ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2003 AT 6:3t7 P.M.
Gerald Broening, Mayor
Nike Ferguson, Vice Mayor
Mack McCray, Commissioner
Carl McKoy, Commissioner
Ron Weiland, Commissioner
Kurt Bressner, City Manager
James Cherof, City Attorney
Janet Prainito, City Clerk
Call to Order - Mayor Gerald Broening
Tnvocation - Rev. Rick Riccardi, Police Chaplain
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Vice Mayor Ferguson
Mayor Broening called the meeting to order at 6:3! p.m. Rev. Riccardi introduced Robert
Reagan, a seminarian at St. Vincent de Paul, who offered the invocation. Vice Mayor Ferguson
led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
E. Agenda Approval:
1. Additions, Deletions, Corrections
2. Adoption
Vice Mayor Ferguson moved to approve the agenda.
McCray and carried unanimously.
Motion was seconded by Commissioner
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission Meeting
B0ynt~n Beach, Florida
September 16, 2003
A. Informational Items by Members of the City Commission
Commissioner McKoy announced that he was recently appointed by the President of the Florida
League of Cities to serve on the Criminal Justice Policy Committee. He requested that if any
citizens had concerns regarding criminal justice, they forward them to him.
Commissioner McCray announced that next week he and Commissioner McKoy would be in
Washington, D.C., representing the City. They will be speaking out against the proposed
legislation concerning the HeadStart program.
Mayor Broening said that Palm Beach County Commissioner Warren Newell underwent surgery
today at Good Samaritan Hospital. He understands that Commissioner Newell is doing well.
A. Announcements:
B. Community and Special Events:
C. Presentations:
1. Proclamations:
a. Fire Prevention Week - October 5-11, 2003
Mayor Broening read the Fire Prevention Week proclamation. He commented that tragedy
strikes daily, resulting in the loss of family or property and it behooves everyone to take
precautions. He presented the proclamation to Fire Chief Bill Bingham.
Fire Chief Bingham said that there is a Fire Prevention Month in the City. During that time, they
reach out to all elementary school children concerning fire safety. He invited everyone to the
annual Expo at the Boynton Beach Mall on October 4th from 11:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. They
will be showcasing fire rescue activities.
b. National Customer Service Week - October 6-10, 2003
Mayor Broening read the National Customer Service Week proclamation. He presented it to
members of the Customer Service Department.
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission Meeting
BoyntQn Beach, FIQrida
Seotember 16, 2003
Presentation by the Education Advisory Board concerning their Principal
for a Day project
Beverly Agee, 832 SW 33rd Place~ Education Advisory Board Chair, thanked the Commission
for their support of this Board. The Education Advisory Board has done work concerning South
Tech and worked on recruiting school volunteers. Presently, they are working on a resolution
regarding the FCAT.
She introduced Board members Lillian Artis, Dennis Osborne and Jean Cairo, Vice Chair. She
also introduced Virginia Farace, who is the City's representative to the Education Advisory
Ms. Cairo, Chair for the Principal for a Day project, announced that the Board would have their
first annual Principal for a Day on November 13th. They have had great assistance from the
Chamber of Commerce and very positive reactions. This project includes 17 schools in the
Boynton Beach area. Business and community leaders are being paired up to shadow principals
for a day. Afterwards, there will be a town meeting and a question and answer session.
IVls. Agee explained that Principal for a Day was started in New York City a few years ago. Tt is
the pairing of business representatives with schools. With the help of Diana Johnson and the
Chamber of Commerce, the Board solicited businesses for donations. They had a huge
response. On November 13th the businessperson goes to the school and spends the morning
with the principal. This businessperson finds out what goes on in education, what the
principal's job is and what the school might need. Ms. Agee invited everyone to attend the
town meeting. Everyone was encouraged to telephone either Ms. Cairo or her to let them know
how they can become involved in the schools.
A. Appointments to be made:
To Be Made
Length of Term
Board Expiration Date
JV McKoy Advisory Bd on Children & Youth Alt 1 yr term to 4/04 Tabled (2)
Mayor Broening Advisory Bd on Children & Youth Stu/NonVoting 1 yr term to 4/04 Tabled (2)
III Ferguson Advisory Bd on Children & Youth Reg 2 yr term to 4/04 Tabled (3)
Mayor Broening Bldg. Bd of Adj & Appeals Alt 1 yr term to 4/04 Tabled (3)
II McCray Code Compliance Board Alt 1 yr term to 4/04 Tabled (2)
I! McCray Education Advisory Board Stu ! yr term to 4/04 Tabled (2)
I! McCray Library Board Alt I yr term to 4/04
!I McCray Nuisance Abatement Board Reg 2 yr term to 4/05 Tabled (2)
III Ferguson Nuisance Abatement Board Reg 2 yr term to 4/05 Tabled (2)
TV McKoy Nuisance Abatement Board Reg 2 yr term to 4/05 Tabled (2)
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission Meeting
BovntQn Be~ch, FIQrida
September 16, 200:3
Mayor Broening Recreation & Parks Board Reg 3 yr term to 4/06
Commissioner McCray appointed Kathleen Carroll as an Alternate Member of the Code
Compliance Board.
Mayor Broening moved William Orlove from an Alternate Member to a Regular Member of the
Recreation & Parks Board.
All other appointments were tabled.
Commissioner McCray moved to approve the appointments. Commissioner McKoy seconded the
motion that carried unanimously.
Matters in this section of the Agenda are proposed and recommended by the City Manager for
"Consent Agenda" approval of the action indicated in each item, with all of the accompanying
material to become a part of the Public Record and subject to staff comments.
A. Minutes:
Regular City Commission Meeting of September 2, 2003
Special City Commission Meeting of September 4, 2003
Bids and Purchase Contracts - Recommend Approval - All expenditures are
approved in the 2002-2003 Adopted Budget
Award the "ANNUAL SUPPLY OF SULFURIC ACID," Bid #082-2821-03/.1A,
to Sulfuric Acid Trading Company (SATCO) of Tampa, Florida, for an
estimated annual expenditure of $120,000
C. Resolutions:
Proposed Resolution No. R03-143 Re: Raising fees for annual
permits, daily fees and light fees at the Tennis Center, effective October
1, 2003 (Tabled on 8/19/03- Request table to
Commissioner Weiland requested that item C.1 be pulled from the consent agenda.
Proposed Resolution No. RO3-:L6:L Re: Agreement with the
State Department of Environmental Protection in furtherance of an
approved outdoor recreation project (Southeast Neighborhood Park)
Mayor Broening requested that item C.2 be pulled from the consent agenda as someone had
submitted a card to speak on this item.
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission Meeting
Bovnton Beach, Florida
~eptember 1G, 2003
Proposed Resolution No. R03-162 Re: Agreement with Palm
Beach County in furtherance of an approved invasive non-native plant
species removal project
Mayor Broening requested that item C.3 be pulled from the consent agenda as someone had
submitted a card to speak on this item.
