Minutes 10-23-03 MINUTES OF THE ADVISORY BOARD ON CHILDREN AND YOUTH MEETING HELD IN COMMISSION CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2003 AT 7:00 P.M. Present Steve Waldman, Chair Evelyn Geathers Hattie Miller Steve Miller Mary Morera Lori Wilkinson Willie Pearl Wilson Phyllis Stern, Alternate Absent Julie Claude, Student-Regular Voting Member Jessica Cohen, Student-Regular Voting Member I. Call to Order Chair Waldman called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. I1. Moment of Silent Prayer/Pledge of Allegiance Ms. Geathers led the members in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag followed by a moment of silent reflection. Chair Waldman welcomed the newest Board member, Steve Miller. He also welcomed new member Evelyn Geathers, who had previously served on the Board. Everyone introduced himself/herself and gave brief comments on their background. II1. Approval of Minutes of September 25, 2003 Motion Ms. Wilkinson moved to approve the minutes. Ms. Geathers seconded the motion that carried 6 to 0. Chair Waldman did not vote since he was not present at the September meeting. IV. Approval of Agenda Chair Waldman requested that the bond issue be added to the agenda under New Business. Meeting Minutes Advisory Board on Children & Youth Bcynton Beach, Florida October 23, 2003 Motion Ms. Morera moved to approve the agenda as amended. Motion seconded by Ms. Wilson and unanimously carried. V. Announcements/Presentations/Correspondence Chair Waldman announced that Sherri Claude, liaison to the Board, sent a letter to Sheila McDonald Bell at the Boynton Beach Mall regarding the Youth Expo that will be held next year. The Expo is held on a weekend and celebrates what local kids do in their schools. There are contests and performances. There is $4,200 set aside for this event and sponsors are needed. He said that last year Ms. Claude and the Recreation Department did a great deal of work on this event. Ms. Wilkinson announced that Election Day was November 4th. VI. Public Audience None VII. Old Business A. Adopt-A-Road Program Ms. Wilkinson reported that she spoke to three people and the Board has choices. The official Adopt-A-Road Program is through the County. This program is only for County roads like Miner, Seacrest or Woolbright. Only people over the age of 12 can participate. The second program is through the County Parks Department and involves any County park or County beach. Caloosa Park is a County park and is in Boynton Beach but it is not centrally located. It is in the south section of the City. The third option is through the Solid Waste Authority and is called Adopt-A-Spot Program. Chair Waldman wanted to get other kids involved, not only kids in the volunteer bank. He would like to go to the schools and get participation. Ms. Stern suggested that students from the new Crosspointe School near Caloosa Park could be included in the project. She felt that this would be a good group to approach to see whether they would be interested. Ms. Wilkinson liked the Adopt-A-Spot program because that could be centrally located. Ms. Stern preferred Caloosa Park since it was near the new school. 2 Meeting Minutes Advisory Board on Children & Youth Bovnton Beach, Florida October 23, 2003 Ms. Wilkinson suggested that since they have already done a beautification project at Rolling Green, maybe the Board could adopt one of the spots that they already started there and maintain it. There was discussion regarding whether to go with the Adopt-A-Park Program or the Adopt-A-Spot Program. Chair Waldman pointed out that by voting for one of the programs does not preclude the Board from doing one of the other programs. Ms. Stern wondered whether the Board was setting a precedent by doing work and then when the area was not maintained, coming back to clean it up again. Ms. Wilkinson said that it would be solely picking up trash and she was not suggesting that they go back and replant the flowers. She said that they could adopt more than one spot. She reiterated that the Adopt-A-Road program precluded anyone under 12 years of age from participating. Motion Ms. Wilkinson moved that the Board Adopt-A-Spot using the Solid Waste Program of Adopt-A-Spot and doing it at the Rolling Green Center where the Board did the planting in the past. Motion was seconded by Mr. Miller and carried unanimously. Ms. Wilkinson explained that the Board would give the Solid Waste Authority four dates and tell them what spot they want to do. The County will come out and train them and give them gloves, orange vests and whatever else they may need. Ms. Claude will send postcards to inform everyone. Chair Waldman commented that information could be sent to various schools. Ms. Wilkinson asked about dates for the clean up. She suggested early morning on a Saturday in January, March, June and September. They could work out the exact time later. B. Teen Center No discussion C. Guest Speakers Mr. Miller asked what the Board was looking for as far as guest speakers were concerned. Chair Waldman explained that in the past, they have had guest speakers from various groups who talked about children's programs including the Police Chief and a Kiwanis member. 3 Meeting Minutes Advisory Board on Children & Youth Bovnton Beach, Florida 0ctQber 23, 2003 D. Youth Volunteer Bank Chair Waldman would like to go to the area schools and do a pitch for the volunteer bank to get more kids signed up. He requested some assistance. He will ask Ms. Claude to provide him with the information to give to the kids. Ms. Morera volunteered to help. Both she and Chair Waldman felt that Wednesday mornings were good times for them. Ms. Geathers said she could assist if it was after 11:00 a.m. on Wednesdays. E. Bob Borovy Award For new Board member Mr. Miller's benefit, Chair Waldman explained that Mr. Borovy was the Vice Chair of the Board and a major contributor to the City in volunteer work. The Board instituted an award in his name. It is $1,000 given to a graduating senior who lives in the City and has made an outstanding contribution. There is a panel of judges and there is also a runner up. Ms. Morera will be sending letters to the political candidates on behalf of the Board asking them to consider donating some of their left over campaign funds for the Bob Borovy Award. F. Other None VIII. New Business A. Bond Issue Chair Waldman distributed brochures regarding the bond issue to the Board. Ms. Stern requested copies to distribute. Chair Waldman said that he would call Wally Majors to get copies for her. Chair Waldman said that the Board supported this bond. He explained that the Senior Center is bulging and the bond would let them expand and provide additional needed parking. The bond would help people in the entire community and would help property values. It will improve the Library and libraries are essential. Ms. Miller said that over $1.5M was spent at the Senior Center. She felt that the Wilson Recreation Center should have been renovated a long time ago. It is for children who are our future. She was not in favor of the bond for the Senior Center but would vote for the bond in order to get the pool and the library, which are needed. Meeting Minutes Advisory Board on Children & Youth Boyntpn Be~ch, Fl~rid~ Octcber 23, 2003 Chair Waldman thought that there was other money set aside for the Wilson Center that is not part of this bond issue. Ms. Wilkinson said that the Wilson Pool is part of the bond issue. The capital improvement plan specified improvements to the Wilson Center and Park. IX. Future Meeting Dates: November 13, 2003 December - TBD It was the consensus of the Board that their December meeting would be held on December 18. X. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 7:51 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Bonnie Glinski Deputy City Clerk (October 31,2003)