Ron Washam, Chairman Dan DeCarlo, Neighborhood Specialist
Anne Centi
Blanche Girtman
Eddie Mitchell
Jose Rodriguez
Clifford Royael
Howard Solomon
Brenda Lee Williams
Sara P. Dye, Alternate
Jayne Kupperman, Alternate
Anna Marie Noe, Vice Chair
I. Pledge of Allegiance
Chairman Washam called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Ms. Girtman led
members in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
II. Roll Call - Regular Members and Alternates
The Recording Secretary called the roll and declared a quorum was present.
III. Recognition of Visitors
Chairman Washam introduced Vice Mayor Ferguson, Commissioner Weiland,
former Commissioner Charlie Fisher and City Manager Kurt Bressner.
IV. February 12, 2003 Minutes Approval
Ms. Girtman moved to accept the minutes. Motion seconded by Ms. Williams
and unanimously carried.
V. Agenda Approval
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, FL
March 12, 2003
Chairman Washam requested to add as Item (c) under New Business
"Community Caring Center of Boynton Beach, Inc."
Ms. Williams moved to approve the agenda, as amended. Motion seconded by
Ms. Girtman and unanimously carried.
VI. Correspondence and Announcements
Ms. Centi spoke about the CRA workshop held on Saturday and noted that it was
very well done and is a new beginning in the City.
Ms. Girtman thanked the City for assisting with HeritageFest and stated that it
was a success.
Chairman Washam announced that the Boynton Beach Tigers defeated Ft.
Myers and will be playing Jacksonville for the State Championship in Lakeland
on Friday night. The City will be providing a bus and anyone that wants to go to
the game should contact the Recreation Department at the Hester Center.
Mr. Bressner announced that at the last City Commission meeting the City
Commission formally adopted a military unit. This was a tradition that started
during the Persian Gulf conflict in 1991 and at that time the City adopted the
Delta Demons, 2nd Battalion of the 327th Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne
Division (Air Assault), United States Army and will be doing the same again. Mr.
Bressner distributed a handout to the members and noted that letters would be
welcomed. Mr. Bressner will have more information at the next City Commission
VII. Old Business
PATCH Activities Update- HeritageFest Health Fair
Mr. DeCarlo reported that PATCH had a tent at HeritageFest and it was very
successful. Several vendors were present and a great deal of information was
disbursed. PATCH now has a full and active board that meets on the third
Wednesday of each month in Conference Room C at City Hall.
One of PATCH's main activities is working with several churches in the Heart of
Boynton area, and they are working on scheduling a wellness center for one
Saturday each month that would be open to the community. Reverend Chaney
has been very helpful in this regard.
Chairman Washam requested that Mr. DeCarlo offer a brief history of the PATCH
Program and how it came to fruition through the Community Relations Board.
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, FL
March 12, 2003
Mr. DeCarlo noted that approximately three years ago the Community Relations
Board worked with the Palm Beach County Health Care District and formed a
PATCH committee in the City to represent that organization. The committee is
now independent.
PATCH has been working on various needs assessments and looking a various
grant programs, as well as determining the best uses for the Wilson Center. One
of PATCH's goals is to meet the health needs of the entire community. Mr.
DeCarlo noted that many people are not receiving the assistance they are
entitled to because they are unable to fill out the paperwork or have no
transportation. They have also been focusing their efforts on the Haitian
community as they have concerns regarding health and education.
Mr. DeCarlo spoke about the services that have been offered by PATCH
throughout the City. PATCH is well aware that there are many people in the
community in need of health care, and they are trying to educate people on what
is available and how to get help and maintain good health.
Ms. Girtman pointed out that over the past 15 years they have been trying to get
a health facility in the north end of the City to help the residents of that area,
especially the elderly.
VIII. New Business
Chief Gage (Boynton Beach Police Department)-
Discuss Race Relationships between Boynton Beach Police
Department and the Community
Chairman Washam announced that Chief Gage requested to address the Board
to present a report on race relations and how the Police Department is working
with all City residents. The Board usually requests on an annual basis an update
on how the Police Department is doing with the community; however, tonight
Chief Gage was not asked to speak to the Board, but asked to address the Board
on his own volition.
Chairman Washam introduced Police Chief Marshall Gage, who thanked the
Board for allowing him to speak. Chief Gage noted that he has always had open
dialogue with the Board and has discussed openly the concerns of the Board and
his Department. Chief Gage said he was present tonight to stand up for his
Officers in the organization because there are very few people who do so. Even
though several individuals receive commendation letters, the public very rarely
knows this.