Proposed Resolution No. R03-163 Re: Appointing the Palm
Beach County Supervisor of Elections to handle and canvas all absentee
ballots for the November 4, 2003 General Election and, if necessary, the
November 18, 2003 Run-Off Election, to represent the Municipal
Canvassing Board at all Logic & Accuracy Tests and to certify the election
D. Ratification of Planning & Development Board Action:
E. Ratification of CRA Action:
Approval of one-year renewal of programs for property and casualty insurance
and support service
Approve reduction of surety covering the water and sewer systems for the
project known as Leider P.U.D. (aka Tuscany Bay), reducing the existing surety
requirement of $1,291,910 downward to the new value of $129,000
Release cash bond of $20,000 to TRG Boynton Beach, Ltd. for the project known
as the Marina sales trailer
Approve the updated Library Long Range Plan for 2004-2006
Approve the list of top ranking qualifiers identified by the Evaluation Committee
from the responses received to the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) #065-2821-
03/C.1D, "Two-Year Contract for General Consulting and Engineering Services for
the City of Boynton Beach"; and authorize the Utilities Department to conduct
negotiations for compensation of services with the recommended qualifiers
according to Florida State Statute #287.055, Consultants' Competitive
Negotiations Act
Commissioner Weiland requested that item .1 be pulled from the consent agenda.
Approve Cardiac Monitor/defibrillator Service Agreement Addendum (Medtronic
PhysioControl, :[nc.)
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission Meeting
B~yntQn Beach, FIQrida
September 16, 2003
Authorize the use of $2,500 of Community Investment Funds for the YMCA
Partners With Youth Campaign by Commissioner Ron Weiland
Authorize the use of $1,000 of Community Investment Funds for the Boynton
Community Forum Families and Friends Network, Inc. by Commissioner Carl
Commissioner McCray requested that item M be pulled from the consent agenda.
Authorize the use of $1,500 of Community Investment Funds for the Boynton
Woman's Club by Vice Mayor Mike Ferguson
Approve a Revocable License Agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and
.lordan Wrecker for use of a City owned alleyway located behind 905 North
Railroad Avenue
Commissioner Weiland moved to approve the consent agenda as amended.
McCray seconded the motion that carried unanimously.
Proposed Resolution No. R03-:~43 Re: Raising fees for annual
permits, daily fees and light fees at the Tennis Center, effective October
1, 2003 (Tabled on 8/19/05- Request table to 9/~6/05)
Commissioner McCray made a motion to remove item C.1 from the table.
seconded the motion that carried unanimously.
Vice Mayor Ferguson
Wally Majors, Recreation & Parks Director, thanked the Commission for the opportunity to give
feedback on the assignment from the last meeting when they talked about tennis fees. The
Commission asked that the Recreation & Parks Department bring in someone from the outside
to give their opinion on the condition of the tennis courts. A form was developed which the
Department will also use in the future. The form breaks down the areas to be evaluated into
various categories, including canopies, court surface, fencing, landscaping, and line tapes. The
evaluators were asked to rate the courts as "Poor" (need attention beyond the regular
maintenance), "Average" (no attention needed other than on-going maintenance) or "Good"
(indicating that they were being well maintained).
The evaluations indicated that there were two sets of courts that need attention. Out of the 17
courts, it was found that courts 11, 12, 15 and 16 had an algae problem. This is especially
prevalent during the rainy season on courts that are shaded. When it creeps into the playing
surface, the Department has a concern and they are addressing it.
To summarize the findings, most of the people who rated the courts' surfaces found them to be
either average or good, other than the four mentioned. The fencing, landscaping, line tapes,
and net straps essentially fell within the good and average range.
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission Meeting
Bovnton Beach, Florid~
Sel~tember 16, 2003
Mr. Majors said that algae was a problem. They will take the comments they received over the
past month and refocus and, where possible, will redirect some of the resources to address
those comments. They will resurface those four courts. This is normally done every two to
four years. He said they might have to look at something more extensive in a year or two.
Over and above the regular maintenance activities, they believe this will solve the algae
problem. Staff will use this form once a week to monitor conditions.
Bill Schmalz, 1727 SW 18th Street, said that approximately 60 players were lost due to the
higher fees. He said he played on court 16 and there is not algae on that court but mud. He
fell on the court. The sidewalk at court 9 was removed and he appreciated that. Sometime
ago he suggested that holes be drilled in the pads between courts to allow the water to drain.
He was told that they would fill up with sand. He said the lines are terrible and are 3/8' high.
He requested that this be addressed because it is a trip hazard.
Duke Bown was disturbed by what he heard tonight. He distributed a paper with his
interpretation of the Recreation Department's findings. A copy is on file in the Office of the City
Clerk. He said that he did an investigation of the courts and also had experts evaluate them.
He said that going by Mr. Majors' definition of average, there is a possibility that average could
be quite bad. There are nine items and nine sets of courts, equaling 8! items to evaluate. He
took Mr. Majors' evaluators' scores and said they came out to 37% good, 49% average and
14% poor. Algae's ratings came out to 66% poor, which means it is a problem on many courts,
not just three or five.
Mr. Bown felt that courts 11, 12, 15 and 16 are quite bad, almost bare of any topsoil. He said
that work has been going on in the last three weeks and they are much better. He commended
staff for that.
He wanted to know why other courts are not as good as courts I and 2 and 21. Courts 3 to 8
are no longer available at 10 and 11 am. That cuts 8 courts out of the 17. He did not feel that
there was much choice, especially for the increase that is being proposed. Mr. Bown asked how
many people have had a 36% or 45% increase in other user fees, such as state licenses, doctor
bills, or Senior Center fees. He felt that a raise in rates was probably needed but it should be
reduced to something more reasonable. He also commented that many people have fallen on
the courts.
Mayor Broening asked Mr. Bown who his evaluators were. Mr. Bown said one had 20 years
experience running a court, one was an :[8 year permit holder and chief referee who evaluates
courts including Lipton's, and the third man is a local professional who does maintenance at
Valencia Falls, the Grove and two other places in town. He was told that by using chemicals,
algae could be broken down and that rolling the courts also helps.
Commissioner Weiland said that he took a tour of the courts today. He agreed that there are
four or five courts that need some repair. He could not understand why the courts on the east
side of the property that border Congress Avenue had algae growing because there was no
shade there.
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission Meeting
Bovnton Beach, Flprida
September 16, 20Q:~
Mr. Majors said that the hydro courts that they referred to are the newer courts, 11, 12, 15 and
16. These are watered from the bottom and there has been a problem with them retaining the
proper percentage of moisture. By resurfacing these four courts, they should be better for a
year and then they will look at them again. They have already received quotes and the process
should move fairly quickly.
Commissioner Weiland was in favor of the Tennis Center being self-supporting, which it is not
now. He understood the justification for raising the rates but felt that work was needed to
justify that. The landscaping is old and the maintenance of the landscaping is very poor.
Mr. Majors agreed with Commissioner Weiland. He said that there is $25,000 allocated in next
year's budget to address his concerns. The landscape planner is working on that now. On
courts at other facilities, the amount of landscaping is limited within the court system.
