Minutes 03-12-03Minutes of the Golf Course Advisory Board Meeting held Wednesday, March 12, 2003 on the deck at The Links at Boynton Beach Golf Course. Present: Absent: George Barrett, City Member, Chairman Jim Smith, County Member, Vice-Chairman Bill McCarty, City Member Art Mathews, City Member Diana Johnson, City Member Joe Sciortino, Golf Director Corrado Giangreco, City Alternate Robert Lee, City Alternate Dan Winters, County Alternate Chairman Barrett called the meeting to order at 3:01pm. Mr. Sciortino told the Board that Mr. Giangreco had called this morning to let everyone know that he was ill and would not be attending the meeting. Mr. Sciortino distributed agendas to the Board. Mr. McCarty moved to approve the agenda as presented, seconded by Jim Smith, and passed 3-0 (Mr. Mathews and Ms. Johnson had not arrived at this point.) Under announcements the Golf Director reminded the Board that the fourth annual Concert on the Green was scheduled for May 16th, with a 50's theme. The Links was hosting the March meeting of the Palm Beach Chapter of the Golf Course Superintendents Assoc. on March 27th. The Breast Cancer tournament is scheduled for April 12th, and we have already had sixteen paid entries to date. The City Amateur Championship is scheduled for April 26th and 27th, followed by the SFL PGA Section Junior Professional/Senior Professional Championship on 4/28. Mr. McCarty moved to accept the minutes of the January 30, 2003 meeting as presented, seconded by Mr. Smith, and passed 4-0 (Mr. Mathews had entered the meeting at 3:05pm. During the Golf Director's report, which came next, Diana Johnson joined the meeting at 3:15pm). Mr. Sciortino referred the Board to the article he had previously mailed to them on the Lake Worth Municipal GC new restaurant. He reminded the Board that whenever municipal golf courses, and even some private ones, build bigger and better clubhouses and restaurants, they invariably underestimate the costs to maintain them and end up draining resources from the golf operation to pay for that cost. He was happy that for some $30,000 they could spruce up the bathrooms, and another $10,000 had built the deck and spruced up the clubhouse. He directed the Board to the handout on The Links' restaurant and noted that sales were up, as well as average income per golfer. Mr. Sciortino was pleased to report that the new manager was making great improvements in wooing customers back in to the restaurant with tasty specials. And many patrons were coming just for lunch as well. Mr. Sciortino reviewed the activity reports for January and February, and for the first five months of this fiscal year. Although January was down due to the cold weather, this year's first five months saw an increase of $40,086.25 over last year's first five months' golf operations revenues. He further pointed out that every course depends on its small core of loyal players to play 70-80% of the total rounds, and that the Links Club Card program was feeding into this very well. He also let the Board know that he had hosted the first "Ladies Clinic" with Dan Hager this past Saturday and that it went very well for a first effort. There were six ladies, four retired, two working, who had paid $100 each for three, two hour sessions on Saturday morning to learn about golf, its history, its traditions, its spirit, its rules, and how to play the game. Diana Johnson noted her approval and support for this effort. Mr. Sciortino asked Ms. Johnson to tell the Board about Saturday's presentation