Minutes 10-15-96 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING HELD IN COMMISSION CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1996, AT 6:30 P.M. PRESENT Gerald "Jerry" Taylor, Mayor Shirley Jaskiewicz, Vice Mayor Matthew Bradley, Commissioner Henderson Tillman, Commissioner Jamie Titcomb, Commissioner Carrie Parker Hill, City Manager James Cherof, City Attorney Sue Kruse, City Clerk I. , OPENINGS: A. Call to Order - Mayor Jerry Taylor B. Invocation - Rev. Conrad Braaten, Ascension Lutheran Church C. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Vice Mayor Shirley Jaskiewicz Mayor Taylor called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. The Pledge of AHegiance to the Flag followed an! invocation. D. Agenda Approval: 1. Additions, Deletions, Corrections. city Manager Parker Hill added two bills for Pure Air in the amounts of $44,382.19 and $18,137.42 un~er Item Ill-E, Approval of Bills. City Manager Parker Hill added Item IX-E, "Contract for Bill Hukill". This is a continuation of his contract until January for three days per week on an hourly basis. Ma~yor Taylor added Item IX-A.2, "Advisory Board Missed Meetings". Mayor Taylor added Item IX-A.3, "Civil Service Board Letter". Attorney Cherof added Item IV-A.7 Executive Session preced ng th s Sunda s 2'00 m s ec~al _ . . Y . p. · p mepbng to d~scuss the recent y-f ed Palm Beach Le~surewlle Community Assoc at on Lawsuit". Co~missioner Bradley questioned whether the Munidpal League bill will show up on the next agenda to be paid. City Manager Parker Hill advised that she has authority to sign that bill without the approval of the Commission. It is budgeted and is an ongoing contract. Co nmissioner Tillman added Item X-F, Update for New Recru tment for Police Officers for Boynton Be; tch. 2. Adoption Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz moved to approve the agenda as amended. Commissioner Bradley seconded the motion which carried unanimously. MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 15, 1996 ADMINISTRATIVE: Appointments to be made: APPOINTMENT TO BE MADE BOARD LENGTH OF TERM EXPIRATION DATE I Titcomb** Adv. Bd. on Children & Youth Stu/Reg 1 yr term to 4/97 Ill Jaskiewicz* Adv. Bd. on Children & Youth Stu/Reg 1 yr term to 4/97 IV Tillman* Adv. Bd. on Children & Youth Reg Term expires 4/97 Il Bradley* Community Relations Board Alt 1 yr term to 4/97 ill Jaskiewicz* Cemetery Board Alt Term expires 4/97 II Bradley* Education Advisory Board Alt Term expires 4/97 TABLED Commissioner Titcomb's appointment to the Advisory Board on Children and Youth remained on the table, and all other appointments were tabled. Motion Commissioner Bradley moved to table all appointments. Commissioner Tillman seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Ill. CONSENT AGENDA: A. Minutes: 1. Regular City Commission Meeting Minutes of October 2, 1996 Bids Award bid for City Hall Municipal Building Flashing Repairs to S & S Roofing in the amount of $5,000 and authorize execution of contract - Proposed Resolution No. R96-152 Award bid for Restaurant concession at the Boynton Beach Municipal Golf Course to J. C. Food Service Concession and authorize execution of contract - Proposed Resolution No. R96-153 C. Resolutions Proposed Resolution No. R96-154 Re: Authorize execution of Joint Participation Agreement between the State of Florida Department of Transportation and the City of Boynton Beach for irrigation & Landscaping Improvements on Federal Highway and Boynton Beach Boulevard Proposed Resolution No. R96-155 Re: Authorize execution of a contract with the Children's Services Council of Palm Beach County for the Recreation, Athletics and Police (R.A.P.) Program MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 15, 1996 Proposed Resolution No. R96-156 Re: Confirming and ratifying the appropriate exhibits heretofore referenced in Ordinance 096-40 Adoption of Current Building Codes Proposed Resolution No. R96-157 Re: Authorize execution of agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and Florida Power & Light Company wherein FPL is donating a portion of its Golf Substation property to the City D. Approval of Bills City Manager Parker Hill added two bills for Pure Air in the amounts of $44,382.19 and $18,137.42. A Copy of the bills is attached to the original copy of these minutes on file in the City Clerk's Office. E. Payment of Bills - September, 1996 A Copy of the bills is attached to the original copy of these minutes on file in the City Clerk's Office. F. Approve Records Disposition Requests for the City Clerk's Office Memorandum 96-124 from Sue Kruse to City Manager Parker advises that Records Disposition Requests #313 and #314 have been approved by the State. Approve request for transfer of Cemetery Lots 27 A & B, Block N, Boynton Beach Memorial Park As ioutlined in Memorandum 96-131 from Sue Kruse to City Manager Parker, Donald H. and Marion P. !Ramsey request permission to transfer cemetery Lots 27 A & B, Block N, Boynton Beach Memoriat Park to Charles and Catherine Hoekstra. Approve transfer of funds from contingency to cover cost of appraisal of the Ocean Ridge property In a Budget Transfer Request from the City Manager to the Finance Department, $2,000 is transferred from Account #001-194-5-911.00 (Contingency) to Account #001-194-5-499.00 (City Hall - Oiher Contractual Services) to provide funding for appraisal of Ocean Ridge property. Approve purchase of guardrails and miscellaneous items for bridge repair at South Lake Drive and South Diane Drive both over Lake Ida, and on Mission Hill Road over the E-4 Canal piggybacking Palm Beach County Bid from Florida Guardrail, Inc., in the amount of $16,261.74 Public Works Department Memorandum #96-225 from Robert Eichorst to Carrie Parker dated October 8, 1996, advises that this work is budgeted in the Engineering Department budget and is part of the major bridge repair as directed by D.O.T. This work is for three of six bridges that need refurbishing. MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 15, 1996 Approve purchase of new range ball washer/dispenser for the Municipal Golf Course from Bali-O-Matic in the amount of $5,698.50 As outlined in Golf Course Memorandum #96-050 from Joe Sciortino through Dale Sugerman to the City Commission, authorization is requested to purchase this machine which is part of the Golf Course's maintenance equipment replacement schedule. This replacement is budgeted for Fiscal Year 1996/97. There is currently $118,269 in Account #411-726-5-680.08 to cover this expenditure. Approve purchase of two Backhoe/Loaders under the General Services Administration (GSA) contract awarded to Caterpillar, Inc., for the Utilities Stormwater & Sewage Collection Division in the amount of $119,674.30 A~ outlined in Utilities Memorandum #96-323 from John Guidry to Carrie Parker, authorization is requested to purchase this equipment. The Sewage Collection Division has $65,000 available in account #401-351-5-973.00 for a backhoe/loader tractor. The Caterpillar 416C Standards Backhoe/Loader is quoted at $55,238.69 which leaves a surplus of $9,761.31. The Utilities St0rmwater Division has $40,000 available in Account #425-397-5-973.00 for Tractor Loader/Box Bl~de. The Caterpillar 416C Backhoe/Loader with a multi-purpose front bucket, swinger coupler a d 36 d~tch clean ng bucket ~s quoted at $64,435.61. Utilities previously purchased a Combination Sewer Cleaning vehicle from this account and has a surplus of $15~341. This still leaves the pu¢chase of this equipment short by approximately $9,100. A budget transfer request from the Sewage Collection Division for the remaining dollars has been submitted. L. Approve one (1) year extension for the renewal of the annual contract for Office Supplies with Corporate Express of Florida Coiporate Express of Florida has provided the City with office supplies for one year in a satisfactory ma. nner. The bid will expire on November 7, 1996. However, according to the Terms and Conditions, we have the option to renew the bid and extend the prices for an additional one-year pediod provided both parties agree. Purchasing is requesting approval of a one-year extension for the bid: ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR OFFICE SUPPLIES. Approve purchase (replacement) of two Club Car Carry-All II utility vehicles piggybacking a bid awarded to Hector Turf from the City of Hialeah in the amount of $9,350 As eutlined in a Golf Course Memorandum from Daniel Millbr through Joe Sciortino to the City Commission dated October 10, 1996, authorization is requested to replace the Club Car Carry-All II units.., The bid price is $4,675 for each for a total of $9,350. Funds are available in the maintenance equ pment reserve Account #411-726-5-680.08. Authorization to proceed with Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Managed Care Services for workers' compensation services As outlined in Chuck Magazine's memorandum to Wilfred Hawkins dated October 7, 1996. the State 4 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 15, 1996 of Florida has mandated managed care arrangements for workers' compensation programs to be effective January 1, 1997. It is recommended that the Request for Qualifications be approved and distributed to the companies that are on the Vendor List, and that the time sequence indicated in the memorandum be implemented. Motion Commissioner Bradley moved to approve the Consent Agenda as amended. Commissioner Titcomb seconded the motion which carried unanimously. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS & PRESENTATIONS: A. Announcements: Special City Commission Meetings October 19 & 20, 1996 - Individual Interviews and Possible Selection of City Manager - City Commission Chambers Mayor Taylor made this announcement. City Manager Parker Hill briefly reviewed the schedule which was presented at the meeting. Commissioner Tillman questioned whether all of the selected candidates were included on the list which was provided. City Manager Parker Hill advised that Tony Smith contacted Mr. Donaldson this morning to advise that he was withdrawing. Mr. Wagner, who is from Orange County, was substituted. City Manager Parker Hill did not speak with Mr. Smith; therefore, she did not know if he offered a reason for withdrawing. Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz questioned whether the Commissioners are expected to tour the City facilities with the candidates. City Manager Parker Hill responded negatively, but advised that they are welcome to attend if they so desire. Tunes in Town Concerts ('I'.N.T.) - October 25, 1996, at Oceanfront Park - 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. - Legends Top 40 Mayor Taylor made this announcement. 3. Youth in Government Day - October 29, 1996 Mayor Taylor made this announcement, and briefly explained how the day proceeds. There will be a Mock City Commission meeting at 7:00 p.m., in Commission Chambers. First City Commission Meeting in November will be Wednesday, November 6, 1996, due to the General Election Mayor Taylor made this announcement. 5 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 15, 1996 5. Grand Opening of City Hall in the Mall at Boynton Beach Mall - November 8, 1996, from 12:00 to 2:00 p.m. Mayor Taylor made this announcement. 6. Joint City Commission/Chamber of Commerce Workshop - Monday, November 4, 1996, at 7:00 p.m. Mayor Taylor made this announcement. 7. Conduct an Executive Session to discuss the Palm Beach Leisureville Community Association Lawsuit M~yor Taylor announced that this Executive Session will be held prior to the 2:00 p.m. Special City Commission Meeting on Sunday, October 20, 1996. B. Presentations: t. Proclamations: a. National Epilepsy Awareness Month - November, 1996 Mayor Taylor read a Proclamation declaring November, 1996, as "National Epilepsy Awareness Month". b. Lillian "Freda" Oyer - 100th Birthday Celebration Mayor Taylor read a Proclamation declaring October 27, 1996, as "Lillian Freda Oyer Day". Mr. Harvey Oyer, Jr. was present to accept the Proclamation. c. Recognize Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., Lambda Alpha Alpha Chapter Mayor Tayior read a Proclamation declaring October 18-19, 1996, as "Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Days", and presented it to Dorothy Walker. V. BIDS: None VI., PUBLIC HEARING: A. Historic Site Survey Presentation Mike Rumpf, Planning and Zoning Department, explained that the 1989 Comprehensive Plan directed staff to inventory and maintain historic sites, and implement a preservation program. The back-up information contains a summary of the process and a recommendation that the MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 15, 1996 Commission provide direction for staff. Jane Day, President of Research Atlantica, Inc. introduced Susan Krass¥, Field Supervisor. She congratulated the staff of the Planning Department for the help they provided. Ms. Day advised that historic and cultural resources are threatened by destruction in South Florida due to rapid growth in population and development. Resources are linked with the past and make communities unique. Historic resources allow for the education of present and future generations. The purpose of historic preservation is to integrate the past with the present and help build on the future. Boynton Beach has a rich history with resources that still remain. A historic site resource is a building which is 50 years old. One hundred twenty-eight sites were located in Boynton Beach that retain the integrity of their origina! design. In their recommendations with the historic site survey, Research Atlantica tells us the ne~ step in the process. A survey is a ptanning tool. It is an inventory to be used by the planners. One of the recommendations of Research Atlantica is that the City of Boynton Beach consider enacting a historic preservation ordinance. This ordinance can be written with help from State grants. It wilt allow the tocal government to protect and preserve the resources. This ordinance will also allow the property owners to dovetail into tax abatements that are available through Palm Beach County. People who own income producing properties may be able to qualify for the National Register of Historic Places and receive tax benefits if they restore their properties. Thirty-six sites were located in Boynton Beach which are worthy of local designation There are six properties in Boynton Beach which may be worthy of National Register designation. This is a primary honor the United States government can give to a site. All of the six sites require more research to make certain they qualify. State grants are available to continue the process. Ms. Day suggested that any citizens who have questions contact her or Susan Krassy directly. Susan Krass¥ feels historic preservation is a hook to the past. Boynton Beach has an opportunity to incorporate these things from the past into the future to enrich the life of the citizens and give more credence to development. During this process, Ms. Krassy said she had wonderful experiences with Virginia Farace locating information. In addition, without the help of the City Clerk's Office and Betty Sangi, they would not have found unbelievable amounts of information. Marie Shepard and Harvey Oyer also helped to make this survey a success. Ms. Krassy was proud to be part of this process. Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz complimented Ms. Day and Ms. Krassy on the report and questioned whether or not any restoration grants are available. Ms. Day said there are only restoration grants available for not-for-profit orgar',izations. The tax abatements that are available for income- producing properties go along with the National Register nomination. The federal government offers 20% off corporate income taxes for the amount spent on restoration. The abatement freezes taxes on the property for 10 years after restoration is done. The State Division of Historical Resources offers help to individual municipalities with handouts and brochures. MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 15, 1996 In response to Mayor Taylor's question, Ms. Day confirmed that there are six locations in Boynton Beach that are eligible for the National Register. State grants are available to begin that process. Mayor Taylor was very interested in the work that was done and feels this is a groat step for Boynton Beach to pursue. Boynton Beach is rich in history and we have many things to be proud. Ms. Day is hopeful that this history can be used in the schools and libraries. People will be able to see the places where history was made. Mayor Taylor felt that by preserving history, we can bring back a sense of value to our children. He thanked Ms. Day and Ms. Krassy for their work and said he is supportive of continuing this process. Commissioner Bradley looks forward to the Commission directing staff to draw up an ordinance that will designate a district if enough homes can be found in one area, as well as the six sites that may beof National Registry capacity. It is very positive to realize that as time passes, more sites will be eligible for this type of project. MAYOR TAYLOR ANNOUNCED THE PUBLIC HEARING. THERE WAS NO ONE PRESENT WFIO WISHED TO SPEAK ON THIS ITEM. COnsensus Thffre was a consensus of the Commission to pursue drafting a historic preservation ordinance for the City of Boynton Beach. Project: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: East Ridge PUD W. Keith Grant, John A. Grant, Jr., Inc. Gary DeGraf, DeGraf, Inc. East side of the intersection of NE 4th Street and NE 20th Avenue REZONING - Request for master plan approval of 34 single-family units in connection with a rezoning of 5.01 acres from R-3 to PUD (Planned Unit Development) with a land use intensity of 7.00. Mayor Taylor announced that the applicant has requested a 30-day postponement. Mbtion Commissioner Titcomb moved to postpone Agenda Item VI-B to the November 19 City Commission meeting. Commissioner Bradley seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Project: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Boynton Commons PCD Land Design South Bill Ray Winchester and Elsie A. Winchester Southwest corner of Old Boynton Road and Congress Avenue PARKING LOT VARIANCE - Request for a variance from the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 23 - Parking Lots, Article II, Section H.5 - Clearance at major driveways, to reduce the required distance of the interior access aisle to the driveway on Old Boynton MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 15, 1996 Road from 100 feet to 65 feet. Mayor Taylor announced that the applicant has requested a 30-day postponement. Motion Commissioner Titcomb moved to postpone this item until the November 19 City Commission meeting. Commissioner Bradley seconded the motion which carried unanimously. D. Project: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Flowers Bakery Warehouse/Distribution Center - Quantum Park PID Sam E.-Kholi, Spring Engineering, Inc. Quantum Associates West 15 feet of Lot 47B in Quantum Park ABANDONMENT - Request to abandon a 15 foot wide utility easement located in the western part of Lot 47B of Quantum Park. City Manager Parker advised that the applicant will not be present, but is in agreement with staff's comments contained in the back-up. Mayor Taylor also confirmed that the applicant contacted him by itelephone today to apologiZe for not being able to be present. Motion ViCe Mayor Jaskiewicz moved to approve the request to abandon a 15' wide utility easement located in the western part of Lot 47B of Quantum Park subject to all staff comments. Commissioner Bradley seconded the motion which carried unanimously. VIii PUBLIC AUDIENCE: Scott Ganza, 709 Buttonwood Lane, is a member of the Sandalwood Homeowners' Association. Heiexplained that when one of the children in his community ran out into Miner Road toda it made hir0 realize that because of the extension, Miner Road will become even more busy thanYi~ is now. There wilJ be even less protection for the children because there is no buffer between the sidewalk and the roadway. He requested that the City install a hedge to create a buffer to keep the children out! of the road. Mayor Taylor explained that Miner Road is a County road. He suggested that Mr. Ganza ask the County to install hedges even though he knows from prior experience that they do not do this, James Miriana, 728 NE 8 Avenue, said he has appeared at several meetings to discuss the water floqding problem on NE 7th Street from NE 7th Avenue to NE 9th Avenue, He said that over the past weekend, he watched the Intracoastal flowing on 7th Street. It was necessary for him to wear boots to walk up the street, Something needs to be done, and no one in the City does anything to correct this situation. He has had Code Enforcement and the Engineering Department look at the situation. 9 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 15, 1996 Mr. Miriana advised that mangroves are growing on the road. The residents have been told that they are not allowed to touch the mangroves; however, they keep growing. The mangroves are between 14' and 16' high. In addition, there is a strip of heavy grass that is approximately 7' high. on several occasions, Mr. Miriana would have been able to float a boat from his driveway to the Intracoastal. He pointed out that money is spent in other parts of the City, and this is a necessity. City Manager Parker Hill advised that a report was prepared on this situation, and Mr. Mbiana will be supplied with a copy. This is a tidal situation. The properties need to be filled and the environmental agencies will not allow that to happen. This is not something which is the City's responsibility to correct. The properties have eroded away because of the tidal action. Mayor Taylor suggested that the City send a letter to the environmental agencies to let them know of the problem and ask them to provide some guidance. BOb Dovey, representing Commissioner Warren Newell's office, advised that the County does not put hedge rows on County roads. However, there are two programs that the County has available. Ode is a NSTU program which allows the residents to work with the County to install the hedges and th~ tax is spread out among all of the neighbors involved. The other program available is the Palm Beach County Beautification Program which will reimburse for landscaping and beautification up to $3i50 per lineal foot. He offered his business card to Mr. Ganza. Andy Padre, the newly elected President of the Firefiqhters'/Paramedics Local 1891, intrOduced himself to the Commissioners. He is presently employed by the City of Boynton Beach and the School Board of Palm Beach County. He works in the Fire Academy at South Tech. He is also a member of promotional boards for other fire departments within the County. Mr. Padre said hewas present to introduce himself and the resources of Local 1891. Mr. Padre feels his background, . and participation, in and. outside the City, and n the County provide him with expert'se to help ~n the select on of the new C~ty Manager Mr Padre said he also works as a Po ce Off cer for Sheriff Wdhe. Villi. DEVELOPMENT PLANS: Attorney Cherof administered the oath to everyone who would testify during the proceedings dealing with Boynton Festive Center landscape appeal, Boynton Commons PCD site plan request, and the Budger King site plan request. Project: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Boynton Festive Center Jill Jarkesy Agree Ltd. Partnership Northwest corner of Old Boynton Road and Congress Avenue LANDSCAPE APPEAL - Request for a landscape appeal to omit a 2.5 foot wide landscape strip between a vehicle use area and a proposed abutting property line in connection with subdividing the shopping center. Tambri Heyden, Planning and Zoning Director, advised that staff has no comments and recommends approval subject to all staff comments that the applicant agreed to at the Planning and Development Board meeting. ]0 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 15, 1996 Motion Commissioner Titcomb moved to approve Agenda Item VIII-A, Boynton Festive Center, request for landscape appeal to omit a 2.5 foot wide landscape strip between a vehicle use area and a proposed abutting property line in connection with subdividing the shopping center subject to ali staff comments. Commissioner Bradley seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Project: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Boynton Commons PCD Land Design South Bill Ray Winchester and Elsie A. Winchester Southwest corner of Old Boynton Road and Congress Avenue SITE PLAN - Request for site plan approval to construct a 213,650 square foot retail center including five (5) leased outparcel buildings on 22.885 acres. Joe Lelanic of Land Desi,qn South advised that all of the issues were ironed out with the Planning and Development Board, and he agrees with all of the revised conditions contained in the staff report. H~ brought forth the following two conditions for information purposes only: One of the conditions that were modified at the last hearing regarded the Walgreen's building on the north side of the site. The condition was to increase the amount of glass area on the north side of the building to come up to the standards of the 25%. Mri Lelanic displayed an illustration which showed how the applicant redesigned the plan to meet th~ t condition. The applicant originally had a clock tower in the middle of the site. In an effort to respond to comments that have been made at past meetings, the developer has started to work in some concepts on an outparcel (Video Avenue) to try to include a clock tower feature. It is somewhat scaled down compared to what was in the middle of the site, but it provides a visual focus. Msi Heyden advised that, based on discussions with the Public Works Director and the Fire Del~artment since the Planning and Development Board meeting, she is recommending that the Commission approve all the staff comments and Planning and Development Board recommendations with the exception of Comment #66. This comment relates to the redesign of the dur~psters. The reason for the recommendation to exclude Comment #66 from the approval is the fact that the parking lot variance is one of the items that was postponed this evening. The staff rec9mmendation for the parking lot variance conflicts with Comment #66. It is premature to delete that comment until staff has an opportunity to see the parking lot variance which may impact the circblation in the area. The Commission will have another opportunity to see this again in the future. Mayor Taylor recalled a problem with the standpipes. Ms. Heyden advised that Comments #7 and #8 became issues at the Planning and Development Board. Comment #7 deals with the turning radilus. After speaking with the Fire Department, they have agreed to delete this comment. With regard to Comment #8, the Fire Department has reevaluated the site plan and determined that only t! MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 15, 1996 the north side of major #5 (Bed, Bath & Beyond) is not acceptable. They are requiring that the applicant work with them to relocate the standpipes. The Fire Department would agree to allow hedges in front of the standpipes to screen them. With regard to Comment #66, Mr. Lelanic advised that one of the reasons the applicant tried to resolve this issue at the last public hearing was to try to keep the dumpster opening from facing Old Beynton Road, and to allow the access of that to the south. Qn the plans, Mr. Lelanic showed the area which is to the west of Walgreen's. The site plan shows a one-way access off Old Boynton Road into the property. One of the changes Ms. Heyden proposed was postponing the variance to provide a one-way in and one-way out of the site to allow for better traffic flow in and around the site. Accessing this dumpster from the south is for aesthetic reasons. The applicant feels there will be a better look to the site if the dumpster is accessed from the south, in addition, flow around the site will be improved. Mr. Lelanic requested that the change recommended by the Planning and Development Board remain in effect. With regard to Comment #68, the applicant realizes there will be some issues which will have to be re~olved with the Fire Department with regard to the standpipe locations. The applicant's concern is to keep the aesthetics as clean and neat as possible. Standpipes are not attractive in front of the building. The applicant will attempt to move them to the sides of the building or as close to the corners as possible. The applicant will work with the Fire Department. In response to Commissioner Bradley's request, Ms. Heyden indicated the dumpster area on the site plan and explained that the Planning and Development Board is recommending moving the dumpster enclosure farther north and shifting the angle to the satisfaction of the Public Works Department to increase the back-up distance. Mr: Lelanic explained that Comment #1 from Public Works requires the dumpster location to be repositioned to allow the approach from the north rather than from the south. In addition, they requested that the enclosure be moved as far to the south as possible. It was the applicant's intention not to negate the stacking distance. The applicant intended to move the dumpster location slightly to the north to allow it to be rotated further. This would allow more stacking distance. Commissioner Bradley questioned how the dumpster opening will be facing Old Boynton Road if it is located on the west side of the building. Mr. Lelanic explained that it is 450 off center. If the applicant responds to Comment #1, that opening would be 45o altered to the north. That dumpster opening could then be viewed from the road when travelling east on QId Boynton Road. Mr. Lelanic feels the wall and landscaping are better than concrete and gate enclosure. Ms~ Heyden advised that if the dumpster enclosure and gates are visible from Old Boynton Road because of its location for this building, there will be very little distance where one will actually see the dumpster from QId Boynton Road. Mr. Lelanic is not opposed to dealing with this issue at the time of the variance; however, he requested that the applicant not be tied into Comment #1 at this point. In response to Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz' question, Mr. Lelanic advised that the applicant will submit for permit drawings as soon as these proceedings are completed. He anticipates that this will occur in the next two to three weeks. As soon as that process is completed, construction will commence. MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 15, 1996 Mr. Lelanic stated that the tenants are on a quick time frame. The applicant will get as many permits as possible for the buildings that a ready to go. Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz thanked Mr. Lelanic for the applicant's effort to include the clock tower. In response to Mayor Taylor's question, Mr. Lelanic advised that leases have been signed for the tenants. Motion Commissioner Tillman moved to approve Project B of the Development Plans, Boynton Commons PCD, request for site plan approval to construct a 213,650 square foot retail center including five (5/ leased outparcel buildings on 22.885 acres, subject to staff comments and with regard to landscaping and dumpster which will come back to the Commission. Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz seconded the motion. Mayor Taylor confirmed with Commissioner Tillman that his motion deletes Comment #66. Attorney Cherof clarified that this motion will be the rejection of both Comments #1 and 66, and we wil) substitute a new Commission condition as follows: "That the dumpster location is to be determined in conjunction with the variance hearing." C~mmissioner Tillman and Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz agreed to Attorney Cherof's additional language. Mayor Taylor also confirmed that the motion includes having the applicant work with the Fire Department to the satisfaction of our department. The motion carried unanimously. Project: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Burger King Restaurant - Shoppes of Woolbright PCD Morton Group, Inc. Howard Scharlin, Trustee Northeast corner of SW 8th Street and Woolbright Road SITE PLAN - Request for site plan approval to construct a 2,911 square foot restaurant with drive-through on .918 acres within the Shoppes of Woolbright PCD Ma!rk Ghezzi, of Edward M. Ghezzi, PA, Architects & Planners, 9595 North Kendall Drive, Miami, advised that Mr. Morton was not present. Mr. Ghezzi represents the franchisee for the Bu!ger King. Attorney Cherof administered the oath. Mr. Ghezzi has no objections to any of the comments or conditions. ]3 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 15, 1996 Ms. Heyden advised that she has had discussions with the departments whose comments were modified by the Planning and Development Board. Those comments are #9, #23 and #27. All departments are agreeable to the modifications that were recommended. In addition, the applicant has the color samples with him. Those colors match the colored elevations that were submitted. In response to a question from Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz, Mr. Ghezzi advised that the back of the building faces the Vinings. He showed the Commissioners the elevations. Ms. Heyden advised that there were some comments made at the Planning and Development Board meeting about the fact that the rear elevation does not have the canopy continued all of the way arbund it. MrL Ghezzi advised that Burger King does not normally have a mansard roof that continues to the rear of the building. He questioned whether the Commission wishes the applicant to continue the mansard roof or do something to aesthetically improve the building. Cdmmissioner Bradley advised that he is in favor of continuing the mansard roof so that it provides a dontinuous look. He realized that the Commission "missed the mark" with McDonald's. MrI Ghezzi advised that continuing the mansard roof would create a design problem because the roof is designed to allow water to flow to the back of the building. He proposed the use of a metal screen similar to the mansard roof that would continue on the rear of the building. He will continue the red tile around the back of the building, it would cost the applicant approximately $30,000 more to extend the mansard roof. In addition, the flow of water off the roof would have to be redesigned. Mri Ghezzi is sympathetic to the Commission's desire to continue this mansard around the building. Hei pointed out, however, that this is the "Cadillac of Burger Kings". Normally, Burger King has a wo~d shake roof. This Burger King will have a metal roof. Commissioner Titcomb advised that he was at the Planning and Development Board meeting and agiees with their recommendation to extend the mansard. Normally, this part of the building would face other back property lines. In this particular case, this building will be viewed on all four sides. He will support a condition to continue the mansard roof on the north elevation. He is concerned about going to a screen-type arrangement because it may not actually match the remainder of the materials. In response to Mayor Taylor's question, Mr. Ghezzi confirmed that the drive-through window will face the west. The applicant has agreed to answer the comments made by the Board relative to the berm. In addition, Mr. Ghezzi agrees with the Commission's remarks relative to the mansard roof. The problem with the mansard roof is how to deal with the water. He told the Commissioners that it may be necessary to put down spouts in the rear of the building to match the color of the building. Thb Commissioners had no objection to the use of down spouts that match the color of the building. Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz recalled this same type of discussion relative to McDonald's. The Commissioners agreed with the applicant's argument, and regret it. It would have been much more aesthetically appealing if the mansard roof had been continued. MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 15, 1996 Commissioner Bradley asked for clarification on the type of sign that will be put in place. Ms, Heyden advised that a proposed pylon sign is shown. However, it will have to meet the approved Sign Program which is currently being reviewed. Commissioner Bradley recalled discussions relative to monument signs. Ms. Heyden advised that when Cracker Barrel was approved, the remainder of the outparcels would have monument signs. Commissioner Bradley remembered Mr. Morton agreeing to that approval; therefore, he expects to see monument signs for the remainder of the outparcels. Mr. Ghezzi advised that during the first meeting with Planning, the applicant was told a pylon sign was included. The applicant was under the impression that a pylon sign would appear on the property. He questioned whether that has now changed in favor of a monument. Ms. Heyden advised that the sign will have to be whatever is approved in the Sign Program. Attorney Cherof advised that the City is no longer bound by the settlement agreement. He recommended that the Commission include a condition to make sure that the design elements will be followed in the next project and any projects that follow. By doing this, it will eliminate a debate each time. If that is the Commission's desire, they should add a condition that reads, "The design elements approved for this site shall be carried forward on all future development within the PCD." Motion Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz moved to approve the request for site plan approval to construct a 2,911 square foot restaurant with drive-through on .918 acres within the Shoppes of Woolbright PCD as per staff comments agreed to and also that as an additional requirement, the design element should be carried forward on all future facilities built on this PCD, and with the condition that the mansard roof be continued on the north elevation. Commissioner Tillman seconded the motion. Mr: Ghezzi asked if he could have immediate access to the roof. He may go internally as opposed to externally. If there is a problem, they can have access to the roof on the outside of the building. The Commissioners were not opposed to this request. Commissioner Bradley pointed out that as each project comes in, we must make sure we check the numbers for the level of service so that we do not wind up with empty parcels in the development. Ms~ Heyden advised that there was a master plan modification which came before the Commission and was approved. As part of that master plan modification, a traffic study was required. At that same time, there was a project in the PCD which was coming forward. Mr. Morton had the traffic consultant switch some of the trips from one of the parcels in the PUD to the PCD. Therefore, traffic has been taken care of and they will be well within the allowable trips for the entire project. City Manager Parker Hill questioned whether that will include the church parcel. Ms. Heyden advised that the number of trips will be allowable if the church parcel remains a church. Commissioner Bradley noted that the red color for Burger King is close to that of RaceTrac. He questioned where we stand with Discount Auto. Ms. Heyden advised that staff has not seen plans for Discount Auto. The color chips shown for Burger King seem to be very close to the red on RaceTrac. MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 15, 1996 The motion carried unanimously. MAYOR TAYLOR DECLARED A SHORT RECESS. IX. NEW BUSINESS: A. Items for discussion requested by Mayor Jerry Taylor 1. Consideration of privatizing meter reading and utility billing services Mayor Taylor advised that this is an item which was brought up previously. Privatizing these services will require the City to go out with an RFP to see if the City might save money in the area of meter reading. City Manager Parker Hill advised that this is one of the items which was brought to the City Commission for consideration during the budget hearings. Staff investigated the City of Hollywood which recently privatized. They have saved approximately 25% of their budget. Our total budget for these areas amounts to approximately $800,000 and involves 16 employees in meter reading, utility billing, and customer service. At the Commission's request, we would develop an RFP and go out to vendors. This would come baCk to the Commission with costs, tf the costs are higher than our current City budget, it would not be recommended. Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz questioned whether any of the employees involved are long-time employees. City Manager Parker Hill responded affirmatively. Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz inquired as to whether or not they can be absorbed into other areas. City Manager Parker Hill said she would not venture to say that because we do not know what the vacancies will be at any point. We may not have any vacancies available, or the vacancies we may have might not be suitable for these employees. If the Commission wishes to move forward, they would need to consider the worst-case scenario which would be that the City would not be able to absorb them and they would be laid off. If the Commission does not want to consider that situation, then it would not be wise to go out for an RFP. Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz questioned whether or not the firm that is hired would absorb the employees. City Manager Parker Hill advised that on occasion, companies do pick up the employees. We can ask for that in the RFP, but this type of service is dissimilar to others where it is more common to absorb the employees. Many of these companies are more automated than we are, and they may not want to absorb all of our employees. City Manager Parker Hill confirmed for Commissioner Tillman that there are no vacancies at the moment in the areas in question. Mayor Taylor pointed out that if privatizing can save the City 20%, that would amount to $160,000 in savings based on our budget of $800,000. He is open to going out for the RFP to see what comes back. He explained that there is no obligation on the part of the Commission by going out for the RFP. Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz agreed with his remarks. She recalled that during the previous discussions, ]6 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 15, 1996 mention was made of the fact that there is a lot of turnover in these areas. City Manager Parker Hill advised that meter reading has a lot of turnover, Customer Service and Utility Billing does not have that same turnover, A number of the employees (three or four) in Customer Service and Utility Billing have been with the City in excess of 10 years, Commissioner Bradley is in favor of going out for RFPs. This would be in line with the Visions summary. Privatization was an area we were encouraged to investiga,ti~. He feels capitalism is the driving force in this country. It is no surprise that the private sector can come through with a 20- 25% improvement since many companies are going through the "lean and mean approach". That is something for us to learn from. Commissioner Titcomb also favors going out for RFPs to get information. He is cautious because many times, bids that are presented to City government proclaim certain savings and then there are hidden costs that change those savings. When we get to the point of the costs being presented to the City, he wants to make sure that the benefits outweigh the cost of employee morale, and the cost of losing those positions. Commissioner Tillman is in favor of moving forward with an RFP if it will make us more efficient, but we need to make sure that this will not be more costly than cost effective. In addition, he feels we need to be very considerate in terms of the employees that will be deleted and do everything possible to make sure they are handled properly. He will support anything that will save the City money and provide more efficiency. City Manager Parker Hill advised that the RFP will require an envelope system of billing. Mayor Taylor feels that regardless of who comes in with an RFP, we will want to see what the long- term savings have been in addition to the first-year savings. City Manager Parker Hill explained that this is a cutting edge situation and there may not be a vendor who has been doing this for more than two or three years. Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz was of the opinion that after privatizing, if we had to revert back to our own system, there would not be any great difficulty. Date Sugerman, Assistant City Manager, said the only concern the Commissioners should consider with regard to reverting the system is that we are on the precipice of making determinations about our utility billing system. If we privatize that venture, we would not have to purchase computer hardware and software and all of the items associated with creating utility bills. That could cost $100,000 to $250,000. However, if we go with privatization, and then abandon that at a later date, we would have to purchase the utility billing hardware and software. Therefore, reverting back would have associated expenses. Mayor Taylor pointed out that we do not want to purchase this hardware and software prior to getting feedback on the RFP and making a decision. Mr. Sugerman advised that we are planning on purchasing utility billing software which will run on the already-approved hardware of the network system. All of the money was approved. The utility billing software may cost upwards of $100,000. The hardware associated with it may be another $150,000. Most of that money has already been set aside. If we go forward with it, there are no ]? MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 15, 1996 additional funds that would have to be budgeted. However, if we abandon doing this job in-house and privatize it, we would then take the money that has already been set aside for the hardware and software and either use it for something else or put it back into the General Fund rather than hold it in limbo waiting for a decision years down the road. We can go forward without privatizing and have utility billing hardware and software covered with current funds, but in two years, if we go back, that money will probably not be available. City Manager Parker Hilt confirmed that we will not buy anything. Consensus There was a consensus of the Commission to move forward with the RFP. 2. Advisory Board Missed Meetings The members of our advisory boards are allowed to miss three meetings, but on the four[h meeting, theY are removed from the board. One of the things that is creating a problem is special meetings. If the board calls a special meeting during the month, many times the members already have plans and cannot attend that meeting. Mayor Taylor asked the Commission to consider exempting special meetings from counting toward attendance. City Manager Parker Hill advised that special meetings are not counted toward attendance. From the audience, Mr. Rosenstock disagreed with City Manager Parker Hill, and stated that this happened to him. City Clerk Sue Kruse confirmed that special meetings and workshops are not counted toward attendance. Mayor Taylor advised that we will check on this situation. City Manager Parker Hill advised that the Planning and Development Board has two scheduled meetings per month. They have been meeting only once a month; however, on occasion, they meet twice a month. The two meetings are listed on the back of the monthly calendar. City Manager Parker Hill offered to review any members' attendance record, and correct any error that may exist. Maurice Rosenstock, One Villa Lane, said that although the Planning and Development Board is ¢cheduled to have two regular meetings per month, they have not had two regular meetings per month. There have been one or two exceptions in the last two years. Thers is one meeting a month on the second Tuesday of the month. Mr. Rosenstock said that he had atready planned his schedule when a second meeting was scheduled for one particular month. When a letter arrived notifying him of his absences, that date was listed. There was no way he could make that meeting. He has a great interest in planning and zoning and would like to continue. He feels this rule is unfair. There are other people on other boards that have had the same problem. He feels that when, in rare cases, a second meeting is scheduled, it should be exempted from the regulations. Mayor Taylor reiterated that we will look at this situation, but the Planning and Development Board is listed as having a second meeting on the fourth Tuesday of the month if necessary. MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 15, 1996 Mr. Rosenstock suggested that the last five years' calendars be reviewed. He stated that in 99% of the time, only one meeting per month of the Planning and Development Board has been planned. He recommended that only one meeting per month be planned, and then offer an exception if a second meeting is necessary. He doesn't feel it makes sense that the members of the Planning and Development Board cannot plan anything for the fourth Tuesday of each month in anticipation of a possible meeting being called. Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz confirmed with City Manager Parker Hill that workshop meeting absences are not charged to the member. 3. Civil Service Board Letter Mayor Taylor announced that the Civil Service Board passed a unanimous decision to send a letter to all of the employees of the City. They asked the City for permission to distribute the letter with the paychecks. In reviewing the letter, Mayor Taylor found that the letter was written from only one member of the Civil Service Board when it should be from the entire board, signed by the chairman. In addition, there are approximately 15 grammatical errors in the letter. Employees will assume this letter is coming from the City or that the City condones what is distributed with the paychecks. Mayor Taylor has requested that the Civil Service Board review the letter and correct the errors. Mayor Taylor attended the joint workshop meeting with the Civil Service Board. He feels this letter puts words in his mouth. He never said anything about "pay backs", and he does not like that terminology. He has requested that wording be changed. Mayor Taylor has directed the City Manager not to distribute this letter with the paychecks unless it is corrected. Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz was offended by the necessity for this letter. Commissioner Bradley suggested that the Commission direct staff to put language together for a referendum item that would limit to Commission action only, personnel issues that are of the nature of three days and a lay-off and more extreme than that. The suspensions and firings are items that the Commission should deal with. While the Civil Service Board serves an important function, the City has gotten into difficulty in the past. Commissioner Bradley feels the Civil Service Board has been influenced or made choices that the Commission feels have not been good for the City. The Civil Service Board would continue to meet and convene on items that involve a penalty that was three days lay-off or suspension and less severe. City Manager Parker Hill advised that it is currently five days. Their authority would be increased with that language change. Commissioner Bradley does not want to increase their authority. City Manager Parker Hill questioned whether Commissioner Bradley was suggesting that the Commission hear terminations, demotions and suspensions after the City Manager has made a determination. City Manager Parker Hill advised that the Civil Service Board is empowered to do independent MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 15, 1996 investigations of any personnel matter they feel is a problem. The Civil Service Board is taking this investigation forward to determine rule violations or problems the employees are having in the workplace. This is a fourth category the Civil Service Board deals with in addition to terminations, suspensions and demotions. Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz reminded everyone that we are currently having a review of the entire Civil Service Handbook. City Manager Parker Hill advised that the issues dealing with the Board are not eligible for review except at a referendum level. The Commission cannot change those powers. Attarney Cherof advised that the Civil Service Board's powers come from the charter. It provides six: areas of their powers. One of those areas includes this power to investigate issues which it deems desirable concerning personnel administration. City Manager Parker Hill said one of the concerns people have with the Civil Service Board is the experience and expertise in general personnel matters. There was some discussion about an independent arbitrator or the court system under the assumption that these people would be neutral. City Manager Parker Hill is not certain the City Commission wants to put itself in the position of making these determinations. Commissioner Bradley agreed that he does not want the Commission to be put in that position. He wants to make things more efficient and fair. He would like to look into the idea that an arbitrator or a neutral judicial party decide the matters that are of greater intensity than a five-day lay-off. Commissioner Tillman recalled that the Commission was going to put together a task force to examine Civil Service. To date, that issue has been on the table. He recommends that the task force be established to look at Civil Service and make recommendations that can be dealt with. City Manager Parker Hill advised that one of the concerns the Commission had was that volunteers would not have the time available. Perhaps it would be better to hire a labor attorney or a personnel consultant to review the Civil Service Rules and provide the Commission with recommendations. M&yor Taylor recalled that Mr. Sugerman was going to attend a meeting and bring back information. The Commission would then proceed from that point. Mr. Sugerman advised that he will be going to the meeting soon. Commissioner Titcomb reminded the Commissioners that he also referenced the Florida Institute of Government to look for ready-made conversions. Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz advised that she attempted to solicit members for the task force; however, they did not feel they had the time available to put into this project. They felt it was a monumental jobi She realizes that at some point, it might be necessary to hire a paid consultant. This is an issue which must be resolved one way or the other. Items for discussion by Commissioner Matt Bradley 1. Marina Project - Boat House 20 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 15, 1996 Bob Currie, representinq Mr. Garcia and his partners, stated that they are ready to submit for site plan approval, He brought with him the previous drawings that were prepared along with the additional drawings showing elevations. City Manager Parker Hill advised that this is only a discussion. The presentation is not for formal site plan approval. Mr. Currie displayed renderings for review by the Commissioners. He asked them to look at the north and west elevations because they were not shown during the last presentation. He prepared an isometric drawing which shows the volumetric scale. He reviewed the drawings which showed a one-stow restaurant, two-story structures with retail on the ground floor, covered walkways, a pedestrian walkway, and offices on the second floor. Horizontal siding will be used, and there will be a standard-seam metal roof. The numbers are the same in terms of square footage. A great deal of landscaping has been included on the north side at the request of the neighbors. The character of the design is a fishing village by the sea. He attempted to capture the same design elements that will be used on the bridge and at the Old School. The applicant plans to go 55' to the roof for the highest point of the boat storage facility. The turrets have been added to help scale the project. Although the Commission has some concern about the boat house, without it, the development does not pay economically. The boat house and restaurants will make money. The money made on retail is marginal. It is Mr. Currie's opinion that the City must start small and get something going. Once that happens, development will spread. This is a marina and storage is one of the elements. Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz questioned how the size of the proposed boat storage facility compares to the previous plans. Mr. Currie advised that the footprint is the exactly the same size. There is more retail and restaurant space. There will be no boat repair on the premises, and the entire project will be built at one time. Micheline Many, a downtown resident and owner, said she has waited a long time for this development. It is very tempting to hold out for a little while longer for a bigger project with more parcels. In looking at the renderings, she finds the project attractive. If we hold out, we might not get anything going any time soon. Retail comes and goes. Restaurants and attractive buildings would do a great deal for downtown. She is in favor of moving forward as soon as possible with this project. Dave Showalter, 3705 Diane Drive, is an alternate member of the Community Redevelopment Advisory Board. The Board unanimously opposes a boat storage facility. He submitted a petition containing signatures in opposition to the boat storage project. There are nine signatures on this list The people he spoke with understand that the Commission is interested in proceeding. They want something that will incorporate the entire downtown and spur development. They do not feel a 55' high wall will provide aesthetic appeal. They support the marina project and want to see it go forward, but they do not want a quick fix on something that could be of long-term benefit to the City. Virqinia Foot, 2400 SW I Street, is the owner of The Art of Framing. She supports the marina project and the Commission moving forward now so that the timing will coincide with the new bridge. 2] MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 15, 1996 She said she was not against the boat storage 10 years ago, and is not against it now. She does not feel it will be a bad neighbor. Ken Blair, 825 Ocean Inlet Drive, was on the visioning process. In reading through those documents, there were many references to pedestriamfriendiy projects. He agrees with the restaurants, the retail and the walkways. The boat storage does not supply that pedestrian-friendly atmosphere. It is a hazardous area and pedestrians cannot walk around in that area. He understands that the boat storage facility is the backbone of this project. He does not feel we must do something immediately, nor does he believe we should wait an additional 24 years. He has a problem with the height as viewed from Boynton Beach Boulevard and US #1. In deciding what to do with the redevelopment aroa, consideration should be given to where Boynton Beach Boulevard terminates and the access to the land project from that area. The entire seven acres will be non- pedestrian accessible if you move from the Intracoastal to the western property line. Mr. Blair feels we need a master plan, and we need to look at the entire area to see what might be possible. Doing something with only seven acres may not be in the best interest of the City in the long term. Marqaret Brown, 560 Horizons West, supports downtown development but is concerned about the size of the boat house. The previous proposals for downtown have not included boat storage of this size. In addition, Boynton Beach Boulevard, extended to the lntracoastal, will provide access to property on the north side. Boat storage of this size does not encourage pedestrian traffic. She is hopeful that the plans can be revised and that the 20+ acres can be looked at as the minimum for development for the betterment of the entire community. The owners of three parcels north of B0ynton Beach Boulevard have indicated their willingness to sell. She is hopeful the property will be used as part of a new, upscale, attractive waterfront development. She objects to the City spending taxpayer dollars in the future to subsidize a boat storage facility that will wall up property from the downtown development and lead to boat repair yards instead of waterfront amenities. She recommended that Boynton Beach become more like Delray rather than downtown Lantana. Mike Friedland, 330 NE 26th Avenue, said he has spoken on this project in the past. He feels this is the best game in town. He is totally satisfied with this project. This type of structure and excitement of boat storage, restaurants, and this look, are fine for our community. He believes it is a dream to think that we might get something if we put together 10 more acres. That may happen, but probably won't happen. The City has tried to get something to happen. This little seed that is being planted can add a groat deal to what will come later. It will open up other acreage and make people want to build. If it is 10' higher than it was previously, that is part of the price we pay to get close to what we want. This is progress. He hopes the Commissioners and community will get behind this project. He believes the community will be very pleased with this project. Commissioner Bradley said he has been involved with the project for about four years since he first walked the property and did a mini-charrette. The part of this project that has created the most concern for him is the use. The boat storage facility is too large. A dverwalk ambiance experience is wonderful Commissioner Bradley feels this use will disrupt that. A beeping forklift and the diesel smell will disrupt that ambiance. However, there is a benefit of this use for some people. In the spirit of compromise, he questioned whether there is a way to make this project a top notch project. With the City and taxpayers putting up $900,000 for a use that no one is extremely excited about, he feels we have the right to get the very best project possible. Commissioner Bradley would like to see this building half the size, but would be willing to 22 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 15, 1996 compromise somewhere between half and the way it is currently designed. He feels the setback is much too close to the property line. If we follow Boynton Beach Boulevard east toward the Intracoastal, we will run into that building. It is on the edge of the right-of-way and on the edge of the accessway that the 18-wheelers will pull into to put boats in storage, if the building can be reduced by 30% in length, a fountain or turnaround can be created to attract people when they drive down Boynton Beach Boulevard. Another improvement Commissioner Bradley would like to see relates to architectural design and materials. He feels we deserve the very best which includes an application of stone, limestone, Coquino rock, with columns. This will provide the upscale look that will bring in high-end retail and top notch restaurants. It is important for us to have a business plan. Commissioner Bradley would like two additional things to happen. He would like this Commission to vote to implement a Phase II for this project. Mr. Garcia's project would be Phase I. Phase II would be to direct staff, the Economic Development Director in particular, to facilitate a process with the land owners and developers to see if we can master plan what is left. Commissioner Bradley feels we can have a win-win situation. This is the reason why it is critical for us to end up with top notch materials and style so that it sets the standard for the rest of the area. Development on Federal Highway will then occur. Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz pointed out that with regard to Commissioner Bradley's remarks, a site plan is not always approved in the manner it is submitted the first time. The Planning Department makes suggestions and works with the developer to make alterations. With regard to land vaJue increases, in looking at the ten-year study that was provided, every area of the City increased in value, with the exception of this district. It has been devalued by about $2 million. That is a very important reason to do something before it deteriorates any further. With regard to taxpayers being involved, has anyone suggested that taxpayers buy the additional acreage? She pointed out that the City does not even want to buy these seven acres because it is not the City's responsibility to purchase property. Perhaps if this development succeeds and we get increased TIF funds, we might then haVe an opportunity to purchase property in the area in the future. Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz recalled that when the workshop took place, many of the same people who ar~ here tonight were at that meeting. At that time, a consensus was achieved to move forward. Th~ boat storage facility was part of that plan. No one, including members of the Commission, told Mr. Garcia not to proceed. She cannot understand what has happened since the time of the wdrkshop or the 1990 approval that included a boat storage facility. Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz said she would not consider approving anything that consisted of a 55' wall that sealed off the remainder of the property. She offered to listen to any proposals anyone else has for the development of this area. Commissioner Titcomb said he has been generally supportive of this project. He feels there are solutions to the opposition coming out of adjacent area. He agrees with Commissioner Bradley's statements that the quality and upgrade in materials and feel are necessary. The compatibility of this project and the tone that it will set for all other development downtown is critical. The total footprint build out of this project is a condition that has been agreed to. He also believes in non- transferrable concessions. This has to be a "use it or lose it" proposition. He does not want this project passed off to someone else after the Commission has agreed to all "touchy" subjects. He feels this is a "bird in the hand" project. We may be looking for the "two in the bush", but we have 23 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 15, 1996 this one in hand. Ail of the details that have been raised about this project are detai~s that are commonly and microscopically focussed on by the City departments and Planning and Development Board. No stone will be unturned. Commissioner Titcomb said he also looked at downsizing the boat storage facility by shortening it on the western end so that the shops could wrap around and be on the Boynton Beach Boulevard end of the project. The applicant can still look at this as a compromise position. They do not necessarily have to downsize the scale and scope of the building, but consider the facade and presentation. Commissioner Titcomb concurs with Commissioner Bradley that we need to look at moving this project forward and looking at a Phase II component. Staff, including the Economic Development Coordinator, should be directed to inventory, facilitate, and promote the adjacent properties for planned developments. Commissioner Titcomb related a story about when he first came into office. While at lunch with a former mayor's wife, he was given a brochure to look at relative to the marina project. It was a wonderful master plan for downtown Boynton Beach. It included a space needle restaurant, a marina project, a cultural center and a small facility called Oceanfront Park. The brochure was dated 1972. That brochure was produced by this City. That master plan, and every master plan since then, has included a marine/nautical component to the downtown. He does not have a problem with that concept for this site. Architects, designers, and planning professionals can make projects work on adjacent sites. Commissioner Titcomb feels a win-win situation is possible. He continues to remain supportive of this project. The architects have done a wonderful job in trying to blend a look and feel to this project that the City desperately needs. He wants to work out the issues that people still have problems with and move forward. Cammissioner Tillman said that from the very first workshop that was held with Mr. Garcia, he had some reservations about this project in terms of the boat storage facility. He does not like anyone saying that everyone was in agreement. Everyone agreed to look at the project, but reservations were expressed at that time. Those reservations have continued to hound him mainly because of the size of the facility, and secondly because it is not the best we can do. Commissioner Tillman said he was taught to always put his best foot forward. He feels this project can be much better. Commissioner Tillman recalled that someone said this project will be a seed for downtown development. Commissioner Tillman feels this might be the wrong seed. He does not see this project as an anchor. Perhaps it should be scaled down so that it will become a nucleus. The materials must be upgraded and we must move forward with a master plan for a project that will bring people downtown. Commissioner Tillman feels we have to be concerned about the direction in which the City is moving. This plan does not meet the needs he wants for this City. He is willing to work with this plan to make it a nucleus and tone down part of it. We must look forward to the future and do things that will bring people to this City. He feels we have to take the high road, and sometimes that is a higher sacrifice. He cannot support incentives of $900,000 for this project. He suggests upgrading this project and moving on. Lloyd Powell, resident and chairperson of the Community Redevelopment Advisory Board, said the Board voted against the dry boat storage as it relates to the marina project. This vote was based on the early preliminary drawings that were available at the workshop. The Board has not 24 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 15, 1996 seen any additional drawings, nor has the board received any figures from the developer. The Board talked about the boat storage and the big blank wall that would be facing everyone to the west and to the north. As a property owner for over 15 years, and a taxpayer, Mr. Powell said his dollars will go into this incentive to promote the downtown. We have been waiting for something to happen in the downtown for too many years. It took too many years to arrive at a consensus on where the bridge should go, how high it should be, and what it should look like. We overcame that, and we can overcome any problems we might have with this project. MT. Powell said he has experience with dry boat storage. After a day on the water, he wouEd not walk around or go into a restaurant. We want to draw people downtown; therefore, we want something that is pedestrian friendly. If the people who live downtown store their boats in this facility, it will be great. However, if they are outsiders, they will not be people friendly and want to stop into the restaurants and spend money in the area. He urged the Commission to go forward. However, they should move slowly and make sure this is the best we can do for this area. Jaimes Miriana said he has been fighting for the redevelopment of downtown. He has invested money in this area. Over the last few years, there has been a decline in the downtown area. He is not thrilEed with the boat storage, but it is time to move forward. He was in favor of the 100' building height in the downtown so that redevelopment could take place. We now have an opportunity, it may not be the best, but it is a start. Edward Ted said he will soon be a resident of Boynton Beach. He believes the Commission should Io0k at other examples of this type of use of property to see what it has attracted and what it has detracted. The modifications are nice, but will they still look nice in 15 years? Mayor Taylor said it is no secret that he has been a proponent of this project from the very beginning. He sought out Mr. Garcia. One of his campaign pledges was to do something in downtown. He has worked very hard to make something happen. Many of the ideas that were put forWard could not work. People with money were brought in, but they were not interested. When he~ spoke with Mr. Garcia, Mayor Taylor told him what we wanted in the area. The people asked for a fishing village atmosphere that was user friendly with shops, restaurants, and boutiques. That is what Mr. Garcia has given us. Although we also got a boat storage facility, it Es not like any other boat storage facility we have ever seen. The entire southern wall Es shops. No one would know what was in the building unless they were told. This project is beautifully designed. Mr. Currie is one of the best architects in the area. He has worked on Old School Square in Delray Beach, the new bridge and our own school. He is tying these projects together. Mayor Taylor was surprised to hear Commissioner Bradley speak of stone and pillars because that will make the project look like MEzner. People asked that we not make this project like Mizner. People asked for a fishing village, and that is what has been done by the architect. Very good materials are being used. We can continue to procrastinate or we can act. This Commission was willing to allow buildings that would be nine stories. This project will have one building with a height of 55'. People say we can do better, but no one says what better is. No one else has told us that the downtown can come to life within 24 months. Mayor Taylor feels we can dream and scheme, but that will not put the bricks and mortar out there. He feels it is time to act. Boynton has waited long enough. He agrees to go to Phase II and have the Economic Development Coordinator work with the land owners around this MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 15, 1996 project. He does not believe it will be difficult to accomplish something once this project is built. This is a very important step and lets the development community know that Boynton is serious about developing downtown. Mayor Taylor totally supports this project and has worked hard to get this marina built in downtown. Motion Commissioner Bradley moved to implement the tonight-created Phase II of the development in the marina area by directing the City Manager to put the necessary and appropriate staff together including the Economic Development Director to facilitate the bringing together and the implementing of a master plan for that overall area. City Manager Parker Hill asked for clarification because this specific item is one of the items that we are asking the consultant to do as part of Visioning. Although Commissioner Bradley agreed, he feels that is three months into the future and he wants something to happen now. At the very least, he would like preliminary discussion to take place that wilt demonstrate to the property owners and the City that we are moving toward the master ptan. That can dovetail with the plan from the Visions RFP. However, he does not want to wait another night. Commissioner Tillman seconded the motion. From the audience, Mr. Lee Wische requested a point of order. He felt Commissioner Bradley was making a motion that he did not feel was a legal motion because the agenda item is a discussion of the marina. The fantasy of the 20 acres will materialize after this project is built. However, to incorporate this with the discussion this evening is out of order. In addition, Mr. Wische said he is for this project. Commissioner Tillman said we should take the high road instead of the Iow road. In Mr. Wische's opinion, this is the only road. He has been in Boynton Beach for 24 years and nothing has ever happened. He was on the Commission in 1988- 1990. He supported this project when it came up at that time. The development never moved forward. This Commission has an opportunity to get this marina built. If we do not grab this opportunity, we will never see anything happen downtown, and it will remain a dream. Maurice Rosenstock, One Villa Lane, said all of us can have big ideas. It is important to take the high road and think of the best things that can be done. But perhaps we have to compromise for something slightly less. Twenty-four years have expired and the City has pumped hundreds of thousands of dolIars into alt kinds of projects and research into downtown. If the City archives are checked, we will find many kinds of master plans. Everyone always talks of downtown Boynton Beach. In actuality, in terms of rides per day, assessed valuation and sales taxes, downtown is on Congress Avenue and Boynton Beach Boulevard. However, for many years we have talked about doing something in the area we call downtown. Mr. Rosenstock pointed out that he has heard people say they would like to have a research/scientific center in Quantum Park. That is a fantastic idea, but what is the percentage chance of having that happen in our lifetimes. Money is the driving force of development in 90% of the cases. If a profit will not be made, it is a dream. It is not a question of having a "bird in the MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 15, 1996 hand". It is a question of what will actually be done once and for all. Once and for all, we have a plan. We can fine tune it. We have solicited people from all over the country to finance projects like this. We have one single person who seems to have the interest. Mr. Rosenstock would like to support him. If there are people who have vested interests in the surrounding area, and they would like to see their property become part of this, then they should sell their property at a reasonable price. Mr. Rosenstock is hopeful that when this project gets developed, the development witl spread. This is an opportunity that should not be wasted. We must take the best we can get and move forward. Commissioner Bradley feels some of the people who spoke are slipping into the win-lose mind set. If this project goes forward, it does not mean a planning mechanism that cannot be put in place to work in conjunction with what Mr. Garcia is going to do. If the master planning process goes ahead, Mr, Garcia's project does not have to stop. This is a win-win situation. Commissioner Bradley feels his motion makes sense because as Mr. Garcia's project moves forward, staff can work with other interested parties and everyone can benefit. Mayor Taylor said he has some concerns. He supports kicking off Phase tl immediately. However, he does not want Phase II to have any effect on the marina project. The marina project goes forward and will rise or fall on its own. Commissioner Bradley said he has offered a compromise and is eager for that to take place. Mayor Taylor reminded Commissioner Bradley that putting together a master plan takes study and could take over a year. During that process, the marina will be built. Phase II is a separate issue from the marina project. Commissioner Bradley agreed it is a separate issue. However, he pointed out that there are parcels that are together, and if we have a vision about it being congruous, they need to be interacting. He does not mean that anything staff would be doing would disrupt Mr. Garcia's project. At Mayor Taylor's request, Attorney Cherof advised that a point of order cannot be raised from the audience. The chair determines whether the subject matter on the agenda is broad enough to encompass the motion. Commissioner Bradley raised this issue at the Iast meeting, and it was placed on this agenda for discussion. The decision on a point of order that is raised from someone on the Commission comes from the Mayor. Mayor Taylor feels Commissioner Bradley's points were apropos to the discussion this evening. Commissioner Bradley restated the motion. He would like the City Manager to direct the necessary and appropriate staff, including the Economic Development Director, to study and facilitate the process of master planning. Commissioner Bradley said he would like staff to report at the next meeting on these parameters. It is possible that this will be a year-long process or a $100,000 process that we may need to hold off on until the RFP comes back. He does not want staff sitting on their hands. Mayor TayIor reminded the Commissioners that we have had a Economic Development Coordinator for only a month. The Visioning Task Force is looking into these areas. Perhaps they will be able to provide reports on a more timely basis. MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 15, 1996 In response to Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz' question, Commissioner Bradley advised that the area he is referring to is from 4th to the IntracoastaI and NE 2nd Avenue to SE 4th Avenue. Commissioner Titcomb said that in both of Commissioner Bradley's attempts at a motion, it slipped into discussion. He asked Commissioner Bradley to restate the motion. In addition, he reminded the Commissioners that at a previous meeting, he requested that the Visions Task Force reporting become a regular component of the agenda so that everyone is up-to-date on the status of developments. Commissioner Titcomb suggested that Commissioner Bradley's motion direct staff to inventory, facilitate, and promote the adjacent properties for potential development. He does not believe this will interfere with the RFP for a professional planner. This may prepare