Larry FJnkelsteJn, Chairman
Jeanne Heavilin, Vice Chair
Don Fenton
Charles Fisher
Michelle Hoyland
Alexander DeHarco
Henderson Tillman
T. Call to Order
Doug Hutchinson, CRA Director
Lindsey Payne, Board Attorney
Chair Finkelstein called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
II, Roll Call
The Recording Secretary called the roll and declared that a quorum was present.
III. Aaenda Aaar~vi~l
A. Additions, Deletions, Corrections to the Agenda
There were no additions, deletions, or corrections to the Agenda.
B. Adoption of Agenda
Mr. Fisher moved to approve the agenda as presented. Vice Chair Heavilin seconded the
motion that carried unanimously.
1¥. Consent Auenda
A. Approval of Minutes of August 12~ 2003 and August 21, 2003
B. Financial Report
C. Budget Transfer Request
Mr. Fisher requested that l~tem C, Budget Transfer Request, be removed from the Consent
Agenda and moved to the "Other" portion of the Agenda.
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 9, 2003
Vice Chair Heavilin moved to approve the Consent Agenda as amended. Mr. Fisher seconded
the motion that passed unanimously.
V. Public Audience
Chair Finkelstein opened the Public Audience.
Kim Kelley, owner of Hurricane Alley, 529 East Ocean Avenue, Boynton Beach, stated
that the downtown merchants needed to have a conformed parking lot with security and ample
lighting. She suggested that if the proposed trolley were to be run initially on weekends, it
could be successful. She was in favor of the trolley system, believing that it would bring more
business to the Ocean Avenue merchants on the west side of Federal Highway. Ms. Kelley
stated that the merchants did not have enough parking now and that even the 35 additional
spaces that the CRA was paying The Related Group to build would not provide enough.
Captain Burr, part owner of the Seamier Marina, spoke in favor of the trolley for the
downtown area on the weekends and holidays and during the season. He also spoke of the lack
of parking in the marina area, especially during the season, and asked for secure parking to
benefit the existing businesses and support the vitality of the downtown area. He stressed the
importance of having enough security so that people could visit and park in the area with a
feeling of safety.
Bill Skaggs, Two Georges, partial owner of the Seamist Marina, stated that his chief
concerns were security and parking. Since the Two Georges reopened about a year and a half
previously, they had experienced four robberies in the parking lots that their employees use.
The marina merchants have been pushing for more parking for the last five years and he was
here to let the Board know that this was still an issue.
Ginny Foot, The Art of Framing, 638 East Ocean Avenue, spoke on behalf of the Boynton
Ocean District Association (BODA), and read a letter addressed to the CRA Board from Ms.
Kristen Conti, the president of BODA. Ms. Conti's letter expressed the desire of that organization
to join forces with the CRA and other organizations to find solutions to the issues surrounding
the redevelopment of the downtown area. BODA participants are all very concerned with the
safety issues of clients and customers getting to their businesses from parking lots that are not
immediately adjacent to their businesses. They believe that parking and security issues should
be dealt with now, before the major projects come forward and become more pressing.
Realizing that the CRA was meeting to approve its 2003-04 budget, BODA encouraged the CRA
to give consideration to approving a budget with a "people-moving system" and the security
needed to secure its operation. The letter is available with the minutes on file in the City Clerk's
Ms. Foot then spoke as a citizen and owner of the Art of Framing on Ocean Avenue, saying that
it was very important to keep the existing businesses in the area viable throughout the
redevelopment process, and that this was helped by the proper transportation aids and
security. She spoke of Police Chief Gage's talk about the need for additional security downtown
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 9, 2003
and that being the burden of the CRA. She realized that there would be businesses that would
probably be displaced by redevelopment and might not be able to return to business; however,
there are many other businesses that need the support of the CRA since they are an integral
part of the Ocean District for the future.
