JANUARY 27, 2000 AT 6:00 P.M.
Shanna St. John, Chairperson
Bob Borovy
Dorothy Davis
Charles Fisher
Hattie Miller
Mary Morera
Stephen Waldman, Vice Chair
Amy DeVries, Student
Amanda Hollis, Student
Laura Henley-Shephard, Voting Alternate
Steven Kuehn, Non-Voting Member
Chairperson St. John called the meeting to order at 6:12 P.M.
Chairperson St. John called for a moment of silent prayer and requested that Steven Kuehn
lead the Pledge of Allegiance.
Bob Borovy moved to approve the Agenda. Motion seconded by Stephen Waldman, which
carried unanimously.
Amy DeVries moved to approve the minutes of the December 16, 1999 meeting. The motion
was seconded by Charles Fisher and carried unanimously.
Chairperson St. John indicated that the packets of information given to each Board member
contained Children's Defense Fund information. Also in the packet was information on the
Family & Medical Leave Act which provides unemployment benefits for mothers and is active in
Congress at this time.
January 27,2000
Chairperson St. John passed out pens and Certificates of Appreciation for Invaluable Service to
the City from the Mayor of Boynton Beach to all Board Members, Alternates and Students.
As part of the Youth Council dance the Board sent letters to legislators and celebrities asking for
their views on youth violence. Many thoughtful letters were received. Some of the respondents
were Mayor Broening, Marshall Gage, Chief of Police, Robert Butterworth, Attorney General
State of Florida, various members of the House of Representatives and the Senate, A.J.
MacClean from the Backstreet Boys, and Donald Trump's assistant, Board member's perusal
was invited.
Board members stepped forward to assist the Chairperson in the dissemination of various
certificates and letters that required delivery.
A baby gift was presented to Mary Morera by the Board members.
Bob Borovy introduced his guest, Kramer Hagen, the Boys State Chairman for the American
Legion, Post 164 in Boynton.
The Board reviewed all its plans and programs for the current year. The calendar follows:
February: Green Market 5th; Black Awareness Corporate Challenge TBA; Open Forum
Meeting in Library, 19th; Boca Youth Summit planning meeting 21st
March: Green Market, 4th; GALA 17th - 19th; Regular meeting 23rd; CDF Conference
25th- 28th; Workshop TBA; Boca Youth Summit 31st
April: Green Market 22nd; Commission Presentation TBA; Workshop TBA; Regular
meeting 27th
May: Youth Volunteer Bank Banquet 13th; Bob Borovy Student Award 13th; Workshop
TBA; Regular meeting 25th
June: Stand for Children at Commission Meeting 6th; Workshop TBA; Regular meeting
22nd, speaker Betty Williams
Bowling Tournament TBA; Workshop TBA; Regular meeting 27th
Volunteer Project TBA; Workshop TBA; Regular meeting 24th
Workshop TBA; Regular meeting 28th
Workshop TBA; Regular meeting 26th
Youth Expo TBA; Meeting/Awards Ceremony 30th
Regular meeting 28th
A. Florida Learn and Serve-K-12 Project Descriptions
Stephen Waldman, Vice Chair, advised receipt of the Florida Learn and Serve K-12 Project
Descriptions. It grants awards to schools, school districts, and community-based organizations
January 27,2000
to engage K-12 students in service-learning activities. Vice Chair Waldman will go through it
and highlight the projects so this Board can apply for funding.
B. Homeowners Association Cover- Coloring Contest at GALA
Charles Fisher asked that the Board look at having a contest as part of the Children's Youth
Advisory Board's table at GALA. Children could be asked to "Draw My Neighborhood", "Draw
My House" and the winning design could be used as a cover for the homeowners' association
book Dan DeCarlo is preparing.
C. Black Awareness Games - Board Participation
Charles Fisher stated there would be a contest for corporations at the upcoming Black
Awareness Games and suggested the Board participate.
Mr. Fisher moved that the Advisory Board on Children and Youth submit a team to participate in
Black Awareness games. Vice Chair Waldman seconded the motion and it carried
unanimously. Charles Fisher amended the motion to read that: the Advisory Board on
Children and Youth submit a team to participate in Black Awareness games, with the
entry fee of $10.00 being expended by the team. The amended motion was seconded by Mr.
Waldman and unanimously approved by the membership. Mr. Waldman will get the names of
people for the team and submit them.
D. Bob Borovy Student Citizen of the Year Award
The final amount of the award is undecided. Vice Chair Waldman will be contributing $25 and
the rest of the Board may contribute as well. The Board's account has over $4,000 per
Chairperson St. John. Funding to be solicited from local organizations.
