Minutes 01-28-03 CEt4ETERY BOARD t4EETZNG
ON TUESDAY, .1ANUARY 28, 2003 AT 7:00 P.t4.
David Nyquist, Chairman
John Tineri, Vice Chairman
Marilyn Huckle
mereesa Padgett (arr. 7:04 p.m.)
Janet Prainito
Harold Blanchette, Alternate
Teresa Frazier
Chairman Nyquist presided and called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
The roll was called and any absences were noted. A quorum was present.
Not addressed.
Ms. Prainito noted that rvlr. Blanchette's name should be changed from .]ohn to
Harold on the first page of the minutes.
Vice Chair Tineri moved to accept the minutes as amended and put them on
record. Chair Nyquist seconded the motion.
Mr. Blanchette stated that he had come to the meeting to make sure there was a
quorum. He then stated, "Pla/n/y, I came on the Board to try and help the C/b/
ga/n access to the recreation field west of the Cemetery but/t was due to the
C/b/ Manager and C/ty Counc//, apparent/y, that they saw fit to relegate th/s
Board down to noth/ng but an adv/sory board, and take the $3.?fif that was/n
.]eft Livergood, Public Works Director
.]ohn Wildner, Deputy Parks Director
Chris Roberts, Asst. Public Works Director
Glenda Hall, Parks Manager
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
January 28, 2003
the Board, bring it back into the City someplace, whether in the Genera/Fund or
some other location, ! don't know where that money is. But, Z don't see myself
very useful trying to do something that is impossible, We were discussing where
the Cemetery was going to be relocated and in the meantime they are planting
trees over there. ! brought that up in a meeting and Z said it doesn't look like
the City is going to go and waste money planting trees in an area that they are
going to use as a Cemetery. And then they had all these other options where
some of them were completely ridiculous - buying property down at 13~ and
~4~h A venues. ! see no reason that Z should be on the Board as an adviser when
the City Council and the City Manager are not going to take my advice anyway.
$o, as of now, Z would like to submit my resignation and leave the meeting. "Mr.
Blanchette left the meeting at this point.
Chair Nyquist and the Board rendered thanks to Mr. Blanchette and offered to
keep in touch.
Ms. Padgett wanted to table this item since she had been out of town and had
not been able to examine the reports. Chair Nyquist said he did not have any
questions about the reports.
Vice Chair Tineri moved to place the subject reports
seconded the motion that passed unanimously.
on file. Ms. Prainito
Chair Nyquist stated that he did not have any questions about these reports.
Ms. Padgett moved to place the Sales Reports from June and July 2002 on file.
Ms. Prainito seconded the motion that carried unanimously.
A. Public Works Department Report
Mr. Livergood stated that the report was an overview of the activities at the
Cemetery as documented by the Crew Leader, Mark Aniki.
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
.lanuary 28, 2003
Vice Chair Tineri moved to place the Public Works Department Report on file.
Ms. Padgett seconded the motion that carried unanimously.
B. Reports on Cemetery Areas Assigned to Members
1. Blocks W & Y on the South Side
Chair Nyquist requested the new Board member, Msi Marilyn Huckle, to monitor
this section on an ongoing basis. Ms. Huckle stated that she visited it frequently
anyway and that it looked fine.
2. Blocks N & O, area to the west, Old Section to flagpole
Chair Nyquist reported that he had not been able to get out to see this section.
3. Seacrest Boulevard to building on the South Side
Ms. Padgett reported that this section looked good.
4. Mausoleum and Sara Simms
Vice Chair Tineri reported that these areas looked very good. He also stated that
the new sign and fence at Sara Simms were very attractive.
Vice Chair Tineri asked for the status on the issue of emergency vehicles having
a hard time getting around the circle in the Cemetery.
Mr. Livergood responded that staff was talking about reducing the diameter of
the circle to allow more room for emergency vehicles to get through. Also, the
curb is very high and if the Fire Department tried to "jump" the curb, their
vehicles would be damaged. Staff was thinking of making a ramp so that mowers
could get into it as well. Ms. Padgett stated that the circle had been rebuilt
without the advice and consent of the Cemetery Board and that it had been
made too large. Chair Nyquist asked why they should put a curb around it at all.
Mr. Livergood thought that was an interesting idea and suggested that staff
would hold off on making any changes to the circle and prepare a report with
options and costs for the Board's review. This report could be presented for
discussion at a future meeting. The Board may wish to eliminate the circle, use
it for a memorial, an entry marker, a tree, or any other combination of uses.
