12-06-54-2_RE S O,L,,U T I 0 N W~REAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, did during, its regular meeting held November 15, 1954, adopt a Resolution finding it neeee~ for public interest, that certain streets, boulevs~ds, avenues, lanes, alleys, parkways and other public highways lo,ted within the limits of the said Cit~ be improved by being built, repaired, re~arfaced and rebuilt, and did by said Resolution according to la~, ~thorize and direct the Superintendent of Public Works to _x~epare an estimated cost for repair, rebuilding, re-surfacing and construction of said streets as deseribe~ in the eat~ Resolution, now, therefore, ~E IT RESOLVED BY TEE CITY 01~ BOTNTON BEAOH, FLORIDA, AS FOLIOWS: 1. That the following streets, roa~ts, boulevards, &venues, l&nes, alleys, parkways and other public high~s as hereinafter described shall be constructed and/or rebuilt to a specification as req~ed by the l~w~ of the City off Boynton Beach, sat~rope~ abutting the following described lots~ Number of S. w,. 3r~l ~treet between Ocean amd S. E. 2nd Avenue 1000 Estimated C~s~ $ 1100.07 S. ~. let Street between Ocean and S. E. let Avenue 52~ 576.~5 ~ S. ~. let Street between $. E. 3r~ Avenue amd S. E. 5th Avenue 1000 13m+.53 S. ~. let Avenue between S. E. 1st Street and the Park ~00 537.68 ' S. E. 2nd Avenue between Green a~d S. E. let Street 1212 S. E. 3rd Avenue between ~reen S. ~. let Street 1629.21 1212 1333.17 N. W. let Street between N. W. 2nd Avenue and N. W. 5th Avenue 1268.80 1395.27 S. E. ]2thAvenue between ~eenand S. E. let Street 1300 1529.83 1096 1205oZ16 S. E. 13th Avenue between Green and S. E. let Street S. w,. lSth Avenue bstween Green and S. E. ].st Street 1096 120~.$6 S. E. let Street (Pine) from S. ~. llth to We olbright 127~ 13596.~ 2. The City Commission shall set as a Board to hear objections from a~auttt~g propex-ty holders on December 21, 19~, at the hour of 3~00 o'clock P.M. at the City Hall Building, ~oy~ton Beach, Florida. 3. The 0ity 01erk is hereby directed to assess each of the a~utting property hold,rs located and abutting the above describe~ streets, and to assess such property holders on a front foot basis charging ~aid owner his proportionate share a~ divide~ b~ the improvement cost above estimated~ The property holder ~aall have the privilege of peeving the entire assessment at a~y time within 90 d~ys from d~te of this Resolution, and failing to do so the Clerk shall, for tt~ree (3) consecutive ye&rs assess the ~id property owner as a lien against the property, a ~pecial &esesement tax divided into three (3) installments, parable as other a~l valorem taxes are paid with interest at the r~te of 8% per ~nnum on the unpaid balance. $. The Clerk shall prepare an assessment roll ehowin~., the number of feet of each lot or parcel of la~ fronting or abutting upon ~he improvements and the amount of assessment ae to each, and each lot shall be proportionately ~o aesesse~l. The assessment roll shall be on file in the orifice of the City Clerk. U~AI~MOUSLY passed and adopted this '6 th da~ of ~ecember, 19~. ~lr or Attest~ _~ -2-