R03-041RESOLUTION NO. R03- Ol..I I
WHEREAS, the City Commission, upon staff's recommendation, has deemed it
and in the best interests of the public, to approve a Task Order for Metcalf &
for the production well services at the western wellfied, in an amount not to exceed
Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida does
authorize and direct execution of Task Order No. 01-09 for Metcalf & Eddy, in an
amount not to exceed $282,559.
Section 2. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this _~ day of March, 2003.
Eddy 01-09
Commissioner ~ .......
February 7, 2003
The City of Boynton Beach (City) owns and operates the West Wellfield to provide raw
supply water for the West Water Treatment Plant (WTP). The wellfield consists of both
active and inactive production wells designed to supply the WTP with water from the
surficial aquifer.
The WTP has recently experienced an increase in the amount of sand reaching the
cartridge filters. The increase in sand has resulted in a decrease in cartridge filter working-
Fife and could ultimately damage the treatment membranes.
The City has asked that a study be performed to identify the source of the increase in sand
reaching the WTP. The study will involve an evaluation of instrumentation, raw water
lines, and the supply wells. Sand production at Wells 10W and 12W has been noted and
may be the source of the increase in sand reaching the WTPo Upon identification of the
source of the increased sand, the appropriate modifications to the raw water supply system
will be designed and implemented to reduce sand production.
The City would like to place inactive Wells 4W, 5W, 6W and 13W into service in order to
increase the raw water supply available to the WTP. Wells 4W, 5W, and 6W are
connected to the raw water line; however, 13W will need to be connected to the raw
water line. Modifications to the wellhead may be necessary at Wells 1W and 12W and
may include the installation of a check valve at each well.
The scope of services presented herein represents Metcalf& Eddy's efforts in supporting
the City for the project.
Scope of Services
1.0 Project Management
1.1 Management
Project Management activities comprise contract administration, coordination of
project staff, monitoring of progress and project costs throughout the project
1.2 Project Meetings
M&E will attend meetings with representatives of the City as part of this project,
as follows:
a. Two community meetings
b. Project kickoff and predesign meeting
c. One design review meeting each at the 60% and 90% completion levels
d. Pre-bid meeting
e. A preconstruction meeting
f. Two monthly construction progress meetings (not including RPR weekly
g. Project closeout
M&E will prepare all presentation material necessary for the community
participation meetings. It is assumed that the City will prepare and distribute the
meeting notices.
Sand Source Study
2.1 Wells 10W and 12W
An investigative study will be performed to identify the source of sand that appears
to be plugging the cartridge filters. A portion of the study will be focused
primarily on Well 12W since this well is a known sand-producer. Findings from
the Sand Source Study will be utilized for developing a plan for sand reduction at
Well 12W. The following services will be provided to conduct a sand-source
Evaluate cartridge filter monitoring instrumentation to ensure that such
equipment is operating properly and not falsely indicating that the cartridge
filters need replacement.
· Collect samples of sand from the cartridge filters for comparison with sand
being produced from the supply wells. Sand production at Well 12W will be
evaluated first since sand production from this well appears to be significant.
· Conduct sand content testing on each of the active supply wells to determine
the extent of sand production from each well (a total of seven wells).
· Perform television surveys (through a subcontractor) of Wells 10W and 12W
under pumping conditions. Well casing will be inspected for holes and the
open hole formation will be observed while pumping the well to help identify
intervals from which sand is being produced.
Full time resident observation services would be provided with this sub-task.
It is assumed that the television surveys would take one full day.
Use the results of the television surveys to assist in the evaluation of available
options for reducing sand production at Wells 10W and 12W. Options to
evaluate may include development of the wells and installation of a sand-
separator at each well or at the WTP raw water intake.
2.2 Raw Water Line
If the Sand Source Evaluation does not identify the source of sand as being
wells specific, conduct a television survey (through a subcontractor) of each of
the raw water lines to determine if a breach in the line is resulting in the
introduction of sand into the line. This Task assumes that a total of 6,000
linear feet of raw water line will undergo inspection via television survey and
the lines are 12- to 24-inch.
Full time resident observation services would be provided with this sub-task.
It is assumed that the television surveys would take a maximum of four full
A written Technical Memorandum summarizing the findings of the sand-source
evaluation will be prepared.