Chief Gage noted that there are 137 Officers in the Police Department and next
Monday there will be 138, which is the authorized strength. He pointed out that
many Officers that have left the Department for better benefits and pay have
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, FL
March 12, 2003
come back to the City for the quality of life. He personally interviews every
individual before they are offered the position and takes personal responsibility
for that individual. If an Officer makes a mistake, that Officer is expected to take
personal responsibility for his own actions. If an Officer lies, he will be fired; five
Officers have been fired for lying. Chief Gage pointed out that over one-third of
the Officers that he has hired have at least two years of college and are
encouraged to pursue further education.
Chief Gage requested to speak tonight because he was concerned about
headlines in the newspapers and rumors. He noted that although there are two
reporters present tonight taking down notes, he cannot tell them what to put in
the paper. He acknowledged that headlines sell papers. They can also destroy
careers of good Officers who are doing a good job, but "step into something" and
if it is presented wrong, it can hurt those Officers and their morale.
Chief Gage said he was here tonight to speak about race relations. He noted
that there have been stories in the newspapers recently saying that Boynton
Beach has a problem with race relations. People are quick to make judgments
without looking at the whole picture. He noted that the Internal Affairs
Investigators do the investigations, but he takes complaints from anyone who
walks in the door, as well as anonymous complaints. Chief Gage said that he
recently had an Internal Affairs investigation that was 7" thick and when he sends
a recommendation to the City Manager, the City Manager reads the entire file.
He noted that there is an injustice when thousands of hours of work are
summarized into one paragraph. This is an injustice to the Officers that did the
investigation and an injustice to the agency, their credibility and reputation.
The Agency's reputation is on the line at this time and there are two Internal
Affairs investigations that will be coming out in the next few days. Chief Gage
will announce the completion of the investigation and said he is prepared to live
with the results. One of the investigations deals with the event that made the
headlines recently, and he is not totally happy with the investigation because he
did not receive everyone's cooperation, and this will be reflected in the report.
Chief Gage noted that there were two articles regarding the incident under
investigation reported in the newspapers without the benefit of the investigation
being completed. He also pointed out that there was an editorial in the Palm
Beach Post that asserted that one of the individuals arrested was racially
motivated and there were comments in that editorial that discussed a 17-year old
Chief Gage noted that he expects to be held accountable for his organization and
what his Officers do and most of them are doing a professional job. The recent
events are hurting the morale of his staff, as well as himself. He asked if things
are that bad in Boynton Beach. If they are, they need to be worked on and
should be of the highest priority. We need to get over this and move on.
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, FL
March 12, 2003
In the last 12 months, the Police Department has received 38 complaints.
Previous to that there were 52. He reported that the crime statistics in Zone 3 (I-
95 to the Intracoastal from Boynton Beach Boulevard to the Canal) have dropped
two years in a few. However, crime statistics in the overall City have increased
slightly. This shows that there has been a tremendous effort in Zone 3 to deal
with the issues and there has been great progress in getting the drug dealers out
of the City. Last week they started a sweep of 25 men who are drug dealers,
who will now be getting out of the City. These same individuals have now been
bringing in complaints; they know the system and how to hurt the Officers.
He felt that some of the articles are playing it up and going too far and some of
the articles have no business rehashing something that happened years ago that
does not involve any of today's Officers. All they are doing is fueling the rumors
and hurting the community.
Chief Gage said that he has been with the Police Department over seven years
and came to Boynton Beach because he saw talent in the Department. All
allegations of racism are fully investigated. When the investigations are
completed, everyone is invited to come into the Police Department to look at the
file and to speak with the Officers and the investigators. If investigators find that
an Officer did something wrong, it is their job to bring this out and hold them
accountable. If their findings show that the Officers did nothing wrong, it is their
job to clear that Officer's name.
Chief Gage said he was present tonight because he needed a forum to express
his feelings and to stand up for the Officers. If anyone has genuine concerns, he
wants to hear them and will address them. Chief Gage concluded his talk and
was available to answer any questions.
Chairman Washam pointed out that the Community Relations Board is an
advisory board that serves as a link between the public and the legislators.
Chairman Washam noted that members on his Board take their responsibilities
seriously and there are some members that have been on the Board for 30
years. This is an important issue and this is not the first time that this issue has
come before the Board. This Board has always maintained an open line of
communication with both the Police and Fire Departments.
