Mary Morera, Vice Chair
Evelyn Geathers
Lori Wilkinson
Willie Pearl Wilson
Phyllis Stern, Alternate
Julie M. Claude, Regular Voting Student
Sherri Claude, Board Liaison
I. Call to Order
In the absence of the Chairman, Vice Chair Morera presided and called the meeting to
order at 7:10 p.m.
II. Moment of Silent Prayer/Pledge of Allegiance
Ms. Wilkinson led members in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag followed by a
moment of silent prayer.
II1. Approval of Minutes of August 28, 2003
Ms. Wilkinson moved for approval. Motion seconded by Ms. Wilson and unanimously
II1. Approval of Agenda
Ms. Stern moved to approve the agenda. Motion seconded by Ms. Geathers and
unanimously carried.
V. Announcements/Presentations/Correspondence
Ms. Wilkinson wished to clarify what was discussed at the last meeting regarding
inviting candidates to attend one of this Board's meetings. Ms. Wilkinson wished to
explain that when she brought this up, she was merely suggesting that the candidates
would only come and sit in the audience to observe a meeting. It was never her
Meeting Minutes
Advisory Board on Children and Youth
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 25, 2003
intention to have the candidates address the Board and she noted that this Board is not
a political forum for candidates. The reason she wanted to invite the candidates to a
meeting was to apprise them of the issues and programs that the Board is involved in
since the candidates that are elected would be making decisions that could affect the
Board. At some point the issue came up whether it would be legal for them to attend a
meeting and, therefore, Ms. Wilkinson decided not to invite anyone.
Ms. Claude announced that the grand opening of the Intracoastal Park is scheduled for
Friday, October 17th from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. There will be entertainment and a
small fireworks display.
VI. Public Audience
VII. Old Business
A. Adopt-A-Road Program
Ms. Wilkinson reported that Adopt-A-Road Program is now under the jurisdiction of the
Solid Waste Authority and she had an opportunity to speak with a representative of the
Authority. They have two programs. The first one is Adopt-a-Highway, and the second
one is now called Adopt-A-Spot. It does not have to be a road. It could be a park,
beach or any "spot" that the Board selects. The Board can pick their spot or road as
long as it belongs to the County. Ms. Wilkinson said that she should be speaking with
the person who is actually in charge of the program within the next couple of days, and
she will report her findings back to the Board.
Ms. Wilkinson stated that the person she did speak with at the Solid Waste Authority
sent her the basic packet. They will provide training, gloves and any kind of equipment
that may be needed for clean-ups. They would like the cleanups to take place at least
four times per year and that there needs to be a central location where they can pick up
the trash.
B. Teen Center
No discussion
C. Guest Speakers
No discussion
D. Youth Volunteer Bank
Meeting Minutes
Advisory Board on Children and Youth
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 25, 2003
Vice Chair Morera requested that Ms. Claude include the Adopt-A-Spot on the calendar,
but Ms. Claude said that she needed to have specific dates.
Ms. Claude reported that she has been working with the City's Youth Supervisor to
come up with two events that the youth volunteers could participate in. She has been
looking for projects on the Internet and they have narrowed their focus to seniors or
helping other children. Ms. Claude requested that if any members have any ideas to
please let her know.
Ms. Stern suggested that the youth could volunteer at the City's Senior Center. Ms.
Claude said that she would speak to staff at the Senior Center regarding youth
volunteers. Ms. Stern noted that there are at least three senior living facilities in the City
and the seniors enjoy having children visit them. Vice Chair Morera noted that the
Youth Council previously visited senior facilities. Ms. Stern also suggested that a high
school drama club could put together a show that could be performed at those facilities.
Vice Chair Morera noted that this would have to be tied in somehow with the Youth
Volunteer Bank and that the members of the Youth Volunteer Bank need to have an
opportunity to participate.
E. Bob Borovy Award
Ms. Wilkinson recommended that the Board prepare a letter in advance of the election
to the candidates to solicit funds that they may have remaining in their accounts after
the election. Usually the candidates give this money away on a first-come-first-served
basis. Ms. Wilkinson noted that money has been received in the past from candidates
by this Board that was used for the Bob Borovy Award. Ms. Morera volunteered to send
out the letter on behalf of the Board.
F. Other
Ms. Stern inquired if the Board would be putting on the Tennis Carnival again and Vice
Chair Morera noted that the Tennis Carnival was a great success. Since it was done in
the Spring, Vice Chair Morera envisions that it would be done at the same time of year
next year. She thanked Ms. Stern for her assistance on making the event a hit.
VII. New Business
IX. Future Meeting Dates: October 23, 2003
Vice Chair Morera noted that the Board needs to select a new date for the November
meeting. After discussion, it was decided to hold the November meeting on Thursday,
November 13, 2003 at 7:00 p.m.
Meeting Minutes
Advisory Board on Children and Youth
Boynton Beach, Florida
September 25, 2003
Ms. Stern moved that the November meeting be held on Thursday, November 13, 2003.
Motion seconded by Ms. Claude and unanimously carried.
Vice Chair Morera stated that the December meeting date would also have to be
changed. The selection of a date will be discussed at the November meeting.
X. Adjournment
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary
(September 30, 2003)