ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2003 AT 10:00 A.M.
Tom Balfe, Chairman
John Bebensee, Vice Chair
Mark Bobich
Bill Coup
Michael Dauta
Eric Falstad
Glenda Hall
Brenda LeVant
Barbara Madden, Secretary
Chuck Magazine
Glendon Morgan
Barbara Scott
Tim Valentine
Carisse Weise
Golf Course
Public Works
City Clerk
Risk Management
Info. Tech. Services
City Manager
Mike Rumpf
Dorothy Mack
Human Resources
I. Call to Order
Chairman Balfe called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m.
II. Roll Call
The Secretary called the roll and declared that a quorum was present.
II1. Acceptance of Minutes of January 13, 2003 Regular Meeting
Mr. Falstad inquired if the safety glasses were going to be replaced. Chairman
Balfe explained that any unused, older glasses should be turned into the
Warehouse and exchanged for the new ones. All departments should now be
placing their order for the new safety glasses. Mr. Dauta reported that only the
Utilities Department has ordered the new style glasses. Mr. Magazine noted that
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL
January 13, 2003
March is "Worker Eye Safety Month." This information will be dispersed to all
departments and there will be a proclamation read at one of the Commission
Mr. Magazine moved to approve the minutes. Motion seconded by Mr. Coup and
unanimously carried.
IV. Safety Committee Education and Training Program
V. Old Business
A. Fire Drills
None to report
B. "Proud to be a Safe Worker" Awards
C. Departmental Inspections & Safety Meetings (C. Magazine)
Mr. Magazine noted that all members received a matrix for the year 2002 that
compared incidents with the years 2000 and 2001. Also the report contained the
number of safety inspections and meetings held by each department and
departmental attendance at safety committee meetings.
Mr. Magazine reminded members that the Municipal Self-Inspection Guide is
available on the sharedrive and should be used for departmental inspections.
D. Defensive Driver Course (C. Magazine)
Mr. Magazine reported that they have ordered an updated version, which should
be available in March.
E. Incident Review Board Referrals (C. Magazine)
Mr. Magazine stated that there were three referrals.
The first one deals with continuing problems with the gate at the
East Water Treatment Plant. On many occasions the gates
were closing before the vehicles were cleared, thus causing
damage to the vehicles.
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL
January 13, 2003
Mr. Bobich concurred that this has been a problem for
approximately one and one-half years. Last week a sensor was
installed on the Seacrest gate to keep it from closing and
causing damage to vehicles. Also, six signs are being installed
today, one on each side of the three gates, warning drivers not
to block the gates. Although the Seacrest side gate was the
only gate that was actually causing the problems, signs are
being posted at all three gates.
A paramedic, when reaching into a medical box, sliced his finger
on an unshielded prep razor. Division Chief Valentine reported
that he spoke with the EMS Coordinator and from that point
forward all prep razors will be kept in a cardboard container to
prevent injuries.
The third item deals with continuing problems for emergency
vehicles gaining access through entrances to communities
throughout the City. Division Chief Valentine pointed out that
the vehicles are getting bigger and taller and no longer fit
through some of the older community gates. Mr. Magazine
inquired if this was something that the Building Department
could assist with. Mr. Magazine suggested that the Fire
Department, Building Division and Code Division survey all the
communities in the City to determine which ones cannot
accommodate all City emergency and fire vehicles. Mr.
Magazine suggested that it might be in order to change the
code so that the communities can meet the necessary
requirements for emergency vehicles.
Chairman Balfe inquired if the Fire Department had to sign off
on all new development and was informed that they did.
However, this does not cover the older communities. Division
Chief Valentine will speak with the proper personnel to
determine what the requirements are for egress and ingress for
fire and life safety vehicles for new construction.
Ms. Weise noted that any new ordinances that are necessary
should be done by the Building Division and suggested that
Division Chief Valentine contact Ms. Nancy Byrne in the
Development Department for assistance.
