East Coast RailwayReso lut i on Upon motion duly made and second~d, the following resolution was umaminously adopt~d: City Co~ur'~Is~',..on of the CJ. ty of ~ovnton~ Bosch, a munfci~al corporation of the State of Florida, as £ollows: 1. That the City of ~'oynton >;osch, Florida, does hereby con- tract and agree to enter i~to ar. a~?~.~?.er.t with Scott m. Loft ln and Johm ;¥, ~,artln, as Trustees of t-~.~ pro,. crt.' of ?lord_da ]~ast Coast Railway Company, and not ~udfvid~:ally, whore:in and whereby said City of i~oynton t~each, ?!critics, is jiven the right ~d pti- vilege to use for public street crossing purposes only that part of the right of way and property elf s~!d ?!or, da !.~ast Coast Rail- way Company in the City of Boynton ~eac. h, descr.~hed ~ follows: A :'~Ract,~ngular shaF,~d parcel of ls~-~.,~, 2~.0 f~.~t wide northe~sterly an.d southwe~tor!y extending northwesterly and southeasterly across the r~_i;ht of w~ ~ ar, d tracks of Florida East Coast Railway Company ~t First Street in said $~arcel of land being located 4~20 feet more or less southweste~-ly f~om the Railway,~ "ilo Post Ye. 311 from Jacksonville, Florida, said ri[~:bt of way of t}~e Railway having a total width of 50.0 fe~t at this locst:o~, being 25.0 fe<~t in width on each s].de of the ce~t~r line of the Ha~lway's northbound main track. All a~] shown colored yellow upon blue print of part of the Railway's p~an V3-S18-19C dated November 14,1949, attached to said agreement and made a part ther:;of. ~ccordln{~] to all of the terms a~d conditions as are forth in coi'~y of said agroor~ont on file with the City Corn- m~ss~.on of ~,ovnton n~sch,Florida, and by reference thereto m~de ~ part h~reof. 2. That the ~.;ayor, with the attsstation of t}~e City Clerk, ~e snd they are hereby authorized a~d directed to execute said e{?eer~ent for ~nd on ~.,ehalf of sa d ~Tity of Boynton Beach. That this resol~]t~on shall take effact im~ed'~ately upon its pass~-~. Attest rlty 'd!er~