Elizabeth Pierce, Chairperson
William Orlove, Vice Chair
Margaret Murphy
John McVey, Alternate
Wally Majors, Recreation & Parks Director
John Wildner, Deputy Director,
Recreation & Parks
Lisa Peterfreund
Bali Ramnarace
Betty Thomas
Tom Williams
Pamela Winters, Alternate
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 5:35 p.m.
I1. Attendance
Chairperson Pierce called the roll and declared a quorum was present
III. Unfinished Business
IV. New Business
A. Review of ClP Projects
Chairperson Pierce distributed a copy of a letter dated May 16, 2003 that had been sent
to the Mayor and Commissioners regarding the Board's priorities for the Capital
Improvement Program (CIP) projects. Those priority projects were (1) Senior Center
expansion, (2) Wilson Center/Park/Pool, and (3) Intracoastal Park City Club.
Chairperson Pierce also stated that an additional letter had been sent. The purpose of
tonight's meeting is to make certain the Board has its priorities in order for the City
Commission CIP Workshop scheduled for Friday, December 19th.
Ms. Murphy stated that she was unaware that the Board was endorsing the City Club for
the Intracoastal Park, and Chairperson Pierce responded that this was on their list, but
was not included in the bond issue. Chairperson Pierce felt that this club was needed.
Meeting Minutes
Recreation & Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
December 16, 2003
Since the Royal Palm Clubhouse had been torn down several years ago, there is a
need for a meeting place in that area of the City. She also pointed out that the plans for
the Intracoastal Park have a location for a clubhouse.
Vice Chair Orlove stated that when he addressed the City Commission at the December
2nd meeting, he was informed that the Board should send a letter setting forth the
Board's CIP priorities prior to the December 19th workshop. Vice Chair Orlove referred
to the Board's letter of May 16, 2003 previously mentioned.
Ms. Murphy inquired if the figures would be available for the workshop for the Wilson
Center Park and Pool. Mr. Wildner stated that these figures are available and a handout
was distributed to the Commissioners containing this information.
Vice Chair Odove inquired if the amount of money that the City would be considering
spending on CIP projects was known. Mr. Wildner said that this was not known and will
probably be discussed by City Manager Bressner. Mr. Wildner noted that the City
receives approximately $5 million for franchise fees and this money could be designated
for CIP projects or possibly leveraged by a revenue bond that would not require a
Vice Chair Orlove inquired what the total amount of money would have been if the
referendum had passed. Mr. Wildner thought that it was in excess of $10 million. Vice
Chair Orlove thought that the Board should set their priorities for the projects it
endorses. Ms. Murphy suggested that this be done using the figures that are available.
Mr. Majors read the projected figures for the various projects as follows:
· Wilson Center-
Under $2.5 million
This figure was arrived at using the feedback garnered by the City's consultant for the
Heart of Boynton. This is only for the building and does not include the pool. The
building would be a new two-story, 12,000 square foot facility with a Floribbean design.
Chairperson Pierce inquired where the County's $1 million contribution would be used,
and Mr. Majors remarked that most of these funds would be used for the Center. Mr.
Majors stated that the park improvements would cost approximately $380,000 that
included installing playground equipment, a picnic pavilion, and performing fieldwork.
To bring the pool up to current standards, aesthetically and functionally, it would cost
under $1.5 million. However, if the improvements to the Wilson Pool were limited to only
improving the pool structure, relining it, and resurfacing the deck would cost
approximately $340,000.
Mr. McVey asked about the current condition and use of the pool. Mr. Majors stated
that the pool is an "L" shaped pool that is 25 yards long with a load capacity of 75
people. The shallow end is at 3~ to 4 feet going out to a deeper diving well. Basically,
it is a 1950s design that is structurally sound and does not leak. Mr. Majors pointed out
that the pool is not very attractive and is poorly attended. The City does not charge for
Meeting Minutes
Recreation & Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
December 16, 2003
its use, except for lessons. Mr. Majors explained that there is a perception that the pool
is not located in a safe part of the City, but this type of thinking is outdated and needs to
be addressed to attract more people.
Chairperson Pierce inquired if the pool were redone, what would its primary focus be,
and Mr. Majors stated that the pdority would always be swimming lessons. It could not
be used for meets, but it would be a wonderful place for summer camps. Chairperson
Pierce inquired if there would be fees to use the pool, and Mr. Majors felt that at some
point there should be an admission fee. Mr. Majors noted that the Pompeii Pool in
Delray Beach recently raised their fee to $2.00 per day.
Vice Chair Orlove recommended that the Wilson Center could also rent out some of its
space for community use. He also mentioned that the pool could be a revenue source,
but Mr. Majors pointed out that community pools are rarely profitable. Ms. Murphy did
not think that neighborhood children should be charged to use the pool. Chairperson
Pierce recommended just renovating the pool as opposed to redoing it completely to
save money. Mr. Majors felt that it was important to make the pool attractive in order to
increase attendance from all areas of the City.