Board Member Comments:
Mr. Mitchell said that he was glad when Chief Gage came to the City from North
Miami Beach, which was a city similar to Boynton Beach. Mr. Mitchell noted that
it has been a struggle within the Police Department for many years and at one
time the Police Department only had .03% African Americans on the force. He
noted that race relations in the City prior to Chief Gage were horrible, but since
he came onboard, a great deal of the deficiencies have been corrected. He felt
that Chief Gage has done a wonderful job. Mr. Mitchell was under the
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, FL
March 12, 2003
assumption that a groat deal of what goes on within the Department does not
always get to Chief Gage. Mr. Mitchell inquired if the senior Officers kept Chief
Gage informed of the day-to-day activities that take place within the Department.
He felt it was important for Chief Gage to know what is going on within the
Mr. Mitchell said that prior to Chief Gage coming to the City, the Police
Department was full of rejects from other police departments. Also, Mr. Mitchell
said that people have told him that they have gone to the Police Department and
were not allowed to fill out a complaint form. Mr. Mitchell felt that a person should
have the right to fill out a complaint form regardless of the situation.
Chairman Washam suggested that Chief Gage save his answers until all the
Board members have spoken.
Mr. Solomon said that he has lived in Boynton Beach since 1991 when some of
the things talked about were taking place. Mr. Solomon praised the
neighborhood policing concept that has been instituted in the City. He was also
pleased that the Police Department would have a full complement beginning next
week. The Citizen's Police Academy offered by the Police Department is very
popular and noted that there was a recent article in the Wall Street Journal
regarding the COP Patrols.
Ms. Centi complimented the Department on elevating the education level for its
Officers, which benefits the City. She also hoped that Officers who furthered
their education were compensated accordingly. Ms. Centi felt that Chief Gage
was on the right track.
Ms. Girtman said that she has worked with Chief Gage on many projects
throughout the City. She noted that years ago there were a great deal of race
relation problems in the City and prior to 1965 the situation in the City was
horrible. Her philosophy has always been when she sees a child she does not
see color and felt that people needed to think moro along these lines. Ms.
Girtman said that Chief Gage has done a wonderful job to date and even though
there have been misunderstandings in the schools and streets, this same thing is
happening everywhere. Ms. Girtman said that she firmly supports Chief Gage
and his efforts.
Ms. Williams also agreed with the other members that when Chief Gage came
into the City thero were a lot of problems and felt that since he came to the City
the relationship between the citizens and the police staff has improved. Ms.
Williams also inquired if the Officers that furthered their education received any
tuition reimbursement. She felt that this would be an encouragement for them to
continue their education. Ms. Williams also noted that the school system is
having the same problems that are taking place in the City. Students are
asserting racism as a reason for their lack of respect and poor behavior.
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, FL
March 12, 2003
Children need to obey the Police officers when they are given a direction; this will
prevent a great many of today's problems. She also noted that parents need to
teach their children to respect authority.
Ms. Williams felt that Chief Gage was doing a good job and what she reads in the
newspapers she takes with a grain of salt because she knows that what people
say is usually misquoted.
Mr. Royael said that it appears to him that Chief Gage is open and objective and
that he is on the right track.
Mr. Rodriquez thanked Chief Gage for meeting with the Board in a public forum.
He felt that communication was very important and suggested that more public
forums be scheduled. He had one area of concern regarding the newspapers
being used as the sole source for information and asked if Chief Gage used any
other mechanisms to stay in touch with his Department so that the newspaper
was not controlling the Department's issues.
Chairman Washam said that he saw real racism growing up as a child in Boynton
Beach. He noted that the beach itself was segregated and young
African/American men were arrested for crossing the beach boundary. He lived
through school desegregation and he can remember when Police officers wore
cowboy boots and hats when they patrolled the streets. He remembers when
there used to be a curfew in the City, and he grew up knowing that he was going
to change things.
Chairman Washam pointed out that since Chief Gage has been in the City there
have been vast improvements and the Police Department, along with the
neighborhoods, have worked hard to make the City a better place. He credited
this to Chief Gage's hiring policies. Chairman Washam commended Chief Gage
and City Manager Bressner for doing a wonderful job.
Mr. Mitchell announced that the Forum should be starting up again. He would like
Chief Gage to speak with some of the ministers in the African/American
community so that Chief Gage could come to the churches and speak with the
people about what they are reading in the newspapers. Mr. Mitchell felt that this
would be a great help in putting people at ease.
