ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2003 AT 7:00 P.M.
Elizabeth Pierce, Chair Wally Majors, Recreation & Parks Director
Margaret Murphy John Wildner, Deputy Recreation & Parks Director
William Orlove
Lisa Peterfreund
Bali Ramnarace
Tom Williams
Jack McVey, Alternate
Pamela Winters, Alternate
Betty Thomas
Chair Pierce called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m.
Chair Pierce called the roll. Mr. Wildner introduced new member, .lack McVey, who is President
of the Boynton Beach Little League and is a proponent for youth activities.
Chair Pierce noted that the minutes reflected that James McMahon was absent from the
meeting. However, he had previously been appointed to another board and was not on the
Recreation & Parks Board at that time. The minutes will be amended.
Mr. Orlove moved to approve the minutes as amended. Mr. Ramnarace seconded the motion
that carried unanimously.
A. Senior Center
Mr. Majors explained that staff had a walk-through with potential bidders for the construction of
the project that includes the computer lab, fitness room and two offices. The next thing would
be the awarding of the bid. The Senior Center is doing great and is now offering field trips to
places like Naples and Biloxi.
Meeting Minutes
Recreation & Parks Board
Bovnton Beach, Florida October 27, 2003
Ms. Murphy commented on the great trip she had taken to Naples with the Senior Center. She
said that the Senior Center's third anniversary party was a huge success. Also, the program on
September 11~ at the HeadStart was excellent.
B. Ttems for the City Manager's Attention
Mr. Majors said that this item should be discussed later in the meeting.
C, Bill Orlove- Park Adoption
Mr. Orlove explained that since there were some programs that the City was undertaking with
the bond referendum or the revenue bond issues, he would like to be more involved as a liaison
between the public and the Board relating to these matters. Ms. Winters will continue to be
involved with Oceanfront Park.
D. Updating Park Assignments
Mr. Majors said that the Rotary is looking for projects that they could take on. He suggested
that they adopt a park. He asked for suggestions as to what parks he could recommend for
Ms. Murphy suggested Pioneer Park.
Chair Pierce said that the Boy Scouts might be able to adopt a park. A lot of schools do
volunteer work as well. She explained that the requirement for the County Adopt-A-Park
program is that there be four clean ups a year. The County brings in 50 pickers and they also
furnish gloves, bags and shirts for larger clean-ups. If the Board is interested, this program
could be brought to Boynton Beach.
Mr. Wildner noted that the volunteers did a great job at :[ntracoastal Park. Chair Pierce said
there were 22 volunteers including 15 Boy Scouts.
Chair Pierce announced that May 1~ is the Great American Clean-Up with the County.
Chair Pierce asked whether the Board would support the Adopt-A-Park program. If the City
could start a program, it would compliment the City. The Board could assist in getting groups
together and it would help deter crime and vandalism.
Mr. Majors asked whether the Board wanted to take part in this or turn it over to the Recreation
& Parks Department. He would like to see the Board become involved with this program.
Mr. Wildner gave Mangrove Nature Park as an example of a place that really needs the program
because this is a tidal area that brings in debris. Chair Pierce said that the County would be
willing to meet with interested volunteers and discuss certain things about protecting the
mangroves. She commented that the County is weary of including Boat Club Park in the
program because of the traffic.
Meeting Minutes
Recreation & Parks Board
Bovnton Beach, FI0ri~Jql October 27, 20.n~
Mr. Majors offered to contact the County and get some details on how the Board could
participate and he will report back to the Board next month.
Ms. Peterfreund asked regarding liability and inquired whether the Rotary, for instance, would
sign off on liability. Chair Pierce said there are forms that they sign.
There was discussion regarding park rangers. Chair Pierce felt that if they could get everyone
involved in the Adopt-A-Park program, they may get some volunteers for the ranger program.
Mr. Williams felt that rangers are needed at Intracoastal Park to keep it as beautiful as it is now.