Mr. Fisher asked for and received confirmation from Ms. Foot that BODA wanted the trolley and
extra security.
Buck Buchanan, 807 Ocean Tnlet Drive, Boynton Beach, stated that he was one of the
founders of the ]:nlet Cove Neighborhood Association (TNCA) and on the Board of Directors for
the Chamber of Commerce. He is also the coordinator for the Wheels Weekend Car Show. His
background is in Engineering and Law Enforcement. He was, however, speaking for himself
when he urged the CRA to approve the CRA Director's contract at this meeting. He praised Mr.
Hutchinson as a unique individual, a visionary, and someone who could provide just what the
City needed at this time. He credited him with seeing solutions, not problems, and being
dedicated and hard working. He believes that Mr. Hutchinson is crucial to the long-term
redevelopment of the downtown area and that he will put the City on the path to success in an
undertaking in which many other cities have failed.
Lynn Simmons, owner of Splash Down Divers at the Marina, stated that she had been
operating a business in the area for about 20 years. She expressed appreciation for the extra
parking that was going to be provided for them; however, the parking lot that the CRA
proposes seems to be a long way away. Still, her customers will use it if that is what is
available, if their physical persons and vehicles are safe. Ms. Simmons appealed to the CRA for
support on this issue.
Barkley Garnsey, 326 S.W. 1'~ Avenue, Boynton Beach, spoke in support of the budget
items for the trolley and the extra police patrols. He stated that the business owners were
trying to help by encouraging their employees to park in the remote lots so that the customers
could have more room to park. He stressed the importance of having some kind of secudty in
the area and thought that having police officers on the street and "people-movers" circulating
around would provide tangible evidence of an active, safe, and viable downtown.
Chair Finkelstein closed the Public Audience portion of the meeting. He also acknowledged and
welcomed Commissioner Mack McCray, City Manager Kurt Bressner, Assistant City Manager
Dale Sugerman, Police Chief Gage, Development Director Quintus Greene, and Ms. Diana
Johnson, President of the Chamber of Commerce.
VT. Public Hearina
Attorney Payne administered the oath to all persons who would be testifying in the Public
New Business
A. Abandonment
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 9, 2003
The Harbors (ABAN 03-004)
Gregory Mire, P.S.M., Keith & Associates, Inc.
Consulting Engineers
2300 North Federal Highway
Request for abandonment of a 15-foot wide utility
Eric Johnson, Planner, presented the Staff Report. Staff recommended approval of the
Abandonment, subject to the Conditions of Approval. Mr. Johnson asked for and received
confirmation from the applicant that the FPL conditions had been met.
Chair Finkelstein opened the Public Audience but closed it when no one wished to speak.
Mr. Fisher asked how the relocation of sewer pipes would affect the residents on President's
Way. The applicant's representative, Mr. Mire, stated that the new installation would only affect
the property within the development. Mr. Fisher asked for and received confirmation from Mr.
Johnson that there would be absolutely no effect on the surrounding residents from the sewer
pipe relocation.
Mr. Fisher moved to approve the Harbors Abandonment (ABAN 03-004), subject to the
Conditions of Approval. Ms. Hoyland seconded the motion that passed unanimously.
VII. Director's Report - Updates
A report was included in the Agenda Packets of the Board members for informational purposes.
Ms. Vielhauer introduced the newly hired CRA secretary, Ms. Garine Ghazarian, and the Board
members welcomed Ms. Ghazarian to the organization.
VIII. Old Business
A. Proposed Language Changes for the Procurement and Financial Manual~
Mr. Hutchinson explained that the procedures outlined in these manuals were in line with those
of other CRA organizations in the area and sought the Board's direction on the proposed
Mr. Fisher noted that there was not an actual listing of expenditures and he wanted to see one
each month in the agenda packets, if possible. Mr. Hutchinson agreed to provide this.
Chair Finkelstein asked what time period was covered in regard to the proposed change in the
matter of performance monitoring, page 3407, item 1, and Mr. Hutchinson replied that it was
for a one-month period.