Commissioner Weiland wondered whether they were understaffed to maintain 2! courts. Mr.
Majors said that there is a full time maintenance worker and a part-time worker from another
section to assist.
Commissioner Weiland felt that in order to make the Tennis Center self-supporting, the City
must show the public that the Center will improve. He suggested that the rate increase be
done in two stages. Some improvements to the courts could be done and get a partial increase
now. Then, in a year they could analyze the situation and raise the rates another percentage.
Commissioner McCray asked how many members have not renewed. Mr. Majors said that he
would not know until they began selling permits for next year. There are currently 298 permit
Commissioner McCray concurred with Commissioner Weiland that if they are asking for more
money, he wants to show people what they are getting for their dollars.
Vice Mayor Ferguson was pleased to see the inspection report. However, he was very disturbed
with the comment that the lines were too high and concerned that someone might fall. He
proposed that the increase be modified this year until the maintenance is straightened out.
Vice Mayor Ferguson made a motion to increase the rates by 20%, which would increase the
first rate from $200 to $2~,0, the family resident from $300 to $360, the third one from $360 to
$430 and family non-resident from $500 to $600. Commissioner Weiland seconded the motion.
Mayor Broening did not believe it was fair that 65,000 residents pay for a facility for 300 permit
holders. He felt that the Tennis Center should stand on its own. At the same time, the City
must invest in their infrastructure. The courts need work and need capital put into them. He
concurred with the other Commissioners' view that the City needs to invest in a lot of things.
However, the Tennis Center must support itself like the Golf Course. He asked that the motion
be modified to include coming back to the Commission with a plan for upgrading the Center
over the next year and then revisit it next year to see what it takes to operate it. Mayor
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission Meeting
Bovnt~n Beach, Fl~rid~
September 16, 200~I
Broening was interested in financial stability. He wanted something with an outlook and does
not want to see the subsidy continue forever. He felt that a capital plan was needed.
Commissioner Weiland asked whether Mr. Majors could prepare a report in the next few weeks
to outline what the renovations would be. Mr. Majors said he could.
City Manager Bressner explained that this was the first step in the transition to an Enterprise
Fund. The General Fund has always subsidized the tennis courts. Staff recognized it would be
a rough road. They will come back to the Commission with a list of capital improvements that
will be needed to bring them up to the standards that the people want. The landscaping
comments are well taken. That can and should be done expeditiously. Staff will come back
with a cost figure, recognizing that they will have to come back for an additional increase later
this fiscal year or next fiscal year.
Commissioner Weiland commented that not everyone plays tennis but that is also true for the
Senior Center and the Library. Not everyone uses those facilities but the City subsidizes them.
Vice Mayor Ferguson commented that with the proposed increase, he felt that the City would
lose more than 10-20 percent of the membership, which would put them in another bad
situation. He felt that the City should raise the rates by 20% and then show the members that
the City can maintain the courts and then next year there could be another increase.
Mayor Broening wanted to make the point that most of the people (approximately 60-65%)
who use the Tennis Center are not Boynton Beach citizens so they pay no City taxes. He
agreed that the increase needs to be phased in.
The motion carried unanimously.
Proposed Resolution No. R03-161 Re: Agreement with the
State Department of Environmental Protection in furtherance of an
approved outdoor recreation project (Southeast Neighborhood Park)
There was no one in the audience to speak on this item.
Vice Mayor Ferguson moved to approve.
carried unanimously.
Commissioner McCray seconded the motion that
Proposed Resolution No. R03-162 Re: Agreement with Palm
Beach County in furtherance of an approved invasive non-native plant
species removal project
There was no one in the audience to speak on this item.
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission Meeting
Bovnton Beach, FIQridp
September 16, 200~1
Vice Mayor Ferguson moved to approve.
carried unanimously.
Commissioner McCray seconded the motion that
Approve the list of top ranking qualifiers identified by the Evaluation Committee
from the responses received to the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) #065-2821-
03/CJD, "Two-Year Contract for General Consulting and Engineering Services for
the City of Boynton Beach"; and authorize the Utilities Department to conduct
negotiations for compensation of services with the recommended qualifiers
according to Florida State Statute #287.055, Consultants' Competitive
Negotiations Act
City Attorney Cherof gave an overview of the process. The goal on staff's part was to award
professional/technical service contracts to consulting engineers that have a proven track record
and who are able to perform in a cost effective manner. The challenge was to both simplify the
process and comply with the Florida Consultants' Competitive Negotiation ACt. This requires
and spells out a very detailed process for the selection of consulting engineers. The solution
that staff came up with is one that was used here before, which is to award continuing
contracts for professional services to pre-qualified professional engineers.
He explained that there are five steps to the process as follows:
1. Staff drafts and issues a Request for Qualifications. That has been completed.
2. The administrative staff performs a preliminary evaluation of what came in and ranks
the responses for City Commission's consideration.
3. The Commission engages in the selection and ranking process for the qualified
consulting engineers. This item is on the agenda tonight.
4. Tn the future, based on the Commission's ranking, staff will negotiate with the
professionals that are listed as acceptable for continuing contracts.
5. Contracts will come back to the Commission.
City Attorney Cherof said that the Commission was not limited to staff's rankings.
Dana Gillette, President of Crossroads Engineering & Surveying, said her company was
ranked eighth on the ]Infrastructure Project and she was looking forward to working with the
City. She complemented staff on the selection process. They complied with the C.C.N. Act and
she was impressed with the quantity and quality of the selection committee.
Rene Mathews, President of Mathews Consulting, stated that her company was one of
the short listed firms for the Tnfrastructure Project. She said that her company found the RFQ
to be very clear and easy to follow. Firms that did not follow the directions and who did not
meet the qualifications did not score as highly as firms who spent the time to prepare a
complete submittal. She found that the process provided all firms, both small and large, an
equal opportunity to be fairly evaluated.
Marco Bell, 1120 Grand Way, Royal Palm Beach, said he was a Professional Civil Engineer
and owner of Marco Water Engineering, a certified minority business enterprise. He supported
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission Meeting
Bovnt~)n Bei~ch, Fl~)riq;Jp
September 16, 200~
the proposed recommendations by the evaluation committee. He felt that the process used by
the City was open and unbiased. He witnessed the discussions of the evaluation committee and
they centered around the quality of the firms. He distributed an Evaluation Committee
Recommendation Statistical Comparison, which he said proves that the process was equitable
and unbiased. A copy of the Comparison is on file in the Office of the City Clerk. He said that
the recommendations were fair and were unanimous by all members of the committee. He
urged the Commission to validate the process.
Lisa Tropepe, Professional Engineer with Shalloway Engineering in West Palm
Beach, explained that she was not here to say that her firm did a good job with the RFQ. Her
company is an engineering firm and not a marketing firm. They do engineering work very well.
She asked that they be included in addition to the ten that were ranked in Scope C.
