02/04/52-1R~;SOLUTION AUTtlORIZING ~[IiE ]~URCHASE CF $50,700 CITY C? BCYNTON BEACt! R~]FU~DING 2%- &~[~ RE~NDING BONDS, DATED 0CTCBER t, 1946, AND DUE OCTOBER 1, 1971. I'itiEtlEAS, the City of boynton Beach has built up a surplus of funds designated solely for the payment of bond interest and reduction of City bonded indebtedness, and "J~MREAS, legal notice of bids to reduce such in- debtedness was published in two editions of each of The Palm Beach .Post, ~diami ~erald, and St. ?etersburg Times, during the month of January 1952, and ~E~EAS, Thomas ~.Cook & Co. wes the lowest and only bid submitted, now therefore D~ IT P~IJCL~.~D that we the City Councilmen of the City cf Boynton beach, i,'lorida, do hereby ~ccep~ the bid to p~rc~se fro,,a Thomas >~. Cock & Co. q~50,700 City of Doynton Beach, Florida, i~efunding 2~ - ~ bonds dated October l, 19~6, at 77i and interest. Pi~OSED Ai4O A~:~f.ED this 4th day of Februt.~ry, A.D. 1952 at regular ~eeting.