at the Catalina Center on the plans for downtown re-development. Ms. Johnson gave an enthusiastic re-cap of what was said, and the Board thanked her for the update. Mr. Sciortino closed his report. Under New Business Mr. Smith asked what was being done about Mr. DiFiore's suspension, and asked what role the Board should be playing in this. Chairman Barrett replied that he thought the Board should take a stance on this, and entertained any motions to that effect. He reminded the Board that Mr. DiFiore had been at several Board meetings in the past, and had often been vehement in his objections to course policies. He did not understand why Mr. DiFiore continued to play The Links when he always seemed to have a complaint. After some discussion and general agreement on the need for strong support for the golf course staff in carrying out course policies Mr. McCarty asked to make a motion. He moved that the Golf Course Advisory Board supports The Links' Pace of Play policy and guidelines, and its enforcement, and would recommend that uncooperative golfers who abuse golf course employees should be permanently barred from the course, and not given temporary suspensions. Mr. Smith seconded it, and it passed 5-0. Mr. Smith went on to further say that the judgment of the Golf Director in these matters should be supported, and that the only advice the Board should be offering is the punishment, and not whether or not action is warranted. The Board was in consensus agreement that the golf course staff went overboard in trying to deal with uncooperative golfers, and quite unnecessarily. Mr. Sciortino said this situation was rare in that most golfers who do not approve of course policies accept the offer of a refund and go elsewhere to play where the course policies better suit their needs. It is rare that a golfer chooses to continually complain and refuse to cooperate. He let the Board know that Mr. DiFiore was meeting with the Assistant City Manager, Dale Sugerman, at 4pm today. The Board asked if it was possible to get him word of the motion that they had just passed. Mr. Sciortino said he would try. Mr. Smith, continuing under New Business, asked if a policy could be created that encouraged golfers to play from tees appropriate for their level of skill. He suggested some sort of maximum handicap level be established for each set of tees, and some way to get golfers to abide by those guidelines, such as a surcharge if they choose to play from tees too difficult for them based on their handicap. Mr. McCarty said he thought that that would be a bit of a negative for golfers. Mr. Sciortino agreed, and said that it would have to be done in such a way as to make sure the golfers knew this was being recommended to them so that they could enjoy themselves more when playing our course. He told the Board that he would present this concept at the next joint meeting of the Golf Directors and Player Ambassadors for their input and thoughts. He said he liked the idea, but that he had learned that people do not resist change as much as they resist the process of change. This would take some thought on how to introduce it by next fiscal year. Mr. McCarty moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mr. Smith, and passed 5-0. The meeting was adjourned at 4:45pm. ,e~ sC'iortino, MP, Golf Director "Gro[~n~ oSe Game and Our People. March 3, 2003 Golf Course Advisory Board Dear Board Members, / Our next regularly scheduled AdvisoryBCoard meeting will be held Wednesday, March 12, 2003 at 3pm