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 9, 2003
Mr. Fisher moved to approve the proposed language changes for the Procurement and Financial
Manuals, with two changes: 1) The Director will include an itemized report to the Board
members each month showing the total expenditures for the month; 2) In the CRA'S monitoring
of the performance for the Purchasing Credit Card, the period of time will be added and it is
"monthly." Ms. Hoyland seconded the motion that passed unanimously.
ZX. New Business
A. Consideration of an ordinance designating the downtown area as an Urban Central
Business District.
Quintus Greene, Development Director, spoke about an Ordinance that would establish an
Urban Central Business District (UCBD) and set forth the boundaries of that district. With the
loss of Motorola, the City's second largest property tax payer, it was now necessary for the City
to try to attract a major employer to the City. Having that employer in the downtown district
would also serve to balance the higher density of residential mixed-use development in the
downtown core.
Current Land Use and Zoning categories allow over a million square feet of mixed-use
development; however, no single development can exceed 300K square feet without triggering
a Development of Regional ~[mpact (DR:[), and these tend to be project specific, such as
Quantum Park, Motorola, and the Mall. Also, the process for obtaining approval for a DR:[ is
lengthy and the cost is high. The proposed designation of Urban Central Business District would
change the allowable square footage to 450K square feet (before triggering a DR1) and increase
the City's chances of attracting a major employer to the downtown area. Later on in the
process, the Regional Plan could be amended to add a Regional Activity Center, which would
allow the threshold on square footage to go even higher, to 600K square feet.
Mr. Hutchinson assured that this was not a change in policy, but a housekeeping device that
would allow the CRA to obtain approval for projects that were coming in at greater than 300K
square feet.
Mr. Fisher asked whether this would inject another layer of bureaucracy into the current slate of
players and Mr. Greene advised that it would not do so and would only affect the square
footage threshold.
Mr. Fisher wanted to confirm that there would not be any rezoning done to any residential
neighborhood as a result of this change and Mr. Greene responded that there would not be any
such rezoning.
Vice Chair Heavilin moved to recommend that the City Commission adopt an ordinance to
establish an Urban Central Business District. Ms. Hoyland seconded the motion that passed
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 9, 2003
Review of the design to date (15% schematic desiqn) of the Boynton Beach
Boulevard Promenade RiverWalk Pro~iect and consideration of the next phase of work
(30% design development package)
Mr. Hutchinson stated that staff had sent the schematics, which were a compilation from many
people, out to City Departments for review and comments. Mr. Livergood stated that a traffic
study would have to be done at the intersection of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Federal
Highway due to loading and unloading issues. Also, the lane widths would have to be 12 feet
versus the 10 feet shown on the schematic sections. Fire hydrants and restrooms need to be
added to the schematics.
Mr. Hutchinson asked for a 90% draw until the changes have been accomplished and verified,
followed by the remaining 10%. At the end of the 30% phase, Burkhardt will bring Cost
Projections to the Board. The initial design concepts and schematics are in a very early stage of
development but the Director sought the Board's input on the schematics. He asked Mr. Dennis
Haynes from Burkhardt Construction, ]:nc. to take notes and make the appropriate
modifications. The next step would be to approve a Scope of Work and Contract to get to
actual engineering drawings. The task at this meeting is twofold: 1) accepting the Draft Design
Concepts and Schematics and, 2) approving the Scope of Work to move on to Phase 2, bringing
it up to 30%.
Mr. Fisher was desirous of having the Police and Fire services involved in this project, even in its
earliest stages, to prevent things like discovering later on that the materials they were choosing
were fire hazards, for example. Mr. Hutchinson stated that the CRA frequently met with key City
staff including the Police and Fire Chiefs and that they would be involved anyway due to their
position on the Technical Review Committee that reviews and comments on all new
developments in the City. Mr. Fisher commented that the TRC was part of the sign-off process
and not an integral part of the design process, a concept that Mr. Fisher believed to be crucial
to the success of the project. Mr. Hutchinson will see that this happens.
