Minutes 12-17-03 City of Boynton Beach Library Advisory Board Minutes: December 17, 2003 Present: Donna Harmening, Bob Heffernan, Myra Jones, Barbara McGhee, Alice Otis, Eleanor Daly, alternate Absent: Sean Fenton, Dan Holthouse, Valerie Pleasanton, Public: Herb Suss Library Director: Virginia Farace The meeting was called to order at 3:40pm by acting chairperson Barbara McGhee. Minutes of November 19th meeting were approved. Correspondence: None Chair report: None Unfinished business: Library expansion. A delegation from the city went to Tallahassee to request an extension on the grant, none was granted. We can reapply in April but we will be at the bottom of the list. Virginia announced the CIP workshop in the Commission Chambers on Friday December 19 at 9:00am. Bob moved that Valerie put our thoughts in writing and present them to the Commission. The motion was seconded by Eleanor. Herb Suss reported from the audience that he had told the commission his thoughts. A vote was taken on the motion. The vote was 5 to 1 for Valerie to communicate to the Commission that the Library expansion was our Board's top priority. New Business: none Director's report: The Holiday Book event was a success and a profit of over $100 was made. Figures were not available for the Barnes & Noble event but the estimate was over $600. The next meeting will be January 28, 2004, at 3:30 PM. The meeting was adjourned at 4:35pm. Donna Harmening Secretary