04-04-55-4the ~it'~ Commissi:)~, of the ~iffv of '.~, '2'~ ~,
t 3::ac;,~ Flor{de, dir? ri.u'rfn~ its 'r,:-'.Sulr--,r m...::.tin? heir March 2!~
City he
. ,~i~t~ r~-:.~ir~d, r~surf~c~d and
rebuilt~ ~nd J~ b: R ;u .... - t' ~'
and om .... c.. th~- .Su.~.?r~ntendent of oublic:./or~s t~ n'~'~_.=,,are_ an esti-
.)~ s~id streets ~s descr~.o~:] in t/la sa:i."] ]~'--'soliiciD.'~ NOW~
he-eiNaft.:-.'r ~ ....... ~bed shall he ~,-,+ sffvuated ~r,S/)., rebuilt to a
Dese~int ion
$. W. 10th ~ve. betwe,~n Gr,~er:
S. ji,~3rd St. abut'tine Lot 2l~
T31R ~, i~cDonei.g ,o ,
~ ~. er's~ a~d Lot
1~ Rlk. 8, ~hnallsmy Hts.
Numb,=r of Feez
rstimated Cos,t
~'". Si'ha City C,.~mmissi,)n shall, set ss a q~ oar(:] to hear
~'~-~ .-ti ,-~ from, ' '~., A"'
~.,.~,,p..... .% s mbuttln~ ~,r.~ .... tv holders on r,.,. i2~ 119~5.
at 'Ih:~,~:~r of 4-30.. o.:., 8t the CitM Hall
Boynton Beach, Florida.
doscribed str(::,,ts~ end to mss~-~:s' such ,-,ro-,~rty hol~ie~s on a fr,)r:t
foot %t~s~? ~}~r~Jr, r; sr~i~~ owner bi: ~,r-)~o'rtL)r~t~d share ~s divdd-
ed by the i~:~rov~nent ~os'~- .1. "Ph~ ~r'o~srty holier
sh~ll have th:, r, rivile?~ or n~y-ir-,~,, th.--" entire ~:sessm=r,t
-t.i:~:e wlchir~ ~0 days fro'n dt}te <)'~ this Res)lution~
do so the Clerk sha]l~ for thr;:'~ (3) c'~ns,~,cuti~,a yes?s assess the
=~=-.~essment tax divided J'-to~ thre~ (i)_.. ~r~st~l}'~,ents, .vaya?:.]e ss
~?P:' un~aid balance.
4. The qle'pk sh;-,].! '-,r,'.mor? aN assessment roll showir~g
and each lot shall b-'.? '~r,}-norti.-p,~t~:,ly so assessed. The
assessment ~o~1 shall be on ei!a in the of':'ice o~f th~-, Cit!.z Clerk.
U?'~r]i,iqUSI, Y 't, sssed nr~,i ario~,t~:fi this 4th day oS
Aoril, 1955~.
City Clerk