on The Links' clubhouse deck. I have had to alter our normal meeting time from the third Thursday of the month because of scheduling conflicts, but Freda tells me that no one that she called had an objection. Thank you. I have enclosed several documents for your review before the meeting: the activity/revenue reports for the months of January and February; the restaurant report year to date; the total rounds reports for both the Championship Course and The Family Course; and a copy of an article that appeared in The Post newspaper on March 3, 2003 regarding the restaurant at the Lake Worth Municipal Golf Course. Obviously weather played a factor in the activity in January, (although the restaurant did quite well), and with good weather we met projected, budgeted activity for February on the Championship Course. However, as we discussed at the special January meeting, rounds on The Family Golf Course were slightly below budget as those customers' disposable incomes continue to shrink. Although we are $33,291.48 below budgeted revenues for the first five months of this fiscal year, we do have about a $75,000 cushion due to not having budgeted Family Course and Driving Range revenues for this summer in anticipation of the renovation project that we are no longer scheduled to do. The good news is that our courses are in great shape, the restaurant is steadily improving each month, and customer compliments are a daily occurrence. Our Links Club Card sales are now at 448 (500 sales were budgeted for the year), and we plan on selling more in April by giving purchasers a full year from April through the following March. And we anticipate increased summer activity with Delray Municipal GC being closed for renovations and with Links Club Card purchasers taking advantage of their $22 rate. The locker room bathroom renovations were completed on schedule. The construction cost was $23,758, and the Crowd Pleaser bathroom rental was $7980, for a total cost of $31,738. We have received many compliments on this project, and are thankful that our customers were patient with us during this six-week period. Our female customers, in particular, have thanked us for increasing their stalls from two to five. Looking'~rward to seeing you all, Joe Si;i'ortino, MP, Golf Director 8020 Jog Road, Boynton Beach, FL 33437 Phone: (561) 742-6500 Fax: (561) 966-1700 Mailing: P.O. Box 310, Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Web Site Address: ci.boynton-beach.fl.us/golf/index.htm AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE LINKS AT BOYNTON BEACH GOLF COURSE ADVISORY COMMITTEE March 12, 2003 GOLF COURSE RESTAURANT 3:00PM II. III. IV. V. VI. OPENINGS A. Call to Order B. Agenda Approval 1. Additions, Deletions, Corrections 2. Adoption C. Announcements MINUTES A. Minutes of Golf Course Advisory Committee Meeting of January 30, 2003 REPORTS Golf Director's Report NEW BUSINESS OLD BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT NOTICE IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE GOLF COURSE ADVISORY BOARD WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING, HE/SHE WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND, FOR SUCH PURPOSE, HE/SHE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDING IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. (F.S. 286.0105) THE CITY SHALL FURNISH APPROPRIATE AUXILIARY AIDS AND SERVICES WHERE NECESSARY TO AFFORD AN INDIVIDUAL WITH A DISABILITY AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICIPATE IN AND ENJOY