Chair Finkelstein stated that in regard to the Roadway item in the Scope of Work, the Board had
originally said it did not want parallel parking in the first block of the Boynton Beach Boulevard
extension East of Federal Highway due to the heavy load of traffic; however, there was a
portion of the designated parallel parking that could become part of the roadway and should be
looked at in reference to the tum lanes. On page 3413, Boardwalk (1) "..and continue north to
the property line" is not shown on the draft schematic. There is supposed to be an initialed
design concept item showing this as part of the RFQ. This involves pages 3 and 4 of the
Mr. Fenton agreed with Chair Finkelstein's point about the parallel parking and the turn lanes on
Federal Highway. He asked if the CRA would be required to build the lanes. Chair Finkelstein
stated that Mr. Livergood was asking that the CRA have a traffic study to see if the lane(s)
would need to be done. The intersection improvements might not be necessary. Mr. Fenton did
not know how a traffic study could be done based on the future, with no museum and other
improvements. Mr. Hutchinson said that the CRA has a 10% profile block by block in downtown
and that there were maximum buildouts for each block. The CRA will turn over the CRA's
announced known projects to the traffic consultant and ask that they be factored in to the
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 9, 2003
results, along with a museum option and so forth. The needs will be forecasted and Mr.
Hutchinson is comfortable with that.
Mr. Fenton also inquired whether the turn lane would be taken from CRA property if the traffic
consultant required a turn lane. Mr. Hutchinson said that additional property might be needed
and this would be part of the project cost that the CRA would have to look at providing, based
on the traffic study. Mr. Hutchinson stated that he would bring this item back to the Board at a
later date. Mr. Fenton remarked that if the CRA would have to build the turn lane, reserves
would have to be allocated for it. Mr. Hutchinson said that the rule of thumb was that there was
$2M in reserve cash flow forecast for the whole project. The Board will have to make decisions
about what amenity packages it wants for the area.
Chair Finkelstein noted the absence of the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) in the
list on Page 3420 under Task 2, Initial Permit Coordination and Data Collection, and the
Burkhardt representatives offered to correct this oversight.
Mr. Fisher moved to approve payment of the Burkhardt Construction, Inc. invoice for the :1.5%
Schematic Drawings for the Boynton Beach Boulevard Promenade/RiverWalk project payment
less 10% to be retained until verification of required changes. Ms. Hoyland seconded the
motion that carried unanimously.
Since this item was listed in the agenda along with the 30% design development package, Mr.
Fisher asked that in the future, items that require separate motions be separated in the agenda.
Chair Finkelstein noted that on page 3422 of the agenda in reference to the "Expense" line
item, that it would be on a reimbursable basis and the representatives from Burkhardt
Construction, Inc. agreed.
Mr. Fisher moved to amend the initial contract to change from 15% to 30% and direct staff to
include the Police and Fire in all future design elements. Vice Chair Heavilin seconded the
Mr. Fenton announced that he would have to vote against it because he did not think it was
necessary to have the involvement of the Police and Fire services in all future design guideline
discussions and events since it would not always be relevant. Also, the Police are understaffed
and this would be an unnecessary administrative burden to put on them at this time.
Mr. Fisher said that he understood Mr. Fenton's concern with bureaucracy, but since they were
investing so much money in the future, he wanted to give the Police and Fire services an
opportunity to comment on the design. He was confident that staff would not micromanage.
Ms. Hoyland asked if the Police and Fire should be listed in the group underneath "Initial Permit
Coordination and Data Collection," and the Board did not believe that this would be necessary.
The motion passed 4-1, Mr. Fenton dissenting.
