Denise Chamberlain, Chairperson Steve Lulkin, Board Liaison
Lillian Bruzzese
Elizabeth Jenkins
Rose Love, Alternate
Betty Spinelli, Alternate (arrived at 3:45 p.m.)
Jeanne Hasty
Joan White
Christine Wilson
1. Call to Order
Chairperson Chamberlain called the meeting to order at 3:02 p.m.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
Members recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag followed by a moment of
silent meditation.
3. Roll Call
The Recording Secretary called the roll and declared a quorum was present.
Chairperson Chamberlain welcomed Commission McCray who was present to
observe the meeting.
4. Approval of Agenda
Ms. Jenkins moved to approve the agenda. Motion seconded by Ms. Bruzzese
and unanimously carried.
5. Approval of Minutes
Ms. Bruzzese moved to approve the minutes. Motion seconded by Ms. Love and
unanimously carried.
Meeting Minutes
Senior Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 5, 2004
6. Chairperson's Remarks
Chairperson Chamberlain pointed out that four Board members' terms will be
expiring. She telephoned the City Clerk's Office who informed her that the Board
appointments would be on next month's agenda. She would like to have the two
alternates moved up as regular members.
Commissioner McCray informed members that a list is being prepared for each
Board whose members' terms are expiring in April. He also pointed out that the
Commission likes to move alternates up as regulars when the opportunity exists.
Commissioner McCray thanked the members for doing an excellent job. Their
work is not going unnoticed and Commissioners keep apprised of what is going
on with the Boards by reading the minutes. He would like to see more
outreaching to District 2 to encourage more participation of the seniors residing in
that section of the City. Commissioner McCray offered to assist in anyway he
could. He also remarked about the wonderful changes taking place at the Senior
Center as a result of the expansion.
7. Old Business
Chairperson Chamberlain noted that the main project of this Board is finding
transportation for homebound seniors and distributing a packet containing current
transportation opportunities for seniors. The Board's main objective is to apply
for a grant to enable the City to provide its own transportation to seniors for
medical appointments.
She obtained a list of key contacts for all the City's neighborhood and
homeowner associations so that the information could be disseminated
throughout the entire City. The Board has yet to decide whether it would be done
by furnishing flyers or requesting that a notice be included in their newspapers.
Also, they had discussed including a notice with the City's water bill.
Chairperson Chamberlain has obtained a copy of the Palm Beach County
Transportation Guide and the schedule for the Boynton Beach Transit, as well as
the Shopper Hopper, that will be included in the packet. The packet would be
available at the forum where the Board is planning to disseminate all this
information. She noted that Palm Tran provides free passes for any person over
85 years of age. Chairperson Chamberlain would like to invite Ms. Sandra Robie
from Palm Tran to the forum.
Commissioner McCray also recommended sending flyers to the local churches,
to which Chairperson Chamberlain agreed. It was also noted that transportation
would have to be provided for people who want to attend the forum. Mr. Lulkin
stated that they could pick people up that wanted to attend the forum.
Chairperson Chamberlain inquired if the forum were scheduled for 1:00 p.m.
Meeting Minutes
Senior Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 5, 2004
would this provide enough time to pick people up and bring them home. Mr.
Lulkin felt that 1:00 p.m. would provide sufficient time.
Commissioner McCray recommended that the flyer also be produced in Creole
and Spanish. He noted that City staff could assist with this.
The Board needs to decide the following:
a) When the associations should be contacted,
b) When the flyer should be placed in the water bill,
c) Going to churches and to Mae Volen.
The Board must also select a date for the forum. Chairperson Chamberlain
inquired if the Board felt January would be best. Also a place needs to be
selected. Mr. Lulkin pointed out that the Senior Center could seat over 200
Chairperson Chamberlain recommended that a flyer or letter could be prepared
along the following lines:
The Boynton Beach Senior Advisory Board is sponsoring an
informational forum on available transportation for all seniors, both
mobile and homebound that will be held on
2005 at .p.m. at the Senior Center (or Civic Center). If
transportation is needed for this meeting, please call the Senior
Center at and ask for
The key to having a successful forum is to ensure that all the plans are made
well enough in advance; i.e., getting out the flyers, setting up the date for the
forum, etc. Mr. Lulkin recommended holding the forum on a Wednesday
Ms. Bruzzese felt that January was too soon after the holidays and
recommended holding the forum in February. Ms. Rose suggested getting the
flyers out at the beginning of January for a February forum. Members also felt
that if the notice were included in the City's water bill this should be done in
January. Mr. Lulkin asked that the Board select a date. Once a date is selected,
the flyers could be prepared well in advance. Commissioner McCray
recommended that Wayne Segal, the City's Public Affairs Director, be contacted
for assistance.