staff to deal with the issues that a professional planner will present to them. Commissioner Bradley asked for the motion to be reread. The Recording Secretary read the motion as follows: "To have the City Manager direct the necessary and appropriate staff including the Economic Development Coordinator to study and facilitate the process of master planning". City Manager Parker Hill recalled that at the last City Commission meeting, there was no opportunity to look through the RFP because it had only been provided during the meeting. The RFP is five pages in length and is very comprehensive. The Visions Committee and Planning staff worked very hard to specifically look at all the Visions areas which included the marina, Martin Luther King, Jr. Corridor, the Ocean Avenue Corridor, Boynton Beach Boulevard, Seacrest Corridor, 23rd Corridor from US 1 to Seacrest, and US #1 Corridor from city limit to city limit. The ads are out for the consultant. This was the report of the Visions Committee for last month because that is what they have been working on. With regard to Commissioner Titcomb's words (inventory, facilitate and promote) are the types of thihgs that staff is getting ready to do in these areas. This will be part of the data gathering phase that we will have to do to assist the consultant in moving forward. However, if that wording relates to facilitating meetings with developers and property owners, that is a different area. Commissioner Bradley said he does not want to leave any stone unturned. He wants staff to do whatever is necessary to promote the development of the marina/downtown area. Mayor Taylor realizes that much of what Commissioner Bradley is requesting is already being done. The part that may not be in process is meeting with the surrounding property owners and trying to see what can be put together. Ci!y Manager Parker explained that she now has a better understanding of what Commissioner Bradley is trying to do and does not think his goals are in conflict with what the remainder of the Commission wants to do. If Mr. Garcia moves forward with the marina project, staff can deal with the remainder of the properties through a general economic mode. She believes Commissioner Bradley wants staff to continue to move forward and try to tie in the rest of the properties. Mr. Garcia's property will be carved out. 2~ MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 15, 1996 Motion Commissioner Bradley moved that City administration expedite a consolidation plan to stimulate the unified development for the remaining undeveloped or deteriorated property in the CBD. City Manager Parker Hill asked for clarification on whether he recommends consolidating from a City perspective or from a private perspective. Commissioner Bradley would not want to limit this and, therefore, would not like to close off any option. City Manager Parker explained that this would be two different approaches. Commissioner Bradley realizes that we cannot solve everything at once, but wants to begin moving forward. Commissioner Bradley retracted his previous motion. Commissioner Titcomb recalled that in the past, prior to the Garcia project, the City offered to operate in a role of facilitator to sell a waterside site to a developer and make some money for doing that. We have the potential to do that again without buying the downtown properties. He suggested that Commissioner Bradley add language to his motion that would direct staff to explore that option. If the City inventories the property adjacent to the marina project on paper, and gets a consensus paper agreement, they can make the sites available for us to other potential compatible developmentS without actually spending staff time, tax payer dollars or floating bonds. Commissioner Titcomb confirmed with Commissioner Bradley that his motion leaves the Garcia property free and clear of this issue. Mayor Taylor advised that he will support this as long as the marina project is clear of this issue. He explained that there could be costs associated with Commissioner Bradley's request. Commissioner Bradley acknowledged this fact, but wants the group to come back with an inventory and ideas. This will cost nothing but staff time. Commissioner Bradley restated his motion as follows: "To move that the City administration expedite a consolidation plan to stimulate a unified development for the remaining undeveloped or deteriorating properties in the CBD and that the City staff inventory adjacent properties. City Manager Parker Hill clarified that this involves the properties from NE 2nd to SE 4th excluding the Garcia property. Commissioner Titcomb seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Although this is not the time for a technical review, Commissioner Bradley feels there should be a Spanish Mediterranean treatment with stone application as opposed to vinyl siding. Hewould prefer to see a tile roof and a Coquino limerock application. He feels the developer needs to leave this meeting with a consensus about the materials and design parameters. City Manager Parker Hill felt the timing of this discussion was very appropriate since Mr. Currie is ready to submit tomorrow for site plan review. Staff needs direction on what the Commission wants. Mr. Currie explained that this is the first time in the history of Boynton Beach that he has ever heard a suggestion to do this project in a Spanish Mediterranean style. He has always understood that the City wanted a fishing village motif and even had colors related to that motif. The proposed plan 2P MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 15, 1996 is most closely related to Seaside on the west coast of Florida, which is probabty the most publicized and famous development in the world at this point. The same materials, character, style and design were used on this plan. In addition, this plan is a smaller scale of Bayside in Miami. In Mr. Currie's opinion, a Mizner look is completely inappropriate for the character of Boynton Beach. Mizner uses stucco on frame over Styrofoam. Standing seam roofs are one of the most expensive, classy roofs that can be bought. With regard to siding, the vinyl can be eliminated in favor of clapboard siding. Vinyl was suggested because it is easier to maintain and will retain its shape and color for a longer period of time. Mri Currie expressed total surprise with this issue of a first-class design. He felt the proposed plan was the most appropriate product that can be done. Commissioner Bradley feels the Mediterranean theme is nautical and will look more upscale than what is presented. He has spoken with a lot of people and it is their feeling that the look in Seaside may be out of style in five years. The Mediterranean style will not go out of style in five years. Mayor Taylor disagreed with Commissioner Bradley's remarks, He likes the theme that has been presented and would not be in favor of the Mediterranean style. Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz recalled that the first conceptual drawing presented by Mr. Simons was a fishing village motif. When he returned with his proposal that included the condos, the style was changed to a Mizner look. The Commissioners were up in arms over that because everyone wanted a fishing village motif. Commissioner Titcomb does not want to second guess a community that wants a fishing village motif. When Commissioner Titcomb talks about materials, he wants the developer to read that as good quality materials that will provide longevity. Commissioner Titcomb questioned whether a motion was needed specifically on the marina project. MayOr Taylor did not feel a motion was necessary. From the discussion this evening, he felt there was a consensus that the applicant should move forward through the site plan process. Commissioner Bradley would like Mr. Currie to take into consideration moving back the stark surface of the 55 feet and continue the wrapping of professional or retail buildings around the west exposure. Mr. Currie pointed out that this is not a stark wall of 55'. There is a break in the surface and there is a covered walkway on the west side. He does not believe anyone will patronize retail on the west side. Commissioner Bradley feels the retail will be patronized if there is an entrance on that side, and suggested that Mr. Currie incorporate two entrances into this project with a focal point such as a circular fountain. When people work together good things can happen. He feels Mr. Currie is just saying no, and he will not accept that position. Mr. Currie feels he listened to what the Commissioners and the community suggested, and addressed those suggestions. He pointed out that we wanted a pedestrian-friendly walkway. He incorporated brick walkways all around this project. The entrance to the boat house is constrained 30 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 15, 1996 so that there is only one small entrance that will not interfere with pedestrian access. Gene Moore's elevation is handsome and includes a break. The walkway continues around the corner and ends at a kiosk. The developer offered to continue the walkway to the north. However, that is not what the residents wanted, and at their request, the developer has included additional landscape. The developer has worked with this plan, and there are limits to what can be done. The boat house is not sufficiently large in terms of what it should be to provide a good financial base. Commissioner Bradley believes there should be some latitude since we are giving Mr. Garcia $1 million. He feels it will make a tremendous difference if the building can be set back somewhat. The applicants questioned whether or not they should move forward with their submittals. Attorney Cherof advised that the applicants can submit their plans, and they will be reviewed in the normal process. Nothing the Commission said tonight is binding on the Commission in any way with respect to the conceptual design. C. Appoint members to the Advisory Group for Police Mobile Field Data Reporting City Manager Parker Hill provided a back-up memorandum which explains that this program requires an advisory board which will consist of members from the following areas: Local Law Enforcement Agency Local Prosecutor's Office Local Court System Local Public School System Local Nonprofit Group active in crime prevention or drug use prevention or treatment Police Chief Gage has volunteered to be the law enforcement representative. Brian Brennan was selected by the State Attorney's Office, and Richard Keppler, from Congress Middle School, has offered to fill the position from the local school system. Representatives are still needed to fill the slots from the local court system and a local nonprofit. In addition, other representatives can be selected for the law enforcement slot and the local public school slot if the Commissioners so desire. Mayor Taylor advised that he has no objection to the representatives who have already volunteered to fill a slot; however, he is not prepared to suggest anyone for the remaining positions. A decision was made to place this item on the next City Commission agenda. D. Report on Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard Forum and Set Date for Workshop Wilfred Hawkins, Assistant to the City Manager, provided a summary of the minutes that were included in the back-up material. Twenty-one people with expertise in planning, construction, real estate, banking, land development, and community redevelopment participated in the discussion about revitalizing and redeveloping the Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard target area. The panel made specific suggestions about how to revitalize and redevelop this area. MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 15, 1996 Many of the redevelopment strategies suggested could be applied to different areas of the City. The panel toured the downtown, the marina, Quantum Park, and Congress Avenue as well as the Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard Corridor. The strategies have proven successful in other cities and should be considered the formula for redevelopment. The following is a summary of the strategies as extracted from the minutes: Assemblage of land controlled by the allowing for expedited development projects City should produce a master plan for development in targeted areas (include citizen ideas) Development projects should be in a public/private partnership (This was emphasized very strongly by the panel members.) The City should contribute financially to the development project (land assemblage, development fee abatements, cash incentives, financing bonds, public/private grant funds, CDBG funds, TlF funds, etc.) City should use the CRA as the lead agency for community development projects (CRA should be staffed with professionals that understand developers' needs and the development process) The redevelopment strategies are just one component of the total panel discussion. Other specific suggestions for the Martin Luther King, Jr. Corridor target area were not covered in this memorandum. It is suggested that the Commission schedule a workshop to discuss the specific suggestions regarding MLK Boulevard as well as the development strategies. The Economic Development Director, Todd Kotas, will present information on economic development issues for the City. It is important that these issues be discussed in a very straightforward, nonpolitical, factual manner. Some panel participants are willing to come back and work with us. Mr. Hawkins recommended scheduling the workshop meeting for December. In response to Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz' question, Mr. Hawkins advised that the briefing book provides a oomplete inventory of land, land use, and zoning. Co~nsensus There was a consensus of the Commission to hold a workshop meeting at 7:00 p.m., on Thursday, Depember 12, in the Library Program Room. E. Contract for Bill Hukill City Manager Parker Hill advised that the back-up matedal includes a Letter of Understanding with Bill iHukill to allow him to continue to work with the City after October 16. He will resign his full-time position and will go to an hourly wage of $50 per hour for three days per week. This hourly salary is the same wage he is currently being paid with fringe benefits. This agreement would be in effect through January 31, 1997; however, it could be terminated with ten days' notice by either party. In response to Mayor Taylor's question, City Manager Parker Hill advised that Mr. Hukill's annual salary at present is approximately $69,000 plus 30% fringe benefits. Mr. Hukill's duties and responsibilities will remain the same. 32 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 15, 1996 Mayor Taylor pointed out that the length of the contract is 90 days and the contract is not to exceed $18,000. If these figures were multiplied out over a year, Mr. Hukill would earn approximately $72,000. City Manager Parker Hill reminded the Commissioners that this hourly salary does not include Social Security, retirement, car allowance or health insurance. At the present time, Mr. Hukill earns $50 an hour for his service. Part of that salary goes to Mr. Hukill, and part of it pays benefits. He will be getting the same cost per hour. Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz had no objection to this contract because of Mr. Hukill's expertise, City Manager Parker Hill advised that the City has the option of going with a consulting engineer as was done in the past. Commissioner Titcomb will support keeping the services we currently have rather than going thrbugh another firm. In response to Commissioner Bradley's question about the cost of the consulting services, City Manager Parker Hill advised that our contract with Gee &Jensen was a retainer which covered basic services. If there were additional duties, an hourly rate was paid on top of that retainer. Commissioner Bradley would be interested in looking at the possible cost savings of going to a consultant. Commissioner Tillman will support the Letter of Understanding with Mr. Hukill. Mayor Taylor does not object to the contract with Mr. Hukill. Motion Commissioner Titcomb moved to approve the contract between the City and Mr. Hukill for extension of his services. Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz seconded the motion which carried unanimously. F. Update for new recruitment for Police Department Commissioner Tillman requested an update on this recruitment. City Manager Parker Hill advised that Mr. Culver has been meeting with Art Lee and Brenda Gibbs of the Human Resources Department to develop a recruitment plan. We currently have four vacancies in the Police Department. X. LEGAL: A. Ordinances - 2nd Reading - Public Hearing None B. Ordinances - 1st Reading: MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 15, 1996 Proposed Ordinance No. 096-46 Re: economic development for qualified Redevelopment Area Providing incentives for businesses in the Community Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 096-46 by title only. Motion Commissioner Tillman moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. O96-46. Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz seconded the motion. City Clerk Sue Kruse polled the vote. The vote was unanimous. Proposed Ordinance No. 096-47 Re: Economic development in the Planned Industrial Development District (PID) Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. O96-47 by title only. Motion Commissioner Titcomb moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. O96-47. Commissioner Tillman seconded the motion. Mayor Taylor pointed out that there is a comment contained within this Ordinance which requires that a company needs to employ 50 people and maintain that employment rate over a five-year period. Mayor Taylor did not see a reference to determine whether or not the company has accomplished that goal. City Manager Parker Hill recalled that the requirement would be for a three-year period. CitY Attorney Cherof advised that a mechanism could be provided administratively through the application process. As part of the application process, they would sign a disclosure statement and an agreement to disclose this information on a periodic basis. It will become a contractual obligation. In addition, City Manager Parker Hill advised that we would be able to determine the company's number of employees by finding out how many people they are paying Social Security taxes for and Workers' Compensation. Attorney Cherof will add this language to the Ordinance. City Manager Parker Hill said a separate developer's agreement will be done with each individual business that comes in. Specific conditions can be added at that time. Attorney Cherof added that the end result will be an Ordinance authorizing the incentives for that company. The disclosure line wilt be included in the Ordinance. City Clerk Sue Kruse polled the vote. The vote was unanimous. Proposed Ordinance No. 096-48 Re: Establish 90-day moratorium for monopole/communication towers Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 096-48 by title only. 34 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 15, 1996 Motion Commissioner Tillman moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. O96-48. Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz seconded the motion. City Clerk Sue Kruse polled the vote. The vote was unanimous. C. Resolutions: None D. Other None XI. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. City Manager's Evaluation Mayor Taylor reminded the Commissioners that a request was made that this evaluation be completed by October 15. Commissioner Tillman advised that he was not ready at this time. City Manager Parker Hill said she received the majority of Commission responses. She thanked the Commissioners for their remarks and advised that she was requesting the 3% pay raise which was given to other City employees. That 3% increase would be retroactive to her anniversary date. Motion Commissioner Bradley moved to approve. Commissioner Tillman seconded the motion. Mayor Taylor feels City Manager Parker Hill has done an outstanding job over the past 11/2 years that he has been in office. She worked to put together the Visioning process, the Wrice process, two goal setting workshops whereby the wishes and goals of the Commissioners were accepted and acted upon in an expeditious manner. City Manager Parker Hill has worked hard on the Old School rehabilitation program, and the playground project. With regard to economic development, she has taken on a role on the Business Development Board, and worked very hard on presentations for new companies that are looking at coming into the City. She helped to bring APAC (United Parcel), CarMax and Cracker Barrel into the City. City Manager Parker Hill has worked on beautification of the exit and entrance ways with the State and been active with the Boynton Beach Boulevard and US#1 process which will begin soon, along with the development on Woolbright Road. She has put together the neighborhood groups and the COPS programs within the communities. She worked on downtown development, and in particular, on the 500 Block. With regard to the contingency account, there is a surplus of $1 million under City Manager Parker HilFs direction, and for the past two years, the budget preparation has been excellent. She served on the Pension Board and her direction has been beneficial to the employees. City Manager Parker Hill took a leadership role on the Clipper Cove deal and we realized $493,000 in a lump sum and 35 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 15, 1996 28% annually. We have already received $10,000 of that money to date. She reduced the debt of the Utility Bonds and. the City realized $1.8 million in 1994 and an additional $1.8 million in 1996 for a total of $3.6 million. City Manager Parker Hill has always taken on the Commissioners' desires in an expeditious manner. The water towers were removed and the "Shopper Hopper" service is in place. She handles complaints in a timely manner. She sits down with the Commissioners to review the City Commission agenda and clear up any problems or questions. Under her leadership, TNT has become very popular within the community. City Manager Parker Hill has lobbied the County Commission for funds and has been successful. We realized $750,000 for Gateway Boulevard and additional funding for the park on US #1. She has been very active with Black Awareness events, and makes the City proud with her presentations during speaking events. City Manager Parker Hill wrote and received the following grant funds for the City: 1913 School $547,000 Mangrove Park $409,000 Mangrove $143,000 Playground $50,000 School $45,000 City Manager Parker Hill took the General Fund from a deficit position of $649,000 to a reserve of $4:7 million. There has been no increase in the millage rate for two years. The Sanitation Fund has gone from a deficit of $75,000 to a fund balance of $1.2 million. A vehicle reserve fund was established for Sanitation with a current balance of $500,000. Under her leadership, this City has prospered over the last two years. This City will be willing to pay a considerable amount more money for what we will consider to be at least as good or equal to this type of leadership. City Manager Parker Hill currently earns $75,860. Her 3% increase will give her approximately $189 a month for the last seven months. This increase was due in May. Mayor Taylor proposes, in addition to the 3% pay raise, a merit bonus of 5% of her base salary which amounts to $3,793. Mayor Taylor feels City Manager Parker more than deserves this bonus. Motion Commissioner Bradley moved approval. Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz is very sad that City Manager Parker Hill is leaving. One of her comments on the evaluation is that City Manager Parker Hill has very high standards of efficiency and professionalism for this City. She will be a tremendously hard act to follow. Commissioner Tillman seconded the motion which carried unanimously. MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 15, 1996 XII. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: None Xll. OTHER: None XIII. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the City Commission, the meeting properly adjourned at 10:50 p.m. CiTY OF BOYNTON BEACH ATTEST: City~lerk - - - cording Secretary .~_.cor_ding (Five Tapes) ~/ico.May~ / / ~ ) Co,,gm/mi~sioner 37 CITY CITY OF BOYNTON COMMISSION APPROVALOFBILLS OCTOBER15,1996 III. CONSENT AGENDA D cc: Rec, Util, Fin = w = Sm CH2M HILL ............................................ $17,202.11 TO's #26, 27 and 31, Expansion Project, Gert Eng Serv, Mech Integrity Test Pay From Various Funds GAMETIME INC ......................................... $ 44,985.00 PO #12527. Playground Equipment Pay From Gert Fund -- 001-722-5-634-00 SOLID WASTE AUTHORITY OF PBC ....................... $ 98,238.60 9/96 Daily Landfill Use, $97,398.60; Street Sweep, $840.00 Pay From Sanitation Fund -- 431-341-5-490-01, $97,398.60, Pay From Gen Fund -- 001-411-5-490-01, $840.00 SCRWTD BOARD ...................................... $147,886.91 9/96 User Charges/wastewater trtmt & disp Pay From W & S Rev Fund -- 401-353-5-490-09 SCRWTD BOARD ....................................... $ 65,184.34 Inv#946, 948, 950, 952 & 954/Cap Projects/Sinking Fund Pay From Util Cap Imp Fund -- 404-000-0-691-20, $2,500.00, Pay From 1990 Const Fund -- 409-000-0-691-20, $52,463.63, Pay From Util Gen Fund -- 403-000-0-691-22, $10,220.71 COM V SS ON OCT ~5 /~'~' APPROVAL MOTOROLA ........................................... $18,653.49 PO 12792. Communications/Maintenance Agreement Quarterly Payment #1 Pay From Gen Fund -- 001-197-5-431-00 THESE BILLS HAVE BEEN APPROVED AND VERIFIED FOR PAYMENT B~( THE DEPARTMENT HEADS INVOLVED. DIANE REESE, FINANCE DIRECTOR I THEREFORE RECOMMEND PAYMENT OF THESE BILLS. CARRIE PARKER, CITY MANAGER GER003 BANK CHECK # D A T E BA~K AMOL!NT VEI~q~OR$ VENDOR/524PLOYE8 NAME ~03 0013398 9/06/96 54,768.32 $3 0013399 9/06/96 555,232.77 33 0013400 9/06/96 1,119.56 ~03 0172883 9/06/96 41.00 0803 0172884 9/06/96 45.66 0803 017D885 9/06/96 31.48 0803 0172!885 9/06/96 100.00 0803 0172;887 9/06/96 80.00 0803 0172888 9/08/96 83.38 0803 0172i888 9/06/96 28.00 0803 0172!890 9/06/96 20.08 0803 0172i89i 9/06/96 75.17 0803 01721892 9/06/96 38.74 0803 0172i893 9/06/98 2!7.05 0803 0172i894 9/06/96 1.54 0803 0172795 9/08/96 76.22 0803 0172i896 9/06/96 175.00 0803 0172~97 9/06/96 6.83 0803 0172~98 9/08/86 6.84 0803 0172~99 9/06/96 40.84 0803 0172~00 9/06/96 19.12 0803 0172901 9/06/96 13.06 0803 0172902 8/06/96 96.72 0803 0172~03 9/06/96 17.89 0803 0172904 9/06/96 100.36 0803 0172~05 9/06/96 720.00 ~ %°~03 0172~06 9/06/96 1.18 98 0172907 9/06/96 38.00 33 0172~08 9/06/96 93.35 ?'