Minutes 05-29-02 DRAFT
City of Boynton Beach
Library Advisory Board
Minutes: May 29, 2002
Present: Board members: Marion Grammer, Dan Holthouse, Valerie Pleasanton, and
Alternate: David Goudsward
Library Director: Virginia Farace
Excused absence: Herb Suss arrived the previous Wednesday on the regularly scheduled
date, as he had not received the notice that the meeting had been postponed one week.
He had scheduled a trip to take place after that regular meeting date and was out of town
on this day.
Absent: Marva Collins, Donna Harmening, and Dorothy Walker
The meeting was called to order at 3:20 p.m. by Chair Valerie Pleasanton.
The minutes of the April 24 meeting were adopted as distributed.
Correspondence: None
Chair's Report: Because the May meeting was changed from the fourth to the fifth
Wednesday, Herb Suss came to the library on May 22 but could not be at today's meeting.
His absence today will be reported as an "excused" absence.
Unfinished business:
Virginia distributed and reviewed the proposed budget for 2002-2003. She answered
board members questions.
A motion was made and passed as follows:
"The Library Advisory Board recommends that the City Commission approve the library
budget as presented as the minimum base budget. However, we recommend that the
funds for books and resources be restored to the historical level (YEAR?) of $150,000."
The Board discussed proposed changes in library fines. After a short discussion, the
Board recommended that fines be changed to 10 cents a day for books, 50 cents for
audios and CDs, and $1.00 for videos and DVDs. Virginia will review the recommendation
with staff before finalizing the proposal.
Virginia gave a legislative update. Although total state aid funds will remain at the same
level, our library will receive fewer funds because our base expenditures have not
increased at the same level as libraries throughout the state. Also, legislation did .not pass
that would allow us to receive state aid funds directly without going through the county
which takes a percentage for administrative fees.
The state included $500,000 in its adopted budget as funding for our construction grant.
The City Commissioners will need to decide whether to go forward with the $6M project.
The bill allowing parental notification from libraries was .not passed.
New Business: None
Announcements: David reported on a web-based, summer reading puzzle for 8 to 12 year
olds, that he is developing for our library. It is a "mystery story" that takes place in the
Schoolhouse Museum and introduces a character named Dixon Keane, boy detective.
David did similar summer web projects for his former library in Pennsylvania and has been
written up in a just published book called "The Youth Cybrarian's Guide". Plans are to
have our program up and running by mid-June. Virginia and the Board expressed their
appreciation to David for his efforts.
Valerie recommended that we schedule no board meetings for June and July unless
needed. The Board agreed. The next meeting will be on August 28th.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:40.
Submitted by,
Marion Grammer