Chief Gage's Response to Comments and Questions:
Chief Gage responded that not everything gets to him due to the size of his staff.
Everyone that leaves the organization gets an exit interview and he has gone out
of the City to interview former employees to determine the real reason why they
left the Department. He has the utmost confidence in his senior staff and they
know the direction that he is going in. Chief Gage also said that the Police
Department is open to everybody, but sometimes they miss things.
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, FL
March 12, 2003
With regard to rejects, Chief Gage does not want anybody's rejects. He is hiring
quality individuals that want to be here.
Chief Gage acknowledged that there was a person who was not allowed to file a
complaint; however, this has been corrected and he has filed a complaint.
Better education is encouraged. A person who receives an A or B receives
100% tuition reimbursement. A person who gets a C receives 50% and if you
receive a D or F, you receive nothing.
As to reaching out to the community, a prior City Manager announced that there
would be monthly meetings with all the neighborhood associations in the City and
he informed the City Manager that the Police Department was already having
monthly meetings with the neighborhood associations. There are over 70
neighborhood associations in the City and Zone Officers are mandated to attend
meetings in their zones. He, along with senior staff, also attend zone meetings.
All supervisors are required to attend two neighborhood meetings per month.
Chief Gage stated that he did speak with some of the local ministers for
assistance, and he will continue to do this.
Chairman Washam thanked Chief Gage for attending the meeting.
Chairman Washam pointed out that very few people knew Chief Gage would be
at the meeting tonight until the agendas were given out. Board members are free
to put any topic on the agenda by contracting Mr. DeCarlo's office.
Community Caring Center of Boynton Beach, Inc. (addressed
out of order)
Kathleen Brennan, 2308 Aspen Way, Boynton Beach, was present on behalf
of the Community Caring Center. Ms. Brennan distributed an informational
packet and gave a brief history of the organization. The CCC was formed in
1987 to provide a central location to offer emergency services, such as food,
shelter and financial assistance to people in need in the Boynton Beach area.
The CCC sponsors the Self-Help and Resource Exchange "SHARE" Program,
which is a food distribution and community-building program. People can save
money on their groceries by purchasing them through this bulk-buying program.
Each food package is worth approximately $30, but the recipient only pays $15.
In order to receive the discount the recipient has to give two hours of community
service for each package, unless it is a gift package for a needy family.
The program is operated in partnership with the City at the Ezell Hester Center
one Saturday per month. The City provides the site for the distribution of the
food and a truck and two City workers to pick up the food at the Goodwill
complex on 45th Street. The CCC provides the volunteers to take the orders and
Meeting Minutes
Community Relations Board
Boynton Beach, FL
March 12, 2003
distribute the food. The CCC would like to expand the program, but needs a
more suitable site. When the program first started at the Hester Center, it was
held in the breezeway. Once the breezeway was enclosed, the SHARE site was
relocated to the small outdoor pavilion near the basketball courts. The current
site is open and exposed to the sun and the rain. It is also uncomfortable for the
volunteers who are there for at least three hours. They also have no space to
arrange and display the food because the picnic tables are chained together.
Ms. Brennan also pointed out that it was a difficult site for the truck to maneuver
due to the narrow entrance. The walkway to the pavilion is steep and it is difficult
for the elderly and people who use walkers or canes to walk down the pavilion
and then carry food back up. Ms. Brennan said that any assistance the City
could provide would be appreciated. She felt that they could serve a lot more
people if they had the right location or had several sites. Ms. Brennan suggested
that if the City wished to pursue the request, they should contact Sherrie
Johnson, the Executive Director of the Community Caring Center.
City Manager Bressner pointed out that the Wilson Center would be the best
location once it is ready in approximately 18 months. However, in the meantime
he felt that the Senior Center could serve as the distribution site. Ms. Brennan
said that they asked about two years ago if they could use the Senior Center, but
were turned down. City Manager Bressner said that he would take care of this
on behalf of the CCC.
Ms. Brennan said that they would need the Senior Center for one Saturday per
month from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and it is usually the last Saturday of the
month. Sometimes it would be the third Saturday if it were before a holiday, such
as Thanksgiving and Christmas. Ms. Brennan said that she would furnish the
schedule to City Manager Bressner.
Set Youth and Government Day Date (Thursday, April 17th or
24th date)
After discussion, it was determined that Wednesday, April 23, 2003 would be
the date for the Youth and Government Day.
IX. Adjournment - Next Meeting: Wednesday, April 9, 2003
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary
(March 17, 2003)