~03 0172909 9/06/96 378.00 0903 0172910 9/06/96 1.00 0803 0172911 9/06/96 52.00 0803 0172~12 9/06/96 300.00 0803 0172~13 9/06/96 49.36 0803 0172~14 9/06/96 1,409.88 0883 0172~i5 9/06/96 21.72 0803 0172~16 9/06/96 79.03 0803 0172~17 9/08/96 53.98 0803 0172~I8 9/06/96 5.76 0803 0172~19 9/06/96 25.80 0803 0172~28 9/06/96 100.00 0803 0172921 9/06/96 589.03 0803 0172922 9/06/96 73.80 0803 0172923 9/06/96 587.12 0803 0172924 9/06/96 59.63 0903 0172~25 9/06/96 172.26 0803 0172526 9/06/96 887.50 0803 0172527 9/06/96 166.22 0803 8172~28 9/06/96 948.00 0803 0172529 9/06/96 346.11 0803 0172~39 9/06/96 78,422.85 0803 0172931 9/06/96 840.00 ~'~)3 0172932 9/06/96 1,156.61 )3 0172~33 9/06/96 760.65 )3 0172934 9/06/96 375.65 202442 THE CREDIT UNION OE PALM 032895 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 340075 ~ICHAEL H/kAG 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. .REFUNDS 999993 MiSCELL~NEOUS PA~I~ElqTS 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFLrNDS 989993 MISCELLANEOUS PAY~NTS 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUArDS 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REF~JNDS 999993 MISCELI~EOUE PAYMENTS 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUAFDS 998992 WATER CREDIT BAL. RSFU~DS 999993 MISCELLA/~EOUS PA~fMENTS 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFL%qDS 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUiqD8 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFI/NDS 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFI/NDS 999992 'WATER CREDIT BAL. REFU~S 999993 ~ISCELLANEOUE PAYMENTS 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS III. CONSENT AGENDA E W/E 9/04 EMB DEDUCTIONS W/E 9/04 PAYROLL ADVANCE VACATION PAY AMA RODRiGUEZ GBR003 CURRENT MONTH CHECK LISTING 10/!0/96 PAGE SANK CHECK ~ D A T E SANK AMOUNT VENDOR# VENDOR/EMPLOYEE NAME DESCRIPTION 0803 0172935 9/06/96 25.00 015912 ASSN OF RECORDS HGRS/ADM MEETING REGISTP~ATION 0803 0172936 9/06/98 2,117.00 020171 B.L.C. LAWN & MAINTENANCE LA/~DSCAPE }{AIWTENANCE 0803 0172937 9/06/96 84.85 020225 BSN SPORTS ELECTRIC PUMP & INFLATOR 0803 0172938 9/06/98 175.00 020465 THE BANK OF NEW YORK TRUS Ab~NUAL PAYING AGENT FEE 0803 0172939 9/06/96 72,648.35 020471 BA~TT BANK - WITEHOLDIN FEDEPJ{L TAX DEDUCTIONS 0803 0172940 9/06/96 83,255.36 020476 B2~ETT BANK--FICA TAX FICA TAX DEDUCTIONS 0803 0172941 9/06/96 168.21 021539 BELL BOUT]{ MOBILITY MONTHLY CELLULAR SERVICE 0803 0172942 9/06/96 173.80 021600 BELL & HOWELL COMPkNY FILM PROCESSING 0803 0172943 9/06/96 4,'858.29 021611 BELLSOUTH TELBCOMMUNICATI MONTHLY SERVICE/PBX TRb~K 0803 0172944 9/06/96 174.58 022425 BICYCLE RIDER, INC. BICYCLE REPAIRS 0803 0172945 9/06/96 129.00 022707 BIO-SPEC, INC BIO-WASTE REMOVAL 0803 0172946 9/06/96 69,340.88 023800 BLUE CROSS OF FLORIDA HEALTH iNS. PREMIUMS-SEPT. 0803 0172947 9/08/96 44,953.72 023800 BLUE CROSS OF FLORIDA HEALTH INS. pREMIUMS-SEPT. 0803 0172948 9/06/96 1,823.98 024641 BOWBR2tU~4ONIA & CHEMICAL BULK Ai~ROUS A~ONIA 0803 0172949 9/06/96 149.55 024701 BOYNTON LAWNMOWER CLINIC LAWI~OWER REPAIRS 0803 0172950 9/06/96 270.00 024715 BOYNTON BEACH VOLUTEER VOLLrNTEER CLASS SEMIN~qS 0803 0172951 9/06/96 7,500.00 024723 BOYigTON BEACH CHILD CA~E 9Atg{ENT 4--ANNUAL F~JNDING 0803 0172952 9/06/96 18,154.61 024730 BOYNTON BEACH RETIR~MT EMP. PEMSION CONTRIBUTIONS 0803 0172953 9/06/96 5.00 026392 BUREAU OF ECONOMIC a BUSI PUBLICATION 0803 0172954 9/06/96 574.$0 030185 C.K.'S LOCKSHOF ~NC. MASTER 224 PADLOCE ~ KEYS 0803 0172995 9/06/96 89,268.47 030186 CH2M ~ILL CIP PROJECTS 0803 0172956 9/06/96 31,617.00 030553 CASSIDY AIR CONDITIONING CITY ~ALL A/C-HVAC HODIFIC 0803 0172957 9/06/96 17,149.03 032413 CMEMICAL LIME SM. PEBBLE QUICKLIME 0803 0172958 9/06/96 222.47 032415 CHENEY BROTHER6. INC. STYROFOAM CUPS 0803 0172959 9/06/96 107.50 032894 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH WKLY WATER BILL DEDUCTIONS 0803 0172960 9/06/96 320.00 033050 CHRISTOPHER J. COLLET TREE STUMp REMOVAL 0803 0172961 9/06/96 30.75 033661 MACOMB COUNTY-FRIEND OF C WEEKLY CHILD SUPPORT DED 0803 0172962 9/06/96 31.06 033674 DOMESTIC RELATIONS DEPT. WEEKLY CHILD SUPPORT DED 0803 0172963 9/06/96 72.69 033683 CLK OF COURTF-SUPPORT DEP WEEKLY CHILD SUPPORT DED. 0803 0172964 9/06/96 3,811.05 033693 CLERK OF COURTS WEEKLY CHILE SUPPORT DED. 0803 0172965 9/06/96 96.01 033694 CLERK OF COURTS-MARSHA ST WEEKLY CHILD SUPPORT DED. 0803 0172966 9/06/96 40.38 033698 CLK OF ~OURT~-COOK COUNTY WEEKLY CHILD SUPPORT DED. 0803 0172967 9/06/96 1,780.34 034497 COASTAL W]{OLESALE MISC. HAPJDWANE ~ERCHANDISE ~803 0172968 9/06/96 482.00 034606 COI~RCIAL ENERGY SPECIAL SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 0803 0172969 9/06/96 1,538.83 035421 CREDENTIAL LEASING CORP. LBASB PA~lV~NT - GIB 0803 0172970 9/06/96 ~80.39 036286 JEAN M. CUllINGS NEEKLE CHILD SUPPORT DED. 0803 0172971 9/06/96 39.30 041604 DELRAY BLUEPRINT BLUEPRINT COPIES 0803 0172972 9/06/96 3,306.62 041606 DELEAY FIRE EXT. SERVICE EMTIWGUISHER INSPECTIONS 0803 0172973 9/06/96 40.00 041624 DELTA BUSINESS SYSTEMS MONTHLY SERVICE CONTRACT 0803 0172974 9/06/96 25.00 041697 DEPT OF B.R.S. PEPJ~IT FEE-MULTI-CULTURAL GBR003 BANK CHECK DATE PAGE 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0S03 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0172990 0172991 0172992 0172993 0172995 0172897 0172998 0173p01 o173bo7 o173po8 o175017 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/08/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 9/06/96 6,928.12 )62820 2,030.00 062837 160.00 063659 138.00 063664 4,079.81 063674 15,627.00 063708 255.00 063719 6.00 063720 22~807.21 063780 44.62 063787 443.85 064593 35.00 070005 1,850.00 074530 i40.43 074564 184.80 074585 1,091.86 074591 4,733.16 075395 250.69 075409 418.50 075475 1,000.00 075607 530.00 080369 48,059.34 080580 35,835.94 080580 7,573.59 081604 126.00 084548 108.60 084552 500.00 086430 1,024.96 090108 9,024.18 090160 25.00 094276 25.00 094284 15.00 094286 60.70 094289 40.00 094290 10.00 094292 52.50 094293 18.75 094294 47.75 094300 100.00 094370 1,640.00 100176 131.14 100310 4,179.00 101654 77,341.42 104511 88,160.00 104813 29,231.00 120489 1,153.89 120546 1,566.00 121514 218.38 121775 25.00 122989 246.30 130282 194.50 130399 27,962.00 130959 240.24 131766 1,427.92 134646 7,147.20 134712 FIREFIGHTER'S PENSION TRU FIRST GEi~ESIS LA~/~ SERVIC FLORIDA ECONOMIC DEVELOPM FL DEPT OF EDUC-STUDENT F FLORIDA DIVISION OF RETIR FLORIDA LEAGUE OF CITIES FLORIDA ENGINEERING SOCiE FLORIDA EAST COA8~ RAILWA FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT CO FLORIDA pUBLIC UTILITIES F.H. FOSTER OIL COBP iNC GOVEP~NMENT FINANCE OFFICE DR. JA~ES D. GODWIN ~OLF VENTURES FIREEIGHTER PENSION LA, SCAPE 5~AiNTEN~NCE A~AL M~ERSHIP FEE STUDENT LOAN DEDUCTIONS CONTRiBUTiONS FOR 8/96 PER POLICY PREMIUMS S~4INAN REGISTRATION SYNCHRONIZATION OF 8 LIGHT CITY'S ELECTRIC BILLS NATUP~L GAS FOR COOKING FUEL FOR VICE VEHICLES PUBLICATION EMS DIRECTOR SERVICES-SEPT TEE ~ GREEN SUPPLIES 0803 0173045 9 ]6/96 511.00 136401 YUJNICIPAL EQUIPME~ CO. EQUIPMENT & BU1TKER GEAR 0803 0173046 9 06/96 9 448.04 136420 EU~ICiPAL 9OLICE POLICE PENSION 0803 0173047 9 06/96 102.80 136515 ~g3RPHY'S TOWING TOWING CHA/~GES 0803 0173048 9 06/96 50.00 140392 N I G 9 RECERTIFICATION CPPB 0803 0173049 9 06/96 924.10 140530 NATIONAL SAFETY ~LEAN [NC CLEAN BUNKER GEAR 0803 0173050 9 06/96 12.27 140685 DEBORA~ NELSON CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0803 0173051 9/06/96 2 068.82 151349 OFFICE MAX MISC. OFFICE MERCHA/~DISE 0803 0173052 9/06/96 2 003.50 153923 ARADAC AN IDENTIX CO. DIAGNOSTIC FEE FOR DATA RE 0803 0173053 9/06/96 133.66 160353 PAGENET NETWORK OF FL [NC PAGER SERVICE 0803 0173054 9/06/96 450.00 160381 PAI2~ BEACH COM~. COLLEGE PARAMEDIC REFRESHER FROG. 0803 0173055 9/06/96 523.08 160437 PALM BEACH SPRING COMPb-NY PARTS FOR VEHICLE REPAIRS 0803 0173056 9/06/96 !00.00 161662 PERSONAL TOUCH DOG TRAINI 4 ERS MONTHLY K-9 TRAINING 0803 0173057 9/06/96 36.39 161701 PETTY CASH ~- FIRE DEFT PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT 0803 0173058 9/06/96 102.12 161706 PETTY CASH ' COLF 2OURSE PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT 0803 0173059 9/06/96 79.28 161711 PETTY CASH - RECREATION PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT 0803 0173060 9 06/96 89.72 161720 PETTY CASH WATER & SEWER PETTY CASM REiMBURSEM~T 0803 0173061 9/06/96 850.!0 164708 pOWERLINE CHEMICAL MISC. JARITORIAL SUPPLIES 0803 0173062 9/06/96 126.35 165299 PREFERRED CMEMICAL MISC. J~NITORIAL SUPPLIES 0803 0173063 9/06/96 135.00 165439 THE PRINTING PAD 3 FART NCR FORMS 0803 0173064 9/06/96 52.50 176308 QUIK A~RIVAL TOWING & EEC TOWING 0803 0173065 9/06/96 79.00 180418 THE RADISSON PLAZA HOTEL HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS 0803 0173066 9 06/96 150.00 180505 EAYSIDE TRUCK · ~EAILER DURALINE ALLSTAR BEDLINER 0803 0173067 9/06/96 I 641.60 I80510 RAY ~LEM MANUFACTURING K-9 SUPPLIES 0803 0~Z3068 9/06/96 2 311.58 181502 RECREATION SUPPLY COMEA/qY MISC. POOL SUPPLIES 0803 0~73069 9 06/96 295,00 184570 ROLLINS COLLEGE COURSE REGISTRATION 0803 0173070 9/06/96 28 316.49 190180 8CRWTD BOA~33 CIP PROJECTS 0803 0173071 9/06/96 3 564.57 190181 SCRWTD BOA~ CIE PROJECTS 0803 0173072 9/06/96 I 0t8.61 190350 8~ETY-KLEEN CORP. RECYCLE OIL, Al%TI-FREEZE GBR003 CURRENT MONTH CHECK L~STiNG 10/10/96 PAGE 66 BANK CHECK # D A T E BANK AMOUNT VE~DOR~ VENDOR/EMPLOYEE NAME DESCRIPTION 3 0173100 9/06/96 15.00 235302 WODND THERAPY SPECIA251ST MISC. MEDICAL SUPPLIES 3 0173101 9/06/96 5,004.79 241596 XEROX CORPORATION MONTHLY COPIER LEASE/USAGE 3 0173102 9/06/96 820.00 266310 ZUCCALA'S WRECKER SERVICE TOWING CHARGES 0903 0173i03 9/06/96 226.84 280125 WILLIA/4 CARSON BiJiNCHARD ADVA/qCE VACATION PaY 0803 0173~06 9/06/96 i00.00 360091 ~JAN CARLOS JULIA CPR CLASS iNSTRUCTOR'S FHE 0803 0173~06 9/06/96 52.21 370059 JOHN KROLIKOWSKI PRO SHOP SALES CO}94ISSION 0803 0173107 9/06/96 60.00 390019 PAUL MATHIAS CPR INSTRUCTOR'S FEE 0803 0173108 9/06/96 100.00 390600 THOMAS MURPHY CPR CLASS INSTRUCTOR'S FEE 0603 0173109 9/06/96 46.50 470008 ROGER V~N KORLA~ AUGER DRILL RENTAL REIMBUR 0803 0013401 9/09/96 556.38 010313 AARON'S RENTAL PURCHASE TR3kNING EQUIPMENT RECITAL 0803 0013402 9/13/96 54,234.25 202442 TWE CREDIT 5~ION OF PALM W/E 9/11 EMP DEDUCTIONS 0803 0013~03 9/I3/96 354.55 390026 ~L~RY A/ON MYLOTT ADVANCE W/C 0803 0013404 9/13/96 496,975.97 032695 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACR W/E 9/11 PAYROLL 0803 01731!0 9/13/96 104.23 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS A AACHEN AUTO iNS DEPOT 0803 0173511 9/13/96 80.05 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS kBISSET CORPORATION 0803 0173512 9/13/96 87.50 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS AMERICAN FIN/UNCIAL NETHOR 0803 0173713 9/13/96 44.16 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS ANTNONY PALAZZOTTO 0803 0173i14 9/13/96 1.00 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS B~RBARA DE BA~ROS 0803 0173~15 9/13/96 42.26 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFLTNDS BARRY WALTER 0603 0173116 9/13/96 99~82 999992 WATER CRHDIT BAL. REED/TDS BASIL LEE KING 0803 0173~17 9/13/96 750.00 999993 MISCELLANEOUS PAYMENTS BELL ELECTRIC CONSTR. 0803 0173118 9/13/96 40.08 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS BHP~IARD KAVO 0803 0173~19 9/13/96 475.00 999993 MISCELLANEOUS 9AY~S BIG BEAT PRODUCTIONS 0803 0173~20 9/13/96 100.00 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REEl/NDE CRARLES DRISCOL 0803 0173~21 9/13/96 52.00 999993 MISCELLANEOUS PA~%~ENTE CHRIS WEMZEL ~--'3 0179~22 9/13/96 36.68 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFU~S CHRISTI SHIELDS 3 0173~23 9/13/96 90.96 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS CHRISTOPHER FOX 3 0173!24 9/13/96 54.82 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS CHRISTOPHHR PINE 08~3 0173~85 9/13/96 900.00 999991 WATER ~TR. DEPOSIT REPUND CITY OF BOYNTON BEACR 0803 0173~26 9/13/96 76.15 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS CUC TP~ 0803 0173~27 9/13/96 53.28 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. P~EFUI~DS DANA YOUNG 0803 0173~28 9/13/96 42.38 999992 WATHR CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS DHBKA RUDYMAN 0803 0173~29 9/13/96 93.92 999992 WATHE CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS DON ROBINSON 0803 0173~30 9/13/96 3.40 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFI/NDS DONNA MOYER 0803 0173~31 9/I3/96 76.15 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS DR ~ MRS DAN WITT 0803 0173~32 9/13/96 52.10 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS EFEIE bh%P, ADIH 0803 0173~33 9/13/96 .00 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REPUNDS ELIZ~ETE DE BARROE 0173~34 9/13/96 697.76 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFU~S EMGLE HOM~S 0803 0809 0173~35 9/13/96 52.44 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REPUNDS FIDELITY PEDEStaL 0803 0173~36 9/13/96 71.60 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS FLOYD JONDAN 0803 0173~37 9/13/96 1,099.82 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS G.L. HOMES 0803 0173~36 9/13/96 100.00 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS G.L. HOMES C/O 0803 0173~39 9/13/96 45.25 999992 WATER CRRDIT B~3~. REFUNDS GARY ROSS 0603 0173~40 9/13/96 54.82 999992 WATER CP~IT BAL. REFUNDS GERI-ASECE NIEVHS 0803 0173~41 9/13/96 22.88 999992 WATER CREDIT HAL. REFUNDS GUNNAR JOHNSON 0803 0173~42 9/I3/96 56.36 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS IP~4A PITA BLOK 0803 0173~43 9/13/96 22.20 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. R~FUi~DS JACQUELINE LAUDI~NSLAGER 0903 0173~44 9/13/96 76.22 999992 WATER CP~DIT BAL. R~FUNDS JACQUNLINE W~ATT 0803 0173~45 9/13/96 80.1~ 999992 WATER CP~IT BAL. REFUNDS JAMES MC CARR 0803 01731!46 9/13/96 48.78 999992 WATER CP~IT BAL. R~FUNDS JESSE SALDIVAR ,08,03 01731i47 9/13/96 65,36 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS JOHN DECKER 3 01731~8 9/13/9~ 36,68 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS JO}~N PENLAND 3 01731~9 9/13/96 51.74 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFI/NDS JOSEPH BEREIHA ,_~3 01751150 9/13/96 25.00 999993 MISCELLANEOUS PAYMENTS JIIDy KELLY 0803 0173151 9/13/96 77.69 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS K-MART -S.S KRESGE 0803 0173152 9 13/96 74.88 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFB~NDS K~E~ TAVIS 0803 0173153 9 13/96 73.14 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS KELLY 8HEP~ 0803 0173154 9 13/96 64.14 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REBITNDS KIM ~TJRRAY 0803 0173159 9/13/96 I00.00 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. R~EUNDS LAXE WORTH R~KAB ASSOC 0803 0173156 9 13/96 86.00 999993 HISCELLANEOUR ~A~ENTS LISA ZANNUCCI 0803 0173157 9/13/96 34.56 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFU1WDS LOUIS CARACCIOLO 0803 0173158 9/13/96 71.60 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFU~S LOUIS COZIER 0803 0173159 9/13/96 74.88 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS MARC JACOBWITZ 0803 0173160 9/13/96 50.90 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS MARK A~DEBSON 0803 0173161 9/13/96 26.22 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS M3%RY ~ATASSA 0803 0173182 9 13/96 47.08 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. RE~3NDS MAURICE SMITH 0803 0173163 9/13/96 26.93 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. ~EFUNDS MICHAEL EISE/4ROD 0803 0173164 9/13/96 44.10 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS MICHAEL HORITE 0803 0173165 9/13/96 53.28 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS MICHAEL RIZZUTZ 0803 0173166 9/13/96 70.65 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUArDS N.A. Z~-NE M.D. 0803 0173167 9 13/96 93.35 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS NICK ~OLLIFROWE 0803 0173168 9 13/96 135.39 999992 WATBR CREDIT EA~. REFUICDS P.B. HOliES, INC. 0803 0173169 9 13/96 144.41 999992 WATER CREDIT E~-L. REFUNDS PALM BEACH SAVINGS & LOAN 0803 0173170 9/13/96 125.00 999997 DEPO$II REFUNDS PAMELA HOLDERBAUM 0803 0173171 9/13/96 .00 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. RBFUNDS PEGGY MORRISOH 0803 0173172 9/13/96 315.00 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS R. SELIGMAN-CYiqW~D ~N~ES 0903 0173173 9 13/96 141.76 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFU~E RICKARD BERG 0803 0173174 9 13/96 21.94 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS RITA E/~OLL EEIDELL 0503 0173175 9 13/96 78.48 999992 WATER CP~DIT BAL. REFUNDR ROBERT MELCHIOI~A 0803 0173176 9/13/96 908.09 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS SANTA CRUZ. IWC 0803 0173177 9/13/96 172.69 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL* REFUNDS SCOTTY'R #116 0803 0173178 9/13/96 49.28 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS SCRIBBLES' CAFTC GROUP 0803 0173179 9/13/96 70.58 999992 WATBH CREDIT HAL. REFUNDS SFJ%NE-AGHR CONST. 0803 0173180 9/13/96 48.74 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS SIGNATURE COLLECTION HOME 0803 0173181 9 L3/96 261.02 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. EBFIINDS STAR ENTERPRISE 0803 0173182 9/13/96 275.00 999993 MISCELLANBO~S PAYMENTS STARK & STARK 0803 0173183 9 '13/96 92.78 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUIPDS STEPHEN FORIETEL 0803 0173184 9 'I3/96 101.00 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFLrNDS THE KEYS COMPA~ 0803 0173185 9/13/96 80.34 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS TP~ACY EEAF~TER 0803 0173186 9/13/96 116.67 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS VILLAS AT MALIBU 0803 0173187 9/13/96 389.78 999982 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS VILLAS OF BANYAN CREEK 0803 0173188 9 i3/96 27.96 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFL~NDS VIVIAN ROMEO 0803 0173189 9/13/96 82.47 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. RBFUI~DS WILLIAM ELLIOTT 0903 0173190 9/13/96 4.38 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS WILLIAM EALATICK 0903 0173193 9/13/96 23.64 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS WILLIAM F~.RGROVE 0803 0173192 9j13/96 17.38 999992 WATKRCREDIT BAL. REFU~S WILLIAM SLATTUM O3 03 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 03 03 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 03 03 __03 0173206 0173207 0173208 0173209 0173210 0173213 017~214 017~216 0173221 017 223 01731227 01731228 01731229 0173!230 01731231 01731232 01731233 0173i234 9/13/96 60,589.34 020471 BARNETT BANK ' WITHHOLDiN 9/13/96 74,346.76 020476 B~NETT BA~K--BICA TAX 9/13/96 84.85 020494 BAR~MES AND NOBLE 9/13/96 5,945.47 021560 BELLSOUTH 9/13/96 768.08 021700 BETRESDA MEMORIAL HOSPITA 9/13/96 1,575.00 022643 BIG BEAT PRODUCTIONS, INC 9/13/96 699.80 022811 BIRD'S EYE VIEW 9/13/96 315.10 024369 BOCA TIRES, iNC. 9/13/96 60.00 024479 BOB BORDEN 9/13/96 278.00 024707 BOYNTON AUTO INTERIOR 9/13/96 16,442.44 024730 BO.VNTON BEACH RETIREMENT 9/13/96 1,087.50 025586 BROOKS PRODUCTS-MEDLEY 9/13/96 1,474.20 026306 BUILDER'S SQUA~RE 9/13/96 1,820.00 026380 BULLDOG FENCE & TENNIS 9/13/96 506.64 026412 BURTON GOLF, INC. 9/13/96 1,278.05 030185 C.K.'S LOCKSHOP, INC. 9/13/96 549.66 032388 CHAMPION MANUFACTURING 9/13/96 107.50 032894 CITY OF BOYI~TON BRACH 9/13/96 80.00 033050 CHRISTOPHER J. COLLET 9/13/96 30.75 033661 5IACOMB COL%NTY-FRIEND OF C 9/13/96 31.06 033674 DOMESTIC RELATIONS DEPT. 9/13/96 72.69 033683 CLK OF COURTS-SUPPORT DEB 9/13/96 3,811.05 033693 CLERK OF COURTS 9/13/96 96.01 033694 CLERK OF COURTS-MARSHA ST 9/13/96 40.38 033698 CLK OF COURTS-COOK COENTY 9/13/98 554.69 034561 COLD AIR DISTRIBUTORS 9/13/96 686.94 034570 COLE MUFFLER 9/13/96 1,072.07 034611 COb~4UNITY ASPHALT CORP. 9/13/96 1,986.00 034637 COMPAQ COMPUTER CORP. 9/13/96 2,511.72 034869 CONSTRUCTION HYDRAULICS O 9/13/96 95.00 035404 CRAWFORD GARAGE DOORS OF 9/13/96 492.00 036270 CUMMINS-ALLISON 9/13/96 180.55 036286 JEAN M. CU~INGS 9/13/96 165.00 040404 DATA FLOW SYSTEMS, INC. 9/13/96 607.80 040407 DAT~.~ASE TECENOLOGIES 9/13/96 327.00 041536 DELL COMPUTER CORP. 9/13/96 271.10 041704 DESIGN CONTROLS 9/13/96 94.50 042660 FRED DISALLH 9/13/96 16.00 042889 DIVERSIFIED COLLECT SHRV 9/13/96 190.00 045480 DRUG ENFORCEMENT S~MINARB 9/13/96 21.00 047618 DYNAMIC GRAPHICS, INC. 9/13/96 1,327.50 054370 ENTEX iNFORF~ATION SERVICE 9/13/96 785.00 054372 ENGINEERING SOFTWARE SBNV 9/13/96 2,979.62 055310 LINA 9/I3/96 8,347.18 055310 LINA 9/13/96 2,463.30 095310 LINA 9/13/96 9,000.00 055550 BENST & YOUNG LLP 9/13/96 15.00 060124 FWPCOA TRAINING 9/13/96 5,732.81 062820 FIMEFIGNTER'S PENSION TRU 9/13/96 29.00 062827 FIRST AMENDMENT FOUNDATIO 9/13/96 2,020.00 062837 FIRST GENESIS LAWN SHNVIC 9/13/96 138.00 063664 FL DEBT OF EDUC-STUDENT F 9/13/96 51.00 063797 FLORIDA PHOTO NEWS 9/13/96 250.00 063770 FLORIDA POLICE CHIEFS ASS 9/13/96 149.00 063773 FPCA-FL POLICE CHFS ASSOC FEDERAL TAX DEDUCTIONS FICA TRE DEDUCTIONS BOOK CITY'S TELEPHONE BILLS EMERGENCY MEDICAL SUPPLIES T.N.T. CONCERT BAND DEPOS. MLK VERTICAL A~ERiAL PHOTO TIRES FOR STOCK CPR INSTRUCTOR'S FEE INTERIOR AUTO REPAIR #426 E~p. PENSION CONTRIBUTIONS 37-H METER SOX GEE003 CURRENT MONTH CHECK L2STIEG 10/10/96 PAGE 0803 0173261 9/13/96 I85~00 063779 FLORIDA SERVICE ENGINEERS REPAIR ROBICON 0803 0173262 9/13/96 625.00 063790 FLORIDA RECREATION & PARS MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS 0803 0173263 9 13/96 509.60 063816 FLORIDA STATE LODGE-LA~O8 SGT & LT DUES FOR AUGUST 0803 0173264 9/!3/96 105.00 064648 FOWLER CARBONICS, INC. BULK CO2 0803 0173265 9/13/96 !64.86 064649 GEORGE W. FOWLER CYLINDER RENTALS-AUGUST 0803 0173265 9 13/96 19S.96 071550 GE~EARL G~C TRUCK SALES & TRUCK PARTS FOR REPAIRS 0803 0179267 9/13/96 103.00 073579 GLASS ACT OCC. LICENSS REFUND 0803 0173268 9/13/96 242.90 074585 SUSAN GOODMA~ PRIVATE TENlgIS LESSONS 0803 0173269 9/13/96 i 249.13 0754S8 GREENTREE DRY CLE~ERS UNIFORM CLEARINGS-AUGUST 3803 0173270 9/13/96 2~64].00 075524 T. KEITH GROVE, DD, MS V~4 4 CROW~S FOR BADS 0803 0173271 9/13/96 34].00 075600 GULF STATE DISTRIBUTORS 9 PELLE~ REDUCE ~OIL BUCK 0503 0173272 9~I3/96 92.00 075606 GULFSTREAM GRAPHICS, INC. UTILITY SERVICE FO~-MS 0803 0173273 9/13/9E 202.52 075610 GULFBTREAM LUMBER CO. MISC. HARDWARE MERC~L~ISf 0803 0173274 9/13/96 ~26.00 08454S HOLIDAY I~ WINTERPARK HOTEL ACCO~SMODATIONS 0803 0173275 9/13/96 750.00 084689 HOTEL REFERRALS AD IN MOTEL BLUE BOOK 0803 0173276 9/13/96 109.90 0S6472 KYDROPRC, INC. WELD LEAK IN SCRUBBER GAS 0803 0173277 9/13/96 45.00 090050 I.A.E.I. PALM BEACH SEMINAR REGISTRATION 0803 )173278 9/13/96 1.024.96 090108 ICMA RETIRE)tENT TRUST 457 EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTIONS 0803 )173279 9/i3/96 875.65 090119 IBM MONTHLY MAINTEIgAigCE AGEMT. 0803 ]173280 9/13/96 7,844.28 090160 I.S.A.C,--FOR TEE BENEFIT WORKER'S COMP. DEPOSIT 0803 ]173281 9/13/96 99.10 094195 2NFOP~4ATION RADIO TEC~NOL ALPRAPAGE UPGRADE 0803 )173282 9/13/96 226.87 094204 iNPOR~TION REFERENCE GRO BOOKS 0803 )1732S3 9/13/96 39.00 094207 INDUSTRIAL WASTE PRRTREAT A~Ah SUBSCRIPTION 0803 ]173254 9/13/96 i60.00 094220 INNOVATI05 GROUPS WORKSHOP REGISTRATION 0803 )173255 9~ 13/96 25.00 094276 I.R.S. FOR RIGGLE~ W~RKLY IRS DEDUCTIONS 0803 )1732S6 9~ 13/96 25.00 094284 IRS-DONALD K~APP WEEKLY IRS DEDUCTIONS 0803 ]173287 9/13/96 15.00 094286 ~.R.S. FOR R. ALEXANDER WEEKLY IRS DEDUCTIONS 0803 ]173288 9/13/96 60.70 894289 fRS-ANTHONY DOLPEIN WEEKLY IRE DEDUCTIONS 0803 ]173289 9/13/96 10.00 094292 IRS' FOR MARK ROBERTS WEEKLY IRS DEDUCTIONS 0803 )173290 9/13/96 18.75 094294 rRB- CLIFFORD ROCKE~ WEEKLY IRS DEDUCTIONS 0803 ]173291 9/13/96 47.75 094300 [.R.S. FOR LUIS GARCIA WEEKLY IHS DEDUCTIONS 0803 ]173292 9/13/96 200.00 094308 £NTERNATIONAL FACILITY MA CERTIFICATION SAINT. FEE 0803 ]173293 9/13/96 3,003.22 100153 J. MARCEL E/qTRRBRIEES UNIFOEM SHIRTS 0803 )173294 9/13/96 504.80 100187 I.C. FOOD SERVICE MG~T & AFTERBCHOOL SNACKS 0803 3173295 9/13/96 60.00 100212 J & S AUTOMOTIVE FRONT EN~ ALIGb14ENTB 0S03 ]173296 9/13/96 S7.64 101486 IAVELIN BLUE HEADCOVERS & GOLF BAG 0803 0173297 9/13/98 I4,112.$5 104682 JONES CHEMICALS SULFURIC ACID 0803 ]173298 9/13/96 12,750.80 104690 JOSIAS,GOREM,CHEROF, ETAL GENEPO%% LEGALMATTERS 0803 ]173299 9/13/96 716.38 120546 LAWMEN'S & SHOOTER'S SUPP RAINCOATS~BADGES/SUPPLIES 0803 ]173300 9/13/96 {60.00 120549 LAWSON, NOBLE & WEBH, INC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0803 0173301 9/13/56 110.84 122915 LLOYD'S OF BO]fNTON BEACE, REPAIR VEHICLE ~836 0503 0173302 9/13/96 515.43 130036 M.A.B PAINTS ~106 PAINT ~ PAINT SUPPLIES 0803 0173303 9/13/96 76.40 130505 MARCI~/E. INC. AUGUST MONTHLY CF~ARGRS 0803 0173304 9/13/96 1,533.30 13)564 MATRXMEDICAL SUPPLY EMERGENCYMEDICAL SUPPLIES 0803 0173305 9/13/96 22.00 131558 MEDICATION STATION MORPHINE 0803 0173305 9/13/96 1,824.38 131573 MELROSE SUPPLY & SALES DICKSON CfL%RTS 0803 01733S7 9/13/96 154.15 ~31615 MERKEL GLASS SERVICE REPAIR WINDOW FF~AME % ~C 0803 0173308 9 '13/96 1,I42.16 i31669 METRON-FA/~NIER HEXAGRAM PITPACK 0803 0173309 9/13/96 8,319.44 ~36420 MUNICIPAL POLICE POLICE ~ENSION 0803 0173310 9/13/96 243.80 140513 NATIONAL FIR~ PROTECTION PUBLICATIONS 0803 0173311 9/13/96 712.98 140530 NATIONAL SAFETY CLEA~ INC CLEAlg/MEFURBISN BUNKER GR 0803 0173312 9/13/96 35.00 141734 NEWTON'S RADIO & T.V. CLEA~ TAPE AUDIO VIDEO FIDS 0803 0173313 9/13/96 127.00 141768 NIHON, £NC. REPAIR CAM~P,A 0803 0173314 9/13/96 99.25 150840 O.C. ~AYLOR MOTORS, INC. KICKER 0803 0173315 9/13/96 75.50 150915 OCF2%NA PUBLICATIONS BOOKS '13 0173316 9/13/96 3,399.60 151856 OFFICE SPECIALISTS )3 0173317 9/I3/96 7S.00 I53911 OMNIGRAPHICS, INC. 13 0173318 9/13/96 139.25 160353 PAGENET NETWORK OF FL iNC ~08~3 0173319 9/13/96 263.80 160373 PALM BEACH BP. AKE& W~EEL 0803 0173220 9/13/96 250.00 160377 PALM BEACH COUNTY HEALTH 0803 0173921 9/13/96 73,236.43 160391 PALM BCH COUNTY BOARD OF 0803 0173322 9/13/96 1,356.60 160424 PA/~BEACH NEWSPAPERS 0803 0173~23 9/13/96 2,722.78 160625 PALM BEACH POST 0803 0173~24 9/13/96 496.71 161585 P~NINSULA~ ELECTRIC DIST. 0803 0173825 9/13/96 40.00 161700 PETTY CASH LIBP~ARy 0803 0173326 9/13/96 167.95 161707 PETTY CASH - POLICE 0803 0173327 9/13/96 296.31 164702 WASTE ~GMT OF P~ BEACH 0803 0173~28 9/13/96 90.18 176293 QUALITY BOOKS INC. 0803 0173829 9/13/96 1,002.59 176397 R.C. SPORTS 0803 0173~30 9/13/96 99.80 180449 RAMADA INN OF KEY WEST 0803 0173331 9/13/96 796.50 182800 RINKEH MATERIALS CORP, 0803 0173~32 9/13/96 285,00 184570 ROLLINS COLLEGE 0803 0173933 9/13/96 883.00 190176 SBCCI 0803 0173~34 9/13/96 1,326.47 190189 S & H DISTRIBUTORS 0803 0173~35 9/13/96 1,300.00 190433 SAN BERN~=qDINO COUNTer HUM 0803 0173~36 9/13/96 35.00 190612 SAVE THE MOMENT 0803 0173~37 9/13/96 189.00 190620 SAXON BUSINESS SYSTEMS 0803 0173338 9/13/96 2,950.56 192755 SIGNAL COb94UNICATIONS 0803 0173339 9/13/96 357.96 193914 SMITH BROTHERS FILM DROP r Q~$3 0173~57 9/13/96 113.85 290013 SANTOS CARRION TEMP. CLERICAL SERVICES BOOKS MONTHLY PAGER SERVICE-SEPT PARTS FOR VEHICLE REPAIRS PEBMIT FEE FOR APPLICATION REMIT IMPACT FEES FOR AUG. CLASSIFIED ADS LEGAL ADS FOR AUGUST MISC. ELECTRIC SUPPLIES PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT PETTY CASH REIMBb'RSEMENT PORT-O-LETS AT PARK BOOKS 0803 0173371 9/13/96 40.00 300003 kNTKONY DOLPHIN 0803 0173372 9/13/96 I0.00 300103 DEBBIE DYPOLD 0803 0173373 9/13/96 40.00 310022 ~E~N EBERLY 0803 0173374 9/13/96 35.00 330003 bUIS G~-RCIA 0803 0173375 9/13/96 40.00 340077 F~K HENKLE 0803 0173376 9/13/96 45.00 360080 R~NDALL 3~3TE 0803 0173377 9/13/96 8.00 360200 JULIAN JEFFERSON 0803 0173379 9/13/96 40.00 370003 HENRY i~iYA 0803 0173379 9/13/96 30.00 370011 MICHAEL KEEFE 0803 0173380 9/13/96 45.00 370018 ALAiq L KIRCHEN 0803 0173381 9/13/96 15.00 370025 D KINSER 0803 0173382 9/13/96 25.00 370030 JEFFREY A KINBACHER 0803 0173383 9/13/96 5.00 370060 KEITH KNIGHT 0803 0173384 9/I3/95 5.00 370065 ROBERT KNUSE 0803 0173385 9/13/96 5.00 370150 MATTHEW KEELER 0803 0173386 9/13/96 617.16 380008 ROLAi~D C. LACROIX 0803 0173387 9/13/96 195.00 380032 EDWAP~D LAMONS WELDING 0803 0173388 9/13/96 5.00 380038 RICHARD LIS~AURO 0803 0173389 9/13/96 39.36 380052 ARTHUR LEE 0803 0173390 9/13/96 50.00 380063 DEBBIE LYTLE 0803 0173391 9/13/96 5.00 390021 PAIGE MARTIN 0803 0173392 9/13/98 409.39 390073 MICHAEL J. MELILLO 0803 0173393 9/13/96 5.00 390106 TIM MORMAN 0803 0173394 9/13/96 25.00 390600 THOMAS M~RPHY 0803 0173395 9/13/96 5~00 400023 DEAIq N~W~LL 0803 0173396 9/I3/96 45.00 400024 RODRICK L. NANCE 0803 0173397 9/13/96 5.00 424700 ANDREW ~ODRAY 0803 0173398 9/13/96 40.00 424850 KEVIN QUINN FOOD ALLOWANCE FOR AUGUST FOOD ALLOWAiqCE FOR AUGUST FOOD ALLOWANCE FOR AUGUST FOOD ALLOWANCE FOR AUGUST FOOD ALLOWANCE FOR AUGUST FOOD ALLOWANCE FOR AUGUST FOOD ALLOWANCE FOR AUGUST FOOD ALLOWAlqCE FOR AUGUST FOOD ALLOWANCE FOR AUGUST FOOD ALLOWANCE FOR AUGUST FOOD ALLOWANCE FOR AUGUST FOOD ALLOWANCE FOR AUGUST POOD ALLOWA/qCE FOR AUGUS~ FOOD ALLOWANCE FOR AUGUS~ FOOD ALLOWA/qCE FOR AUGUST CONTRACTUAL SERVICES WELDING SERVICES FOOD ALLOWANCR FOR AUGUST TEAVEL EXPENSE F~I~iBURSEMT PETTY CASH FOR ~P. PARTY FOOD ALLOWANCE FOR AUGUST ADVANCE VACATION PAY POOD ALLOWANCE FOR AUGUST FOOD ALLOWANCE FOR AUGUST FOOD kLLOWANCE FOR AUGUST POOD ALLOWANCE FOR AUGUST O8O3 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0173422 0173423 0173424 0173428 0173426 0173427 0173428 0173!430 0173733 01731434 0173937 017370 9/20/96 26.93 999992 WATER CREDIT B~L. REFUNDS D~;IELLE GAETA.NO 9/20/96 84.82 999992 WATER CREDIT KAL. REFUlVDS DAVID KAFEES 8/20/96 33.14 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUlX~DS DEBBIE BERTA 9/80/96 70.18 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFt~qDS DONNA MONDO 9/20/96 14.63 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS EDWARD FAGAN 9/20/96 4.37 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS ELISAEETH DE PREE 9/20/96 53.