Ms. Tropepe said that the majority of the top ranked firms are not headquartered in Palm Beach
County. Her firm is. They have worked in Palm Beach County for over 25 years. They worked
on the Costa Bella project in Boynton Beach and solved the problem that other engineering
firms could not. They are team players. She said that when their references have been called,
they have always been selected. This process did not allow for references to be called. Her
firm would like the opportunity to work here.
Commissioner Weiland said that the Commission has always stated that they want to use local
firms. He was pleased to see that four or five companies are local. This company did a good
job with the Costa Bella project to eliminate flooding. He questioned why this firm was le~ out
if they previously performed work in the City and had a good track record. He asked if it was
merely for not filling out the RFQ correctly.
Dale Sugerman, Assistant City Manager, stated that the City had no qualms with the quality of
work that this firm performed on the Costa Bella project. He explained that in the package is
the weighted scoring sheet used by the committee of ten individuals from within and outside
the Utilities Department. There were some engineers on the committee and a private citizen,
Brian Edwards, who spent dozens of hours reviewing the packets. They tried to get a broad
perspective. They measured the quality of the submittal from each of the firms.
One of the items that was scored was whether the firm had a local presence. They did not
discredit any firm because their corporate headquarters were not local, but gave the firm higher
points if it had a local presence in Palm Beach County. The closer the local presence, the more
points they would score.
Assistant City Manager Sugerman said the committee did not discount this firm. They
evaluated the firm compared to all of the firms based upon the weighted criteria. Under Scope
C, the committee recommended to the Commission all the firms that scored at the average or
above. The committee is not saying that this firm does not do good work or that they are not
local. However, based upon their submittal and the information given by them, this firm
finished :~5th on the list and the committee drew the line at 10.
Commissioner Weiland asked whether the short list could be expanded. Assistant City Manager
Sugerman said that the committee has done their work and made a recommendation to the
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission Meeting
BovntQn Beach, FIQrida
September 16, 200-~
Commission. However, as the City Attorney has stated, it is the prerogative of the Commission
to determine which firms are on the short list. He explained that all the short list does is
instruct the staff to negotiate a continuing contract. There have been no talks with anyone
regarding costs yet.
Commissioner McCray asked how many of the 27 firms were minority firms. He also questioned
whether there would be an opportunity for a minority business that might move into the City in
the future.
Assistant City Manager Sugerman said that of the 27 firms that submitted qualifications, seven
are certified minority firms. He explained that after negotiations are completed for rates,
contracts are brought back to the Commission. Once they are awarded, during the course of
two years the City would not be going out and requesting qualifications from firms to enter into
any new contracts. However, there is still an opportunity for smaller firms, and in particular
minority firms, to subcontract work under the broader continuing contract.
Commissioner McCray asked how many minority firms were on the short list.
The recommendations were reviewed and the following was noted:
Scope A - none
Scope B - none
Scope C - Mathews Engineering, Wantman Group, Crossroads Engineering
Scope D - Shalloway and Marco Engineering
Commissioner McCray said that his concern was that the Commission looks out for minority
businesses in the City.
Mayor Broening felt that the City does this by providing a very level playing field. The City must
provide its citizens with quality services. The process used is designed to provide quality
engineering services. He is convinced that the process is good and fair. He asked for a motion
to approve.
There was no motion.
Commissioner Weiland thanked staff and the committee for their hard work. He did not believe
that the process was flawed. His concern was that he did not want to exclude small local firms
who have worked in the City previously.
Commissioner Weiland moved to include Shallowa¥-SFRN in the list for Scope C.
seconded by Commissioner McKo¥.
Motion was
Vice Mayor Ferguson felt that if Shalloway, who was 15th on the list, is included, the other four
would need to be included also.
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission MeeUng
Bovnton Beach, Florida
September 16, 200~
Commissioner Weiland amended the motion to include the other four. Commissioner McKoy
seconded the amended motion.
Mayor Broening did not think there was anyone on the Commission who understands
engineering requirements. There are different scopes of work and he did not understand how
the Commission could make these technical decisions. The City has a qualified Engineering
Department that reviews engineering. He felt that it was absurd for the Commission to insert
itself in this process at this point.
Commissioner Weiland believed that this would make a more competitive playing field.
Commissioner McKoy felt that by extending this to the top 15, it would allow the opportunity to
let more minority businesses be included.
The motion carried 4 to I with Mayor Broening dissenting.
City Attorney Cherof said that the Commission had expanded the list for Scope C. A motion to
approve the list was now needed.
Vice Mayor Ferguson moved to approve item .1. Commissioner McKo¥ seconded the motion that
carried unanimously.
Authorize the use of $1,000 of Community Tnvestment Funds for the Boynton
Community Forum Families and Friends Network, Tnc. by Commissioner Carl
Commissioner McCray wanted it on the record that these funds would be paid on a
reimbursement basis.
Commissioner McCray moved to approve item M.
that carried unanimously.
Vice Mayor Ferguson seconded the motion
Bob Brown requested that the Commission review the procedure for City Hall visitors leaving
their drivers' licenses at the front desk. He wished that they could tweak the security
arrangement and use something other than a driver's license.
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission Meeting
Bovnt0n Beach, Florida
September 16, 2007
Jim Miriana, citizen of Boynton Beach, praised the 9-11 program at the HeadStart school
to which he was invited. The three and four year olds in the program were very well behaved.
Lena Rehming should be commended for the wonderful job that she does. He felt Ms. Rehming
should receive support for carrying on the program.
Mayor Broening commented that Commissioners McCray and McKoy would be going to
Washington to lobby for the HeadStart program. The City has a long standing with this
Brian Edwards, 629 NE gth Avenue, complimented the City staff for allowing him to serve on
the Engineering Evaluation Committee. He said it was very intense and extremely professional
and was made open to the public.
Mr. Edwards thought that Mayor Broening had done an awesome job and had served the City
well. He made his family, neighbors and citizens proud. He said that it is true that it takes a
team, but the Mayor led the team. He has been a class act and the epitome of what a mayor
should be.
Mayor Broening thanked Mr. Edwards for his comments.
A recess was called at 8:1,t and the meeting reconvened at 8:25 p.m.
The Harbors (ABAN 03-004)
Gregory Mire, P.S.M., Keith & Associates, Inc.
2300 North Federal Highway
Request for abandonment of a 15-foot wide utility easement
Mike Rumpf, Planning & Zoning Director, presented this item. In October 2002 the Commission
approved a site plan for a townhome project replacing Shooters Nightclub. There is an existing
15-foot wide utility easement running north and south across the property. Townhome units
are planned over the top of it, requiring the easement to be relocated. This abandonment will
not proceed to ordinance reading until the new easement is recorded. Staff recommends
Commissioner McCray moved to approve.
carried unanimously.
Commissioner McKoy seconded the motion that
A. Discussion of Marina Development Agreement (Tabled on $/20/03)
This item remained on the table.
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission Meeting
Bovnton Beach, FIQrida
Sel)tember :16, 2003
B. City Hall/Public Safety Space Needs Report
City Manager Bressner presented an overview of the report. He said that there were three
reasons that a report was prepared to propose the relocation of the existing City Hall.
