Minutes 07-12-01MEMORANDUM OF MEET'~NG DATE: LOCATION: SUB.]ECT: START TIME: END TIME: ATTENDEES: NAME TITLE PHONE# IAFF Local 1891 7/12/01 Meeting on reopener items in contract Attending: For IAFF Matt Keeler Secretary x6606 Barkley Garnsey Business Agent x6327 Dean Kinser Vice President x6340 Randy Jute President x6340 For the City: Wilfred Hawkins Asst. City Mgr. X6012 Mary Munro Budget Coordinator x6314 David Liu Deputy Fire Chief x6339 Carol Cheek HR Coordinator x6278 Meeting started at 9:00 a.m. Both the union and the City recorded the meeting. Meeting ended at 9:50 a.m. NOTE: First part of tape too indistinct to hear all details due to Iow battery power. Health insurance - eliqible for reopeninq? From last meeting, any correspondence regarding reopening for health insurance reasons was to be located and reviewed. Hawkins had copies of the following correspondence, also attached: · Letter from Randy Jute to Chief Bingham (undated) for reopener as agreed and proposing negotiations include dependent insurance and minimum firefighter salary. · Letter from Chief Bingham to City Manager Bressner 10/31/2000 recommending impact bargaining on insurance and the minimum firefighter wage issue. · Letter from Arthur Lee to Randy Jute 10/06/2000 clarifying that the City would continue to pay the full amount of individual coverage for whichever health plan the employee had selected and that the employee would continue to pay any dependent coverage premium. · Copy of e-mail from Chief Bingham to Arthur Lee requesting a letter from the City explaining that single coverage will continue to be borne by the City. · Letter from Rudin Haidermota (union attorney) 9-05-2000 requesting the City notify all bargaining unit members that single coverage will continue to be paid by the City. · Letter from Randy Jute to Chief Bingham 8/14/2000 demanding bargaining regarding health insurance coverage. Hawkins said in discussions with the City Manager and City Attorney, the request for 1% to base and health insurance overall is not a topic for bargaining at this time. The union asked for a letter confirming this decision. Attached: Letter from Wilfred Hawkins to Randall Jute 7/11/01 stating that the City Administration does not concur that the health insurance is an issue for this re-opening session. Battery replaced - discussion continuing: Vacation City proposal: Pre-1993 employees will be 'grandfathered' and remain on the pre-1993 schedule. Post 1993 employees will be subject to blended schedule which includes 5 shifts for first year. This means an increase in vacation schedule to these employees. Liu explained how this would work and gave examples. Jute questioned the interpretation. Hawkins went over it again that pre-1993 would continue to progress through the 'old' schedule (if employee is currently eligible to earn 10 shifts, they would still be eligible for the 10th day). The pre-1993 plan would eventually phase out as employees left or retired. Could be written into contract or as a separate letter of understanding that there is one plan, but those pre-1993 would be listed by name as continuing to accrue on the pre-1993 schedule. The City has addressed the concern about the pre-1993 people losing any vacation days. Union will go over numbers again and reply at the next meeting. Random Dru.q Testin.q Hawkins reiterated that in the previous meeting, the union would not have any objection to post- accident drug testing. Jute said they said they would consider that. Also the union had challenged the City to talk to the City Manager about random testing for non-bargaining unit employees (since bargaining would have to occur with the blue and white collar unions - police unions already have random testing in their contracts). Hawkins discussed this with the City Manager and he has no problem with requiring random testing for all City employees. We can do this probably beginning with the new fiscal year - October 1, 2001. And we will be willing to bdng it to the table for the blue and white collar unions. Jute says they can talk about enacting it for the IAFF after the City requires random tests for all employees, including management. He doesn't feel it is fair to the IAFF union to require something that management is not subject to now. If the City institutes random testing for others, they would talk about it when bargaining starts for their new contract period (current contract expires 9/30/2002. Bargaining would begin on this after the first of the year). This addresses a random testing policy. Post-accident. Current IAFF contract endorses the City Drug-Free Workplace policy and agrees to cooperate with the enforcement of the Policy. Liu referred to page 4 under General Procedures, A. Types of Testing which include Job Applicants, Reasonable Suspicion, Fitness for Duty, Follow-up and Post Accident or Injury. The wording under Post accident: "...and whose impairment appears to be contributory,, ," lessens the impact of the policy since someone would have to be noticeably impaired (which would then fall under the Reasonable Suspicion testing). For example, it does not address anything about damage resulting from the accident. A better policy would include some dollar amount (large/significant). Since the union already agrees to abide by the policy, the City could tighten up the current policy and the IAFF would be covered as well as the rest of City employees. The union says they would not be covered since it was not in the policy at the time they signed