~0 999992 WATER CREDIT KAL. REFUNDS ELIZABETH DE BARRO$ 9/20/96 49.68 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFU1ND$ ERI~J% SERPJ%iqO 9/20/96 61~02 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS FRA~NK GRECCO 9/20/96 512.88 988992 WATER CREDIT BAL* REFLrNDS FRED RERRINGTON INC 9/20/96 28.28 899992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS FREEMA~N STOR14, SR 9/28/96 11.88 999992 WATER CREDIT KAL. REEUNDS GE~%LDINE HALL 9/20/96 22.42 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDE JACKIE FURLONG 9/20/96 23.78 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFLrNDS JACQUELINE WYATT 9/20/96 100.00 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFLrNDS JAMES HA~NSKAW 9/20/96 18.44 999992 WATER CRKDIT BAL. REFUNDS JEFF AUKR 9/20/96 2.47 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REPUNDS JOAI~ COLAVECCHIO 9/20/96 78.60 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. R~FUNDS JOELLE COPE 9/20/96 34.64 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUI~DS JO~ DECKER 9/20/96 18.32 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUi~DS i~%REN TAVIS 9/20/96 73.14 999992 WATER CREDIT RAL. REFUNDS KEITR SULPIZl 9/20/96 26.86 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUI~DE K~LLY SEEPARD 9/20/96 2.76 999992 WATER CP~DIT BAL. R~FUiNI)E KIMMURP. AY 0803 0173477 9 '20/96 20.10 999992 0803 0173478 9/20/96 42.07 999992 0803 0173479 9 '20/98 6~52 999992 0803 0173480 9 20/96 766~00 01)147 ]803 0173481 9/20/96 657.69 ]13152 0803 0173482 9/20/96 50.00 )10285 0803 0173483 9/20/96 1,~37.88 )11511 0803 0173484 9/20/96 212.00 )12779 0803 0173485 9/20/96 25.00 012800 0803 0173486 9/20/96 65.00 013788 0803 0173487 9/20/96 1.649,50 014031 0803 0173488 9 '20/96 444.50 014921 0803 0173489 9/20/96 346.00 015503 0803 0173490 9/20/96 585.47 015541 0803 0173491 9/20/96 1.506.25 015973 0803 0173492 9/20/96 380.10 015997 0803 0173493 9/20/96 1,130.00 016017 )803 0173494 )/20/96 1,627.00 020171 )803 0173495 )'20/96 17.119.01 020210 )803 0173496 9 20/96 328.93 020225 )803 0173497 9120/96 58,501.77 020471 0803 0173498 9'20/96 78.060.38 020476 0803 0173499 9 20/96 371.20 020484 ]803 0173500 9 20/96 140.10 021544 )803 0173501 9/20/96 1,907.47 021559 0803 0173502 9/20/96 112.00 021614 3803 0173503 9/20/96 72.58 021714 3803 0173504 9/20/96 117.45 021718 0803 0173505 9 20/96 925.00 022425 0803 0173506 9/20/96 118.30 824289 0803 0173507 9/20/96 105.00 024310 0802 0173508 9/20/96 70.00 024479 0803 0173509 9/20/96 425.00 024523 0803 0173510 9/20/96 16,375.92 024730 0603 0173511 9/20/96 295.31 024780 0803 0173512 9 20/96 250.00 025469 0803 0173513 9/20/96 1.)~7.50 025585 0803 0173514 9/20/96 127.00 026306 0803 0173515 9/80/96 1,707.75 030036 0803 )173516 9,20/96 13,227.97 030282 0803 0173517 9/20/96 99.00 030476 0803 0173518 9/20/96 184.31 030503 0803 3173519 9/20/96 107.50 032894 0803 0173520 9/20/96 382.00 032999 0803 0173521 9/20/96 450.80 033050 0803 0178522 9/20/96 30.75 033661 0803 0173523 9/20/96 31.06 033674 0803 0173524 9/20/96 72.69 033683 0803 0173525 9/20/96 3,811.05 033693 0803 0173526 9/20/96 96.01 033694 0803 0173527 9/20/96 40.38 033698 0803 0173528 9/20/96 27.60 033712 0803 0173529 9/20/96 13,820.22 034496 0803 0173530 9/20/96 62.50 034606 0808 0173531 9/20/96 1,829.46 034919 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS WATER CREDIT BAL. REFI/NDS WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS AAA UNITED PEST 2ONTROL A-1 SPECIALTY GASOLINES AT&T LANGUAGE LINE SERVIC AERO PRODUCTS CORPORATION AIR-RRE CO. INC. GBR003 CUFd~ENT MONTH CHECK LISTING 3 0173532 9/20/96 1,265.38 034919 CORPORATE EXPRESS OF FLOR 3 0173533 9/20/96 1,295.91 035421 iREDENTIAL LEASING CORP. 3 0173534 9/20/96 374 00 036268 JAMES CD~94INGS 0803 0173535 9/20/96 180.55 036286 JEA/~ M CUMMINGS 0803 0173536 9/20/96 974.67 040310 DADE PAPER COMPANY 0803 0173~37 9/20/96 154.0C 040392 DARE AMERICA 0803 0173~38 9/20/96 2.60 041604 DELRAy BLUEPRINT 0803 0173539 9/20/96 720.69 041608 DELRAY LINCOLN WERCURY 0803 0178540 9/20/96 577.34 042875 GENCOBB. INC. 0803 0173541 9/20/96 16.00 042888 DIVERSIFIED COLLECT SERV 0803 0173542 8/20/96 258.00 050296 EASTCO INDUSTRIAL SAFETY 0803 0173~43 9/20/96 718.53 050302 EASTERN AUTO BODY AND GLA 0803 0173544 9/20/96 5,573.95 050310 EASY PaY TIRE STORE 0803 0173945 9~20/96 480.00 050379 ECONOMIC ELECTRIC MOTORS 0803 0173~46 9~20/96 100.00 053903 EMERGENCY MEDICA~ SONSULT 0803 0173~47 9/20/96 390.00 054368 ENVI RODY~NE ENVIRONMENTAL 0803 0173348 9/20/96 864.75 054370 ENTEX INFORMATION SERVICE 08Q3 0i73~49 9/20/96 100.00 056936 EXECUTIVE WOMEN,S GOLF 0803 0173550 9/20/96 806.00 060230 DEVERE FADER 0803 0173~51 9/20/96 2.196.75 060291 FAP~R & IRWIN CORP. 0803 0173~52 9/20/96 1,645.00 060410 FAST-DRY CORPOP~ATION 0803 0173~53 9/20/96 18.00 062794 FIRE COLLEGE TRUST FUND 0803 0173554 9/2C/96 5,756.76 )62820 FIREFIGHTER'S PENSION TRU 0803 0173455 9/20/96 25.00 )62827 FIRST AMENDMENT FOU~DATIO 0803 0173~56 9/20/96 1.320.00 062837 FIRST GENESIS LAWN SERVIC 0803 0173~57 9/20/96 895.51 063000 FISHER SCIENTIFIC 3 0173~50 9/20/96 525.00 063640 FLORIDA AMERICAI~ PLANNING 0173~59 9/20/96 138.00 063664 FL DEFT OF EDUC-STUDENT F 3 3 0173~60 9/20/96 790.00 063720 FLORIDA ~AST COAST RAILWA 0803 0173~6i 9/20/96 653.97 063761 FLORIDA MUNICIPAL EQUIPME 0803 0173~62 9/20/96 3,672.95 063780 FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT CO. 0803 0173~63 9/20/96 314.74 064550 FOOT-JOY INC 0803 01735164 9/20/96 2.580.00 064557 FORESTRy REEOURSES INC. 0803 01735165 9/20/96 i12.96 065557 ERIKA FRAZ IER 0903 01735166 9/20/96 96.50 071558 GENERAL RENTAL CENTER 0803 01735167 9/20/9~ 518.9~ 074575 C4DLF & TENNIS EEADWEAR CO 0803 01735i66 9/20/96 301.70 074585 SUSAN GOODHA~ 0803 01735i69 9/20/96 44.00 074588 GORILLA MOTORS 0803 01735~0 9/20/96 182.9~ 075473 ETEVEN A. GRENIER 0803 01735U1 9/20/96 97.50 075602 GULFSTREAM CERAMICS 0803 01735~2 9/20/96 220.42 080286 H.F. SCIENTIFIC,INC. 0803 01735~3 9/20/96 48.85 080300 RACE COMPANY MISC. OFFICE SUPPLIES LEASE GIS SYSTEM 2LEANING~CLOTHiNG ALLOW. WKLY CHILD SUPPORT DEDUCT. MISC. JAiqITORIAL WERCF~/¢D. WORKBOOKS COPIES OF BLUEPRINTS VEH. REPAIR PARTS SUPPLIES TEA~NIS BALLS WKLY STUDENT LOAN DEDUCT. RIGID FOk~ BELTS GBR003 cLrRRENT MONTH ~HECK LZSTiNG 10/!0/96 PAGE 77 0803 ]173587 9 20/96 341.81 091229 IDEAL SUPPLY COMP~2QY ~ISC. JAnITORiAL SUPPLIES 0803 ]173588 9 20/96 900.00 094247 INSURANCE SERVICING & WORKER'S COMP CLAIMS FKES 0903 ]173589 9 20/96 25.00 094276 I.R.S. FOR RIGGL~2~N WEEKLY IRS DEDUCTIONS 0803 3173590 9 20/96 25.00 094284 IRS-DONALD KiQAPP WEEKLY IRS DEDUCTIONS 0803 3I 73591 9/20/96 15.00 [)4286 C.R.S. FOR R. ALEXANDER W~EKLY IRS DEDUCTIONS 0803 0173592 9 20/96 60.70 094289 ERS-A~THONY DOLBRIN WEEKLY IRS DEDUCTIONS 0S03 0173593 9 20/96 10.0¢ 094292 ERS- FOR MJ~RK ROBERTS WEEKLY IRS DEDUCTIONS 0803 3173594 9/20/96 18.75 094294 [RS- CLIFFORD ROCKEY WEEKLY IRS DEDUCTIONS 0903 3173595 9/20/96 47.75 094300 [.R.S. FOR LUiS GARCIA WEEKLY IRS DEDUCTIONS 0803 0173596 9 20/96 435.00 094365 5NVESTIGATORS DRUG SCHOOL SE~4INA~ REGIETP~ATtON 0803 0173597 9 20/96 500.00 101480 DR. IOSEPH JAlZVIS MZ ZSPH PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0903 0173598 9 20/96 1 568.00 101508 /EFFREY ALL~N INC. SATTERIES 0803 0173599 9/20/96 23.22 101661 3ER~Y'S TURF PRODUCTS BRAKE C2%BLE 0803 0173600 9 20/96 374.00 110291 ~NDREW KALIN CLE2%NING CLOTHING ALLO~ 0803 0173601 9 20/96 112.05 110450 ~RST~N MANUFACTURING COR HATS PRO SHOP F~ERCH~A!D. 0803 0173602 9/20/96 76.00 120401 hA~E WORTH FiRE EQUIPMENT FIRE SYSTEM INEPECTION GBR003 10/10/96 PAGE 78 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0808 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 3 3 3 0803 0803 0803 0S03 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 3 3 0173642 0173643 0173844 0173645 0173646 0173647 0173~52 0173468 0173470 ::::!:: ::::::: 9/20/96 287.00 190350 SAFETY-KLEEiq CORP. 9/20/96 471.84 190893 SCHINDLER ELEVATOR CORP. 9/20/96 277.58 191695 SEWELL, TODD, & BROXTON 9/20/96 2,372.45 191976 SHANNON CHEMICAL CORP. 9/20/96 825.00 192755 SIGNAL COMmUnICATIONS 9/20/96 119.95 184498 SOFTM~T, INC. 9/20/96 336.00 194669 SOUTH PLORIDA NEWSPAPERS 9/20/96 1,439.22 194746 $OUTHERig SEWER EQUIPMENT 9/20/96 417.61 194770 SOUTHLA~ND EQUIPMENT CORP. 9/20/96 25,000.43 196355 SULLiVA~N BROTHERS 5NC 9/20/98 349.82 198374 SUi~BELT MEDICAL SUPPLY, I 9/20/96 126.33 196417 SUPELCO, INC. 9/20/96 15.04 196419 SUPERB SIGNS 9/20/96 67.60 196638 SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT DIV. 9/20/96 49.42 196446 SUTPHEN CORPORATION 9/20/96 411.00 196957 SYSTEMS 3X/4XX WAREHOUSE 9/20/96 312.00 200190 TRW-REDI PROPERTY DATA 9/20/96 1,187.00 200430 TA~E LARDSCAPING 9/20/96 260.88 202622 TITLEIST 9/20/96 2,224.00 205561 TRI COUNTY CONCRETE PRODU 9/20/96 351.68 206360 TURlgER OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT 9/20/96 14,605.24 210146 USCM DEF COMP PRO PBBSCO 9/20/96 5,000.00 210150 U.S. POSTTLASTER 9/20/96 93.09 216394 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 9/20/96 1,036.30 216417 UNIVERSAL SIGNS AND ACCEE 9/20/96 700.00 230206 ?UZFX-FOXY 1040 RADIO 9/20/96 4,138.78 280460 WALLACE ROBERTS & TODD 9/20/96 3,580.20 230840 WATER DHPARTM~IgT 9/20/96 120.48 230560 FONTAINE WATKINS 9/20/96 30,992.00 231607 WE~GER CORPORATION 9/20/96 216.54 232565 STANLEY WILLIAMS 9/20/96 374.00 270056 TOBIAS AT~OL 9/20/96 182.91 280081 JAMES BROOKE 9/20/96 374.00 290080 LIONEL CA~EL 9/20/96 238.30 290065 GAYLE CAUGHEY 9/20/96 374.00 290077 ROGER CASH 9/20/98 273.67 290115 EARL CROSSMA~ 9/20/96 374.00 300006 ROBERT DENEVE 9/20/9S 613.96 310024 STEVEN R. EVANS 9/20/96 374.00 520049 CHRIS FREY 9/20/96 374.00 330002 MARBF~L GAGE 9/20/96 333.31 330048 JOEM GONZALES 9/20/96 374.00 339978 DANIEL GRISWOLD 9/20/96 400.00 340055 DANIEL ~L~GER 9/20/96 206.33 340061 WILFRED RAWKINS 9/20/96 374.00 370052 CHARLES ]fUSS 9/20/96 557.16 380005 ROLA~ C. LACROIX 9/20/96 374.00 380038 PATRICK LEONARD 9/20/96 374.00 380043 GARY LEE 9/20/96 374.00 380046 MICHAEL LANE 9/20/96 374.00 390001 JAMES MAHONEY 9/20/96 374.00 390017 THOMAS MCCABE 9/20/96 374.00 420003 THEODORE PADICH 9/20/96 374.00 440003 F~ANKP~ANZIH 9/20/96 100.00 440053 CARLOS REYES RECYCLED OIL ELEVATOR MAINT. FOR SEPT. FINAL BILL FOR THE POST POLYPNOSPHATE SOLUTION REPAIR TOWER MS WINDOW 95 MESOURCE KIT CLASSIFIED ADS REPAIR VACTORS FILTER & ELE~4ENT ROLLING GREEN MI/N. COMPLEX MEDICAL SUPPLIES CONSUMABLE SUPPLIES NAF=E PLATE WKLY CNILD SUPPORT DEDUCT. STANDARD BUZZ LITE 0803 0173597 9 20/96 374.00 440074 ANDREW ROSENBERG DLEANINO CLOTHING ALLOW. 0803 0173698 9 '20/96 374.00 45)080 RAYMOb~D SCHILKE CLEANING CLOT~ING ALLOW. 0803 0173699 9 '20/96 374.00 450091 WILLIAM SHORTLEY CLEANING CLOTHING ALLOW. 0803 0173700 9 '20/96 i0.00 450104 JOH~ STOBER JR. FITNESS CTR KEY DEE. REFUN 0803 0173701 9 '20/96 184.3I 460034 DONALD THP, ASNER CLEANING iLOTHIMG ALLOW. 0803 0173702 9 20/96 374.00 460042 TERREMCE TUP~NER CLE~NING iLOTKING ALLOW. 0803 0173703 9/20/96 374.00 470002 PAUL VALERIO CLEAiqING'CLOTHINGALLOW. 0803 0173704 9 20/96 564.43 520004 LOUIS ZEITIMGEE ADVANCE VACATION PAY 0803 0176475 9/20/96 47.84 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS VOID CHECKS 0803 0013409 9 23/96 118.00 i80449 RA~A INN EEACR HOTEL RESERVATIONS 0803 0013410 9 23/96 55.017.18 i40468 NATIONSBANK CD PURCHASE BBMP 0803 0013411 9/25/96 231.10 012798 ALA CARTE GOLF SERVICES I CITY LEAGUE BANQUET 08S3 0013412 9/27/95 54.078.32 202442 THE CREDIT UNION OF PALM W/E 9/25 6MP DEDUCTIONS 0903 0013413 9/27/96 536,~77.82 032895 CITY OF BOI~NTON BEACH W/E 9/25 PAYROLL 0803 0013414 9/27/96 538.66 420037 FPU~NK PANIZZI ADVANCE WORKERS COMP 0803 0173705 9/27/96 28.00 999993 MISCELLANEOUS PAYlqENTS ALLISON DOUGLAS 0803 0173706 9 27/96 29.03 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS ARTHUR WALES ESTATE OF 0803 0173707 9/27/96 814.05 999993 MISCELLANEOUS pASDtE~TS BRIAN SHAWE 0803 0173708 9/27/96 23.00 999993 MISCELLANEOUS PAYMENTS CHRISTINA ERDMAN 0803 0173709 9/27/96 1,025.00 999991 WATER MTR. DEPOSIT REELrND CITY OF BOYWTOM 0803 0173710 9/27/96 52.00 999993 MISCELLANEOUS PAYMENTS DIANE BORG 0803 0173711 9/27/96 75.48 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS DIEGO .MARINAS 0803 0173712 9/27/96 26.06 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS EDNA PATRICIA CHAIN 0803 0173713 9/27/96 36.11 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS ELISA~ETH DE PREE 0803 0173714 9'27/96 37.29 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS FEDNER AUGUSTS 0805 0179715 9/27/96 100.00 999993 MISCELLANEOUS PAY~S GLORIA ~NDERSON 0803 0173716 9/27/96 52.10 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFU~S JANET P CLq94IMGS 0803 0173717 9/27/96 63.98 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS JOSEPH MALETTA 0S03 0173718 9/27/96 74.68 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS KATHERINE ROT~CKER 0803 0173719 9/27/96 22.00 999993 MISCELLANEOUS PAYMENTS KATHY W~EY 0803 0173720 9/27/96 35.49 999993 MISCELLANEOUS PA~TS REP,MIT WILSON 0803 0173721 9/27/96 82.00 999993 MISCELLANEOUS PAY~TS LISA~L~/qLEY 0803 0173722 9/27/96 27.00 999993 MISCELLANEOUS PA~4ENTS LISA LA~IS 0803 0173723 9/27/96 67,10 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS LOUIS ST. RIEL S803 0173724 9/27/96 25.00 999993 M~SCELLANEOUS EA%94ENTS MARTHA LOPEZ 0803 0173725 9/27/96 55.00 999993 MISCELLANEOUS PAY14~MTS MERRIE O'HIGOINS 0803 0173726 9/27/96 58.02 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REPU~IDS NICHOLAS MITROF/~NOFF 0803 0173727 9/27/96 53.40 999992 WATER CRENIT BAL. REFUNDS PAUL VOELXEN 0803 0173728 9/27/96 18,71 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL REFUNDS RICF=%P,D MAC DONALD 0803 0173729 9/27/96 71.72 999992 WATER CP~EDIT BAi REFUNDS SOBYMDORAM 0803 0173730 9~ 27/96 18.0S 999993 MISCELL~US pAY14~NTS EOSLYN PINCAS 0803 0173731 9/27/96 ~.04 999992 WATER CREDIT HAL. P~FU~S RUBEN O'NEILL 0803 0173732 9/27/96 10.50 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS SALLY MC DEENOTT 0803 0173733 9/27/96 23.78 999992 WATER CP~DIT BAL. REFL~IDS SRERLI~ pEARSON 0803 0173734 9/27/96 42.13 999992 WATER CREDIT BAL. REFUNDS SHEENY EOWMA~ 0803 SI73735 9/27/96 22.00 999993 MISCELLANEOUS pA~ZMENTS STEPEANIE FULTON 0803 0173736 9/27/96 51.86 999992 WATER 2REDIT B~. REFUNDS SUSAN F=~RTIN 0803 0173737 9/27/96 22.00 999993 MISCELLAK~OUS PAYMENTS THACY ~ALL 0803 0173738 9/27/96 22,00 999993 MISCELLANEOUS pAY14ENTS WASA SKINNER 0803 0173739 9/27/96 241.20 999993 MISCELLANEOUS PAYMENTS WAYNE AKERS FORD AND 0803 )173740 9/27/96 300.00 999993 MISCELLANEOUS PAY~TS WGOLER~GHT MOBIL 0803 )173741 9/27/96 1,889.50 010145 ~J{ ONE TRANSMISSION REPAIR VEHICLE ~442 0803 )173742 9/27/96 466.00 01S147 AAA UNITED PEST CONTROL MONTHLY PEST CONTROL 0803 0173743 9/27/96 42.27 010212 ABC~CLIO, INC, EOOKS 0803 0173744 9/27/96 691.20 010228 A.D.I.A. PERSONNEL SERVIC TEMP. CADD OPERA~OR 0~03 0173745 0173746 0173747 0173748 0173:750 01731753 0173!755 0173i757 01731758 0173i759 0173i760 0173!761 01731762 0i73i763 0173764 0173769 0173U71 0173i72 0173773 0173~79 0173180 0173 81 0178794 9/27/96 40.00 010240 9/27/96 308.69 010264 9/27/96 76.23 0102S7 9/27/96 480.00 010292 9/27/96 512.34 010321 9/27/96 62.86 010334 9/27/96 180.50 010484 9/27/96 540.00 011334 9/27/96 2,949.64 011387 9/27/96 840.00 013777 9/27/96 338.88 014154 9/27/96 70.00 014928 S/27/96 700.00 014951 9/27/96 8,925.00 014960 9/27/96 291.I0 015478 9/27/96 419.06 015700 9/27/96 100.00 015930 9/27/96 854.47 015991 9/27/96 10.61 016000 9/27/96 37.50 016026 9/27/96 3,891.04 020160 9/27/96 1,731.00 020171 9/27/96 802.06 020210 9/27/96 623.35 020230 9/27/96 118.88 020436 9/27/96 65.02 020439 9/27/96 64,142.49 020471 9/27/96 80,440.94 020476 9/27/96 1,204.96 021560 9/27/96 1,105.00 021686 9/27/96 4,472.00 021709 S/27/96 642.00 021710 9/27/96 375.00 022643 9/27/96 157.49 024307 9/27/96 899.75 024313 9/27/96 140.00 024707 9/27/96 2,606.14 024710 9/27/96 16,407.63 024730 9/27/96 675.00 024736 9/27/96 427.33 024780 9/27/96 346.03 025580 9/27/96 4,095.55 025607 9/27/96 5,298.36 025619 9/27/96 1,431.54 026306 9/27/96 411.80 030185 9/27/96 16,970.41 030186 9/27/96 3,500.00 032382 9/27/96 7,263.56 032413 9/27/96 107.50 032894 9/27/96 45.00 033645 9/27/96 30.75 033661 9/27/96 31.06 033674 9/27/96 72.69 033683 9/27/96 3,610.99 033693 9/27/96 96.01 033694 AEDEC iNTERNATIONAL A.M. PLAYER AT & T AWWA ABLE LAWNMOWER SALES ACE HARDWARE AMERICRN SURGICA~ SUPPLY ADEMCO DISTRIBUTION ADVA~NCED GENERATOR SALES ALLIED SERVICES OF SOUTH AF~ERIGAS AQUALOGICE AQUATIC VEGETATION COI~TRO REPLACE~T PARTS HATS - PRO SHOP ~ERCHA~. LONG DISTANCE SERVICE CONFERENCE REGISTR3~TION PARTS FOR EQUIPMENT REPAIR GBR003 CU~T MONTH CHECK LISTING 10/10/86 PAGE BANK CHECK ~ D A T E BAiqK A~4OUIqT VENDOR~ VEI~DOR ~PLOYEE NAStE DESCRIPTION 0803 0173800 9/27/96 40.38 033698 0803 0173801 9/27/96 176.70 033700 0803 0173802 8/27/96 32,053.50 033704 0803 0173803 9/27/96 1,048.65 034497 0803 0173804 9/27/96 294.19 034561 0803 0173805 9/27/96 20.00 004606 0803 0173806 9/27/96 1,057.28 034611 0803 0173807 9/27/96 4,791.00 034637 0803 0173808 9/27/96 57.29 034671 0803 0173809 9/27/96 884.63 034679 0803 0173810 9/27/96 581.90 034865 0803 0173811 9/27/96 489.22 034870 0803 0173812 9/27/96 I02.50 034880 0803 0173813 9/27/96 2,248.28 034919 0803 0173814 9/27/96 180.55 036286 0803 0173815 9/27/96 7,762.50 040285 0803 0173816 9/27/96 1,590.00 040404 0803 0173817 9/27/96 6.00 041604 0803 0173818 9/27/96 264.00 041606 0803 0173818 9/27/96 598.84 041608 0803 0173820 9/27/96 82.80 041632 0803 0173821 9/27/96 375.33 042625 0803 0173822 9/27/96 189.00 042660 0803 0173823 9/27/96 16.00 042888 0803 0173824 .9/27/96 142.79 046445 0803 0173825 9/27/96 100.00 047602 0803 0179826 9/27/96 482.55 050302 0803 0173827 9/27/96 942.73 050310 0803 0173828 9/27/96 475.00 050360 0803 0173829 9/27/96 9,313.00 054372 0803 0173830 9/27/96 273.77 054381 0803 0173831 9/27/96 165.00 060065 0803 0173832 9/27/96 470.00 060103 0803 0173833 9/27/96 818.52 061506 0803 0173834 9/27/96 5,813.85 062820 0803 0173835 9/27/96 307.65 062829 0803 0173836 9/27/96 2,200.00 062837 0803 0173837 9/27/96 84.35 063000 0803 0173838 9/27/96 165.00 063650 0803 0173839 9/27/96 1,106.10 063655 0803 0173840 9/27/96 138.00 063664 0803 0173841 9/27/96 60.00 063732 0803 0173842 9/27/96 460.50 063757 0803 0173843 9/27/96 .00 063778 0803 0173844 9/27/96 113,177.75 063780 0803 0173845 9/27/96 407.68 063816 0803 0173848 9/27/96 1,110.00 064599 0803 0173847 9/27/96 1,781.00 065580 0803 0173848 9/27/96 82.83 065557 0803 0173849 9/27/96 590.98 065890 0803 0173850 9/27/96 482.00 069997 0803 0173851 9/27~96 141.57 070410 0803 0173852 9/27/96 642.27 071562 0803 0173853 9/27/96 48.79 073571 0803 0173854 9/27/96 100.00 073711 CLK OF COURTS-COOK COUNTY CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT CLUB CAR COASTAL W~OLE8ALE COLD AIR DISTRIBUTORS CO~94ERCIAL ENERGY SPECIAL COMMUNITY ASPS5 CORP. COMPAQ COMPUTER CORP. CONGRESSIONAL QU~RTERLY B CONSOLIDATED ELECTRIC SUP CONSTRUCTION HYDP~AULICS O WKLY CHILD SUPPORT DEDUCT. RECORDING PEES FOR AUGUST GBR003 CURRENT MONTH CHECK LISTING 10/18/96 PAGE ~2 03 0173858 9/27/96 127.13 074828 GOAL/QPC, INC. 5tF/~ORY JOGGER II 03 0173856 9/27/96 234.80 074685 SUS2~N GOODMkN PRIVATE LESSONS 03 0173857 9/27/96 2,211.08 075395 W.W. GRAINGER RISC. H~W2~E SUPPLIES 0803 0173868 8/27/96 91.00 075411 GRAPHICS DESIGN INTEP~NATI REPAIR VEHICLES 485 & 462 0803 017~859 9/27/96 27.95 075453 THE GREAT BOOKS POUNDATIO BOOKS 0803 0173860 9/27/96 288.67 075610 GULFSTREAM LUMBER CO. RISC. HARDWA/{E MERC~ISE 0803 0173861 9/27/96 199.00 080415 .HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTOR CO. PA394-ENT FOR SCHOOL 0803 0173862 9/27/96 33.75 080423 HARLEY DAVIDSON OF PAI~M B MOTORCYCLE PARTS 0803 0173863 9/27/96 6,015.52 080426 HAP-RELL~S, INC. EVEN HOPPERS FERTILIZER 0803 0175864 9/27/96 1,181.89 080435 HARRISON UNIFORI~S MISC. UNIFOP~4 SUPPLIES 0803 0175865 9/27/96 2,439.14 084663 HOLIDAY INN CATALINA P.O.P. TRAINING 0803 0173866 9/27/96 818.00 086361 HUGHES SUPPLY INC. DRILL BITS & WRENCH 8803 0179867 9/27/96 223.94 086362 5~3URES ELECTRIC SUPPLY RISC. HARDWARE SUPPLIES 0803 017~868 9/27/96 68.45 090107 IC~A DISTRIBUTION CENTER TRAINING WORKBOOKS 0803 017~869 9/27/96 1,774.96 090108 ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST 467 EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTIONS 8803 017~870 9/27/96 12,496.77 090160 I.S.A.C.-'FOR THE BENEEIT DEPOSIT ON WORKER'S COMP. 0803 0175871 9/27/98 244.10 091229 IDEAL SUPPLY COMPANY MISC. JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 0803 0175872 9/27/96 214.20 094197 INDUSTRIAL PLASTIC TECH MISC. IRRIGATION SUPPLIES 0803 0175873 9/27/96 54.55 094204 INFORMATION/REFERENCE GRO BOOKS 0803 0177874 9/27/96 22,750.00 094210 INFORMATION ACCESS COMPAN BRC NETWORK 0803 0173875 9/27/96 22.48 094221 INGP, AM BOOKS ~03 0173882 9/27/96 10.00 094292 IRS- FOR MARK ROBERTS WEEKLY IRS DEDUCTIONS ~03 017~883 9/27/96 18.75 094294 IRS- CLIFFORD ROCKEY WEEKLY IRS DEDUCTIONS 0~03 017~884 9/27/96 47.75 094300 I.R.S. FOR LUIS C=A~CIA WEEKLY IRS DEDUCTIONS 0803 017~885 9/27/96 1,844.00 094302 INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD UNION DUES FOR SEPT. 0803 0174886 9/27/96 377.03 094351 INTERSTATE 14~SIC SUPPLY PORTABLE MUSIC STAND 0803 017~887 9/27/96 1,640.00 100176 J.P. CO)94ERCIAL CLEANING TEMP. JANITORIAL SERVICES 0803 S17~888 9/27/96 1,294.65 100187 J.C. FOOD SERVICE MG~f~ & AFTERECHOOL SNACKS 0803 0173889 9/27/96 186.48 100198 J & A HANDY'CP, AFTS, INC. ART CENTER SUPPLIES 5803 0173891 9/27/96 175.00 101673 JIFFY JOPL~S, INC. MONTWLY RENTAL 0803 017~893 9/27/96 3,545.4I 104602 JONES CHEMICALS SULFURIC ACID 0803 017~S94 9/27/96 282.00 106460 JUST FOR THE RECORD COURT ADMINISTRATIVE BFJ%RING 0803 017~895 9/27/96 832.09 110100 K & R ELECTRICAL SUPPLY MISC. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 0803 0174896 9/27/96 21.55 110400 JEAN KARR & CO. BOOKS 0174897 9/27/96 225.00 110497 KAUFF'S TPu%NSPORTATION TOWING CHARGES 0803 0803 0174898 9/27/96 191.71 111580 KELLY TRACTOR CO. TRANS. SOLENOID BART 0803 0174899 9/27/96 80.07 112696 KILPATRICKTURP & EQUIPNE PARTS FOR JACOBSEMMOWER 0803 017~900 9/27/96 132.90 121546 C & B INDUSTRIAL SAFETY CLBAR BUNKER GEAR 0803 017~901 9/27/96 25.95 121687 LESCO, INC. MISC. IRRIGATION SUPPLIES 08O3 017~902 9/27/96 90.S0 122915 LLOlq)'S OF BOYNTON BEACH, REPAIR VERICLE #1951 0803 017~903 9/27/96 125.84 130036 M.A.B. PAINTS #106 PAINT SUPPLIES 0803 017~904 9/27/96 436.27 130282 MACK SALES OF SOUTH FLORI MACK TRUCK PARTS GBR003 BA/qK 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 0803 CHECK 0178910 0173911 0173912 0173913 0173914 0173915 0173916 0173917 0173918 0173819 0173920 0t73921 0173922 0173923 0173924 0173928 0173926 0173927 0173928 0173929 0173930 0173931 0173932 0173933 0173934 0173935 0173936 0173937 0173938 0173939 0173940 0173941 0173942 0173948 0173944 0173945 0173946 0173947 0173948 0173949 0173950 0173951 0173952 0173953 0173954 0173955 0173956 0173957 0173958 0173959 0173960 0173961 0173962 0173963 0173964 DATE 9 27/96 9/27/96 9/27/96 9/27/96 9/27/96 9/27/96 9 27/96 9 27/96 9 27/96 9/27/96 9 27/96 9/27/96 9/27/96 9 27/96 9 27/96 9/27/96 9/27/96 9/27/96 9 27/96 9 27/96 9/27/96 9/27/96 9 27/96 9/27/98 9/27/96 9 27/96 9/27/96 9/27/96 9/27/98 9/27/96 9/27/96 9/27/96 9/27/96 9/27/96 9/27/96 9/27/96 9'27/96 9/27/96 9/27/96 9/27/96 9/27/96 9/27/96 9/27/96 9/27/96 9/27/96 9/27/96 9/27/96 9/27/96 9/27/96 9/27/96 9/27/96 9/27/96 9/27/96 9/27/96 9/27/96 10 10/96 DESCRIPTION 75.13 130549 MARTIN'S LAF~ MISC. UNIFOP~M SUPPLIES 1,891.20 130564 M~TRX MEDICAL SUPPLY MEDICAL SUPPLIES 822.75 130586 MARRIOTT COPLEY PLACE HOTEL ACCO~ODATIONS 1,720.00 131531 MEA~qS MOTOR LIVERY CORP. LEASE VEHICLES II7.99 131873 MELROSE SUPPLY & SALES MISC. IRRIGATION SUPPLIES 68.00 131615 MERKEL GLASS SERVICE INSTALL DOOR STOPS 405.4I 132726 MICRO WAREHOUSE DESKJET PRINTER 135.00 132782 MILLIPORE iORPOP, ATION I00 FILTERS 14,675.00 134626 MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 140.06 134646 STEVE MOORE CHEVROLET MISC. VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 389.50 136100 MUDRICK, WITT, LEVY a CON PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 125.00 136400 MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATIO SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL 10,576.89 136420 MUNICIPAL 8OLICE POLICE PENSION GBR083 10/10/98 PAGE SA~K CHECK # D A T E EA~K AMOUNT VENDOR# VENDOR/EMPLOYEE NAME DESCRIPTION 0173965 0173966 0173967 0173968 0173969 0173970 0179972 01731974 0173i976 01731977 0173779 0173986 0173997 0173991 0173992 0173993 0173~99 0174 ,01 0174 '02 0174 83 0174 04 0174 05 0174 06 0174'07 0174'08 9/27/96 1,598.00 176260 QUALITY SERVICES EMPLOYEE TESTING 9/27/96 389.00 176318 QUINTON INSTRUFLENT CO. SHIPPING CPL~GES 9/27/96 96.00 176397 R.C. SPORTS GIFT CERTIFICATES 9/27/96 250.00 180443 RAMADA i~ HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS 9/27/96 472.88 192800 RINKER MATERIALS CORP. CONCRETE MIX 9/27/96 1,919.90 182962 RITZ SAFETY EQUIPMENT MISC. SAFETY SUPPLIES 9/27/96 151.36 187693 HETREADEES SUPPLY, INC. AUTO PARTS 9/27/96 69,697.29 190180 SCRWTD BOARD REPLACE DEMISTER BALLS ETC 9/27/96 149,882.31 190181 SCRWTD BOAP~D USER CFLARGES FOR AUGUST 9/27/96 166.29 190189 S & R DISTRIBUTORS AUTO PARTS 9/27/96 i95.75 190190 S & S ARTS & CRAFTS ART CENTER SUPPLIES 9/27/96 218.00 190350 SAFETY-KLEEM CORP. SHOP SUPPLIES 9/27/96 70.00 190612 SAVE THE MOMENT HOLE IN ONE PLAQUE 9/27/96 312.80 190616 SAX A~TS & CRAFTS ART CENTER SUPPLIES 9/27/96 395.48 191100 SCOTTY'S MISC SUPPLIES 9/27/96 138.00 191451 SEA TURTLE INN HOTEL ACCO~ODATIONS 9/27/96 215.00 191520 SEACREST VETERINARY CEI~TE VETERINARy SERVICES 9/27/96 421.61 191637 SERVICE TRACTOR & EQUIPME TRACTOR PkRTS 9/27/96 103.90 191969 SHAMROCK PROMOTIONAL 1997 CALENDARS 9/27~96 350.00 192457 SHENATON .