Chair Pierce was hoping that the park ranger program could be joined with the Police
Department's program as they already have the vehicles and 1,300 volunteers.
Chair Pierce suggested that Board members let the Commission know that they are interested
in the Adopt-A-Park program and let them know what the Board is doing. Mr. Williams asked
Mr. Majors to send a letter to the City Manager also.
E. Park Zmpact Fee
Mr. Wildner reported that park impact fees continue to flow in slowly, even though they are not
as much as they used to be. Over the last several months, approximately $200,000 has come
in from communities, especially in the Quantum area. That is not enough money to build a
park; however, this could be used as seed money for grants. ]:n response to a question
regarding building a park in the Quantum area, Mr. Wildner said that they eventually would be
building one. There is 15 acres of land available in the Quantum area for a park.
Mr. Williams asked whether the Commission received the Board's message that it would love to
see the Little League Park remain where it is.
Mr. Wildner said that the message was forwarded through the City Manager. There is still an
item on the future Commission agenda regarding this. However, it keeps getting moved on the
agenda so it does not seem to be a pressing issue. At the last Cemetery Board meeting Mr.
Wildner attended, he found that the interest has changed considerably since there was a
change in members. The Cemetery Board now seems to be interested in a more intense use of
the Cemetery by increasing the number of cremations allowed on a site. They are also open to
other alternatives.
Chair Pierce hoped that the Little League Park could remain even if there is a new one on
Congress Avenue.
Chair Pierce said that revenues from Boat Club Park go into the General Fund and inquired why
they cannot go back to the park.
Mr. Wildner explained that the thinking when the system was set up was that there was a
Capital :Improvement Fund from which money could be allocated for particular projects. There
is always more funding for capital projects than was ever collected in fees. The thinking was
that we would be short-changing ourselves if money was only taken from the fee structure. He
Meeting Minutes
Recreation & Parks Board
Bovnton BePch, Florida O~ober 27, 200:~
said that Mr. Majors and he could discuss this more at the Capital :improvement meetings,
whether it was appropriate or not to designate fees for a specific department.
Ms. Murphy asked what the process was to obtain a beach decal by mail. Mr. Majors explained
that the application can be taken off the :internet or she could call the City and they would mail
the necessary forms to her.
F, Grants Overview
Mr. Majors distributed the Grants Team Quarterly Report to Board members for their
G. 3aycee Park
Mr. Wildner explained that the Florida :Inland Navigation District placed this property on the
lands available list. The City is attempting to purchase this property and had $2.2 million set
aside for this. The F.:I.N.D. had an appraisal done that put the value at between $3.8 and $4.2
million. The City Manager, Vice Mayor Ferguson, Assistant City Manager Hawkins and he are
going to meet with County Commissioner Mary McCarty to attempt to secure an additional $1
million in funding that were tentatively put aside for this project. However, the County would
like boat ramps there and, consequently, boat trailer parking. The City does not want to turn
this greenspace into blacktop. Therefore, the City prepared tentative master plans that show it
as greenspace with some day docks on the :intracoastal Waterway, restrooms and picnic
facilities. Besides partnering with Palm Beach County, the City is also seeking grants.
H. Monthly Report
The monthly report was distributed to the Board members. No discussion on this item.
B. Ttems for the City Manager's Attention (heard out of order,)
The Board requested that the Adopt-A-Park/Park Rangers idea be presented to the City
Manager. Mr. Orlove suggested that City Manager Bressner come back to the Board in a couple
of months to give the Board an update.
Mr. Majors explained that at the next meeting he would like to share with the Board a plan to
possibly install an automated parking fee collection system at Oceanfront Park and at Boat Club
Park. There are still details to be worked out. With an automated collection system, it would
allow the attendants flexibility to be able to monitor activities in the park. Then, with feedback
from the Board, they could see whether it would be feasible to bring the attendants into a park
ranger type position.
He explained that they have to deal with the jurisdictional issue since Oceanfront Park is in
Ocean Ridge. Also, it is a significant capital improvement project and the initial cost may be up
to $150,000 to $200,000. He felt that could probably be recovered in five years.
