Agenda 06-10-03Call to Order.
Tuesday, June 10, 2003
Commission Chambers
Boynton Beach
6:30 P.M.
Roll Call.
TTT. Agenda Approval:
A. Additions, Deletions, Corrections to the Agenda.
B. Adoption of Agenda.
TV. Consent Agenda. (Page 1811)
A. Approval of Minutes - May 13th & 15th Meeting (Page 1812)
B. Financial ReporL (Page 1856)
C. HR Manual (Page 1863)
V. Public Audience. (Page 1897)
VT. Public Hearing (Page 1898)
New Business
A. Abandonment (Page 1899)
1. PROJECT: DiLorenzo Abandonment (ABAN 03-002)
AGENT: Beril Kruger, Planning and Zoning Co'nsultants
OWNER: Nicholas and Carmela DiLorenzo
Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Community Redevelopment Advisory Board with respect to any matter
considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of
the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.
The CRA shall furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal
opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by the CRA. Please contact Douglas
Hutchinson at 561-737-3256 at least twenty-four hours prior to the program or activity in order for the CRA to reasonably
accommodate your request.
Zoning Code Variance
902 N. Federal Highway
Request for abandonment of the 20-foot wide alley lying east of
and adjacent to lots 24, 25, and 26, Block 4, Lake Addition to
Boynton, and the replacement with a utility easement.
Boynton Hills (ZNCV 03-005) (Page 1911)
John Shell, VP Construction
Habitat for Humanity
NW 3rd Court
Request for relief from the City of Boynton Beach Land
Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Zoning, Section 5.D.2.a,
requiring a minimum lot area of 7,500 square feet to allow a
variance of 3,121 square feet, resulting in a lot area of 4,379
square feet within the R-1-A single family zoning district; and
Boynton Hills (ZNCV 03-005 cont'd..
Request for relief from the City of Boynton Beach Land
Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Section 5.D.2.a, requiring a
twenty-five (25) foot front yard setback to allow a 5 foot variance,
resulting in a 20 foot front yard setback within the R-1-A single
family zoning district; and
Request for relief from the City of Boynton Beach Land
Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Zoning, Section 5.D.2.a,
requiring a twenty-five (25)foot rear yard setback to allow a 12.5
foot variance, resulting in a 12.5 foot rear yard setback within the
R-1-A single family zoning district.
Director's Report: (Page 1923)
A. Updates (Page '1924)
Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Community Redevelopment Advisory Board with respect to any matter
considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of
the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.
The CRA shall furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services wnere necessary to afford, an individual with a disability an equal
opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by the CRA. Please contact Douglas
Hutchin.qon at 561-737-3256 at least twenty-four hours prior to the program or activity in order for the CRA to reasonably
accommodate your request.
Old Business: (Page 1929)
Consideration of Design/Build Contract with Kimley Horn.Burkhardt for the BBB
Extension, Promenade and RiverWalk. (Page 1930)
B. Consideration of Fagade Grant for Boynton Boundless, LLC. (Page 1982)
New Business: (Page 2007)
Consideration of Boynton Beach Police Department Proposal for police issues facing the
CBD. (Page 2008)
B, Consideration for Committee for Outside Audit (Page 2009)
C. Consideration of 457 Deferred Compensation Plan Company (Page 2010)
D. Consideration of Short Term Disability Plan Company (Page 2011)
Other Items: (Page 2012)
Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Commtmity Redevelopment Advisory Board with respect to any matter
considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of
the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.
The CRA shall furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal
opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits ora service, program, or activity conducted by the CRA. Please contact Douglas
Hutchinson at 561-737-3256 at least twenty-four hours prior to the program or activity in order for the CRA to reasonably
accommodate your request.
IV. Consent Agenda.
Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Community Redevelopment Board with respect to any matter
considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a
verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the
appeal is to be based.
The CRA shall furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a
disability an equal opportunity to participate in and enjoy the.benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by
the CRA. Please contact Douglas Hutchinson at 561-737-3256 at least twenty-four hours prior to the program or
activity in order for the CRA to reasonably accommodate your request.
TO: CRA Board
Susan Vielhauer
SUBJECT: Financials
DATE: June 6, 2003
We received $6,763.22 in interest for the Money Market Account this month.
We also received on June 1st the reimbursement for the City of Boynton Beach for the
expenses incurred on the High School Project of $967.85.
The City of Boynton Beach transferred $ 373,149.81 directly to Goren, Cheof, Doody &
Ezrol Trust Account on 5/16/03 along with our transfer of $266,850.19 to acquire the
Hall Property. The Acquisition is complete.
Staff has under estimated the cost and the need of Office Supplies do to the production
of several CRA project books, extra ordinary board packet size and other office needs.
The Office Supply has exceeded the budgeted amount. Staff will be requesting an
increase in July to the Budget Category.
Staff has requested to attend two trainings (Bond Issuance Process and The
Grantsmanship Center, Grant Writing) which pertain directly to the job. This category
has been under estimated in cost and Staff will be requesting an increase in July to the
Budget Category.
Staff has under estimated the cost of printing for CRA projects and the need to place
the maps and projects onto CD's, which the CRA Staff could .not do due to the size of
-the projects and project maps. Staff will be requesting an increase in July to the Budget
May 31, 2002
Beginning Balance
TIF Taxes
City Transfer Funds
Hall Properb/Transfer
Grant Funding
Interest Income
Other Income
Total Revenue
Personel Cost
Salary Expense
Contract Labor
Total Salaries
Payroll Taxes
Workers Comp
Health Insurance
Life Insurance
Total Pemonel Cost
Professional Services
City Staff
Contracted Services
Maint. & Cleaning
I.T. Suppor~
Total Professional Services
Rent Expense
Phone Expense
Electrfc Expense
Office Total
Equipment Leases Expenses
Property insurance
Bond/Liability Insurance
Professional Insurance
Insurance Total
Travel Expense
Business Meetings
Mileage & Delivery Services
Car Allowance- Director
Total Travel Expenses
Office Supplies
Licenses, Books, Publication
Licenses, Fees, Permits
Memberships, Subscriptions
Books & Publication
Total Licenses, Books, Publlcatlol
Advertising & Public Notices
Career Development
Printing Office Expense
Miscellaneous Expense
Debt Service
Principal Payment
Interest Expense
Total Debt Service
Operating Expense
Community Redevelopment Agency of Boynton Beach
2002/2003 2002/2003 Year To Current
2002/2003 Amended Amended Date Period
Budget 1/14/2003 4/17/2003 Totals Ma)/
5,780,416.00 5,790,391.00 5,790,391.00 5,790,391.00 5,899,461.15
YTD 02/03 % of
Totals Including Budget Budget
Current Month Remaining Remaining
5,790,391.00 5,790,391.00
1,675,380.00 1,675,380.00 1,330,409.00 1,330,408.92 0.00 1,330,408.92 0.08 0%
0.00 0.00 0.00 17,834.98 0.00 17,834.98 0.00 N/A
385,000.00 385,000.00 385,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 385,000.00 100%
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A
15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 50,927.09 6,763.22 57,690.31 0.00 385%
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 N/A
7,855,796.00 7,865,771.00 7,520,800.00 1,399,170.99 6,763.22 1,405,934.21 385,000.08
47,692.24 11,923.06
_ 41,982.56 0.00
155,000.00 155,000.00 155,000.00 89,674.80 11,923.06
11,625.00 11,625.00 11,625.00 4,708.71 933.28
8,130.00 8,130.00 8,130.00 1,357.50 106.44
21,000.00 21,000.00 21,000.00 5,586.93 977.42
540.00 540.00 540.00 0.00 0.00
196,295.00 196,295.00 196,295.00 101,327.94 13,940.20
21,600.00 21,600.00 31,800.00 25,821.50 3,921.25
6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 1,869.98 840.90
100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 17,347.48 0.00
7,500.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 0.00 0.00
2,700.00 2,700.00 2,700.00 1,704.11 150.00
12,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 647.50 0.00
149,800.00 149,800.00 159,800.00 47,390.57 4,912.15
101,597.86 53,402.14 34%
5,641.99 5,983.01 51%
1,463.94 6,666.06 82%
6,564.35 14,435.65 89%
0.00 540.00 100%
115,268.14 81,026.86 41%
29,742.75 1,857.25 9%
2,710.88 3,289.12 55%
17,347.48 82,652.52 83%
0.00 7,500.00 100%
1,854.11 845.89 31%
647.50 11,352.50 95%
52,302.72 97,497.28 65%
38,880.00 38,880.00 38,880.00 7,960.00 0.00 7,960.00 30,920.00 80%
9,360.00 9,360.00 9,360.00 5,211.04 607.13 5,818.17 3,541.83 35%
2,100.00 2,100.00 2,100.00 934.82 158.83 1,093.65 1,006.35 48%
50,340.00 50,340.00 50,340.00 14,105.86 765.96 14,871.82 35,468.18 70%
3,600.00 3,600.00 3,600.00 1,804.18 415.11 2,219.29 1,380.71 38%
1,850.00 1,250.00 1,250.00 465.92 131.02
400.00 1,000.00 1,850.00 326.03 0.00
2,000.00 2,000.00 4,000.00 3,904.00 0.00
6,050.00 4,250.00 7,100.00 4,695.95 131.02
1,500.00 1,500.00 3,500.00 2,735.27 358.66
2,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 2,768.34 0.00
1,750.00 1,750.00 1,750.00 499.70 133.87
3,600.00 3,600.00 3,600.00 2,076.90 276.92
8,850.00 9,850.00 11,850.00 .... 8,080.21
1,800.00 1,800.00 1,800.00
596.94 1,253.06 100%
326.03 1,523.97 82%
3,904.00 96.00 2%
4,826.97 1,223.03 20%
3,093.93 406.07 12%
2,768.34 231.68 8%
633.57 1,116.43 64%
2,353.82 1,248.18 35%
769.45 8,849.66 0.34 0%
3,580.27 1,543.79 5,124.06 -3,324.06 -185%
250.00 250.00 250.00 179.50 0.00
2,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 2,099.37 60.00
250.00 250.00 250.00 130.76 0.00
2,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 2,409.63 60.00
4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 300.00 0.00
750.00 750.00 750.00 333.00 925.33
1,250.00 1,250.00 1,250.00 1,333.01 890.68
500.00 500.00 500.00 221.79 0.00
0.00 130,640.53 130,640.53 63,653.37 0.00
0.00 186,657.74 186,657.74 94,995.77 0.00
0.00 317,298.27 317,298.27 158,649.14 0.00
425,735.00 743,233.27 758,083.27 344,231.55 24,353.69
179.50 70.50 28%
2,159.37 840.63 28%
130.76 . 119.24 48%
2,469.63 1,030.37 41%
300.00 3,700.00 93%
1,258.33 -508.33 .68%
2,223.69 -973.69 -78%
221.79 278.21 56%
63,653.37 66,987.16 51%
94,995.77 91,661.97 49%
158,649.14 158,649.13 50%
368,585.24 375,448.03 88%
March 31, 2002
Office Equipment/Furniture
Office Leasehold Improvements
Printing Programs
Facade Grants
Economic Incentive Grants
Relax Inn Closing & Demo
RIverwalk / Promanade Projects
MLK Commercial
Way-Finding Slgnage
Riverwalk / Promanade Land
High School Project
2002/2003 2002/2003 Year To Current YTD 02/03
2002/2003 Amended Amended Date Period Totals Including Budget
Budget 1/14/2003 1/14/2003 Totals Ma}/ Current Month Remaining
20,000.00 20,000.00 23,556.00 23,555.94 0.00 23,555.94 0.06
35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 1,285.70 0.00 1,285.70 33,714.30
25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25,000.00
50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 12,501.77 8,599.71 21,101.48 28,898.52
100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100,000.00
100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100,000.00
1,100,000.00 1,100,000.00 1,100,000.00 886,135.30 0.00 886,135.30 213,864.70
750,000.00 750,000.00 750,000.00 874.22 0.00 874.22 749,125.78
250,000.00 250,000.00 250,000.00 3,400.00 0.00 3,400.00 246,600.00
25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 13,016.36 565.76 13,582.12 11,417.88
200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 4,300.00 277,8i1.19 282,111.19 -82,111.19
0.00 0.00 0.00 800.00 675.87 1,475.87 0.00
% of
1 OO%
2,877,526.00 3,398,233.27 3,416,639.27 1,290,100.84 312,006.22 1,602,107.06 1,801,958.08
2,877,526.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2,100,744.00 4,467,537.73 4,104,160.73 5,899,481.1~5 5,594,218.1~5. 5,594,218.1~5 4,373,433.0~0
Note Payable
Community Redevelopment Agency of Boynton Beach
Balance Sheet
Government Funds
May 31, 2002
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Prepaid Expenses
Fixed Assets
Real Estate Relax Inn
RiverWalk / Promenade / BBB Extension
RiverWalk / Promenade / Land
Accumulated Depreciation- Fixed Assets
Work in Progress Assets Relax Inn
RiverWalk / Promenade / BBB Extension
RiverWalk / Promenade / Land
Total Work in Progress Assets
Furniture ! Equipment
Accumulated Depreciation-Furn./Equip
Total Assets
Accounts Payable
Accrued Liabilities
Note Payable
Total Liabilities
Fund Balances:
General Fund
Change in Fund Balance
Total Fund Balances
Total Liabilities and Fund Balances
$ 874.22
$ 282,111.19
$ 3,4O0.0O
$ 6,793,148.83
$ 19,065.15
$ 329.37
$ 2,877,525.55
$ 2,896,920.07
$ 2,912,865.22
$ 983,3O3.54
$ 3,896,168.76
$ 6,793,088.83
Community Redevelopment Agency of Boynton Beach
Income Statement
Reven u e
Tax Increment Funds
Tax Increment Funds:
Total Tax Increment Funds
City Funds
City Transfer Funds
Total City Funds
Grants, Project Reimbursements
Grant Funding
Total Grants and Projects
Interest Income
Interest Income
Total Interest Income
Other Income
Other Income
Total Other Income
Total Sources of Funds
May 31, 2002
Current Total
$0.00 $1,330,408.92 $1,330,408.92
$0.00 $17,834.98 $17,834.98
$0.00 $17,834.98 $17,834.98
$0.00 $0.00 $0.00
$0.00 $0.00 $0.00
$6,763.22 $50,927.09 $57,690.31
$6,763.22 $50,927.09 $57,690.31
$0.00 $0.00 $0.00
$0.00 $0.00 $0.00
$6,763.22 $1,399,170.99 $1,405,934.21
Community Redevelopment Agency of Boynton Beach
Income Statement
Debt Service
Debt Service Principal Payment
Interest Expense Payment
Total Debt Service
Uses of Funds
Current Total
$0.00 $63,653.37 $63,653.37
$0.00 $94,995.77 $94,995.77
$0.00 $94,995.77 $158,649.14
Project Expenses
Festivals / Events / Seminars
Way-Finding Signage
Fa(;ade Grant Program
Economic Incentive Program
High School Project
Total Project Expenses
$8,599.71 $12,501.77 $21,101.48
$565.76 $13,016.36 $13,582.12
$0.00 $0.00 $0.00
$0.00 $0.00 $0.00
$675.87 $800.00 $1,475.87
$9,841.34 $26,318.13 $36,159.47
General & Administrative
Salaries & Contract Labor
Payroll Tax
Property/General Insurance
Workers Compensation
Health Insurance
Life Insurance
Professional Fees - Audit
Professional Fees - City Staff
Professional Fees - Contracted Services
Professional Fees - Legal
Professional Fees - Maint. & Cleaning
Professional Fees - IT Support
Advertising Expense
Telephone Expense
Electric Expense
Rent Expense
Office Leasehold Improvements
Printing Office Supplies
Printing Programs
Mileage & Delivery
Seminars Staff/Board
Business Meeting Expense
Licenses, Fees, Permits
Membership, Subscriptions
Books & Publications
Career Development
Office Supplies
Office Furniture / Equipment/Setup
Professional Insurance
Equipment Leases
Car Allowance Director
Bonding Insurance
Total General & Administrative
$11,923.06 $89,674.80 $101,597.86
$933.28 $4,708.71 $5,641.99
$131.02 $465.92 $596.94
$106.44 $1,357.50 $1,463.94
$977.42 $5,586.93 $6,564.35
$0.00 $0.00 $0.00
$0.00 $0.00 $0.00
$840.90 $1,869.98 $2,710.88
$0.00 $17,347.48 $17,347.48
$3,921.25 $25,821.50 $29,742.75
$150.00 $1,704.11 $1,854.11
$0.00 $647.50 $647.50
$0.00 $300.00 $30O.00
$607.13 $5,211.04 $5,818.17
$158.83 $934.82 $1,093.65
$0.00 $7,960.00 $7,960.00
$0.00 $1,285.70 $1,285.70
$890.68 $1,333.01 $2,223.69
$0.00 $0.00 $0.00
$133.87 $499.70 $633.57
$0.00 $2,768.34 $2,768.34
$358.66 $2,735.27 $3,093.93
$0.00 $179.50 $179.50
$60.00 $2,099.37 $2,159.37
$0.00 $130.76 $130.76
$925.33 $333.00 $1,258.33
$1,543.79 $3,580.27 $5,124.06
$0.00 $16,600.26 $16,600.26
$0.00 $3,904.00 $3,904.00
$415.11 $1,804.18 $2,219.29
$0.00 $221.79 $221.79
$276.92 $2,076.90 $2,353.82
$0.00 $326.03 $326.03
$24,353.69 $203,468.37
Total Application of Funds
Fund Sources in Excess of Application
$34,195.03 $324,782.27
($27,431.81 ) $1,074,388.72
TO: CRA Board
Susan Vielhauer
SUBJECT: Human Resources Manual
DATE: June 4, 2003
Staff has completed all of the changes to the Human Resources Manual Workshop on
Monday June 2, 2003.
Staff is requesting that the CRA Board accept and adopted this policy and procedures
manual for Human Resources.
639 E. Ocean Avenue, Suite #107
Boynton Beach, FL. 33435
(561) 737-3256 FAX (561) 737-3258
Revised 612/03
Community Redevelopment Agency
Table of Contents
Positions Covered by these Policies
Approval and Amendment of Policies
Organization for Human Resource Administration
EEO Statement
Employment ApplicationS
Selection Procedures
Type of Employees
Employment of Relatives (Nepotism)
Recommendation for Employment
Employment Acceptance
Disqualification for Employment
3-1 , Probationary Period
3-2 Performance Evaluations
3-3 Harassment
3-4 Formal Grievances
3-5 Personnel Actions
3-6 Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Provisions
Classification Provisions
Pay Provisions
Hours of Work / Overtime / Compensatory Time
Outside Employment
CRA Equipment
Address & Telephone Numbers
Political Activity
Drug Free Workplace
Vacation Leave
Sick Leave
Compassionate Leave
Jury Leave
Military Leave
Short Term Disability
Long Term Disability
Leave Without Pay
Medical & Dental Insurance
These policies are to provide guidance to the CRA Board in the administration of
the CRA's employees. It is the intent of these policies to ensure that CRA
employees will be dealt with on an equitable basis, so that the citizens of the
CRA. area may derive benefits and advantages as a result of a competent CRA
staff. It is the responsibility of all CRA employees to read and abide by all
provisions of all policies even as amended from time to time.
The policies shall apply to all non-contract employees. These policies shall also
apply to employees with individual employment contracts if incorporated by
reference into the employment contract.
These policies shall be in force and in effect when approved by the CRA Board
and replace existing policies and procedures. The CRA Board, whose decision
shall be final, shall decide interpretations of any conflicting or ambiguous
language. The CRA Board may amend these policies from time to time.
ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW - Review and approval of a personnel action
by the CRA Executive Director.
APPEAL - A request by a regular employee for consideration by the CRA
Executive Director or CRA Board or Board Designee.
CONTINUOUS SERVICE - Employment that is uninterrupted by
separations of employment, layoffs, etc.
CONTRACT EMPLOYEE - An employee under an individual employment
contract with the CRA Board. Contract employees do not have any rights
or benefits other than what is specifically stated in their individual
employment contract.
DEMOTION -Assignment of an employee to a position in a lower class
having a lower maximum salary than the position from which the
assignment is made.
DISMISSAL - The discharge of an employee from his/her position with the
CRA. The terms termination and dismissal are interchangeable.
EMPOLYMENT CONTRACT - An individual contract that provides a non-
regular employee with a written agreement of employment terms.
EXEMPT EMPLOYEE- Any employee whose positibn is ineligible for
overtime as determined by the Fair Labor Standards Act.
FULL-TIME EMPLOYEE-A budgeted regular employee who is scheduled
to work a minimum of forty (40) hours per week.
GRIEVANCE- Formal notice of dissatisfaction by a regular employee who
feels he / she have been unjustly treated in cases regarding their
HIRE DATE- An employee's date of hire or re-hire, whichever is later.
IMMEDIATE FAMILY- Spouse, mother, father, son, daughter, sibling,
stepfather, stepmother, stepchild, grandparent, grandchild, aunt, uncle,
nephew and niece.
INITIAL PROBATIONARY PERIOD - A ninety (90) day calendar period of
time beginning with the employee's hire date. Leaves or breaks in service
without pay for more than fifteen (15) working days may cause this date to
be extended by the actual number of work days missed. During the Initial
Probationary Period, an employee may be terminated without notice and
without cause. Also during the Initial Probationary Period, an employee is
not eligible for benefits, sick, vacation or holiday time.
promotion or demotion action.
LAYOFF - Dismissal from employment because of shortage of work or
funds, or because of changes in the organization.
NON-EXEMPT EMPLOYEE - Any hourly employee whose position is
eligible for overtime after forty (40) hours of work per week as determined
by the Fair Labor Standards Act.
OVERTIME PAY- Pay for overtime worked in excess of a non-exempt
employee's forty (40) hour workweek.
PART-TIME - Appointment to a position that usually requires a working
schedule less than forty (40) work hours per week.
PAY PLAN - A formal schedule of pay ranges for all job descriptions
minimum, mid point and maximum values.
PAY RANGE -The minimum and maximum pay established by the CRA
Board for budgeted positions.
PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL - Assessment of how well an employee
has performed during a period of time.
POSITION PROBATIONARY PERIOD - A ninety (90) day calendar period
of time beginning with the effective date of a promotion or demotion of a
regular employee. Leaves or breaks in service without pay for more than
fifteen (15) working days may cause this date to be extended by the actual
number of work days missed. During the Position Probationary Period, an
employee may be returned or demoted to their former position without
notice and without cause.
PROBATIONARY EMPLOYEES - Any employee who is serving in a new
position either by appointment, promotion or demotion. Promotions or
demotions occurring within the established initial probationary period shall
cause an employee to begin a new initial probationary period.
PROMOTION - The assignment of an employee to a position in a higher
class having a higher maximum salary than the position from which
assignment is made.
RECLASSIFICATION - The change of a job classification due to a change
in or an increase or decrease in the assigned duties and responsibilities of
the position.
REGULAR EMPLOYEE - An employee who has achieved regular status
after completing the. established or applicable probationary period.
SUSPENSION - The separation with or without pay of an employee for a
period of time. Exempt employees shall be subject to no less than one
week suspensions without pay.
TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE - An employee in a position other than regular
full-time or pad-time less than forty (40) hours per week for a specified
period of time.
TEMPORARY POSITION - All positions that are not designated regular
budgeted positions.
VACANCY - An existing or newly created position, which is not occupied.
WORKVVEEK - The established forty (40) hour period of time that
constitutes the workweek for FLSA purposes. Non-exempt employees are
not eligible for overtime compensation until after completion of forty (40)
hours in the workweek.
Considers and adopts the recommended Policy & Procedure Manual upon
receiving recommendation from CRA staff.
Approves recommended pay plan(s) as needed.
Approves appointments and removals for positions that require
employment contract.
Authorizes all new CRA positions, assigns funding for pay ranges and
authorizes recruitments.
Is responsible to the CRA Board for the administration of the Policy and
Procedure Manual and other Board directives.
Recruits, appoints, promotes, transfers or removes, demotes, suspends,
dismisses or disciplines all subordinate employees.
Performs all duties and exercises all powers in personnel.
Administers the recommended and approved pay plan.
Administers an effective payroll system.
Develops and implements effective training programs for employees.
Recommends such policies or revisions in compliance with prevailing
Administers the employee benefits programs.
Administers an effective disciplinary program.
Administers an effective performance appraisal program.
Prepare and recommend to the CRA Board job descriptions and
amendments to existing job descriptions as needed.
The CRA is an Equal Opportunity Employer and prohibits discrimination because
of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, political affiliation,
handicap (except where such factor is a bona fide occupational qualification or is
required by State and/or Federal law), or marital status in all aspects of its
personnel policies, programs, practices, recruitment, examination, appointment,
training, promotion, retention or any other actions and operations.
The purpose of this Policy is to reaffirm the CRA's position regarding non-
discrimination in all matters.
All recruitment activities, hiring, training, employment decisions, and personnel
actions will be based on valid qualifications without regard to race, color, religion,
sex, national origin, age, handicap, or marital status.
The CRA Executive Director shall implement effective EEO hiring procedures..
The CRA Board shall authorize all new CRA positions, assign funding for pay
ranges and direct the CRA Executive Director to start the recruitment and
selection procedures. Job announcements shall then be publicized internally
and/or externally for ten (10) working days.
All employment discussions are to be considered non-obligatory, exploratory,
and tentative in nature and indicated as such to applicants. Only authorized
offers of employment made to individuals are binding on the CRA.
Individuals desiring consideration for employment may submit a letter of interest,
or a resume to the CRA Executive Director. All applicants submitting a resume
or letter of interest and granted further consideration shall complete an
application for employment prior to any job offer. Applications will only be
accepted when a vacancy occurs. Applications will be maintained for a period of
two (2) years and then propedy destroyed in accordance with pUblic Records
laws. 1871
Applications must be signed and certified by the applicant. Incomplete
applications will not be accepted.
When a vacancy occurs, previously submitted applications on file may be
updated for consideration in addition to all new applications and resumes
received until the established closing date or until the vacancy is filled.
Selection processes may consist of one or more of the following:
Background Investigations including motor vehicle driving
criminal history check.
Reference checks.
Performance examination.
Review and evaluation of education, training, and experience.
Any other applicable criteria which will fairly assess the
individuals to perform the duties required for the position.
record and
abilities of
Applicants considered for employment may be subject to pre-employment
controlled substances screening. Applicants testing positive for any of the
specified drugs will not be eligible for employment. Such applicants may not be
considered for employment for a period of two (2) years following a positive drug
CRA employees are divided into two groups, contract and non-contract. Contract
employees are individuals hired by a direct employment contract for a specified
duration of time that may or may not be budgeted by the CRA Board. Non-
contract employees fill regular budgeted positions as authorized by the CRA
Board and are not otherwise designated as contract employees.
The CRA will comply with Florida Statue 112.3135 regarding nepotism rules in an
effort to eliminate hiring practices which result in conflicts of interest, favoritism or
the appearance of impropriety.
Further, approval will not be granted for the employment, promotion, or transfer
of a member of the immediate family of an employee or other relative by
marriage (father, mother, spouse, son, daughter, brother, sister, mother-in-law,
father-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in,law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law,
stepparent, stepchild, grandparents, grandchildren or other persons living in the
same household of the employee's household.)
Once the interview process has revealed a suitable applicant and the reference
checks and screening steps appear satisfactory, the CRA Executive Director is
authorized to then hire that applicant for employment. If the CRA Executive
Director proposes a salary exceeding the minimum but less than or equal to the
midpoint of the position's pay range written justification must be included in the
employee file. If the proposed salary is greater than the midpoint, then the CRA
Executive Director must bring the recommendation in front of the CRA Board for
Upon receiving an offer for employment, the applicant must make employment
acceptance within three (3) working days of the employment offer, unless
otherwise extended by the CRA Executive Director (maximum of 5 working
days). If employment acceptance is declined, the CRA Executive Director may
consider another applicant from the recruitment's applicant pool, or may choose
to begin a new recruitment process.
All new CRA employees attend an orientation program after starting employment.
At that time the new employee must provide proof of work eligibility and
verification of identity to the CRA in accordance with prevailing IRCA laws.
Employees are responsible for reading, understanding, and abiding by all CRA
policies and procedures as amended from time to time.
The CRA may reject an applicant who does not possess the minimum
qualifications required for the position. Failure to meet the physical requirements
necessary to perform the essential functions for a particular job as determined by
the CRA will also result in disqualification if a reasonable accommodation for an
otherwise qualified individual with a disability cannot be reached, or would create
an undue hardship. Fraudulent conduct, false statements, or omissions by an
applicant or by others on behalf of the applicant with the applicant's knowledge,
in any application or examination, may be cause for the disqualification of such
applicant, or termination from the CRA employment. Immediate relatives or
persons living in the residence of CRA Board members, the CRA Executive
Director, or designee are not eligible for employment.
All entrance appointments shall be in a probationary status for a period of ninety
(90) calendar days unless extended by the CRA Executive Director. Probationary
statuses may be extended upon written notification to the employee up to six (6)
months at the discretion of the CRA Executive Director. This trial working period
shall be utilized to observe an employee's performance. All promotion or
demotion appointments effected within the initial probationary period shall cause
the employee to begin serving a .new ninety (90) day initial probationary period.
All promotional appointments occurring after the ninety (90) day initial
probationary period has occurred shall be deemed as position probationary
periods; employees not successfully completing this position probationary period
shall be returned to their previous classification status without appeal benefits. If
either initial or position probationary periods are extended, no wage or salary
increases Shall be affected during the extension periods. Awards granted after
the extensions shall not be retroactive. A probationary employee who has not
successfully passed the established initial probationary period in any
classification may be terminated by the CRA Executive Director. A probationary
employee is not entitled to benefits, sick or vacation time, or holiday pay.
General Provisions
The employee's performance evaluation is designed to examine, review
and document work performance. The ratings shall be set forth on the
applicable performance evaluation form. Each employee shall be given a
copy of the evaluation form and shall have the opportunity to discuss it
with the employee's supervisor. Employees may appeal their evaluation
to the CRA Executive Director within five (5) working days of receiving
their performance evaluation. Such appeals must state the reason for the
appeal, the facts supporting the employee's case, and any other pertinent
information relevant to the matters at hand. The CRA Executive Director
shall schedule an appeals meeting within fifteen (15) working days of
receipt of the appeal, preside over the appeals meeting, and render a
decision on the matter within fifteen (15) working days of the appeals
meeting. If the appeal fails the employee may appeal the decision to the
CRA Board or Board Designee. All decisions of the CRA Board are final.
Frequency of Performance Evaluations
Performance evaluations are completed annually with the first coinciding
with the successful passing of the initial probationary period and/or
position probationary period, and annually thereafter coinciding with
employees' hire or job anniversary date, whichever is applicable. Special
evaluations may be conducted at any time with the approval of the CRA
Executive Director.
C. Performance Evaluation Rating Procedure
The direct supervisor of the employee shall be responsible for obtaining
the appropriate evaluation form and completing the evaluation. An
employee must sign and date the completed evaluation form indicating
that he/she has discussed and received a copy. The signature does not
mean he/she agrees with the evaluation. If the employee refuses to sign
the form, it should be so indicated by the CRA Executive Director in the
space provided for the employee's signature.
The CRA is committed to a professional work environment in which all individuals
are treated with respect and dignity. Each individual has the dght to work in an
atmosphere that promotes equal opportunities and prohibits discriminatory
practices, including sexual and other forms of harassment. Therefore, the CRA
expects that all relationships among persons in the office be businesslike and
free of bias, prejudice and harassment. In keeping with this commitment, the
CRA maintains a strict policy prohibiting harassment of staff members in any
form in the workplace from other staff members, vendors, contractors, or guests.
Violators shall be subject to termination.
Sexual harassment constitutes discrimination and is illegal under federal and
state laws. For the purposes of this policy, sexual harassment is defined as
unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or
physical conduct of sexual nature when, for example: (1) submission to such
conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual's
employment; (2) submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is
used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual; (3) such
conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's
work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working
Sexual harassment may include a range of subtle and not so subtle behaviors
and may involve individuals of the same or different gender. Depending on the
circumstances these behaviors may include, but are not limited to: unwanted
sexual advances; subtle or overt pressure for sexual favors; sexual jokes;
innuendoes; advances or propositions; verbal abuse of a sexual nature; graphic
commentary about an individual's body, sexual prowess or sexual deficiencies;
leering, whistling, touching, pinching, assault, cOerced sexual acts, or suggestive,
insulting or obscene comments or gestures; display in the workplace of sexual
suggestive objects or pictures; and other physical, verbal, or visual conduct of a
sexual nature.
The CRA's policy equally prohibits any other type of harassment involving a
protected category under federal, state, or local law (for example, on the basis of
race, color, religion, national origin, age and/or disability.)
This policy applies to all applicants and staff members whether related to conduct
engaged in by fellow staff members, managers, or someone not directly
connected to the CRA (e.g., an outside vendor, consultant, the public.)
Reporting an Incident of Harassment
The CRA encourages reporting all perceived incidents of harassment, regardless
of the offender's identity or position. Individuals who believe they have been the
victims of harassment should discuss their concerns with their CRA Executive
Director or Board Designee. Administrative investigations shall then be
conducted to ascertain necessary facts. Decisions on the involved parties' status
will then be rendered.
Individuals who believe they have been the victim of harassment or believe they
have witnessed harassment should discuss their concerns with the CRA
Executive Director or Board Designee. If an individual receives information
regarding sexual harassment they are obligated to report it immediately to the
CRA Executive Director or Board Designee.
We encourage the prompt reporting of complaints or concerns so that rapid and
constructive action can be taken. Therefore, while no fixed reporting period had
been established, early reporting and intervention has proven to be the most
effective method of resolving actual or perceived incidents of harassment.
Harassment Policy Complaint Procedure
A. Informal Complaint Procedure
Informal Complaints are defined as verbal notifications to the alleged
offender and/or to the CRA Executive Director or Board Designee
regarding an alleged instance of harassment. The CRA encourages
individuals who believe they are being harassed to promptly notify the
offender that his or her behavior is unwelcome. If, for any reason,
individuals do not wish to confront the offender directly or such a
confrontation does not successfully end the harassment, individuals shall
notify the CRA Executive Director or Board Designee. The CRA Executive
Director or BOard Designee must be notified in all instances. Failure to do
so may result in disciplinary action.
B. Formal Complaint Procedure
Formal complaints are defined as written complaints submitted to the CRA
Executive Director or Board Designee' regarding an alleged instance of
harassment. The CRA encourages individuals who believe they are being
harassed to promptly notify the CRA Executive Director or Board
Designee of the unwelcome behavior. The CRA Executive 'Director or
Board Designee must be notified in all instances. Failure to do so may
result in disciplinary action.
Administrative Investiqations
Any reported allegations of harassment will be investigated promptly. The
investigation may include individual interviews with the parties involved and,
where necessary, with individuals who may have observed the alleged conduct
or may have relevant knowledge.
The complaint and investigation will be handled with sensitivity, and
confidentiality will be maintained throughout the investigation process to the
extent allowed by law and to the extent practical and appropriate under the
circumstances. Only those individuals with a "need to know" shall be informed of
the findings or the extent of the investigation. Employees shall not discuss any
circumstances involving the parties or matters at hand unless it is with the CRA
Executive Director or Board Designee throughout the investigational processes.
Retaliation against an individual for reporting alleged harassment or assisting in
providing information relevant to a claim of sexual harassment is a serious
violation of this policy and will be treated with the same strict discipline, as would
the harassment itself. Acts of retaliation should be reported immediately and will
be promptly investigated. In order to protect the welfare of all employees, findings
of false or malicious statements intended to harm another individual shall result
in immediate disciplinary action. Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary
action. Failure to act upon gaining knowledge of violations of this policy may
result in disciplinary action. Training shall be conducted on a periodic basis to
raise awareness of harassment issues and remedies of same. Failure to
truthfully cooperate with an investigation of this nature may result in disciplinary
It is the policy of the CRA to anticipate and avoid occurrences of formal
grievances and to deal promptly with formal grievances that may arise. All formal
grievances must be in writing and must include the nature of the grievance and
all the facts supporting the grievance. This written document must be submitted
to the CRA Executive Director. If a formal grievance is denied by the CRA
Executive Director, it will be forwarded to the CRA Board for a final decision.
The primary purpose of this grievance procedure is to determine what is right, not
who is right. Free discussion between employees and the CRA Executive
Director will lead to better understanding of practices, policies and procedures,
which affect employees. Discussion will serve to identify and help eliminate
conditions, which may cause misunderstandings prior to the filing of written
formal grievances.
The CRA Executive Director shall establish rules for the processing of formal
grievances. Rules may be amended from time to time, but should have as their
objective the prompt and efficient disposition of a formal grievance. Formal
grievances are to be initiated by employee within ten (10) working days of the
event giving rise to the grievance or the grievance is waived. Once initiated the
time sequence for review and response to the employee should not exceed
twenty (20) working days
A. Promotion
Upon promotion, an employee shall receive an increase to the minimum
pay rate of the new position, or up to 10%, whichever is higher. In no case
shall the new salary exceed the maximum pay established for the position.
Promoted employees shall serve a ninety (90) day position probationary
period and may be demoted without notice and without cause during the
position probationary period.
Upon demotion, an employee shall receive a decrease in pay of a
minimum of 5%, or up to 10% if previously promoted to the higher level
classification and awarded that amount for the promotion action, or greater
if a higher amount of decrease is necessary in order not to exceed the
maximum rate of pay for the lower level position. In no case shall the new
lower pay rate exceed maximum of the pay range established for the
lower level position.
Demotion Approvals and Appeal
All demotions and resulting adjustments in an employee's pay rate shall
receive the prior review and approval of the CRA Executive Director.
Demoted employees not serving within an established probationary period
may appeal the demotion action in writing within two (2) working days of
written notification of the demotion. The CRA Executive Director shall
schedule an appeals meeting within ten working (10) working days of
receipt of the employee appeal.
The written appeal must state the reason for the appeal and all facts
supporting the appeal. The CRA Executive Director shall preside over the
appeals meeting and render a decision within twenty (20) working days of
the app. eals meeting. The demotion action shall be effected regardless of
any appeal request. The demotion may then be overturned by the CRA
Executive Director when a decision has been made. The employee may
appeal to the CRA Board if the CRA Executive Director upholds the
The CRA anticipates that its employees will conduct themselves
appropriately, both on and off the job. As a service entity, we must treat
our customers in a courteous and respectful manner at all times and our
conduct must be consistent with the CRA's goals and objectives.
We recognize, however, that there will be instances when employees may
act in a manner that is not consistent with the CRA's goals and objectives
and the CRA Board's expectations. To address these situations, a
disciplinary process has been developed to enable the CRA Executive
Director to resolve issues related to unacceptable performance and
The CRA's goals in establishing such a process are both to ensure that
employees understand the potential consequences of inappropriate
behavior and to assist them in recognizing the severity of such
consequences, with the hope that disciplinary sanctions, if required, will
encourage the individual to personally resolve whatever concerns exist
with respect to either inadequate performance or personal misconduct.
Conduct unbecoming a CRA employee is defined as employee
behavior or actions on the part of the employee which hinders or
jeopardizes the successful operation of the CRA, undermines
teamwork and cooperation among CRA employees, or undermines
the public confidence in the CRA or its employees.
Counseling and written reprimands should be utilized as an
element to motivate employees to choose behavior conducive to an
individual's growth, development and most importantly, to insure
the successful operation of the CRA and its services. However, in
certain circumstances, punitive discipline actions will be necessary.
There is no "fixed formula" for discipline, management reserves the
right and prerogative to make disciplinary decisions based on
repeated occurrences of varying incidents, past performance, or
severity of the incident.
Although progressive disciplinary actions are encouraged when
circumstances support such use, the severity of misconduct and
the circumstances shall determine the nature of the discipline.
A number of factors should be considered in determining the
appropriate level of discipline to be taken at each successive step.
Such factors may include time intervals between offenses,
effectiveness of prior disciplinary actions, insubordination,
employee willingness to improve, overall work performance and
Certain misconduct is so contrary to the public interest that
dismissal shall be the only appropriate disciplinary measure.
The level of misconduct may differ in individual cases from
apparently similar incidents. The CRA retains the right to treat
each occurrence on an individual basis without creating a
precedent for situations which may arise in the future, This
case-by-case method is designed to take individual circumstances
and/or mitigating factors into account. These provisions are not to
be construed as a limitation upon the retained rights of the CRA,
but are to be used as a guide.
The failure of immediate supervisors to document, and/or take
disciplinary actions for misconduct, or the failure to forward the
completed disciplinary documents to CRA Executive Director shall
serve as grounds for disciplinary action.
After a period of one year for a Record of Discussion, two years for
a Wdtten Reprimand, and five years for a Suspension, discipline
will not be considered for Purposes of future disciplinary actions or
promotions. However, these items will remain in the employee's
personnel file. Verbal warnings or verbal reprimands are not
considered as disciplinary action.
Examples of Misconduct
The following types of infractions, offenses, or misconduct shall represent
employee noncompliance with rules, regulations, policies, practices or
procedures of the CRA, or employee wrongs or offenses which violate
permissible behaviors or are specifically prohibited by law. The listed
reasons are for informational purposes only and are not meant to be
exhaustive. Each disciplinary action shall be considered on a case-by-
case basis. The following are examples of violations which shall result in
disciplinary action:
1. Conduct unbecoming of a CRA employee, as specified in the
Definitions section.
Abuse of CRA policies including, but not limited to:
· abuse of sick leave privileges, sick leave policy or excessive
· failure to notify CRA of current address and telephone number
within ten (10) calendar days of change
· failure to report any outside employment
· possession of a firearm or concealed weapon on CRA property or
while performing official CRA duties
· suspension or revocation of any required job-related licenses or
· use of abusive language to or about an employee, co-worker,
supervisor, or the public
· insubordination, meaning the failure to recognize or accept the
authority of a supervisor
· threatening a co-worker or supervisor
Abuse of departmental procedures and work rules including, but not
limited to:
failure to provide name and official title to any person requesting
same when performing work related duties
habitual extension of lunch periods or break period
habitually late for work without valid reason
smoking in prohibited areas
unauthorized solicitation, posting of material, or non-productive
disrupting or hindering departmental operations
outside employment which conflicts, interferes or otherwise
hampers the performance of the employee in their CRA job
unauthorized personal use of CRA equipment or funds
improper use of CRA time for conducting personal or private
other department rules as communicated by director/supervisor
Documented failure of a supervisor to perform duties required of
supervisory employees including recommending and/or taking
disciplinary actions when necessary.
Violation or disregard of CRA's Safety policy and procedures
· unauthorized use or unsafe operation of CRA property, equipment
or vehicles.
· failure to report an on-the-job injury or accident within 24 hours to
immediate supervisor
· supervisor's failure to report an employee's on the job injury to the
CRA Executive Director within 24 hours and/or completion of
necessary documentation
6. Illegal, unethical or improper acts including:
· theft or removal of CRA property without proper authorization
· falsifying employment application or concealing information during
pre-employment screening or processing
· soliciting or accepting an unauthorized fee or gift
· giving false information, or failure or refusal to fully cooperate or
provide full, truthful information in CRA initiated investigations
· possession, use or sale of illegal drugs, alcohol or prescription
medication which alters the employee's performance on the job; or
any confirmed positive drug test
· possession or use of alcohol while on duty; or reporting to work
under the influence of alcohol
· refusal to participate, if offered, in a drug/alcohol rehabilitation
program, and to sign and abide by a return to work agreement
when the CRA receives positive confirmed results on any CRA
ordered drug test such as workers' compensation, accident or
reasonable suspicion drug or alcohol testing
· refusal to submit to a CRA sponsored drug or alcohol testing such
as workers' compensation, reasonable suspicion, follow up, or
applicant processes
· violating the CRA's Sexual Harassment policy through interaction
with another employee or a member of the public
When an immediate supervisor becomes aware of conclusive evidence of
the need for employee discipline, he/she becomes responsible and shall
investigate the circumstances of the misconduct, or lack of performance,
prior to deciding upon the type of disciplinary action to be recommended
or taken. Documentation of the discipline investigation or of the conduct
shall be required on the' part of the immediate supervisor in order to
establish appropriate records. The CRA Executive Director will be
available to assist in such investigations. In cases where investigations of
a more substantial nature are required, the following types of
administrative review shall be administered.
Administrative Review: Investigations of non-criminal violations
conducted in the absence of immediate or conclusive evidence
involving any CRA employee. These investigations shall be
conducted by the CRA Executive Director or designee, who shall
obtain all sufficient information, including documentation and/or
sworn statements, in order to determine the necessity or level of
disciplinary action. The CRA Executive Director assumes
responsibility for acquiring any necessary sworn statements.
Administrative investigations shall be conducted expeditiously.
Criminal Investigations: Investigations conducted when criminal
violations are reportedly committed by any employee of the CRA.
These investigations shall be conducted by the local Police
Department, in collaboration with the CRA Executive Director.
In instances where an investigation of serious, unlawful or other extreme
misconduct is necessary, administrative and/or criminal investigations
shall be conducted.
The immediate supervisor, with the approval of the CRA Executive
Director, may initiate a three (3) working day or less suspension with pay
to afford a supervisor the opportunity to investigate an alleged incident of
misconduct in the absence of the employee. Suspensions with pay of
more than three (3) working days require the approval of the CRA Board.
This practice may also be used in the event that alleged misconduct is
severe but unproven. The immediate supervisor shall immediately notify
the CRA Executive Director of the choice for suspension so that the
suspension may be issued and the matter may be immediately
A recommendation for disciplinary action may result from the findings of
an investigation. If disciplinary measures-are not recommended after the
investigation, the suspension with pay period shall not be construed as
disciplinary in nature. A document confirming a favorable determination
as to the matter should be made a part of the employee's record.
Types of Action
1. Counseling
Consists of the immediate supervisor warning the employee to
correct or improve performance, work habits, or behavior, and
counseling the employee on improvements expected. Counseling
serves as a warning against further repetition of employee
behavior. Future violations will result in further discipline up to and
including termination.
A Record of Discussion form should be completed by the
immediate supervisor. The employee shall be required to sign the
form signifying that he/she has read and discussed the contents
with the supervisor. The Record of Discussion form shall be
forwarded to The CRA Executive Director for retention in the
employee's records, with a copy provided to the employee. The
supervisor may request that the employee complete a written action
plan to correct the behavior. Employees may submit comments on
a separate sheet for inclusion in the record.
Written Reprimand
Consists of an immediate supervisor issuing a written notice of
reprimand to improve performance, work habits, or behavior. A
written reprimand may include a complete description of the
incident(s) of misconduct, inappropriate behavior, work habits, or
performance which require improvement; previous records of
discussion; a time frame within which the employee must correct or
improve his/her behavior; and a warning that future violations will
result in further disciplinary actions up to and including termination.
Written reprimands shall be signed by the employee to
acknowledge receipt and forwarded to The CRA Executive Director
for retention in the employee's records, with a copy provided to the
employee. Employees may submit comments on a separate sheet
for inclusion in the record.
The employee may be required to complete a written plan for
correction of the behavior. When the written reprimand contains a
time frame for employee improvement, a follow-up discussion at the
end of the designated time period should be conducted. This
follow-up discussion will provide a specific opportunity to review the
employee's improvement relative to the discipline. Written
reprimands should be reflected on the employee's performance
evaluation along with any noted improvements.
Consists of an employee being prohibited from returning to work
until the specified period of suspension has passed, if the
suspension is greater than one (1) working day, it shall be issued
on a consecutive working day basis. Unless provided for otherwise
in this policy or disallowed by the Fair Labor Standards Act, all
suspensions shall be without pay.
Suspensions shall be used when an employee is removed from the
job due to extreme misconduct or unlawful behavior, or when
instances of previous discipline support a suspension for a
specified period of time. Employees shall be suspended pending
the outcome of a recommendation to terminate and shall remain
under suspension until the CRA Executive Director has made a
final determination in a pre-termination hearing, if elected by the
With the written authorization of the CRA Executive Director,
immediate supervisors have the authority to issue a suspension for
three (3) working days or less.
Suspensions beyond three (3) working days require prior
authorization by the CRA Executive Director. Suspensions due to a
recommendation to terminate only require the CRA Executive
Director's approval.
Employees being suspended shall be notified in writing by the
immediate supervisor. The written notification shall consist of the
reason for the action and the duration of the suspension. It shall
also include a statement that future violations will result in further
disciplinary actions up to and including termination.
It shall be the employee's responsibility to pay for insurance
benefits and/or any other payments previously paid through payroll
deductions during any suspensions without pay in order to maintain
such benefits during these periods. Lapses in payments may result
in forfeiture of such benefits.
Employees may submit comments on a separate sheet for inclusion
in the record. Written notification of a suspension shall be signed
by the suspended employee acknowledging receipt of the written
notification, and forwarded to The CRA Executive Director or
designee for inclusion in the employee's records, with a copy
provided to the employee.
4. Demotion
In the context of this policy, demotion consists of an employee
being involuntarily removed from higher level classification to a
lower level classification, with a resulting decrease in annual salary.
Although not limited to such instances, demotions may occur in
some cases because of an inability to fulfill the duties of the higher
level job in a satisfactory manner; or a failure to comply with
employment conditions, such as licensure or certification. In
addition, during position probation an employee shall be subject to
demotion without the CRA being required to state a reason. The
employee shall have access to the appeal process. A demotion will
involve a decrease in salary of not less than 5%, commensurate
with the decrease in responsibilities.
Immediate supervisors should discuss the potential demotion of an
employee with the CRA Executive Director prior to a written
recommendation for demotion. The supervisor shall then submit the
written recommendation to the CRA Executive Director. Demotions
require authorization from the CRA Executive Director prior to being
Written notification of demotions shall be provided to the employee
by the CRA Executive Director. Such notices shall include the final
decision, the reason(s) for the decision, the employee's new
classification title, the new pay range and pay rate, and the
effective date of the demotion. Written notifications shall also
include that future violations will result in further disciplinary actions
up to and including termination of employment. All documentation
of a demotion shall be retained in the employee's file by the CRA
Executive Director. Employees may submit comments on a
separate sheet for inclusion in their personnel file.
Employees may voluntarily request a demotion to a lower level
classification. Such demotion shall not be punitive. Employees may
submit comments on a separate sheet for inclusion in the record.
Written notification of a demotion shall be signed by the employee
acknowledging receipt of the written notification, and forwarded to
the CRA Executive Director for inclusion in the employee's records.
Dismissal is a result of an employee's involuntary termination which
severs the employment relationship. At such time all employee
benefits cease, except as otherwise provided by law.
Immediate supervisors shall supply thorough documentation and
discuss recommendations for an employee's dismissal with the
CRA Executive Director. Dismissals of regular employees shall be
effected only with the authorization of the CRA Executive Director
and review by the CRA Attorney.
A written notice of the recommendation to terminate shall be given
to the employee in person. However, after two unsuccessful
attempts to deliver the notification, the notice shall be sent via U.S.
mail to the most recent address on record in the personnel file. The
recommendation shall include the following information:
The underlying reasons for the recommended termination.
Documentation upon which the supervisor relied
formulating said recommendation.
An explanation of his/her rights to request a pre-
determination hearing prior to the recommendation to
terminate being decided upon by the CRA Executive Director
and the fact that the decision of the CRA Executive Director
shall be final. If an employee does not exercise their right to
a pre-determination hearing, the termination will become
effective after the expiration of the two (2) working day pre-
termination election period.
If the employee elects a pre-determination hearing, the CRA
Executive Director shall schedule such hearing within ten (10)
working days to occur within thirty (30) of the employee's election
for such hearing.
It the employee does not elect the pre-determination hearing
within two (2) working days, the CRA Director will render a
decision on the recommendation for termination.
If the CRA Executive Director authorizes the termination, a
notification letter shall be delivered to inform the employee of
the decision and to provide notice of the employee's right to
a post-termination Formal Hearing. The terminated
employee must elect the Formal Hearing within two
working days of the date of the notification letter.
Whether the CRA Board's final determination is dismissal or a
lesser form of discipline with reinstatement at the same or lower
level position, the recommendation to terminate and the CRA
Executive Director's notification letter shall be placed in the
employee's personnel file, and a copy shall be forwarded to the
employee. Employees may submit comments on a separate sheet
of paper for inclusion in their personnel file.
Initial probationary employees who have not successfully completed the
established probationary period shall be subject to dismissal without
cause and it shall be effective after authorization by the CRA Executive
Director. At the time of dismissal, employees are required to surrender to
their supervisor or designee all CRA property which may be in their
possession or custody and all other conditions for termination must be
complied with prior to issuance of final wages.
6. Inefficiency or Incompetence
The inefficiency or incompetence in the performance of assigned
duties may result in demotion or disciplinary action up to and
including termination. Examples of poor performance shall include
failure to provide responsive, courteous, high quality customer
service or repeated failure to support team goals and contribute to
team success.
Employees who receive an OVERALL "Below Expectations"
evaluation shall be given a follow-up evaluation within sixty (60)
calendar days of the initial "Below Expectations" evaluation. More
than one overall rating of "Below Expectations" may subject
the employee to demotion or disciplinary action up to and
including termination. It is the responsibility of every employee to
perform at a minimum level of "Meets Expectations".
Purpose of the Classification Plan
The classification plan provides for a systematic arrangement of positions. The
plan groups related positions into classifications with a similar range of duties,
level of responsibility, and nature of work performed.
Purpose of the Pay Plan
The pay plan shall provide the basis of compensation for all employees and shall
be administered and recommended for revision as appropriate by the CRA
Executive Director. The Pay Plan shall include:
Schedules of pay rates for each title in the classification plan consisting of
the minimum and the maximum hourly rate, and/or annual salary.
Identification of non-exempt and exempt classifications.
A. Hours of Work
Hours of work will be determined by the CRA Executive Director, subject
to the approval of the CRA Board and shall be uniform for all employees
and be determined in accordance with the needs of the services and
operational needs of the CRA. Situations may arise that may require
employees to work additional hours without notice. All employees are
required to work additional hours when notified by the CRA Executive
Director of the need to work.
The initial office hours of operation shall be from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.,
Monday through Friday except for approved holidays.
Overtime hours are hours actually worked by non-exempt employees in
excess of a forty (40) hours per workweek and must be authorized in
advance by the CRA Executive Director before such overtime is permitted.
The established workweek is Tuesday 12 a.m. through Wednesday 11:59
p.m. for FLSA purposes.
Non-exempt employees are given compensatory time for overtime
hours worked at the rate of time and one-half hours for all
authorized time actually worked in excess of forty (40) hours a
Hours that shall count towards overtime calculations only include
those hours "actually" worked. Annual leave, sick leave, holiday
pay, suspensions with pay, workers compensation leave, family
medical leave, funeral leave, jury duty, annual military leave and
other absences from work while in active pay status will not be
counted as time actually worked for purposes of determining
whether overtime has been worked in excess of forty (40) hours per
Compensatory Time as Payment for Overtime Hours Worked
Compensatory time shall be awarded and earned at 1.5 hours for every
hour of overtime worked above 40 hours in lieu of cash compensation in
accordance with FLSA. Cash payments for overtime compensation may
be authorized at the discretion of the CRA Executive Director. Accruals of
compensatory time may be accrued up to 80 hours and may be used'by
the employee provided reasonable notice has been given to the CRA.
Exempt employees are expected to work the necessary hours to complete
their assignments and are ineligible for overtime. Special leave time may
'be granted to exempt employees up to 40 hours annually in recognition of
their dedicated services to the CRA.
Employees may engage in outside employment during off-duty hours when such
employment does not in any way interfere or create a potential conflict of interest
with their CRA employment. An employee, who wishes to engage in any outside
employment including self-employment, shall provide information concerning the
proposed employment to the CRA Executive Director for approval prior to
engaging in outside employment.
The personal use of any CRA equipment, such as computers, tape recorders,
cameras, tools, vehicles, etc., shall be prohibited unless otherwise approved in
advance by the CRA Executive Director. In addition, employees are not to use
any CRA e-mail addresses for receipt of personal mail.
Employees are required to report any change in address or telephone number to
the CRA Executive Director within ten (10) working days of the change. Failure to
comply with this requirement may result in disciplinary actions up to and including
termination. The employee shall also maintain on a current basis the name,
address and.telephone number of the person(s) to contact in case of emergency.
No CRA employee shall take any active part in political campaigns or other
political activities during duty hours. In accordance with Florida Statutes, as
amended, employees are prohibited from engaging in certain types of political
activities while either on or off duty. Employees, in their private capacities, may
express their opinions on any political candidate or issue and/or participate in
campaigns during their off-duty hours; however, they are prohibited from using
their official authority or influence or appearance of doing so through the wearing
of CRA uniforms or official attire, or in CRA vehicles while participating in political
campaigns, for the purpose of aiding or interfering with an election or nomination,
or coercing or influencing another person's vote or affecting the result thereof.
No buttons, bumper stickers, pins, or any political signage shall be adhered to
CRA vehicles, or worn during the workday while on the job, or wom on CRA
official attire, or posted on or about CSA premises. Nothing herein shall be
construed to prohibit an employee's right to engage in casual workplace
discussions on social or political topics, so long as such discussions do not, in
the judgment of management of the CRA, interfere with the orderly, peaceful,
and efficient performance of assigned duties or with the valid exercise of
authority of management.
Resignation is the voluntary separation of an employee from employment
accomplished by serving a written notice expressing a decision to end employment
with the CRA, Such written notice shall be deemed to be accepted immediately. An
employee who wishes to leave in good standing shall provide at least two (2) weeks
notice, before leaving. Resignations may be rescinded only with the written approval
of the CRA Executive Director. Employees that fail to report to work or fail to call in
absent to their supervisor for three (3) consecutive working days shall be deemed as
having voluntarily resigned from employment. A letter of termination shall be mailed
within two (2) working days to the last know address of the employee stating the
reasons for the termination.
As part of our commitment to safeguard the health of our employees, to provide a
safe place for our employees to work, and to promote a drug free community, the
CRA has established a Drug Free Workplace prohibiting the use or abuse of
alcohol and drugs by employees. In the spirit of safety, employees are expected
to support our drug free workplace. Substance abuse, while at work or
otherwise, seriously endangers the safety of employees, the general public, and
creates a variety of workplace problems including a decline in the quality of
products and services provided.
Employees injured in the course and scope of employment that test positive on
drug or alcohol tests may forfeit medical and indemnity benefits under FlOrida's
Workers Compensation. Refusal to take drug or alcohol tests also results in
forfeiture of medical and indemnity benefits under Florida's Workers
Compensation and automatic termination of employment. Reasonable
assistance is offered to employees who voluntarily recognize a substance abuse
problem. However, performance standards are upheld even if 'Below Expected'
performance is related to drug or alcohol use; such instances result in
disciplinary actions. Violations of the Drug Free Workplace policy are not
tolerated and result in disciplinary actions up to and including termination.
A. Purpose of Vacation Leave
The purpose of vacation leave is to provide regular full-time exempt and non-
exempt employees with an opportunity to be absent from 'work for approved
reasons without loss of pay or benefits.
B. Accrual Rate and Maximum Accrual
Vacation leave is accrued based on the employee's length of service with the
CRA. New employees accrue vacation leave days retroactive to their hire date
and may begin to use such vacation leave accrual upon completion of the ninety
(90) day probationary period initiated with the employee's first day of
employment. Accrual rate, as outlined in the following table shall occur from the
date of initial employment and accrue per completion of the established pay
period cycle. All references to "years of service" are defined as "continuous"
years of service for the purposes of th]i~olicy.
Years of Service
0 up to completion of 1 year
Greater than 1 year, less than 5 years
Greater than 5 years, less than 10 years
Greater than 10 years
Annual Annual Annual
Accrual Houm pays
1.54 40 5
3.08 80 10
4.62 120 15
6.15 160 20
Employees may accrue vacation leave to a maximum of the leave earned in the
most recent two (2) employment years not to exceed 320 accrued and unused
hours. Vacation leave accrued from the date of hire may exceed this stated
policy, however, any amount over the accrued amount of the two (2) most recent
employment years maximum that has not been used during that time frame will
be forfeited as of the beginning of the new anniversary date of hire.
As each month passes, a regular full-time exempt or non-exempt employee
accumulates one (1) eight (8) hour day of sick leave to a total of twelve (12) days
per year constituting a maximum ninety-six (96) hours per year.
Sick leave with pay shall be computed from the hire date of the employee with
accumulation of sick leave not to exceed Sixty (60) working days
An employee will be granted sick leave if the employee's absence from work is
necessitated by one (1) of the following reasons:
Employee's health or the health of an immediate member of the
employee's family. (For purposed of this section, "immediate family" is
defined under Definitions, Section 1-4).
Medical, dental or optical treatment, which is necessary during working
C. Quarantine due to exposure to a contagious disease.
All requests for more than three (3) consecutive days of sick leave must be
accompanied by a doctor's certificate explaining the absence and/or unfitness for
duty. If excessive sick leave is taken in such a way as to indicate a pattern,
random or otherwise, the employee will be placed on restricted sick leave and a
doctor's certificate will be required for a one-day absence.
The following holidays will be observed each year:
New Years Day (January 1)
Martin Luther King's Birthday (as designated)
President's Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day (First Monday in September)
Thanksgiving Day (Fourth Thursday in November)
Thanksgiving Friday
One-half (1/2) day on Christmas Eve
Christmas Day (December 25)
One-half (1/2) day on New Years Eve
Floating Holiday will be observed each year:
Veterans Day (Floating Holiday)
The CRA Board reserves the right to declare these and any other holidays on a
date designated by the CRA board; such dates do not necessarily have to be on
the specified traditional date, but on the date that meets the best interest of the
Regular full time Employees shall be paid for the legal holidays at their current
pay rate. Regular full time Non-exempt employees who work on a holiday shall
also be paid for their holiday plus the time worked at straight time. Regular full-
time employees must be in pay status during regular workdays immediately
before the holiday and after the holiday in order to receive pay for the holiday.
Part-time, temporary, and emergency appointed employees are not entitled to
holidays with pay.
Employees may be granted by the CRA Executive Director, upon request, up to
five (5) working days of compassionate leave with pay due to a death in an
employee's Immediate Family. Under extreme circumstances and with the
agreement of CRA Executive Director, the leave may be extended.
Any employee summoned for jury duty or to be a witness related to CRA
business shall comply with such summons without loss of pay. Any
compensation received as a result of compliance with such summons shall be
returned to the CRA, less any amount attributable to an allowance for mileage.
If an employee is summoned to appear for jury duty or as a witness, the
employee must notify the CRA Executive Director immediately. An employee
receiving a witness summons for non-CRA business must use accrued vacation
pay to cover the work hours missed.
The CRA recognizes an employee's responsibility to fulfill U.S. Military Armed
Forces obligations or annual training sessions or active duty call-up and provides
this benefit to eligible employees. All actions regarding military leave shall be
governed by Florida Statute 115 as amended.
Regular full time Exempt and Non-exempt employees may experience illness or
disability requiring that an employee is not able to work for a duration of time that
may or may not be defined at the onset of the illness or disability. Employees
under a physician's care that require an extended duration of time away from
work due to such illness or disability will have their positions (or a position of
equal compensation and comparative duties/responsibilities) held for a maximum
of sixty (60) working days, constituting a total of 480 hours. This allowable
number of days/hours coincides with the maximum accumulation for unused sick
leave as established in Section 6-2.
Employees exercising provisions of this section may continue their regular
compensation through use of the employee's accrued sick, annual, and/or any
otherwise authorized accumulated/credited leave time that has been
earned/accrued by the employee and recorded by the CRA. Employees that do
not return to work at or prior to the expiration of the allowable 480 hours will be
deemed to have abandoned their position with the CRA.
The CRA does not provide a Long Term Disability policy to regular full time
Exempt and Non-exempt employees.
A regular full time exempt or regular non-exempt employee may be granted leave
of absence without pay for a period not to exceed sixty (60) working days (480
hours) for illness, disability or other reasons. Such reasons, other than physician
attended illness or disability, must be outlined in writing and submitted to the
CRA Executive Director for review and approval or denial.
Employees may not be employed elsewhere during an authorized Leave without
Pay period of time. Such leave shall require the prior approval of the CRA
Executive Director and the CRA Board. Employees that are on approved leave
of absence without pay will be responsible for paying the premiums and/or other
established payroll deduction requirements for continuation of benefits.
Employees will not continue to receive time accrual for any benefits during the
duration of the Leave without Pay Period, except as may be provided for under
State and/or Federal Law.
The CRA will offer regular full time employees medical and dental insurance
coverage comparable to those programs offered by the City of Boynton Beach to
their regular full time budgeted employees. The CRA Executive Director or
designee will perform a review for the medical and dental insurance coverage
every year and provide the CRA Board with the information to make an informed
decision on the selection of medical and dental insurance coverage for the CRA
staff. The CRA will cover the cost for exempt and non-exempt full time employee
medical and dental insurances. The CRA employee will cover any additional
cost for any additional coverage selected for spouse and/or children of the
employee. Employees on approved leaves of absence must pay the non-
subsidized rate for all insurances in effect during their leaves of absence.
All regular full time exempt and non-exempt employees will be eligible to
participate in the CRA' s 457 retirement benefits plan after one (1) year of
continuous employment. The CRA will match up to 5% of the employee gross
salary. The employee will receive a 20% vesting schedule each year and be
considered 100% vested after five (5) years.
V. Public Audience.
Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Community Redevelopment Board with respect to any matter
considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a
verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the
appeal is to be based. 1897
The CRA shall furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a
disability an equal opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by
the CRA. Please contact Douglas Hutchin.qon at 561-737-3256 at least twenty-four hours prior to the program or
activity in order for the CRA to reasonably accommodate your request.
VI. Public Hearing
Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Community Redevelopment Board with respect to any matter
considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a
verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the
appeal is to be based. 1898
The CRA shall furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a
disability an equal oppommity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by
the CRA. Please contact Douglas Hutchinson at 561-737-3256 at least twenty-four hours prior to the program or
activity in order for the CRA to reasonably accommodate your request.
Chairman. and Members
Community Redevelopment Agency Board
Michael W. Rumpf
Planning and Zoning Director
PlannerMaXime Ducoste-Am~d~e
May 28, 2003
Abandonment of a 20-foot wide alley lying east of and adjacent to Lots 24, 25 and 26 Block 4, Lake
Addition to Boynton (ABAN 03-006).
The applicant and agent for Nicholas and Carmela DiLorenzo, Beril Kruger. is requesting to abandon a portion
of the 20-foot wide alley located between N.E. 8~h Avenue and N.E. 9th Avenue. This request to abandon a.
public alley was submitted on March 6, 2003. This abandonment is for the following unimproved platted alley
A segment of that certain 20.fOot alley lying east of and adjacent to Lots 24, 25 and 26 Block 4, Lake Addition
to Boynton, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat I~ook II, Page 71 of the Public Records of Palm
Beach County, Florida.
The location map attached as Exhibit "A" shows the general vicinity of the street right-of-way to be abandoned,
The attached Exhibit "1~"- "Proposed Abandonment" shows the location of the subject property and includes a
detailed location of the alley to be abandoned and its legal description.
The following is a description of the zoning districts and land uses of the properties that surround the subject
A vacant parcel recently approved for an office/retail building (Schnars Business Center)
zoned MU-L and farther north, N.E. 9th Avenue right-of-way;
South - A retail commercial building, zoned C-4;
East - A single-family neighborhood, zoned R-l-A; and
West -
North Federal Highway right-of-way, and farther west, a vacant retail commercial
building, zoned C-4.
In March of 1925, the Plat of Lake Addition to Boynton was approved. It included several 20-foot wide alleys
dedicated to the perpetual use by the public, reserving unto the developers or successors the right of reversion
if not used as such. AS such this clause is in favor of the original interest party if any right of way is abandoned,
Pursuant to FlOrida Statutes Sections 117.085, reversions contained in plats recorded prior to July 1, 1972
Page 2
Memorandum No. PZ 03-131
ABAN 03-006
would be extinguished if specific action were not taken to establish such rights on or before July 1, 1973. Under
direction of the city's legal department, the applicant shall provide a statement confirming that such action was
not taken, and providing assurance that, in the event that a future title issue arises from the abandonment, as it
relates to the reversionary interest, the property owner shall provide any required defense of It at its sole cost
and expense.
The property located on the west side of the alley segment to be abandoned has been subject to several code
violations from the City's Code Enforcement Division because of dumping in the subject alley. The applicant
has the intention of vacating the 20-foot alley to consolidate it with Lots 24, 25 and 26. That portion of the alley
segment once vacated, will be fenced to prevent future illegal dumping. The 20-foot wide alley as shown on the
survey will be converted to a utility easement equivalent in width to the existing alley. When abandoned the
lot/easement will revert to the adjacent property owners.
Pursuant to Chapter 22, Article III, Section 4, public noticewas given to the property owners that abut the right-
of-way to be abandoned, all utility companies have been notified and the request has been advertised in the
newspaper. A summary of the responses from the utility companies and city staff is as follows:
Public Works/Utilities
Planning and Zoning
Florida Power and Light
Florida Public Utilities Company
Cable Company (Adelphia)
Cable Company (Comcast)
No objection
Approval with conditions (see Exhibit "C")
No objection
APproval with conditions (see Exhibit 'C")
Approval with conditions
No objection
Approval with conditions (see Exhibit "C")
Staff has determined that the subject alley no longer serves a public purpose, and therefore recommends that
this request to abandon the segment of the 20-foot wide alley as described above, be approved, subject to the
comments included in Exhibit "D" - Conditions of Approval. Any conditions required by the Community
Redeyelopment Agency Board and the Commission will be placed in Exhibit "D" - Conditions of Approval,
xc: Central File
$*U3iannino~..ed-lARED~Wl~Pl~OJEGT~Dil..~'ert~u~ ABAN O,3~X~ff
Location Map
DiLorenzo ABAN 03-006
I I / I
NOr )'0 .~CALF
'," ,. WALL
~ ~ ~XST ~ ~NO ~O~Cg~r TO COTS ~. ~,
~AT BOOK 11, PAG~ 71 ~ T~ P~L~ ~C~O% 0~0~
tOT 25
LOT 26
~ ~_"_~_.;~ ......
LOT 27
, I
,.. I.
: t ,
. .delPhia
Engineering Department
t 401 Norttrpo/nt Parkway
West Palm Beach, FI 33047
February 21, 2003
Be, HI Kings'
Plannfn~.& Zoning Counsultauts
9 NE, 16~" Str~
D~tray Bcach, F133,~t4
RE: Letter of Abandonment
i.e.: Lot 24 thru 26, Block-d, La&e AdditiOn to Boyntoa Beach,
According to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 71,
Of ~e Public Records of Palm Beach Cowry, Florida.
Dear Mr. Kroger:
In reviewing your request on th~ above mt*. project, Adglph/- ( W'PB ), .,has no object/om
in the abandoning of easement to thc above legal description, as long as Adelphia
facilities ara IFmxted thc propm* easvmcnts, We have facilities on the north cast section
that r~qu/re proper mtscmcnts.
Should you have any other questions, please Ret t~e m call me at 1-:~61.656-8932 / Fax
Nurnb~cs - 1-~61-640-3996 / e-mail sumucl.p_m~al~obhia.~om
Adelphia ~ng/neering Croup
P,O, Box 3395
West Palm Beach
FL 33402-3395
1uly 8, 2002
Mr. Beril Kruger
BedI Kruger Plaanin & ZonJug Consultants
9 NE 16th St.
Dclray Beach, FL 33444
RE: lq.D. Auto, 902 N, Federal Hwy., Boynton Beach, FL 33435
Dear Mr. Kruger:
Pl~se be advised the Florida Public Utilities Company has no objection to the abandonment
of the existing easement described in yo~ letter.
At the present time, wc have no underground gas distribution facilities located within the
limits of thc proposed abandonment.
D.E. P¢llico
C.C. Can/no
BellSouth l'eleoommuldoations. Ina.
;NGINEBtlNG OF. PT - RM. 101
July 11, 2002
Mr. Beryl Kruger
9 Northeast 16th Street
Delray Beach, FL 33444
Dear Mr. Kruger:
BellSouth does object to the abandonment of the alley right-of way due to our
existing facilities in said right-of-way. If you execute a utility easement document
that encompasses our existing facilities then we will have no objection to the
abandonment of the alley right-of-way.
If you require any additional information, please call me at 561-439-9118.
Yours truly,
Michael F. Koenig
~'/ SPecialist - OSPE
Augt~t 5, 2002
BerJl Ktuge, Pla~u~g & Zoniug CounsuJtants
Delray Bea¢ '~, Fl. 33444
RE: Legal Description: Lots 24 ti, u 26, Block-4, Lake Addition to Boynton Beach,
According t:~ the Plat Thereof as i ecorded in Plat Book 11, Page 71, of the Public
Records of J'akn BeaCh County, F~ofida.
Dear Mr. I~ uge. r:
Florida Po,~ er & Light ha. no objections in the abandoning of easements to thc above
legal descril'tion, as long as Florida Power' & Light facilities are gran~ the proper
easements. We l)av~ facilitie~ on the north east section of lot 24 that require proper
Con_ditions of Auoroval
Project name: DiLorenzo
l'lie IlumoeTz Y~J~,,~, Iw ~.J-~tu~o ,,~, , ,
PUBLIC WORKS- Genial .. ,
Comments: None
1. ~e proposed r~hc~t ~em~t shall be no less ~ width ~ ~c
u~s~g ~ley. ~e ~en~ (20) foot wide ~ley shall be r~l~cd with a
~en~ (20} foot u~H~ easem~t ....
P~LIC WORKS- Traffic ,
Co~m~: None
Co--cuts; None --
Comments: ~one
~ouc~ .,
Cowm~: NO~e
CommeBts: Nnne
Co~ts: None
Com~: None ,
~O~STE ~EN VI RO~NT~IST ,,, . .....
Co~s: Non~ ,, ,,
......... P~A~G ~ ZO~G , ,,
Conditions of Approval
2. No structures shall be con.~ructed or landscaping placed within the utility
vascment without ~xpr '~s written consent of all legal vntities occupy/nS
said easement.
Cow. rfl~-nts:
3. Adelphia has no objections to the abandonment as long as Adelphia
facilities arc granted the proper easement.
4, Florida Power & Light has no object/ohs to the ab/mdonment as long as
Florida Power & Light facilities ar~ granted the proper esso-mont. Florida
Pow~ & Light have exist/ng faoi]ities on the north east seotion of Lot 24
that require proper easemenm.
5. Florida Public Utilities Company has no objections to the
abandonment. F.P.U.C. have no underground gas distr~ui/on located
w/thin the limits of the proposed abandonment.
6. Bell.~outh objeot.~ to the abandonment of the alley ri§ht-of-w~y due to
Bellsouth existing facilitivs in sa/d right-of-way. If a utility easement
document that encompasses Bellsouth existing facilities then wv w/Il have
no object/on to the abandonment of the alley fight-of-way.
1. To bc determined.
I. To be determined.
PROJECT NAME: DILorenzo Abandonment
APPLICANT'S AGENT: 8eril Kruger- Planning & Zoning Consultants
APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: 9 NE 16a Street Delray Beach, FL 33444
TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: Request abandonment of a segment of that certain 20-foot alley lying
east of and adjacent to Lots 24, 25 and 26 Block 4, Lake Addition to Boynton, according to the plat
thereof as recorded in Plat Book ti, Page 71 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida.
LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 90:~ North Federal Highway Boynton Beach, FL
THIS MATTER came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida
appearing on the Consent Agenda on the date above. The City Commission hereby adopts the
findings and recommendation of the Planning and Development Board, which Board found as follows:
THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton
Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission havtng considered tile
relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative
staff and the public finds as follows:
1. Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with
the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations.
The Applicant
... HAS
established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested.
The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or
suggested by the public and 'supported by substantial competent evidence are as set
forth on Exhibit 'C" with notation "Included".
The Applicant's application for relief is hereby
~ GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof,
This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk.
All further development on the property shell be made in accordance with the terms
and conditions of this order.
7. Other
City Clerk
Chairman and Members
Community Redevelopment Agency and City Commission
Michael W. Rumpf ~t_u ~
Planning and Zoning Director
Maxime Ducoste-A. ~
June 2, 2003
Boynton Hills N.W. 3rd Court/ZNCV 03-005
Request for relief from the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2,
Zoning, Section 5.D.2.a, requiring a minimum lot area of 7,500 square feet to allow a variance
of 3,121 square feet, resulting in a lot area of 4,379 square feet within the R-i-A single family
zoning district; and
Request for relief from the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2,
Zoning, Section 5.D.2.a, requiring a twenty-five (25) foot front yard setback to allow a 5 foot
variance, resulting in a 20 foot front yard setback within the R-i-A single family zoning
district; and
Request for relief from the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2,
Zoning, Section 5.D.2.a, requiring a twenty-five (25) foot rear yard setback to allow a 12.5
foot variance, resulting in a 12.5 foot rear yard setback within the R-:L-A single family zoning
Property Owner:
Existing Land Use/Zoning:
Proposed Land Use/Zoning:
Proposed Use:
Adjacent Uses:
Habitat for Humanity
John Shelly-VP Construction
N.W. 3rd Court
Low Density Residential (LDR)/R-i-A
No changes are proposed
Single-family house
0.10 Acre (4,379 square feet) 1911
Staff Report
Memorandum No PZ-03-134
A single-family house zoned R-:I.-A, single family residential district;
N.W. 3rd Court right-of-way, and farther south a single-family house zoned R-l-A,
single family residential district;
Vacant property zoned R-l-A, single family residential district; and
A single-family house zoned R-l-A, single family residential district.
The subject property is vacant and located within the Boynton Hills subdivision. It is currently zoned R-l-A,
single-family residential dwelling district (see Exhibit "A" - Location Map). The lot is currently vacant and
remains as originally platted. The Boynton Hills subdivision was platted in ~.925. Contrary to the gridiron
pattern used in the development of most American towns, this subdivision used the radial .scheme and
diagonal avenues over the grid (see Exhibit "B" - Boynton Hills Subdivision). This design created many
irregularly-shaped and substandard lots by current regulations. The majority of the subdivision is developed
including a large portion of the original substandard lots. The subject vacant parcel (Lot 172) has a frontage
of 62 feet and a total area of 4,379 square feet. It is a non-conforming lot because it does not meet the R-1-A
district regulations. In this case, Section 11.1.C., Non-conforming regulations is not applicable since the
parcel is less than 5,000 square feet in area.
Mr. 3ohn Shelly, applicant for Habitat for Humanity, is requesting the above-referenced variances to construct
a single-family residence on a substandard lot (see Exhibit "C"- Proposed Building and Site Plan). Tt should
be noted that the R-I-A zoning district allows development of a single-family residence.
The minimum requirements to build a single-family dwelling in the Rq.-A zoning district are as follow (Chapter
2, Zoning, Section 5. D.2.a.):
· Lot area: 7,500 square feet
· Lot frontage: 60 feet
· Front setback: 25 feet;
· Rear setback: 25 feet;
· Side setbacks: 7 1/2 feet.
The applicant is proposing the following lot characteristics and setbacks:
· Lot area: 4,379 square feet;
· Lot frontage: 62 feet;
· Front setback: 20 feet;
· Rear setback: 12 1/2 feet;
· Side setbacks: 7 1/2 feet.
The code states that the zoning code variance cannot be approved unless the board finds the following:
a. That spec/a/cond/t/ons and c/rcumstances ex/st wh/ch are pecu//ar to the/and, structure, or bu/Id/ng
/nvo/ved and wh/ch are not app//cab/e to other/ands, structures or bu//d/ngs /n'the same zon/ng
Staff Report
Memorandum No PZ-03-134
this proposed application represents the minimum variance required in achieving the reasonable use of the
land. In addition, it should be noted that the lots located to the north, east and west of the subject property
are developed, thereby preventing further land assemblage to create a lot sufficient in size to comply with the
minimum lot standards.
Lastly, staff finds that granting the variances will not be injurious to the area or detrimental to the public
welfare. On the contrary, the proposed improvement will be consistent with existing characteristics of the
neighborhood including lot sizes, lot frontages, house sizes and styles.
Based on the analysis contained herein, staff finds that a "hardship" exists. This request will not be injurious
to the area or detrimental to the public welfare; the variances requested are the minimum necessary to make
possible the reasonable use of the land. Staff also concludes that the approval of the requested variances will
enhance the community by supporting new infill housing development in the neighborhood.
Therefore, staff recommends that the requested variances be approved, thereby granting relief from the
Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2-Zoning to allow:
1) A 3,121 square feet reduction from the required minimum lot area of 7,500 square feet to allow a lot area
of 4,379 square feet;
2~ A 5-foot reduction from the twenty-five (25) foot front yard setback required by code to allow a 20-foot
front yard setback; and
3) A 12.5-foot reduction from the twenty-five (25) foot rear yard setback required by code to allow a 12.5-
foot rear yard setback.
No conditions of approval are recommended; however, any conditions of approval added by the Community
Redevelopment Agency Board or the City Commission will be placed in the Exhibit "E" - conditions of
S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PRO.]ECTS~Boynton Hills\Boynton Hills Block A Lot ~.72 ZNCV 03-005\STAFF REP.doc
Staff Report
Memorandum No PZ-03-134
Page 3
b. That the special conditions and circumstances do not'result from the actions of the applicant.
c. That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any spec/a/privilege that is
denied by this ordinance to other lands, buildings, or structures in the same zoning d/strict.
That literal interpretation of the provisions of this ordinance would deprive the applicant of rights
commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of the ordinance
and would work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant.
e, That the variance granted is the m/n/mum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the
/and, building, or structure.
That the grant of the variance will be/n harmony with the genera/intent and purpose of this chapter
£ord/nance] and that such variance will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental
to the public welfare.
Staff reviewed the requested variance focusing on the applicant's response to the above criteria contained in
Exhibit "D'. Indeed, this non conforming circumstance is a result of the subdivision being platted in :[925
according to less stringent standards, and following the aesthetic approach of the City Beautiful movement. Tn
1975, the City adopted new zoning regulations, which caused many parcels to become legally non-
conforming, including those in the Boynton Hills Subdivision Plat. Staff verified by site visit that the
substandard conditions exists, and that a large number of parcels have been developed with single-family
homes. Also, regardless of what allowable use is proposed for Lot 172, unless assembled with adjacent
property, variances for lot area, front and rear setbacks would be required, as the minimum needed to make
possible the reasonable use of the land. Staff concurs with the applicant that special conditions and
circumstances exist, related to lot depth, that are not the result of actions by the applicant, therefore
satisfying criteria "a"a'nd "b"above. It should be noted that the construction of a home on the subject lot,
within the minimum setbacks would not likely meet the minimum living area requirement.
Staff also concurs with the applicant that the approval of the variances will not confer any special privileges.
There are several substandard parcels within the area, similarly zoned, which were also the subject of
variance approvals in conjunction with the development of single-family homes. For example, a single-family
home exists on the adjacent lot to the north (lot :[73) with approximately a :[5-foot rear setback, as estimated
by the straight alignment of the rear building line. Therefore, denial of this variance request would deprive
the applicant of the rights already enjoyed by others. Therefore, criteria "c"and "d"are satisfied.
With respect to criterion "e", which considers if the request is the minimum necessary to make possible the
reasonable use of the property, a unit design has been selected. Regardless of the building configuration on
the lot, any single-family dwelling that would meet the minimum living area standard would still encroach into
the front and rear setbacks. Originally, the applicant proposed a layout that would meet the 25-foot front yard
setback, but would have reduced the rear yard setback to 7 1/2 feet, resulting in placing the building close to
the neighboring property to the north.
Staff consulted with the applicant regarding options for developing the site. Staff realized with the applicant
that by moving the proposed structure to 20 feet from the front property line, the rear yard setback would
increase from 7 1/2 feet to 12 1/2 feet. This scenario would increase the back yard and would provide greater
privacy between the subject property and the abutting parcel to the north. Therefore, the impact on the
adjacent property, can be reduced to a minimum while preserving the streetscape on S.W. 3rd Court. As such,
Location Map
Boynton Hills NW 3rd Court
ZNCV 03-005
NW ~1 ST-.AVE ' .............................. i ....
" N
..... E--1ST-AVE ........
I 7
~ +24.5
EXtS17~G R£S~NCE +26.0
FLOOR +25.27
· +26.8
Conditions of Approval
Project name: Boynton Hills N-W 3~d Street (Habitat for Humanity)
File number: ZNCV 03-005
Comments: None
Comments: None
Comments: None
Comments: None
Comments: None
Comments: None
Comments: None
Comments: None
Comments: None
Comments: None 1920
Statement of Special Conditions
Variance Request by Habitat for Humanity for NE 3rd Ct.
We are requesting variance of the rear setback from 25' to 10' and lot area to 4379 sq. f~. for this
irregular lot in order to accommodate the construction of affordable housing in Boynton Beach.
A. This lot was given to us by the city but is un-buildable even under the Non-Conforming lot
B. The lot would be unbuildable without a variance due to surrounding property restrictions not
caused by the applicant.
C. This problem is common in this neighborhood. Granting the variance would allow us the
privilege of building a SFR enjoyed by current residences.
D. See B above. Affordable housing builders need to have this type of variance to obtain infill
lots and keep the prices affordable.
E. This variance will allow Habitat for Humanity to build much needed affordable housing.
F. It is a recognized fact that Habitat homes and home owners upgrade the neighborhoods in
which we build, reduce crime, and add to the tax base of the community
For these reasons we feel it is in the community's best interest to grant the variance to facilitate
affordable housing.
Conditions of Approval
C o mment s:
1. To be determined.
1. To be determined.
SAPIanning\SHARED\WP~PROJECTSXBoynton HillsXBoynton Hills Block A Lot 172 ZNCV 034)05\COA.doc
S:\Planning\Planning Templates\Condition of Approval 2 page -P&D ORA 2003 form.doc
PROJECT NAME: Boynton Hi~ls NW 3rd Court Block A, Lot 172 - Habitat for Humanity
APPLICANT'S AGENT: John Shelly - VP Construction
APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: 2200 NW 2nd Avenue, Suite 209 Boca Raton, FL 33431
TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: Three (3) zoning code variances from the City of Boynton Beach Land
Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Zoning, Section 5.D.2.a, for reduction of the minimum lot area
to 4,379 square feet, the minimum front yard setback to 20 feet and rear yard setback to 12 ½ feet.
LOCATION OF PROPERTY: Boynton Hills Lot 172 Block "A", NW 3rd Court, Boynton Beach, FL.
THIS MATTER came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida
appearing on the Consent Agenda on the date above. The City COmmission hereby adopts the
findings and recommendation of the Planning and Development Board, which Board found as follows:
THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton
Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the
relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative
staff and the public finds as follows:
Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with
the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations.
The Applicant
established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested.
The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or
suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set
forth on Exhibit "C" with notation "Included".
The Applicant's application for relief is hereby
~ GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof.
This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk.
All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms
and conditions of this order.
City Clerk
VII. Director's Report:
Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Community Redevelopment Board with respect to any matter
considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a
verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the
appeal is to be based. 1923
The CRA shall furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a
disability an equal opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by
the CRA. Please contact Douglas Hutchinson at 561-737-3256 at least twenty-four hours prior to the program or
activity in order for the CRA to reasonably accommodate your request.
6/5/2003 9:50 AM
CRA Board
Douglas Hutchinson
June 4, 2003
CRA Activities
On-Going Items:
Developer Inquiries and Coordination - Work with potential
developers, real estate agents/brokers and landowners to
disseminate related information on CRA plans and opportunities.
Agency Operations - This encompasses internal work such as
accounting, insurances, contract administration, City coordination of
overlapping issues (zoning, development planning, etc.), and
external networking, building alliances, macro CRA issues.
Community interfacing with individuals, groups and entities. Grant
requests, review and administration (Fagade Grant and Direct
Incentive Program). Events coordination, HR issues, Grant Source
Tracking/Application, Revision and Up-Dating of Operational
Manuals of various types, Board meeting preparations, etc.
Development Items:
Group A
Boynton Beach Blvd/Promanade/Riverwalk Design / Build RFQ
- Contract renegotiations and final contract options have been
developed with Legal Staff and Board Member Aguilar at this time.
June 10th target.
Way-Finding Signage Program - Next work review meeting will
be on sign placement, phasing, type locations and content. The
City will be brought into the project for their needs, input and
discussion of a possible City "Piggy Back" contract for their items
beyond the CRA project. Bob Trescott from Guidance Pathways
system has conducted a walk of the area through. Staff has
received updated material. Presentation and workshop targeted for
June 2003.
Ocean District Redevelopment Plan Update - City Planning
Department is drafting the plan study. Plan was accepted in the
May 13th Board meeting and workshop to review targeted for late
June or early July.
MLK Property Acquisition Phase I - Staff has begun meetings
with the area property owners about redevelopment. Developers
and owners are being assembled for creation of development
strategies to begin projects. Target July for public announcements.
CBD Parking Acquisitions - Negotiations have been underway to
acquire future public parking spaces. Project scope includes
several existing owners in the targeted Block. Comprehensive
Redevelopment Master Plan for the Block is being completed by
the private sector. Target June or July for "letter of understanding"
between the various parties.
Contract for Real Estate Services - Individual Work Tasks are
being defined by Staff and TUG. Focus will be on the first priority
properties, three key properties for acquisition and/or condemnation
as identified by the City Planning Department. Work task approval
in June.
RFQ for Boynton Beach Blvd District Redevelopment Plan Up-
date - This is proposed to be part of the RMPK contract which
would also cover Design Guidelines. Project Scopes have been
forwarded to Legal to be used in the design of a Sole Source
Contract. Target July meeting.
Design Guideline Overlay - Staff held an initial meeting with
RMPK Group who is currently under contract to re-write the City's
LDR. RMPK Group was asked to present a concept scope of work
for Design Guidelines for the CRA area. They were very positive
about having the work so that it fits into the City's LDR. We will
seek legal direction after the scope is determined as to the possible
"Piggy Back" or change order to the current City contract for the
new CRA work. Target July meeting for consideration.
Financial Investment Strategies - Staff is developing a RFQ for
investment strategies and will bring it to the CRA Board for
approval at the July 8th CRA Board Meeting. SV
Human Resources Manual - Lori Barefoot of HRMP sent a copy
of the updated HR Manual for the CRA Board's review. The CRA
Board reviewed the results and made changes at our HR Workshop
June 2, 2003. The HR Manual will be on the June agenda under
consent for consideration and approval. Staff will be presenting
quotes for the 457 pension plan, short term and long term disability
for the Board's approval in June. Staff has also sent out job
descriptions for review. SV
RFQ for Outside Audit - The RFP proposals will be review by the
CRA Selection Committee the last week of June. Staff is
recommending the committee members for approval on the June
agenda. The CRA Selection Committee will bring the proposal
rankings and price for review and approval from the negotiation of a
contract for the July 8~h CRA Board Meeting. SV
· Museum Feasibility Study- Savage Creatures of Ancient Seas
Museum staff feasibility study has been completed. RFQ for
Feasibility, Design Construction Analysis. Has been advertised with
a submittal date of July 21st 2003.
CRA Revenue Forecasting - Develop in-house forecasting
program to better estimate CRA revenue streams. Target
information on Forecasting should be to the CRA Board in July. SV
CRA Budgets - DevelOping 2003/2004 CRA Budget and
forecasting a five (5) year budget model. Staff has received the TIF
projections for 2003 from Palm Beach Tax Collectors Office. Target
five year budgets should be to the CRA BOard for review and
comment by Mid June. SV
CRA Brochure and Web Site Development - A letter of interest
for seeking graphic designer and web services has been advertised
and 8 candidates have responded. Staff is currently reviewing the
submitted materials. If the project costs exceed $10,000, the CRA
will have to go through the traditional public bid process. Target
information back to the Board in July.
Events - The overall event strategy is being formally formatted for
each event with goals, projections and time schedules. Alliances,
Resources and sponsors are been developed. Targeted for July.
Group B
High School Adaptive Re-Use Task Force - The RFP for
Environmental and Structural analysis have been completed and
approved for advertising. The due date is June 27th, 2003.
Land Development Regulation (LDR) - LDR re-write by the City
of Boynton Beach over the next several months. CRA asked to
submit concerns, ideas, etc. Staff is interfacing on re-write
language and reviewing the first draft concept. A workshop has
been proposed by City Staff for June 26th at 6:30 PM.
Affordable Spaces Incentive - Program to reward projects for
inclusion of below market Retail, Commercial and Residential
spaces. Developing incentives and possible criteria guidelines for
· Heart of Boynton District Development Book - Developing a
book of HOB Projects with information on Location, Owner
Information, Type of Project, Project Elements and Color
Renderings. July.
Federal Highway Corridor Development Book - Developing a
book of Projects with information on Location, Owner Information,
Type of Project, Project Elements and Color Renderings. July.
Genesis Business Program- Staff has begun drafting a Business
assistance program. The proposed program will be designed to
measure development impact on business; before, during and after
redevelopment activities. The program will also Facilitate,
encourage reorganization and identification of core competency of
Targeted Businesses in the Central Business District and the Head
of Boynton District in order to ensure a competitive environment
once proposed redevelopment for those areas are actualize.
Group C
Board Member Qualifications - Staff has begun drafting
experience of existing Board members and polling other entities for
their qualification criteria.
GISMO Mapping System - Bringing in-house the mapping system
for developer support and develop a "scaled" map book. Completed
April 2003. Additional features are under development at this time
Infrastructure Size and Availability - Working with the City of
Boynton Beach on project planning to assess the growth impact on
utilities in the CRA area.
Awards Program - Staff has scheduled meetings to collect
existing program materials to use as a starting point for the CRA
· CRA Loan Program
· Possible Office Options
CRA Board
Douglas Hutchinson
Design/Build Contract with Kimley Horn/Burkhardt for BBB
Extension, Promenade and RiverWalk
June 5, 2003
Consistent with Board direction at the May 13th Board meeting; Board Member
Aguilar along with legal Staff and Dennis Haines of Burkhardt Construction has
restructured the contract. The revised document now comes before you for
VIII. Old Business:
Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Commtmity Redevelopment Board with respect to any matter
considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a
verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the
appeal is to be based.
The CRA shall furnish appropriate auxih'ary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a
disability an equal oppommity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by
the CRA. Please contact Douglas Hutchin.qon at 561-737-3256 at least twenty-four hours prior to the program or
activity in order for the CRA to reasonably accommodate your request.
CRA Board
Annette Gray
June 3, 2003
Fagade Grant Applicant Boynton Boundless, L.L.C.
The Boynton Boundless, L.L.C. has re-submitted a Fagade Grant application
along with amended renderings and plans to show scope of work specific to the
fagade of the building and the CRA Fagade Grant program. The grant request
proposes renovations to the property located at 209-211 North Seacrest
Boulevard, including but not limited to the repaving of the parking lot,
landscaping, lighting and a fagade upgrade to the new "Floribian" style.
The applicant exceeded the stipulated dollar amount required for a match under
the matching criteria of the grant; as the project total cost is estimated to be
$80,000. The applicant is asking for $15,000.00. This property is surrounded by
residential properties that were converted to Office spaces over 40 years ago
which is evident in the landscaping and parking that reflect the building codes of
that period.
The applicant's plans for revitalization are in line with the CRA's and the 20~20
Vision Plan. Upon staff review for the content and compliance, the request has
been forwarded to the Board for consideration.
102 North Swinton Avenue
Delray Beach, Rorida 33444
Telephone: (561) 265-2666
Telecopler: (561) 272-6831
February 19, 2003
Ms. Octavia Sherrod
Community Improvement Manager
Boynton Beach CRA
P.O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, Florida 33425
Fagade Improvements Grant
Our File No.: BOYB009
Dear Octavia:
Via Hand-Delivery
I, ~,~~~~.of the City
of Boynton Beach, Florida received the original
of this letter, along with its enclosures via
hand-delivery from Boynton Boundless, L.L.C.
Boynton Boundless, L.L.C. is applying for a grant in the amount of Fifteen ThoUsand
Dollars ($15,000.00) for fagade improvements to the building located at 209-211 North
Seacrest Boulevard. Enclosed is an original application and eight copies for the 2002/2003
Fa[:ade Improvements Grant Program with the required enclosures and the 2002/2003
Fagade Improvements Grant Program Program Agreement. The enclosures include:
1. A project Work write-up describing the scope of the project;
2. Plans and sketches of the project;
3. A copy of a letter from SouthTrust Bank providing evidence of the financial
ability to pay for the project; and
4. Four (4) 3" X 5" color "before" photos of the project from public views.
Additional materials will be forthcoming. The estimated time line fOr this project is
to begin renovations around March 15, 2003 and to be open for business on or about July
1, 2003.
Very truly yours,
Its: Managing Membe~
cc: Mr. Dov Dunaevsky (w/o enclosures)
O:~OYBOO~/.etter Sherrod. Feblg.2OO3.Wpd
This particular project is forthe location of209-211 North Seacrest Boulevard. It includes the
renovation of the exterior of the Building, including new landscaping, new public areas and a
new architectural treatment.
The elevations are enclosed and are self-explanatory. There will be changes to the fagade
and entry way that will include compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, new
signage, new treatment of the exterior fagade with color changes and new window
ornamentation. If we receive the grant, brick pavers and attractive landscaping will be added.
The parking lot will be renovated and repaved, with new line striping and landscaping that
complies with current code requirements.
The thrust of the project is to demonstrate what can be done with respect to older buildings
and re-adaptive use to create first-class office space in the heart of Boynton Beach, Florida.
We hope to be able to substantially upgrade the public places of sidewalk, landscaping and
entry areas as a result of this grant.
O:~BOYBOOg~Project Work Wdte-Up.wpd
March 20, 2003
Fafade Grant Narrative:
Repair and replacement of damaged stucco.
New handicap ramp to entrances.
New entry courtyard, courtyard walls and landscaping.
New entry overhangs.
New column/pillars along front faqade.
Replace existing silvered glass with new storefront system with new glass.
Replace existing signage with new, more tasteful signage.
New entry doors.
New planters.
New sidewalk pavers with tree grates and new street trees.
New Bahama shutters at existing second story windows.
New paint throughout.
New exterior light fix~res.
New sealing surfacing in parking lot.
Removal of old unused electrical boxes, panels, and meters.
Removal of debris and exposed site storage.
New windows.
Enhanced landscaping & irrigation.
Boynton Beach Community RedeVelopment Agency
Maximum Grant Amount is $15,000.00
.:. (.~lease Print Or Type Only - Use Addlt[ona! 8hee'~ If Necessary)
i .ame of
Owner: ~Bo~n:ton -BoundleSs, L.L.C.
Address of Property
Owner: · 102 North Swinton Avenue
· ~l~/State. Delray Beach, Florida Zip Code: 33444
- !"~.~e # ~ay: 561 265-2666 ~-venJn~: 561-637-8141
owners and legal description of the pr0perb/to be lml:,mved (please attach copy'
warren ty deed and/ease, If applicable):
See att~ .a. ched ..deed.
rD~fferent from
Name of Business:
,Address of Business:
Cf fy/State:
· Phone # Day:
Yea % of Operation:
Zip Code:
,:..mber of Employees: Annual Payroll:
;'~umber of EmPloYees residing in Boynton Beach:
.Boynt°n Sea:h Comr~unlty Rec~eveJOpment Age ncy
Fagade Grant Program Application
Page 1 of 8
The fo/lowing guidelines are intended to fnform a potential grant applicant of the extent
and scope of th.'e program. The purpose of the program is to encourage commercial
proper~¥ owners to upgrade their properfJes by Improving the external appearance of
their business and to encourage businesses to invest In their operations. The result
.hak detedomtlon, stabilize property values, Improve and upgrade appearance of the
~rea, and fact[irate and encourage redevelopment a~v~y lwl the target area.
7he.'fo~10wing guidelines are applicable to this program:
' The Progham is available only for properbj located /v~thin the .Community ·
Revitalization Areas of the Boynton Beach Community Redevelopment
A~cency.(CRA); Note: See.attached Fagade Grant Area Map.
2.. The program is for commercial Properties and businesses. The property
owner must be the applicant. However, ~f the Property is currently leased
to a tenant, then the Application and Agreement mc st be jbinfly executed
by both the owner and the tenant.
3. Eligible eXterior Improvements for this program Include:
· o Painting.
~. Shutters.
' . ~igna~e (located on tile building or the properb/).
- -Awnings/canopies.
· Doors/windows.
Landscaping around the building.
· [rrfgation.
o Parking lot re~paving, m-sealing, re-striping.
,Extedor Lighting.
, Patio or decks connected to the buiJdlng.
Exterior wall repalr~ (e,g, stucco, brick or wood repairs and replacement).
ADA improvements.
4. All work ~ust be In Compliance w/th applicable 'Bo~ton Beach Building
Codes. an~ all .contractors must be' licensed In Boynton Beach/Palm
Beach CoUnty. if the Appllcant('s), Installs enhahced landscaping and or
slgnage it must be in accordance with C~ Ordinance No. 98-43.
5. Maximum Grant amounts: The CPA wlJi provide,'o.a_a_relmbu~emen~
basis, a dollar for dollar matching grant for eligible f~de imprOvements
up to a total of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000.00) cf CRA funds.
. ~. The Fa{:ade Grant program will honor exPend~tu'res completed up to 90 days prior to appl!cation, Improvements underway and proposed
BOyntqn Beach Community Redevelopment A~¢ n~ 1957
Fagade Grant Program ~ ..; .
Page 2 'of 6 .
. 7. The,. E.~t~de' Grant program may only be used one time in any three year
.... ~e~'[~8~'5./'iahY one property. Properties may re-apply'for additional grants
any timei after three (3) years from previous gr~nt approval. Project
phasing of up to two. years Can be requested. Property owners may
receive grants for multiple property locaffons. Applicants shall be limited
to one g~nt per CRA budget year (Ootober t~t to September. 30'~).
Boynton Beach Community Redevelopmerit Age ney
· Fagade Grant Program * ,
Page 3 of 8-
An app!l~nt seeking a project grant may. secure an application from the Boynton
...... 'Beach~:~:~rnrnunlty Redevelopment AgenCy (CRA) lc,coted at 639 E. Ocean Ave,,
Suite 107', Boynton Beach. 561-737,3256
An original application and eight (8) Copies of all m~aterlals are to be returned to
the Boynton Beach Community Redevelopment Agoncy for review and approval
by ~e CEA Board. Applications will be considered on a fimt~come, first served
basis. Applicants must take the necessary steps to Insure that their submitted
application is properly time stamped to document re(~lpt by the CRA.
Upon approval, appropriate grant program-documonts Will be prepared in the
$~A Attorney's of'floe and the applicant will be notified of approval bY return mail.
The CRA'will administer the commercial exterior fac=ada program. In addition 'to
the appropriate City Inspections, the CRA will lns;)ect the work to determine
satisfactory completion of the work.
APplicants may not have any outstanding City Of Eoynton Beach liens against
their property. In the event that an Applicant has an outstanding City of Boynton
Beach lien against the property, the grant will not be awarded ·until the complete
satisfactioh of the lien. '
Applicant shall obtain, read and understand all as3eqts of the Fac~ade Grant
Program Agreement, Including Program and Reimbulse~ent'ReguJations.
Application, to this Program is no guarantee of funding. Funding Is at the sole
discretion of the CRA Board, · -
BOynton Beach CommunitY Redevelopment Agency
Facade Grant Program
.. Page 4 of 6
g~.scdbe impro'vements to be done to the property,
'At~ach:~th~ followlng Items:
-'.-!,-.:,i,,-,;i, Pr-'c~ject work write-up(s) describing in detail th,~ scope of the project, · Plans or sketches If applicable,
· Site plan and plant list for landscape projects,
· Third-party cost estimates from three (3) llcen,,~ed contractors,
,, Estimated time line,
· . Evidence ability to Pay for the p~ojeot (approved loan, cash
.accOunt, line of credit, etc.),
· A. minimum of four (4) 3" x 5" color "before" photos of the project which
must Include "public. views",
· Signage design with colors & mater/als proposed if applicable,
· Project color chips / material samples, if applicable, '
· And material specifications,.
Applicable documents must be attached for the Application lo be processed,
signing this APplication, I acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the
~;c;.-~.m Agreement, and I understand and agree'to comply with its' content.
(Property owner's signature tnust be notarized)
...... (Date)'
TenantJBusir sss Owner
CRA Director (Date)
Boynto'n Beach Communit~ Redevelopment Agar ~y
Faetade .~rant'Progmrn
Page 5 of 6
BEFORE MB:, anloffioer duly authorized by law to administer oalhs and ~ake acknowledgements,
· -" ~ ' Or
~;~'duced.,L.~ .... , ~ as ldenffff~on, and acknowledged he/she
~xecuted the foregoing Agreement for ~e use and pu~oS~ mentioned tn it and that ~e
Instrument Is his/her ac~ and deed,
WITNESS OF THE FOREGOING. I have set my hand and official seal in the 8tats and
C~u~ty aforesafd on this t ~ ~% day of .~kt L,,~-~. , 200_.~_,
My Commission
Boynton Beach community Redevelopment Agonu-y -
Facade Grar~t Program ·
Page $ of $ .
~: . Boynton Beach Community Redevelopment Agency
-'h~ Applfcant 'agrees not to alter, renovate, or demoiish the new fagade for
t.hree years, commencing at the time final inspection by.the CRA is completed.
· '- ~,~o~ated by the applicant, the CPA may. choose to require grant fund
· '-:.~v~.,snt. enforced by property lien,
CPA will consider approval of grants far exteror improvements to a
b'~iPJing which does not face a recognized street. The e~edor rear cfa building
-.'~c~.~ an alley way will a~so be considered.
A minimum of three (3) inspections by the CRA are required. Those minimum
CRA inspections are el) before starting work, (2) dudng work and (3)final
· ~'~s~ct~on. More inspections may be required by the CRA, It is the sole
~sponsibilJty of the Applicant to schedule inspections with the CRA and City.
'~se i~spectlons Jn no way are substitutes for required City inspections and
-i.-~ Oroperty owner, or tenant if applicable, must complete the facade
mp~ovement project within six (6) months of the grant award unless the project
!~ .scproved as a phased project in which case the pro] ~,ct must be completed
withi~ six (6) months of the commencement of the linal phase, Failure to
complete the faCade Improvements in a timely manner ~Jll result in the p .roperty
owner, or tenant if applicable, losing the.grant reimbursement opportunity. The
Board may consider time extensions.
':'::?..'; ~ u ~SE~ENT REGULATIONS
"¢'~.'? 2:3~rsm is designed as a reimbursement grant, That Is, all work must be
,:ic;~ s.~d pald for by the Applicant, prlor'i~-'t~e ,CRA's funds being released.
~ ::~..C~. will- provide reimbursement to the grantee Upon subm~'tal of a
::3~';!ete Reimbursement Request and approval of completion by the CRA
Board. '
· %s,!*-~,~rsement Request shall be summarized in a repor: and accompanied by
documentation. Proper documentation will consist of (1) Project
Boynton Beach Community Redevelopment Agency
Fa~de Grant Program Agreement
Peas I of 2
accountJng, including inyoJcas, receipts or other e cceptable evidence of
payment from suppliers and licensed contractor(s) that have been-marked
";~!d': w~th' a "release of lien" signed by each. Proposals for .'%york to be
completed" 0r "bids" are not considered proper documentation. Each item will
b.e supported by a canceled check showing the face of':he check, as well' as the
;:.-~k of the Canceled'check, (2) the Applicant shall wa Tant that all bills related
-~c the..ProjeCt are paid in full including, but not IJrrited to, al/ contractors,
. subson~'aCLsi labor, materials, related fees and permits, and (3) the Application
-.' esr. re4mbursement shall provide a minimum of four 3"):5"
--....- co/or "during" photos
snd a m~nimum of four 3"x5" color "after" photos of the Project. Photos should
be from approximately the same position as the "befcre" photos submitted in
f:he Application and the "during" photos,
-,,'he Reimbursement Request from the Applicant shall be submitted no later
than the 1'5~ of the month for consideration by the CRA Board at its next
mor'th's meeting. Reimbursement shall be issued ten (' 0) days after approval.
;-.?;'~ funds: will be reimbursed exclusively for eligl~:le work and approved
.~',~ ~. ~,~ ~
...... ~.~-orders that have been approved by the CRA.
Beach the rights and
~" ' (Date)
Tenant/Busines:~ Owner
CPA Director
goyntan geach Community Redevelopment Agency
Fagade Gnant Pro{lmm Agreement
Page 2 of 2
Pre_oared by and return tn:
George W. Mathews, r/l
Msthews & Salmbetn
Suite 104 1325 S. Congress Aveuue
Boynton Beach, FL 33426
03/11/L0002 08147~40. 2002012767
OR BR 13492 PE 0786
Palm Beach County, Flo~'ida
Alit 415,000. O0
Doe 8tamp t~, 90~. O0
File Number: 01-1107
Will Ca//No.:
Grantee S,S. No.
Parcel Identification No. 08-43-45-28=10-004-0240
[Spac~ Above This L/ne For Recording Data]
Warranty Deed
This Indenture made this 28th day of February, 2002 between Douglas S. Egem, a married man, whose post office
address is 7420 Anadale Circle, Lake Worth, FL 33467 of the County of Palm Beach, State of Florida, grantor*, and
Boynton Boundless, L. L. C., a Florida Limited Liability Company whose post office address is 102 North Swtnton
Avenue, Delray Beach, FL 33444 of the County of Palm Beach, State of Florida, grantee*,
Witnesseth that said grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($I0.00) and other
good and valuable considerations to said gnmtor in hand paid by said grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,
has granted, bargained, and sold to the said grantee, and grantee's heirs and assigns forever, the following described land,
situate, lying and being in Palm Beach County, Florida, to-wit:
Lots 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27, and the South 7 feet of Lot 22, Block 4, BOYNTON ~[EIGHTS, according
to .the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 10, Page 64; of the Public Records of Palm Beach
County, Florida; LESS the additional right-of-way for Seacrest Boulevard as. shown in Road Plat
B6ok 5, PagK~'~2, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida.
Douglas S. Egem, the grantor, does hereby certify that he currently resides at 7420 Anadale Circle, Lake Worth, Florida
33467, that neither he nor any member of his family has ever resided upon the above described property and that the above
described property does not now and has never in the past constitutedhis homestead.
and said grantor does hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and w/I/defend the same against lawful claims of all persons
whor, soever,
* "Orantor" and "Orautee" are used for singulvx or plural, as context requires.
BOOK 1349P. P~qGE 0787
Dorothy H. lailken, Clerk
In Witness Whereof, grantor has hereunto set grantor's hand and seal the day and year first above written.
Signed, sealed and delivered/n ow presence:
State of Florida
County of Palm Beach
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me th/s 28th day
personally known or IX] has produced a drivez~s license as identLficat/on.
[Notary Seal]
by Douglas S. Egem, who [_] is
Warranty Deed (Statutory Form). Pa~e 2
The Clark House
102 North Swinton Avenue
DeJray Beach, Florida 33444
Telephone: (56~.) 265-2666
Telecopier: (56:L) 272-6832
E-mail: del raylaw@bel
Flodda Bar Board Certified
Real Estate Lawyer
February 19, 2003
Michael W. Rumpf, Chairman
Director of Planning & Zoning
City of Boynton Beach
100 East Boynton Beach Blvd.
Boynton Beach, Florida 33425
Zoning Request Letter
Our File No.: BOYB009
Dear Mike:
On behalf of our client, Boynton Boundless, L.L.C., please provide a letter indicating
that the zoning for property located at 209-211 North Seacrest Boulevard is zoned
accordingly for use as a .title company and law office and that the current infrastructure is
in place to support such uses.
Please contact me if you should need any additional information.
Very truly yours,
cc: Michael S. Weiner, Esq.
O:\BOYB009~Letter Rumpf. Feblg.2003.wpd
02/18/03 TUE 10:47 FAX 5814961338 $0UTHTRUST B)NK LIN'TON
5030 Limn Boulevard
De, ray ~ach, FL 33484
To The City of Boynton ~each:
Please be advised the firm of Y~elr~r and.dronSon has a relationship with $outhTru~t
Bank and has a line of credlt tn the amount
' 2~obert
The Clark HouSe
102 North Swinton Avenue
Delray Beach, Florida 33444
Telephone: (561) 265-2666
Telecopier: (561) 272-6831
E-mai J: delraylaw@ bel.lsouth, net
Florida Bar Board Certified
Real Estate Lawyer
March 4, 2003
Mrs. Octavia Sherrod
Community Improvement Manager
Community -Improvement Division
City of Boynton Beach
P.O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, FlOrida 33425-0310
.Via Hand-Delivery
Development Regents Grant Program
Our File No.: BOYB009
Dear Octavia:
Enclosed is a revised Page No. 6 of the application Which includes the proposed
project budget along with three (3) qualified estimates.
Thank you very much for your assistance in this matter. Please contact me if you '
should need any additional information,
Very truly yours,
cc: Michael S. Weiner, Esq. (w/o enclosure)
Carole Aronson, Esq. (w/o enclosure)
O:~BOYBoOg~Letter Sherrod. MarO4.2OO3,wpd
Construction Design/Build
State Certified General Contractor
# CG C010004
May 14, 2003
Boynton Boundless
Delray Beach, FL
Attn: Michael Weiner
Dear Michael,
Below please find my summary price breakout in the format you requested for the
exterior portions of your renovation project at 209 & 211 Seacrest Blvd., Boynton Beach,
FL 33435.
In order to proceed, I will need approximately 30 day notice to activate and take care of
Boynton Beach licenses and the other required paperwork.
Sincerely,, .......... ~ _~-"~'r;'"~--..~~"
~'"' James T Barretta, President
Barretta & Construction, Inc.
Eligible Exterior Improvements Include:
Sign background
Sign electrical
412 East Ocean Avenue., Suite #1 , Boynton Beach, FL 33435 (561) 740-0041 ph
Door hardware
Glass block
Landscaping Planters
Pavers, not listed elsewhere
Parking lot repaving, resealing, re-striping
Exterior lighting
Patio or decks connected to the building
Patio Concrete
Patio Pavers
Deck Enclosure
Deck Waterproofing
Exterior wall repairs and replacement
Exterior Trim
Exterior Fascias & Soffits
ADA improvements
Entry Ramp Concrete & Pavers
Ramp Railings
Step Railings
$ 75,460.00
412 East Ocean Avenue., Suite #1, Boynton Beach, FL 33435 (561) 740-0041 ph
I~Y-I$-ZO03 91:$1PM FROM-M;INERARON$ON + T-$4Z P,OOZ/O04 F-154
Rami leda General Conlmctor
1792~ ~.E. !~ 1~1. lq. Miami
S~ ~ce - C~ ~8
Al'I': ~ Wd_n=r
Na,m~ of itoh: 20~ a~d 211 unit A North Seacr~ Boulevard Boyton Beach, Florida
i~,Y-16-2003 01:61PM FRO~WEINER^RON$ON + T-842 P.003/004 F-154
Elisible Exterior Improvements Include:
Sign background
Sign electrical
^Whines/canopies ',
Door hardware
Glass block
Pavers, not listed elsewhere
Parking lot re-paving,
resealin& re-striping
Exterior lighting
Patio or decks connected to
the building
Patio concrete
PatJo pavers
Deck enclosu re
C:'~OvBOOl~.etw m ~ =g~,,lad
~Y-16-eO0~ 01:51P~ FROIvt-WEINERARONSON + T-84~ P.004/004 F-154
s~ ~s
E. Henry Kraft Construction
Construction Design/Build
State Certified General Contractor
# CG C016795
Boynton Boundless
Delray Beach, FL
Attn: Michael Weiner
Dear Michael,
Below is my price breakdown based on the format you requested for the exterior portions
of your renovation project at 209 & 211 Seacrest Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida
In order to proceed, I will need approximately 30-days notice prior to commencement.
i enr~ Kraft Construction~
Eligible Exterior Improvements Include:
Painting 7,500.00
Shutters 6,000.00
Signage 6,000.00
Sign background
Sign electrical
Awnings/canopies 2,750.00
600 South West Second Street, Boca Raton, Florida 33486
E. Henry Kraft Construction
Construction Design/Build
State Certified General Contractor
# CG C016795
Door hardware
Glass block
Landscaping Planters
Pavers, not listed elsewhere
Parking lot repaving, resealing, re-striping
Extedor lighting
Patio or decks connected to the building
Patio Concrete
Patio Pavers
Deck Enclosure
Deck Waterproofing
Exterior wall repairs and replacement
Exterior Trim
Extedor Fascias & Soffits
ADA improvements
Entry Ramp Concrete & Pavers
Ramp Railings
Step Railings
$ 76,500.00
600 South West Second Street, Boca Raton, Florida 33486
The Ci o Bo nton Beach
Police Depa n
"A CFA Accredited Law Enforcement Agency'
100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard
P.O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, Florida 35425-0510
Phone: ($61) 742-6100
Fax: (561) 742.6185
Marshall B. Gage, Chiof of Police
June 5,2003
Doug Hutchinson, Executive Director
Community Redevelopment Agency
639 East Ocean Avenue
Boynton Beach, Florida 33435
Dear Mr. Hutchinson:
As you are very much aware, the City of Boynton Beach is currently undergoing budget
planning for our upcoming fiscal year, and we are facing some very hard decisions regarding some
of the programs that we are delivering. The Police Department provides a considerable amount of
services for the CRA area, and those budget constraints have the potential of affecting some of the
services provided therein. With that in mind, I would like to approach your board to discuss three
programs/issues that we are currently providing or are considering. They include:
· Staffing levels for the zones that are comprised within the CRA area. Due to increases for
demands for service throughout the City, and a decrease in the calls for service within the
CRA area, we are considering cutting the staffing levels in one of the zones that is fully
within the designated "Heart of Boynton" boundaries.
· Several years ago, we maintained a bicycle patrol that served an area primarily consisting of
the CRA area. We had to eliminate that program in 1997 due to budgetary constraints.
There is an ever-increasing request from this area to reimplement this program. Last year,
we put in a grant request to do just that, but it has been turned down.
· With the increase in development in the downtown area, many business owners and
residents have inquired as to whether the Boynton Beach Police Department will be creating
a foot or bike patrol zone in that district. As of today, we do not have the staffing levels -to
facilitate any such request, but recognize the need to provide an increased presence in that
area as it nears completion.
Obviously, I want to propose some programs that will directly affect the area that you serve, and
over which your board has jurisdiction. As these issues have the ability to affect the quality of life
there, it is important that I come before your board and discuss them. I thank you for your
consideration in this matter.
Marshall B. Gage,
Chief of Police
Zone three is that area within the CRA bounded by the C-16 canal on the north, Boynton
Beach Blvd. on the south, 1-95 on the west and the ICW on the east. This is an area that for
many years experienced a high volume of police activity and calls for service. In the past, it was
noted for being one of the worst areas in the county for violence and drug dealing. In calendar
year 2002, Zone three posted a decrease in index crime of 9% compared with calendar year
2001. This was the second year in a row that Zone three posted a decrease in crime. Much
progress has been made in this area: improved police/community relations, reduction of crime
and an increased sense of safety on the part of residents. Unfortunately, due to the increases
in offense frequency and calls for service noted in other areas of the city, we will be redeploying
our officers in the immediate future, and we will no longer be assigning two officers to Zone
three. While I am satisfied that the redeployment is well justified, I am aware that we will have
to keep an eye on the area to assure that there is no backsliding with crime stats. I fully
anticipate concerns from local residents and developers who are looking into moving into this
area will be raised. To that end, if the CRA wishes to enhance the coverage in Zone three, the
figures below reflect the real cost of achieving that goal.
We propose that the CRA provide funding for a sufficient number of officers in order to
assign a second officer in Zone 3, 24 hours each day. Normally, round the clock coverage of a
single Zone requires 5 officers based on an assignment availability factor of 5.2 officers. In
other words, based on the amount of hours a single officer would be available during any
calendar year, 5 officers are required in order to insure that at least one officer is working at all
times. I am asking that the CRA provide funding for 4 of the 5 officers required to enhance our
presence in Zone three. Funding for police officers is based on the following computed costs:
First year salary
Life, Health, Disability Insurance
Pension contribution
Worker's Comp Insurance
Uniforms and Equipment
Total 58,723
Additionally, a patrol vehicle for the second Zone officer will need to be purchased at a cost of
$35,565.00, which computes as follows:
Cost of vehicle
Audio/visual warning devices
Interior modifications
Computer/Camera equipment
Total 35,565
Summarily, the total yearly cost for 4 additional officers to be deployed exclusively to
Zone three would compute as:
Salary and benefits for 4 officers
One patrol vehicle
Total cost of proposal $270,457.00
Prior to 1997, the department deployed a squad of six bicycle equipped community
patrol officers who operated throughout the City. Due to a mixed reaction to the unit and mixed
results, the unit was ultimately redeployed and has not been in existence since that time. The
units that were concentrated in the general area of the CRA district realized a slightly higher
success rate, and it appeared that this area was more suited to bicycle patrol than some of the
others where they had been deployed.
Recently, we have seen resurgence in community interest in the bicycle patrol. There is
a general perception that such a patrol in the CRA area would again be successful and that the
timing is right to implement such a program. Very simply, though, we do not have the staff to
put into this program, which is essentially considered an enhancement or luxury, and thus we
are bringing the suggestion to your attention.
Consistent with CRA efforts to revitalize the Heart of Boynton and the downtown and
marina districts, the department would endeavor to once again deploy a community patrol,
bicycle squad within the CRA area. Five officers and one sergeant would be assigned
exclusively to patrol designated areas within the CRA based on current crime trends,
community/business concerns and special events. The hours would be flexible and the
assignments permanent in order to facilitate familiarity between the officers and the
citizens/businesses served. We propose that the CRA provide funding for six bicycle patrol
officers and the required equipment. Funding for the officers would be based on the following
computed costs:
First year salary (officer/sergeant)
Life, Health, Disability Insurance
Pension contribution
Worker's Comp Insurance
Uniforms and Equipment
35,190 45,600
2,692 3,488
5,333 5,333
6,100 6,100
876 876
8,532 8,532
58,723 61,397
Additionally, equipment costs would be computed as follows:
Police patrol bicycle
Specialty equipment
Total 1,350
Summarily, the total yearly cost of deploying five bicycle patrol officers and one sergeant
exclusively in the CRA area is computed as follows:
Salary and Benefits for six personnel
Specialty equipment and bikes
Total cost of proposal $363,112
Experience has shown us that for citizens who live, work and conduct business in the
heart of our cities, police foot patrol officers provide a positive perception of safety and the
severity of the crime problem in a given area. Generally speaking, surveys throughout the
country confirm that when foot patrol is added to an area, citizens' fear of typical street crimes
go down and generalized feelings of personal safety go up. We were therefore, not surprised
when developers, business owners and potential business owners expressed a desire to see
officers on foot in the soon to be redeveloped downtown and marina districts.
The influx of visitors to the downtown and marina redevelopment areas will likely result
in an increased demand on police services and an increase in the rate of property and violent
crime. This will necessitate an additional commitment of manpower to the area, ideally, in the
form of foot patrol. Twenty-four hour foot patrol coverage for the downtown and marina districts
would facilitate a police presence during times of peak pedestrian and vehicular traffic and
nighttime security for businesses and residents. Unfortunately, due to manpower constraints
and the need for deployment of officers throughout the city necessitated by the demand for
police services, we are unable to accommodate requests for the deployment of additional
personnel in such a configuration.
We would propose that if such a desire truly exists for enhanced coverage in the form of
foot and/or bicycle patrol in the downtown district, that the CRA consider providing said funding.
Round the clock coverage of a single foot post requires 5 officers based on an assignment
availability factor of 5.2 officers. In other words, based on the amount of hours a single officer
would be available during any calendar year, 5 officers are required in order to insure that at
least one officer is working at all times. Funding for police officers is based on the following
computed costs:
First year salary
Life, Health, Disability Insurance
Pension contribution
Worker's Comp Insurance
Uniforms and Equipment
Total 58,723
Summarily, the total yearly cost of five additional officers for assignment exclusively to
the downtown and marina districts would be computed as follows:
Salary and benefits for 4 officers $293,615.00
For this particular enhanced service, you could consider the possibility of funding only
two or three officers for this post and assigning them hours that cover the hours of highest
concern - primarily night-time hours. There is some flexibility in this particular proposal.
Sec. 1
Sec. 2
Sec. 3
Sec. 4
Sec. 5
Sec. 6
Sec. 7
Sec. 8
Sec. 9
Sec. 10
Sec. 11
Sec. 12
Sec. 13
Contract Documents
Scope of Work
Contract Amount
Contract Time and Liquidated Damages
Exhibits Incorporated
Successors and Assigns
Governing Law and Venue
No Waiver
Entire Agreement
Exhibit A/General Terms and Conditions
1. Intent of Contract Documents
2. Investigation and Utilities
3. Progress Payments
4. Payments Withheld
5. Final Payment
6. Submittals and Substitutions
7. Daily Reports, As-Builts and Meetings
8. Contract Time and Time Extensions
9. Changes in the Work
10. Claims and Disputes
11. Other Work
12. Indemnification and Insurance
13. Compliance with Laws
14. Cleanup and Protections
15. Assignment
16. Permits, Licenses and Taxes
17. Termination for Default
18. Termination for Convenience
and Right of Suspension
19. Completion
20. Warranty
21. Tests and Inspections
22. Defective Work
23. Supervision and Superintendents
24. Protection of Work
25. Emergencies
26. Use of Premises
27. Safety
28. Project Meetings
Exhibit B/Performance and Payment Bond
Performance Bond
Payment Bond
Exhibit C/Insurance and Safety
Exhibit D/Release and Affidavit
Exhibit E/Form of Contract Application for Payment
Exhibit F/Change Order
Exhibit G/Scope of Services
Exhibit H/Preliminary Budget Estimate
Exhibit I/Fee Schedule
("BBCRA"), hereby contracts with BIJRKHARDT CONSTRUCTION, INC. ("Contractor"), a
Florida corporation for profit, to perform all work ("Work") in connection with Promenade and
Riverwalk Project ("Project").
A. The Contract Documents consist of this Agreement, the Exhibits described in Section
6 hereof, Change Orders, Work Directive Changes, Field Orders and amendments relating thereto.
All of the foregoing Contract Documents are incorporated by reference and made a part of this
Agreement (all of said documents including this Agreement sometimes being referred to herein as
the "Contract Documents" and sometimes as the "Agreement"). A copy of the Contract Documents
shall be maintained by Contractor at the Project site at all times during the performance of the Work.
B. BBCRA shall famish to the Contractor up to one (1) set of the Contract Documents
for execution of the Work. Additional copies of the Contract Documents shall be furnished, upon
request, at the cost of reproduction.
A. Generally, Contractor will provide all planning design and architectural/engineering
services required for the proper design and construction of the Project.
B. Contractor's Responsibility with respect to Design.
1) In fulfilling its obligations under this Section, Contractor or Contractor's Engineer
shall employ Engineers of the appropriate specialties for proper preparation of the project drawings
and specifications, including structural, mechanical, electrical, soils (excepting existing
environmental contamination and based upon soil boring reports furnished to Contractor by
BBCRA), civil and such other specialties as are reasonably required. All such services shall be
performed by appropriately licensed personnel. Contractor takes responsibility for the proper
performance of all architectural and engineering servic&s. The Contractor shall develop a design
phase schedule and submit it to the BBCRA for approval.
The Contractor shall prepare and the BBCRA approve a design phase schedule as
Based upon the BBCRA's Project requirements, as set forth in the CRA Boynton Beach
Boulevard Extension, RiverWalk, Promenade Concept Guide Book, Schematic Design Studies will
be prepared by the Contractor's Architect/Engineer. These Schematics are for the purpose of
assisting the BBCRA in determining the feasibility of the Project. These services are specifically
outlined in Exhibit "G". 1935
Upon approval of Schematic Designs and authorization fi:om the BBCRA to proceed, the
Contractor's Architect/Engineer shall prepare Design Development documents to fix the size and
character of the Project as to structural, mechanical and electrical systems, materials and other
appropriate essential items in the Project. These Development Documents are the basis for the
design and construction of the Project.
From approved Design Development Documents the Contractor's Architect/Engineer will
prepare working Drawings and Specifications setting forth in detail the requirements for the
construction of the Project, and based upon codes, laws or regulations which have been enacted at
the time of their preparation.
3) The Contractor, its Architect/Engineer and the BBCRA will work closely together to
monitor the design in accordance with prior approvals so as to ensure that the Project can be
constructed within the lump Sum as defined in Section 3. As these working Drawings and
Specifications are being completed, the Contractor will keep the BBCRA advised of the effects of
any BBCRA requested changes on the Contract Time Schedule and/or the Lump Sum. Construction
of the Project shall be in accordance with these Drawings and Specifications as approved by the
BBCRA. The Drawings and Specifications shall remain the property of the BBCRA however, said
plans are not to be used by the BBCRA on other projects without the prior written consent of the
4) After the completion of any Phase as set forth above in Section 2. B., Paragraphs 2) a.,
b., and c., if the Project is no longer feasible fi:om the standpoint of the BBCRA, the BBCRA may
terminate this Agreement and pay the Contractor pursuant to Section 19.1 of the General Conditions.
C. Responsibilities of Contractor With Respect to Construction.
1) The Contractor will provide all construction supervision, inspection, labor, materials,
tools, construction equipment and subcontracted items necessary for the execution and completion of
the Project.
2) The Contractor will pay all sales, use, gross receipts and similar taxes related to the
Work provided by the Contractor which have been legally enacted at the time of execution of this
Agreement and for which the Contractor is liable.
3) The Contractor will prepare and submit for the BBCRA's approval an estimated
progress schedule for the Project. This schedu~3s6hall indicate the dates for the starting and
completion of the various stages of the construction. It shall be revised as required by the conditions
of the Work and those conditions and events which are beyond the Contractor's control.
4) The Contractor shall keep such full and detailed accounts as may be necessary for
proper financial management under this Agreement. The system shall be satisfactory to the BBCRA
who shall be afforded access to all of the Contractor's records, books, correspondence, instructions,
drawings, receipts, vouchers, memoranda and similar data relating to this Agreement. The Contractor
shall preserve all such records for a period of three years after the final payment or longer where
required by law.
C. Royalties and Patents.
1) The Contractor shall pay all royalties and license fees for materials, methods and
systems incorporated in the work. He shall defend all suits or claims for infringement of any patent
rights and shall save the BBCRA harmless from loss on account thereof except when a particular
design process or product is specified by the BBCRA. In such case the Contractor Shall be
responsible for such loss only if he has reason to believe that the design, process or product so
specified is an infringement of a patent, and fails to give such information promptly to the BBCRA.
D. Warranties and Completion.
In addition to the warranty set forth in Section 20., General Conditions:
1) The Contractor will secure required certificates of inspection, testing or approval and
deliver them to the BBCRA.
2) The Contractor will collect all written warranties and equipment manuals and dehver
them to the BBCRA.
3) The Contractor, with the assistance of the BBCRA's maintenance personnel, will
direct the checkout of utilities and operations of systems and equipment for readiness, and will assist
in their initial start-up and testing.
E. Construction Management.
The Contractor shall provide the BBCRA with the names and qualifications of three (3)
construction management companies for selection by the BBCRA Board. The BBCRA Board shall
then select a company. If the BBCRA does not want to select a construction manager from the first
three (3) companies provided by Contractor, Contractor shall then supply three (3) more management
company names and qualifications until BBCRA is satisfied with a company. If at any time during
the construction, the BBCRA becomes dissatisfied with the construction manager company for
cause, then Contractor shall agree to terminate the services of said construction management
company and again provide the names of construction management companies until one satisfies the
BBCRA Board. The construction management company shall be responsible for all of the inspection
and review responsibilities outlined in Exhibit "A" attached hereto.
BBCRA and Contractor shall discuss and agree on the method and manner of compensation
of the construction management company. Contractor shall be responsible for all payments to the
construction management company, and Contractor may bill the BBCRA for reimbursement once
each month on a cost basis only. Upon proper documentation of payment and cost provided by
Contractor to BBCRA, BBCRA shall reimburse Contractor in said mounts.
In consideration of the faithful performance by Contractor of the covenants in this Agreement
to the full satisfaction and acceptance of BBCRA, BBCKA agrees to pay, or cause to be paid, to
Contractor the following amount, in accordance with the terms of this Agreement: See Exhibit "H".
A. Contractor shall provide Performance and Payment Bonds, in the form prescribed in
Exhibit B, in the amount of 100% of the Contract Amount, the costs of which to be paid by
Contractor. The Performance and Payment Bonds shall be underwritten by a surety authorized to do
business in the State of Florida and otherwise acceptable to BBCRA; provided; however, the surety
shall be rated as "A-" (excellent) or better and Class "V" or higher rating as to financial size category
and the amount required shall not exceed 2% of the reported policy holders surplus, all as reported in
the most current Best Key Rating Guide, published by A.M. Best Company, Inc. of 75 Fulton Street,
New York, New York 10038.
B. If the surety for any bond furnished by Contractor is declared bankrupt, becomes
insolvent, its right to do business is terminated in the State of Florida, or it ceases to meet the
requirements imposed by the Contract Document, the Contractor shall, within five (5) calendar days
thereafter, substitute another bond and surety, both of which shall be subject to the BBCRA's
C. As per Florida Statutes, Section 255.05, the Contractor shall be required to execute
and record the Performance and Payment bonds. The bonds must state the name and principal
business address of both the Principal and the Surety and a description of the Project sufficient to
identify it.
A. Time is of the essence in the performance of the Work under this Agreement. The
"Commencement Date" shall be established in the Notice to Proceed to be issued by the BBCRA.
Contractor shall commence the Work within five (5) calendar days from the Commencement Date.
No Work shall be performed at the Project site prior to the Commencement Date. Any Work
performed by Contractor prior to the Commencement Date shall be at the sole risk of Contractor.
The Work shall be completed as outlined in the schedule in Exhibit "H". No work under this
contract shall commence until certificates of insurance (see paragraph 13.2) have been received and
acknowledged by Susan Vielhauer, CRA Controller.
B. BBCKA and Contractor recognize that, since time is of the essence for this
Agreement, BBCRA will suffer financial loss if the Work is not substantially completed within the
time specified above, as said time may be adjusted as provided for herein. Should Contractor fail to
substantially complete the Work within the time period noted above, BBCRA shall be entitled to
assess, as liquidated damages, but not as a penalty, $500.00 for each calendar day thereafter until
substantial completion is achieved. The Project shall be deemed to be substantially completed on
the date the BBCRA issues a Substantial Completion Certificate pursuant to the terms hereof.
Contractor hereby expressly waives and relinquishes any right which it may have to seek to
characterize the above noted liquidated damages as a penalty, which the parties agree represents a
fair and reasonable estimate of the BBCRA's actual damages at the time of contracting if Contractor
fails to substantially complete the Work in a timely manner.
C. When any period of time is referenced by days herein, it shall be computed to exclude
the first day and include the last day of such period. If the last day of any such period falls on a
Saturday or Sunday or on a day made a legal hohday by the law of the applicable jurisdiction, such
day shall be omitted the computation, and the last day shall become the next succeeding day
which is not a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday.
The following documents are expressly agreed to be incorporated by reference and made a
part of this Agreement.
Exhibit A:
Exhibit B:
Exhibit C:
Exhibit D:
Exhibit E:
Exhibit F:
Exhibit G:
General Terms and Conditions
Form of Performance and Payment Bonds
Insurance Requirements
Form of Release and Affidavit
Form of Contractor Application for Payment
Form of Change Order
Design Criteria Package
A. All notices required or made pursuant to this Agreement by the Contractor to the
BBCRA shall be in writing and delivered by hand or by United States Postal Service Department,
first class mail, postage pre-paid, return receipt requested, addressed to the following:
639 East Ocean Avenue, Suite 107
Boynton Beach, Florida 33435
Attention: Susan Vielhauer, CRA Controller
B. All notices required or made pursuant to this Agreement by BBCRA to Contractor
shall be made in writing and shall be delivered by hand or by United States Postal Service
Department, first class mail, postage pre-paid, return receipt requested, addressed to the following:
Attention: Dennis Haynes
1400 Alabama Avenue
West Palm Beach, Florida 33401
C. Either party may change its above noted address by giving written notice to the other
party in accordance with the requirements of this Section.
No modification or change to the Agreement shall be valid or binding upon the parties unless
in writing and executed by the party or parties intended to be bound by it.
Subject to other provisions hereof, the Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the
benefit of the successors and assigns of the parties to the Agreement.
The Agreement shall be interpreted under and its performance governed by the laws of the
State of Florida. Any lawsuit brought pertaining to this Agreement shall be brought in the 15th
Judicial Circuit in and for Palm Beach County, Florida.
The failure of the BBCRA to enforce at any time or for any period of time any one or more of
the provisions of the Agreement shall not be construed to be and shall not be a waiver of any such
provision or provisions or of its right thereafter to enforce each and every such provision.
Each of the parties hereto agrees and represents that the Agreement comprises the full and
entire agreement between the parties affecting the Work contemplated, and no other agreement or
understanding of any nature concerning the same has been entered into or will be recognized, and
that all negotiations, acts, work performed, or payments made prior to the execution hereof shall be
deemed merged in, integrated and superseded by the Agreement.
Should any provision of the Agreement be determined by a court to be unenforceable, such a
determination shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other section or part thereof.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement on the date(s) indicated
Corporate Secretary
Its: President
political subdivision of the State of Florida acting by
and through its duly authorized Board of BBCRA
BCCRA Approved
1.1. It is the intent of the Contract Documents to describe a functionally complete project
(or portion thereof) to be constructed in accordance with the Contract Documents. Any work,
materials or equipment that may reasonably be inferred from the Contract Documents as being
required to produce the intended result shall be supplied whether or not specifically called for. When
words which have a well known technical or trade meaning are used to describe work, materials or
equipment, such words shall be interpreted in accordance with that meaning. Reference to standard
specifications, manuals or codes of any technical society, organization or association or to the laws
or regulations of any governmental authority having jurisdiction over the Project, whether such
reference be specific or by implication, shall mean the latest standard specification, manual, code,
law or regulation in affect at the time the Work is performed, except as maybe otherwise specifically
stated herein.
1.2. If during the performance of the Work Contractor discovers a conflict, error or
discrepancy in the Contract Document, Contractor immediately shall report same to BBCRA in
writing and before proceeding with the Work affected thereby shall obtain a written interpretation or
clarification from the BBCRA. Contractor shall take field measurements and verify field conditions
and shall carefully compare such field measurements and conditions and other information known to
Contractor with the Contract Documents before commencing any portion of the Work.
1.3. Drawings are intended to show general arrangements, design and extent of Work and
are not intended to serve as shop drawings. Specifications are separated into divisions for
convenience of reference only and shall not be interpreted as establishing divisions for the Work,
trades, subcontracts, or extent of any part of the Work. In the event of a discrepancy between or
among the drawings, specifications of other Contract Document provisions, Contractor shall be
required to comply with the provision which is the more restrictive or stringent requirement upon the
Contractor, as determined by the BBCRA. Unless otherwise specifically mentioned, all anchors,
bolts, screws, fittings, fillers, hardware, accessories, trim and other parts required in connection with
any portion of the Work to make a complete, serviceable, finished and first quality installation shall
be furnished and installed as part of the Work, whether or not called for by the Contract Documents.
2.1 Contractor shall have the sole responsibility of satisfying itself concerning the nature
and location of the Work and the general and local conditions, and particularly, but without
limitation, with respect to the following: those affecting transportation, access, disposal, handling
and storage of materials; availability and quality of labor; water and electric power; availabihty and
condition of roads; work area; living facilities; climatic conditions and seasons; physical conditions
at the work-site and the Project area as a whole; topography and ground surface conditions; nature
and quality of the surface materials to be encountered; equipment and facilities needed preliminary to
and during performance of the Work; and all o~[~osts associated with such performance. The
failure of Contractor to acquaint itself with 'any applicable conditions shall not relieve Contractor
from any of its responsibilities to perform under the Contract Documents, nor shall it be considered
the basis for any claim for additional time or compensation.
2.2. Contractor shall locate all existing roadways, railways, drainage facilities and utility
services above, upon, or under the Project site, said roadways, railways, drainage facilities and
utilities being referred to in this Section 2 as the "Utilities". C~mtractor shall contact the owners of
all Utilities to determine the necessity for relocating or temporarily interrupting any Utilities during
the construction of the Project. Contractor shall schedule and coordinate its Work around any such
relocation or temporary service interruption. Contractor shall be responsible for properly shoring,
supporting and protecting all Utilities at all times during the course of the Work.
3.1. Prior to submitting its first Application for Payment, Contractor shall submit to
BBCRA, for its review and approval, a schedule of values based upon the Contract Price, listing the
major elements of the Work and the dollar value for each element. After its approval by the
BBCRA, this schedule of values shall be used as the basis for the Contractor's Applications for
Payment. This schedule shall be updated and submitted along with a completed and notarized copy
of the Application for Payment form attached to the Agreement as Exhibit E.
3.2. Prior to submitting its first Monthly Application for Payment, Contractor shall submit
to BBCRA a complete list of all its proposed subcontractors and materialmen, showing the work and
materials involved and the dollar amount of each proposed subcontract and purchase order. The first
Application for Payment shall be submitted no earlier than' thirty (30) days after Commencement
3.3. If payment is requested on the basis of materials and equipment not incorporated into
the Project, but delivered and suitably stored at the site or at another location agreed to by the
BBCRA in writing, the Application for Payment shall also be accompanied by a bill of sale, invoice
or other documentation warranting that upon payment by BBCRA, the BBCRA shall receive the
materials and equipment free and clear of all liens, charges, security interests and encumbrances,
together with evidence that the materials and equipment are covered by appropriate property
insurance and other arrangements to protect BBCRA's interest therein, all of which shall be subject
to the BBCRA's prior written approval.
3.4. Contractor shall submit 3 copies of each of its Applications for Payment to the
BBCRA on Or before the 25th day of each month for work performed during the previous month.
Invoices received after the 25th day of each month shall be considered for payment as part of the
next month's application. Within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of each Application for
Payment, the BBCRA shall either: (1) indicate approval of the requested payment; (2) indicate
approval of only a portion of the requested payment, stating in writing the reasons therefor; or (3)
return the Application for Payment to the Contractor indicating, in writing, the reason for refusing to
approve payment. In the event of a total denial and return of the Application for Payment by the
BBCRA, the Contractor may make the necessary corrections and resubmit the Application for
Payment. The BBCRA shall, within thirtY l~40~ calendar days after BBCRA approval of an
Application for Payment, pay the Contractor the mounts so approved. Provided, however, in no
event shall the BBCRA be obligated to pay an amount greater than that portion of the Application for
Payment approved by the BBCRA.
3.5. Except for applications for payment for work performed pursuant to Section 2.A. of
the Agreement, relating to the Design Phase, BBCRA shall retain ten percent (10%) of the gross
amount of each monthly payment request or ten percent (10%) of the portion thereof approved by the
BBCRA for payment, whichever is less, up to fifty percent (50%) completion. Thereafter, if on
schedule, the BBCRA shall retain five percent (5%) of the gross amount of each monthly payment
request. Such sum shall be accumulated and not released to Contractor until final payment is due.
Any interim interest 'on such sums shall accrue to BBCRA.
3.6. Monthly payments to Contractor shall in no way imply approval or acceptance of
Contractor's work.
3.7. Each Application for Payment shall be accompanied by Release and Affidavit, in the
form attached as Exhibit D, showing that all materials, labor, equipment and other bills associated
with that portion of the Work payment is being requested or have been paid in full. The BBCRA
shall not be required to make payment until and unless these affidavits are furnished by Contractor.
4.1. The BBCRA may decline to approve any Application for Payment, or portions
thereof, because of subsequently discovered evidence or subsequent inspections. The BBCRA may
nullify the whole or any part of any approval for payment previously issued and BBCRA may
withhold any payments otherwise due Contractor under this Agreement or any other agreement
between BBCRA and Contractor, to such extent as may be necessary in the BBCRA's opinion to
protect it from loss because of: (a) defective Work not remedied; (b) third party claims filed or
reasonable evidence indicating probable filing of such claims; (c) failure of Contractor to make
payment properly to subcontractors or for labor, materials or equipment; (d) reasonable doubt that
the Work can be completed for the unpaid balance of the Contract Amount; (e) reasonable indication
that the Work will not be completed within the Contract Time; (f) unsatisfactory prosecution of the
Work. by the Contractor; or (g) any other material breach of the Contract Documents. If these
conditions are not remedied or removed, BBCRA may, after three (3) days written notice, rectify the
same at Contractor's expense. BBCRA also may offset against any sums due Contractor the amount
of any liquidated or unliquidated obligations of Contractor to BBCRA, whether relating to or arising
out of this Agreement or any other agreement between Contractor and BBCRA.
5.1. BBCRA shall make final payment to Contractor within thirty (30) calendar days after
the Work is finally inspected and accepted by BBCRA in accordance with Section 19.1 herein,
· provided that Contractor first, and as an explicit condition precedent to the accrual of Contractor's
fight to final payment, shall have furnished BBCRA with a properly executed and notarized copy of
the Release and Affidavit attached as Exhibit D, as well as, a duly executed copy of the Surety's
consent to final payment and such other documentation that may be required by the Contract
Documents or the BBCRA.
5.2. Contractor's acceptance of final payment shall constitute a full waiver of any and all
claims by Contractor against BBCRA arising out of this Agreement or otherwise relating to the
Project, except those previously made in writing and identified by Contractor as unsettled at the time
of the final Application for Payment. Neither the acceptance of the Work nor payment by BBCRA
shall be deemed to be a waiver of BBCRA's right to enforce any obligations of Contractor hereunder
or to the recovery of damages for defective Work not discovered by the BBCRA at the time of final
6.1. Contractor shall carefully examine the Contract Documents for all requirements for
approval of materials to be submitted such as shop drawings, data, test results, schedules and
samples. Contractor shall submit all such materials at its own expense and in such form as required
by the Contract Documents in sufficient time to prevent any delay in the dehvery of such materials
and the installation thereof.
6.2. Whenever materials or equipment are specified or described in the Contract
Documents by using the name of a proprietary item or the name of a particular supplier, the naming
of the item is intended to establish the type, function and quality required. Unless the name is
followed by words indicating that no substitution is permitted, materials or equipment of other
suppliers may be accepted by BBCRA if sufficient information is submitted by Contractor to allow
the BBCRA to determine that the material or equipment proposed is equivalent or equal to that
named. Requests for review of substitute items of material and equipment will not be accepted by
BBCRA from anyone other than Contractor and all such requests must be submitted by Contractor to
BBCRA within fl'drty (30) calendar days after Notice of Award is received by Contractor.
6.3. If Contractor wishes to famish or use a substitute item of material or equipment,
Contractor shall make application to the BBCRA for acceptance thereof, certifying that the proposed
substitute shall perform adequately the functions and achieve the results called for by the general
design, be similar and of equal substance to that specified and be suited to the same use as that
specified. The application shall state that the evaluation and acceptance of the proposed substitute
will not prejudice Contractor's achievement of substantial completion on time, whether or not
acceptance of the substitute for use in the Work will require a change in any of the Contract
Documents (or in the provisions of any other direct contract with BBCRA for the Project) to adapt
the design to the proposed substitute and whether or not incorporation or use by the substitute in
connection with the Work is subject to payment of any license fee or royalty. All variations of the
proposed substitute from that specified will be identified in the apphcation and available
maintenance,'repair and replacement service shall be indicated. The apphcation also shall contain an
itemized estimate of all costs that will result directly or indirectly fi:om acceptance of such substitute,
including costs for redesign and claims of other contractors affected by the resulting change, all of
which shall be considered by the BBCRA in evaluating the proposed substitute. The BBCRA may
require Contractor to furnish at Contractor's expense additional data about the proposed substitute.
6.4. If a specific means, method, technique, sequence or procedure of construction is
indicated in or required by the Contract Documents, Contractor may furnish or utilize a substitute
means, method, sequence, technique or procedure of construction acceptable to the BBCRA, if
Contractor submits sufficient information to allow the BBCKA to determine that the substitute
proposed is equivalent to that indicated or required by the Contract Documents. The procedures for
submission to and review by the BBCRA shall be the same as those provided herein for substitute
materials and equipment.
6.5. The BBCRA shall be allowed a reasonable time within which to evaluate each
proposed substitute. The BBCRA shall be the sole judge of acceptability, and no substitute will be
ordered, installed or utilized without the BBCRA's prior written acceptance which shall be evidenced
by either a Change Order or an approved Shop Drawing. The BBCRA may require Contractor to
furnish at Contractor's expense a special performance guarantee or other surety with respect to any
7.1. Unless waived in writing by BBCRA, during the Construction Phase, Contractor shall
maintain on file on the site, a daily log of the Contractor's work for the preceding week in a format
approved by the BBCRA. The daily log shall document all activities of Contractor at the Project site
including, but not limited to, the following:
7.1.1. Weather conditions showing the high and low temperatures during work
hours, the amount of precipitation received on the Project site, and any other
weather conditions which adversely affect the Work;
Soil conditions which adversely affect the Work;
The hours of operation by Contractor's and subcontractor's personnel;
The number of Contractor's and subcontractor's personnel present and
working at the Project site, by subcontract and trade;
All equipment present at the Project site, description of equipment use and
designation of time equipment was used (specifically indicating any down
Description of Work being performed at the Project site;
7.1.7. Any unusual or special occurrences at the Project site;
7.1.8. Materials received at the Project site; and
7.1.9. A list of all visitors to the Project site.
The daily log shall not constitute nor take the place of any notice required to be given by Contractor
to BBCRA pursuant to the Contract Documents.
7.2. Contractor shall maintain in a safe the Project site one record copy of the
Contract Documents, as well as all shop drawings and other Contractor. submittals and all written
interpretations and clarifications issued by the BBCKA, in good order and annotated to show all
changes made during construction. The annotated drawings shall be continuously updated by the
Contractor throughout the prosecution of the Work to accurately reflect all field changes that are
made to adapt the Work to field conditions, changes resulting from Change Orders, Work Directive
Changes and Field Orders, and all concealed and buried installations of piping, conduit and utility
services. All buried and concealed items, both inside and outside the Project site, shall be accurately
located on the annotated drawings as to depth and in relationship to not less than two (2) permanent
features (e.g. interior or exterior wall faces). The annotated drawings shall be clean and all changes,
corrections and dimensions shall be given in a neat and legible manner in a contrasting color. The
"As-Built" record documents, together with all approved samples and a counterpart of all approved
shop drawings shall be available to BBCRA for reference. Upon completion of the Work, and as a
condition precedent to Contractor's entitlement to final payment, these "As-Built" record documents,
samples and Shop drawings shall be delivered to BBCRA by Contractor for BBCRA.
7.3. Contractor shall keep all records and supporting documentation which concern or
relate to the Work hereunder for a minimum of fiVe (5) years from the date of termination of this
Agreement or the date the Project is completed, whichever is later. BBCRA, or any duly authorized
agents or representatives of BBCRA, shall have the right to audit, inspect and copy all such records
and documentation as often as they deem necessary during the period of this Agreement and during
the five (5) year period noted above; provided, however, such activity shall be conducted only during
normal business hours.
8.1. Contractor shall diligently pursue the completion of the Work and coordinate the
Work being done on the Project by its Architect/Engineer, subcontractors and materialmen, as well
as coordinating its Work with all work of others at the Project Site, so that its Work or the work of
others shall not be delayed or impaired by any act or omission of Contractor. Contractor shall be
solely responsible for all construction means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures, as
well as coordination of all portions of the Work under the Contract Documents.
8.2. Should Contractor be obstructed or delayed in the prosecution of or completion of the
Work as a result of unforeseeable causes beyond the control of Contractor, and not due to its fault or
neglect, including but not restricted to acts of God or of the public enemy, acts of government,
fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine regulations, strikes or lockouts, Contractor shall notify the
BBCRA in writing within forty-eight (48) hours after the commencement of such delay, stating the
cause or causes thereof, or be deemed to have waived any right which Contractor may have had to
request a time extension.
8.3. No interruption, interference, inefficiency, suspension or delay in the commencement
or progress of the Work fi'om any cause whatever, including those for which BBCRA may be
responsible, in whole or in part, shall relieve Contractor of his duty to perform or give rise to any
right to damages or additional compensation from BBCRA. Contractor expressly acknowledges and
agrees that it shall receive no damages for delay. Contractor's sole remedy, if any, against BBCRA
will be the right to seek an extension to the Contract Time; provided, however, the granting of any
such time extension shall not be a condition precedent to the aforementioned "No Damage For
Delay" provision. This paragraph shall expressly _apply to claims for early completion, as well as to
claims based on late completion.
9.1. BBCRA shall have the fight at any time during the progress of the Work to increase
or decrease the Work. Promptly after being notified of a change, Contractor shall submit an itemized
estimate of any cost or time increases or savings it foresees as a result of the change. Except in an
emergency endangering life or property, or as expressly set forth herein, no addition or changes to the
Work shall be made except upon written order of BBCRA, and BBCRA shall not be liable to the
Contractor for any increased compensation without such written order. No officer, employee or
agent of BBCRA is authorized to direct any extra or changed work orally.
9.2. A Change Order, in the form attached as Exhibit F to this Agreement, shall be issued
and executed promptly after an agreement is reached between Contractor and BBCRA concerning
the requested changes. Contractor shall promptly perform changes authorized by duly executed
Change Orders. The Contract Amount and Contract Time shall be adjusted in the Change Order in
the manner as BBCRA and Contractor shall mutually agree.
9.3. IfBBCRA and Contractor are unable to agree on a Change Order for the requested
change, Contractor shall, nevertheless, promptly perform the change as directed by'BBCRA in a
written Work Directive Change. In that event, the Contract Amount and Contract Time shall be
adjusted as directed by BBCRA. If Contractor disagrees with the BBCRA's adjustment
determination, Contractor must make a claim pursuant to Section 10 of these General Conditions or
else be deemed to have waived any claim on this matter it might otherwise have had.
9.4. In the event a requested change results in an increase to the Contract Amount, as to
design the amount of the increase shall be based upon the standard hourly billing rates, according to
classification of the Contractor's Architect/Engineer plus expenses to be charged at actual cost. As to
the construction, the amount of the increase shall be an amount agreed to by BBCRA and Contractor
or the Contractor's reasonable direct labor and material costs and reasonable actual equipment costs
as a result of the change (including allowance for labor burden costs) plus a maximum ten percent
(10%) markup for all overhead and profit. In the event such change Work is performed by a
Subcontractor, a maximum ten percent (10%) markup for all overhead and profit for all
Subcontractors' and sub-subcontractors' direct labor and material costs and actual equipment costs
shall be permitted, with a maximum five percent (5%) markup thereon by the Contractor for all of its
overhead and profit, for a total maximum markup of fifteen percent (15%). All compensation due
Contractor and any Subcontractor or sub-subcontractor for field and home office overhead is
included in the markups noted above.
9.5. BBCRA shall have the right to conduct an audit of Contractor's books and records to
verify the accuracy of the Contractor's claim with respect to Contractor's costs associated with any
Change Order.
9.6. The BBCRA shall have authority to order minor changes in the Work not involving
an adjustment to the Contract Amount or an extension to the Contract Time and not inconsistent with
the intent of the Contract Documents. Such changes may be affected by Field Order or by other
written order. Such changes shall be binding on the Contractor.
10.1. A Claim is a demand or assertion by one of the parties seeking an adjustment or
interpretation of the terms of the Contract Documents, payment of money, extension of time or other
relief with respect to the terms of the Contract Documents. The term "Claim" also includes other
disputes and matters in question between BBCRA and Contractor arising out of or relating to the
Contract Documents. The responsibility to substantiate a Claim shall rest with the party making the
10.2. Claims by the Contractor shall be made in writing to the BBCRA within seven (7)
calendar days after the first day of the event giving rise to such Claim or else the Contractor shall be
deemed to have waived the Claim. Written supporting data shall be submitted to the BBCRA within
fifteen (15) calendar days after the occurrence of the event, unless the BBCRA grants additional time
in writing, or else the Contractor shall be deemed to have waived the Claim. All claims shall be
priced in accordance with the provisions of Subsection 9.4.
10.3. The Contractor shall proceed diligently with its performance as directed by the
BBCRA, regardless of any pending Claim, action, suit or administrative proceeding, unless
otherwise agreed to by the BBCRA in writing. BBCRA shall continue to make payments in
accordance with the Contract Documents during the pendency of any Claim.
11.1. BBCRA may perform other work related to the Project at the site by BBCRA's own
forces, have other work performed by utility owners or let other direct contracts. If the fact that such
other work is to be performed is not noted in the Contract Documents, notice thereof will be given to
Contractor. If Contractor believes that such performance will involve additional expense to
Contractor or require additional time, Contractor shall send written notice of that fact to BBCRA
within seven (7) calendar days of being notified of the other work. If the Contractor fails to send the
above required seven (7) calendar days notice, the Contractor will be deemed to have waived any
fights it otherwise may have had to seek an extension to the Contract Time or adjustment to the
Contract Amount.
11.2. Contractor shall afford each utihty owner and other contractor (or BBCRA, if
BBCRA is performing the additional work with BBCRA's employees) proper and safe access to the
site and a reasonable opportunity for the introduction and storage of materials and equipment and the
execution of such work and shall properly connect and coordinate its Work with theirs. Contractor
shall do all cutting, fitting and patching of the Work that may be required to make its several parts
come together properly and integrate with Such other work. Contractor shall not endanger any work
of others by cutting, excavating or otherwise altering their work and will only cut or alter their work
with the written consent of the BBCRA and the others whose work will be affected.
11.3. If any part of Contractor's Work depends for proper execution or results upon the
work of any contractor or utility owner (or BBCRA), Contractor shall promptly report to BBCRA in
writing any delays, defects or deficiencies in such work that render it unavailable or unsuitable for
such proper execution and results.
12.1. Contractor agrees to save harmless, indemnify, and defend BBCRA and its, agents,
officers and employees from any and all claims, losses, penalties, interest, demands, judgments, and
costs of suit, including attorneys' fees and paralegals' fees, for any expense, damage or liability
incurred by any of them, whether for personal injury, death, property damage, direct or consequential
damages, or economic loss, including environmental impairment, arising directly or indirectly on
account of or in connection with the Work done by Contractor under this Agreement or by any
person, firm or corporation (including but not limited to the Architect/Engineer) to whom any
portion of the Work is subcontracted by Contractor or resulting from the use by Contractor, or by any
one for whom Contractor is legally liable, of any materials, tools, machinery or other property of
BBCRA. BBCRA and Contractor agree the first $100.00 of the Contract Amount paid by BBCRA
to Contractor shall be given as separate consideration for this indemnification, and any other
indemnification of BBCRA by Contractor provided for within the Contract Documents, the
sufficiency of such separate consideration being acknowledged by Contractor by Contractor's
acceptance and execution of the Agreement. The Contractor's obligation shall not be limited by, or
in any way to, any insurance coverage or by any provision in or exclusion or omission from any
policy of insurance. The Contractor agrees to pay on behalf of BBCRA, as well as provide a legal
defense for the BBCRA, both of which will be done only if and when requested by the BBCRA, for
all claims made. Such payment on the behalf of the BBCRA shall be in addition to any and all other
legal remedies available to the BBCRA and shall not be considered to be the BBCRA's exclusive
12.2. Contractor shall obtain and carry, at all times during its performance under the
Contract Documents, insurance of the types and in the amounts set forth in Exhibit C to the
Agreement. All insurance policies shall be from responsible companies duly authorized to do
business in the State of Florida and/or responsible risk retention group insurance companies or tmsts
which are registered with the State of Florida. Foreign or off-shore insurance carriers are not
acceptable for work under this contract unless admitted to the State of Florida. All commercial
insurance carders providing the Contractor with required insurance shall be rated with a minimum
financial size category of Vlll according to the AM Best Rating Guide, latest edition. An A or better
Best Rating is "preferred"; however, other ratings if "Secure Best Ratings" may be considered.
Within ten (10) calendar days after Notice of Award is received by Contractor and prior to the
commencement of work, Contractor shall provide BBCRA with properly executed Certificates of
Insurance to evidence Contractor's compliance with the insurance requirements of the Contract
Documents. Said Certificates of Insurance shall be on forms approved by BBCRA, such as "Acord
Form 25". The Certificates of Insurance shall be personally, manually signed by the authorized
representatives of the insurance company/companies shown on the Certificates of Insurance, with
proof that they are authorized representatives thereof. Certificates of Insurance shall be mailed to
BBCRA in care of: Susan Vielhauer, CRA Controller. In addition, certified, tree and exact copies of
all insurance policies required hereunder shall be provided to BBCRA, on a timely basis, when
requested by BBCRA.
12.3. The Certificates of Insurance and required insurance policies shall contain provisions
that thirty (30) days prior written notice by registered or certified mail shall be given BBCRA of any
cancellation, intent not to renew, or reduction in the policies or coverages, eXcept in the application
of the aggregate limits provisions. In the event of a reduction in the aggregate limit of any policy,
Contractor shall immediately take steps to have the aggregate limit reinstated to the full extent
permitted under such policy.
12.4. All insurance coverages of the Contractor shall be primary to any insurance or self
insurance program carried by the BBCRA applicable to this ProjeCt. The acceptance by BBCRA of
any Certificate of Insurance does not constitute approval or agreement by the BBCRA that the
insurance requirements have been satisfied or that the insurance policy shown on the Certificate of
Insurance is in compliance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. No work shall
commence at the Project site unless and until the required Certificates of Insurance are received by
the BBCRA.
12.5. Contractor shall require each of its subcontractors to procure and maintain, until the
completion of the subcontractor's work, insurance of the types and to the limits specified in Exhibit
C, unless such insurance requirements for the subcontractor is expressly waived in writing by the
BBCRA. All liability insurance policies, other than professional liability, worker's compensation
and employer's liabihty policies, obtained by Contractor to meet the requirements of the Contract
Documents shall name BBCRA as an additional insured and shall contain severability of interest
provisions. BBCRA shall also be designated as certificate holder with the address of 639 East Ocean
Avenue, Suite 107, Boynton Beach, Florida 33435. If any insurance provided pursuant to the
Contract Documents expires prior to the completion of the Work, renewal Certificates of Insurance
and, if requested by BBCRA, certified, true copies of the renewal policies, shall be furnished by
Contractor within thirty (30) days prior to the date of expiration. Upon expiration of an insurance
policy term during the course of work under the contract, succeeding insurance policies shall be
consecutive to the expiring policy.
12.6 All liability policies shall be underwritten on the "occurrence" basis.
12.7. Should at any time the Contractor not maintain the insurance coverages required
herein, the BBCRA may terminate the Agreement or at its sole discretion shall be authorized to
purchase such coverages and charge the Contractor for such coverages purchased. The BBCRA shall
be under no obligation to purchase such insurance, nor shall it be responsible for the coverages
purchased or the insurance company or companies used. The decision of the BBCRA to purchase
such insurance coverages shall in no way be construed to be a waiver of any of its rights under the
Contract Documents.
12.8. Contractor shall submit to BBCRA a copy of all accident reports arising out of any
personal injuries or property damages arising or alleged to have arisen on account of any work by
Contractor or sub-Contractor under the contract documents.
12.9 Duty to Provide Legal Defense. The Contractor agrees to pay, to BBCRA, as well as
provide a legal defense for the BBCRA, which shall include attorneys' fees and costs, both of which
will be done only if and when requested by the BBCRA, for all claims as described in paragraph
13.1. Such payment on the behalf of the BBCRA shall be in addition to any and all other legal
remedies available to the BBCRA and shall not be considered to be the BBCRA's exclusive remedy.
13.1. Contractor agrees to comply, at its own expense, with ail federal, state and locai laws,
codes, statutes, ordinances, rules, regulations and requirements applicable to the Project, including
but not limited to those deaiing with taxation, worker's compensation, equal employment and safety.
If Contractor observes that the Contract Documents are at variance therewith, it shall promptly
notify BBCRA in writing. Compliance with the above laws shall include but is not limited to: (1)
the Occupational Safety and Heaith Act, 29 CFR 1910 and 1926, respectively, General Industry
Standards and Construction Industry Standards, including regulations regarding Trenching and
Shoring; (2) the Florida Workers' Compensation Law, Chapter 440, Florida Statutes; (3) Rules 38F
and 381, Florida Administrative Code; and (4) Florida Department of Transportation Manual of
Traffic Control and Safe Practices. Failure to adhere to the requirements of the above named laws
and regulations regarding safety and traffic control shail be grounds for an immediate work stoppage,
either by BBCRA staff or the Contractor, until the deficiency is corrected.
14.1. Contractor agrees to keep the Project site clean at all times of debris, rubbish and
waste materials arising out of the Work. At the completion of the Work, Contractor shail remove all
debris, rubbish and waste materials from and about the Project site, as well as all tools, appliances,
construction equipment and machinery and surface materials, and shall leave the Project site clean
and ready for occupancy by BBCRA.
14.2. Any existing surface or subsurface improvements, including, but not limited to,
pavements, curbs, sidewalks, pipes, utilities, footings, structures, trees and shrubbery, not indicated
in the Contract Documents to be removed or altered, shall be protected by Contractor from damage
during the prosecution of the Work. Any such improvements so damaged shall be restored by
Contractor to the condition equal to that existing at the time of Contractor's commencement of the
Contractor shall not assign this Agreement or any part thereof, without the prior
consent in writing of BBCRA. If Contractor does, with approval, assign this Agreement or any part
thereof, it Shall require that its assignee be bound to it and to assume toward Contractor all of the
obligations and responsibilities that Contractor has assumed toward BBCRA.
16.1. All permits and licenses and all governmental charges and inspection fees necessary
for the prosecution of the Work shall be procured and paid for by Contractor. If Contractor performs
any Work without obtaining, or contrary to, such permits or licenses, Contractor shall bear ail costs
arising therefrom. BBCRA upon proper documentation of amounts paid by Contractor, shall
reimburse Contractor on a cost only basis for said permits, licenses, and charges excluding those
incurred due to work performed without a permit or contrary to any permit issued.
16.2. Contractor shall pay all sales, consumer, use and other similar taxes associated with
the Work or portions thereof, which are applicable during the performance of the Work.
17.1. Contractor shall be considered in material default of the Agreement and such default
shall be considered cause for BBCRA to terminate the Agreement, in whole or in part, as further set
forth in this Section, if Contractor: (1) fails to begin the Work under the Contract Documents within
the time specified herein; or (2) fails to properly and timely perform the Work as directed by the
BBCRA or as provided for in the approved Progress Schedule; or (3) performs the Work unsuitably
or neglects or refuses to remove materials or to correct or replace such Work as may be rejected as
unacceptable or unsuitable; or (4) discontinues the prosecution of the Work; or (5) fails to resume
Work which has been suspended within a reasonable time after being notified to do so; or (6)
becomes insolvent or is declared bankrupt, or commits any act of bankruptcy; or (7) allows any final
judgment to stand against it unsatisfied for more than ten (10) days; or (8) makes an assignment for
the benefit of creditors; or (9) fails to obey any applicable codes, laws, ordinances, rules or
regulations with respect to the Work; or (10) materially breaches any other provision of the Contract
17.2. BBCRA shall notify Contractor in writing of Contractor's default(s). If BBCRA
determines that Contractor has not remedied and cured the default(s) within seven (7) calendar days
following receipt by Contractor of said written notice, then BBCRA, at its option, without releasing
or waiving its fights and remedies against the Contractor's sureties and without prejudice to any other
right or remedy it may be entitled to hereunder or by law, may terminate Contractor's right to proceed
under the Agreement, in whole or in part, and take possession of all or any portion of the Work and
any materials, tools, equipment, and appliances of Contractor, take assignments of any of
Contractor's subcontracts and purchase orders, and complete all or anyportion of Contractor's Work
by whatever means, method or agency which BBCRA, in its sole discretion, may choose.
17.3. IfBBCRA deems any of the foregoing remedies necessary, Contractor agrees that is
shall not be entitled to receive any further payments hereunder until after the Project is completed.
All monies expended and all of the costs, losses, damages and extra expenses, including all
management, administrative and other overhead and other direct and indirect expenses (including
attorneys' fees) or damages incurred by BBCRA incident to such completion, shall be deducted from
the Contract Amount, and if such expenditures exceed the unpaid balance of the Contract Amount,
Contractor agrees to pay promptly to BBCRA on demand the full amount of such excess, including
costs of collection, attorney's fees (including appeals) and interest thereon at the maximum legal rate
of interest until paid. If the unpaid balance of the Contract Amount exceeds all such costs,
expenditures and damages incurred by the BBCRA to complete the Work, such excess shall be paid
to the Contractor. The amount to be paid to the Contractor or BBCRA, as the case may be, and this
obligation for payment shall survive termination of the Agreement.
17.4. The liability of Contractor hereunder shall extend to and include the full amount of
any and all sums paid, expenses and losses incurred, damages sustained, and obligations assumed by
BBCRA in good faith under the behef that such payments or assumptions were necessary or
required, in completing the Work and providing labor, materials, equipment, supplies, and other
items therefor or re-letting the Work, in settlement, discharge or compromise of any claims,
demands, suits, and judgments pertaining to or arising out of the Work hereunder.
17.5. If, after notice of termination of Contractor's right to proceed pursuant to this Section,
it is determined for any reason that Contractor was not in default, or that its default was excusable, or
that BBCRA is not entitled to the remedies against Contractor provided herein, then Contractor's
remedies against BBCRA shall be the same as and limited to those afforded Contractor below under
Subsection 18.1, Termination for Convenience.
17.6 If the Contractor refuses to allow public access to all documents, papers, letters, or
other material subject to the provisions of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and made or received by the
Contractor in conjunction with this Agreement then the BBCRA may, without prejudice to any right
or remedy and after giving the Contractor and his surety, if any, seven (7) days written notice, during
which period Contractor still fails to allow access, terminate the employment of the Contractor and
take possession of the site and of all materials, equipment, tools, construction equipment and
machinery thereon, owned by the Contractor, and may finish the project by whatever method it may
deem expedient. In such case, the Contractor shall not be entitled to receive any further payment
until the Project is finished. Reasonable terminal expenses incurred by the BBCRA may be deducted
from any payments left owing the Contractor (excluding monies owed the Contractor for subcontract
18.1. BBCRA shall have the right to terminate this Agreement without cause upon seven
(7) calendar days written notice to Contractor. In the event of such termination for convenience,
Contractor's recovery against BBCRA shall be limited to that portion of the Contract Amount earned
through the date of termination, together with any retainage withheld and reasonable termination
expenses incurred, but Contractor shall not be entitled to any other or further recovery against
BBCRA, including, but not limited to, damages or any anticipated profit on portions of the Work not
18.2. BBCRA shall have the right to suspend all or any portions of the Work upon giving
Contractor two (2) calendar days' prior written notice of such suspension. If all or any portion of the
Work is so suspended, Contractor's sole and exclusive remedy shall be to seek an extension of time
to its schedule in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Contract Documents. In no event
shall the Contractor be entitled to any additional compensation or damages. Provided, however, if
the ordered suspension exceeds three (3) months, the Contractor shall have the right to terminate the
Agreement with respect to that portion of the Work which is subject to the ordered suspension.
19.1. Upon receipt of written notice that the Work is ready for final inspection and
acceptance and upon receipt of a final Application for Payment, the BBCRA shall promptly make
such inspection and, if it finds the work acceptable and fully performed under the Contract
Documents, shall promptly issue a final Certificate for Payment, Stating that, on the basis of
observations and inspections, the Work has been completed in accordance with the terms and
Conditions of the Contract Documents and that the entire balance found to be due the Contractor is
di~e and payable. The final payment shall not become due and payable until Contractor submits: (1)
the Release and Affidavit in the form attached as Exhibit D, (2) consent of surety to final payment,
(3) if required by BBCRA, other data establishing payment or satisfaction of all obligations, such as
receipts, releases and waivers of liens, arising out of the Contract Documents, to the extent and in
such form as may be designated by BBCRA, and (4) a published copy of the Notice of Completion
as provided for in section 19.2. BBCRA reserves the fight to inspect the Work and make an
independent determination as to the Work's acceptability. Unless and until the BBCRA is
completely satisfied, the final payment shall not become due and payable.
19.2 After the Work is ready for final inspection and acceptance by the BBCRA, a legal
advertisement must be published by BBCRA in a local newspaper of a general BBCRA wide
circulation at least thirty (30) days before final payment shall be made. Example of such publication
is as follows:
Legal Notice of Completion
Notice is hereby given that BURKHARDT CONSTRUCTION, INC., has completed
and has ready for acceptance by the Board of the BBCRA, Florida, the following
construction project:
Boynton Beach, Florida
1400 Alabama Avenue
West Palm Beach, Florida 33401
Subcontractors, materialmen, and other persons having payment claims against the
Contractor relating to this project should govern themselves accordingly.
20.1. Contractor shall obtain and assign to BBCRA all express warranties given to
Contractor or any subcontractors by any materialmen supplying materials, equipment or fixtures to
be incorporated into the Project. Contractor warrants to BBCRA that any materials and equipment
furnished under the Contract Documents shall be new unless otherwise specified, and that all Work
shall be of good quality, free from all defects and in conformance with the Contract Documents.
Contractor further warrants to BBCRA that all materials and equipment furnished under the Contract
Documents shall be applied, installed, connected, erected, used, cleaned and conditioned in
accordance with the instructions of the applicable manufacturers, fabricators, suppliers or processors
except as otherwise provided for in the Contract Documents. If, within one (1) year(s) after final
completion, any Work is found to be defective or not in conformance with the Contract Documents,
Contractor shall correct it promptly after receipt of written notice from BBCRA. Contractor shall
also be responsible for and pay for replacement or repair of adjacent materials or Work which may
be damaged as a result of such replacement or repair. These warranties are in addition to those
implied warranties to which BBCRA is entitled as a matter of law.
21.1. BBCRA, its respective representatives, agents and employees, and any governmental
agencies with jurisdiction over the Project shall have access at all times to the Work, whether the
Work is being performed on or off of the Project site, for their observation, inspection and testing.
Contractor shall provide proper, safe conditions for such access. Contractor shall provide BBCRA
with timely notice of readiness of the Work for all required inspections, tests or approvals.
21.2. If the Contract Documents or any codes, laws, ordinances, rules or regulations of any
public authority having jurisdiction over the Project requires any portion of the Work to be
specifically inspected, tested or approved, Contractor shall assume full responsibility therefore, pay
all costs in connection therewith and furnish BBCRA the required certificates of inspection, testing
or approval. All inspections, tests or approvals shall be performed in a manner and by organizations
acceptable to the BBCRA.
21.3. If any Work that is to be inspected, tested or approved is covered without written
concurrence from the BBCRA, such work must, if requested by BBCRA, be uncovered for
observation. Such uncovering shall be at Contractor's expense unless Contractor has given BBCRA
timely notice of Contractor's intention to cover the same and BBCRA has not acted with reasonable
promptness to respond to such notice. If any Work is covered contrary to written directions fi:om
BBCRA, such Work must, if requested by BBCRA, be uncovered for BBCRA's observation and be
replaced at Contractor's sole expense.
21.4. The BBCRA shall charge to Contractor and may deduct from any payments due
Contractor all engineering and inspection expenses incurred by BBCRA in connection with any
overtime work. Such overtime work consisting of any work during the construction period beyond
the regular eight (8) hour day and for any work performed on Saturday, Sunday or holidays.
21.5. Neither observations by the BBCRA nor inspections, tests or approvals by others shall
relieve Contractor from Contractor's obligations to perform the Work in accordance with the
Contract Documents.
22.'1. Work not conforming to the requirements of the Contract Documents shall be deemed
defective Work. If required by BBCRA, Contractor shall as directed, either correct all defective
Work, whether or not fabricated, installed or completed, or, if the defective Work has been rejected
by BBCRA, remove it from the site and replace it with undefective Work. Contractor shall bear all
direct, indirect and consequential costs of such correction or removal (including, but not limited to
fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys and other professionals) made necessary thereby,
and shall hold BBCRA harmless for same.
22.2. If the BBCRA considers it necessary or advisable that covered Work be observed by
BBCRA or inspected or tested by others, Contractor, at BBCRA's request, shall uncover, expose or
otherwise make available for observation, inspection or tests as BBCRA mayrequire, that portion of
the Work in question, furnishing all necessary labor, material and equipment. If it is found that such
Work is defective, Contractor shall bear all direct, indirect and consequential .costs of such
uncovering, exposure, observation, inspection and testing and of satisfactory reconstruction
(including, but not limited to, fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys and other
professionals), and BBCRA shall be entitled to an appropriate decrease in the Contract Amount. If,
however, such Work is not found to be defective, Contractor shall be allowed an increase in the
Contract Amount and/or an extension of the Contract Time, directly attributable to such uncovering,
exposure, observation, inspection, testing and reconstruction.
22.3. Ifanyportion of the Work is defective, or Contractor fails to supply sufficient skilled
workers with suitable materials or equipment, or fails to finish or perform the Work in such a way
that the completed Work will conform to the Contract Documents, BBCRA may order Contractor to
stop the Work, or any portion thereof, until the cause for such order has been eliminated; however,
this right of BBCRA to stop the Work shall not give rise to any duty on the part of BBCRA to
exercise this right for the benefit of Contractor or any other party.
22.4. Should the BBCRA determine, at its sole opinion, it is in the BBCRA's best interest to
accept defective Work, the BBCRA may do so. Contractor shall bear all direct, indirect and
consequential costs attributable to the BBCRA's evaluation of and determination to accept defective
Work. If such determination is rendered prior to final payment~ a Change Order shall be eXecuted
evidencing such acceptance of such defective Work, incorporating the necessary revisions in the
Contract Documents and reflecting an appropriate decrease in the Contract Amount. If the BBCRA
accepts such defective Work after final payment, Contractor shall promptly pay BBCRA an
appropriate amount to adequately compensate BBCRA for its acceptance of the defective Work.
22.5. If Contractor fails, within a reasonable time after the written notice from BBCRA, to
correct defective Work or to remove and replace rejected defective Work as required byBBCRA, or
if Contractor fails to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents, or if Contractor
fails to comply with any of the provisions of the Contract Documents, BBCRA may, after seven (7)
ays wntten notme to Contractor, correct and remedy any such deficiency. To the extent necessary
to complete corrective and remedial action, BBCRA may exclude Contractor from any or all of the
Project site, take possession of all or anypart of the Work, and suspend Contractor's services related
thereto, take possessions of Contractor's tools, appliances, construction equipment and machinery at
the Project site and incorporate in the Work all materials and equipment stored at the Project site or
for which BBCRA has paid Contractor but which are stored elsewhere. Contractor shall allow
BBCRA, and their respective representatives, agents, and employees such access to the Project site
as may be necessary to enable BBCRA to exercise the rights and remedies under this Subsection.
All direct, indirect and consequential costs of BBCRA in exercising such rights and remedies shall
be charged against Contractor, and a Change Order shall be issued, incorporating the necessary
revisions to the Contract Documents, including an appropriate decrease to the Contract Amount.
Such direct, indirect and consequential costs shall include, but not be limited to, fees and charges of
engineers, architects, attorneys and other professionals, all court and arbitration costs and all costs of
repair and replacement of work or others destroyed or damaged by correction, removal or
replacement of Contractor's defective Work. Contractor shall not be allowed an extension of the
Contract Time because of any delay in performance of the Work attributable to the exercise by
BBCRA of BBCRA's rights and remedies hereunder.
23.1. Contractor shall supervise and direct the Work competently and efficiently, devoting
such attention thereto and applying such skills and expertise as may be necessary to perform the
Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. Contractor shall be responsible to see that the
finished Work complies accurately with the Contract Documents. Contractor shall keep on the Work
at all times during its progress a competent resident superintendent, who shall not be replaced
without prior written notice to BBCRA except under extraordinary circumstances. The
superintendent shall be Contractor's representative at the Project site and shall have authority to act
on behalf of Contractor. All communications given to the superintendent shall be as binding as if
given to the Contractor. BBCRA shall have the right to direct Contractor to remove and replace its
Project superintendent, with cause.
24.1. Contractor shall fully protect the Work fi:om loss or damage and shall bear the cost of
any such loss or damage until final payment has been made. If Contractor, or any one for whom
Contractor is legally liable, is responsible for any loss or damage to the Work, or other work or
materials of BBCRA or BBCRA's separate contractors, Contractor shall be charged with the same,
and any monies necessary to replace such loss or damage shall be deducted fi:om any amounts due
24.2. Contractor shall not load nor permit any part of any structure to be loaded in any
manner that will endanger the structure, nor shall Contractor subject any part of the Work or adjacent
property to stresses or pressures that will endanger it.
25.1. In the event of an emergency affecting the safety or protection of persons or the Work
or property at the Project site or adjacent thereto, Contractor, without special instruction or
authorization fi:om BBCRA is obligated to act to prevent threatened damage, injury or loss.
Contractor shall give BBCRA written notice within forty-eight (48) hours after the occurrence of the
emergency, if Contractor believes that any significant changes in the Work or variations fi:om the
Contract Document have been caused thereby. If the BBCRA determines that a change in the
Contract Documents is required because of the action taken in response to an emergency, a Change
Order shall be issued to document the consequences of the changes or variations. If Contractor fails
to provide the forty-eight (48) hour written notice noted above, the Contractor shall be deemed to
have waived any right it otherwise may have had to seek an adjustment to the Contract Amount or an
extension to the Contract Time.
26.1. Contractor shall confine all construction equipment, the storage of materials and
equipment and the operations of workers to the Project site and land and areas identified in and
permitted by the Contract Documents and other lands and areas permitted by law, rights of way,
permits and easements, and shall not unreasonably encumber the Project site with construction
equipment or other material or equipment. Contractor shall assume full responsibility for any
damage to any such land or area, or to the owner or occupant thereof, or any land or areas contiguous
thereto, resulting fi:om the performance of the Work.
27.1. The Contractor shall be responsible for initiating, maintaining and supervising all
safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work. The Contractor shall take all
necessaryprecautions for the safety of, and shall provide the necessary protection to prevent damage,
injury or loss to:
27.1.1. All employees of the Work and other persons and/or organizations who may
be affected thereby;
27.1.2. All the Work and materials and equipment to be incorporated therein,
whether in storage on or offthe Project site; and
27.1.3. Other property on Project site or adjacent thereto, including trees, shrubs,
lawns, walks, pavements, roadways, structures, utilities and any underground
structures or improvements not designated for removal, relocation or
replacement in the contract documents.
27.2. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable codes, laws, ordinances, rules and
regulations of any public body having jurisdiction for the safety of persons or property or to protect
them from damage, injury or loss. The Contractor shall erect and maintain all necessary safeguards
for such safety and protection. The Contractor shall notify owners of adjacent property and of
underground structures and improvements and utility owners when prosecution of the Work may
affect them, and shall cooperate with them in the protection, removal, relocation or replacement of
their property. Contractor's duties and responsibilities for the safety and protection ofthe Work shall
continue until such time as the Work is completed and final acceptance of same by BBCRA has
27.3. The Contractor shall designate a responsible representative at the Project site whose
duty shall be the prevention of accidents. This person shall be Contractor's superintendent unless
otherwise designated in writing by the Contractor to the BBCRA.
27.4. The Contractor shall adhere at all times to the minimum safety guidelines for
construction and renovation projects as set out in Exhibit C of this Agreement.
Prior to the commencement of Work, the Contractor shall attend a preconstruction conference
with the BBCRA to discuss the Progress Schedule, procedures for handling shop drawings and other
submittals, and for processing Applications for Payment, and to estabhsh a working understanding
among the parties as to the Work. During the prosecution of the Work, the Contractor shall attend
any and all meetings convened by the BBCRA with respect to the Project, when directed to do so by
BBCRA. Contractor shall have its subcontractors and suppliers attend all such meetings (including
the preconstruction conference) as may be directed by the BBCRA.
(Insert name, address, and phone number of contractor)
, as Principal, and
(Insert full name, home office address and phone number of surety)
as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the Board ofBBCRA, Boynton Beach, Florida,
as Obligee in the sum
Dollars ($ ), for the payment whereof we bind ourselves,
our heirs, executors, personal representatives, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these
WHEREAS, Principal has entered into a contract dated as of the ~ day of ,20 .....
with Obligee for Contract No. ~,
(Insert name of project, including legal description, street address of property
and general description of improvement)
in accordance with drawings and specifications, which contract is by reference made a part hereof, and is
hereinafter referred to as the Contract.
THE CONDITION OF THIS BOND is that if Principal:
1. Performs the Contract at the times and iri the manner prescribed in the Contract; and
2. Pays Obligee any and all losses, damages, costs and attorneys' fees that Obhgee sustains
because of any default by Principal under the Contract; and
3. Performs the guarantee of all work and materials furnished under the Contract applicable to
the work and materials, then this bond is void; otherwise it remains in full force. 1960
The Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no changes, extensions of time,
alterations or additions to the terms of the Contract or other work to be performed hereunder, or the
specifications referred to therein shall in anywise affect its obligation under this bond, and it does hereby waive
notice of any such changes, extensions oft/me, alterations or additions to the terms of the Contract or to work
or to the specifications.
This instrument shall be construed in all respects as a common law bond.
In no event will the Surety be liable in the aggregate to Obligee for more than the penalty sum of this
Performance Bond, regardless of the number of suits that may be filed by Obligee.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the above parties have executed this instrument this ~ day of
,20. , the name and corporate seal of each corporate party being hereto
affixed and thesepremises duly signed by its undersigned representative, pursuant to authority of its governing
Signed, sealed and delivered
in the presence of.' PRiNCn~AL:
Wimesses as to Principal
The foregoing immament was acknowledged before me this
,as ,of
on behalf of the corporation. He/she is personally known to me OR has produced
not) take an oath.
My Commission Expires:
day of
, 20. , by
as identification and did (did
(Legibly Printed)
Notary Public, State of
Serial No., IfA_ny:
(Printed Name)
(Business Address)
(Authorized Signature)
(Printed Name)
1961 OR
As Attorney In Fact (Attach Power)
(Business Address)
(Printed Name)
(Telephone Number)
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this
, as of
of Surety. He/she is personally known to me OR has produced
(did not) take an oath.
My Commission Expires:
(Legibly Printed)
(AFFIX OFFICIAL SEAL) Notary Public, State of
Serial No., If Any:
day of
20 , by
as Surety, on behalf
as identification and did
(Insert name, address and phone number of contractor)
(Insert name)
located at
(Insert address and phone number)
chartered and existing under the laws of the State of
(hereinafter called the "Principal")
(hereinafter called the "Surety"),
., a surety insurer
and authorized to do business
in the State of Florida, are held and fn'rnly bound unto the BBCRA, Boynton Beach, Florida, (hereinafter
called ,
the "BBCRA") in the sum of ($. ) for
payment of which we bind ourselves, our heirs, our personal representatives, our successors and our
assignees, jointly and severally.
WHEREAS, Principal and BBCRA have reached a mutual agreement relating to Contract
(hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") as of (the bid award date for projects
thereto) for the purpose of
(Insert name of project, hucluding legal description, street address of property and general
description of improvement.)
said Contract being made a part of this Bond by this reference.
1. Shall promptly make payments to all cla/mants as defined in Section 255.05(1)(a),
Florida Statutes, supplying the Principal with labor, materials or supplies; as used
directly or indirectly by the Principal in the prosecution of the work provided for in
the Contract; and
Shall pay the BBCRA for all losses, damages, expenses, costs and attorneys' fees,
including those resulting from appellate proceedings, that the BBCRA sustains
because of a default by the Principal in contravention to the Contract in regard to
payment for such labor, materials, or supplies furnished to the Principal; then this
Bond is void; otherwise this Bond remains in full force and effect.
1. Any changes in or under the Contract and compliance or noncompliance with any
formalities connected with the said Contract or alterations which may be made in the
terms of the said Contract, or in the work to be done under it, or the giving by the
BBCRA of any extension of time for the performance of the said Contract, or any
other forbearance on the part of the BBCRA or Principal to the other, shallnot in any
way release the Principal and the Surety, or either of them, their heirs, personal
representatives, successors or assigns fi:om liability hereunder, notice to the Surety of
any such changes, alterations, extensions or forbearance being hereby waived.
2. Certain claimants seeking the protection of this Bond must timely comply with the
strict requirements set forth in Section 255.05, Florida Statutes, and as otherwise
provided by law.
3. As concerns payment for labor, materials and supplies, as affects certain claimants,
no legal action shall be instituted against the Principal or Surety on this Bond after
one (1) year from the performance of labor or the completion of delivery of the
materials or supplies as is specifically mandated pursuant to Section 255.05, Florida
issue by the Surety or by the Surety's agent and the date of such agents power-of-attorney).
Signed, sealed and delivered
in the presence of:
Wimesses as to Principal
(the date of
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this
,as ~ of
on behalf of the corporation. Hefshe is personally known to me OR has produced
not) take an oath.
My Commission Expires:
day of
, 20 , by
as identification and did (did
(Legibly Printed)
Nota~ Public, State of
Serial No., If Any:
(Printed Name)
(Business Address)
(Authorized Signature)
(Printed Name)
As Attorney In Fact (Attach Power)
(Business Address)
(Printed Name)
(Telephone Number)
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this
He/she is personally known to me OR has produced
My Commission Expires:
~ day of
, 20_____, by
as Surety, on behalf of Surety.
as identification and did (did no0 take an oath.
(Legibly Printed)
Notary Public, State of
Serial No., ifA.ny:
The Contractor shall procure and maintain the following described insurance, except for coverages
specifically waived by the BBCRA. Such policies shall be from insurers with a minimum financial
size ofvm according to the latest edition of the AM Best Rating Guide. An A or better Best Rating
is "preferred"; however, other ratings if "Secure Best Ratings" may be considered. Such policies
shall provide coverages for any or all claims which may arise out of, or result from, the services,
work and operations carried out pursuant to and under the requirements of the Contract Documents,
whether such services, work and operations be by the Contractor, its employees, or by
subcontractor(s), or anyone employed by or under the supervision of any of them, or for whose acts
any of them may be legally liable.
The Contractor shall require, and shall be responsible for assuring throughout the time the
Agreement is in effect, that any and all of its subcontractors obtain and maintain until the completion
of that subcontractor's work, such of the insurance coverages described herein as are required by law
to be provided on behalf of their employees and others.
The required insurance shall be obtained and written for not less than the limits of liability specified
hereinafter, or as required by law, whichever is greater.
These insurance requirements shall not limit the liability of the Contractor. The BBCRA does not
represent these types or amounts of insurance to be sufficient or adequate to protect the Contractor's
interests or liabilities, but are merely minimums.
Except for workers compensation and Professional liability, the Contractor's insurance policies shall
be endorsed to name BBCRA as an additional insured to the extent of its interests arising from this
agreement, contract or lease.
The Contractor waives its right of recovery against the BBCRA, to the extent permitted by its
insurance policies.
The Contractor's deductibles/self-insured retentions shall be disclosed to the BBCRA and may be
disapproved by the BBCRA. They shall be reduced or eliminated at the option of the BBCRA. The
Contractor is responsible for the amount of any deductible or self-insured retention.
Insurance required of the Contractor or any other insurance of the Contractor shall be considered
primary, and insurance of the BBCRA, if any, shall be considered excess, as may be applicable to
claims obligations which arise out of this agreement, contract or lease.
Workers Compensation Coverage
The Contractor shall purchase and maintain workers compensation insurance for all workers
compensation obligations imposed by state law and with employers liability limits of at least
$100,000 each accident and $100,000 each employee/S500,000 policy limit for disease, or a valid
certificate of exemption issued by the state of Florida, or an affidavit in accordance with section
440.02(13)(d) and 440.10(1)(g) Florida Statutes.
Contractor shall also purchase any other coverages required by law for the benefit of employees.
General, Automobile And Excess Or Umbrella Liability Coverage
The Contractor shall purchase and maintain coverage on forms no more restrictive than the latest
editions of the Commercial General Liability and Business Auto policies of the Insurance Services
Minimum limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence for all liability must be provided, with excess or
umbrella insurance making up the difference, if any, between the policy limits of underlying policies
(including employers liability required in the Workers Compensation Coverage section) and the total
amount of coverage required.
General Liability Coverage - Occurrence Form Required
Coverage A shall include bodily injury and property damage liability for premises, operations,
products and completed operations, independent contractors, contractual liability covering this
agreement, contract or lease, broad form property damage coverages, and property damage resulting explosion, collapse or underground (x,c,u) exposures.
Coverage B shall include personal injury.
Coverage C, medical payments, is not required.
The Contractor is required to continue to purchase products and completed operations coverage, at
least to satisfy this agreement, contract or lease, for a minimum of three years beyond the BBCRA=s
acceptance of renovation or construction projects.
Business Auto Liability Coverage
Business Auto Liability coverage is to include bodily injury and property damage arising out of
ownership, maintenance or use of any auto, including owned, nonowned and hired automobiles and
employee nonownership use.
Excess or Umbrella Liability Coverage
Umbrella Liability insurance is preferred, but an Excess Liability equivalent may be allowed.
· provided, it shall not be more restrictive than the underlying insurance
Whichever type of coverage ~s
policy coverages. Umbrella coverage shall drop down to provide coverage where the underlying
limits are exhausted.
Evidence/Certificates of Insurance
Required insurance shall be documented in Certificates of l_nsurance. If and when required by the
BBCRA, Certificates of Insurance shall be accompanied by documentation that is acceptable to the
BBCRA establishing that the insurance agent and/or agency issuing the Certificate of Insurance has
been duly authorized, in writing, to do so by and on behalf of each insurance company underwriting
the insurance coverages(s) indicated on each Certificate of Insurance.
New Certificates of Insurance are to be provided to the BBCRA at least 30 days prior to coverage
renewals. Failure of the Contractor to provide the BBCRA with such renewal certificates may be
considered justification for the BBCRA to terminate this agreement, contract or lease.
Certificates should contain the following additional information.
Indicate that BBCRA is an additional insured on the general liability policy.
Include a reference to the project.
Disclose any self-insured retentions in excess of $1,000.
Designate BBCRA as the certificate holder as follows:
Attention:Susan Vielhauer, CRA Controller
639 East Ocean Avenue, Suite 107
Boynton beach, Florida 133435
Indicate that the BBCRA shall be notified at least 30 days in advance of cancellation.
Receipt of certificates or other documentation of insurance or policies or copies of policies by the
BBCRA, or by any of its representatives, which indicate less coverage than required does not
constitute a waiver of the Contractor's obligation to fulfill the insurance requirements herein.
If requested by the BBCRA, the Contractor shall furnish complete copies of the Contractor's
insurance policies, forms and endorsements, and/or such additional information with respect to its
insurance as may be requested.
For Commercial General Liability coverage the Contractor shall, at the option of the BBCRA,
provide an indication of the mount of claims payments or reserves chargeable to the aggregate
amount of liability coverage.
The Contractor shall assure that all design professionals, architects, and engineers used on
the Project will purchase and maintain professional liabilitY or malpractice or errors or
omissions insurance with minimum limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence.
If a claims made form of coverage is provided, the retroactive date of coverage shall be no
later than the inception date of claims made coverage, unless the prior policy was extended
indefinitely to coVer prior acts.
Coverage shall be extended beyond the policy year either by a supplemental extended
reporting period (ERP) of as great duration as available, and with no less coverage
and with reinstated aggregate limits, or by requir/ng that any new policy provide a
retroactive date no later than the inception date of claims made coverage.
The following safety requirements represent the minimum conditions which shall be met by all
Contractors and subcontractors performing work for BBCRA. The Contractor shall be responsible to
ensure his compliance with all State and Federal safety regulations as specified in BBCRA contract
documents. Reported or observed violations of OSHA (29 CFR 1910 or 1926) and other regulations
shall be brought to the attention of the BBCRA project manager and BBCRA Safety Office and shall
be immediately corrected by the Contractor. Failure to comply with required safetyprocedures shall
result in the suspension of the Work of the Contractor until such time as his operations are brought
into compliance. Items which are not corrected or that are disputed by the Contractor may be
referred by the BBCRA to either the project insurance coordinator or the Department of Labor and
Employment Security, Division of Safety, for inspection or interpretation. The Contractor shall take
reasonable precautions for work place safetY and shall provide reasonable protection to prevent
damage, injury, or loss to employees on the work site and to other persons who may be affected by
the Work.
The Contractor shall provide all necessary safety equipment for BBCRA staff, employees,
and visitors to enter the work site. This equipment mayinclude hard hats, hearing protection,
safety glasses, or any other safety items deemed necessary by the Contractor or required by
State or Federal safetY regulations.
Construction vehicles on the work site shall always be operated in a safe manner. The
Contractor shall take appropriate action to ensure the safety of BBCRA staff, visitors, and the
general public while operating work vehicles at a controlled construction site. Where
conditions warrant, or at the request of the BBCRA, temporary barriers shall also be
established for these traffic areas.
The Contractor shall prominently mark the work site and ensure its security. Site security
shall include appropriate fencing, barricades, warning tape, covered walkways and warning
signs. In no instance shall a work site be accessible, without obvious warning, to BBCRA
staff, visitors, or the general public. At a minimum, the project site shall be posted with the
appropriate trespass warning signs as specified in Section 810.09(2)(d), Florida Statutes:
general safety warning signs, i.e., HARD HAT AREA, as are deemed necessary by the
Contractor and project manager.
In the event barricading of a work site is not feasible, altemative measures maybe used upon
prior approval by the BBCRA. Alternative measures may include, but are not limited to,
working during off hours such as nights, weekends, or holidays, or the providing of
temporary accommodations for building occupants (to be prearranged, if necessary, at the
discretion of the BBCRA).
The Contractor shall ensure compliance with all fire safety codes at the work site, especially
as to egress, during the construction phase of an occupied facility. In no instance, (except
where impractical and with the prior approval of the BBCRA and the appropriate life safety
code inspector), shall the life safety code components of an occupied facility be reduced or
otherwise compromised. A set of these construction plans, with a signature of approval by
the appropriate life safety code inspector, shall be kept at each construction site and available
for routine inspection. The Contractor shall communicate with each subcontractor as to
scheduling of events that may pose hazards or inconveniences to building occupants. The
Contractor shall also ensure that appropriate scheduling information is also conveyed to the
project manager.
Noise, dust, and the use of chemical products may create inside health hazards at the work
site to building occupants requiring that the Contractor to adhere to the following guidelines
at a minimum:
The Contractor shall initiate construction and engineering safety controls to minimize
exposure of dusts, noise, and chemical odors to building occupants. These controls
may involve the construction or use of temporary walls, plastic barriers, mech
ventilation, elimination of make-up air returns from work areas, pressurizing
occupied areas, or a combination of several methods. The Contractor shall
coordinate all such engineering efforts with the project manager, and these control
measures shall require prior approval by the BBCRA. In cases where these efforts
may not be feasible, alternative work schedules on evenings and weekends may be
instituted as a part of this process.
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) shall be provided for all hazardous substances
used on the project or brought on the job site. These products include, but are not
limited to, paints, solvents, roofing compounds, and cleaning compounds.
Appropriate precautions shall be taken to prevent occupant exposure to hazardous
respirable dusts, contaminants, and fumes from welding, cutting, or drilling of
concrete and masonry, or the operation of internal combustion engines. The
Contractor shall also determine whether respirable crystalline silica, which is a
potential carcinogen contained in many building products, is present at the work site.
Control of dusts from these types of products and operations shall be an essential
safety requirement for the Contractor.
The Contractor should be aware of other buildings adjacent to his work areas and
shall be prepared to take necessary actions to prevent the spread of dusts and fumes
to those facilities.
The Contractor shall ensure that all emergency notifications, including those for fires and
medical needs, shall be promptly made by dialing 911 dispatchers. The Caller should state
the exact location of the work site emergency, the nature of the emergency, and specifically
indicate if medical or fire services are needed.
The Contractor agrees and understands that all BBCRA construct/on/renovation sites shall be
subject to periodic inspection by life safety code inspectors, Florida Department of Labor and
Employment Security, Division of Safety, Occupational Safety and Health Administration,
Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Environmental Protection Agency, and
other Federal, State, or County regulatory agencies.
The Contractor shall provide adequate refuse containers for the disposal of construction
debris. Refuse shall not be allowed to accumulate on the project site grounds, and the
Contractor shall ensure that these containers are subsequently emptied on a regular basis.
Water runoff and soil erosion from the project site shall be controlled by the Contractor
pursuant to the regulations of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.
Water-based paint and stain products shall be used by the Contractor in the place ofs01vent-
based products where the apphcation so permits. Use of organic solvent-based products shall
be used only where absolutely necessary and with the prior approval of the project manager.
Lead-containing paints shall not be normally used or specified for any application. I/the use
oflead-conta/rfing paint is essential for a specific application, prior approval from the project
manager or BBCRA shall be obtained before their use.
The use of any products containing toxic metals, especially those regulated by Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), (i.e. lead, chromium, barium, silver, arsenic,
cadmium, mercury, selenium), on the work site shall be avoided. Prior approval for use of
these metals shall be obtained by the Contractor fi:om the project manager.
The use of any radioactive materials by the Contractor on project sites shall require pre-
approval. Copies of appropriate certifications, licenses, testing,'and inspection.records shall
be provided by the Contractor to BBCRA for review.
The County maintains programs for the identification and abatement of asbestos containing
building materials. Asbestos abatement can only be performed by state licensed asbestos
abatement contractors. General contractors, therefore, shall not be authorized to remove or
disturb any asbestos containing materials. Although efforts are made to identify or remove
such asbestos containing materials prior to renovations, the possibility exists that asbestos
materials may be encountered at a work site. If so, Contractors who encounter such materials
shall immediately stop work and notify BBCRA.
The above-cited guidelines represent minimum expectations and actions which shall be taken
by Contractors while under contract for BBCRA construction and ren°vati°n pr°jects' These
guidelines are not all inclusive and will be revised as necessary. In the event these guidelines
conflict with other contract documents, the most stringent application shall apply. Any
questions or disputes should be brought to the immediate attention of BBCRA.
Before me, the undersigned authority, personally appeared
who after being duly sworn, deposes and says:
(1) In accordance with the Contract Documents and in consideration of
$ paid, ("Contractor") releases
and waives for itself and its subcontractors, materialmen, successors and assigns, all claims demands,
costs and expenses, whether in contract or in tort, against the Board of BBCRA, Florida, ("BBCRA")
relating in any way to the performance of the Agreement between Contractor and BBCRA dated
, 20 , for the period from to
(2) Contractor certifies for itself and its subcontractors, materialmen, successors and
assigns, that all charges for labor, materials, supplies, lands, licenses and other expenses for which
BBCRA might be sued or for Which a lien or a demand against any payment bond might be filed,
have been fully satisfied and paid.
(3) Contractor agrees to indemnify, defend and save harmless BBCRA from all demands
or stilts, actions, claims of liens or other charges filed or asserted against the BBCRA arising out of
the performance by Contractor of the Work covered by this Release and Affidavit.
This Release and Affidavit is given in connection with Contractor's (monthly/final)
Application for Payment No. ~
[Corporate Seal]
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before
,20__, by
corporation. He/she is personally known to me OR has produced
identification and did (did not) take an oath.
me this day of
, as of
corporation, onbehalfofthe
My Commission Expires:
(Legibly Printed)
Notary Public, State of
Serial No., If Any:
Under our AGREEMENT dated
You hereby are authorized and directed to make the following change(s) in accordance with
terms and conditions of the Agreement:
FOR THE (Additive) (Deductive) Sum of:
($ ).
Original Agreement Amount
Sum of Previous Changes
This Change Order (Add) (Deduct)
Present Agreement Amount
The time for completion shall be (increased/decreased)by (
to this Change Order. Accordingly, the Contract Time is now (
) calendar days due
) calendar days and
the final completion date is
· Your acceptance of this Change Order shall
Constitute a modification to our Agreement and will be performed subject to all the same terms and
conditions in our Agreement indicated above, as fully as if the same were repeated in this
The adjustment, if any, to this Agreement shall constitute a full and final settlement of any
and all claims arising out of or related to the change set forth herein, including claims for impact and
delay costs.
The Contract Administrator has directed the Contractor to increase the penal sum of the existing
Performance and Payment Bonds or to obtain additional bonds on the basis of a $25,000.00 or
greater value Change Order.
Check if applicable and provide written confirmation from the bonding company/agent (attorney-in-
fact) that the amount of the Performance and Payment bonds have been adjusted to 100% of the new
contract amount.
\UGCDE_FSkLIBRARY~1998k980465XAGMTkBurkhardt Construction, Inc Agreement.doc
Exhibit "G"
Scope of services
The proposed improvements have been identified in the RFQ and attached as Exhibit "G" ,"H", And 'T'
Several schematic designs have been completed for these improvements. It is the intent of the CRA to have
the Design/Builder utilize these schematic designs as the understanding for the desired "look" of the finished
Additionally, the Marina Village Project has been approved adjacent to the proposed Boynton Beach
Boulevard Extension and immediately west of the new Marina Docks. The access of this project along the
design elements of this development will be considered when preparing the plans for the CRA. Below are
some of the proposed improvements that shall included in the design have been outlined.
1. The extension of Boynton Beach Boulevard will extend due east from US-1 to the Intracoastal
Waterway and will be designed to support emergency vehicles and Possibly Shuttle vehicles as well.
East of the vehicular access to the new development the extension will become a pedestrian
2. The improvements to the Boynton Beach Boulevard will include the intersection of US-1 and will
extend a maximum of (200 feet) from the north and south.
3. There will be signal modification required at the intersection of US-1 only.
1. The anticipated improvements will address water quality for the road rights of-way Whereas water
quantity will be based upon the dedicated road right-of-way and adjacent property.
2. Based on existing elevations, initial recommended design solutions will be determined following the
completion of the hydraulic analysis as identified within the attached scope of work.
Utilities 1. Place fire hydrants as necessary to maintain spacing as required by the Code and City.
2. There are no anticipated improvements to the sanitary system.
3. Provide coordination to have the existing minor overhead utilities replaced
(Undergrounding of utilities by others)
Lighting 1. Pedestrian Poles will be the recommended lighting system for the entire project.
2. The recommended lighting system design should reflect the current light poles placed within the CRA.
1. Landscape themes will be consistent as to unify the entire project area and allow for some flexibility
within the overall concepts.
2. Landscape improvements assume the installation of major street trees within the project area along with
a significant entry feature into the project area.
1. The boardwalk will incorporate an entry feature as it connects into the extension of Boynton Beach
Boulevard Promenade.
2. The boardwalk shall incorporate a theme as approved by the CRA.
3. The boardwalk will incorporate open-air pavilion (s) as approved by the CRA.
4. The boardwalk will meander along the limits of the existing mangroves within the limits of the CRA
Privately owned submerged land and tie-in to the existing boardwalk north of the proposed extension
of Boynton Beach Boulevard.
5. The boardwalk will be lighted for pedestrian use and provide area for entertainment with water, sewer,
communication and electrical utilities. Additionally, empty conduits will be included in the design for
future use by the City
Page '1 of 2
Exhibit "G" Continued
Scope of Services
Schematic Design Task
A. Survey Coordination/Data Collection Work
This task will consist of coordinating improvements made within the area since the completion of the
latest survey and coordinating the additional survey requirements. The coordination activities will be
limited to an initial "windshield" survey by the Design/Builder and survey crew chief to identify
significant changes in the physical environment since the completed survey. Based on these
findings, the survey will be updated to reflect the existing conditions.
The Design/Builder will collect readily available information including information provided by the
Client such as the existing bathymetry and natural resources within the project vicinity and conduct
field reconnaissance to characterize these resources. The Design/Builder will provide a survey for
the engineering design. This will include the location of surface features, inverts and locations of the
storm/sanitary structures, cross sections at 50,foot intervals and providing a baseline survey. Upon
completion of the 30% effort additional survey may be required along the Intracoastal Waterway.
B. Schematic Design Task
A base map of the existing conditions will be prepared at a size of no less than plan size original w/1 in.
= 40ft. scale, 11 in. x 17in. reduced size plan copies utilizing the updated survey and information being
obtained within sub-task "A" above. Within this task we will apply the typical cross sections as
approved by the CRA to the proposed roadway in a plan view. The components of the streetscape will
be shown to clearly demonstrate the character of the streetscape and will include:
B1. Layout of travel lanes and curbing options
B2. Layout and material selection for sidewalk
B3. Preliminary size and selection of planting material
B4. Layout and selection of pedestrian lighting system
BS. Layout and selection of entry features
B6. Layout, size and material of shade structures and open air pavilions
B7. Development of the and arts program unique to Boynton Beach
B8. Layout, size, and material of boardwalk
B9. Opinion of probable construction cost.
After the base mapping is prepared, a field walk through will be conducted to verify existing conditions with the
CRA. Design conditions listed above will be addressed and reviewed to reaffirm CRA consensus prior to the
final preparation of The Design Development Plan Set
Page 2 of 2
Exhibit "H"
Phase I
(Federal Highway to NE 6th Street)
Paving $1,300,000
Entrance Gateway 120,000
Fountains 150,000
Landscape 120,000
Wall/Fence 80,000
Lighting 100,000
Subtotal Phase I $1,870,000
II (NE 6th Street to Intracoastal)
Paving $ 480,000
Gateway 60,000
Trellis Structures 80,000
Shade Structures 80,000
Restrooms 80,000
Fountains 100,000
Landscape 50,000
Lighting 40,000
Subtotal Phase II $ 970,000
III (River-Walk at Intracostal)
Deck and Pilings $ 2,800,000
Stage/Observation Tower 180,000
Amphitheater option 420,000
Trellis Structure 80,000
Kiosks 200,000
Shade Structures 200,000
Manatee Interaction 80,000
Fishing Village 300,000
Marina 360,000
Landscape 80,000
Lighting 180,000
Subtotal Phase III $4,880,000
Total Phasing Costs
10% Design/Engineering Fee
5% Contingency Fee
Project Total
$ 772,OOO
~ 390~000
*Estimate is preliminary and will vary with final material selection and market conditions at the time
of bid and does not include land acquisition, equipment, supplies, or fixtures.
Exhibit "1"
The Project's initial Projected Budget shall be as defined in Exhibit "H". The Design/Engineering Fee shall be
estimated based on the Project's initial cost projection of $7,720,000. The Design/Engineering fees shall be in
the 8% to 12% range of the estimated cost which may be adjusted by the CRA from time to time depending on
ultimate project scope. The Scope of Work shall be divided into the following tasks and their corresponding
percentage will be used to establish the cost for each.
Schematic Design 15%
Design Development 20%
Construction Design 40%
Bidding/Permitting 5%
Construction Admin. 20%
Total 100%
To Be Determined
To Be Determined
To Be Determined
To Be Determined
To Be Determined
Kimley-Horn/Burkhardt Construction will provide the scope of services as described in Exhibit "G" for a fee as
outlined below.
Basic Services
Schematic Design 15%
Subtotal for this Phase
Reimbursable Expenses (Estimated Budgets)
Subtotal (not to exceeded)
Fixed Fee
The Design/Builder will provide the services outlined in Schematic Design in accordance with the time frame
outlined below.
Survey Update Coordination
Schematic Design
6 weeks after notice to proceed
8 weeks after receipt of survey
IX. New Business:
Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Community Redevelopment Board with respect to any matter
considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a
verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the
appeal is to be based. 2007
The CRA shall furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a
disability an equal opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by
the CRA. Please contact Douglas Hutchin.qon at 561-737-3256 at least twenty-four hoUrs prior to the program or
activity in order for the CRA to reasonably accommodate your request.
TO: CRA Board
FROM: Susan Vielhauer
SUBJECT: Recommendation for the Competitive Selection Committee to review the
RFP Outside Audit.
DATE: May 23, 2003
As per the Purchasing Manual of the CRA Board, I have prepared a recommendation
for member for the Competitive Selection Committee (CSC) to review the RFP for
Outside Audit.
The following are my recommendation:
Don Fenton Edward Jones & Company
Scott Sander Mazer Sander Accountants
Susan Vielhauer CRA City of Boynton Beach
CRA Board Member
Professional and Local Citizen
CRA Staff
CRA Staff is seeking approval of the CSC members.
TO: CRA Board
Susan Vielhauer
Consideration of 457 Deferred Compensation Plan Company
DATE: June 6, 2003
Staff is requesting this item be tabled until July 8th Board Meeting due to the difficulty in
obtaining three quotes.
TO: CRA Board
Susan Vielhauer
SUBJECT: Consideration of Short Term Disability Plan
DATE: June 6, 2003
Staff is requesting this item be tabled until July 8th Board Meeting due to the difficulty in
obtaining three quotes.
X. Other Items:
XI. Adjournment.
Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Community P~edevelopment Board with respect to any matter
considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a
verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the
appeal is to be based. 2012
The CRA shall furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a
disability an equal opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by
the CRA. Please contact Douglas Hutch~n.~on at 561-737-3256 at least twenty-four hours prior to the program or
activity in order for the CRA to reasonably accommodate your request.