=L~RBOR PLACE HOTEL ACCO~94ODATIONS 9/27/96 35.50 192588 SHORELINE CARPET SUPPLY TOOL RENTAL 9/27/96 305.99 192781 SIMON a SCHUSTER BOOKS 9/27/96 34.72 193914 SMITH BROTHERS FILM DROP PICTUR~ E~LA~GEMENTS 9/27/96 235.00 193922 SMITH, SCNNOHDER, THOMA~ SEMINAR REGISTRATION 9/27/96 83.62 194584 SOLINET AUGUST CF=ARGES 9/27/96 201.60 194669 SOUTH FLORIDA NEWSPAPERS CLASSIFIED ADS 9/27/96 4,278.00 194693 SOUTH TECH. EDUCATION CTR COMPUTER CLASSES 9/27/96 18.00 194749 SOUTHENN SHEET METAL CORE SHEET METAL 9/27/96 1,325.00 194757 SOUTH FLORIDA WELDING DUMPSTER REPAIRS 9/27/96 43.50 194770 SOUTHLAND EQUIPMENT CORP. TRUCK PARTS 9/27/96 278.50 196384 SUN STATE FIRE PROTECTION FIRE SYSTEM INSPECTION 9/27/96 38.16 196390 SUNCOAST SURGICAL MISC. MEDICAL SUPPLIES 9/27/96 10.41 196419 SUPERB SIGNS NAM~ PLATE HOLDER 9/27/96 67.60 196439 SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT DIV. WKLY CHILD SUPPORT DEDUCT. 9/27/96 3,650.80 196955 SYSTNN SOLUTIONS ANTISCALANT OBR003 CURRENT MONTH CHECK LISTING 10/10/96 PA~E ~5 B~-NK CHECK # D A T E BA/qK AMOUNT VENDOR~ VENdOR/EMPLOYEE NAME DESCRIPTION 0803 0174020 9/27/96 128.01 230560 EONTAINE WATKINS 0803 0174021 9/27/96 23,829.00 235571 WYI~N & SONS ENVIRONMENTAL 9603 0174022 9/27/96 2,805.64 241696 XEROX CORPORATION 0803 0174023 9/27/96 401.00 266310 ZUCC~LLA'S WRECKER SERVICE 0603 0174024 9/27/96 791.00 280076 GREGORY BEAN 0803 0174025 9/27/96 100.00 290077 ROGER CASH 0803 0174026 9/27/96 20.50 330028 SHARON E. GOLDEN 0803 0174027 9/27/96 200.00 340063 DEREK HEP=NANDEZ 0803 0174028 9/27/96 6.50 370020 L~NA KOEETER 0803 0174029 9/27/96 15.00 370022 TODD KOTAS 0903 0174030 9/27/96 88.13 370040 CALVIN KING 0803 0174034 9/27/96 602.78 390127 CATRT MCDEAVITT 0803 0174032 9/27/96 116.00 420035 RONALD PAbUJCCI 0803 0174033 9/27/96 25.00 440082 PETER ROY 0803 0174034 9/27/98 3,120.60 450004 CAROLYN SIMS 0803 0174035 9/27/96 47.24 450999 ANTHONY HOUGHTON 0803 0174036 9/27/96 582.I0 490017 WILLIE WILFORK 0803 0013415 9/30/96 20,933.41 999993 MISCELLANEOUS PAYlW~NTS 0803 0174037 9/30/96 3.49 010334 ACE MARDWARE 0803 0174038 9/30/9~ 100.14 012770 AIR CON ELECTRIC MOTOR & 0803 0174039 9/30/96 49.00 013779 ALLIED PASTEMER & TOOL 0803 0174040 9/30/96 32.51 016000 ATLANTIC BARDWA~E INC. 0803 0174041 9/30/96 181.31 021535 BECKLEY-CAI~DY, INC. 0803 0174042 9/30/96 92.45 021700 EETEESDA MEMORIAL EOSPITA 0803 0174S43 9/30/96 59.33 S26306 BUILDER'S SQUARE 0803 0174044 9/30/96 1,433.33 03S282 CABRERA & REC=O E~ERPRIEE 0803 0174045 9/30/96 109.30 032388 C~ION MANUFACTURING 0803 0174046 9/30/96 2,475.23 092413 CHEMICAL LIM~ INSTRUCTOR FEES OCEAN AVENUE SIDEWALK REPL COPIER LEASE/METER USAGE TOWING TUITION REIMBURSEMENT GBR003 CURRENT MONTH CHECK LISTING 10/!0/96 PAGE IRRIGATION ON 1-95 ISLA/~DS WILSON CENTER SUPPLIES FERTILIZER WATER SERVICE AT LE316 GOLF BALLS-PRO SHOP MERCH TOWING CF~ARGES COMPLETE RUN TOTALS 6,975,189.50 PETITION To: Hon. Jerry Taylor, Mayor~ and Members of Boynton Beach City Commission The undersigned owners o~ properties and'businesses located in the Downtown Boynton Beach Business District vehemently oppose the erection of the proposed "Boat Barn" as the anchor of the marina development, based upon the opinion that such a structure and facilit3 would materially depreciate the value of alt properties in the area, and effectively eliminate the possibility o~ future productive development of adjacent properties.- DATED this 23rd day of September, 1996. Si gna t ute FIRST FINANCIAL PLAZA CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. * Gent Moore, Secretary Printed name: Address: 639 E. 0cean'Ave.,. Boynton Bch. *representing 35 individual commercial condominium units / _ DEVELOPMENT ORDER OFTHE CITY COMMISSION OFTHE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APPLICANT: BOYNTON COMMONS PCD APPLICANT'S AGENT: Land Design South. Agent for Bill and Elsie Winchester DATE OF HEARING BEFORE CITY COMMISSION:_ 10115/96 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: Requesting Site Plan Approval LOCATION OF PROPERTY: Southwest corner of Congress Avenue and Old Boynton Rbad. DRAWING(S): SEE EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO. THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of B~ynton Beac;~, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission h~ving considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows: 1. Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner censistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations: The Applicant _~_HAS HAS NOT e~tablished by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested. 3. The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, a~Jministrative staff, or suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set forth on Exhibit "D" with the notation "Included". 4. The Applicant's application for relief is hereby GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof. DENIED 5. This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk. 6. Ail further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this order. 7. Other: DATED: October 15, 1996 Cit~Clerk ' ' ;I BOYNTON COME-iONS PID ~MOTOROL~ RiAA R3 AG .( EXHIBIT "D" Conditions of Approval Project name: Boynton Commons PCD File number: NWSP 96-008 Reference: The plans consist of 23 sheets identified as 2nd Review; New Site Plan. File #NWSP 96- 008 with a September 9. 1996 Planning and Zoning Department date stamp marking. PUBLIC WORKS Comments: I 1. Reposition the dumpster located on the west side of the Walgreens tenant space to allow the apProach from the north rather than from ithe south side. Move the dumpster enclosure to the south, as far i as possible, to allow a longer stacking area behind the sanitation ivehicle servicing the dumpster from the north. I UTILITIES Comments: i 2. i Palm Beach County Health Department permits will be required, plans are currently under review at the Utility Department, (Sec. 26- 12). 3. Plan shall show location of all utility easements, existing and proposed, (26-33(a)). 4. I City water will not be supplied for irrigation, (City Comp. Plan, Policy 130.3.4). 5. iA capacity reservation fee will be required within thirty (30) days of ICity Commission approval, or upon request for Utility Department Director signature on the HRS/DEP permit applications. The fee amount will be determined based upon meter size or expected Idemand, (Sec. 26-34[E]). 6. . Only palm trees will be permitted in utility easements (Sec. 26.33(a)). FIRE i Com~nents: Page 2 ~oynton Commons PCD qWSP 96-008 DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECT 7. Turn around in the service court is inadequate, a radius of 90' to 110' is required and a drive through will be necessary. 8, The west building side of major number six (6) and the north building i side of major number five (5) is not accessible. Fire hydrants Shall be located so that no part of the building is over two hundred feet away. POLICE Comments: 9. i Show on the plans traffic control signs and fire lane signs. 10. !It is recommended that the north parking lot aisle of Walgreens be i westbound - one-way travel only. This will assist the drive-thru window traffic and prevent traffic from attempting U-turns in the north i parking lot aisle to enter the drive-thru window. To accomplish this, there needs to be two, "DO NOT ENTER" signs facing ingress traffic from Old Boynton Road. There also needs to be a "STOP SIGN", and i stop bar for weStbound traffic exiting the north parking lot aisle. DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Comjments: 11. I Provide proof of unity of title and those requirements specified under i Chap.2,Sec.6F3,pg.2-53 and Sec.6F8,pg.2-56. 12. i AII plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are i not limited to the following; site lighting, paving, drainage, curbing, landscaping, irrigation and traffic control devices. Permits required L,,./ from agencies such as the FDOT, PBC, SFWMD and any other i permitting agency shall be included with your permit request. 13. i County road entrance sign requires PBC approval and state road i entrance sign requires FDOT approval. 14. i Show the locations of ail temporary structures or permanent i structures having a temporary use. Provide a statement outlining the ~" itemporary use and when they will be removed. Chap.3, Art. IV, i Sec.3R,pg.3-5. Page 3 ]oynton Commons PUD ~JWSP 96-008 DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECt 15. Provide a master stormwater management plan. Chap.3,Art. IV, Sec.3T, pg.3-6. v 16. Provide a copy of approved agreement with LWDD for use of i drainage easements. Chap.5,Art.V, Sec. lD6,pg.5-5. 17. i Need SFWMD and LWDD acceptance prior to Engineering approval. , Chap.6, Art. IV, Sec.5A, pg.6-7. 18. Provide certification by developer's engineer that drainage plan i complies with all city codes and standards. Chap.6, Art. IV, Sec.5A, / i pg.6-7 and Chap.23, Art.llF, pg123-8. 19. i Minimum 15" pipe must be used in storm sewer. Chap.6, Art. IV, i Sec.5A, pg.6-7. .// 20. Parking lot section must conform to city code. Chap.6, Art. IV, i Sec. 10F, pg.6-12. I 121. I Provide details for pavement, grates, pipes, catch basins, etc. i Chap.6, Art. V, Sec.4B2e, pg.6-20. I 22. !County and/or state permits required for construction in R.O.W. / i, Chap.6, Art. VII, Sec.4B, pg.6-24. 23. Applicant's attention is directed to Chap.7, pg.7-1 regarding surety / requirements. I 24. i Not more than two free-standing signs are allowed. However, project ! signage will be review with sign submittal. Chap.21, Art. IV, Sec.3B, 25. I Parking lot dimensions, striping, aisles, stalls, radii, signs, / i landscaping, etc. must conform with city codes and standards. I Chap.23, Art. Il, pg.23-6. 26. Photometrics must be approved for both pedestrian and parking lot !lighting before permit can be issued. Chap.23, Art. llAla, pg.23-6,v, 27. !No trees shall be planted so as to interfere with lighting fixtures, / I Chap.23, Art.llAb, pg.23-7. 28. !Provide stop signs and stop bars in accordance with the "Manual on ,, I Uniform Traffic Control Devices". Chap.23, Art.liB2, P~].23-7. Page 4 Boynton Commons PUD NWSP 96-008 DEPARTMENTS I iNCLUDE I REJECT 29. Concrete curb must conform to city standards. Chap.23, Art.liE, 4,/ pg.23-7. 30. ~ Provide continuation of sidewalks thru all driveways to mark / i pedestrian paths. Chap.23, Art. Il, Sec. P, pg.23-10. 31. i Install WIIA-2 pedestrian signs at all crosswalk locations. MUTCD 3B- 18, pg.3B-23. 32. i Typical lake section shall indicate a 20' maintenance berm. Chap. O, I Art. IV, Sec. SB, pg.6-9. 33. i Correct invert of structure, 1-10 sheet 4 of 6 Paving and Drainage. i Chap.6, Art.V, Seo.4B2e, pg.6-20. 34. i Provide missing and unreadable catch basin grates and invert elevations. 35. i At Walgreens drive-thru egress: i 1. Post "Do Not Enter" signs to direct northbound traffic around drive-thru. J = 2. Provide satisfactory pavement signage and markings to stop : exiting drive-thru traffic before crossing over due to 6' screen ~ wall. Chap.23, Art.liB, pg.23-7. 36. i Height of bottom edge of stop signs to be 5' to grade in non- i pedestrian locations, and 7' all other places. MUTCD 2A. I 37. !On sheet 2 of 6 of Paving and Drainage plan reverse colors of i handicap background and symbol (symbol to be white in color). Sheet 19 of FDOT Index 19346. 38. ! Provide a sidewalk along south Winchester Park Boulevard entrance / i into Major ~4 Building. I 39. i Place stop signs and stop bars throughout the development where i there is a question of right-of-way. Examples: At east side of i Barnes/Noble for northbound traffic; in the center of the two I Walgreens drive-thru lanes; at both ends of the two aisles between i Video Ave and Walgreens for east and westbound traffic. page 5 ~oynton Commons PUD qWSP 96-008 DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECT 40. To discourage vehicles parking or standing in the fire lanes, stripe a six foot wide, cross-hatched area parallel with the curbed sidewalks v encompassing the words "Fire Lane" (facing oncoming traffic). PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: NONE FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comiments: NONE PLANiNING AND ZONING Comlments: 41. i Received unconditional sign-off by the Technical Review ! Committee (TRC) staff on the rectified master plan drawings i submitted to show compliance with the conditions of approval for !the Boynton Commons rezoning (File number REZN 96-001). The i plans shall receive unconditional sign-off by all TRC staff prior to !Plat approval. 42. i To avoid a problem with the location of landscape material !conflicting with the location of fire hydrants, amend the landscape ~ plans to show and label fire hydrants. The landscape plans depict I trees occupying the same space as fire hydrants; amend the plans I accordingly. I 43. I Indicate on the elevation view drawings the type of material I proposed for the dumpster enclosure (#22). Also identify the color !of the gate material by color name, color code and manufacturer. V i lt is recommended that the color of the gates match the color of the 'walls of the enclosure. 44. Prior to permits being issued for building and site signage for the./ i project, the applicant shall process a site plan review application V for sign program approval. The sign program shall depict signage in comp ance wth the regulations specified in the sign code and !~community design plan. Page 6 -:3oynton Commons PCD qWSP 96-008 DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE REJECT 45. Considering that the elevation view drawings for the Applebee's , out-parcel building were not included with the site plan submittal, . place a note on sheet OS-1, SP-4 within the area of the restaurant i building indicating that site plan review is required for the i restaurant building. Also state on the plans that the vacant site will ~ i be enclosed with a continuous curb and the area will be i landscaped with lawn grass that is irrigated. I 46. i Modify the north elevation of the Walgreens building to comply with i the community design plan regulations regarding percent of I window openings for building facades that have a drive-up window. i If the subject project is approved, the Walgreens out-parcel building will not receive a building permit until either the north J ~ building facade complies with the code or an appeal to the code is ~ i granted by the City Commission. The deadline for applications for i appeals to the community design plan is 15 working days prior to a (~ c~ I Planning and Development Board meeting. [LDR, Chapter 9 - I Community Design Plan, Section 11.H I through 7] .Page 7 ]oynton Commons PCD ~IWSP 96-008 DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECT 47. Change the design of the below listed building facades to be as attractive (with increased articulation and/or fenestration) as the ' front of the building; i. north, south and west sides of the Sports Authority outbuilding; i ii. east and north sides of the Bed, Bath & Beyond tenant space; iii. west side of major tenant ¢f-4 and iv. add roof tile to the Video Ave out-parcel building j similar to the sloped roof entrance to the Old Navy tenant space or ~TO i apply and receive approval of an appeal to the Community Design i Plan for the following code section: LDR, Chapter 9 -Oommunity i Design Plan, Section 11.1 i i To comply with this comment, it is recommended that the elevations of the buildings be changed to show additional detail i such as the sloped tile roof that is shown on the fronts of the buildings. 48. Place a note on sheet OS-1, SP-1 and SP-4 indicating that when J the gates for the dumpster enclosures are open they will not reduce the access aisle below the minimum width. Page 8 -~Joynton Commons PUD ~IWSP 96-008 DEPARTMENTS I iNCLUDE I REJECt 49. For the below listed buildings, specify on sheet QS-1 and SP-1 through SP-4 the distance between the leading edge of the building and the property line. The setback distance shall comply ~ with the PCD setback regulations. The leading edge of the ! building includes extensions from the walls of the building for ~ covered walkways, awnings, canopies and other types of i !overhangs: ' i. Walgreens - east and north sides; ii. Video Ave. - east side; ii. Bed, Bath & Beyond tenant building - north and west sides: iv. Sports Authority - south and west sides and v. Major ~ - west side i [LDR, Chapter 2 - Zoning, Section 6.F.7.E] 50. i Clarify drawing OS-1 and SP-4 regarding the area identified as i loading area of 1,160 square feet. If this area is enclosed it shall i be counted as gross leasable floor area and the plan shall be / i modified to show the 1,160 square feet included within the existing .21,237 square feet Petsmart or all documents associated shall be I i corrected. 51. IOn drawings SP-1 through SP-4 ensure that the ten (10) foot wide I per pheral greenbelt is labeled and dimensioned along the entire I perimeter project. [LDR, Chapter 2 - Zoning, Section of the i6F7F] 52. i Identify on sheet 0S-1 the number of interior parking spaces ~consistent with the regulations specified in the landscape code. Where applicable, modify the interior required landscape computations and landscape plans accordingly. [LDR, Chapter 'V i7.5, Article II - Landscape Code, Section 5.G] 53. Modify the plans to show the final determination of the parking lot/ variance, file number PKLV 96-005, regarding the distance an on- / site access aisle is located from the right-of-way line at the west major access aisle on Old Boynton Road. Also indicate with a note on the site plan the file number, date of the final determination and ia brief description of the variance. Page 9 Boynton Commons PCD NWSP 96-008 DEPARTMENTS I iNCLUDE I REJECT 54. Provide a copy of the city approved and executed unified control documents. J 55. ~ Modify the note on sheet OS-1 that indicates Palm Beach County's conditions of approval regarding the county's evaluation of the , traffic impact analysis, to state 40 percent of project traffic is j i allowed rather than 40 percent of the project is allowed. 56. i To enhance the appearance of this planned commercial I~ development (PCD), it is recommended that there be decorative i pedestrian lights added to the front of each outbuilding and multi- i tenant building. It is further recommended that the major eastJwest I and north/south access aisle have decorative site lighting poles ~ I line each side of the access aisle. These poles shall match the i design of the pedestrian poles recommended for the fronts of the i buildin~]s. Page 10 Boynton Commons PCD NWSP 96-008 DEPARTMENTS I iNCLUDE I REJECT 57. For clarity of signage regulations and future tenants in the PCD, it is recommended that the sign program be laid out as a chart using text to delineate the subsection regulations required by Section 10.1 of the Community Design Plan. Considering that the sign program is not included with the site plan submittal, the elevation : drawings included with the site plan review submittal for sign , program shall show, with dimensions, the area on the facade of ,each building where all signage will be allowed. The drawing does not need to show the sign, just the area in which the sign may be placed with specific dimensions delineating the limits of the sign i area with respect to the top and bottom of the wall or fascia4 A note on the chart should indicate that the total area of the signage shall comply with the regulations stated in the sign code. For site signs, a site plan indicating their locations is required. The . minimum freestanding sign setback often (10) feet shall be shown i and dimensioned on the plan. Dimensioned elevation view drawings of the site signage are required and the drawings shall compliment the written portion of the sign program that specifies i the site signage. Adjacent to where the letter style is defined by ~ ~ name in the sign program, include a small sample drawing of the !I letter style. When specifying the color names in the sign program, include the color code and manufacturer and submit samples (2" by 2") of the four (4) proposed colors including black and white. iWhere non-word signage is proposed provide detail drawings i identifying colors and sizes in compliance with the regulations. IA so when specifying the name of the sign style in the sign iprogram, include a small sample drawing of the sign style. 58. iClarify the discrepancy in the parking space computations found on Isheet OS-1 regarding number of parking spaces required and J inumber provided. Show and identify on the plans no less than 1 !park ng space for each 200 square feet of gross leasable floor iarea. I 59. !To unify the design of the wall signage on Bed, Bath & Beyond and !Sports Authority, it is recommended that the sign on the east side j iof the Bed, Bath & Beyond tenant space be modified in shape and iconfiguration to resemble the sign located on the east side of the iSport Authority outbuilding. Page 11 · -BoyntOn Commons PUD NWSP 96-008 60. On sheet OS-1 dimension the width of the handicapped parking / space access aisle. Also indicate that the five (5) foot wide access aisle is typical for all handicapped parking spaces. 61. i On sheet SP-1 through SP-4 delineate with notes and dimensions i the location of the parking spaces that have a two foot overhang i into an adjacent landscape area. Also identify the width of the ! landscape strip. 62. i At the north driveway located on Winchester Park Boulevard, show / i and dimension on both sides of the access aisle a 100 foot ~ driveway access aisle. r 63. On sheet SP-I and LP-1 show and dimension the required line of i site triangles at the on-site median at the Congress Avenue i driveway. i 64. l Where applicable, the data identified on the site plan review [application shall be modified to be compatible with the data and ,/ I information that is shown and identified on the twelve (12) sets of plans that were amended to comply with staff comments for I second review. 65. I The content of the permit plans are subject to compliance with all I applicable city code of ordinances. It is the applicant's t i responsibility to show compliance. Additional comments may be I generated following the review of permit plans. ADDI'rIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS 66. I Reword #1as fol ows Move the dumpster enclosure farther north and shift the angle to the satisfaction of the Public Works Department, to increase the back-up distance. 67. 'Delete #7 ,./ 68. Reword #8 as follows: The west building side of major number 6 and the north building of major number 5 is not accessible. The applicant Ishall revise stand pipe locations to the satisfaction of the Fire IDepartment. Page 12 Boynton Commons PUD NWSP 96-008 69. Reword #46 as follows: Modify the north elevation of the Walgreens . building to comply with the community design plan regulations regarding percent of window openings for building facades that have ' a drive-up window. If the subject project is approved, the Walgreens out-parcel building will not receive a building permit until either the i' north building facade complies with the code or an appeal to the code , is granted by the City Commission. The deadline for applications for V i appeals to the community design plan is 15 working days prior to a i Planning and Development Board meeting . [LDR, Chapter 9 - !Community Design Plan, Section 11.H 1 through 7]. Glass with ~! darkened backing for security is acceptable, provided the total of all i windows including those darkened, is 25% of the north elevation. 70. I Reword #47 as follows: Change the design of the below listed ! building facades to be as attractive as the front of the building; i. north, south and west sides of the Sports Authority outbuilding; ii. east and north sides of the Bed, Bath & Beyond tenant space; : iii. west side of major tenant ¢f.4 and iv. add roof tile to the Video Ave out-parcel building similar to the sloped roof entrance to the Old Navy tenant space or iapply and receive approval of an appeal to the Community Design Plan for the following code section: LDR, Chapter 9 - Community Design Plan, Section 11.1 To comply with this comment, add a combination of additional Ifenestration/articulation and heavier buffering of trees of staggered ilocation and height ranging from 8 feet to 14 feet. 71. iDelete #56 72. iDelete #59 73' i xtend hedge along the west s~de of budding major 4. 74. iExtend wall and hedge approximately 60 feet to the south along the // west side of the Sports Authority truck well to the greatest extent ~ossible in light of utility lines in the area. Page 13 Boynton Commons PUD NWSP 96-008 IADDITIONAL CiTY COMMISSION CONDITIONS I~ 75, ~o be determined MEH/dim c:COMF IBOYC.WPD ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS FROM COMMISSION MEETING 6. 7. 8. 9. DEVELOPMENT ORDER OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APPLICANT: Flowers Bakery Warehouse/Distribution Center APPLICANT'S AGENT: Spring Enoineering. Inc. agent for First Eaole Developments. In~.,(Contract Purchaser) DATE OF HEARING BEFORE CITY COMMISSION:~9/17/96 TyPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: Re(~uestino abandonment of a utility easementlocated on Lot 47-B in the Quantum Park PID. L~ :)CATION OF PROPERTY: Quantum Corporate Park PAWING(S): SEE EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO. THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of B~ynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission h~ving considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as followS: ] 1. Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations. The Applicant v' HAS HAS NOT e ;tablished by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested. I 3 The Appli,,cant's application for relief is hereby .._¢ GRANTED subject to the conditions marked as "include" in E hibit "F" hereto. DENIED 4. This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk. 5. terms 6. All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with and conditions of this order. Other: ~/~' D~,TED: October 15. 1996 Ci~ty 6Clerk ~ LOCATION 'MAP FLOWERS INDUSTRIES, INC. ~, 3 PlO coMMIE ,UANTUM SITE RIAA EXHIBIT "F" Conditions of Approval Project name: Flowers Bakery Warehouse/Distribution Center File number: ABAN 96-002 Reference: Utility Easement Abandonment at Flower's Bakery_ Warehouse/Distribution Center in Quantum Corporate Park, Planning and Zoning Department Memorandum No. 96-499 I DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE I REJECT ENGINEERING i Comments: 1. No objection if FPL will sign-off I UTILITIES i Comments: NONE ~I_ANNING AND ZONING 1 Comments: 2. Prior to a resolution being prepared for City I Commission approval of the requested utility i easement abandonment FPL shall approve the ~ request. ~DDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS I 3, NONE I ~DDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS 4. TO be determined. EH/dim LOWERS2.WPD ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS FROM COMMISSION MI~ETING 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 9. DEVELOPMENT ORDER OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APPLICANT: BURGER KING RESTAURANT APPLICANT'S AGENT: Morton Group. Inc., a(~ent for Howard Scharlin, Trustee of the Shoppes of Woolbright PCD DATE OF HEARING BEFORE CITY COMMISSION: October 15. 