The first reason was a concern for the survivability of the facilities if the City
experienced a category 3 or higher hurricane. A structural analysis showed that the roof
on City Hall would probably be lost in a major storm. The building houses many people
and a lot of infrastructure.
The second reason for the report was that the consultant for the space needs completed
the evaluation for the core space needs requirements of the Police, Fire,
Communications, Public Works, and administrative activities.
The third reason for doing the report was that the Motorola facility is now empty.
Although Motorola has a lease on a portion of the building, the remaining portion is in
the hands of Capital Partners and they are in the process of leasing out or selling space.
City Manager Bressner explained that approximately eight months ago he visited the Motorola
site, specifically for the purpose of relocating the Communications and computer operations that
are on the second floor of City Hall because of his concern regarding the roof being blown off.
Currently, Compson Association has a contract to purchase the entire property, inclusive of the
Motorola building. The Motorola Company still has a lease for an empty building. For the
foreseeable future, that situation is at a status quo.
City Manager Bressner said that his job was to provide options and recommendations for
current situations and also looking to the future. The consultants' report gave him guidance of
what the overall space needs were.
The consultants projected that the City's population would be 94,300 by the year 2020. He
thought that might be a little optimistic. However, he felt that it was not far off. His guess was
that the population would be 80,000-82,000 in that year. The City's current water service area
consists of 92,000 persons. Based on the S.F.W.Fvl. D. permit, the service area is projected to
increase to 122,000 by the year 2010. The City's population has grown by 2,000 in the past
two years. There will be an increase in population in the downtown area because of
There are currently 18,300 square feet in the East Wing for the Police Department. The
projection, based on the current consultant's report, is there is a space need of approximately
66,000 square feet. :In 1998, the space study for the year 2005 estimated a need of 59,500
square feet for the Police Department. Those figures are very close. He did not have any
comparable data for other departments.
City Manager Bressner explained that this report is to provide a community opportunity to
discuss what the City should do. The report provides four options.
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission Meeting
Bovntgn Beach, Flgrida
September 16, 200~
Follow the recommendations of the space needs consultant, which call for a Public
Safety building to be constructed approximately on the location of where the Civic
Center is. They recommend demolishing the Civic Center and building a Public Safety
building of approximately 70,000 square feet. Recommendations also include tearing
down the old high school and purchasing the apartments on the corner to square off the
campus. Then, the City Hall building would be refurbished and the space needs for the
City's operations would be consolidated into this building and the East Wing. The
consultant did not include land acquisition costs or parking costs in the analysis.
2. Build a new City Hall and Public Safety building in the downtown area and possibly go
up six stories. He felt that this was beyond the means of the City to afford.
The third option is the Motorola property. The preliminary plans for the 53-acre
property are to demolish the building except for the 200,000 square foot office area.
This portion of the building would either stay, be leased out or sold or be demolished.
Recognizing that the building is there and is of sufficient construction, the original idea
of moving the computer and dispatch operations evolved into moving all City facilities
except Utilities administration. There is also sufficient space in the building to provide
office space for ancillary community needs.
,~. The fourth option is to do nothing.
City Manager Bressner requested authorization to continue discussion with the property owners
out west. He also felt that there should be additional community discussion regarding the
viability and the impact of possibly changing where the main City Hall is located.
The possible relocation of City Hall to a different location does not mean that there would not
be face-to-face services provided somewhere on this campus. He felt that something needed to
be done with respect to the space needs, with the Police Department as a priority. The space
needs of the Public Works facility is something else that needs to be addressed.
City Manager Bressner said that the specific numbers are in the report and copies are available.
The numbers seem to favor the western option but sometimes cost is not the only factor to be
Michael Weiner said that he now has offices located in Boynton Beach. He said that he
respected the process and the fairness of the report by the City Manager tonight. He felt
privileged to be in on the first step of the discussions. He firmly believes that the backbone of
redevelopment is small businesses. He thought that when you think of a City Hall, you must
see it on a broad level. He felt that a public commitment to keeping City Hall downtown
encourages small businesses to do the same. Sometimes keeping it downtown costs more but
there is a big difference between cost and value.
Mr. Weiner realized that this item is in the preliminary stages now. He thought it was too early
to go over the figures yet. He said that if City Hall is moved, not all the land could be sold as
there would still need to be a service center downtown. Also, it would take a few years to go
out for RFP and sell it and have something built in its place. In the meantime, he felt that this
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission Meeting
Bovnton Beach, FIQri~J~
September 16, 2003
might encourage blight rather than eliminate it. He asked the Commission to give this a lot of
thought and give the stakeholders a chance to help.
Herb Suss thought that both the City Manager and Mr. Weiner made good points. He felt that
downtown is a great place for City Hall but people can get used to another location. Safety is a
great concern. Hurricane Tsabel could have done a job on this building. The Motorola building
offers strength as far as the weather is concerned. He requested that the Commission not pour
good money into repairing the existing building. He suggested that the City might be able to
consolidate storage and keep it at the Motorola site. He felt that the Commission should not
rush into a decision. He thought that moving City Hall was a viable option.
Commissioner McCray was glad that this was only in the preliminary stage. He said that if he
was an investor and heard that City Hall was moving, he would be concerned. This building has
been through hurricanes in the past. He felt that the Police Department could be moved but
City Hall should remain where it is for the time being.
Commissioner Weiland felt that City Hall should remain downtown and be refurbished. He was
in favor of giving the Police Department more room and rehabilitating the town square area.
Vice Mayor Ferguson thought that Communications, the computer operations, Public Safety and
perhaps Public Works could be located outside of the City Hall complex. However, he felt that
City Hall should remain downtown.
Commissioner McKoy felt that the Commission should ensure that staff and the citizens have a
safe place to conduct business regardless of where it is located. Tt should be a place to be
proud of.
Mayor Broening did not believe this was about moving City Hall. He felt that it was about
providing facilities and services in the future to accommodate growth. The Commission should
examine options and costs at this point. Sometimes the cheapest way is not the right way.
City Hall should be a product that matches the rest of the City. He did not feel that this building
does. He felt that this is not a good building from any standpoint including architectural style.
The City should look at what is needed to provide services and not rush to judgment at this
point. He did not agree that doing nothing was an option. He was inclined to conclude that
perhaps a downtown location is a better way to go, even though it may be more costly. He
believes that the Commission should ask staff to continue working on this. He felt that the City
should get broad public input on this matter.
City Manager Bressner asked what City Hall functions are deemed appropriate and necessary
for downtown. He heard tonight that the Commission wants the City Hall to remain downtown.
There is a space needs problem in the Police and Fire Departments that needs to be addressed.
He suggested that perhaps the City could take 100,000 square feet rather than 200,000 square
feet from Motorola and move Public Safety operations and computer back office operations
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission Meeting
Bovnton Beach, Flprida
SeDtember 16, 200?
Commissioner Weiland asked how much space was needed for Communications. City Manager
Bressner answered that the space study showed 14,000 square feet. Commissioner Weiland
suggested that maybe Communications could be moved to the existing fire station #2 site.
