08/06/51-1RE S OLUT I 0N A RESOLUTION OF T~ CITY C Otg.~ISSION OF THE CITY OF ~,.~'"'~'~0~'~. ~. ~E~{,H, ~'I, OR~,.~,, :_~.u~RCIo!r~u ~ OPTION ~X~ LLECTI(??,'~ TO ~ .... u~i..~h i:ROVI CF C i~d~TSR a~.c ~,~, PLOi{iDA STA~TES 1941, .' ~i .... '~ ' '~" J,. o~w:. ~ .... , ~:U'i~}[O}{IZ!N~ ~-d~D i]IR~[; _~n:. C'F T~:,~,, ,,*-.? '~%" THE CZTY :. ~, C u ........ ;. OR BO~]TON BEACH, FLORIDA: Section I. The City cor~ission of the City of Boyn~on "= ~"~-'",' 'under the provisions o~ Section 1.73.TM i~ach, Florida, does ,,~:,b~, . ~, Florida Statutes, evidence the ~ercise of its option and ele t.o procotd under the provisions of Chapter 173 P!orl,_t~ Statutes for '-~ ~'~icates i',o,%inaftor the forec!os~e of the tax s~,].es ca .... · ~.e.,ti.ne~. Section 2. The C~' proceed forthwith with the co!!ec'.tion cf, and the forec!c, sure, ~md~r the nrovisions of %:ch chapter, of a!: tax sa~¢~a certificates issued by such city or it2 predecessors, which, as cf the ~ate hereof, are more th~ two years old, and the collection of, and the forec!o~ure, under the i-'revisions of the same chal:.ter. - ra~e One of Two Pages ATTEST: City C],erk Sa,~ction 3, The City Ta:,: Co!lector be. and he is hereby authorized ~d directed to deliver all of s~cb c,~rtificates mentioned in o~ct~ ~'~' to "''~"~ '~ agai~st the .on 2 n3 ..... the ~.~ ,~ tho ~.atter~ ~ ~ .... such fo~closure~ such oertlficat~s to be d~!iv~rod in blocks as such ~,~ are filed S6otion 4. ?rior to thc f!3ing of such fouec!osure suits, th~ thirty-day warning notic~ required by !aw shall prepared by the city at~'~orney and tr~:smitted as r~quired by law so as to afford an op?ortunity for. the Fa~ment of such certificates at the disc?unts no~:: provided by virtue of'previous resolutions. IIouov'e~, in tho casa of an~- pa~m3nts made subsequent .hereto and prior to the institutior~ of such for~c!osur~ suits, the discounted ~3et amount required to ~y such ta~os shall ba insr~3ased by actual foreclosure ex~nsos incurred by the oity attorney for abstract searches as to the lots bslng redsemed, together with a reasonable allowance for the attorney's fees not %o (~zc~ed !0 per cant of tho total gross ~oune of the princiya! and inter.~st of such tax sales csrtifioates, and with the furthar prevision that ir~ ~:~o cas~ shall tha redomptior~ ~o~t, including such costs and fees, exceed the total principal, and interost of such [[ions thon due. At th6 end of thc~ 80-da)~ warning notice p~riod all disco'~t privileges shall to '"~ ~ ~,.~ and such foreclosure suits shall seek to enforce a lien in the fu=~ face ~o~t plus interest, penalties and all proper costs. PAo~E~ ~ ~Op~rv'. _~,,. th~. 6th day o~ ~,ut;ust, City Cbmmis sion - Pag~ Two of Two Pages -