Sand Reduction Plan
A sand reduction plan to reduce the amount of sand reaching the cartridge filters
will consist of the following:
Consider individual well development, installation of sand separators at each
supply well and/or at the WTP raw water intake will be considered for this
portion of the study. If the television survey of the raw water line reveals that
a breach in the raw water line is a source of sand, the Sand Reduction Plan will
include a plan for repairing the raw water line.
Prepare technical specifications to allow the execution of the sand reduction
plan. Technical specifications shall be provided to the City for attachment to
appropriate front-end contract documents.
The technical specifications will be part of the overall project bid package.
Well Development/Raw Water Line Pigging
4.1 Development of Wells 10W and 12W
Upon completion of the Sand Source Evaluation, it may be determined that
aggressive development of Wells 1 OW and 12W is the most appropriate method of
reducing sand production from these wells. If aggressive development of Wells
10W and 12W is determined to be necessary, this Task will consist of the
· Provide subcontracting services for the performance of aggressive
development of Wells 10W and 12W. The services consist of one
mobilization, pulling pumps from each well, and a maximum of 120 hours of
development time per well (budgeted at $225 per hour).
Provide resident observation services during well development. For budget
purposes it is assumed that resident observation services during well
development will average 4 hours per day and is assumed to require 4 days of
development per well.
4.2 Development of Wells 4W, 5W, 6W and 13W
Wells 4W, 5W, 6W and 13W have been constructed and developed; however, the
wells have been idle since their original construction. The open-hole interval of
well 13W is known to have collapsed during testing, however, the extent of hole-
collapse is unknown. Extensive development may or may not be required at each
of the wells. Sand production during development will be monitored closely to
determine the necessity for further development. The development of Wells 4W,
5W, 6W and 13W will consist of the following:
· Prepare well development plan for submittal to the City and the City-selected
Contractor (a~er bid phase). The plan will include over-pumping the wells at a
rate of 3,000 to 5,000 gallons per minute (gpm).
· Provide resident observation services during well development. Resident
observation services are estimated at 8 hours during the first day of
development at each well and 2 hours per day following the first day of well
development if additional development is deemed necessary. For budget
purposes, an average of 24 hours of development time per well for wells 4W,
5W, and 6W is estimated. Well 13W is estimated to require approximately 60
hours of development time.
If, during development, it is determined that any of the wells are sand
producers, an additional 24 hours per well of development time and/or the
design of sand separators will be considered.
4.3 Raw Water Line Pigging and Disinfection
The water lines for Wells 4W, 5W, and 6W shall be pigged to remove any sand
that may be present in the line. Each of the lines and wells 4W, 5W, 6W, and 13W
shall then be disinfected. The following services will be provided under this task:
Provide subcontracting services for disinfecting Wells 4W, 5W, 6W, and 13W
and their associated raw water lines and pigging of the raw water lines at Wells
4W, 5W, and 6W. Pigging shall be completed prior to disinfecting the lines. It
is assumed that the City will provide sampling and laboratory services for well
disinfection, a total of 6,000 linear feet of raw water line will undergo
inspection via television survey, the City has all pigging stations needed for this
task, and the lines are 12- to 24-inch.
Engineering Design Services
Wells 4W, 5W, 6W and 13W Instrumentation and Electrical Design and
Pump Selection
Instrumentation and pumps are needed in order to place Wells 4W, 5W, 6W and
13W into service. Design of enclosures around Wells 4W and 5W is also needed.
The City also wishes to modify the wellheads of Wells lW and 12W to include an
above ground cushioned check-valve. The following design services for these
wells will be provided:
Facilitate pump selection/instrumentation design kick-off meeting with City
staff to discuss the instrumentation, electrical and wellhead design to ensure
that City requirements and preferences are included in the design.
Conduct necessary hydraulic modeling of the wellfield pumping system to size
new pumps and motors for Well 4W, 5W, 6W, and 13W based on anticipated
conditions with the additional system capacity provided by bringing the well
on-line and aquifer performance at near-by supply wells
Design modification to Wells 4W, 5W, 6W, and 13W. Modifications to
include new pumps for the four wells, wellhead piping and valving for the four
wells, instrumentation and controls for the four wells, telemetry for the four
wells, connection of wellhead piping to raw water main for Well 13W,
metering for flow measurement, and fencing and landscape enclosure for Wells
4W and 5W. Wellhead design shall include the option of operating the wells
via a remote generator. Specifications shall provide control scheme for
construction contractor to provide programming of PLCs and control room
computers. No programming will be done by Engineer.