THE BENEFITS OF A SERVICE, PROGRAM, OR ACTIVITY CONDUCTED BY THE CITY. PLEASE CONTACT JOYCE COSTELLO, (407) 375-6013 AT LEAST TWENTY-FOUR (24) HOURS PR/OR TO THE PROGRAM OR ACTIVITY 1N ORDER FOR THE CITY TO REASONABLY ACCOMMODATE YOUR REQUEST. THE LINKS AT BOYNTON BEACH MONTHLY REPORT ROUNDS PLAYED CHAMPIONSHIP COURSE ACTUAL % BUDGETED ACTUAL VS JANUARY GF PLAY JANUARY BUDGETED 2003 VS APN 2003 +/- 9 HOLE GREENS FEES 686 73.90% 1000 -314 3 YEAR AVERAGE 95/ RESIDENT GREENS FEES ANNUAL PERMIT HOLDERS 257 325 -68 333 26.10% 400 -67 437 2701 71.21% 3500 -799 3381 1011 4O0 611 1501 28.79% 1600 -99 1946 18 HOLE GREENS FEES RESIDENT GREENS FEES ANNUAL PERMIT HOLDERS EXECUTIVE COURSE 9 HOLE GREENS FEES RESIDENT GREENS FEES ANNUALPERMIT HOLDERS 3175 94.42% 3600 -425 257 250 7 203 5.58% 250 -47 67 97.10% 50 17 0 0 0 2 2.90% 0 2 18 HOLE GREENS FEES RESIDENT GREENS FEES ANNUAL PERMIT HOLDERS CARTFEES ACTUAL JANUARY 2003 MOTOR/CHAMPIONSHIP MOTOR/EXECUTIVE PULL/CHAMPIONSHIP PULL/EXECUTIVE SKINS/COUPONS CARTS $68,166.31 $9,O39.O5 $129.80 $748.44 $0.00 GREEN FEES CHAMPIONSHIP EXECUTIVE LINKS CLUB CARD GREEN FEES-CH LINKS CLUB CARD GREEN FEES-EX APH SURCH. CHAMP APH SURCH. EXEC TOTAL CART & GREEN FEES $81,379.20 $41,793.28 $26,158.62 $2,78O.78 $6,288.21 $194.54 $236,678.23 BUDGETED JANUARY 2003 $74,469.00 $10,129.00 $148.68 $737.04 $0.00 $107,100.00 $46,878.5O $14,234.50 $2,665.5O $6,804.00 $235.00 $263,401.22 3666 423 61 2O ACTUAL VS BUDGETED ($6,302.69) ($1,089.95) ($18.88) $11.4O $0.00 ($25,720.80) ($5,085.22) $11,924.12 $115.28 ($515.79) ($40.46) ($26,722.99) YEAR TO DATE ACTUAL JANUARY 2003 LINKS CLUB CARDS $2,550.00 MISC FEES $10,256.77 (Incl. League Fees, CIP, Jr. Fees, Hdcp. Computer Service & Club Repairs) INCLUDES CURRENT MONTH $21,850.00 $36,715.09 CLUB RENTALS 9 HOLES $136.00 18 HOLES $250.00 $811.00 $654.00 $34,077.18 $34,433.29 S53,549.66 RANGE BALLS $10,622.96 MERCHANDISE $8,814.54 FOOD & BEVERAGE $13,634.42 TOTAL BAD WEATHER DAYS Restricted/Limited Cart Days BUDGETED FOR ENTIRE YEAR $25,000.00 $85,961.00 $4,500.00 INCW/9 HOLES $75,000.00 $124,700.00 $145,000.00 THE LINKS AT BOY. NTON BEACH MONTHLY REPORT ROUNDS PLAYED CHAMPIONSHIP COURSE 9 HOLE GREENS FEES ACTUAL % BUDGETED ACTUAL VS FEBRUARY GF PLAY FEBRUARY BUDGETED 3 YEAR 2003 VS APH 2003 +/- AVERAGE 880 75.03% 900 -20 1123 RESIDENT GREENS FEES ANNUAL PERblIT HOLDERS 18 HOLE GREENS FEES RESIDENT GREENS FEES ANNUAL PERMIT HOLDERS EXECUTIVE COURSE 9 HOLE GREENS FEES RESIDENT GREENS FEES ANNUAL PERMIT HOLDERS 18 HOLE GREENS FEES RESIDENT GREENS FEES ANNUAL PERMIT HOLDERS CART FEES 268 125 143 382 24.97% 350 32 2942 71.46% 3400 -458 1010 650 360 1578 28.54% 1500 78 3434 94.05% 266 234 5.95% 61 98.46% 3 I 1.54% ACTUAL FEBRUARY 2003 MOTOR/CHAMPIONSHIP MOTOR/EXECUTIVE PULL/CHAMPIONSHIP PULL/EXECUTIVE SKINS/COUPONS CARTS GREEN FEES CHAMPIONSHIP EXECUTIVE LINKS CLUB CARD GREEN FEES-CH LINKS CLUB CARD GREEN FEES-EX APH SUP, CH. CHAMP APH SURCH EXEC TOTAL CART & GREEN FEES $72,870.56 $9,806.38 $202.96 $924.21 $0.00 $90,564.52 $44,947.04 $26,271.53 $2,921.70 $6,671.15 $221.78 $255,401.83 3600 275 275 5O 0 0 BUDGETED FEBRUARY 2003 $70,788.00 $9,421.00 $377.6O $884.39 $0.00 $102,995.00 $46,878.50 $15,131.00 $2,913.25 $6,331.50 $258.5O $255,978.74 490 3633 1980 -166 3956 -9 -41 408 11 69 3 1 25 ACTUAL VS BUDGETED +/- $2,082.56 $385.38 ($174.64) $39.82 $0.00 ($12,430.48) ($1,931.46) $11,140.53 $8.45 $339.65 ($36.72) ($576.91) ACTUAL FEBRUARY 2003 LINKS CLUB CARDS $350.00 MISC FEES $10,717.51 (Incl. League Fees, CIP, Jr. Fees, Hdcp. Computer