ON MONDAY, JUNE 16, 2003 AT 7:00 P.M.
Elizabeth Pierce, Chair
James McMahon, Vice Chair
Margaret Murphy
Lisa Peterfreund
Bali Ramnarace
Betty Thomas
Tom Williams
William Orlove, Alternate
Pamela Winters, Alternate
1. Call to Order
Wally Majors, Recreation & Parks Director
John Wildner, Deputy Recreation & Parks Director
Chair Pierce called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
II. Attendance
The roll was called and all members were present. Lisa Peterfreund, new member, was
welcomed to the Board.
Ms. Peterfreund told a little about herself. She has a background in environmental policy and
natural resource management. She attended the City's Institute program and was encouraged
to join the Board.
Ms. Murphy referred to page 6 of the minutes. She noted that the letter she sent to the Mayor
and Commissioners regarding the funding priorities were her priorities and she did not mean to
have it reflect that she was writing on behalf of the Board.
The minutes were approved as amended.
Mr. Majors introduced Wayne Segal, Director of Media & Public Affairs, to the Board. Mr. Segal
thanked the Board for inviting him to their meeting. He presented an overview of Special
Events. He explained that these events are tools used for economic development, and there
are criteria that each event must have to become a special event. He said that they are trying
to raise the bar and increase sponsorship. The ultimate goal is that events would be self-
sustaining and not be dependent on the City budget or on taxpayers.
He explained that they are trying to highlight the diversity in the City. The Jamaican Bobsled
Team was here for the Holiday Parade. This was intended to create a relationship with our
Caribbean neighbors and create economic development opportunities. Mr. Segal also informed
the Board that it was the decision of the City Commission to move the parade back to Federal
Meeting Minutes
Recreation & Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida June 16, 2003
He explained that Office Depot is sponsoring the Fourth of July festivities and has donated
$10,000 for this event. The celebration will be held on the Motorola grounds from 4:00 to 9:30
p.m. with fireworks at 9:00 p.m. There will be a Wild West Show and the performing band is
Burnt Biscuit.
The City is also making the special events more community oriented. They are planning events
in each Commission district. The first event was in District II and they partnered with
HeritageFest. They are now working with Vice Mayor Ferguson's district (District III) on a
Medieval Festival and antique fair in October or thereabouts. They have begun working with
the businesses on the west side of Commissioner McKoy's district (District IV).
Currently, any money donated for these events goes into the General Fund. Ultimately, when
the 501(c)3 account is set up, the money would go into this and then donations would become
tax deductible. The long-term goal is for the events to be self-sustaining. In the far future, the
goal is to make some profit that would go into a community endowment fund.
When asked whether the district events were well received, Mr. Segal said that he felt that they
were. They just started a volunteer group of people who want to work on special events and
were overwhelmed at the number of volunteers. Chair Pierce asked Mr. Segal to keep the
Board informed regarding these events so that they could give some input.
Mr. Orlove asked if there was any major Citywide event, such as GALA, being planned. Mr.
Segal said that there will be another signature event but they are looking for the right event.
They are also looking for the developers of the downtown area to assist them. Several Board
members felt that the people miss having the GALA downtown. Mr. McMahon suggested
having a first-class orchestra on the new beautiful bridge over the Intracoastal Waterway.
Chair Pierce felt that the Boat Parade should be expanded.
The Board members thanked Mr. Segal for attending the meeting.
A. Work Plan/ Needs Assessment Presentation (moved up on the agenda)
Mr. Majors explained that the Recreation & Parks Department conducted a comprehensive
Needs Assessment and developed a Work Plan that identified how they would respond to the
recommendations that were made through the assessment. He distributed copies of the Work
Plan presentation. A copy of this presentation is on file in the Office of the City Clerk. He
explained that he was requesting the Board's endorsement and then the plan would be
presented to the City Commission at their July 15th meeting.
Mr. Majors said that a questionnaire was developed and mailed out to 6,000 residents and
neighbors to the west, asking how they felt about recreation and what activities and programs
they would like to see. Some of the findings were that the community was interested in special
events, performing arts, environmental activities, self-improvement, and outdoor fitness. The
top facilities used are Oceanfront Park, neighborhood parks, district/community parks,
community centers, and the Kid's Kingdom Playground.
Meeting Minutes
Recreation & Parks Board
BQvnton Beach, Florida June 16, 2003
The Needs Assessment found that one of the ways people keep informed is through the mailing
of the Funfare! Magazine. This is mailed to everyone who requests it. Other ways to keep
citizens informed is through brochures, flyers and television ads. There is also information on
the Website.
The Assessment also showed that people are interested in neighborhood parks, nature trails,
picnic areas, bicycle trails, theatre performances, playground areas, festivals, special events,
exercise and fitness programs, computer classes, tours of local attractions, and arts and crafts.