Chair Nyquist thought it would be best to pave it over. Ms. Huckle stated that it
was essential that something be there because the circle slowed down traffic to a
pace conducive to safety and respect for those buried and entombed there. After
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
~lanuary 28, 2003
further discussion, Mr. Livergood indicated that he would include the median and
the circle in his report and that the report would probably be presented at the
March meeting. He asked the Board members to be thinking about what they
wanted so that it could be discussed at the February meeting.
C. Staff Report on Cemetery Options (Tabled)
Chair Nyquist questioned whether staff had made all of the corrections to this
report that had been requested by the Board. When staff responded
affirmatively, Chair Nyquist directed everyone to the second paragraph from the
bottom on page 2. He pointed out that High Ridge Condominiums needed to be
changed to High Point. Chair Nyquist asked that staff correct it and return it to
the Board.
When Mr. Livergood questioned whether one typo could delay the discussion of
this item, Chair Nyquist responded affirmatively.
Ms. Huckle felt this report provided a very interesting area of discussion for the
Board. She believed that a conversation should take place on this very important
issue, in spite of a minor correction that was needed, because the Cemetery is
filling to capacity. She explained that she has been a resident of Boynton Beach
for 44 years and had always thought that the baseball park would be the
extension of the Cemetery. This report surprised her. She noted that in the
report, staff was recommending that the Boynton Beach Memorial Park not be
expanded to the baseball park.
When Chair Nyquist expressed his opinion that the Board should not discuss this
issue until everything in the report was correct, Ms. Huckle and Ms. Prainito
disagreed. Ms. Prainito pointed out that the discussion had been delayed for
many months and it should not be delayed again because of one typo. She
further pointed out that the Board had not yet even discussed the report and she
felt Mr. Blanchette resigned because of his misinterpretation of the report. Ms.
Prainito explained that the Board needed to discuss this issue and provide a
recommendation to the Commission.
Chair Nyquist said these are decisions the Board cannot make. The Board has
asked the City Commission about expansion of the Cemetery to the west, and
the City Commission keeps bouncing this back to the Board. He felt that the
Commission needed to advise the board if they want to extend the Cemetery or
find a location for another cemetery.
Ms. Prainito reiterated that the City Commission sent this issue to the Cemetery
Board for discussion and a recommendation regarding what the City should do.
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
.lanuary 28, 2003
Vice Chair Tineri requested guidance in getting the Board's recommendation to
the City Commission. Mr. Livergood explained that the Board's recommendation
would become a City Commission agenda item where it would be discussed in a
public forum. This is the method that is used by all other advisory boards in the
Mr. Livergood explained to the members that staff's recommendations are based
on financial and other impacts on the City. Staff provides the advisory boards
with the information they believe the boards need to help them arrive at a
decision. Some of the information staff provides is disregarded by the boards
and sometimes it is counted on very strongly. The City Commission would like a
formal recommendation from the Cemetery Board as to how the Board wants to
proceed with the cemetery business in the future. The City Commission would
then have to take final action on that recommendation in a public meeting.
Chair Nyquist said the Board asked the City to put a question on the ballot to
determine how the voters felt about the future of the cemetery. The City
Manager indicated that the City would look into this suggestion, but the Board
never heard anything further about it. When Mr. Livergood questioned whether
a recommendation to this effect had ever been formalized, IVls. Prainito
responded negatively.
Vice Chair Tineri felt that the City Commission knew that the Cemetery Board
and half the population of Boynton Beach wanted to expand the Cemetery for
future burials. Mr. Livergood explained that the members could not assume that
the City Commissioners would take action after reading the minutes. The City
Commission realizes that the Cemetery Board members know the Cemetery
better than anybody. Mr. Livergood explained that every other advisory board
makes formal recommendations and that is exactly what the City Commission
wants in this case.
Vice Chair Tineri questioned whether the Board's actions were appropriate last
year during a workshop meeting with the City Commission when the Board
stated that they wanted to expand the Cemetery to the west. Mr. Livergood
explained that from that meeting, staff was directed to do a study and have the
Cemetery Board make a formal recommendation to the City Commission.
Again, Vice Chair Tineri requested guidance in presenting the City Commission
with the Board's recommendation. Mr. Livergood said the Board should
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
_lanuary 28, 2003
:L. Do you want to remain in the cemetery business?
Some governments have gotten out of this business, allowing the private sector
to handle this job. The Board must decide if it is in the best interest of the City
to remain in the cemetery business. Tf the Board's recommendation is not to
remain in the business, the Commission could agree or could remand it back to
the Board with direction to find a way to remain in the business. If the answer is
that the City should remain in the cemetery business, then the City Commission
would like the Board to offer a way to do it.