Service & Club Repairs) CLUB RENTALS YEAR TO DATE INCLUDES CURRENT MONTH S22,200.00 $47,432.6O 9 HOLES $229.00 $1,040.00 18 HOLES $345.00 $999.00 RANGE BALLS $10,595.52 $44,672.70 MERCHANDISE $9,363.53 $43,796.82 FOOD & BEVERAGE $16,444.91 $69,994.57 TOTAL BAD WEATHER DAYS 1 7 Restricted/Limited Cart Days 1 4 BUDGETED FOR ENTIRE YEAR $25,000.00 $85,961.00 $4,500.00 INCW/9 HOLES $75,O0O.OO $124,700.00 $145,000.00 ~OOI~ ~00~0 OC0hJ 0oo 000 (;0',4O 01O1O '"'.4'"4O o~E''°s 0~0~ 0 0 0 -fl 0 z ~0 I~000 ~4 000 000 000 000 000 z r~ t- MONTHLY RESTAURANT GROSS DOLLARS/PLAYER THE LINKS MONTH NOVEMBER '99 DECEMBER JANUARY '00 FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER TOTAL NUMBER OF ADJUSTED NUMBER OF GROSS PER BAD WEATHER GROSS SALES PLAYERS PLAYER DAYS closed $9,202.42 10,022 $0.92 1 $11,535.40 11,293 $1.02 1 $14,235.15 12,583 $1.13 0 $13,352.64 12,784 $1.04 3 512,509.37 9,617 $1.30 3 $8,317.85 7,953 $1.05 2 $6,871.85 7,669 $0.90 2 $8,829.98 6,861 $1.26 6 $9,740.74 6,117 $1.59 0 $7,210.85 5,101 $1.41 11 $101,606.25 90,000 $1.13 29 NUMBER OF ADJUSTED NUMBER OF GROSS PER BAD WEATHER MONTH GROSS SALES PLAYERS PLAYER DAYS OCTOBER '00 $7,964.68 6,473 $1.23 8 NOVEMBER $9,826.86 8,486 $1.16 0 DECEMBER $12,797.39 9,525 $1.34 4 JANUARY '01 $13,857.19 11,194 $1.24 0 FEB RUARY $15,108.64 12,308 $1.23 0 MARCH $17,332.94 12,096 $1.43 1 APRIL $17,557.43 10,296 $1.71 0 MAY $10,912.53 7,367 $1.48 4 JUNE $10,877.17 6,560 $1.66 5 JULY $10,510.78 6,704 $1.57 9 AUGUST $9,145.50 5,651 $1.62 6 SEPTEMBER '* $9,197.77 4,345 $2.12 10 TOTAL $145,088.88 101,005 $1.44 47 **included $2,532 for Amateur Champ., Adult./Child Tourney, Jr. Program NUMBER OF ADJUSTED NUMBER OF GROSS PER BAD WEATHER MONTH .GROSS SALES PLAYERS PLAYER DAYS OCTOBER '01 $9,632.07 6,688 $1.44 6 NOVEMBER $11,820.91 8,424 $1.40 2 DECEMBER $13,122.89 10,035 $1.31 2 JANUARY '02 $14,150.50 11,805 $1.20 0 FEBRUARY $12,306.16 11,041 $1.11 4 MARCH $15,780.81 11,611 $1.36 2 APRIL $14,105.64 9,265 $1.52 4 MAY $15,132.16 7,695 $1.97 2 JUNE $9,467.85 5,541 $1.71 8 JULY $10,854.09 5,781 $1.88 7 AUG UST $12,653.75 6,787 $1.86 2 SEPTEMBER $10,352.80 5,753 $1.80 3 TOTAL $149,379.63 100,426 $1.49 42 NUMBER OF ADJUSTED NUMBER OF GROSS PER BAD WEATHER MONTH GROSS SALES PLAYERS PLAYER DAYS OCTOBER '02 $12,222.38 7,691 $1.59 0 NOVEMBER $13,056.90 8,132 $1.61 2 DECEMBER $14,635.96 9,234 $1.59 3 JANUARY '03 $13,634.42 10,343 $1.32 1 FEBRUARY $16,444.91 11,149 $1.48 1 MARCH #DIV/0! APRIL #DIV/0! MAY #DIV/0! JUNE #DIV/0! JULY #DIV/0! AUGUST #DIV/O! SEPTEMBER #DIV/0! TOTAL $69,994.57 46,549 $1.50 7 Lake Worth in flap with golf eatery There's a food fight in Lake Worth between the city and its golf-course restaurant tenant. The city filed suit last week to evict the Lake Worth Country Club, accusing the eatery of not paying rent in February and its share of utilities since September. It also says the year-old restau- rant owes more than $16,600 in property taxes. Lake Worth Country Club owner Robert Radice denies the al- legations and says the city hasn't given him the support to make the venture successful. Radice said he went 17 days in October without air conditioning and that the city reneged on a promise to provide him with a 6- foot sign. He also said he's been "publicly ridiculed" at city com- mission meetings. '~111 wanted to do is have a nice restaurant in Lake Worth," said Radice, former managing di- rector of the Gulfstream Hotel in Lake Worth. "Everybody knows it takes three years to find your way in this business, especially when you're