Minutes 08-16-01DATE:
O i
IAFF Local 1891
Meeting on reopener items in contract
Matt Keeler Secretary x6606
Barkley Garnsey Business Agent x6327
Dean Kinser Vice President x6340
Randy Jute President x6340
Mike Fitzpatrick Treasurer x6626
For the City:
Wilfred Hawkins Asst. City Mgr. X6012
Mary Munro Budget Coordinator x6314
Jim Ness Deputy Fire Chief x6333
Carol Cheek HR Coordinator x6278
Meeting started at 10:00 a.m. The City recorded the meeting. Meeting ended at 10:45 a.m.
Hawkins reviewed the minutes and reminded that after the last meeting the union was going to
go back, review the wording and bring something back to the table. He asked where the IAFF
representatives would like to start the discussion.
Jute said he got a message from Hawkins stating that health insurance was not longer on the
table and that was fine. We would proceed with discussions on vacation and drug testing only.
Hawkins said one of the things the union was going to review was the drug testing policy,
particularly as it related to post-accident testing. The union passed out copies of the language
they came up with. Attendees reviewed the wording. Hawkins said he felt it was a good start -
first reading looked ok. He wants to check with the vehicle service staff to see if they have a
problem with any of it. He might want to add a dollar amount, but generally it looks good. There
was a discussion that setting a number might be hard, but Hawkins said he wanted to try. If not,
then on face value he would accept the wording.
Hawkins read 2 more paragraphs that the City originally proposed regarding who could order
the test and having a representative go with the firefighter. The union said they felt this
language was already covered under the policies for reasonable suspicion and the Firefighters
Bill of Rights. Perhaps the language could reference these two other documents. He just wants
to be sure everything is covered.
Final language agreed on would be added to Article 12 of the contract.
Ness asked if there had been any discussion regarding accidents not related to vehicles, for
example, some years ago a firefighter had fallen off a ladder, which was a serious accident, but
not related to a vehicle of any kind. There was discussion about what would comprise an
accident serious enough to fall under this policy. For example, one that would require
hospitalization. Union feels that this type of accident would still fall under reasonable suspicion
rules. There was further discussion and examples showing that the nature of a firefighter's job
results in many small accidents and injuries of various kinds. It was agreed that the serious
accident is a rare occurrence and that supervising officers on the scene would be responsible
for making the decision about whether the circumstances indicate that the reasonable suspicion
rules and procedures should be followed.
Hawkins said he would go over the wording again and would get back to the union before the
next meeting with any changes or suggestions. He complimented the union on the good job
they did in defining the vehicle accident section.
Hawking asked if there was anything written regarding refusal to submit to a drug test. This is
specifically covered in the City's drug free workplace policy.
The IAFF distributed their proposal for changing the vacation policy. This is in answer to the
City's proposal for a blended rate for the newer employees (post-1993). The union's proposal
leaves the policy split between pre October 1993 and post October 1993, but adds one day to
each of the service levels of those hired beginning 10/01/93. This would result in an additional
day per year or a total of 20 days in a 20 year career (maximum of 9 shift days after 15 years).
Their proposal would still stop short of the pre 1993 schedule that goes to a maximum of 10 shift
The union feels there will not be cost to the City because the Fire department controls overtime
by not allowing more than a certain number to be off and therefore requiring overtime to be
Garnsey pointed out that in the non-shift Plan B schedule, one service group (17 but less than
20 years) was missing. Since there is seldom anyone on this schedule, it has probably been
overlooked in previous discussions. Munro questioned this schedule and noted that it seemed
as though it ismore generous for the 40-hour schedule than for the shift schedule. For example
the total of 5 shift days equals not quite 10 days, but the proposed 40-hour schedule is a full 10
Garnsey said that he moved them up an equivalent amount of increase compared to the shift
worker. There was discussion about how the schedule derived and it was probably from the
PPM and not from the shift schedule. The union brought up that Fire administration would like
for there to be flexibility in moving people in and out of the shift schedule and it needs to be as
similar as possible to make it attractive. Anyone transferring would still have their 24 hour
accrual history and would not lose that. There was discussion about who might or might not
want to transfer, it would depend on their plan for their future. Hawkins noted that everything
attached to a transfer/promotion might not always be more or better than in the previous job.