Mayor Broening felt that the Commission agrees with the space needs in terms of square
footage. Everything else is a detail and he was not prepared to handle the details tonight. He
would like a public workshop with some public input and he would like the consultant to talk to
the Commission.
It was the consensus of the Commission to hold the workshop after the new Commission is
A. Early Retirement Incentive Program (ERIP) (October 7, 2003)
Resolution of Necessity for 8 parcels of land associated with the Railroad Avenue
Stormwater Improvement Project (October 7, 2003)
Proposed Ordinance regarding granting to Florida Power & Light Company an
electric franchise agreement for the period of thirty years from the date of
acceptance (October 21, 2003)
D. Follow-up Meeting with CRA on Development Issues (November 2003)
Workshop Regarding Cemetery Options and Proposal by Cemetery Board to
Expand Cemetery West into Little League Park (November 2003)
F. High School Task Force Report (December 2, 2003)
G. Proposed Lease Agreement with Boynton Woman's Club ('I-BA)
Proposed Resolution regarding approval of Community Development Block Grant
(CDBG) Sub-Grantee Agreement with Juvenile Transition Center, Inc. of Boynton
Beach in the amount of $7,500
Discussion regarding proposed off-premise sign at Texaco Station (Tabled
8/5/03- Request table to g/16/03)
Vice Mayor Ferguson made a motion to remove this item from the table. Commissioner McCray
seconded the motion that carried unanimously.
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission Meeting
Bovnton Beach, FIQriq;la
September :~6, 200~
Vice Mayor Ferguson made a motion to move this item to the Future Agenda. The motion was
seconded by Commissioner McCray and carried unanimously.
B. Discussion regarding CRA Chairperson term
Mayor Broening explained that the Commission appoints the Chairperson and all members to
the CRA. There is no specificity to the term of the Chairperson. The CRA became independent
in 3anuary 2000. Since then, they have done amazing work. The CRA has been in existence
since 1983. From 1983 until December :L999, the Tax Tncrement Funds for all those years was
$880,000. This year alone, approximately $2.5M is going into the T.T.F.
Mayor Broening felt that the function of the CRA was changing. When the CRA became
independent, the Commission thought they would need an orientation on real estate and
making land banks. That has proven not to be the case. The dynamics of the Board have
changed in his view. He felt that it was time for a discussion by the Commission. One of the
major issues is the term of the CRA Chairperson. He felt that it was time to change the
Chairperson because he is a real estate person. Mayor Broening felt that the Chair should be
someone on neutral grounds.
Commissioner McCray asked whether the other appointed Boards in the City choose their
Chairperson. Mayor Broening said that they do. However, the Commission chooses the CRA
Chairperson and it is open ended. He recommended that the Commission appoint another
member as the Chair to reflect the changing nature of the CRA.
Vice Mayor Ferguson thought that there was a term limit for the Chairperson. Mayor Broening
said that there is a term for the board membership but not for the position of Chair. He
explained that the Commission appointed four realtors to the Board. The Board needs someone
who can operate outside of the real estate market. There needs to be a shift from real estate
to one related to design standards. He felt that an architect was needed on the Board. He
thought that the composition of the CRA should be brought to a new standard and have the
disciplines represented which include someone with experience in municipal government.
Mayor Broening requested a nomination to have Charlie Fisher, a new member of the CRA,
appointed as Chairperson because he is absolutely neutral.
Vice Mayor Ferguson brought up a point of order. He did not think it was proper to vote on this
tonight since the agenda specified "Discussion regarding CRA Chairperson term." He also
wanted to hear from the CRA member in the audience, Don Fenton.
Don Fenton, 2556 SW Cranbrook Drive, did not think that in reading the agenda tonight it
was to appoint a new Chair. He found it insulting to appoint someone who is new and has
never attended a meeting since its inception.
Mayor Broening withdrew his request for tonight. However, he felt that the Commission needs
to address the composition of the CRA and the Chair. Tt should be someone with no outside
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission Meeting
Bovnton Beach, Florida
September 16, 2003
Commissioner McCray commented for the record that Charlie Fisher was present at the last
meeting of the CRA.
Commissioner McKoy felt that maybe the Commission should set a limit on the term for the
Mayor Broening agreed that Vice Mayor Ferguson was correct on the point of order and that the
Commission should move on.
A. Ordinances - 2® Reading - PUBI TC HEARTNG
Proposed Ordinance No. 03-049 Re:
Compensation of the Personnel Policy Manual
subsection 09 entitled "Travel Reimbursement"
Amending Chapter III
by creating a new
City Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 03-049 by title only.
Vice Mayor Ferguson noted that this ordinance had an amendment to change the mileage rate
from 29 cents to 36 cents.
City Attorney Cherof explained that rather than set a specific limit, the ordinance uses the same
rate as the TRS.
Vice Mayor Ferguson moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. 03-049 with the modification.
Commissioner McCray seconded the motion. City Clerk Prainito called the roll and the motion
carried unanimously.
Proposed Ordinance No. 03-050 Re: Amending Chapter II
Administration, by deleting Section 2-15 Per Diem and Travel Expense
Schedule in its entirety
City Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 03-050 by title only.
Vice Mayor Ferguson moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. 03-050. Commissioner
McCray seconded the motion. City Clerk Prainito called the roll and the motion carried
B. Ordinances - 1st Reading
Proposed Ordinance No. 03 -O48 Re: Amending Land
Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Zoning, Section 4.] limiting the
distance a dock can extend into the canal to one-third (1/3) of the canal
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission Meeting
Bovnton Beach, FIoridp
September 16, 2003
width, to reduce the percentage to one-quarter (1/4) to coincide with
regulations of other agencies (7'abica! on 9/2/05)
Commissioner McCray made a motion to remove the item from the table. Motion was seconded
by Commissioner McKoy and carried unanimously.
City Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 03-048 by title only.
Vice Mayor Ferguson moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. 03-048. Commissioner McKoy
seconded the motion. City Clerk Prainito called the roll and the motion carried unanimously.
Proposed Ordinance No. 03-052 Re: Abandonment of a
portion of an existing ingress/egress and utility easement on Lot 3B of
the Boynton Commerce Center PTD
City Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 03-052 by title only.
Vice Mayor Ferguson moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No.
McCray seconded the motion. City Clerk Prainito called the roll
03-052. Commissioner
and the motion carried
Proposed Ordinance No. 03-053 Re: Enhanced background
screening for City employees, private contractors, vendors and repair and
delivery persons consistent with 2002 Florida State legislation (166.442
[SB 954])
City Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 03-053 by title only.
Vice Mayor Ferguson moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. 03-053. Commissioner
McCray seconded the motion. City Clerk Prainito called the roll and the motion carried
Proposed Ordinance No. 03-054
Central Business District
Establishing an Urban
City Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 03-054 by title only.
