NOVEMBER 6~ 2003 AT 6:00 P.M.
Beverly Agee, Chairperson
3ean Cairo, Vice Chair
Lillian Artis
Kelly Daniels
3oan Pleasants
Dr. Floyd M. Bell, Alternate
Virginia Farace, Board Liaison
Irene Emmert
Dennis Osborne
Bhavisha Dhanak, Student
Phyllis Pacilli, Alternate
Chair Agee called the meeting to order at 6:10 p.m. and the Board recited the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag. Chair Agee welcomed two visitors: IVlr. Guarn Sims, Principal of
Galaxy Elementary School, and Kyle Dencker, a student at Boynton Beach High School.
Mr. Dencker will be applying for Student Membership on the Board.
Roll Call
The Recording Secretary called the roll and declared that a quorum was present.
]:]:]:. Minutes Approval, October 2, 2003 Meeting
There were no additions, deletions, or corrections to the minutes.
A motion was duly made and seconded to approve the minutes of the October 2, 2003
meeting. The motion carried unanimously.
]:V. Principal for a Dall Program
This item was moved up in the agenda as a courtesy to Vice Chair Cairo, Committee
Chair for Principal for a Day, who had to leave the meeting early.
Meeting Minutes
Education Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Flodda
November 6, 2003
ant problems in some areas. The kitchen and the cafeteria are among the worst in the
School District. The School District has indicated to Mr. Sims that the waiting period for
modernization of the school would most likely be ten to fifteen years. This is
unacceptable to the principal, the teachers, and the parents.
The School District is willing to make temporary fixes, but not to modernize the school.
Approximately 50% of the school's square footage is the original 1958 construction,
making it ~,5 years old. Mr. Sims believes that at least part of the problem is that the
School District had an incorrect facility opening date of 1970 instead of 1958, although
the School discounted that idea.
Discussions with maintenance staff and others have led Mr. Sims to believe that a
complete modernization would be more cost-effective than various piece-meal
corrections. It is estimated that it would take $500K just to fix the drainage problems.
Mr. Sims, the teachers, and the parents at Galaxy are increasingly concerned about the
safety of their children and what they perceive as an unfair advantage being given to
other schools with respect to modernization. For example, there are schools that are
much newer than Galaxy that have been placed on the schedule to receive
modernization in the next three years.
Mr. Sims is seeking the support and assistance of the Education Advisory Board and the
City Commission as they attempt to influence the School District to move Galaxy
Elementary up on the modernization list. He wants this issue to be on the "radar
screens" of the community leaders, as he believes that their support will make a real
Ms. Farace distributed the current School Board agenda for a meeting on November 10
at 2:00 p.m., where they will be discussing a proposed bond referendum, the facilities
study, and so forth. FAB and City Commission representation would be extremely
helpful at this event. Mr. Sims will ask Commissioner McCray to attend the meeting
also. Ms. Sara Williams, a local community leader, plans to represent the citizens and
the parents at the meeting. Ms. Pleasants will try to attend to represent the FAB. Ms.
Farace suggested that Ms. Veronica Mackey would be an eloquent proponent for this
Dr. Floyd Boil moved to express the FAB's concern and support for Galaxy Elementary
School on the issue of modernization. Authorization is hereby given to Board members
and City staff to do whatever seems necessary to support Galaxy Elementary School in
this issue, to include representation at the School Board and speaking on behalf of the
FAB. Ms. Pleasants seconded the motion that carried unanimously.
Meeting Minutes
Education Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
November 6, 2003
VIII. Boundary Issues
Ms. Farace distributed boundary maps on which Boynton schools had impacts.
IX. SAC Reports
Dr. Bell offered to be responsible for attending a SAC meeting and the decision of which
school will be made at the December meeting.
X, New Business
XI, Adjournment
Since there was no further business before the Board, the meeting was duly adjourned
at 7:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Collins
Recording Secretary