FLORIDA, ON MONDAY, MAY 19, 2003 AT 7:00 P.M.
Elizabeth Pierce, Chair
James McMahon, Vice Chair
Margaret Murphy
Bali Ramnarace
Betty Thomas
Tom Williams
William Orlove, Alternate
Pamela Winters, Alternate
Wally Majors, Recreation & Parks Director
John Wildner, Deputy Recreation and
Parks Director
'1. Call to Order
Chairperson Pierce called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
I1. Attendance
The roll was called and all members were present. Ms. Winters was welcomed to
the Board.
III. Approval of Minutes of April 28, 2003
Mr. Orlove moved to approve the minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Mr.
Ramnarace and unanimously carried.
V. New Business
A. Art Center and Marketing Program Review (moved up on the
Ginny Shea, Recreation Manager, was in attendance to present the
Department's Marketing Plan, which was distributed to members. The Plan will
be presented in July, which is Recreation and Parks month, to the City
Commission. Ms. Shea reviewed the salient points of the Marketing Plan.
Ms. Shea noted that 142 people now receive the Recreation Source E-
Newsletter and samples are included in the book. The marketing plan is a two-
year plan for the years 2003 through 2005. The Plan also included surveys that
are being used by the entire Department. Ms. Shea requested that members
read the entire book in order to really focus on the marketing efforts of the
Recreation Department.
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
May 19, 2003
Ms. Shea also referred to the material that she distributed from "LERN." The
cover of the City's 2002 Funfare Magazine was written up in Marketing
Recreation Classes, which is a publication of LERN. The article commented that
the Funfare Magazine was a great source of marketing and is a strong tool for
recreation and parks programs.
Ms. Shea also distributed the Communication's Toolkit, which is an in-house
document that is used by each of the Centers and their Managers. The Toolkit
provides staff with certain guidelines and acts as a resource guide.
Ms. Shea noted that Heather Spillane is in charge of preparing the Funfare
Magazine and she explained all the processes involved in getting the Magazine
to print and then to the public. Currently 7,000 people receive it and 15,000
copies are distributed throughout the City to doctors' and dentists' offices, various
businesses, and City offices and the Chamber of Commerce. The City stopped
the practice of mailing copies to all residents that cost over $40,000 just to print
the magazine. Many copies were never delivered and thousands ended up
sitting in bins at the Post Office. With the change, the cost has gone down to
$18,000 per year. Ms. Shea pointed out that the City has received several
awards for the magazine.
Mr. Orlove asked how to get his name on the e-mail list. Ms. Shea requested
that he furnish her his e-mail address and she will have his name added to the
Ms. Shea next presented a short program on the Art Center and pointed out that
there are always waiting lists for the classes. There are pre-school programs
every weekday for ages 12 months to 5 years for mothers and children. At 3
years old, a child can attend without a parent.
There is an after school program that serves 65 children. This same program is
also offered at the Hester Center and the Wilson Center, called "Kid's Club
Afternoon Recreation Programs." This year the children are studying the world
continents with assistance of the Cooperative Extension Service of the University
of Florida.
Adult classes are scheduled in the evening and offer oil painting, acrylic painting
and pottery. There are a great number of children's art programs that are held on
Saturday as well. Heather Spillane is the Supervisor of the programming and a
new recreation specialist will be coming on board. There are 60 children that
have signed up for the summer art camp. There is also a program entitled
creative concepts, which consists of 8 one-week camps that will have a different
theme each week. They also offer a teen program called MTV ("motivated teen
volunteers") that are counselors-in-training. It is also anticipated that some pre-
school classes will be held this summer.
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
May 19, 2003
With regard to what is new at City Hall in the Mall, Ms. Shea reported that staff is
working on purchasing software to replace the old registration software.
Mr. Williams inquired if the GALA would ever take place again. He thought that
Gateway Boulevard would be a good location to stage the event because of all
the reom available.
Ms. Shea reported that Wayne Segal is now in charge of special events. She
noted that the Recreation Department is now focusing on smaller family size
activities and anticipates at some point that the City will hold a signature event.
Mr. Majors explained that Mr. Segal, the Public Affairs Direcotor, is trying to host
a special event in each of the City's quadrants that are represented by
Commissioners. By doing it this way, the events would be spread throughout the
community. Mr. Majors felt that at some point the CRA would probably be
offering a large-scale event in the downtown area.
