06-03-55A RESOLUTION OF YHE CITY COUNCIL OF TH~_.. CITY OF ~OlqfTON BE_~CH RE- QUESTING PERMISSI0[~f ~0 BUILD A S~VICE R0.~D !.'fITHII~ T~ t[J]ST B0~- No. 9. -~[EREAS, there are several oarcels of land, located between the orovos~d Right-of-way of State Road No. 9 and the Seaboard Airline Railroad in Section 21, Township 45 South, Range 43 East which do not have access to Boynton West Road and W~i>tREAS, there is an urgent need for a service road to ooen uo this orooerty for commercial use, IT IS HEREBY RESOL'~ED by the City Council of the City of Boynton Beach to oetition the Board of County Commissioners for their assistance to the owners of said land in ~rocuring from the State Road Department permission to coostruct a service road inside the west right-of-way limit of State Road No. 9 from Morthwest Second Avenue northward some 3,200 feet to the end of the lsst isolated oarcel on the north. BE IT FURTHF~ EESOL~D~ that such service road be built according to City soecificstions, in sections, as necessary to enable the use of the isotsted osrcels of land when such use is required. Service road to be built with the understanding that when the State Ro~d Department is ready to construct State Road ~o. 9 the service road~ if not acceptable to the State Road Deosrt- ment~ can be destroyed. PASSED A!qD ADOPTED THIS 19th DAY OF DECE~fBI~, Mayor Councilman C o-unciIman Councilman AT PEST City Clerk EXTRACT FROM GqDINANCE ~264 SECTION 6. All new streets shall be a minimum of 22 feet in width of waved surface and the paved oortion of the said streets shall contsim s minimum of 6" of compacted local lime rock orooerly water bound and finished and treated with s standard slag surfacing~ or other comvarable wear resisting material. There shall be aoplied two (2) coats of oil orior to ao~lication of siag~ or finished surfacing. W'here streets are to be subjected to heavy trsffic~ City Inspector may in his discretion require 8" of comoected rock to be Dlaced and rolled in both instances with a roller of minimum ~ t~ns, and msximum of 10 tons. Concrete roads and other Class A osvement shall be built uoon good engineering orinciosls, may be substituted in lieu of the above mentioned rock roads according to aoproval .of City inspector. SECTI0~ ~. The grading of all roadways shall be e~proved in location and cut by City Insoector prior to commencement of any sur- facing or road-bed materials so that the drain and elevation of the roads shall be according to aooroved engineering soecifications. The finished road shell have a crown of not less than 4".