03-27-55-1 R E S 0 L U T I 0 I,i ~tERE~o, She omoy Co.~_~ission of she Ci-Sy of Boyn'ton Beach, Florida, did d~ing isa reg~ar meeting held March 7 ~ 1955, adopt a Resolution finding it necessary for public in'seresS~ sha~s cervain stree~s~ bo~evards, avenues, lanes, alleys, p~kways ~d o~her public highways located winhin she limits of She said City be improved by bein~ buil't~ repaired, re- .~face6 and rebuilv~ and di6 by said Resolution according ~o law, aushorize ~and direct ~he Superinsenden~ of Public Works '~o prepare an estimated cos~ for repair~ rebuilding~ re-s~facing and cons'~c~ion of said s~reeos as described in ~he said Resolution, now, therefore, BE IT R~OLVED BY THE CIi7 OF BOY~[~fON B~CH, FLORIDA .AS FOLLOWS: 1. Thab ~he following s~oreets ~ roads, bo~ev~ds, avenues, lanes, ~!eys, p~ays smd o~her public highways as hereinafter described sh~l be construcoed and/or rebuil~ to a specification as required by Ohe laws of the Ci~oy of Boynbon Beach, said propervy abutting 4he following described lo ~s: Description Number of Feet Es tima'sed Cost N.E. 2nd Street between N.E. 2nd AvenUe and I~.E. 6th 'Avenue 2/+33 ! ~3,270.19 2. 'l~he City Commission shall set as a Board to hear objec- tions from abutting proper~y holders on April 5, 1955, as the hour of ,"~-:30 P. ?.i. as the City Hall Building , Boyn~on Beach, Florida.  3. ±]~e City Clerk is hereby directed to assess each of ~he abutting Proper'ty holders loca~sed and abut'ting She above described street, and ~o assess such prop_ervy holders on a front foot basis charging said swayer his proportionased share as divided by she improvement cost above estimated. ~he property holder shall have the privilege of paying the ensire assessmen't as any time within 90 days from date of ~his Resolution, and failing ~o do so ~ne Clerk shall, for Slzree (3) consecutive years assess ~he said proper~y owner as a lien against the property, a special assess.~nenn tax divided inso three (3) installments, payable as other ad valorem taxes are paid with interest as the rase of o% per annt~m on the unpaid balance. 4. The Clerk shall prepare an assessment roll showing she i!mm'aber~of f~et of each lot or parcel of land fronting or abuuting upon ~he improv~mento and bhe smnount of assessment as 'co each, and each lot Shall be proportionately so assessed. The assessment roll shall be on file in ~he office of Vhe City Clerk. UNANIMOUSLY passed and adopted ~his 21s~ d~y .of '~' ~' 1,~ r' ,. iq City Clerk Mayor aouncilm~n Councilman Councilman