ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2003 AT 7:00 P.M.
Elizabeth Pierce, Chair
William Orlove, Vice Chair
Margaret Murphy
Lisa Peterfreund
Bali Ramnarace
Betty Thomas
Tom Williams
.lack McVey, Alternate
Wally Majors, Recreation & Parks Director
Pamela Winters, Alternate
I. Call to Order
Chair Pierce called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
II. Attendance
Chair Pierce called the roll and declared that a quorum was present.
III. Approval of Minutes of October 27, 2003
There were no changes, additions, or deletions to the minutes, which were approved as
IV. Unfinished Business
A. Senior Center
Mr. Majors reported that the previously funded projects were ongoing, even though the
bond did not pass. The computer lab and gym are in the bidding stage and once the
bids are awarded and approved by the City Commission, the work will take
approximately :~20 days to complete. Also, the electronic doors for the front of the
Senior Center will be completed during this fiscal year.
Meeting Minutes
Recreation & Park Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
November 17, 2003
Chair Pierce will attend the City Commission meeting on November 18 and give a brief
report from the Board. She will mention: l) the availability of the Board for a workshop
on the recreation and park bond projects, 2) the Park Ranger program, 3) the Board's
desire for the Commission to keep the Senior Center expansion at the top of the priority
list, and 4) the Adopt-a-Park program. She will stress the Board's strong backing for the
Senior Center Expansion and its desire to proceed with the expansion through whatever
means might be available.
Mr. Williams asked if the $1M allocated by County Commissioner Addie Greene for the
Wilson Center was still available, and Mr. Majors stated that it was.
Mr. Majors stated that the Commission would be evaluating and prioritizing the bond
projects in the near future. The Board expressed interest in having a workshop with the
City Commission to discuss the future of the recreation and park projects. Vice Chair
Orlove thought it was important for the Board to take the first step and either invite the
Commissioners to have a dialogue with the Recreation & Park Board or have a couple of
the members visit with Mr. Bressner before the next Board meeting to discuss the
Board's priorities and ideas about the projects. He offered to do this, along with Chair
Pierce. Ms. Peterfreund suggested that the Board issue a definite invitation to the
Commissioners to have a workshop to discuss the projects.
B. Southeast Neighborhood Park
Mr. Majors deferred to Mr. Wildner, who was not present.
C. Old High School
Vice Chair Orlove reported that the CRA had a meeting on November ::[3 to discuss the
report received from Bender & Associates, who did the structural and environmental
analysis on the building. They concluded that the building is sound but that some things
needed to be done fairly quickly if the building was to be deemed salvageable. The
pigeon and rat droppings can be fixed. The entire roof, however, needs to be replaced
and the air conditioning system needs an overhaul. The Task Force will be presenting
three motions to the City Commission at its December 2 meeting. The Task Force
unanimously agreed to keep the building based on the environmental and structural
analysis and will ask the Commission to spend $250K to stabilize the building by redoing
the roof and cleaning it up. The Task Force will come up with a master plan for the
project, a budget and possible funding sources, and will determine who will use the
building if the Commission decides it should be saved.
Ms. Thomas stated that meeting spaces were needed. Vice Chair Orlove stated that if
the Children's Museum does not get the storage and exhibition space, they cannot be
given accreditation as a museum. Another possible user is the Recreation & Parks
Meeting Minutes
Recreation & Park Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
November 17, 2003
Department, since the Art Center will not be getting a second floor. People could park
at this building and walk across the street to the Art Center. The historical society also
wants to have space there. The trailer would be moved and the City would take some
space. Chair Pierce stated that the Veterans also wanted to use the building.
Ms. Murphy stated that it was going to cost $3.4M to completely renovate the building,
and Vice Chair Orlove agreed. He went on to say that it would cost more than double
that to replace the building at today's costs. Even though the City planners do not feel
that there is any architectural value to the building, it does have some very nice space
in it. Someone brought up the idea of using the space as a possible addition to the
library, if its expansion does not get funded. The Task Force would create a master plan
for the area that would connect the old school with the Children's Museum and City
Hall. At the moment, the building is being used to store the City's holiday decorations.
Vice Chair Orlove stated that the first priority would be to convince the City Commission
to move forward with the project to the point that a useful center could result. Tn
response to discussion among the Board members about parking, Vice Chair Orlove
responded that if a five-story parking garage were to be built behind the building, there
would be plenty of room for parking.
D. Jaycee Park
Mr. Majors deferred to Mr. Wildner, who was not present.
V. New Business
A. Automated Parking Fee Collection
Mr. Majors advised the Board of a project under consideration by Recreation and Parks
staff to install automated parking fee collection units at Oceanfront and Boat Club
Parks. This would only affect the non-residents who do not have a parking decal. No
changes were contemplated to the resident decal system. The units would accept cash,
credit, or debit cards and after receiving it, would print out a decal to be affixed to the
dashboard of the vehicle.