Concerning opportunities for specific different sectors of our population, the City has a Senior
Center that caters to 300-500 patrons. There is also the Castoffs Square Dance Club, the
Outlook Club, arts and crafts for all age groups, and youth programs.
Mr. Majors explained that a recommendation of the Needs Assessment was for special events
and performing arts activities. The City does offer very wide opportunities including `Take A Kid
Fishing", a "Big Truck Rally", concerts at the beach, Youth Expo at the Mall, the Bob Roberts
Society Orchestra, the Gold Coast Community Band, the Holiday Parade, and the Carolyn Sims
Another recommendation from the Needs Assessment was that the City provide more
environmental activities, self-improvement opportunities, travel and tourism activities, and arts
and crafts programming. Recently, the Recreation & Parks Department started providing
guided tours of our scrubs. Mr. Majors said that John Wildner has done a great job of turning
kids on to the natural habitat of South Florida. Also, the City has been a Tree City USA for
many years. In addition, the City provides gardening classes, exercise classes, dancing classes,
and computer classes.
Mr. Majors stated that one of the things that needed improvement was getting the information
out to the people. He said that Ginny Shea would present the Marketing and Communication
Plan to the Commission. She has done an outstanding job with this. In response to Ms.
Murphy's inquiry regarding whether information is disseminated through the schools, Mr. Majors
said that every time there is a youth oriented program, approximately 15,000-16,000 flyers are
sent to all the local schools.
Regarding the long-range plan for the future, one of the major things that must be done is to
update the Comprehensive Plan. This will be a very exhaustive study of existing inventory of
facilities, and it is mandated by the State that this Plan be updated every ten years.
Mr. Majors stated that Recreation & Parks wants to ensure that we operate as efficiently and
effectively as possible. The way we do that in Recreation is through National Accreditation. He
explained that this project will take approximately two years and will be extremely intensive for
staff. Sherri Claude and Debbie Majors will be team leaders for this project. He said that the
Recreation & Parks Department must provide evidence that our standards meet National
Accreditation. There are 158 standards to comply with. He said that this accreditation would
bring a lot of pride to staff as there are only about 35 departments nationwide that have this
accreditation. The accreditation must be renewed every five years.
Meeting Minutes
Recreation & Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida June 16, 2003
Ms. Murphy said that the accreditation is a huge undertaking. She and Ms. Thomas are on the
committee for the Senior Center and it has taken almost two years.
Mr. McMahon inquired whether there were any other Florida cities that were certified. Mr.
Majors replied that Delray Beach and Broward County have accreditation.
Commissioner McCray asked who the Funfare! Magazine was mailed to. Mr. Majors responded
that they formerly did a Citywide mailing. However, they found that many were returned
undeliverable and some people did not want them. Mr. Majors explained that the magazine is
now mailed to anyone who registers for a program or to anyone who requests a copy.
Commissioner McCray was concerned because citizens in District II have told him that they do
not receive the magazine and there are many activities that people in his district do not know
about. He suggested getting them to the churches. Mr. Majors said they had tried to do that in
the past; however, the churches did not show any interest in that. Commissioner McCray will
assist with getting the information to the churches in his district. Mr. Majors also noted that the
magazine is distributed to doctors' offices, dentists' offices, and shopping centers.
Ms. Peterfreund suggested contacting the Sun-Sentine/to place Boynton Beach activities in the
community magazine section. She was pleased to see in the report an interest in outdoor
activities. She suggested that when mailing the Funfare! Magazine to the homeowners
associations, a cover letter be sent to encourage them to put information in their newsletter
telling people that they can request the magazine.
Chair Pierce Ms. PeteFffebimd alse mentioned that she spoke to someone from Hunters Run who
thought it would be great to have a park or a civic center next to the Tennis Center. Mr. Majors
reported that one of the projects endorsed by the Commission was the SW Community Center
near the Congress Avenue Park.
Commissioner McCray encouraged the Board members to attend the City Commission meeting
on June 17th to support the capital improvement projects dealing with recreation. The Board
thanked Commissioner McCray for attending the meeting.
The Board unanimously supported the Needs Assessment Work Plan
A. Greenway/Bikeway Plans - T-21 Program
Mr. Wildner reported that the City had applied to the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)
for a Transportation 21st Century (T-21) grant in the amount of $440,000 to extend Palmetto
Greens Park. Boynton Beach came in second out of 12 projects. The MPO has up to $500,000
for a project that they can award and it has $1.9 million to work with so it looks very positive.
Mr. Wildner explained that the funding would not arrive for three years. However, Greenways
is one of the projects that is under proposed funding with the CIP program for $1 million. This
could be used to advance construction of Palmetto Greens Park if the City Commission desires
and then the City could get reimbursed with the $440,000.
