Minutes 03-23-00MINUTES OF THE ADVISORY BOARD ON CHILDREN AND YOUTH HELD IN COMMISSION CHAMBERS, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ON THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 2000 AT 7:00 P.M. PRESENT ABSENT Shanna St. John, Chairperson Bob Borovy Dorothy Davis Mary Morera Amy DeVries, Student Amanda Hollis, Student Hattie Miller Stephen Waldman, Vice Chair Laura Henley-Shephard Steven Kuehn I. CALL TO ORDER Chairperson St. John called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. II. MOMENT OF SILENT PRAYER- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairperson St. John called for a moment of silent prayer and requested that Mary Morera lead the Pledge of Allegiance. III. APPROVALOFAGENDA Motion Amy DeVries moved to approve the Agenda. Motion seconded by Mary Morera, which carried unanimously. IV. APPROVALOFMINUTES Motion Mr. Borovy moved to approve the minuteS of the January 27, 2000 meeting. The motion was seconded by Amy DeVries and carried unanimously. V. ANNOUNCEMENTS/PRESENTATIONS/CORRESPONDENCE Chairperson St. John announced that Mary Morera had a baby and extended the warm wishes and congratulations of the Board to Ms. Morera. Commissioner Charlie Fisher was to have been at the meeting but called and extended his apologies for being unable to attend. MEETING MINUTEs ADVISORY BOARD ON CHILDREN & YOUTH BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA March 23, 2000 VI. PUBLIC AUDIENCE None VII. OLD BUSINESS A. Black Awareness Chairperson St. John reported that while the Board was represented, if the Board decided to do the event next year more advance planning and commitments beforehand as to participation would make for a more successful event. B. Open Forum Chairperson St. John thanked all those who attended the Open Forum and said that it was an interesting and informative experience. Chairperson St. John expressed disappointment that the Senior Advisory Board was not represented at the Forum. Chairperson St. John stated that the Children & Youth Advisory Board needed to invite and encourage the Senior Advisory Board members to attend the Forum. Chairperson St. John believed that the next host of the Open Forum would be the Community Relations Board. C. G.A.L.A. Chairperson St. John reported that the Board had raised $245.00 for the activity account from the raffled Disney World tickets and the Home Ridge Nursery's donated impatiens. The remaining two Disney World tickets will be awarded at the Youth Volunteer Banquet. Mr. Borovy mentioned that the original location for the Board was very unsatisfactOry and Chairperson St. John said that she had already requested that next year the Board be located with the other City tables. Chairperson St. John said that she appreciated the help from the Board this year but that next year's G.A.L,A. should have greater representation from the Board. D. Children's Defense Fund Conference Chairperson St. John reported that she was leaving to attend the conference on the day following this meeting. When the full Board meets again, Chairperson St. John plans to discuss assistance with defraying her costs of attending the CDF Conference. 2 MEETING MINUTE:o ADVISORY BOARD ON CHILDREN & YOUTH BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA March 23, 2000 E, Youth Volunteer Bank Chairperson St. John reported that she had sent out a request for volunteer hours to be sent in for tallying prior to March 31 but since none had been received to date, phone calls would be necessary. Chairperson St. John asked that the names of the Youth Volunteer Bank be picked up from Sherri Claude and divided up among the board members who should start making calls immediately. The people who are called should be asked if they have sent their hours in and whether or not they are coming to the Banquet. Invitations will only be sent to the people who have reported their hours. All the phone calls need to be made before the 13th of April. Chairperson St. John distributed sponsorship packages to the Board members and said that the only sponsorship so far was $1,000 from Publix. Chairperson St. John urged the members to actively solicit large donations. Last year $5,000 in savings bonds was awarded. The list of sponsors will be e-mailed from Chairperson St. John to the members. Mary Morera was asked to divide up the sponsors among the Board members who would each call a portion of the sponsorship list Bob Borovy agreed to arrange with Jo-Al's for the food for the banquet. There was general agreement that the food from Jo-Al's last year had been very good. Chairperson St. John stated that a Workshop for the Youth Volunteer Banquet was required. Chairperson St. John asked Amy DeVries to get the Library Program Room for Thursday, April 13 at 6:30 p.m. Bob Borovy agreed to contact the Board members with the meeting details. Chairperson St. John asked Amy DeVries to e-mail her or call to let her know the meeting was arranged. F. Commission Presentation Chairperson St. John stated that no date had been set for this presentation. Commissioner Fisher agreed to assist the Board with the presentation. Chairperson St. John called for attendance from each Board member at the Commission presentation. G, Bob Borovy Student Award Not discussed. 3 MEETING MINUTE~5f ADVISORY BOARD ON CHILDREN & YOUTH BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA March 23, 2000 H. Stand for Children This is set for Tuesday, June 6. Chairperson St. John will try to get the Proclamation on the Agenda. The members were asked to come forth with ideas for an event of some type for this function. The regional coordinator offered her assistance and Dorothy Davis stated she would assist. Bowling Tournament This project was tabled until the next regular meeting. J. Volunteer Project Chairperson St. John spoke to the Parks Department who suggested that the city-maintained parking lot near Rolling Green has a spot behind it, which could be landscaped. The Parks Department will work with the Board in August. Chairperson St. John is putting together another grant request to go to the National Audubon Foundation and it is hoped that some funds can be realized that way. K. Youth Expo Chairperson St. John stated that a co-sponsor was needed because the event's only sponsor at present, the Washington Mutual Bank, Laura Henley Shephard's bank, is committed for a total of $1,900.00. Last year $5,000 in savings bonds were given so sponsorships are urgently needed. Since the paperwork all has Washington Mutual Bank as the sponsor on it, when Chairperson St. John is able to contact Laura Henley Shephard she will ask if Washington Mutual Bank would consider being co-sponsor. Chairperson St. John stated that sponsorship packages were available for the Board's use. Bob Borovy agreed to contact the Palm Beach Post and send them a sponsorship proposal. Chairperson St. John will ask Stephen Waldman to contact Plastridge and Hunter's Run. Chairperson St. John reminded the Board that the Youth Expo sponsorships are for big sponsorships, such as $1,000.00. Chairperson St. John already sent out the letters to the City Commission asking for any of their leftover campaign funds to be donated to the programs of this Board. The date for Youth Expo has been set as October 28-29, 2000 in the Center Court of the Boynton Beach Mall. Six different committees were set up: Sponsors, Entertainment, Tables/Booths, Contests, Publicity, and Awards Ceremony. Since the full board was not present at the meeting the committee composition could not be finalized but a few details are as follows. Chairperson 4 MEETING MINUTE~ ADVISORY BOARD ON CHILDREN & YOUTH BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA March 23, 2000 St. John will be heading up the Entertainment and Awards Ceremony committees. Hattie Miller will assist on the Entertainment Committee. Laura Henley Shephard and Bob Borovy will be handling the sponsors. Stephen Waldman will be doing tables and booths but needs assistance. Mary Morera will handle the publicity committee. Bob Borovy will head up the contest committee with the assistance of Dorothy Davis, Mary Morera, Amy DeVries and Amanda Hollis. Mr. Borovy said that he would not be able to go around to the schools and Chairperson St. John also said that her full-time job prevented her from doing it this year also. Stephen Waldman will be asked to assist in this part of the committee work. The schools need to have the paperwork in their hands before the close of school this semester. Amy DeVries agreed to act as hostess again this year. Chairperson St. John remarked that once the Youth Volunteer Banquet is over there will be a series of workshops on Youth Expo. L. Teen Center Chairperson St. John stated that both of the new Commissioners are in favor of a Teen Center and both are willing to help find funding and get it off the ground. Also, when Ms. Williams was here to accept the Youth Council's donation of $100 to Ms. Williams organization, Ms. Williams offered to share her considerable experience in organizing Teen Centers. Chairperson St. John would like to see a committee formed from members of this Board, members of the community and representatives from the Commission and start working on this actively. Ideas were solicited and the item will be discussed at the next regularly scheduled meeting, April 27, 2000. VIII. NEW BUSINESS 1) 2) 3) Chairperson St. John is the new Community Director for the March of Dimes. A Walkathon is being held at F.A.U. on April 29 and the Board was invited to attend and/or volunteer. Dorothy Davis was asked to have her group of youth attend and participate in the Walkathon. The Youth Council representatives discussed the upcoming dance being planned for early October. The Youth Council agreed to handle the Green Market on April 8, 2000. MEETING MINUTEo ADVISORY BOARD ON CHILDREN & YOUTH BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA March 23, 2000 IX. ADJOURNMENT Bob Borovy made a motion to adjourn the meeting. by Dorothy Davis and met with unanimous approval. adjourned at 8:40 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Susan S. Collins Recording Secretary (one tape) The motion was seconded The meeting was properly 6