12-20-54-1 ! RESOLUT ±Ol~ i'~IJ~REAS: the clsizenry or .~;oynton Beec~ wishes the esr±les~ ~)OSF1DIe c3~strucsion of ~ wider nmgnws~y through mt's lmmmts~ WHEHEA~ t~e Flsnnlng Bosrd of suc~ City of Boypton Desc~ Florids ~ss recommended t~st such ~ig~way be constructed to t~e wmOest vossmDle ~o f,~oW 'i'~REF~3RE~ Be it resolved Dy t~e City uouncll of Boynton Bescn~ Florios~ tnst the HonoraDle Bosrd of County Commissioners De nereoy vetitloned to exert every efrort to neve included in the January Stste Ro~d budget~ the widening of the highway tl~rough our City Limits so the minimum .~idt~ or 100 feet north of Boynton Cansl~ snd 100 feet nius tae most right-of-wsy ootaing01e from Boynton southward to t~e City L~mlts. ?ASSED AJ~D ADO?TED AT H~i~ULAR Gt)U~cIL ~ TI~G THIS DEUEMB~ 20~ 1954. Msyor uouncilmsn / ~ouDcl±man Gouncllmen