their current contract. City administration thinks all employees should be covered. Risk Management is updating the policy. Hawkins asked if the union was comfortable if the post accident were more specific and we agree to the language, it could go into the contract - we are trying to build on the current agreement. The City gave the union some proposed language for consideration. If the union could go over that language and perhaps tighten up the post-accident portion (example: fatality, serious injury, $$ damage), that would be a way to continue the discussion. The union will go over the wording and get back to the group. The City will postpone the discussion for random testing until the contract negotiation sessions for the contract year beginning 10/01/02. Next meeting tentatively set for 10:00 a.m., Tuesday, August 14, 2001. VACATION SCHEDULE COMPARISON (BLENDED PROPOSAL) Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O Shifts HRS 5 120 5 120 5 120 5 144 6 144 6 144 6 144 7 168 7 168 7 168 7 168 8 168 8 168 9 168 9 192 9 192 9 192 9 192 9 192 9 192 Po I. Observable phenomena while at work. such as direct observation of drag use or of the physical .symptoms or manifestations of being under the influence of a drug. 2. Abnormal conduct or erratic behavior while at work or a significant deterioration of work performance, either or both of which are recognized symptoms of alcohol or drug abuse and which are not adeq.u~.tely explained by the employee or are not related to the employee's working conditions. 3. A report of' drug use, provided by a reliable and credible source, which has been' independently 4. Evidence that an employee has tampered with a drug test during his employment with the current employer. 5. Information that an employee has caused, or contributed to, an accident while at work. 6. Evidence that an employee has used, possesS, sold, solicited, or transl.'ed drugs, while working or while on the City's premises or while operating a vehicle, machine~y, or equipment of the City. Specimen means a tissue or product of the human body including blood, urine, saliva, hair, capable of revealing the presence of alcohol and/or illegal drugs or their metabolites. GENERAL PROCEDURES tL Types of testing In ada' to maintain a drag and alcohol fre~ work environment, the City will test for the presence of alcohol and drugs in the following circumstances: 1. Job applicants: all job applicams who have been offered a position of employment are required to take a drag 2. _,R~__~a~_,nable. sus?i~o~... Ali..e?ployees who are ~ m'~ ~ ~ble ~i~m of ~g ~ ~n ~~~),~~~a~~~l~ 3. ~~.~ ~ ~1~ ~ ~ ~bj~ m a ~ ~ f~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ,~ m ~ ~ ~g ~ ~1 ~t ~ pm of~ ~ ~~ . -~ --~ ~ ao~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ......... , ......... . . ~.~~i~a~ 6. ~_~nnel.~ ~ ~mb~ f~ m f~t.t. ~ ~g ~ ~. ~ f~ n~v. Ms~/, ~m 4 Memorandum From: Date: CC: Re: Randall Jute President, IAFF Local 1891 Wilfred Hawkins~/ Assistant City Manlager July 11, 2001 Kurt Bmssner, City Manager James Chemf, City Attomey David Liu, Deputy Fire Chief Arthur Lee, Human Resources Director IAFF Collective Bargaining Re-opener The subject of health insurance is a questionable bargaining issue based upon the discussion atthe last bargaining session on June 27, 2001. The City Administration does not concur that health insurance is an issue for this collective bargaining re-opener. We look forward to continue positive and progressive bargaining on remaining issues. We appreciate your cooperation. Thank you. tsoynton Beach Fire Fighters and Paramedics Local International As~_oc_i_at_i.o_n. o~.Fi~ Fighters affilia_ ~t~__~ with AFL-CIO-CLC William L. Bingham, Fire Chief Boynton Beach Fire Rescue I00 E. Boynton l~ach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FI 33435 As you know, Article 19, Section I(B) provides for a reopener for negotiations regarding Section I(A). Could you please contact me so we ~an picka date to commence negotiations. In addition, I am proposinl~ that we continue negotiating regarding the Cily's decision to increase employee conm3utions for dependent insurance uader Arfide 12 and matters pertaining to problems with the minimum salary provided for in the. contraa. We would hope that we can address all these issues at negotiations. I look forward to hearing from yott Sincerely, Randy. I~ President, Local 1891 This paper ix tree free. It ix made of kenaf, a tweA. e foot tall relative of the hibiscus, l(enaf ix grown by farmers as an the pulp of tree farms, and caute$ less pollution because of lower energy, and bleaching costs annual cash crop that produces two to three times vam~ht'ngforest eco-$ystem$. For further information: 'Phone: ($05 294-02'~j Wide spread use of tree free alternatives will help taw our rapidly n~ ,s Fax: ($05) 294.7040 E-mail: kenafman~aol, com BOYN'~uN BEACH FIRE RESCUE DEPARTMENT TO: THROUGH: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: Mr. Kurt Bressner, City Manager Mr. Arthur Lee, Human Resoume Director William L. Bingham, Fire Chief.~~..~ ~...~"..