Mr. Majors stated that at Oceanfront Park, he was able to bring in a parking attendant
to check passes and collect non-resident parking fees in the middle of each day but he
could not afford to pay for two attendants all day. There is a security issue about
having a person alone and collecting money. At Boat Club Park, Mr. Majors wants to put
a unit by the entrance and another by the ramps. People with decals will not be
affected at all. Ms. Peterfreund commented that the decal issued by the machine would
have to be large enough to be read through the windshield of a vehicle, and everyone
agreed that this was a good point.
Meeting Minutes
Recreation & Park Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
November 17, 2003
The amount to be charged was discussed. Right now, a person without a decal pays
$10 per day or $50 a year. Mr. Majors will keep the Board abreast of developments, as
they transpire.
Mr. Majors stated that if the City did not have to have parking attendants, those
performing that task now could be transitioned into a more mobile role as Park
Rangers, something that the Board has wanted to have for a long time. Tt would also
relieve the City of the liability of having people collect money. The Park Rangers could
patrol the parking lot and the ramps at Tntracoastal, Oceanfront, and Boat Club Parks.
The units cost $30K to $35K each and there would be a need for four units. Mr. Majors
will try to get them included in the Capital ~[mprovement Plan for the next fiscal year.
B. Bond Projects
Vice Chair Orlove commented that the Commission would be considering this.
C. Parade and Other Holiday Events Review
Mr. Majors reported that A Season of Peace would be held on Saturday, November
22, from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on the grounds of the Schoolhouse Children's Museum.
There will be a tree lighting ceremony to light up the holidays and a showcase of
holiday trees and ornaments.
The 33rd Annual Holiday Parade will take place on Sunday, December 7, 2003 at
3:00 p.m. on Federal Highway between the Senior Center and the Amoco gas station.
The streets will close at 12:00 p.m. There will be pre-parade entertainment at the
Reviewing Stand at :L:30 p.m.
The Community Redevelopment Agency is hosting a Nulticultural Festival on Ocean
Avenue on December 6.
There will be a ,lazzfest from :L:00 to 3:00 p.m. on December 4 and December I:L at
the Senior Center.
The Bob Roberts Society Band will play on December 5 at the Civic Center.
Dinner with Santa will be held at the Civic Center on December :LO.
There will be a Tour of Holiday Lights from December 8-17. Call Teresa Zabik at
742-6222 to arrange to go on this tour.
A Holiday Concert will be held at the Beach on December
Meeting Minutes
Recreation & Park Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
November 17, 2003
D. Oceanfront Park
Chair Pierce stated that she had spoken to Ms. Winters about Oceanfront Park and that
one of the employees there was interested in attending a Recreation & Park Board
meeting. Chair Pierce stated that Boynton Beach was one of the few cities that did not
give certain pay raises based on certifications. Mr. Majors, and the rest of the Board,
seemed to feel that this was a borderline administrative matter and should be so
handled. Mr. Majors will discuss the matter with the lifeguards. Chair Pierce stated
that they had two other concerns also: 1) their Youth program, and 2) the need for
encouragement to become lifeguards.
E. Park Program
Chair Pierce spoke with the director of Public Works in Riviera Beach, who started the
Adopt-a-Park program there, and is getting more details about the program from him.
She hoped to have more instructions and information by the Board's next meeting. She
also spoke to the County about the program. Also, she discovered that the Advisory
Board on Children & Youth is also interested in participating in this program and
adopting Rolling Green Park, specifically.
F. Water Parks
Ms. Murphy mentioned an article about water parks or playgrounds she had read in the
Parks and Recreation magazine, which stated that these parks were becoming very
popular. Mr. Majors stated that the builder of :[ntracoastal Park had experience in
building water playgrounds but had not yet given the City a proposal on the project. If
the bid is not offered soon, the City will seek alternative means to have the water
playground built.
G. Other
Mr. Williams commented that at the new Intracoastal Park, children try to get into the
pond in the middle. He suggested putting nets or some other safety device around it.
He thought that people might go to sleep and their children might fall into the pond.
Chair Pierce thought that small "stay out of the water" signs might be in order.
Mr. Majors said that they hoped to put a nice modular unit over by the water that could
be used for meetings, summer camps, and so forth. Mr. Williams said this was another
area that the Park Rangers could assist, when that program comes into being.
Chair Pierce noticed that the ramp for the non-motorized boats was disintegrating. Also,
the ramp is very steep and she suggested putting a hand railing on it to avoid
accidents. Another suggestion was to orient some benches or chairs towards the
Meeting Minutes
Recreation & Park Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
November 17, 2003
Intracoastal in order to allow visitors to enjoy the view. Mr. Majors said that the
benches could easily be reoriented.
H. Items for City Manager's Attention
Mr. Williams would like to see the Recreation Department get another large bus, like a
school bus.
VT. Next Meeting
The Board decided to skip the December 22 meeting unless something critically
important comes up, such as an opportunity to meet with the Commission or Mr.
Bressner about the bond improvements, in which case the Board members will be given
VIL Adjournment
Since there was no further business before the Board, the meeting was duly adjourned
at 8:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Collins
Recording Secretary