Design minor modifications to the wellhead at Wells 1W and 12W to include
an above ground cushioned check-valve at each well.
Attend site visit for design purposes, estimated at 8 hours.
Provide the City with four copies of a 60 and 90 percent well instrumentation
and wellhead design.
Prepare final instrumentation and control, electrical, wellhead design, and
pump selection drawings and technical specifications for the instrumentation
and wellhead modifications. Instrumentation specifications will have a
provision to include the ability for the City to monitor static and drawdown
levels within each well. Drawings and specifications (in CSI format) to consist
of mechanical, electrical, and instrumentation and control. The specifications
shall also include a provision to allow the City to purchase a spare well pump.
5.2 Raw Water Line for Well 13W Design, Raw Water Line Pi~in~,
Well 13W is not currently connected to the raw water line. Accordingly, the
following design services will be provided:
Provide the City with four copies of a 60% design of the raw water line for
Well 13W and connection of the raw water line to the existing raw water main.
· Conduct a meeting with the City to discuss the 60% design.
· Incorporate City comments and develop a 90% design submittal for City
· Prepare final raw water line design technical specifications (in CSI format) for
submittal to the City.
5.3 Engineer's Estimate
At the 90% completion milestone, M&E will prepare an engineer's estimate of
probable construction cost.
5.4 Permitting
Permitting activities with the Palm Beach County Department of Health
(PBCDOH), Palm Beach County DERM, and the SFWMD is anticipated. The
following activities will be accomplished as part of expected permitting
Prepare the appropriate permit applications for the PBCDOH, PBDERM (if
necessary), and SFWMD (if necessary) to allow well modifications and placing
the wells in service. The wells were permitted with the South Florida Water
Management District prior to construction.
· Provide permitting services (i.e., respond to permitting agency requests for
additional information, etc.).
5.5 M&E Internal Review
As part of our quality control program, M&E will provide for internal design
review at the 60% and 90% completion milestones. If desired, the City is welcome
to participate in the internal reviews in addition to those reviews outlined above.
Bidding Services
In this phase, M&E will provide engineering services during the bidding and award
of the project for one bid package. The following tasks are anticipated:
Bid advertisement to be posted by the City.
Provide five sets of Bid Documents to the City in hard copy and electronic
format for the City and DemandStar's use.
Issue project manuals to three plan review rooms selected by the City
Charge for and distribute project manuals.
Develop and issue one Addendum if required.
Conduct a pre-bid conference (tasked under 1.2)
Respond to prospective bidders' written inquiries.
Assist the City in evaluation of bids.
Tabulate bids and make recommendations to City regarding award of bid.
Construction Services
M&E will provide construction services outlined below for the duration of the
project through Final Completion. Services are described as follows:
7.1 Preconstruction Meeting
M&E will conduct the preconstruction meeting between the City and the
Contractor to assist in explaining construction administration procedures. M&E
will record and provide meeting minutes. Fees are included in 1.2.
7.2 Technical Services
During this phase, M&E shall employ a Resident Project Representative (RPR) to
be on site for the construction duration - 6 weeks (30 working days). This
proposal includes funding of a RPR for a maximum of 40 hours per week during
the duration of construction. The duties to be performed by the RPR shall consist
· observation of construction activities,
· review of workmanship,
· monitoring the progress of construction and compliance with the intent of
· maintaining one set of marked construction drawings reflecting field changes to
aid in the preparation of record drawings,
· maintain logs of construction activity,
· develop weekly reports,
· attend weekly progress meetings with contractor,
· assist in reviewing pay estimates, review record drawings, and
· review and assist in negotiating change orders.
As part of project certification, M&E will conduct inspections as follows:
· Provide observation services during instrumentation and electrical installation
and wellhead modifications. Observation services will consist of up to 12 site
visits of 2 hours each to check on installation of equipment and attend
construction meetings.
· Provide part-time observation services during installation of the raw water line.
Observation services are estimated at an average of 2 hours per day for an
estimated 5 days.
Contractor Submittals
M&E's review of required Contractor submittals will consist of the following
· Review up to four sets of shop drawings submitted by the Contractor to
determine general conformance to the design concept and the project manual.
M&E will provide a written opinion on acceptance status for each set
· Review Contractor pay requests on a monthly basis and provide written
recommendations. Three requests are estimated.