~~~. ~-~ I.A.F.F. Local 1891 Collective Bargaining Agreement Re-opener Vacation, Article 19 Section 1 (A), per Section 1 (B) October 31, 2000 As previously discussed, the topic contract article is subject to be re-opened within years two of the agreement (October 1, 1999). Due to recent changes in employee insurance benefits and costs, as well a wage issue that has surfaced post-ratification, I recommend that the City commence impact bargaining to discuss these issues as soon as reasonably possible. On the City's behalf, I am ready to begin immediately and I am available to' respond to any questions or concerns you may have regarding these issues. Respectfully, Mr. James Cherof, City Attorney Deputy Chief James Ness of . Boynton Beach 100 E. Bo~nton B~ach Boui~ard P.O. Box 310 Boy, ton Beach, Florida 33425~310 Human Raour~s: ($61) 742-6275 FAX: ($~1) 742-~274 October 6, 2000 Randall Jute IAFF Local 1891 Boynton Beach Fire-Rescue Department Re: Health Plan Payroll Deduction 2000-2001 Dear Randy: I want to clarify'any confusion regarding dependent health (and dental) premiurfl payments. Consistent with previous years, employees are required to pay the premium for any covered dependents. In past years, when the premium increased, the employee paid the increased dependent premium. Likewise, in years when the premium decreased, the employee paid the reduced dependent premium. This policy and practice continues in effect. For active employees in the IAFF bargaining unit, for the plan year 2000-2001, the City will pay the full amount of the individual coverage premium for whichever health plan the employee has selected. If you have other questions regarding this, please let me know. Directo~, Human Resources "An Equal Op/~vrtunity Employer" Bingham, William To: Lee, Arthur Cc: Chemf, James Subject: Insurance Art, I priovided you with a letter from I.A.F.F. Local 1891 President Randy Jute on August 16 conceming the impact of anticipated insurance rate increases. This was followed up with a letter from the Union's Attorney Rudin Haidermota (date( September 5, 2000) requesting a letter from the city to union members explaining that single coverage will continue to be borne by the city. To date, I have had no response from your office and would like to meet with you and Mr. Chefof as soor as possible to discuss this issue. Thank you, Bill Bingham · I~I'I)IEW I. k41ERZ~A. IR. [UOIN E. HAIDERMOT^ F. KEITH DUBIN SETH W. PACHTER' CX CoumL~: ~w omcEs MIERZWA & ASSOCIATES, P.A. September 5, 2000 ~Jao WOOC)LAKE eOULEv~D SUITE LAKE wO~rld. FLCXI~A 334&3-30, FACSL~ILE: (S& I ) 9~)- 1231 VIA FACSI~m~. AND REGULAR U.S. MAn. William L. Binglmm, Fire Chief Boynton Beach Fire Rescue 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Dear Chief Bingham: Boynton Beach Association of Fire Fighters Health Insurance Negotiations File No.: 121891.2000 As you know, this firm represents the Boynton Beach Association of Fire Fighters, Local 1891, International Association of Fire Fighters. The Union has asked me to respond on its behalf regarding the current health insurance issues facing the City of Boynton Beach and directly affecting the bargaining unit members of Local 1891. It is my understanding that Randy Jute has already forwarded to your attention a demand to bargain letter regarding this issue in which Local 1891 did not waive its position as to the filing of an unfair labor practice charge or the filing of a grievance for the violation of the contract as may be necessau7. Since that time, I have had an bpportunity to review the health insurance 2000-2001 package disliibuted to bargaining unit employees in which new bi-weekly premium deduction rates have been listed. In particular, this document slates that an employee selecting the high-option PPO will be responsible for a premium deduction in the amount of $11.70 on a bi-weekly basis for the upcoming 2000-2001 year for single coverage. __ As you are aware, Article 12 (Group Insurance), Section I (Medical Insurance) provides for the following: The employee cost for all insurance premiums for the City's' principal medical insurance shall be borne by the City. Types of coverage currently in effect shall :not be reduced .... In light of the above contractual language, the ~ity is contractually obligated to continue to provide single coverage of the high-option PPO to bargaining unit members at no cost. !S!~_.. _a~_.~_ cO_ nfusion during this ooen enmll,~,~,,, .,,..:_., ,~.r, auu. ng umt employees · - - ........ · w,,ou. Local 1891 requests that the City immediately provide notice to all hargaining unit members that those employees who have single coverage will continue to have the entire employee cost for insurance premiums paid by the City and will not incur any premium deductions. If you have any questions regarding Local 1891's position on health insurance, please contact me at your earliest possible convenience. REH:jg I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Rudin E. I'Iaidermota C Randy lute, President, Local 1891 Dean Kinser, Secretary, Local 1891 RANDY JUTE, UNION PRESIDENT LOCAL 1891 August 14, 2000 Chief BIngham: IAFF local 1891 has received notice of the city of Boynton Beach's proposed changes in our health insurance from human resources. Without waiving our position to the filing of an unfair labor practice charge ar the tiling of a grievance for violating the collective bargaining agreement, I~cal 1891 hereby demands that bargaining commence immediately over these proposed changes in the level of health insurance coverage and the cost of health insurance I~emiums paid by employees for either single and / ar dependant coverage. We expect the city of Boynton Beach to maintain the status quo pending negotiations. Please contact me immediately so that we can an'ange a mutually convenient date, time, and location far the commencement of collective bargaining. Sincerely. Randy Jute IAFF local 1891 president.