Ms. Shea noted that the responsibility of the Recreation Department is to
promote recreation and parks and to make life fun and provide places where
people can go.
Discussion on where the fireworks would be held took place. Chairperson Pierce
inquired if they would ever be offered on the water as in the past. Ms. Shea did
not rule this out once the new park came on line, but she pointed out that when
the fireworks were held at Boat Club Park there was not enough reom for all the
cars and the traffic was horrible, and most of all dangerous. Ms. Shea pointed out
that with the fireworks being held at the Motorola site this year, much more reom
is available. The Public Affairs Office is in charge of the Fourth of July festivities.
Ms. Shea stated that staff is working in conjunction with United Cerebral Palsy to
host a camp for special needs children and 25 children are scheduled to attend.
Chairperson Pierce inquired about the age of these campers, and Mr. Majors
explained that attendees are based more upon disability than age.
Mr. Majors noted that 475 children would be attending summer camp plus the
additional 25 children with special needs. Also, the Kindercamp has been
brought back that serves five year olds. Over 72 children received scholarships
to attend camp with funds provided by the CDBG and the Community Action
Mr. Orlove thought it would be beneficial if Mr. Segal could attend the Board
meetings to keep the Board updated on special events, especially in light of the
holiday parade going back to downtown. It was noted that the Holiday Parade will
take place on the first Sunday in December at 3:00 p.m. Mr. Majors suggested
inviting Mr. Segal to attend the next Board Meeting.
Members thanked Ms. Shea for attending the meeting.
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
May 19, 2003
IV. Unfinished Business
A. GreenwaylBikeway Plans
Mr. Wildner reported that a series of meetings are scheduled and one was
already held two weeks ago. The residents of Sky Lakes are opposed to having
bikeways along the canals. However, there are a lot of other people that favor
having bikeways along the canals. It is the intent of the City to only place
bikeways in areas where people want them. The next meeting is scheduled for
May 28th at the Hester Center and a third meeting on June 5th. After those
meetings, a final plan will be prepared and presented to the Commission in late
Staff is working on the application to continue the existing bikeway along the C-
16 Canal, east of 1-95 as a continuation of Palmetto Greens Park. The
Metropolitan Planning Organization has a program where up to $500,000 can be
requested for bikeway programs. Mr. Wildner was of the opinion that the City
would be eligible for a grant to extend Palmetto Greens Park west from Seacrest
to 1-95. The residents in this area exhibited a lot of support for a greenway.
B. Intracoastal Park
Mr. Wildner noted that the City's Project Manager has left the employ of the City
and the Engineering Division is providing a lot of input. Mr. Wildner also
continues to be involved and it is anticipated that the park will be ready by late
summer or early fall. The contractor is making great strides. Ms. Murphy
inquired about the building going up and Mr. Wildner responded that there will be
several shelters at the park. There will be one large corporate picnic shelter that
will also contain a restroom. It is intended that this shelter will be used for rentals
on weekends.
Chairperson Pierce inquired about the water feature for the park. Mr. Wildner
noted that initially it was intended to have a spray playground in phase 2 of the
park. Because the bid came in lower than expected, it was determined to include
the spray playground as soon as the park construction is completed.
Chairperson Pierce remarked that two fish cleaning stations were installed in
Boat Club Park, but it has been determined by the DEP that fish cleaning stations
result in the waste going back into the water. The DEP does not want to
encourage fish cleaning at the pier. Mr. Wildner explained that people clean their
fish on the pier anyway and by having fish cleaning stations, this practice could
be regulated. This situation arose when the City applied for a permit to DEP to
resurface the fishing pier and in order to obtain a permit, the City must be in
compliance with DEP. Mr. Wildner said they are looking for some type of disposal
method that would recycle the waste into a sanitary sewer system. If this is
possible, the fish cleaning stations may be allowed. However, current plans call
for their removal.
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
May 19, 2003
Mr. Williams suggested having large metal garbage cans to collect the fish waste
that could be emptied on a daily basis. Mr. Wildner responded that they would
be looking at all types of methods so that the stations could remain. Mr.
Ramnarace did not think that fish cleaning should be allowed at the Park.
Chairperson Pierce noted that at times the docks are so busy, cars get backed
up. There used to be a person on duty to direct traffic, and she would like to have
a person on staff again to direct traffic. Mr. Wildner suggested that it would be
possible to have a crewmember at busy times directing traffic, rather than
collecting fees. Mr. Majors said that some type of system will be put in place at
the Park.