2. Do you want to look at the ball fields?
The western ball field is a very good location for expansion, but is it in the overall
City's best interest to move those fields? The Cemetery Board will look at this
from one perspective and while the City Commission will accept that
recommendation, they will balance it with the recreational needs of the City.
They will make the final decision.
Chair Nyquist thanked Mr. Livergood for his thoroughness in explaining this
process to the Board members.
Chair Nyquist asked that the item be removed from the Table.
Vice Chair Tineri moved to remove the staff report on Cemetery Options from the
table. Ms. Padgett seconded the motion that passed unanimously.
Ms. Huckle moved that the Cemetery Board recommend to the City Commission
that the Board would like to stay in the cemetery business and that they would
like to have the Cemetery expanded westerly in the place of the baseball fields.
Vice Tineri seconded the motion.
Mr. Livergood thought that the City Commission might be looking for guidance as
to funding, l~f the Commission agrees to move into the ball fields, it would be
faced with spending about $3M to replicate the ball fields elsewhere in the City,
or Little League operations would cease to exist. If the City decides to move the
Cemetery to the west, it may want additional guidance from the Board as to
whether additional property should be purchased with bonds backed with
revenue from Cemetery proceeds: Should the City look at burial fees to pay
bonds back? Ms. Huckle stated that the funding was the City's business, not the
Cemetery Board's business. Mr. Livergood stated that this was appropriate but
that the members might want to say that they believed that the issue of
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
January28, 2003
financing was the City Commission's choice. Ms. Padgett stated that the City
wanted the Cemetery Board to purchase that land, but the funds are specifically
to take care of the cemeteries.
Mr. Livergood agreed and he stated that the City Commission would have to
make a decision. The reality is that the City will have to spend money to rebuild
the ball fields elsewhere or build a cemetery elsewhere. The City does not have
the money in any case. The City will have to sell bonds in either scenario.
Whether the bonds are paid back through general tax dollars or through plot
fees would be a decision. Mr. Livergood thought they might ask staff through
the Finance Department to find a way to make it work. l~f the City Commission
accepts the recommendation of the Cemetery Board and acts on it in a positive
manner, the City Commission will be asking staff to tell them how to proceed in
replicating the ball fields somewhere else and what the impact of doing so would
be on the taxpayers. There is a very strong faction in this City that will want to
continue Little League operations.
Mr. Wildner referred to the perceptions of Ms. Padgett and Ms. Huckle about
expansion of the Cemetery to the west. Over the past twenty years, staff had
gotten conflicting direction from the City Commission and the City Managers to
expand the ball fields instead. These incremental directions and decisions led to
the current infrastructure of the ball fields and the high cost of moving them.
Ms. Prainito remarked about comments made at this meeting regarding the City
spending the Cemetery's money. This is not what she got out of the options
report. Ms. Padgett stated that it was in an earlier report. Mr. Livergood stated
that there were options on money. He did not recall his exact words, but that he
never said, "spend Cemetery money on ball fields, but instead, spend Cemetery
money to expand cemeteries." Chair Nyquist stated that they could not do this
because they had to reserve spending for perpetual care.
Mr. Wildner mentioned that the existing Fund could not be used for expansion of
the Cemetery. The revenue from the plots that are sold in the Cemetery is used
for maintenance of those lots; however, the money that would be acquired from
the sale of future lots could be set aside to help pay for the expansion. Mr.
Livergood stated that he had said this earlier, "Anytime you sell a plot in an
expanded, new cemetery, money has to be included in the lot price to pay for
the purchase of the property for that new cemetery to be built." Chair Nyquist
stated that he was glad that Mr. Livergood made this clear because it had not
been clear in the past.
Mr. Wildner explained that the logic of the perpetual care fund was to maintain
the existing graves because purchases paid for that service. If the Cemetery
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
January 28, 2003
were to be expanded, the next step could be that for the residents that are
moving in now, the Board could increase the price of the plots to a value similar
to what is paid out west. This money could then be put towards relocating the
Little League fields somewhere else. Mr. Livergood stated that when one moves
into property where there has never been a cemetery, it is like putting a whole
new cemetery in as a different "company." The Cemetery could move into the
ball fields and the Cemetery could pay the City for the property. The cost of the
property would be paid back to the Cemetery through the sale of the plots. The
City would have the sale of the property to replicate the ball fields. It would not
be the General Fund that is used to provide $3.M to rebuild something that it
already has. The Cemetery Board could recommend to the City Commission that
the price of the plots should be set so that it can repay bonds to pay for
relocating the Cemetery somewhere else as a cost of expanding the Cemetery.