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 9, 2003
Consideration of approval of the contract between the owner/representative and the
firm Jonathan Ricketts, Tnc. and the CRA for the Boynton Beach Boulevard
Promenade RiverWalk project.
Mr. Hutchinson introduced Mr. Ricketts, who was present to answer any questions the Board
might have about his contract.
The Board members were given the most current draft of this contract, which is on a cost/as-
needed basis. There was discussion over exactly what the Board wished Mr. Ricketts to do, at
what time, and for how much.
A discussion of the terms of the contract and Scope of Work ensued. One of the issues was the
length of time that Mr. Ricketts would be "on call" and at what point his rates might change.
The length of the contract was listed as six weeks and 12-16 weeks in different documents and
even at the longer stage, this would only allow for the use of Mr. Ricketts' services during the
design phase. This was not the Board's initial intention. Ms. Hoyland pointed out that the
contract was based on 12-16 weeks of service for the overall project when it should probably
state 12-16 weeks of service for design and development phase.
The mention of "fees" in Mr. Ricketts' proposal is not relevant because there are no "fees." Mr.
Ricketts would be retained on a "rate card" basis.
Mr. Ricketts asked for indemnification by the City/CRA in case a third party sued everyone
involved with the project. Attorney Payne has objected to this and negotiations are ongoing.
Mr. Hutchinson asked the City to give him a copy of contracts where the City has used a
"construction overseer." Mr. Hutchinson stated that he would work with the consultant and legal
to tweak the contract and bring it back to the Board after settling some of the open issues
raised at this meeting.
Ms. Hoyland moved to table approval of Jonathan Ricketts, l:nc.'s contract until the next
meeting, subject to staff addressing the concerns that arose at this meeting. Mr. Fisher
seconded the motion that carried 5-0.
D. Consideration of employment contract for CRA Executive Director
Chair Finkelstein stated that the contract had already been approved. Mr. Hutchinson replied
that Legal had provided an amended version that incorporated the changes requested by Mr.
Hutchinson and the revised contract was being presented to the Board for final approval at this
Mr. Hutchinson supplied the Board members with a chart showing the various salaries, including
midpoints, amount of 'I'IF income, CRA acreage, population, size of staff, and other information
on the CRA Directors in the surrounding communities.
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 9, 2003
Mr. Fisher asked whether the termination of the director's services, as shown in the contract,
would take place by using a simple or super majority. After discussion, it was agreed that a
simple majority was sufficient, even though Mr. Fisher preferred to have a super majority in
such a case.
The Chairman collected responses from Board members relating to their suggestions of salary
amounts for Mr. Hutchinson and some members wanted to increase his salary by more than
10% and others wanted to increase it by 10% and revisit it in six months' time. A :1.6% increase
was discussed but ultimately rejected.
Ms. Hoyland moved to approve the contract for the CRA Executive Director with a new annual
salary of $88,000, a 10% increase from his current salary, with a review of the contract in six
months with an opportunity for the Board to make adjustments in Mr. Hutchinson's salary,
benefits and the opportunity to give him a bonus, as agreed to by the Board. Mr. Fisher
seconded the motion that passed 4-1, Mr. Fenton dissenting.
Later in the meeting, Mr. Fenton wanted to be assured that the contract terms were retroactive
and this was confirmed.
/it 8:30 p.m., the Board took a br/ef recess. The meet~rig reconvened at 87t0 p.m.
E. Consideration of the CRA 2003/2004 Budget
Staff made the budgets adjustments suggested at the budget workshop and recommends
approval of the 2003-2004 budget by resolution, in accordance with Florida Statutes.
Mr. Hutchinson asked that the Board reconsider its position on pilot programs for the trolley and
extra security..lust putting the items in the budget did not guarantee that they were going to
happen; it would still be necessary for staff to present concrete, detailed proposals to the Board
for their review and consideration before implementation. The Board asked how soon the
presentations on were going to come to the Board. There was concern on the part of some
Board members about putting these items in the budget since it was their experience that once
an item is in the budget, people will expect the money to be spent. Mr. Hutchinson also
commented that the CRA had unused money in the current year's budget. There was also some
concern about the high dollar amounts in the budget for these items. Mr. Hutchinson replied
that these figures were subject to downward revision after more information was obtained and
after working with the Marina people.