· Senior Center -
Less than $2 million
Mr. Majors noted that there is an additional 5,000 square feet that needs to be
developed that had included a gym, computer lab and additional offices. Since these
projects will be going in the current building, this will reduce the amount of square
footage to be developed to approximately 3,500 square feet. The odginal cost estimate
to complete phase 2 was $1.5 million. Of this amount, 10% would cover the planning
and engineering fees and another 10% for contingency fees. Mr. Majors noted that the
City would have to purchase land for parking, which would probably increase the total
cost of the project to under $2 million. If the entire phase 2 were completed, a new
kitchen would be added, plus additional meeting rooms, which are badly needed.
Chairperson Pierce inquired what the cost would be if the City only completed the inside
of the Senior Center without adding more parking and not changing the entrance. Mr.
Majors estimated that this would cost around $540,000.
· Intracoastal City Club
$1.518 million
Mr. Majors distributed a diagram of the proposed City Club. Chairperson Pierce pointed
out that originally it had been discussed that the building would be two to three stodes
high. Mr. Wildner stated that the two-story building would have accommodated a picnic
pavilion, but has been scaled down to one story. Mr. Majors pointed out that there
would be French doors that would open out to a deck with windows that would provide a
view of the Intracoastal. Vice Chair Odove pointed out that this building would be the
only multi-purpose building on the water that could be rented out for a variety of uses.
MeeUng Minutes
Recreation & Parks Beard
Boynton Beach, Florida
December 16, 2003
· Old High School Refurbishing
Vice Chair Orlove noted that the City Commission at the December 2nd meeting
accepted the task force report that the building was salvageable, but the Commission
requested that an asbestos and lead paint study be performed at a cost of $6,000. Vice
Chair Odove thought that the study would be completed before Christmas. One of the
Commissioners mentioned that this possibly could be a CIP project. If the City was
willing to assist with the Old High School, the Art Center could be moved down on the
priority list because the Old High School could be utilized for art classes and other
recreational facilities. It has been determined that if the entire building were renovated it
would cost around $3 million, but it has yet to be decided who would be paying for this
since many parties have indicated an interest in the building.
Chairperson Pierce asked about the status of the water feature for Intracoastal Park.
Mr. Wildner stated that staff is working with the contractor on a change order.
Vice Chair Odove felt that if this project moved forward, there will be a need for a
parking structure that could be built behind the school. The garage could provide
parking for many of the municipal buildings in the area.
· Jaycee Park $4 million
Chairperson Pierce asked about the status of Jaycee Park. Mr. Wildner reported that
the City has secured $1 million in funding from the County to acquire the park. However,
he felt that the entire acquisition cost would be $4 million. Also, if the County money
were accepted, the City would have to put in some kind of day docks or provide a
destination for boaters. Ms. Murphy inquired if the price of the park might come down.
Mr. Wildner thought it might come down somewhat, but felt that it was already at a
discounted price.
Vice Chair Pierce inquired if the price for putting in the docks were known. Mr. Wildner
responded that the basic improvements would probably cost $500,000. He felt that
obtaining grants for this purpose would be possible.
Vice Chair Orlove also mentioned the following parks that had been included in the
bond referendum:
· Greenway/Bikeway
· Nautica Park
· Congress Avenue Community Park
Vice Chair Orlove would like the Board to also include on the Board's priority list: (1)
Greenway/Bikeway, (2) Jaycee Park, and (3) Nautica Park. Chairperson Pierce felt that
the Board should remain with their original three endorsements, plus Jaycee Park and
the Old High School. Members felt it was important to move on Jaycee Park because
the longer they waited to acquire the land, the price would more than likely go up. Ms.
MeeUng Minutes
Recreation & Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
December 16, 2003
Murphy inquired if the City had to guaranty that the docks would be put in prior to the
County contributing the $1 million, and Mr. Wildner stated that they would require this.
Vice Chair Orlove also recommended that the Board endorse the Greenway/Bikeway
Project and Mr. VVildner pointed out that Vice Mayor Ferguson is a strong supporter of
the greenways. Vice Chair Orlove felt that it was important to make Boynton Beach
pedestrian and bicycle friendly. Mr. Wildner reported that the T-21 Program is providing
$400,000 to expand Palmetto Greens Park for a bikeway/greenway along the C-16
canal. However, the funding will not be available until 2005-06. The City could start the
project sooner and then be reimbursed $400,000. Mr. Wildner noted that originally $1
million was to be put aside for greenways and bikeways, and $400,000 would be
Vice Chair Orlove moved to approve the new additions to the priorities for the Capital
Improvement Program on behalf of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. Those
priorities are: (1) expansion of the Senior Center, (2) improvements to the Wilson
Center Park and Pool, (3) construction of the City Club at Intracoastal Park, (4)
acquisition and improvements of Jaycee Park, (5) money allocated towards the
greenways/bikeways project, and (6), as an unfunded priority, the Old Mangrove High
School. Motion seconded by Mr. McVey and unanimously carried.
Vice Chair Orlove inquired if the Board members would be able to speak at the
workshop. Mr. Wildner suggested that at least one Board member should be prepared
to present the Board's priorities if so asked. Chairperson Pierce said that she would
speak on the Board's behalf.
V. NEXT MEETING: January 26, 2004 at the Senior Center
VI. Adjournment
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 6:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary
(one tape)
(December 29, 2003)