Teresa Frazier, Vice Chair
Janet Prainito, Secretary
Jim Ryzy
Susan Morrison, Alternate
Marilyn Huckle
John Wildner, Deputy Recreation & Parks
Glenda Hall, Parks Manager
Vice Chair Frazier presided and called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.
Ms. Prainito called the roll and a quorum was present.
Vice Chair Frazier moved to accept the agenda with any necessary corrections. Motion
seconded by Ms. Prainito and unanimously carried.
Vice Chair Frazier moved to accept the minutes of the June 24, 2003 meeting. Motion
seconded by Mr. Ryzy and unanimously carried.
Ms. Prainito introduced Mr. Ensler who was present to observe the meeting
Mr. Ryzy inquired about the difference in the balances contained on the two bank
statements. It was pointed out that one statement was for the Mausoleum and the other
was for the Cemetery.
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 23, 2003
Ms. Prainito moved to place the revenue and expense sheets on file. Motion seconded
by Mr. Ryzy and unanimously carried.
VI. RECEIPT OF SALES REPORTS - June, July & August 2003
Ms. Prainito reported that she has reviewed the figures and they balance against the
expense sheets.
Ms. Ryzy moved to accept the Sales Reports for June, July and August 2003. Motion
seconded by Ms. Prainito and unanimously carried.
Ms. Morrison asked if Boynton Beach Memodal Park and Sara Sims Memorial Gardens
were two separate cemeteries. Ms. Hall pointed out that Sara Sims Memorial Gardens
is located south of 9th Avenue, which is off Seacrest Boulevard. Ms. Hall offered to
take the new members on a tour of the City cemeteries and they should call her at 742-
6228. It was pointed out that the City actually has three cemeteries with Barton
Memorial Park being the third one. Mr. Ensler asked if he could also be included in the
A. Parks Department Report
The Report was included in the agenda packet. Ms. Hall noted that previously the
agenda packets were hand delivered prior to the meetings and inquired if the members
wished to continue this practice or have them mailed. Ms. Prainito reported that the
agenda packets would be mailed out on Thursday, before the Monday meeting, which
should provide sufficient time for members to receive and review it. It was agreed that
the packets could be mailed out. Ms. Hall offered that if a member did not receive their
agenda packet, they could call and she would deliver it. Ms. Prainito noted that backup
information is sent to members on a monthly basis.
C. Cemetery Circle (addressed out of order)
Ms. Hall next discussed the circle in Boynton Beach Memorial Park that is a problem.
Because the circle was so large, a rescue vehicle cannot make the curb of the circle.
Ms. Hall distributed a photo of the area and explained that staff is proposing to bring in
the circle 6%' on both sides and the west end will be cut back 2 W. The circle will
actually become an oval and a Tibouchina Tree will be planted in the middle. Ms. Hall
also showed a picture of what the tree would look like. With the changes, vehicles
would have 13' to maneuver and could accommodate emergency vehicles.
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 23, 2003
The cost of the Tibouchina Tree would be $65. Ms. Morrison inquired how often the
tree would flower, and Ms. Hall stated that it flowers periodically, but does not flower
when it got too cold. The tree will not be planted until the circle is redone and will be
done by staff.
Ms. Prainito inquired if flowers would be planted in that area. Ms. Hall said that this had
not been discussed, but there had been talk about placing some type of plaque or
memorial in this location. Ms. Hall stated that it would not be a problem to plant some
annuals around the tree.
(Mr. John Wildner arrived at the meeting at 7:20 p.m.)
Ms. Hall reported that they planted several different species of plants in the median area
of the Cemetery to see which ones would survive. The Wart Fern did well and would
help keep the weeds down and keep the area looking good. The Swordfern also did
well, but grows tall and thick. Ms. Hall reviewed all of the other plants that were tested
and stated her preference to be the Wart Fern. Once the Wart Fern is established, it
would require very little maintenance.
If the Board approves, they will install the tree sometime in October. Members agreed
to go with the Tibouchina Tree and the Wart Ferns. Ms. Hall asked members to think
about what they would like to add as a small memorial plaque at the base of the tree.
Ms. Prainito moved to accept staff's recommendation to change the circle to an oval
and to plant a Tibouchina Tree in the center. Motion seconded by Mr. Ryzy and
unanimously carried.
Ms. Prainito moved to approve the recommendation to plant Wart Ferns in the median.
Motion seconded by Mr. Ryzy and unanimously carried.
B. Reports on Cemetery Areas Assigned to Members
Blocks W & Y on the south Side - Marilyn Huckle
Blocks N & O, the area to the west, Old Section to the flagpole
Seacrest Boulevard to building on the South side
Mausoleum and Sara Sims
Blocks R & S - Teresa Frazier
Vice Chair Frazier reported that her section looked very good. She felt that the
Cemetery overall looked very good. Ms. Prainito suggested that at the next meeting
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 23, 2003
reassignment of the Cemetery areas could be done. Mr. Wildner questioned whether it
was necessary to have sections assigned to the members and that members could visit
the cemeteries as a whole and determine how they look.