It was decided to present the award at the Youth Volunteer Bank Banquet on May 13.
Changes in the Announcement were discussed. The Board wanted a Biography of Bob Borovy
included in the award announcement.
A major issue surfaced as to the potential applicants for the Bob Borovy Award and their
residential addresses. Many felt that they should be allowed to apply if they had a Boynton
Beach address while others felt that it should include the western portion of Boynton Beach.
Charles Fisher moved that the Bob Borovy Student Citizen of the Year award be limited to
students whose residential address is within the City limits of Boynton Beach, seconded by
Hattie Miller. The Chairman called for a show of hands and the vote was 5-5. It was
determined that the Student, Steven Kuehn, a regular non-voting member, had participated in
the vote. The Chairman asked for a new vote, which culminated in a tie.4-4. The Chairperson
and Steven Kuehn did not vote in the second vote. The Chairperson, Shanna St. John, broke
the tie by casting her vote against the motion, which then failed 5-4 .The application Criteria,
then, will be that the student have a Boynton Beach address, regardless of whether it falls within
the City limits of Boynton Beach. This issue will be addressed in more detail at a Workshop.
January 27,2000
E) Re-Visitation of Current Programs: Need for Improvement?
a) Youth Expo
Everyone agreed that there needed to be a lot more follow-up with the schools after the Board's
material is in its hands. Also, material needs to go to the schools at the end of the school year
so they can plan for the upcoming year and again when school reconvenes. Send to individual
department heads, particularly guidance counselors.
b) Contests
Doing five this year: art, creative writing, photography, science and drama and all agreed to
keep doing them.
c) Entertainment
Everyone was happy with this area. Fine tuning can take place at workshop and Board
members will come to workshops prepared to discuss this.
d) Youth Volunteer Bank
Chairperson St. John asked everyone for the five names of people who might serve as financial
contributors to youth programs. All agreed to bring to the Youth Expo Workshop. This is a City
program administered by the Advisory Board on Children & Youth. It needs to have more
sponsors. Chairperson St. John said it was time to ask the City Commission to put this in the
e) Volunteer Project - Beautification
On the calendar for August. Suggested area is a community park near the Rolling Green
School. Possibilities include xeriscaping, painting the playground equipment (now covered with
graffiti) and whatever else the group, in conjunction with John Wildner of Parks, decides is
necessary. Chairperson St. John requested that the Board members all drive by the park and
see it for themselves.
f) ) Children &Youth Website
Chairperson St. John asked everyone for updates of their e-mail addresses. Charles Fisher
agreed to a monthly update of the Board's web page as long as the data was keyed when he
received it.
g) Youth Council
Need more mentors from outside this board. Also, Leisure Services department should provide
someone to open the door for the Youth Council meetings. Can search for mentors via a sign-
up list at GALA. It was suggested the Board set up a booth at the upcoming Faith-Based
Organization's festival.
The student members gave input on the Stop the Violence dance. The dance was attended by
approximately 50 people and was a fun event. Betty Williams was there and the girls signed up
to work with her at a later date. The Youth Council voted to endorse a statement of Betty
Williams written by the students for the protection of children and their rights. The students
wanted to have a Candidates Forum to question the candidates about their stands on issues of
young people It was suggested the students contact Teresa Lepore, Supervisor of Elections,
for the proper procedure to follow in inviting the Candidates.
h) Open Forum
Invitations have been sent to the Boards. The Youth Council is not specifically invited but their
presence is welcomed and they can speak at Public Forum at any time. It was decided to
address the Beautification Project (Bob Borovy), Youth Council Dance (Amy DeVries), Youth
Volunteer bank,(Chairperson St. John), forming Youth Council, (Vice Chair Stephen Waldman).
January 27,2000
It was decided that to continue asking other Boards to the Open Forums was a good idea even
though they do not always attend. Vice Chair Stephen Waldman offered to call the Chairs of the
other Boards to invite personally. Bob Borovy asked that Parks be included in the invitation.
i) Children's Defense Fund Conference
Chairperson St. John is going to the conference this year and invited anyone interested to
accompany her. The Board contributed last year and any contributions this year would be
greatly appreciated. The Chairperson is going to try to get a student to attend to take
advantage of the special training for youth available at the Conference.
j) Commission Presentation
Vice Chair Stephen Waldman will work with Charles Fisher on this presentation. Mr. Waldman
will also put together a request and submit to the City Manger's office.
k) Green Market
The Chairperson said more participation from the Board was in order. Charles Fisher will pick
up the bread on Thursday, February 3, and Chairperson St. John will pick up on Friday,
February 4.