Mr. Williams suggested that this be included as an Item for the City Manager's
C. Southeast Neighborhood Park - Status FRDAP Grant and LWCF
Mr. Wildner reported that progress is being made in acquiring the remaining
property from Mr. Zill. The final price has not been determined, but Mr. Zill did
request that staff prepare the paperwork. Mr. Wildner also felt that they would be
able to acquire the property at a lower price than originally anticipated. Efforts for
obtaining the grants are continuing and it is intended to have one more
neighborhood meeting. The results of the application for a FRDAP Grant have
not been received as yet, but it is anticipated that approximately $200,000 would
be received for construction of the southern property. If these funds are received,
construction could begin sometime after October. This would be the first park in
this area of the City.
D. Senior Center
Ms. Murphy reported that the City Commission approved putting in the sprinkler
system at the Senior Center. The Senior Center is always busy and Camp
Wrinkle Ranch is scheduled again this summer. Also, various informative
seminars are given twice weekly.
Mr. Majors stated that the City received the grant funds on Friday for the video
surveillance system. This same foundation provided two prior grants that will be
used to fund the expansion that includes the addition of a gym/fitness room,
computer lab and two offices.
Ms. Murphy inquired about the status of the automatic doors and Mr. Majors
stated that the doors would be installed next year.
Chairperson Pierce noted that at the last meeting it was determined to send a
letter to the Mayor and the Commissioners with the Parks and Recreation
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
May 19, 2003
Board's priorities for capital improvement projects. Chairperson Pierce read the
letter to the members listing the following priorities:
v' Senior Center Expansion
v' Wilson Center Park and Pool
," Intracoastal Park City Clubhouse
Ms. Murphy stated that she also sent a letter to the Mayor and Commissioners
noting that the Senior Center Expansion was th,- number ,',,,~, ,-,r;,,,;,,, ,-,~ ,~,,,
Beach. her number one priority. ' ...... '~ ...... Y ......
Mr. Orlove also spoke about the Board's first two priorities at the last City
Commission meeting. Ron Washam, Chairman of the Community Relations
Board, informed Mr. Orlove that he would have his Board write a letter of support
to the Mayor and Commissions.
Mr. Orlove asked what the status was of the CIP Program, and Mr. Wildner
responded that Mr. Bressner is reviewing it based upon recommendations made
by a committee. It is anticipated that a workshop will be scheduled shortly.
E. Orientation Manual
Mr. Majors reported that he would be adding the information suggested by Mr.
Ramnarace that would include City facility contacts and telephone numbers, as
well as the information on the parks. Also, a map would be included. After that,
Mr. Majors felt that the manual would be complete.
F. Old High School
No report
G. Items for the City Manager's Attention
Chairperson Pierce suggested requesting additional help at Boat Club Park.
Ms. Winters brought up the lack of parking at the Senior Center and noted that
people are parking along both sides of the street, which becomes a safety issue.
She requested that this also be brought to the attention of the City Manager.
Mr. Majors noted that staff met with Mr. Liver~[ood, the Public Works Director,
and consideration is being given to turning 10"' Avenue into a one-way street,
westbound and to eliminate the parking spaces on 10th Avenue. Also, there has
been discussion about putting diagonal and handicap parking in front of the
Senior Center. Mr. Wildner added that parking is included in the expansion of
the Senior Center.
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
May 19, 2003
Mr. Williams asked about the vacant lot located just south of the Senior Center.
Mr. Wildner felt that this land might be available for future parking, but he was not
sure about the price. The property is still owned by the former owner of Lucille &
H. Monthly Report
No comments
V. New Business
A. Art Center and Marketing Program Review (previously
B. Nominations for Chair and Vice Chair
Ms. Murphy moved that the Chairperson and Vice Chair remain the same.
Motion seconded by Ms. Thomas and unanimously carried.
Mr. Majors reported that he received e-mail from Bruce Black informing him that
he sent in nominations for naming of parks and reminded members that this
Board is now responsible to make recommendations to the City Commission.
The Board has 30 days to respond. Mr. Majors distributed a copy of Mr. Black's
recommendations and asked members to bring their suggestions to the next
VI. Next Meeting: June 23 at a place to be determined
Chairperson Pierce requested that the next meeting date be changed to either
June 16 or June 30. After discussion, it was determined that the next meeting
will take place on Monday, June 16th at the Senior Center.
VII. Adjournment
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary
(June 3, 2002)