Vice Mayor Ferguson moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. 03-054. Commissioner
McCray seconded the motion. City Clerk Prainito called the roll and the motion carried
C. Resolutions:
Meeting Minutes
Regular City Commission Meeting
Bovnton Beach, FIQridp
September 16, 2003
Proposed Resolution No. R03-164 Re: Establishing minimum
standards of conduct for public officers of the City
City Attorney Cherof read Proposed Resolution No. R03-164 by title only.
Vice Mayor Ferguson felt that this proposed resolution was superfluous. Commissioner Weiland
Commissioner McKoy moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. R03-164. Commissioner
McCray seconded the motion that failed 2 to 3 with Mayor Broening, Vice Mayor Ferguson and
Commissioner Weiland dissenting.
D. Other:
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 9:52 p.m.
Deputy City Clerk
- ,,
Comm,ss,oner' '
Fill in the information called for below and give to the City
Commission M~.~ttng. ~.~ ~
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prior to the start of the City
Addressed One topic per card)
Ifa person decides to tppoal any made by the City Coumtisalon with respect to any matter considered at thit meeHn.-, he/she
will need a record of the l~Oceed~ and, for such purpose, he/she my need to ensure that a verbatim record of the i~oceedinge is
made, which record includse the tes~mnuy and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. (F.8. 286.mos)
The City thoU famish apin'op:4at~ anstHa~ aide and se:viese where necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal
opportunity to paRicipam in and enjoy the benefits of a service, profl~m, or activity conducted by the City. Plem contact Joyce
Coetello, (S61) 7426013 at leant twenty-four bourn prior to tho pro,ram or activity in order for the city to reasonably acco,~,-odate
~our reqneet. See reverse side for important message
Fill in the information called for below and give to the City Clerk prior to the start of the City
Commission Meet4,,g.
Name b(2[~ ~O ~ ~
Telephone # 7 J~ ~c'_
Summary of Matter to be
Agenda #
topic per card)
If a [~,~- decides to appeal any decision made by the City Coznntisalon with respect to any matter considered at thin meetinf, he/she
will need a record of the proceed!,,_q and, for such porpoae, he/she may hoed to ensure that a v~rbatim record of the proceedings is
made, which record includse the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be brad. (F.S. 286.010S)
The City shall furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where nseeuary to afford an individual with a disability an eqnel
. r / 1
Fill m the infomaflon called for below and give to the City C~rk prior to the start of the City
Commission Meeting. ~
Name ~'~ a~ (~'t \\~,~ t/
?elephoae # Agenda #
/ .
Summary of Matter to be ~ddre~d - (C)~e/ n \tnopic per card) \
Ifa person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Comminion with respect to any mt*er considered at thtt Ineetin.~, he/she
will need a record of the procoedin~ and, for such purpose, bo/she my need to ensure that a 3~rbetim record of the proceedings is
rode, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. ~.S. 286.010S)
The City shall hrnish approiudato auxilhz7 aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a dinbility an equal
opportunity to perticipota in and enjoy the benefits of a sel~tce, pro,ram, or activity conducted by the City. Plem contact Joyce
Costello, (561) 742~013 at least twenty*four bom prior to .the proKrm or activity in order for the city to reesoneMy ecco,~-~odate
~our reqne,t. See reverse side for important message
i in .the. in~.o, rm.a. tion called for below and give to the City Clerk prior to the start of the City
'elephone # ~[~ ~' /~O --~ ~ / / Agenda#
ummary of Matter to b_e Ad~essed - (O//e topic per card)/ / ~G.~~.+ ~..~
a peter, decides to appeal &ny decision made by the City Commission With respect to any matter considered at this mectin& he/she
al need a record of the iJ~OeoodJn~m~ Illd, ~or erich pl~pose, bo/she my need to ensure Chat a vmrbatizn record of the proceedinp is
ade, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the tppeal is to be based. (F.8. 286.010S)
3e City shall Furnish aplwoprttte auxtlttzy aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equat
)portunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, proKrun, or activity conducted by the City. Please contact .royce
)stello, (S6I) 742-6013 at leest twenty-tour bom prior to tho pro,mn or activity in order for the city to reesonebly accom,~odate
F~ P~~::~A iMI~TNET~7
C~~s;o~nf°Mer~at~;.n called for below and five to ~Clerk prior to the start of the City
c-,.:l~r.,o,~,,,/'~ . - / , -
Telephone #
Summary of M. atter !o ~e-- \ / · Addr~ed- (On,e topic per card)
iw~-h~o~re~-~a`-pud~the.~`~*~*y*~ndevi~`~p~`~h~th~a~`~-~ ('.'. ,6.0105,
,1~o_ _Pr~_.r~__a._ .miffed?_ .aids_.and. servic .es where necessary to afford an individual with a dinbility an eqUL
~,p~..m,__a~_.u.~.~nj__oy__.r~___ U~. nonu o.~ a.se..r~sce, program, or activi.ty conducted by the City. Please contact Joyce
Lwen~y*vour hours prior m r. ne program or activity m order for the city to reuonably accommodate
See reverse side for important message
'ill in the information called for below and five to the City Clerk prior to the start of the City
~ommission Meeting.
Summ~ of Ma~er to be Ad~essed - (O~opic per card]
...... ths~ ........... P~ · ( . . ~6.0105)
Fill in the information called for below and give to the City Clerk prior to the start of the City
Commission Meeting.
~ .~ . , , IL.- ~. f-t. !' / .
Address .
Summary of Matter to be,~ddr~sed - {One topic per card}
/, ,..-,_, ', ,' ,' _
If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter co~aldered at this meeting, he/she
will need a record of the proceedings and, for such purpose, he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is
made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. (F.S. 286.0105)
The City shall furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal
opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by the City. Please contact Joyce
Costello, (561) 742-6013 at least twenty-four horn prior to the program or activity in order for the city to reasonably accommodate
your request.
Fill in the information called for below and give to the City Clerk prior to t~]~h~start
Commission Meeting. ~
Name ~ ('[(~e% ~ c~ ~ o.~-~ ~' _./'
Telephone ~ (5~i} q~Z ' 27~I ./
Summa~ of Matter t~be Ad~essed~topic per card}
of the City
If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, he/she
will need a record of tho proceedin~s and, for such purpose, he/she may need to ensttre that a verbatim record of the proceedings is
made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. (F.S. 286.0105)
The City shall flirniah appropriate auxiliary aids and selwtces where necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal
opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, pro,ram, or activity conducted by the City. Please contact Joyce
Costello, (561) 742-6013 at least twenty-four hours prior to the pro,ram or activity in order for the city to reasonably accommodate
Fill in the information called for below and give to the City Clerk prior to the start of the City
Commission Meeting.