I) Bowling Tournament
Group agreed to continue doing the tournament. Mr. Waldman will follow up on this project.
The group decided to sell plants, have a coloring contest and seek mentors at its GALA booth.
The Board must commit to attend. The Youth Council will help.
n) Youth Summit:
The Boca's Promise is having Youth Summit on March 31. Chairperson St. John expressed wish
for this Board to participate and Mr. Waldman will coordinate with Ms. Thrasher.
o) Public Relations
The Chairperson asked for assistance with putting together press packets. Bob Borovy and
Dorothy Davis offered to help. The Post's new local community section was pointed out as a
potential place to publish information.
p) Stand for Children
This will be done in June. Last year the Board joined with one of the child care centers, Kid
Stop. The Chairperson has sent away for the packet but has not received it yet.
q) Guest Speakers
Betty Williams is the only one definitely on the calendar. Mr. Waldman is trying to get someone
else. Children's Services Council would be a good one too. It was decided to have each board
member take a month and obtain a guest speaker. The months were divided up and the board
members named for each month. March - Charles Fisher; April - Bob Borovy; May - Dorothy
Davis; June - Vice Chair Waldman; July - Student; August - Hattie Miller; September - Laura
Henley-Shephard; October - Mary Morera, November - not needed; December- Chairperson
Shanna St. John.
F) Goals, Duties, Development of Programs Reference Sec 2-117: Duties
(1) Development of Programs that Promote Ongoing Relationships with Caring Adults:
A teen center is needed. A mentoring program is needed. Perhaps the seniors could mentor.
(2) Involving Parents, Business Community, Civic and Neighborhood Organizations:
Chairperson reminded the Board that a database needed to be developed with all the
neighborhood associations and their contact people so those with common interests for children
could be contacted. The Chairperson asked Hattie Miller to pull together a list of the various
January 27, 2000
churches and synagogues in Boynton and their respective Youth Department contact persons
including names, telephone numbers, and addresses for our database. Dorothy Davis said she
would help Ms. Miller with this task.
(3) Safe Places and Structured Activities in Non-School Hours:
A Teen Center is needed. Also, outside organizations such as the ice-skating rink and cultural
facilities which provide a place for children and families to recreate must be brought into the
community. The focus of the City should be changed from that of a marine-based community
to a family-based community. Charles Fisher said the Commissioners needed to lobby for this.
(4) Identification and Dissemination of Information on Local Programs:
This involves putting something together that tells what resources are available in Boynton
Beach for Children and Youth. Laura Henley-Shephard suggested the Board could put
information in a City publication such as Fun Fare, Visions,Views and City News or Bob Borovy
suggested it could be mailed out with water bills.
G) Goals for 2000
Group revised the Goals document by changing item 3 from "Continue support of the creation of
a Boynton Beach Youth Council" to "Continue support of the Boynton Beach Youth Council".
The other goals were all agreeable to the group.
Necessity of improving the relationships with the other Boards was brought out. The
Chairperson has asked Melody Green to contact the other Board's liaisons and obtain agendas
of their meetings and notification when the other Boards have speakers that may be of interest
to this Board. Dorothy Davis remarked that the Education Board should work more closely with
this Board and that each Board should attend the other's meetings on a regular basis.
H) Boynton Beach Task Force on Children & Youth
This document was given to each of the Board members as a reminder of the reasons this
Board was formed and the issues the Board needs to address.
The original focus of the Task Force was child care centers. The Chairperson offered to get the
Child Care Resource and Referral report on child care issues. The current issues seem to be 1)
need for Teen Center; 2) child care; 3) lack of places for sick children; and 4) not enough time,
energy or money being spent on programs. The City is concentrating on development whereas
the quality of life should be the main goal of the City Commission.
I) Teen Center
Dorothy Davis asked why the Commission did not focus on the Teen Center. Charles Fisher
said that City Commissioners needed to lobby for the issue. The fact that the Senior Center is
no longer competing with the Teen Center should help bring it forth sooner. The Chairperson
said that the need to work on a database of different groups was crucial to the success of the
Teen Club and all programs. The Board needs to use the people it already has and get a letter
out to the parents.
January 27,2000
Amy DeVries and Amanda Hollis left the meeting at 8:25 p.m. Mr. Waldman left the meeting at
8:55 p.m. and Ms. Laura Henley-Shephard arrived at the same time. Charles Fisher left the
meeting at 9:15 p.m.
Bob Borovy made a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Mary Morera
and met with unanimous approval. There being no further business to come before the
meeting the Chairperson properly adjourned the meeting at 9:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Collins
Recording Secretary
(three tapes)