Officials signaturesR E S 0 L U T I O N OFFICIALS SIGNATURES) WHEREAS, The Charter of the Town of Bo~n~ton provides that all public monies shall be disbursed only on check, to be sigaled by the Mayor snd countersig~led by at 1sast one other member of the Commission~ and, WHEREAS, M. A. Weaver has been duly elected, qualified, and is acting Mayor of the Town of Bo~ton; and, ~{EREAS, N. M. Weems has been duly elected, qualified and is acting Vice-Mayor~ a~d, WHEREAS, A. V. Peterson has been elected, qualified, and is acting Tow~ Clerk ....... NOW, THEMEFOME BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Town Conunissioners of the Towu~ of Boy%%ton, Florida, that M. A. Weaver as Mayor, N. M. ~Veems as Vice-Mayor, and A. V. Peterson as Towel Clerk, furnish the West Palm Beach Atlantic National Bank and Florida State Bank, a specimen of their signatures on the cards provided for this purpose; mhd, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a true copy of this Resolution be sent to the West Palm Beach Atlantic National Bank and Florida State B~k. Si~ned M.A. Weaver Mayor Si~ned N. M. Weems Mice -Mayor .Signed A. V. Peterson To~a'~ Clerk