Diverting flow of Hyacinths I I RES 0 L UTI 0 N (RESOLUTION REGARDING SUGGESTED PLAN FOR DIVERTING THE FLOW OF HYACINTHS INTO THE WATERS OF LAKE WORTH) WHEREAS it has come to the attention of the Commissioners of the Toml of Boynton, Palm Beach County, Florida, and others interested in the welfare of said municipality, through the public press, that some attempt is being made by Mr. R. L. Horsman, Postmaster of Lake Worth, Florida, and perhaps others, to secure federal funds to be used in reestablishing the canal system of at least the eastern portion of Palm Beach County, for the apparent purpose of diverting the flow of hyacinths into the waters of Lake Worth, and . WHEREAS IT is the opinion of the Commissioners of the Toml of Boynton, Palm Beach County, Florida, and likewise the opinion of many of the residents of said tOMl, that the suggested plan as the same appears in the public press would be greatly detrimental aln haMnful to the health, welfare, and comfort of the citizens of the Town of Boynton, if carried to completion, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Commission of the Town of Boynton, Palm Beach County, Florida, in session assembled, that the plan suggested by Mr. R. L. Horsman, Postmaster, or that any plan similar thereto, be alID the same is hereby opposed and condelillled. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Senator Claude Pepper, United States Senator from the State of Florida, be requested to oppose said suggested plan, and that a copy of this re- solution be forwarded by the Clerk of the Cooonission to Senator Claude Pepper, Washington, D. C. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Okeechobee Flood Control District; one copy to the Lake Worth Drainage District; and one copy to the COl~~ission of the City of Lake Worth, Florida. INTRODUCED AND PASSED by the Commission of the Town of BO~lton, Palm Beach County, Florida, this the 7th day of June, A.D. 1938. Signed M. A.. Weaver Mayor Signed N. M. Weems ATTEST: Signed A. V. Peterson Signed A. V. Peterson C ounni s s i one rs C lerIC-----