Ms. Huckle felt this was a staff responsibility and Mr. Livergood agreed. He said
the City would not have the money to rebuild the ball fields. The City would have
to sell $3.5M in bonds to build the new ball fields somewhere. What revenue
stream do you use to pay the bonds back? The general property tax payer,
through his property taxes, should not pay for this because the relocation of the
ball field is a result of expanding the Cemetery. There would be a revenue
stream in expansion of the Cemetery You calculate the number of dollars that
must be set aside to pay back the bonds, assuming that you will have 700 to
1,000 burials a year. Mr. Wildner commented that a portion of that money
would also go towards the maintenance of the new Cemetery, equivalent to the
maintenance that is being done in the existing Cemetery.
Ms. Padgett asked if Ms. Huckle would consider amending her motion to just
recommend that the Cemetery expand to the west and not express a
recommendation at this time about staying in the Cemetery business. Ms. Huckle
agreed to amend her motion.
Ms. Huckle moved that the Cemetery Board forward a positive recommendation
to the City Commission to expand the Cemetery to the west into the ball field
area. Vice Chair Tineri seconded the motion that carried unanimously in a roll
call vote requested by the Chairman.
VIII. New Business
Chair Nyquist wished to have the Board consider meeting quarterly instead of
monthly. All of the same information that is prepared monthly now would be sent
to them at their homes but they would meet only every quarter.
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
_lanuary 28, 2003
Ms. Padgett indicated that she wished to have a verbatim copy of Mr. Bressner's
remarks to the Cemetery Board pertaining to the day-to-day operations of the
Cemetery and the advisory board's role because it did not appear in the
Resolution. Ms. Prainito commented that the Clerk's office did not do verbatim
transcripts but that she would provide a copy of the meeting minutes from the
meeting in question and also a copy of the Resolution. Mr. Livergood stated that
the City needed the Board's "big picture" guidance and that they had just made
such a decision in their recommendation to the City Commission. Staff can
handle the day-to-day operation of the Cemeteries.
Ms. Prainito checked the current Code of Ordinances pertaining to the operation
of the Cemetery but could not find a reference to the requirement for meeting
frequency. She stated that the Board could make a motion and if it were legal,
she would get back to the Board and they could meet three months later. Chair
Nyquist wanted to meet in February and stated that this matter would be
brought up at that time.
Ms. Prainito inquired about the Board approving refunds and disinterments and it
was agreed that this could be done over the telephone and possibly confirmed at
the quarterly meetings.
Ms. Huckle inquired about the requirement for only putting fresh flowers in the
mausoleum, saying that they very quickly spoiled and that the water from old
flowers was very unsightly. The Cemetery outside allows artificial flowers and
they looked great. Mr. Livergood stated that he would like the Cemetery Board
to look at its procedures and rules. There were certain rules that were abided by
most of the time but ignored at others, especially at holiday times. The
procedures could be revised to be very clear about such matters. Following
discussion about the mausoleum, Mr. Livergood stated that it would be
necessary to go back to the original mausoleum contract to find out when
maintenance kicks in on the part of the City. The City cleans it, fixes the roof,
replaces letters on the crypts, and so forth. This review and firming up of the
procedures and rules was an example of the kind of policy decisions that the City
wanted the Cemetery Board to focus upon. He said that the Board needed to
come up with rules that would consider the needs of the families balanced with
safety issues.
Ms. Padgett asked if the Local Grant Investment Pool mentioned in the reports
could include the rate of interest since it did not at present. She stated that it
used to be included but was not any more. Ms. Prainito offered to follow up to
see that this information is included in the next report.
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
.lanuary 28, 2003
Ms. Padgett inquired what Stiles Irrigation had to do with Sara Simms Park. Mr.
Livergood elaborated that the City had just awarded a citywide landscaping bid
for every location in the City that it maintains. The City allows the contract
vendor to do the irrigation at the locations where its bid is Iow and the City takes
care of maintenance where the contractor's bids were too high. The City handles
the mowing and weeding at Sara Simms but the contract vendor handles the
irrigation to include monthly inspection of the sprinkler heads and replacement of
defective ones when they fail. At the Boynton Beach Memorial Park, the City
handles both landscaping and irrigation.
IX. Other
The requests for transfer, refund, and disinterment listed in the Agenda were
included for the Board's information only as they were all approved by the Board
via telephone.
X. Adjournment
Since there was no further business before the Board, the meeting was duly
adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Collins
Recording Secretary
(one tape)