Steve Waldman, Chair
Steve Miller
Lori Wilkinson
Phyllis Stern, Alternate
Julie Claude, Student-Regular Voting Member
Sherri Claude, Board Liaison
Evelyn Geathers
Hattie Miller
Mary Morera
Willie Pearl Wilson
I. Call to Order
Chair Waldman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
I1. Moment of Silent Prayer/Pledge of Allegiance
Ms. Julie Claude led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, followed by a moment of
silent reflection.
III. Approval of Minutes of October 23, 2003
Ms. Wilkinson noted that the minutes did not reflect that Phyllis Stern abstained from
voting on the Adopt-A-Spot motion. The Recording Secretary informed Ms. Wilkinson
that when a member abstains from voting on a motion, the abstaining vote would be
presumed to be on the prevailing side. In actuality, a person cannot abstain, and Ms.
Stern's abstention is viewed as an affirmative vote, since all other board members voted
in favor of the motion. A member can either excuse himself or herself from voting due
to a conflict of interest or could vote yes or no on a motion. Ms. Stern said that she
would like to vote yes on the motion.
Ms. Stern moved to approve the minutes. Motion seconded by Ms. Claude and
unanimously carried.
Meeting Minutes
Advisory Board on Children & Youth
Boynton Beach, Florida
November 13, 2003
IV. Approval of Agenda
Chairman Waldman requested to add the Tennis Carnival to the agenda under Old
Business, "Other."
Ms. Wilkinson moved to approve the agenda, as amended. Motion seconded by Ms.
Stern and unanimously carried.
V. Announcements/Presentations/Correspondence
Ms. Wilkinson congratulated new Mayor Jerry Taylor, new Commissioner Bob Ensler
and incumbent Commissioner Mike Ferguson. Chairman Waldman extended an
invitation to the new Mayor and Commissioners to attend the next Board's meeting on
December 18th if they so wished.
VI. Public Audience
Chairman Waldman asked the visitor in the audience to introduce himself.
VII. Old Business
Chairman Waldman noted that there are now two student vacancies on the Board, as
well as an Alternate. Ms. Stern suggested puffing an article in the Boynton Times that
the Board is looking for students to serve on the Board.
Ms. Wilkinson stated that she recently met a Boynton Beach High School student that
might be interested in serving on the Board. She will invite him to attend the next Board
meeting. Chairman Waldman said that he would be willing to go to the High School
and talk to the students to recruit them for the Board.
Ms. Claude will prepare a press release. Chairman Waldman requested that Ms. Claude
email him a copy. Ms. Claude also suggested sending a letter to the High School
Guidance Counselors to see if they know of any students that might be interested.
A. Adopt-A-Road Program
Ms. Wilkinson reported that the Solid Waste Authority approved their Adopt-A-Spot,
which is Rolling Green, and they must clean their spot a minimum of four times per
year. They would like one of the dates to be in April to coincide with the Great American
Clean-up. Ms. Wilkinson will complete the necessary paperwork and will list herself as
the contact person. Within a year, the Solid Waste Authority will place a sign at the spot
that usually would contain the name of the entity that has adopted the spot. Ms.
Meeting Minutes
Advisory Board on Children & Youth
Boynton Beach, Florida November 13, 2003
Wilkinson asked for suggestions on what members would like to include on the sign.
Ms. Wilkinson also said that the dates need to be selected.
After discussion it was determined to do the cleanups on the third Saturday in January,
April, July and October. Ms. Claude said that she would find out the exact date for the
Great American Clean-up so that the April cleanup would coincide with that date.
Members agreed that the first cleanup would take place on Saturday, January 24, 2004
at 9:00 a.m. Ms. Stern inquired how long this would take and Ms. Wilkinson felt it should
not take much more than two hours. Chairman Waldman said that refreshments should
be served.
After discussion, it was determined to place "Advisory Board on Children and Youth" on
the sign. Ms. Claude felt it was important to recognize the Youth Volunteer Bank as
B. Teen Center
Chairman Waldman said that the future of the Teen Center was uncertain due to the
failure of the bond referendum.
C. Guest Speakers
Chairman Waldman recommended asking someone from Children's Services to come
to a Board meeting to provide an update on their programs.
D. Youth Volunteer Bank
Ms. Claude said that she will be puffing together a brainstorming session and will email
a notice to everyone as soon as the date is finalized. Chairman Waldman noted that
the most important thing is getting a group of kids to participate and Ms. Claude felt that
this could happen if they could come up with enough programs and fun things for the
kids to do. Chairman Waldman will contact Board Member Hattie Miller, who is active in
her community and church, to determine if she knows of any kids that would like to
E. Bob Borovy Award
Chairman Waldman pointed out that the Bob Borovy award is a cash award given to a
graduating senior in the City of Boynton who has made the greatest contribution to the
community, whether at school, church or the community at large. The first place winner
receives $1,000. There is also a second place winner and runner up that each receives
$250. It was noted that Vice Chair Morera sent letters to all the City Commission
candidates requesting any left over funds that the candidates may have. Ms. Stern said
that she would speak with Mr. Ensler.
Meeting Minutes
Advisory Board on Children & Youth
Bo nton Beach Florida
November 13 2003
F. Other
Hunter's Run -Tennis Carnival
Chairman Waldman reported that last year's tennis carnival was a great success and
they need to select a date for next year. Ms. Stern requested two Saturday dates to
make sure the tennis courts would be available. Chairman Waldman recommended
April 4th and April 11th. Vice Chair Morera was in charge of the event last year and
Chairman Waldman recommended that she be in charge again this year. Ms. Stern
noted that the carnival would begin at 1:00 p.m.
VIII. New Business
Future Meeting Dates:
January 22, 2004
X. Adjournment
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 7:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary
(November 17, 2003)