Mr. Ryzy said that he is not familiar with the sections of the Cemetery and Mr. Wilder
informed him that there is a map at the maintenance building. Mr. Ryzy said that he
would like to become more familiarized with the Cemetery and it was suggested that
members could tour the Cemetery. Ms. Hall said that she would conduct the cemetery
tour with the members prior to the December meeting.
Ms. Prainito pointed out that the December meeting needs to be changed because of
the holidays. After discussion, it was decided to hold the meeting on Wednesday,
December 17th at 4:00 p.m. at the Senior Center, pending its availability.
Ms. Morrison asked about Barton Memorial Gardens and Mr. Wildner explained that this
is a small Cemetery located in Barton Park, but was never formally platted as a
Cemetery. At one time the property belonged to the Department of Transportation
because the land is adjacent to 1-95, but FDOT donated the land to the City. There
have been discussions to put a fence around it. Mr. Wildner reported that the City has
received funding from FDOT to expand Palmetto Greens Park along the south bank of
the C-16 Canal from Seacrest to 1-95 and then south along Barton Memorial Park.
Installing a fence around the Cemetery is also part of the plans.
Mr. Wildner pointed out that Cemetery funds are not used to maintain this Cemetery
because there is no provision for perpetual care by the families who have relatives
buried there. The Parks Department has been maintaining it. There have been no
burials at Barton since 1983. Mr. Wildner estimated that there are approximately 30
people buried there, but he was not certain because not all the graves have markers.
Discussion ensued about expansion of the Cemetery into the Little League Park. Mr.
Wildner said that if the Cemetery were expanded into the Little League Park, the Park
would have to be relocated. There have been people who have indicated that if the
Park were moved, they would be willing to make contributions. However, Mr. Wildner
felt that many people would oppose moving the Park.
Mr. Wildner felt that there were many options for the Cemetery before it had to expand
by utilizing the existing Cemetery more efficiently. Mr. Ryzy pointed out that there are
more and more cremations and not that much land was necessary to accommodate
cremains. Mr. Wildner noted that currently you can only have one burial and one
cremation in a plot. He said that there could be consideration given to having more than
one cremation in each plot that would allow additional utilization of the existing
Cemetery. Mr. Ryzy stated that this could cause a problem on where to place the
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 23, 2003
Ms. Prainito said that she would send out the report on cemetery options that had been
prepared and she would include it with the minutes when they are distributed. She
noted that there was a City Commission future agenda item dealing with Cemetery
issues. Mr. Wildner said that it is currently on the agenda for November.
Mr. Ryzy pointed out that there are only 608 lots remaining and at the rate of selling 15
per month, there are only a few years left for use of the Cemetery. If the Commission
decided not to expand the Cemetery, Mr. Wilder said that people might want the option
of expanding their own lot for use by other family members.
Mr. Ryzy noted that people are buying more mausoleum space than cemetery space
and Mr. Wildner reported that there will be one more section added to the current
Mausoleum, after which the contract with the Mausoleum Company would terminate. At
that time, the City could also consider other Mausoleum options.
Formal approval of Request for Refund from Dolores Pultea for Boynton
Beach Memorial Park, Lot 480-B, Block O in the amount of $180 (Original
Purchase Price $450 for Lots 480 A & B, less 20% ($225 less $45).
(Verbal approval authorizing refund was granted by board members via
telephone on August 6, 2003.)
Formal approval of Request for Disentombment of Mrs. Frances Carroll by
Eugene Carroll from Boynton Beach Mausoleum, Sunrise Building,
Section C, Crypt B-18 (Telephone approval was granted by board
members on August 21,2003)
Mr. Ryzy moved to approve Items D. and E. Motion seconded by Ms. Prainito and
unanimously carried.
F. Proposed Change to Cemetery Rules and Regulations - Rule #18
Ms. Prainito recommended that this item be postponed until Ms. Huckle was present.
She referred to the letter in the agenda packet from Mr. Osborne that states he did not
agree to some of the wording. Ms. Prainito will put this item on the December agenda.
Ms. Prainito moved to table Item F. until the December meeting. Motion seconded by
Mr. Ryzy and unanimously carried.
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 23, 2003
A. Election of Chairperson
Ms. Prainito explained that the Board needs to hold another election for a Chairperson
since John Tineri no longer lives in the City. It was decided to place this item on the
December agenda as well.
Ms. Prainito moved to table. Motion seconded by Mr. Ryzy and unanimously carried.