Address ......... ·
Telephone # d~e
Summa~ of Matter to be Ad ssed - per card}
, ·
If a per~n decides t~ ip~i any decision made by the Ci~ Comm~ion ~ res~ct to any mtt~r co~td~d at th~ meetin~ he/she
wffi need a record ol ~e proceeders and, for such p~se, he/she may need to ensue tht
made, which record ~cludes ~e test~ony and e~d~nce u~n which the appeal ~ to be based. {F.8. 286.010~)
The City sh~ ~h appropriat~ s~ aids and se~ces where neces~ to afford an ~di~d~ wi~ a
oppo~i~ to pa~ici~te ~ and enjoy th~ benefits of a se~ce, pro~ram~ or scti~ conducted by the Ci~. ~es~ contact Joyce
CosteHo, (561) 742.6013 at lesst ~enty-fo~ ho~s prior to the proem or scti~ ~ order for the ci~ to rea~n~bly accommodate
yo~ request.
Fill in the information called for below and ~ive to the City Cler~ prior to the start of the City
Commission Meeting.
Telephone #
Summary of Matter to be Addre~
topic per card}
If a m~,~,,, =_----.-:--__-- to a~[.=_al-- any d --~r. made by the C;i7 Commlnion with respect to any mat~er considered at thio meeitnf, he/she
will need a record of the procsedinfs and, for such purpose, b/she may need to ensure that a verbathn record of the proceedinEs is
made, which record includes the ~offmony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. (F.8. 286.010S)
The City shall furnish appropriate auzflisry aids and servicse where necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal
opport~uity to par~cilmato in and en~oy tho benefits or a service, pro,ram, or acidvity condne~ed by the City. Please contac~ Joyce
Coatello, (561) 742-6013 at least twenty-four hours prior to the proEram or activity in order for the city to reasonably accom,~odate
your request. See reverse side for important
Fill in the information called for below and give to the City Clerk prior to the start of the City
Commission Meeting. ~
Name ) I -. - ~
Address /
Telephone, ~ /. Agenda,
Summary of Matter to be AddresSed- {O~ top,c per card}
~fa person decides to appeal a~ decision md. by the City ~o~ion wi[h/e;pec/~ any matter to~-~d*r~ at this mee~.-, he/sh.e
m~lld~ewdh~COrecordr:f theinclmle~ProCthe~ tesdi~n~a~n~ualn; a~dlUCev~p~rpOusepo,nhwe~ ~eYa;ep~di t~ t~eU~ea~.t ~.~.rba286.t~l~) rd of the proceeding, ~s
The City shall fardiah appropriate amc0/a~ aids and services where neceseary to afford an individual with a disability an equal
opportunity to participate in and enjoy the belmflts of a sezvice, program, or activity conducted by the City. Please contact Joyce
Coatello, (561) 743-6013 at least twenty-four horn1 prior to tho program or activity in order for the city to reesonably accommodate
you, reqnee~ See reverse side for important message
Fill in the information called for below and give to the City Clerk prior to the start of the City
Commission Meeelng,
Summary of Matter to be Addressed - (One ~o~)~,]t~ card}
The C~ty ~ ~ appropriata a,,~--y ~ and se~wtces where ,,ece~ary to afford an individual with a dl*ability an equal
opportunity to p,~a~?~i~pa~t~_ ~ and enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by the City. Please contact Joyc,
Fill in the information called for below and give to the City Clerk prior to the start of the City
Commission Meeting.
Summary of Matter to be Addressed - {(~e topic per card~
If a per~on decides to appeal any decision made ~r the City Comml~lon with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, he/she
will need a record of the proceedings and, for,~uch purpose, he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is
made, which record includes the testimony a~d evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. IF.S. 286.0105)
The City ahall furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and aervicea where nece~ary to afford an individual with a disability an equal
opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by the City. Please contact Joyce
Coatello, (5611 742-6013 at least twenty-four hours prior to the program or activity in order for the city to reasonably accommodate
your request.
Fill in the information called for below and give to the City.Clerk pri~r to the start of the City
Tel~ __
If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, he/she
will need a record of the proceedings and, for such purposo, he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings ia
made, which record includes the teatimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be ba~ed. (F.S. 286.0105)
The City shall fttrnish appropriate auxiliary aida and services where necemry to afford an individual with a disability an equal
opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by the City. Please contact Joyce
Costello, (561) 742-6013 at leaat twenty-four houra prior to the program or activity in order for the city to reasonably accommodate
~lve to the City Clerk prior to the star~ of the City
Commission Meeting.
~ter to be Ad.eased
~- A, ......... - Y a~ u~n w~h ~e ap~ h ~ be brad ,p ~ ~oi A~Af~
yo~ ~q~at. See ~ve~e side fo- ~ .... ~' ....... - -~ m -no.my acco~odate
or ~po~nt ~es~ge
Fill in the information called for below and five to the~City Clerk prior to the start of the City
Commission Meefl-E.
Name ~
Telephone #
Af~enda #
Summary of Matter to be ~ddressUl/-/i~ne topic per card)
lf..a, per~n, de__ma, de by. the City c?mmin_ ion with .apect to any matter considered at thin meetial, he/sh
wm neea a recora ox eno procseamia fbr such purpose, b/alto may need to ensure that a verbettm record of the proceedings:
made, which roeord includes the teefl,~,,ny and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. (F.8. 286.010S)
The City shall flLrnAsh appropriate au~ aids and servicse where necessary to afford an individual with a clisabilfty an equ~
opportunity to part~cipatn in and enjoy tho benefits or a service, program, or activity condne~ed by the City. Plem conCac~ Joyc
Coatello, (561) 742-6013 at lent twenty*bur hours prior to the program or activity in order for the city to reasonably acco-,,~odat
.~EXHIBIT - 9/16/03 City CommissiozA.
- 9/16/03
City Commission.
GOAL: To award professional/technical service contracts to consulting engineers
that have a proven track record of successful cost effective completion of public utility
and infrastructure projects.
CHALLENGE: To simplify and expedite the process for retaining consulting
engineers while maintaining full compliance with Florida's Consultants Competitive
Negotiation Act. l
SOLUTION: Enter into continuing contracts2 for profession services with pre-qualified
Draft and Publish Request for Qualification. Completed.
Preliminary evaluation and ranking of responses by staff
evaluation committee, Completed.
Selection and ranking of qualified consulting engineers-
Pending for Commission action 9/16/03.
Negotiation of continuing contracts. Future action.
Assignment/award of projects. Future action.
~ Florida's Consultants Competitive Negotiation Act is found at Section 287.055, Florida
Statutes. The Act requires competitive selection of professional services in the following
categories: architecture, professional engineering, landscape architecture or registered
surveying and mapping. The Act applies to projects with basic construction costs of
more than $250,00 or planning/study activity more than $25,000.
2 Continuing contracts are defined as contracts for professional services for projects in
which construction costs do not exceed $1 million or study/planning activity not
exceeding $50,000 or work of a specified nature with no time limitation.
H:\1990\900182.BB\PROCESS OVERVIEW.doc
.~XHIBIT - 9/16/03 City Commissi,~p
Evaluation Commi~ee Recommendation Statis~cal ~ompanson
Firma Selecb~ in
Of the Firms in
Palm Beach County
71% were 5elected
Of the Firms that
are MBE Certified
73% were Selected
Firms Selected in
Of the Firms in
Palm Beach County
89% would be Selected
Of the Firms that
are MBE Certified
only 33% would be Selected