New Business
A. Departmental Safety Issues
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL
January 13, 2003
Mr. Magazine reported that on a previous Saturday night he noticed a large hole
at pump station #317, which is located next to Burger King on Boynton Beach
Boulevard, west of Congress Avenue. Mr. Magazine notified utilities and they
sent a crew to secure the area temporarily. On Sunday a fence was placed
around the area. The hole was 10' x 15' deep and if anyone fell into it, there
could have been serious injuries. Mr. Magazine said that it is important that
when employees are out and about the community and notice a safety hazard it
is important that to notify someone immediately so that the situation could be
dealt with.
Division Chief Valentine reported that the Fire Department has a trench rescue
team. He explained that a trench is anything that is deeper than 5'. He explained
the dangers of a person being stuck in a trench and that it could be fatal if the
sand caved in on that person. Mr. Bobich also pointed out that it is important
when calling 911 to give them as much information as possible so that the
appropriate rescue team can respond.
Ms. LeVant stated that Communications does not have an SOP for trenches.
Division Chief Valentine pointed out that if the situation involved a trench, they
must be notified so that they could send the appropriate equipment. Ms. LeVant
requested that they be furnished with an SOP so that the operators will know
what to do before they respond. Mr. Bobich also pointed out that all safety
hazards should be reported and not just something that exists on City property.
B. Other
Ms. Weise pointed out the dangerous situations that are created by police
vehicles that park in the City garage, especially on the first covered level. Some
police officers are parking their vehicles side by side in opposite directions. A
vehicle coming down the ramp is forced to stop and wait for them to move their
vehicles. These types of situations cause accidents. Previously Chief Gage and
Chief Immler were notified by the Safety Committee of this situation, but it has
surfaced again. Ms. Weise requested that a member of the Safety Committee
send a memo to Chief Gage and Chief Immler with a copy to the City Manager
apprising them of this situation.
Mr. Magazine pointed out that this could be avoided if the police pulled into an
open space and carried their equipment from one car to the other instead of
blocking the aisles. Ms. Weise felt that this was a courtesy issue and requested
that it be addressed through the proper channels. Mr. Magazine will work with
Chairman Balfe to prepare the appropriate letter.
Mr. Magazine requested that all Departments that own and/or operate large
pieces of equipment and machinery should check to make sure that the
department knows where the equipment is at all times. Mr. Magazine referred to
a newspaper article that appeared recently dealing with some missing
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL
January 13, 2003
generators. He requested that departments regularly perform inventories in
order to track their equipment and machinery. He also noted that the City has a
policy regarding how to deal with the press. Ms. Weise noted that whenever the
media calls and asks questions, they must be referred to Wayne Segal, the
Public Affairs Director, at 742-6025.
Ms. Madden questioned why the City does not have an inventory control policy.
She pointed out that all equipment, furniture and machinery have a bar code for
identification, but unless an inventory is done on a routine basis, this makes no
sense. She also pointed out that there are bar code readers available for this
Ms. Weise pointed out that the Warehouse has taken over control of the
inventory of Utilities and felt doing an inventory of all the departments would be
very burdensome for one department. Ms. Madden pointed out that a person in
every department could be designated to perform an inventory once a year to
track their own department's equipment. This is a practice that is done by the
County and many other municipalities. Mr. Magazine said that he would speak to
Ms. Reese about this.
Mr. Magazine reported that the Fire Department made an inquiry regarding the
Presidential Smallpox Vaccination Program. They wanted to know that if the first
responders for the City who receive the vaccine become ill from any side effects
would they be covered by worker's compensation. Mr. Magazine stated that The
Homeland Security Act provides that the Federal Government will be handling
these claims. He also pointed out that this is voluntary program. The State of
Florida and the County have notified their employees that they will not be
covered under worker's compensation, nor will City employees.
Ms. Weise inquired if the City has the proper forms for submitting claims and Mr.