Chair Finkelstein did not think it was appropriate to have these items in the budget this year
and thought that the next year was a possibility, citing the fact that there would not be any
residences at the Marina until the summer of 2005. Chair Finkelstein favored looking at these
two items (trolley and security) closer to when the need for them would arise. Mr. Hutchinson
felt that the need was present now, in spite of the lack of residences in the Marina currently.
Chair Finkelstein noted that if these two items were taken out of the budget, it would not be
necessary to borrow $2M to cover them. Mr. Fisher thought that it was in the budget for
planning purposes only.
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 9, 2003
Kurt Bressner, City Manager, spoke of his budget philosophy saying that as far as the City was
concerned, their approach was not to put in budget because they had to spend the money. In
the General Fund last year, for example, the City did not spend close to $1.2M of expenses and
just said they would not spend it and put it back. He asked the CRA to consider leaving the
trolley and security items in their budget since staff was required to come back to the Board
with a request for a specific contract and authorization to proceed. More important than this
consideration, though, was that the inclusion of these items in the budget would send a
symbolic message to the business owners in the area that the City and the CRA care about
them, are interested in their well being and viability as businesses. Mr. Bressner stated that he
also had questions about the trolley system such as where it should go, timing, and so forth,
but felt that this could be dealt with later when the items come before the CRA. He asked that
the Board trust staff since they were also stewards of the public dollar. When staff brings
concrete proposals and contracts before the Board, the Board can decide that it does not want
to spend the money and that would be a policy decision. Mr. Bressner stated that he was on
record as saying that if the Board put this money in the budget for the trolley and extra
security, he would not come before them later and say, "But you've got it in the budget," if the
Board decided not to do the project(s) after all.
Mr. Bressner told the Board that the City Commission had recently approved a reduction in the
millage rate from 7.6 to 7.5%, which will amount to $23,500 less in T.1:.F. for the CRA.
Chair Finkelstein had the same problem with the CBD parking garage as he did with the security
and trolley. It seemed as if they were being asked to approve buying rights to possible future
parking that may or may not be built and without seeing a complete proposal. There was some
feeling on the Board that it would prefer allocating the money to an analysis or study of the
situation rather than a pilot project.
Mr. Fisher asked that the CRA staff touch base with the City's Finance Director, Ms. Diane
Reese, in terms of what percentages of increase could be expected in regard to Workman's
Compensation and other similar programs. He thought that this information would be important
now and for the five-year plan. Mr. Hutchinson stated that they had worked with their insurance
companies but he noted Mr. Fishers comment.
Ms. Heavilin asked about the CBD parking garage and whether it would be free to park there.
Mr. Hutchinson stated that the site and garage were not purchased yet but when staff brings in
a request for acquisition of the site rights for the parking, free or paid parking would be
determined. The trend in CRAs right now is to get away from paid parking.
Mr. Fisher asked whether dollars were allocated for marketing outside the area. Mr. Hutchinson
responded that the dollars were included in the Web Site, a very effective marketing tool. Also,
under printing projects there is money for promotional items. Staff would present anything
extraordinary in a special request to the Board, if necessary. Mr. Fisher just wished to note that
if attracting businesses from outside the area were a priority, it might be necessary to spend
more money on promotion than was in the current budget.
Mr. Fisher preferred to budget $120K and actually spend $60K for an item, to avoid going back
to the well to make adjustments.
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 9, 2003
Mr. Fenton asked to hear from Police Chief Gage to hear the results of the negotiations about
extra police service. Mr. Hutchinson stated that he had told the Police Chief that he was cutting
the proposed amount in half and asked him if he could live with it. Police Chief Gage indicated
that they would develop a program that will serve the peak needs and look at bringing it back
to the Board.