· Review and respond to up to six requests for information (RFI) submitted in
writing by the contractor.
7.4 Proposed Change Orders
M&E will review up to four requests for change orders submitted by the
Contractor. Review will address conformance to original design concepts and
cost-effectiveness. M&E will evaluate requested price changes and time
extensions for proposed change orders, prepare change order City forms, and
make recommendations to the City in writing.
7.5 Substantial Completion/Final Acceptance
Key members of M&E's team will conduct a final inspection for the work with the
City's representatives and the Contractor and provide written recommendations to
the City for acceptance of the work. This task includes M&E preparation of the
punchlist for distribution and final acceptance verification ofpunchlist item
7.6 Startup Assistance/Certifications
Startup assistance will be provided and closeout punchlist for each well will be
prepared. Startup services and follow up site visits are anticipated at total 6 hours
per well.
Provide application and signed and sealed record drawings for final PBCHD,
clearance. Applications with signed and sealed drawings for submittal to the Palm
Beach County Department of Environmental Resources Management (if
necessary) and the South Florida Water Management District (if necessary) shall
also be provided.
Basis of Estimate
1. The City has all existing pigging stations necessary for Task 4.3.
2. Laboratory analysis required for disinfection or well clearances shall be the
responsibility of the City or construction contractor as defined in the specifications by
the Engineer with the City's input.
3. Front end documents will be provided by the City for use in the Bid Documents.
4. All permitting fees will be paid by the City.
5. Programming services are not included in this proposal but can be added as additional
services if desired by the City.
6. Engineer will prepare all drawings in AutoCAD.
7. City shall provide available drawings and drawings flies for the West Wellfield sites.
8. The resident engineering budget is based on a 42 calendar day time frame (30 working
days) for a contractor to perform the work to substantial completion. Final
completion will be two weeks later.
9. Work hours for the contractor will be 40 hours per week, Monday through Friday.
Additional hours worked (evenings or weekends) requiring presence of the Resident
Project Representative (RPR) will be compensated with overtime rates.
! 0. Compensation for work in this proposal will be based on a time and materials method
of payment for all phases as described in Appendix B, Section 6a of the General
Proiect Schedule
The following project schedule has been developed for the project.
Time Elapsed to
Subtask Completion
Task 5 -
Task 6 -
Task 7 -
Notice to Proceed
Task 1 - Project Management
Task 2 - Sand Source Study
Task 3 - Sand Reduction Plan
Task 4 Well Development
Wells 10W and 12W
Wells 4W, 5W, 6W, and 13W
Engineering Design
60% Design Submittal
90% Design Submittal
Bid Phase
Contractor NTP
Construction Services
Shop Drawings
Equipment Delivery
RPR Field Services
Construction Substantially Complete
Final Completion/Certifications
0 weeks
as required
4 weeks
6 weeks
10 weeks
10 weeks
10 weeks
18 weeks
22 weeks
26 weeks
28 weeks
32 weeks
44 weeks
50 weeks
50 weeks
52 weeks
The schedule assumes timely review and comment (no more than two weeks) by the City
for all submittals. The schedule has accounted for two weeks for each submittal.
Many of the activities are preformed simultaneously for Tasks 1 through 5. The project
team will make its best efforts to further expedite the project as much as possible.
Proiect Team
The project team will be led by Mr. Mark Blanchard who will act as principal-in-charge.
M&E's project manager will be Mr. Jay Ameno, P.E. ARCADIS will be M&E's
hydrogeological services subconsultant. Subcontractors will be used for the television
surveys and well development tasks. Another subcontractor will be used for pigging (if
M&E proposes to perform the tasks outlined for a time and materials not to exceed sum
amount of $282,559. A cost estimate is attached to present a breakdown of fees and
hours per task and is attached. The cost estimate is summarized below.
Task Item Labor ODCs Subcontractor Total
1. Project $15,918 $ 488 $ 8,531 $ 24,937
2. Sand Source 2,960 79 38,157 41,196
3. Sand Reduction 0 0 10,529 10,529
4. Well Development 1,480 12 105,106 106,598
5. Design Services 10,902 423 32,620 43,945
6. Bid Services 2,460 129 1,722 4,311
7. Construction 34, 516 1,369 15,158 51,043
Total $68,236 $2,500 $211,823 $282,559
City Manager
Approved as to Form:
City Attorney
Metcalf& Eddy, Inc.
Mark S. Blanche, Vice President