guidry, Utilities Director. He clarified that the
NOVEMBER 14, 1990
Health Department has not declared a moratorium in Boynton
Beach. The Health Department is concerned with [1] the
City's water quantity (raw water) and [2] the water quality.
The letter the City received from the State of Florida,
Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (HRS),
dated November 9, 1990, expressed four concerns. The City
must provide proof to the County Health Department that it
is working in this direction. The four concerns were:
Demonstration of availability of raw water to reduce
demand below 90%. (City Manager Miller believed the
City demonstrated that through data that was submitted to
HRS this morning.)
Demonstration under Department of Environmental Regula-
tion guidelines that upgrading of filters is acceptable
and permit issued. (City Manager Miller thought the
Commission was aware that the east water treatment plant
is under construction. The City is not contemplating
that the filters will be in a position to be acceptable
and a permit issued until September of 1991. The City
will provide engineering rationale to HRS that the City
will be able to accommodate the raw water supply as well
as the quality.)
Evidence that the upgrading of the filters will result in
a less than 90% demand on treated water capacity. (The
same engineering rationale that applies to paragraph 2
above will apply here.)
Evidence that procedures have been initiated for a future
expansion and that construction will commence prior to
when 90% of treated water capacity is reached. (City
Manager Miller explained "future expansion" meant the
west water treatment plant. The City has formally
submitted to HRS and the County Health Department a
schedule of what the City plans to do. The bid documents
are complete, and the City should be going out for bids
in mid-December.
City Manager Miller stated it should take the City Staff no
more than two weeks to gather and develop the information
for items 2 and 3 and provide it to the Health Department.
It will probably take the Health Department a week to review
it and issue a letter agreeing that the City is okay relative
to permitting. City Manager Miller stressed that the City
certainly is not "out of the woods". They must move forward
with the west water treatment plant expeditiously, finish
the east water treatment plant, or get involved with other
methods. City Manager Miller reiterated that the City must
move expeditiously in the next months and years and not
postpone any action. He did not think the Health Department
was looking towards initiating a moratorium on the City, but
the Health Department referred to West Palm Beach being told
to plan its water supply. West Palm Beach did not get to it
until seven years later. The Health Department does not
want that to happen to Boynton Beach.
Mr. Guidry added that the Department of Environmental
Regulations (DER) is delegating permitting authority to HRS.
He apprised the Commission that the City Staff, the
Engineers, his predecessor, and he have been dealing with
DER for years. The City's permit application did not go
forward because the City will not have a Construction
Manager on board until November 20, 1990. The Construction
Manager will be filing the construction permit application
and the operating permit application for the west water
treatment plant.
Mayor Moore alluded to a discussion they had about outstand-
ing obligations the City made to developers who have not
utilized the tie-ins. He wondered how many units they were
talking about. Mr. Guidry clarified that Mayor Moore was
referring to projects that have been permitted but they have
not done anything. He stated he would be coming back to the
COmmission in the very near future with a recommendation
for those they need to make key decisions on. The City will
g~t commitments from devlopers as to whether they are going
to build. If not, it will loosen up the Equivalent
Residential Connections (ERCs) to the City on other critical
projects. Mayor Moore determined the City was not penalizing
developers for their inactivity in not utilizing those. The
City is being penalized for them when they are not in place
and may never be in place. Mr. Guidry responded that the
City has to get an agreement.
Michael Morton, owner of Tradewinds, his Attorneys, etc.
entered the meeting. Mayor Moore said they must meet with
City Manager Miller about the bond reductions, which the
Commission hopes to address at its meeting on November 20,
NOVEMBER 14, 1990
The meeting properly adjourned at 5:35
o /3 0.
/ / M~yor
~ ~ Commi s s lone r
-~.Do p~ t~'~i t y/~ ~
Recording Secretary//
(One Tape) (j
/-- Commis~
To: J. Scott Miller
City Manager
November 14, 1990
Frc~: Vincent A. Finizio
Administrative Coordinator of Engineering
Requested Release(s) and Reduction(s) L.O.C., U.N.B
Shoppes of Wcolbright, P.C.D.
Stanley Consultants of Florida Inc.
Tradewinds Develo~nent Corp.
NOV ! 4 1990
Please be advised that the Engineering Department in conjunction with other
affected City De~nts, have con~leted various on-site inspections of the
above referenced P.C.D., in order to determine whether or not the requested
reductions and release of surety was representative of actual inplace con-
struction and remaining incomplete required improven~nts as specified with-
in Stanley Consultants of Florida, Inc. Nove~)er 7, 1990 Engineer's Opinion
of Cost for complete and incomplete required i~lorovements.
The results of our investigation and review are as follows:
Earthwork L.O.C. ~UNB1322 issued 02/08/90 (expires 01/31/91) should be
reduced from $275,000.00 to the requested amount of $86,000.00. The
City should place the Bank on notice that the surety is due to expire
and approximately 30% of the work remains inccnlolete.
ConstL-u~tion of Water Distribution and Sewage Collection Systems for
Ho~a Depot L.O.C. #UNB1335 issued 03/01/90 (expires 03/01/91) should be
released in full (*). The original L.O.C. an~unt w~s $93,000.00.
Off-site Construction of Water Distribution and Sewage Collection Systems
for the P.C.D./L.O.C. ~UNB1336 (expires 03/01/91) should be ~ released in
full (*). The original L.O.C. amount was $187,000.00.
Construction of Sewage Flow Re-Routing for the P.C.D.'/L.O.C. ~UNB1337
should be reduced to the amount of the incc~plete improven~nts which is
$79,000.00. The original amount of the L.O.C. was $179,000.00.
S.W. 8th Street Improvements (Phase #1 only) L.O.C. ~UNB1356 should be
rn=duced frcm $524,000.00 to the remaining cost of the incc~pleted inlorove_
ments which totals $55,700.00.
The City Attorney's Office should immediately notify the Bank that item ~l,item
~4 and L.O.C. ~UNB1323 (not listed as the surety re~ins intact to date) are soon
to expire.~an. & Mar. 9~(*) The sutrnitted agreen~nt relative to defective mater-
ials and workmanship should not be accepted as it is a blanket agreement which
does not indicate nor delineate the specific "cc~pleted i~p~ovements" which are
limited to it~ ~2 and ~3. L.O.C. #UNB1356 expires 04/12/91. ~.
cont'd ....
Page 1 of ADDENDL~ A
Shoppes of Woolbright P.C.D. ~
Surety Releases and Reductions cont 'd
November 14, 1990
Additionally, the language of the attached Engineer's Certification docs
not comply with the require3r~nts set forth within Appendix "C". Subdivis-
ion and Platting, Article XI, Section 4. "Contoletion Certificate" which
states the certification shall include language that indicates the P.C.D,
(or the part which is cc~pleted) "co~plies with the approved construction
plans and this ordinance". Mr. Wantman in his Certification indicates the
constr~ction cc~plies with a singular section of Appendix "C" (see attached)
and should be re-written by Mr. Wantman prior to any full releases of L.O.C's.
This Department has not yet received the required measur~T~nts and test data
associated with the construction of the oa,pleted items ~2 and #3, as specified
within Article XI, Section 3. "Measurements and Tests". Prior to full releases
the associated test data and measurements associated with the construction of
items ~2 and ~3 should be provided this department.
Should you require any additional information, please contact rr~ and I will
aSsist you.
Vincent A. Pini~io ~
cc; James Cherof
City Attorney (FAX)
Page 2 of Addendum A