Jute said that since we were discussing only two items, he hoped we could wrap it up soon.
Hawkins said his goal would be within the next two weeks or so. He will ask vehicle
maintenance about some dollar number for the vehicle damage and will ask Fire administration
about the impact on operations of increasing the number of vacation days.
Attendance sheet
IAFF proposal for drug testing wording
IAFF proposal for vacation schedule change
IAFF survey of vacation time ranking
A.~. Drug-Free Workplace. Both the City and the Union recognize that substance
abuse is a wide-spread problem within our society. The Union will assist Fire
Rescue Department employees in obtaining assistance and treatment, if alcohol
and/or substance abuse is apparent. The Union endorses the Drug Free
Workplace Policy of the City of Boynton Beach, and will cooperate fully with the
City to continue with the implementation and enforcement of the policy.
B__~. Post Accident Testing - If a Bargaining unit member is involved in an
accident in which the member was driving, and any one of the following
occurs: an individual dies, an individual suffers a bodily injury and
immediately receives medical treatment away from the scene of an accident,
one or more vehicles incurs disablinq damage as the result of the occurrence
and is transported away from the scene by a tow truck or other vehicle.
"Disabling Damage" means damage that precludes departure of any
vehicle from the scene of the occurrence in its usual manner in daylight
after simple repairs. Di?abling damages includes damaqe to vehicles that
could have been operated but would have been further damaqed if so
operated. Disabling damage does not include damaqe that could be
remedied temporarily at the scene of the occurrence without special tools
or parts; tire disablement without further damaqe even if no spare tire is
available; or damage to headlights, taillights, turn signals, horns or
windshield wipers that make them inoperative.
Section 6. The City agrees, that for a full-time firefighter who is killed in the
line of duty as per F.S.S. 112.191 (2)(0 or suffers a catastrophic injury, as
defined in F.S.S. 440.02(37) and provided for in F.S.S. 112.191 (2)(g), or partially
or totally disabled as provided for in F.S.S. 112.18, the City shall pay the entire
premium for the employer's health insurance plan for the injured employee, the
injured employee's spouse, and for each dependent child of the injured employee
until the child reaches the age of majority or until the end of the calendar year in
which the child reaches the age of 25 if the child continues to be dependent for
support, or the child is a full-time or part-time student and is dependent for
support. The term "health insurance plan" does not include supplemental
benefits that are not part of the basic group health insurance plan. If the injured
employee subsequently dies, the employer shall continue to pay the entire health
insurance premium for the surviving spouse until remarried, and for the
dependent children under the conditions outlined in this paragraph.
Section 1 (A)The following plans (A and B) outline the vacation leave policy for
both the 40-hour employees and the Fire Rescue Department shift employees.
Vacations will be picked on a seniority basis and can be taken in increments of
12 or 24 hours, one shift at a time.
Plan A: The following language and schedule apply to all full time
employees with an employment date prior to October 1, 1993.
Each full time employee, with the exception of shift members of the Fire Rescue
Department, shall earn vacation leave at the rate of one working day per month
during the first year of service. Each employee shall, at the end of each year
thereafter be credited with additional vacation days (accumulated in hours) for
each full year of continuous service as outlined in the chart below. The number
of days/hours credited per year will not increase after the 21st year of service
unless the included chart is amended. Employees on initial one-year probation
are not eligible to take vacation for the first six months. Vacation may be
accrued in accordance with the following schedule.
IAFF Local 1891 Proposal 8/16/01
Plan A
Vacation Accrual Policy
(Based on 40 hour work week)
of Service Vacation Days Vacation Hours
1 year 12 96
2-3 years 15 120
4 years 16 128
5 years 17 136
6 years 18 144
7 years 19 152
8 years 20 160
9 years 21 168
10-15 years 22 176
16-20 years 24 192
21 years & after 25 200
For purposes of vacation leave, each shift member of the Fire Rescue
Department shall receive the equivalent of six (6) shift days (144) hours) per year
vacation. Each shift member of the Fire Rescue Department shall earn one (1)
24-hour shift day additional vacation for each four years of continuous service.