IX. Other
Mr. Ensler said that he was present at tonight's meeting because he wanted to know if
the Board would be discussing the Little League Park. He thought what Mr. Wilder had
proposed made sense and that the Board should address the current rules regarding
the use of space, rather than wait for the Commission to make a decision. Mr. Wildner
recommended that an item be added to the next agenda that would address better
utilization of existing space in the Cemetery.
Mr. Wildner pointed out that even if the Cemetery expanded into the Little League Park,
this space would get filled within a few years and then the City would have to look for
more space. Therefore, it is important to determine how the current space could be best
Mr. Ensler asked about using Sara Sims Cemetery, and Ms. Hall stated that a complete
survey needs to be done for that Cemetery. She noted that the Heart of Boynton Plan
includes expanding Sara Sims north to MLK and with the imprevement of the area, it
should attract more use. Mr. Wildner noted that there are a couple of abandoned
buildings that the City could purchase and demolish to use as additional Cemetery
space. Ms. Prainito inquired if platting of the Sara Sims Cemetery was included in the
budget for Public Works and Ms. Hall said she would look into this.
With regard to expansion of the Cemetery into Little League Park, Mr. Wildner pointed
out that there is prebably $3 million of infrastructure that would be abandoned and
totally replaced and questioned who would pay for this. If you consider that the land
must be purchased and the infrastructure replaced, this could run areund $4 million to
build another Little League Park. Also, operationally, if there was a second Cemetery,
you would need more staff.
Mr. Ryzy recommended pre-selling the Cemetery plots, and Mr. Wildner said that this
had been discussed. Also, Mr. Wildner pointed out that the lots are sold at a very Iow
price compared to other cemeteries, which is why people want to be buried in the City
Cemetery. Mr. Ryzy also recommended that this issue should be discussed. Mr.
Wildner stated that if the lots were pre-sold, these funds could be used to fund the
replacement of the Little League Field. If this happened, Mr. Wildner said he would
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 23, 2003
support the Cemetery expansion because now they could afford to build a good Little
League Park. Ms. Prainito pointed out that the City Commission is looking for a
recommendation from this Board on how they should proceed.
Mr. Ensler asked what the prices were for the Cemetery lots. The cost for residents is
$475 and $750 for non-residents. Mr. Ryzy pointed out that private cemetery lots start
at $1,000. Mr. Wildner felt that the City could still raise the cost of a Cemetery lot and
still be under the going rate.
Ms. Morrison inquired if there was some kind of arrangement with the Little League Park
that if the Cemetery had to expand they could expand into the Little League Park. It
was noted that Ms. Padgett, who was involved with the City for over 50 years and a
former member of this Board, felt that it was the intention of the City to expand west and
this was before there was a Little League Park. However, there is no record that this
was ever the intention of the City. Ms. Prainito stated that the minutes were researched
and there were times when this was mentioned, but there is no record stating that this
was the City's intention.
Mr. Ryzy inquired if there was any land in the City that could accommodate a new Little
League Park. Mr. Wildner stated that there is land available, but there are other plans
for these parcels.
Mr. Wildner noted that after tonight's meeting, with all the issues that have surfaced, the
Board might want to consider meeting on a monthly basis. Mr. Ryzy suggested that a
special meeting could always be held to discuss these issues.
Ms. Prainito inquired if the Board would like to have Brady Osborne attend the
December meeting. Members felt that this would not be necessary at this time. Ms.
Prainito explained that once the Board makes a recommendation to the Commission,
Mr. Osborne has to be notified 45 days in advance. Mr. Wilder thought that Mr.
Osborne should be consulted to get his opinion at some point.
Ms. Prainito pointed out that holding meetings every three months makes it difficult. If
the Board made a decision in December, Mr. Osborne's opinion would not be available
until March. Ms. Hall noted that the Board could always hold a special meeting in
January to address this issue. Mr. Wildner requested that at the December meeting
members could determine if they would like to return to monthly meetings.
With regard to expansion of the Cemetery, Mr. Wildner pointed out that there is also the
issue of the well fields and Ms. Hall noted that this was also addressed in the report.
Ms. Prainito reported on a presentation of a "scattering garden," that she observed
when attending a seminar, which she found to be in very good taste. Mr. Ryzy noted
that these "scattering gardens" are now very popular because of the amount of
cremations now taking place. He further pointed out that another way to handle this
Meeting Minutes
Cemetery Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 23, 2003
would be to have one big concrete vault for commingling with a monument on top for
the plaques. Mr. Wildner noted that in some areas this option is available in regular
parks where people could do scatterings and place a small plaque. Mr. Wildner reported
that in some areas vaults (coffins) are not being used at all because of the newer
methods of embalming that are now available. Ms. Hall felt this could present a problem
with the well fields and the ball field.
Next Meeting Date: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 at 4:00 p.m. at
the Senior Center
There being no further business, the meeting propedy adjourned at 8:40 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary
(two tapes)
(September 26, 2003)