ON MONDAY, APRIL 12, 2004 AT 10:00 A.M.
Tom Balfe, Chairman
John Bebensee, Vice Chair
Barbara Madden, Secretary
Teresa Zabik
Grace Wilson
Dominic DeMauro
Tim Valentine
Eric Falstad
Dorothy Mack
Glendon Morgan
Glenda Hall
Chuck Magazine
Mark Bobich
Bill Coup
Brenda LeVant
Mike Rumpf
Barbara Scott
City Clerk
City Manager
Golf Course
Human Resources
Public Works
Risk Management
I. Call to Order
Chairman Balfe called the meeting to order at 10:15 a.m.
II. Roll Call
The Secretary called the roll and declared a quorum was present.
II1. Acceptance of Minutes of March 8, 2004 Regular Meeting
The following corrections were made to the minutes of March 8, 2004:
· On Page 4 in the third paragraph, fifth line, Mr. Magazine requested that the
words "his department" be changed to "the employee's department."
· On page 6, under "Announcements," Palm Beach County Safety Committee
Luncheon should be changed to Palm Beach County Safety Council Luncheon.
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 12, 2004
Mr. Falstad noted that he attended the meeting from the Golf Course, not Tom
Mr. Falstad moved to accept the minutes, as amended. Motion seconded by Mr.
IV. Safety Committee Education and Training Program
A. Video
Because of the change in venue for the meeting, the video scheduled for today will be
shown at the May meeting.
V. Old Business
A. Fire Drills
Division Chief Valentine announced that when Deputy Chief Gale and Deputy Fire
Marshal Borden retire, Rodger Kemmer would be heading up the Fire and Life Safety
Division. Division Chief Valentine pointed out that Mr. Kemmer is currently employed by
the City in the Planning Division and should begin his new position around May 1st.
Chairman Balfe requested that the item be tabled. Mr. Magazine requested that
Division Chief Valentine invite Mr. Kemmer to the next Safety Committee Meeting.
Chairman Balfe will add Mr. Kemmer to his distribution list for receiving the agenda and
minutes. Division Chief Valentine will also speak with him about joining the next
B. "Proud to be a Safe Worker" Awards
Mr. Bobich announced that Jim Hart, Sam Reep and Pete Villanacci earned a Proud to
be a Safe Worker Award. When Joe Schoenberger and Sam Reep, employees of the
Customer Relations Division of the Water Department, were at the Administration
Building for a meeting, Mr. Reep noticed that Mr. Schoenberger was becoming woozy
as a result of his problem with Iow blood sugar. They tried to attend to Mr.
Schoenberger by getting him to drink some soda with sugar added to it. However, since
Mr. Schoenberger was not responding as quickly as anticipated, they called 911 for
help. These employees stayed with Joe until the rescue crew arrived. Mr. Bobich was
proud of these employees' concern for one another. A copy of the Award was
presented to the Secretary for inclusion in the records of the City Clerk's Office.
Mr. Magazine requested that Mr. Segal be informed of this incident in the event he
would like to include an article in the City's newsletter. Chairman Balfe will forward a
copy of the award to Mr. Segal.
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 12, 2004
C. Departmental Inspections & Safety Meetings
Mr. Magazine announced that they should be available in the near future.
D. Defensive Driver Course
Mr. Magazine reported that ITS has approved the programs and will be assisting with
the installation once they are delivered. A decision has to be made whether to install
them through the network or if individual copies of the program should be ordered for
each computer in the computer room. He pointed out that this program is also being
recommended and used by the Florida League of Cities.
Chairman Balfe inquired when it was anticipated that the programs would be up and
running and Mr. Magazine anticipates that it should be available sometime in May. Ms.
Hall noted that there are a lot of current employees who need to take the course
because their three years have expired and there are a lot of new employees as well.
She asked if there was a preference on who should take the course first. Mr. Bobich
thought that the new employees should take the course first.
Mr. Magazine said that he would leave it up to each Department when they submit their
list of people whom they want to take the course first. He anticipates that this will be on
a first come-first served basis. Eight computers will be equipped for cars and four will be
used for trucks.
E. Incident Review Board Referrals
VI. New Business
A. "Departmental Safety Issues"
Chairman Balfe noted that the umbrella bags are working well and he has observed
many peopleusingthem. Mr. Magazine reported that the West Wing is also
considering utilizing the bags. The bags will not be stocked in the Warehouse and will
be ordered through the Internet, which has the lowest price. Anyone needing
information should contact either the Warehouse or Mr. Magazine.
B. Other
Mr. Magazine announced that the cleaning of the interior of the Old High School would
be going out to bid. It is intended to have the building available for access by July 1st.
He pointed out that the building is not intended for any type of storage.
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 12, 2004
The Safety Council Luncheon was a success and the City received an award. Mr.
Magazine thanked those members who attended.
Mr. Magazine would like to begin to publish the safety newsletter again and people are
encouraged to submit or write articles. Mr. Magazine pointed out that if anyone submits
an article from a newspaper, magazine, Internet, etc. he needs to know the source of
the article because of the copyright laws. Mr. Bobich recommended including an article
about the City receiving a safety award at the Safety Council Luncheon.
VII. Announcements
Vice Chair Bebensee announced that them will be a demonstration on lifeguard skills at
the Beach on Friday, May 28, 2004 for the public beginning at 3:00 p.m. Everyone is
VIII. Next Meeting Date: Monday, May 10, 2004 at 10:00 a.m.
IX. Adjournment
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 10:40 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary
(one tape)
(April ~.3, 2004)