The number of days/hours credited per year shall not increase after the 16th
year of service unless amended.
In computing vacation leave earned, no increments will accrue for any pay week
which includes three or more days of leave of absence without pay. For
uniformed members of the Fire Rescue Department no increments will accrue for
any three week pay period which includes four or more days of leave of absence
without pay, or the appropriate percentage of the pay period.
IAFF Local 1891 Proposal 8/16/01
Employees may accrue vacation leave to a maximum of the leave earned in the
most recent two employment years, and, in addition, will include hours earned as
referenced in Article 17, Sick Leave, Section 3
Plan B: The following language and schedule apply to all full time employees
with an employment date of October 1, 1993, and thereafter.
Each full time employee with the exception of shift members of the Fire Rescue
Department shall earn vacation leave at the rates shown in the schedule outlined
in this section. Each employee shall at the end of each year be credited with
additional vacation days (accumulated in hours) for each full year of continuous
service as noted in the chart below. The number of days/hours credited per year
will not increase after the 20th year of service unless the schedule is amended.
Employees on their initial one-year probation are not eligible to take vacation for
the first six months of employment.
Vacation may be accrued in accordance with the following schedule:
Years of Service
1 year
2 years but less than 5
5 years but less than 10
10 years but less than 17
17 years but less than 20
20 years and after
IAFF Local 1891 Proposal
Plan B
Vacation Accrual Policy
(Based on 40 hour work week)
Vacation Days
17 20
28 23
Vacation Hours
48 80
~ 120
!20 144
!36 160
!60 184
For purposes of vacation leave, each shift member of the Fire Rescue
Department shall receive the equivalent number of vacation shift days (24 hours)
as outlined below. Each shift member of the Fire Rescue Department shall earn
one (1) 24-hour shift day additional for each four years of continuous service.
The number of days/hours credited per year shall not increase after the 16th
year of service unless amended.
Vacation Accrual Policy
(Based on Fire Rescue Department 48 hour shift)
Years of Service Vacation Shift Days Vacation Hours
1 Year 4-5 96 120
2 years but less than 5 8-6 !20 144
5 years but less than 10 6-7 !44 168
10 years but less than 15 7-8 !68 192
15 years and after 8-9 !92 216
Employees may accrue vacation leave to a maximum of the leave earned in the
most recent two employment years, and, in addition, will include hours earned as
referenced in Article 17, Sick Leave, Section 3.
Section 2. Effective JO/OJ/2OOJ, t~e m~xJmum wc~tion ~ccru~l time crJterb will
IAFF Local 1891 Proposal 8/16/01
change from a calendar year (January 1, December 31) to a fiscal year
(October 1 - September 30). Previously, the contract stated:
Vacation leave accrued during January 1 - December 31 may exceed this
stated policy (two [2] year maximum accrual), however, any amount over
the allowable maximum that has not been used during that period
(January 1 - December 31) will be forfeited as of December 31.
In order to provide a smooth transition from calendar year to fiscal year,
employees will be given additional time to use their accrued leave without
penalty. Those employees who are over their two (2) year maximum on
December 31, 2000 may carry the overage into the year 2001 without loss of
time. Employees who are still over their maximum on September 30, 2001 will
forfeit the number of hours accrued over the two (2) year maximum.
Section 3. For special "one time" kind of events, employees will be allowed to
accumulate more than two years earned accrued vacation with the prior approval
of the Chief. Such approval must be received at a time prior to the two (2) year
maximum accrual that is equal to the extra accrual that is requested. Maximum
accrual will be limited to three (3) years earned vacation. Example: An employee
may accrue 12 shift days in two years. The employee requests two additional
days beyond the maximum. The employee must submit his/her request for the
two additional days four months prior to his/her 12-shift day maximum for
approval to extend the 12 days to 14.
IAFF Local 1891 Proposal 8/16/01
Section 4. Personnel requesting vacation time on the same day will not be
approved if the issuing of the vacation time results in call back.
IAFF Local 1891 Proposal 8/16/01