Meeting Minutes
Recreation & Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida June 16, 2003
He explained that at the Capital Improvement Project Workshop held by the City Commission, a
number of projects were recommended to be included in two different funding sources. One
funding source was a revenue bond issue (revenue from franchise fees, etc.) and this would
include the Wilson Center, Wilson Park, SW Community Center, the Greenways program, and
Nautica Park.
The other projects for a general obligation bond issue, which needs voter approval, are the
Library, the completion of the Senior Center, the Art Center second floor, and the Wilson Pool.
The thinking was that each project would appeal to a different segment of the community.
B. Intracoastal Park
Mr. Wildner reported that there has been good progress made on this park. It probably will be
completed in August or September.
C. Southeast Neighborhood Park - status FRDAP grant and LWCF grant
Mr. Wildner said that they expect the FRDAP grant to be announced in July to learn whether the
City received the $200,000 grant that was applied for. The City currently owns 2.3 acres of
property known as the Zill property and is negotiating with Mr. Zill for an additional 2.7 acres.
He explained that negotiations are going well. He also reported that the City is hopeful that
they will receive another $200,000 grant from the Land & Water Conservation Fund.
D. Senior Center
Mr. Majors explained that they completed the self -appraisal portion of the self-assessment and
are ready to apply for formal accreditation of this facility. Ms. Murphy asked about the sprinkler
system. Mr. Majors wished that it were moving along more quickly. He will contact the City
Engineer to determine the status.
E. Orientation Manual
Mr. Majors distributed copies of the final version of the Orientation Manual. This will be
updated once a year. A copy of this manual is on file in the Office of the City Clerk.
F. Old High School
Mr. Orlove reported that bids were due on June 27th for the environmental and structural
studies. There will be a meeting on July 91h and the Task Force will look at the proposals and
choose two vendors - one for engineering and one for the environmental study.
G. Items for the City Manager's Attention
Mr. Majors explained that City staff was told that their expenses for next fiscal year could not be
increased from this budget year. This limits adding additional staff at Boat Club Park. Staff is
working on a plan to install parking meters at the beach and at Boat Club Park. They are
considering placing meters on all the lower parking spaces at the beach. Mr. Majors said that
presently non-residents of the City must pay a $10 fee to park at the beach. Staff believes that
Meeting Minutes
Recreation & Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida June 16, 2003
the parking meters would eliminate the need for a parking attendant to remain at the guard
shack to collect money. He would then be free to monitor the top lot and the lower parking
spaces. Also, it was felt that people do not want to spend $10 a day to come to the beach for
an hour or two. This would allow them to use the parking meters. Only one parking attendant
rather than two would be needed during the peak hours. These meters will take about three
years as it is an expensive project. However, we should be able to recover costs in 4 or 5
At Boat Club Park, they believe that it would be best to install one parking meter at the front of
the park so that if someone does not have a yearly decal and wants to pay a daily pass, they
can put their money in a machine and receive a ticket to display on their vehicle. The parking
attendant would know that they paid and this would allow the attendant to be free to go
around the park and focus on the area around the ramps. This may be able to be implemented
fairly soon. Mr. Majors explained that the intent is to allow attendants not to collect money and
an opportunity for them to monitor the park.
Mr. Majors reported that in next year's budget, they will include a reconfiguration of the traffic
flow at the Senior Center. This would be for safety reasons. The plan would be to make 10th
Avenue one-way going west.
Mr. Orlove asked whether this Board would be involved in the naming of all facilities within the
City. Mr. Majors said that the majority of buildings deal with recreation and parks. Municipal
buildings would not generally lend themselves to be named. Mr. Orlove was looking for
clarification on what facilities the Board would be involved with naming.
Mr. Majors said that there were two nominations submitted by Bruce Black. The policy says the
Recreation & Parks Board will meet to consider the nomination at least 30 days following the
meeting in which the nomination was introduced. Mr. Wildner felt that the purpose of the 30
days was to give the Board an opportunity to get community support. Then they would vote on
whether they wanted to forward it to the City Commission.
After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board that they were not comfortable making a
decision regarding naming a facility on the recommendation from one person. They wanted to
have community support for the nomination. Mr. Orlove pointed out that the policy states that
nominations should include evidence of community support for the proposed name. This
evidence is the responsibility of the person making the nomination. It was felt that this should
be brought to Mr. Black's attention. This item will be placed on the agenda for the Board's next
H. Monthly Report
No comments.
VI. NEXT MEETING: July 28 at the Senior Center
Meeting Minutes
Recreation & Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida June 16, 2003
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Deputy City Clerk
(June 25, 2002)