Magazine stated that they have not received any as of this date. Mr. Magazine
said that all questions could be answered on the Internet at www.cdc..qov. There
is also a hotline to call at 888-246-2675. Mr. Magazine has supplied this
information to both Chief Gage and Chief Bingham. He further stated that he
would put the information that he received from CDC on the sharedata drive.
It was discovered during a first responder class, that the first aid kits in one
department were inadequate. Mr. Dauta brought to the meeting the first aid kits
and the refills that are stocked at the Warehouse. Mr. Magazine requested that
Mr. Dauta prepare an inventory list of what the first aid kit contained so that
departments will know what they should have. Mr. Magazine suggested that the
first aid kits be inspected on a regular basis during departmental safety
Vice Chair Bebensee pointed out that a first responder is considerably more
advanced and is trained to deliver a certain standard of care. Mr. Magazine
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL
January 13, 2003
requested that Vice Chair Bebensee meet with the Warehouse to determine what
needs to be in a first responder kit versus a first aid kit. If certain City facilities
have a person trained as a first responder, it is important that the facility have the
proper first aid equipment. Also, Mr. Magazine requested that members check
their first aid kits to make sure they have everything that is supposed to be in the
kit. Ms. Hall reported that her department checks their first aid kits monthly to
make sure they have the proper supplies.
Vice Chair Bebensee inquired who would be paying for the smallpox vaccine and
was informed that the County will be dispensing it.
Mr. Magazine would like a list of supplies for a minimum first aid kit requirement
available somewhere on the City's computer system. Ms. Weise suggested
modifying the safety inspection form on the share drive to add a place for a first
aid kit. Mr. Magazine will check into this.
Ms. Weise reported that the Security Committee has reconvened to revisit and
update the City Hall security APM. It is now being referred to, as "City Hall
Control Access" and an escort policy will be adopted for City Hall and the West
Wing. Each department will be required to designate an employee-escort.
Proximity cards will no longer be handed out to visitors to allow them free access
to secured areas in City Hall. The employee-escort will be required to escort all
visitors in and out of their office to the front desk. As soon as the City Manager
approves the policy draft, Ms. Weise will furnish a copy to members.
Mr. Coup inquired how this would apply to employees who do not work in the City
Hall Complex. Ms. Weise said that there will be a separate process for those
employees when coming to City Hall, but they will not have to be escorted. Mr.
Magazine requested that employees who frequently are required to come to City
Hall by their department should obtain a Proximity card.
Ms. Weise also requested that departments list the repairmen and vendors that
frequent their departments in order to have that list pre-registered. There will be
a procedure for this category of visitors as well. All employees coming to City Hall
must have their badges displayed in clear view, otherwise they will not be
granted access. Any City employee who is in the restricted access area not
displaying their photo i.d. will be reported to their department director. All areas
behind the front desk are restricted areas.
Ms. Weise stated that when the policy is distributed, there will be a memo
attached to it highlighting the salient points. She also noted that it will be every
employee's responsibility that if they see someone walking through the halls that
they do not know and is not displaying a visitor badge or employee i.d. to stop
that person and ask them who they are and why they are in City Hall.
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL
January 13, 2003
Ms. Weise further announced that all visiting employees will be expected to
check in at the front desk and must leave their driver's license and present the
proper i.d. At that time the employee will receive a special employee visitor pass
that must be visibly worn. When that employee leaves, they should turn in their
visitor pass and pick up their driver's license.
VII. Announcements
Mr. Magazine announced that he would be bringing the new Safety Consultant to
the March meeting.
Chairman Balfe announced that Vicki Rogerson has prepared a list of the Safety
Committee Members that is available on the distribution list in Outlook.
VIII. Next Meeting Date: Monday, March 10, 2003 at 10:00 a.m.
IX. Adjournment
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 11:10 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary
(two tape)
(February 10 2003)