11-05-56ARESOLUTION SETTING FORTH BUILDING OFRMIT FET~S BE IT RESOLVED that any person desiring a building permit shall, before such is issued~ oay s fee ss follows: RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS, their accessory buildings and which shall include: aoartment buildings, hotels and any commercial building when combined with residential occuosncy in a portion theresa: $1.50 ocr 100 square feet COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS': including stores, theatres shd manufecturing and individual buildings: $1.00 oer 100 square feet WAREHOUSES: $0.60 oer 100 square feet HOUSE MOVI?D: Fp to 5,000 cubic feet $10.00 REPAIRS ON HOUSES MOVED: Minimum of $%.00 or $1.~0 oer 100 square feet Minimum for change $100.00 PUBLIC SCHOOLS AND CHURCHES: 10,000 cubic feet $1.00 AWNINGS OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY: 20 cents ocr running foot: minimum $3.00 - 2 - EL]~VAT OR: 3 stories or less W stories to 8 9 stories or over For esch elevator, gste, hstchwsy, interlocks, etc. $1.00 1.50 2.00 1.00 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5th dsy of November, 1956. ATTEST: M~yo'r- / Councilman q~dncilman /. ! Councilman City Clerk