APRIL12, 2004 AT
Sharon Munley, President, Local 1227
Debbie Lytle, Steward, Utilities (White Collar)
Bob Kruper, Union Steward
Mike Osborn, Union Stewart
Don Roberts, Union Steward
Richard Stone, Union Steward
Mike Taylor, Union Steward
Rick Smith, Union Steward
John Wolcott, Union Steward
For the City:
Wilfred Hawkins, Assistant City Manager
Arthur Lee, Director of Human Resources
The meeting began at 10:52 a.m.
Disciplinary Appeal Procedure - City Proposal dated 4/12/04
Ms. Munley said that in Section 2, it should say through Step 3 instead of
through Step 2. Ms. Munley asked if the City were implying that if less than a
termination, it stops at the H.R. Director. Step 2 at this time is the H.R. Director.
Mr. Hawkins said they could talk about it and that this was a good point and
thought that an agreement had to be reached on what type of actions would go
to arbitration. He was not in favor of every disciplinary action going to
arbitration. Mr. Hawkins noted that he had acquiesced to the Union's request to
include everything above a counseling memo.
Mr. Hawkins indicated that the City's proposal was based on the Union's
language, but it was reorganized.
Contract Grievance Procedure - City Proposal 04-12-04
Ms. