ON THURSDAY, 3UNE 12, 2003, AT 6:00 P.M.
Beverly Agee, Chairperson
Lillian Artis
3ean Cairo
Dennis Osborne
.loan Pleasants
Phyllis Pacilli, Alternate
Bhavisha Dhanak, Student
Virginia Farace, Board Liaison
Kelly Daniels
Irene Emmert
I. Pledge of Allegiance
The Board recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
II. Roll Call
The Recording Secretary called the roll and declared that a quorum was present. Chair
Agee noted that Ms. Daniels was not appointed in time to come to this meeting and
that the absence should not be counted.
III. f4inutes Approval - Hay 15, 2003
This item was put on hold until the members had an opportunity to read through the
minutes. At the end of the meeting when no one had made any comments about the
minutes, Chair Agee approved and signed them.
IV. Chair's Report
Chair Agee said she had gone to the SAC meeting at South Tech and would discuss that
in conjunction with the Liaison's Report.
Chair Agee welcomed the new members to the Board and expressed pleasure at the
opportunity of working with them.
Meeting Minutes
Education Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 12, 2003
The primary goal of the FAB for 2003 is to have a very successful Principal for a Day
V. City Liaison's Report
Safety Issues
Ms. Farace reported that in reference to the safety issues at Forest Park and Galaxy
Elementary Schools, she had spoken to Chief Gage to reinforce the Board's concerns.
Chief Gage advised that signs had gone up and flashing lights had been installed and he
felt that the issue had been resolved. In reference to the issue at Crosspointe
Elementary, a wall was being extended that would eliminate the problem of the
students crossing a canal as a shortcut to school. Ms. Farace spoke about the desired
blinking light at Crosspointe Elementary School and reported that according to Chief
Gage, Congress Avenue is a County Road and it would be necessary to contact them.
Bussinq Elementary School Students
The School Board, in response to an accident and a request from Boynton Beach,
bussed the students from two of the SACs (School Attendance Code) on the north side
of Boynton Beach Boulevard to Forest Park for about a month and a half, but pointed
out that the bussing would not continue next year. The School Board just sent a letter
to the parents of the students in three SACs north of Boynton Beach Boulevard and east
of Seacrest Boulevard, giving them a choice for the 2003-2004 school year of attending
a school closer to them. The letter stated that the choice assignment would begin in
August of this year and continue until the students reached the fifth grade and that
transportation would not be provided to Galaxy or Forest Park Elementary schools. In
August of 2004, the students would have the choice to attend Poinciana Magnet School.
Two of the three SACs are already in the Preferred SAC area for Poinciana so this would
add one additional SAC. The students who are actually "boundaried" to go to Forest
Park could choose to go to Galaxy Elementary so they would not have to cross Boynton
Beach Boulevard, for example, in future years, they will have the choice of going to
Galaxy or Poinciana. it was unknown how this would affect capacity at Poinciana, a
matter of concern for the FAB.
The use of the term "choice" in the School Board letter brought up the issue of another
"choice" issue, the prospect of making all the schools in Boynton Beach "Schools of
Choice," in the same way that Riviera Beach did recently. This is another matter that
the FAB is tracking quite closely.
Ms. Sara Williams, of the Community Family Forum and Friends Network, expressed
concern about the students who live north of the canal who would have to start walking
Meeting Minutes
Education Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
.lune ~.2, 2003
to Galaxy again in August. The City was to have put sidewalks in and it was not known
whether this work had commenced. Ms. Williams sought the assistance of the FAB to
get the School Board to continue the bussing. As a backup plan, the FAB could draft a
Resolution asking for the School Board to continue the bussing for another year. Ms.
Artis mentioned that the parents wondered why their children could not all go to
Poinciana, which is closer to them. Ms. Farace replied that the increase in enrollment at
Poinciana that would result from this would cause Poinciana to be a boundaried school
and not a magnet school. The City had fought hard for the school to be a magnet
Ms. Artis stated that the parents in the area had asked that the bussing continue, that
the City provide sidewalks, and that the City provide more police visibility in traffic. Ms.
Farace noted that sidewalks were not the whole issue. The children are still of
elementary age, arising while it is still dark, and traveling almost two miles to school on
their own and the parents and the FAB want the children to be bussed.
Jn a unanimous hand vote, the Board expressed support for a Resolution to
the ~chool Board asking that the bussing continue for the affected SAC~,
Ms. Farace will work with the City Manager and the Public Works Director on this issue
and report back to the Board.
South Technical Community Hiqh School
Ms. Farace shared a draft resolution containing the City's urgent request to the School
District not to implement its plans of putting alternative schools at the South Tech site,
and to allow the school to continue to operate in its current capacity at that location. If
the Commission approves the Resolution and signs it, a copy will be forwarded to the
School Board of Palm Beach County. She also shared a newspaper article and a
document from South Tech on the subject.
The Board felt that eliminating South Tech would render a grave disservice to a large
portion of the student population who were now thriving under its aegis, and who
would very likely become "at risk" without it. Ms. Farace explained that rather than go
out of existence, South Tech had applied to become a conversion charter school, with
the nearly unanimous support of the parents and teachers at the school and that this
would allow the career academies and the conversion charter school to operate side-by-
side to provide continuity and support for its students.
Zn a unanimous vote, the £ducation Advisory Board formally expressed its
overwhelming support for this Resolution.
Meeting Minutes
Education Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
3une 12, 2003
VI. Public Audience
Since there were no members of the public in attendance, the Board members
introduced themselves to each other so that they could get acquainted.
VII. Principal for a Day Program
Iris. Cairo gave a Powerpoint presentation to the Board about the Principal for a Day
program. She reported that the students at South Tech in the TV Production area
would videotape the Principal for a Day (PFAD) event and their Computer Graphics
department would assist in the making of a program/poster that could be used as an
invitation to participate. The Powerpoint presentation is on a compact disc that can be
taken to various individuals and used as a recruiting tool to generate enthusiasm for the
program. The Board gave Ms. Cairo some feedback about the content of the
presentation such as having animated graphics, white text on blue, and having
"bulleted items" come in one at a time for easier reading and retention. The Board was
quite impressed with the CD and Ms. Cairo's efforts to date!
Ms. Cairo asked for help with finding a company to print the programs that would be
designed by South Tech. She also asked for help from the Board members in providing
items for the Gift Bags to be given to the PFAD participants. She reminded everyone to
obtain names and addresses of donors so that they could be recognized in the program.
The gifts may be in many forms, including gift certificates and percentage off coupons.
The Board discussed possible venues for the event and considered the Holiday Inn on
Congress Avenue as a location for the Kickoff Breakfast.
Ms. Cairo shared her dedicated email address for this project:
jcairopfadchair@wmconnect.com. She asked that all Board members come out to
support the event and solicit the help of their neighbors and friends as well.
Ms..layne Kupperman, a member of the Community Relations Board in the City and
Literacy Resource teacher for the Palm Beach County School District, offered to inquire
about the possibility of the 1TV television station on Congress Avenue videotaping the
Town Meeting portion of the event. In the School District, Ms. Kupperman coordinates
services for adult literacy for the County and had just purchased a large block of adult
education programming, much of which is geared for those for whom English is a
second language. The station operates 24 hours a day and Ns. Kupperman thought the
City might wish to make community service announcements. The 1TV Station Nanager
is Ms..~udy Garcia.
A Committee meeting was set for .luly 9 at 6 p.m. at the Library to discuss the PFAD
program. Chair Agee explained the Sunshine Law for the benefit of the new Board
Meeting Minutes
Education Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 12, 2003
Chair Agee asked for a motion from the Board to allow her to sign the Trademark
License Agreement with the City of New York for the use of the PENCIL trademark and
name. She referred interested Board members to www.pencil.org for background on
the PFAD project.
Ms. Pleasants moved to authorize the Board Chair to sign the Pencil Trademark License
Agreement. Ms. Pacilli seconded the motion that carried unanimously.
The Board gave enthusiastic kudos to Ms. Cairo for the prodigious amount of work she
had done on the program thus far.
The Board discussed this and agreed to table this item until the July 29, 2003 meeting.
The Board members will be prepared with their comments and input at that meeting.
IX. Boundary Update
Ms. Farace stated that the Committee had decided to take Atlantic High School out of
the boundary mix for this year since it was not scheduled to come on line for two more
years. Instead, they are focusing on the Boca and northern schools. While nothing
seems to be pending that would affect Boynton Beach High School, when the public
input session that would include this school is scheduled, Ms. Farace will alert the Board
X. SAC Report~ - This topic was not addressed but written reports are submitted
as applicable.
XI, Unfinished Business
Ms. Farace invited the Board members to a public meeting to participate in the
discussions about the Library expansion on June 14 at 2:00 p.m. in the Program Room.
XII. Adjournment
Since there was no further business before the Board, the meeting was duly adjourned
at 8:00 p.m.
Meeting Minutes
Education Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 12, 2003
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Collins
Recording Secretary
Board Chair