Mr. Lulkin felt that the forum could be very informational and people attending
could be specifically asked what help they needed. From that point forward, the
Board would be better informed on how they could help.
Meeting Minutes
Senior Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 5, 2004
After discussion, it was determined to hold the forum on Wednesday, February
16, 2005 at 1:00 p.m. Chairperson Chamberlain noted that the Board would be
meeting on December 6th and she would like to assign the various tasks to Board
members at that time. Mr. Lulkin stated that his department could take care of
getting the flyers prepared. Commissioner McCray also recommended handing
the flyers out during the Holiday Parade. Chairperson Chamberlain asked where
she could obtain a list of the City's churches and was informed to contact Mr.
Dan DeCarlo's office at City Hall.
Chairperson Chamberlain inquired if there was a meals-on-wheels program in
Boynton Beach and was told that Mae Volen runs this program. She
recommended asking Mae Volen to deliver the flyers to those persons in the City
that receive meals-on-wheels. Mr. Lulkin pointed out that Mae Volen is also in
the business of transporting people, but he would ask if they would deliver the
Chairperson Chamberlain stated that she would have available at the next
meeting a list of tasks for Board members and staff. She will contact Mr. Segal
regarding the water bill.
8. New Business
Senior Center Fee for Non-residents
Mr. Lulkin reported that the City Commission approved charging non-residents a
$40 yearly membership fee for the Senior Center to begin January 2005. There
will be no fee for residents. With regard to the meals program, there is no fee
since this is a Federal program. Membership cards will be issued that should
start in October. The equipment for this purpose costs upwards of $5,000.
Chairperson Chamberlain inquired if the cards would be color-coded and Mr.
Lulkin stated that there would be different colors for residents, non-residents, and
volunteers. Persons only participating in the lunch program would also have a
different color card. Mr. Lulkin reported that the system would be tied into their
RecTrac system that tracks all their programs. They also may employ scanners
so that every time a person comes to the Senior Center, their card would be
scanned. This will provide information to staff on who is using the facility.
Mr. Lulkin pointed out that there are a great many members who are non-
residents that currently pay for some of the programs. He was not sure if these
people would be willing to also pay a non-resident membership fee. However,
since this is new, it is too early to know how people would actually react.
Chairperson Chamberlain felt that this would be a good opportunity for more City
residents to join if the Center became less crowded.
Meeting Minutes
Senior Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 5, 2004
Commissioner McCray noted that it had been previously mentioned that over 600
people are registered for the meals program and inquired how the Center could
accommodate this many people. Mr. Lulkin pointed out that actually only about
100 people a day participate. Not everyone eats at the Center every day. Mr.
Lulkin explained that many people like to rotate and some may come only once a
week. Also, there are many people that go up north for the summer. He noted
that Mae Volen maintains all the records and the meals program is open to
everyone 60 years and over.
Mr. Lulkin reported that staff checked many cities throughout the County and
most senior centers charge a fee. Commissioner McCray had concerns for
people who had a hardship and could not afford the $40. He thought that this
needed to be looked at again. Mr. Lulkin stated that there have been discussions
that if people could not pay the fee they could provide volunteer hours instead.
Status of Phase 2 of the Senior Center
Mr. Lulkin reported that the construction of Phase 2 is 50% complete and the
deadline for completion is May 20th. He stated that there is a possibility that it
may be completed before that date. All the equipment has been ordered, but no
date has been set for the grand opening at this time.
There is a Commission Workshop on Capital Projects scheduled for April 19th
and Phase 3 of the Senior Center will be discussed at that time.
Mr. Lulkin announced that the Easter Party is scheduled for Thursday, April 8th
beginning at 1:00 p.m. and there will be an Easter Bonnet Contest. The event
has been totally funded by two sponsors, Parkside Inn and Hospice of Palm
Beach County. There will be prizes, entertainment and cake and coffee. Mr.
Lulkin pointed out that all their special events are free due to sponsorships.
They are moving closer to receiving accreditation. Chairperson Chamberlain
inquired about the status of the doors. Mr. Lulkin explained that they have been
unable to get a permit to install the doors because now they are required to
install hurricane shutters, which is now required by code. The doors have been
ordered, but cannot be installed until they purchase hurricane shutters. He has
been having difficulty getting quotes for the shutters since it is a small job.
They are in the process of planning the volunteer and recognition breakfast.
Staff is currently looking for a place and they are having problems because the
place must be large enough to accommodate close to 95 people.
Meeting Minutes
Senior Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 5, 2004
9. Adjournment
Next Meeting - June 7, 2004
Them being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 4:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary
(one tape)
(April 6, 2004)