Marshall Gage, Chief of Police, offered to answer questions. Mr. Fenton asked that the
concerned parties get together and bring some details to the Board rather than just have a line
item in the budget saying $:l.75K. Chief Gage stated that he, also, did not have an obligation to
spend all the money that is allocated in his budget. He returns money every year. The plan for
extra security has been pared down to two officers in each of the two designated districts. Even
if the full proposal were before the Board and the Board approved it and wanted it to begin
immediately, Chief Gage could not spend all the money. He would have to recruit officers to fill
the positions and take 14 weeks to train them, at his department's expense. He was also giving
the CRA starting salaries on officers. He stated that it was not his intention to provide rookie
officers and that there would be experienced officers who wanted these positions. Chief Gage
declared his intention of working with the CRA Director to come up with a pilot project that is
palatable. "Tell us what you want, and well do our best to provide that."
F. Approval of the CRA 2003/2004 Budget by Resolution 03-01.
Attorney Lindsey read the Resolution No. 03-01 by title only.
Mr. Fisher moved to approve Resolution 03-01 adopting the budget for the fiscal year beginning
October 1, 2003 and ending September 30, 200~. Mri Fenton seconded the motion.
The Recording Secretary polled the vote and the motion passed 5-0.
G. Consideration of recommendation of Feasibility Study Team from the Savage
Creatures. of Ancient Seas Selection Committee.
Mr. Hutchinson stated that the proposals that were received were very close and that staff
recommended hearing from both respondents at the October meeting. Alter discussion, the
Board decided to have a special meeting on October 14, 2003 at 5:00 p.m. in the Chambers,
which would include vendor presentations from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., followed by 30 minutes
for the Board to choose which group it wants for this project. At 6:30 p.m., the regular meeting
agenda will commence. Finger sandwiches will be available.
Chair Finkelstein wanted to have the presentations made by the individuals who would actually
handle the analysis and feasibility studies as opposed to having an architect present, for
X. Other Items
Consent Agenda Item C., Budget Transfer Request
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 9, 2003
Mr. Fisher asked why legal expenses were so much higher than originally budgeted.
Mr. Hutchinson explained that the CRA had created itself from scratch. All the manuals had to
be read by the legal department, for example. Also, there was no track record so estimating
was difficult.
Mr. Fisher then asked about the money spent for business meetings. Mr. Hutchinson stated
that there were a couple of workshops under that with announcements of large projects.
Mr. Fisher also wanted to know if the CRA went into its reserves when necessary. Mr.
Hutchinson said that there was one Fund and that transfers are made from the reserves and
added back to the reserves. Mr. Fisher asked if the reserves were intact and Mr. Hutchinson
responded that they were. There was some confusion because Mr. Fisher thought that the CRA
had reserves in the same sense as the City Commission, and that was not the case. Mr.
Hutchinson explained that T.I.F. was the CRA's income; the budget represents their expenses;
and everything that is left over becomes reserve. The suggestion was made to pose this issue
to the auditors and find out how 163 entities are supposed to set that up because it is slighUy
different than municipal auditing.
Ms. Hoyland moved to approve the budget transfer request. Mr. Fisher seconded the motion
that passed unanimously.
X. Other Items
Ms. Hoyland asked whether staff could put Future Agenda Items on the agenda, specifically
Planning & Zoning issues. Mr. Hutchinson explained that his attempts to get this information
from Planning had, so far, not been successful. The Board supported Ms. Hoyland and directed
staff to pursue this to its conclusion. A suggestion was made that Mr. Hutchinson should call the
City Manager and discuss this. Mr. Fisher noted that the Planning & Zoning staff provides this
information to the City Commission several months in advance.
X];. Adiournment
There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was duly adjourned at 9:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Collins
Recording Secretary