ON THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 2003 AT 6:00 P.M.
Al DeMarco
Jeanne Heavilin, Vice Chair
Charles Fisher
Henderson Tillman
Doug Hutchinson, CRA Director
.left Livergood, Public Works Director
Don Fenton
Larry Finkelstein, Chairman
Michelle Hoyland
Vice Chair Heavilin called the workshop to order at 6:25 p.m. The Recording Secretary
called the roll and declared that a quorum was present. Mr. Hutchinson introduced Mr.
Bob Trescott of Guidance Pathway Systems, Inc., consultant for the project.
Mr. Fisher inquired about the notification for this meeting and Mr. Hutchinson
responded that they had requested representatives from as many groups as possible.
Mr. Fisher suggested that the associations also be invited, including the Inlet Cove
Association (INCA), and Colonial Clubi
Mr. Trescott provided each Board member with a list of the districts, sub-districts, and
sign locations within them, along with a price list. He asked for help from the Board to
confirm a definite sign "philosophy" and determine the nomenclature for the signs in a
way that was practical and locally acceptable. He also needed direction about the
Board's priorities. Mr. Trescott stated that when the Board got closer to actually
ordering signs, there would be an approval sheet for every sign and chances to make
changes. In reference to guidance, Mr. Hutchinson indicated that all of the Board
members had made comments on Mr. Trescott's latest submission and he would
forward those comments to Mr. Trescott.
Everyone agreed that there was a need to have easy-to-read signs that were also easy
to understand and properly placed. The difference between wayfinding signs and traffic
signs was discussed and it was agreed that the Board's focus would be on the
wayfinding signs only.
Requests to Consultant
Mr. Hutchinson thanked Mr. Trescott for the work he had done to date but asked him to
provide the Board with some mockups on foam board of various colors and signs. Also,
he asked Mr. Trescott to provide a very large foam board map of all the districts in the
Meeting Minutes
CRA Workshop on Wayfinding Signs
Boynton Beach, Florida
August 21,2003
CRA, with each wayfinding sign in its proposed location with its price. He wanted to see
separate maps with one showing the gateways that feed into the CRA districts and one
for the districts. Having to flip back and forth between printed pages was too confusing
and time-consuming.
At this meeting Mr. Hutchinson wanted Mr. Trescott to have a clear understanding of
the signs that they had chosen so when they were placed on the map, he could say
"This is a 52-6 for SX". He strongly believed that seeing this all laid out at one time
would help the Board make better decisions about signage.
Mr. Hutchinson asked that Mr. Trescott make a presentation like this: If the CRA
chooses to do a skeleton directional sign program, this is what it would cost. If the
Board chooses to do a pilot by district, here is the price list for the Ocean District, and
here is the price for the Boynton Beach Boulevard District, and so forth.
Mr. Hutchinson recommended that the Board consider the gateway signs first, then the
districts, and then choose an area in which it wants to start the program. Following
this, the Board could decide what will actually be written on the signs.
Mr. Livergood thought that the priority should be directional signs to the parking and
museum, followed by the gateway signs.
Mr. Fisher favored starting a pilot program by district right now, beginning with the
Boynton Beach Boulevard and Ocean Districts. He felt that it was important to have
community buy-in and that the way to do that was to put up the signs and stimulate
interest in the project.
Mr. DeHarco was in favor of a pilot program also, suggesting that signs be put up in
City Hall for people to see and comment upon.
There was a feeling that the public should be involved as soon as possible but it was
realized that before asking for public input, the choices should be narrowed down to "X"
and "Y" instead of a whole array of choices. Mr. Trescott stated that Pinecrest had his
firm put up three different pre-approved signs and allowed the citizens to vote on them.
There was some agreement to start with the parking signs since there is a definite
business need for them right now. People need to know where to park to get the
trolley, how to get to the museum, and how to get to the Banana Boat, for example.
Mr. Livergood stated that his staff could install some temporary signs at the intersection
of Ocean Avenue and Federal Highway, knowing that when the intersection was rebuilt,
these signs would be replaced with the ones the CRA is in the process of choosing.
Meeting Minutes
CRA Workshop on Wayfinding Signs
Boynton Beach, Florida
August 21,2003
Mr. Fisher commented that when the decisions are made about what to say on the
signs, it might be good to direct traffic onto Ocean Avenue so that the Ocean Avenue
businesses could benefit from the traffic that used to go to the Banana Boat.
Mr. Livergood suggesting assembling a "family of signs" so that when developers were
thinking of things like valet parking, the colors and Iogos of the City/CRA themes could
be incorporated into the developer's private signage. There was agreement that it
would be beneficial to have the developer put up signs that would meet the City/CRA's
design guidelines.
Everyone agreed that it was important to have signs where the color could be changed.
Mr. Fisher said that colors for the pilot should be ones that "popped" and were not
subtle. Vice Chair Heavilin wanted to see more of a color contrast than the samples she
looked at in the materials provided by the consultant.
Mr. Hutchinson and Mr. Livergood were very pleased with a new sign on a pole that Mr.
Trescott provided to the Board in his latest submission. Mr. Livergood stated that the
City could have banners made in the CRA's design and use the face part of THE sign for
"Happy Fourth of July in red, white and blue, for example.
Mr. Livergood asked the consultant how long it would take to manufacture gateway
signs and S:[X directional signs and he responded, 8 weeks.
Vice Chair Heavilin inquired whether the CRA had made a policy decision about having
or not having business names on signs yet. Mr. Hutchinson replied that they had not.
Mr. Trescott stated that the business names did not usually come in until the pedestrian
signs were done. Once a person is directed to turn onto Ocean Avenue, for example,
there would be a business directory managed by the businesses and surrounded by
walking circles..
Mr. Hutchinson will work with the Board to establish a wayfinding sign workshop in
September, if the consultant is able to provide the requested presentation in that
Since there was no further business before the Board, the workshop adjourned at 7:45
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Collins
Recording Secretary