Meeting Minutes
Recreation & Parks Board
Bovnton Bepch, FIQrida October 27, 20_n~
Ms. Winters was concerned that the sign for ]~ntracoastal Park is so Iow that it is easy to miss
the park. Mr. Majors said that the concept was minimal text. Also, some people find that the
higher signs are less aesthetic. Mr. Majors said that Mr. Wildner and he will look at some
A. Amy Skimkoski, PTA President, Charter School of Boynton Beach
Not present.
B. Tennis Center Landscaping and I~laintenance Plans
Mr. Majors reported that the recommendation to the Commission to raise the fees did not go
very well. Some of the patrons felt that maintenance was lacking. Mr. Wildner and he are
working on that issue. There is a lot of landscaping that looks pretty but can be problematic
and difficult to maintain. They will also try to minimize the algae problem although they believe
it was because of the abundance of rain this summer. It was also mentioned that the Hard-Tru
courts are nicer to play on but require more maintenance.
C. Animals in Parks
Mr. Wildner explained that from time to time, some people express an interest in bringing dogs
to the parks. The current rules do not allow animals in the parks. He told the people that he
would bring this matter to the Board and ask them to consider some restricted use.
Chair Pierce said that there are many parks that now allow animals. Jupiter allows them on the
beach. A group of dog owners gets together once a month and maintains that area. They
have been doing this for 13 years.
After discussion, a majority of the Board did not support allowing animals in City parks because
of liability issues, safety of children, the clean-up problem and the maintenance of grass.
D. Intracoastal Park (security, activities)
Mr. Williams asked what time ]:ntracoastal Park closed. Mr. Wildner explained that the Park
hours are from dawn until 9:00 p.m. Signs will be posted this week. There are gates there and
there is talk about locking them. The private security people from Hester Park may be the ones
who will lock them. Staff is also talking about bringing additional activities to the Park and
putting in a nice modular building by the cul-de-sac. That could be the beginning of a
recreation center there. They are also looking at a spray playground. They feel that activities
there will offset negative things that sometimes happen at parks.
The Board felt that Intracoastal Park had a great opening night and the fireworks were
Meeting Minutes
Recreation & Parks Board
Bovnton Beach, Flori~]p October 27, 200~
E. Congress Avenue Community Park Recreation Center Public Znput
Mr. Wildner explained that this new Congress Avenue Community Park Recreation Center is in
the area of 30th Avenue and Congress Avenue. There will be a public meeting regarding the
proposed recreation center on November 12~ at the Civic Center. This is a revenue bond
project that will be paid through public service taxes. There will probably be two public
meetings. The present Commission approved the revenue bond issue with this as one of the
designated projects. The new Commission will need to confirm that because they have the
opportunity to review the previous Commission's decisions.
F, Selection of Vice Chair
Mr. Ramnarace nominated William Orlove for Vice Chair. Chair Pierce seconded the motion that
carried unanimously.
VI. NEXT MEETZNG: November 24 (week of Thanksgiving) at the Senior Center
It was the consensus of the Board to hold their November meeting on November 17th rather
than during Thanksgiving week.
Mr. Ramnarace was concerned regarding the maintenance of the cricket field. He felt that the
Recreation & Parks Department was neglecting the field. There is a problem with weeds. They
put two soccer gold posts on the field and these posts interfere with cricket playing. Also, the
soccer players leave debris on the field and they left the bathroom and the main gate open. He
did not feel that he was receiving any assistance from the Parks Division. He said that they did
not cut the grass.
Mr. Wildner explained that they did mow the grass but Mr. Ramnarace wanted it cut lower. Mr.
Majors said that the soccer team filled out an application to use the field and were permitted to
use it. Staff checked the bathroom before and after the soccer team used the field and they
were fine. The school was contacted and they were satisfied with the activities there.
There being no further business before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Deputy City Clerk