isolated on a golf course." ' City Manager Wendy Newmyer said Radice has offered to settle the dispute and close the restau- rant. She expects to discuss the matter at tonight's city commis- sion meeting. Newmyer encouraged the city tO do business with Radice. But the eatery's hours were inconsis- tent, and he "never really liked ca- tering to the golf community." Newmyer said. The deals don't ston "Gro in G, ae , nd Our People. February 26, 2003 CERTIFIED MAIL #7099 3400 0002 2536 862( Mr. Sal DiFiore 230 N.E: 26th Avenue, # 413 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Dear Sal, I have thought long and hard about our conversation last Saturday. I agree with you that you should never feel threatened by, or be fearful of, anyone on my staff when you come to The Links to play golf. But I also feel that they should not have to be fearful either of approaching you or your group to ask for your cooperation in keeping pace with the other groups on the course, or to honor any other course policy. This is so that everyone can enjoy their golf without negatively impacting others. I do not question that you believe that you did not use foul language. But I also have no reason to doubt what my Player Assistant says he heard you say. When you are angry you probably do not realize how loud your voice can get, how intimidating your physical demeanor and facial expressions can be, or maybe even recall the words you might have said. The key point is that you acknowledged to me that you did not think your group was out of position and therefore did not feel you should have to cooperate with the Player Assistant's request to "close the gap", and you told him so. A simple "OK, we'll try our best" was all he was expecting. But the response you chose is just not permissible at most golf courses, and certainly not here. If you take issue with the performance of any of my Staff you are invited to come talk to me, or Dan, about it at the completion of your round. You have done so on many previous occasions and I thank you for those opportunities to explain why we do what we do, even though you still may not agree. But the golf course is not the proper venue to do that and all you accomplish by arguing.with Staff is to further delay play. You also told me on Saturday that you question my authority to suspend your playing privileges. However the very essence of my job is insure everyone has a good time by formulating policies approved annually by the Golf Course Advisory Board, clearly communicating them to our customers, training my staff to monitor them, and enforcing them if and when necessary by appropriate means. Because you disagree that I have this authority I am not starting your two-week suspension until March 19, 2003. In the interim I am giving you reasonable time to make any contacts that you deem appropriate. My immediate supervisor, Assistant City Manager Dale Sugerman, can be reached at 742-6456. The next scheduled Golf Course Advisory meeting is on Wednesday, March 12, 2003 at 3pm on The Link's restaurant deck. And, of course, you have other options that you may choose to pursue. I hope you take the time to consider the points that I have raised before acting. Joe ~~,~ ~ctor Cc./K~,rt B~ressner, City Manager ~,Dale Sugerman, Assistant City Manager Golf Course Advisory Board 8020 Jog Road, Boynton Beach, FL 33437 Mailing: P.O. Box 310, Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 742-6500 Fax: (561) 966-1700 Web Site Address: ci.boynton-beach.fl.us/golf/index, htm