1996 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: Requesting site plan aporoval to construct a 2.911 square foot Burqer King Restaurant with a drive-thru lane on .918 acres within the PCD. LOCATION OF PROPERTY: Northeast corner of S.W. 8th Street and Woolbrioht Road ( a part of Tract "C" of Shoooes of Woolbrioht PCD). DRAWING(S): SEE EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO. THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows: 1. Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations. The Applicant v'HAS HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested. 3. The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set forth on Exhibit "C" with the notation "Included". The Applic/ant's application for relief is hereby y' GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof. DENIED EXHIBIT" C" Conditions of Approval ~roject name: Burger King Restaurant - Shoppes of Woolbright PCD File number: NWSP 96'009 Reference: The plans consist of 14 sheets identified as 2nd Review, New Site Plan. File NWSP 96-009 with a September 23.1996 Planning and Zoning Department date stamp marking. PUBLIC WORKS Comments: NONE UTILITIES Comments: 1. Provide peak flow demand, based on gpm (gallons per i minute), to justify water meter size. 2. Palm Beach County Health Department permits will be ; required (Sec. 26.12). 3. i Plan shall show location of all utility easements, existing or i proposed, on or off site, (Sec. 26.33(a)). 4. i Only palm trees will be permitted in utility easements, (Sec. ~ i 26.33(a)). 5. I Utility easements shall be a minimum of 12' (twelve feet), .~/ i (Chapter 6, Art. IV, Sec. 6.A). 6. ! City water will not be supplied for irrigation. Please show.,~ I, water source and location on your plans, (City Comp. Plan, i Policy 3C.3.4). I FIREi Cor~ments: 7. Provide for fire hydrants so that no portion of the building ,is over two hundred feet (200') away. 8. I Note: A more readily accessible hydrant is possible with i a S.W. 8th Street location. Aisc, water must be available i on site before construction begins. 9. !Proposed ingress/egress road "by others,, shall be !substantially constructed before the site is utilized. i Thereafter, access (haul road) shall be provided before I construction of Burger King begins. DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECT Comments: 10. Submit for review working drawings for the paved access //' connection between S.W. 8th Street and the Home Depot parking lot. Include on the access drawings all required traffic control pavement markings and signage. 11. Submit for review working drawings for the S.W. 8th Street median cut. Include on the median cut drawings the lane configuration, as previously approved and show all required traffic control pavement markings and signage. Also, indicate on the plan the name of the use that is i served by the curb cut shown on the west side of S.W. 8th 'Street. ; Page 3 Burger King Restaurant - Shoppes of Woolbright PCD ~File No. NWSP 96-009 DEPARTMENTS I iNCLUDE I REJECT DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Comments: 12. All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the city's code requirements at time of application. These permits i include, but are not limited to the following: site lighting, i paving, drainage, curbing, landscaping, irrigation and traffic i control devices. Permits required from agencies such as the FDOT, PBC, SFWMD and any other permitting agency ! shall be included with your permit request. 13. ! Revise documents to reflect all comments. 14. i Permits must be obtained forwork within R.O.W. Chap.22, I Art. Il, Sec. TA, pg.22-3. 15. i Certify that light poles are in compliance with Standard I Building Code and withstand a 110 mph wind load. Chap. i 23, Art. llAla, pg.23-6. 16. i Paint handicap pavement symbols white. Sheet 9 of FDOT / I Index 17346 and Land Development Regulations Chap.23, I Art. Il, Sec. B2, pg.23-7. 17. I Provide a sidewalk in from SW 8th Street to entrance. i Florida Accessibility Code, Sec. 4.3.2, pg. 23. I 18. I Revise french drain and structure to reflect city standards, D.O.T. 285 & city drawing B-91007. !Provide median with "peanut" to allow only left turn 19. i movements. 20. Indicate pipe inverts. 21. i Provide pylon sign details in compliance with LDR Chapter J 22. Revise detail 8-9 sheet C-6 to reflect 9' traffic stall width , next to handicap space. 23. i Building permits will not be issued until access road is completed thouoh first pavinq lift. PARI~S AND RECREATION Comments: NONE Page 4 Burger King Restaurant - Shoppes of Woolbdght PCD ~ile No. NWSP 96-009 DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECT FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: 24, ~ There are no existing trees on the site, except any trees / which may be located in the S,W. 8th Street right-of-way. . / i The applicant should comment if these trees must be V relocated to provide access to the site. Page 5 Burger King Restaurant - Shoppes of Woolbdght PCD r--File No. NWSP 96-009 DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECT PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 25. City's Land Development Regulations require that every , site plan submittal contain a building floor plan. Provide a . current floor plan of the structure. Include in this floor plan ! features required by the Community Design Plan relative ~ to drive up windows. 26· The required setbacks for the PCD zoning district are i correctly noted on the site plan, sheet C-1, however, they i are not drawn on the site plan. Draw in the required i setbacks on sheet C-1 to comply with the submittal I requirements. 27. i Any rooftop equipment will have to be screened from view ' at a distance of 600 feet. If such equipment is planned, ~ indicate its location and the height of the equipment above / ,I the roof level. Provide elevations of the structure showing I the roof top equipment and the required screening (all reduced to a small scale) and draw in on these elevations 'the lines-of-sight connecting the highest point of the i equipment with eye level from a distance of 600 hundred feet from the building. Take into consideration the i elevation change on the 1-95 westbound ramp (Woolbright i Road). 28. i The design standards for loading zones require the i minimum area of 12 feet wide by 35 feet long. Correct the i size of the loading zone proposed on the site plan. 29. i City's Land Development Regulations require that each site i plan submittal contain a current survey. Provide the document as required. Page 6 Burger King Restaurant - Shoppes of Woolbright PCD File No. NWSP 96-009 DEPARTMENTS I iNCLUDE I REJECT 30. Chapter 9 of the LDR, Community Design Plan, requires that no drive-up windows shall be located on a building facade that faces a public or private street, unless several requirements are met as outlined in adopted City Commission ordinance No. 096-31. The submitted drawings show the following deficiencies: ; A. A pitched roof and facade off-set is required for every drive-up window. Provide an appropriate ! architectural treatment for the southern drive-up , window. i~ B. Within the required landscape buffer screening the ! entire drive-through lane shall contain a minimum two foot tall earth berm meeting the specifications as described in LDR, Chapter 9, Section 11.H.5. Provide required berm and indicate its location on sheet C-1, site plan. ' C. Provide appropriate landscaping of the above ~ mentioned berm as described by LDR, Chapter 9, , Section 11.H.6 and 7. 31. On the Landscape Plan, Sheet L-l, amend the tabular I summary of the planting material to include a "landscape , material required by the code" category. Also, provide I relevant calculations for this category. For the landscape i buffer adjacent to the right-of way, provide perimeter V i distances of the parcel for which the landscape buffer i material is being calculated. I 32. i Incorporate the above calculation into the tabulation of the ,i landscape material provided for the site. All native species shall be distinguished from non-native species with a / i recognizable symbol. Preliminary calculations by city staff indicate that the 50 percent ratio of native species for i required amount of trees and shrubs is not met. Verify the i amount of required and native species by providing corresponding calculations. 33. Indicate the spacin~ of required trees. Page 7 Burger King Restaurant - Shoppes of Woolbright PCD File No. NWSP 96-009 DEPARTMENTS I iNCLUDE I REJECT 34. i A continuous hedge shall be provided in all landscape ! buffers adjacent to rights-of-way. It is recommended tha. i the hedge located on both sides of the main entrance to I the property be extended further to better screen the vehicular use area. 35. i On the Site Plan, sheet C-1 and on Landscape Plan, Sheet / ! L-l, indicate the width of the required, 10 feet wide, J i peripheral greenbelt. 36. It is recommended that the peripheral greenbelt be enhanced by providing more diversified planting material including, but not limited to hedges. 37. The approved master plan requires that two deceleration ~ lanes be provided for vehicular traffic on S.W. 8th Street / i as access road to the subject property it approaches the ~ from the north and the south. Alter the median within S.W. V i 8th Street to reflect these requirements of the master plan. I 38. I Provide details of the dumpster enclosure including its i dimensions (including the height), exterior finish and I landscaping, as required by the code. 39. To minimize the visual impact of the service area, buffer the loading zone as required by the code using a screen wall and accent shrubs or a vegetative buffer. 40. Remove the trees from the 6-foot wide utility easement I located in the easternmost part of the parcel. Only palms are permissible within the utility easements. 41. Some of the exterior building material finishes are not i identified on the building elevations. Provide finish material ~list for exterior material finishes, as noted on sheet A-2, / exterior elevations. Submit to the Planning and Zoning Department a presentation board containing samples of all exterior building materials to be used for construction. Since this submittal is incomplete without this, the applicant may be at risk of additional building design comments !being generated by staff that may have to be appealed to Ithe Commission if this is received after the Board and iCommlssion meetings. Page 8 Burger King Restaurant - Shoppes of Woolbright PCD ~'ile No. NWSP 96-009 DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE REJECT 42. A rectified master plan showing compliance with all conditions of approval, shall be submitted prior to issuance of a building permit. ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS 43. 44. Reword #9 as follows: Proposed ingress/egress road "by others" shall be stabilized rock construction before construction of Burger King begins. Access (haul road) shall be provided before construction of Burger King begins. Reword #23 as follows: A certificate of occupancy will not be issued until the access road is completed. Reword #27 as follows: Any roof top equipment will have to be screened from view at a distance of 600 feet, excluding the view from the 1-95 ramp. If such equipment is planned, indicate its location and the height of the equipment above the roof level. Provide elevations of the structure showing the roof top equipment and the required screening (all reduced to a small scale) and draw in on these elevations the lines-of-sight connecting the highest point of the equipment with eye level from a distance of 600 hundred feet from the building. ADDI~FIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS 46. To be determined /bme a:commbk. Wpd DEVELOPMENT ORDER OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OFBOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APPLICANT: BURGER KING RESTAURANT APPLICANT'S AGENT: Morton Grouo. Inc.. agent for Howard Scharlin. Trustee of the ShoDpes of Woolbright PCD DATE OF HEARING BEFORE CITY COMMISSION: October 15. 1996 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: Requesting site plan approval to construct a 2.911 souare foot Burger King Restaurant with a drive-thru lane on .918 acres within the PCD. LOCATION OF PROPERTY: Northeast corner of $.W. 8th Street and Woolbright Road a part of Tract "C" of Shoppes of Woolbright PCD). DRAWING(S): SEE EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO. THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows: 1. Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations. The Applicant v'HAS HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested. 3. The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set forth on Exhibit "C" with the notation "Included". The Applic)ant's application for relief is hereby ~/ GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof. DENIED EXHIBIT "C" Conditions of Approval ~roject name: Burger King Restaurant - Shoppes of Woolbright PCD t~ile number: NWSP 96-009 Reference: The plans consist of 14 sheets identified as 2nd Review, New Site Plan. File NWSPi96-009 with a Seotember 23,1996 Planning and Zoning Department date stamp marking. PUBLIC WORKS Comments: NONE UTILITIES comments: 1., Provide peak flow demand, based on gpm (gallons per i minute), to justify water meter size. 2. i Palm Beach County Health Department permits will be i required (Sec. 26.12). I 3. i Plan shall show location of all utility easements, existing or proposed, on or off site, (Sec. 26.33(a)). 4. ! Only palm trees will be permitted in utility easements, (Sec. I 26.33(a)). 5. , Utility easements shall be a minimum of 12' (twelve feet), I (Chapter 6, Art. IV, Sec. 6.A). 6. City water will not be supplied for irrigation. Please show water source and location on your plans, (City Comp. Plan, Policy 3C.3.4). FIRE I Co~ments' 7. Provide for fire hydrants so that no portion of the building is over two hundred feet (200') away. 8. I Note: A more readily accessible hydrant is possible with i a S.W. 8th Street location. Also, water must be available Ion site before construction begins. 9. i Proposed ingress/egress road "by others" shall be !substantially constructed before the site is utilized. ! Thereafter, access (haul road) shall be provided before i construction of Burger King begins. Comments: 10. Submit for review working drawings for the paved access connection between S.W. 8th Street and the Home Depot parking lot. Include on the access drawings all required traffic control pavement markings and signage. 11. Submit for review working drawings for the S.W. 8th Street median cut. Include on the median cut drawings the lane configuration, as previously approved and show afl required traffic control pavement markings and signage. Also, indicate on the plan the name of the use that is ~ served by the curb cut shown on the west side of S.W. 8th . Street. Page 3 Burger King Restaurant - Shoppes of Woolbright PCD File No. NWSP 96-009 DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Comments: 12. All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the city's . code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to the following: site lighting, i paving, drainage, curbing, landscaping, irrigation and traffic I control devices. Permits required from agencies such as ! the FDOT, PBC, SFWMD and any other permitting agency , shall be included with your permit request. 13. i Revise documents to reflect all comments. 14. ! Permits must be obtained for work within R.O.W. Chap.22, I Art. Il, Sec. TA, pg.22-3. 15. Certify that light poles are in compliance with Standard Building Code and withstand a 110 mph wind load. Chap. I 23, Art.llAla, pg.23-6. 16. i Paint handicap pavement symbols white. Sheet 9 of FDOT Index 17346 and Land Development Regulations Chap.23, ! Art. Il, Sec. B2, pg.23-7. 17. Provide a sidewalk in from SW 8th Street to entrance. I Florida Accessibility Code, Sec. 4.3.2, pg. 23. 18. Revise french drain and structure to reflect city standards, D.O.T. 285 & city drawing B-91007. 19. Provide median with "peanut" to allow only left turn i movements. 20. I Indicate pipe inverts. 21. Provide pylon sign details in compliance with LDR Chapter 21. 22. Revise detail 8-9 sheet C-6 to reflect 9' traffic stall width next to handicap space. 23. I Building permits will not be issued until access road is i comoleted thou(~h first Davinq lift. PARES AND RECREATION Comments: NONE · Page 4 Burger King Restaurant - Shoppes of Woolbright PCD , tile No. NWSP 96-009 DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECT FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: 24. There are no existing trees on the site, except any trees / : which may be located in the S.W. 8th Street right-of-way. i The applicant should comment if these trees must be i relocated to orovide access to the site. Page 5 Burger King Restaurant - Shoppes of Woolbright PCD -' ~:ile No. NWSP 96-009 DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECT PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 25. City's Land Development Regulations require that every site plan submittal contain a building floor plan. Provide a / i current floor plan of the structure. Include in this floor plan i features required by the Community Design Plan relative ! to drive up windows. 26. i The required setbacks for the PCD zoning district are i correctly noted on the site plan, sheet C-1, however, they i are not drawn on the site plan. Draw in the required ,~ setbacks on sheet C-1 to comply with the submittal I requirements. 27. I Any roof top equipment will have to be screened from view at a distance of 600 feet. If such equipment is planned, indicate its location and the height of the equipment above / the roof level. Provide elevations of the structure showing the roof top equipment and the required screening (all reduced to a small scale) and draw in on these elevations ,~,,~-~ the lines-of-sight connecting the highest point of the equipment with eye level from a distance of 600 hundred feet from the building. Take into consideration the elevation change on the 1-95 westbound ramp (Woolbdght i Road). 28. The design standards for loading zones require the minimum area of 12 feet wide by 35 feet long. Correct the size of the loading zone proposed on the site plan. 29. City's Land Development Regulations require that each site plan submittal contain a current survey. Provide the I document as required. Page 6 Burger King Restaurant - Shoppes of Woolbright PCD -~ile No. NWSP 96-009 DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECT 30. Chapter 9 of the LDR, Community Design Plan, requires that no drive-up windows shall be located on a building facade that faces a public or private street, unless several requirements are met as outlined in adopted City Commission ordinance No. 096-31. The submitted drawings show the following deficiencies: A. A pitched roof and facade off-set is required for ~ every drive-up window. Provide an appropriate ~ architectural treatment for the southern drive-up window. B. Within the required landscape buffer screening the ~ entire drive-through lane shall contain a minimum J I i two foot tall earth berm meeting the specifications i as described in LDR, Chapter 9, Section 11.H.5. Provide required berm and indicate its location on sheet C-1, site plan. i C. Provide appropriate landscaping of the above i mentioned berm as described by LDR, Chapter 9, , Section 11 .H.6 and 7. 31. i On the Landscape Plan, Sheet L-l, amend the tabular I summary of the planting material to include a "landscape I material required by the code" Also, category. provide ~ relevant calculations for this category. For the landscape I buffer adjacent to the right-of way, provide perimeter V ~ distances of the parcel for which the landscape buffer material is being calculated. 32. I Incorporate the above calculation into the tabulation of the I landscape material provided for the site. All native species I shall be distinguished from non-native species with a i recognizable symbol. Preliminary calculations by city staff I indicate that the 50 percent ratio of native species for ! required amount of trees and shrubs is not met. Verify the !amount of required and native species by providing i corresponding calculations. 33. I Indicate the spacin~l of required trees. Page 7 Burger King Restaurant - Shoppes of Woolbright PCD ~File No, NWSP 96-009 DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECT 34. A continuous hedge shall be provided in all landscape buffers adjacent to rights-of-way. It is recommended that /-- the hedge located on both sides of the main entrance to the property be extended further to better screen the vehicular use area. 35. i On the Site Plan, sheet C-1 and on Landscape Plan, Sheet / L-l, indicate the width of the required, 10 feet wide, peripheral greenbelt. 36. It is recommended that the peripheral greenbelt be ~/ , enhanced by providing more diversified planting material including, but not limited to hedges. 37. The approved master plan requires that two deceleration , lanes be provided for vehicular traffic on S.W. 8th Street / i as it approaches the access road to the subject property Y i from the north and the south. Alter the median within S.W. 8th Street to reflect these requirements of the master plan. 38. Provide details of the dumpster enclosure including its :dimensions (including the height), exterior finish and ~ landscaping, as required bg the code. 39. 'Fo minimize the visual impact of the service area, buffer , the loading zone as required by the code using a screen wall and accent shrubs or a vegetative buffer. 40. i Remove the trees from the 6-foot wide utility easement i located in the easternmost part of the parcel. Only palms ,~ are permissible within the utility easements. 41. i Some of the exterior building material finishes are not = identified on the building elevations. Provide finish material ! list for exterior material finishes, as noted on sheet A-2, // i exterior elevations. Submit to the Planning and Zoning ' Department a presentation board containing samples of all i exterior building materials to be used for construction. i Since this submittal is incomplete without this, the applicant may be at risk of additional building design comments i being generated by staff that may have to be appealed to the Commission if this is received after the Board and ~ Commission meetin~ls. Page 8 Burger King Restaurant - Shoppes of Woolbright PCD File No. NWSP 96-009 DEPARTMENTS 42. A rectified master plan showing compliance with all conditions of approval, shall be submitted prior to issuance of a building permit. REJECT ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS 43. 44. 45. Reword #9 as follows: Proposed ingress/egress road "by others" shall be stabilized rock construction before construction of Burger King begins. Access (haul road) shall be provided before construction of Burger King begins. Reword #23 as follows: A certificate of occupancy will not be issued until the access road is completed. Reword #27 as follows: Any rooftop equipment will have to be screened from view at a distance of 600 feet, excluding the view from the 1-95 ramp. If such equipment is planned, indicate its location and the height of the equipment above the roof level. Provide elevations of the structure showing the roof top equipment and the required screening (all reduced to a small scale) and draw in on these elevations the lines-of-sight connecting the highest point of the equipment with eye level from a distance of 600 hundred feet from the building. ADDI[TIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS 46. To be determined ,~ f~-7~'; ~ /bme a:commbk.wpd ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS FROM COMMISSION MEETING L The design elements approved for this site shall be carded forward on all future clevelopment within the PCD. 2. Exmn~ion of mansard to north side of building required. DEVELOPMENT ORDER OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APPLICANT: _BOYNTON FESTIVE CENTER APPLICANT'S AGENT: Jill Jarkesy, agent for Agree Ltd. Partnership DATE OF HEARING BEFORE CITY COMMISSION: October 15. 1996 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: Reguest to apoeal Chapter 7.5. Article II - Landscaoe Code. S~ction 5 E. of the City's Land Develooment Regulations lOCATION OF PROPERTY: Northwest corner of Conoress Avenue end Old Boynton Road. DRAWING(S): SEE EXHIBIT"B" ATTACHED HERETO. THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of B~)ynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having cbnsidered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, m~embers of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows: ~ 1. Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner c~nsistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations. The Applicant ~ HAS HAS NOT e~tablished by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested. i 3. The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative st~aff, or suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set forth on Exhibit "E" with the notation "Included". The AppliCant's application for relief is hereby ~' GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof. DENIED 5. This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk. 6. All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this order, 7. O,her: ~ ~)~" DATED: October 15. 1996 City (:lerk ~ ~:IIA A Lt,,.Ji~.,~l I~,Jl'~l Ivn'r'xi BOYNTON FESTIVE CENTER I. UI: ~3 "MOTOROL BEACH AA R3 EXHIBIT "E" Conditions of Approval , roject name: Boynton Festive Center File number: LAAP 96-002 Reference: Interior property_ line landscape appeal, File No. LAAP 96-002, Planning and Zoning Memorandum No. 96-504 DEPARTMENTS I iNCLUDE I REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments: NONE UTILITIES Comments: NONE FIRE~ Comments: NONE POLICE Commlents: NONE ENGIN~EERING DIVISION Comments: NONE BUILDIING DIVISION Comments: NONE PARK~ AND RECREATION Commffnts: NONE FORE~TER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: NONE PLANNIING AND ZONING Comments: 1. ' ,he applicant shall provide verification from the city attorney that the ~ ecorded operation and easement agreement provides common use I?y all property owners within the center of the driveway off of Old V I~oynton Road. Verification shall be provided prior to department Sign-off of the plat. DEPARTMENTS 2. Provide an 18 inch tall hedge, spaced two feet on center in the landscape strips on at least one side of the driveway/access aisle that is proposed to be split by a property line. INCLUDE ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS 3. NONE ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS 4. ¥o ~3e determined. iv,~l~.~ REJECT MEH/bme c: FESTIVE.WPD ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS FROM COMMISSION MEETING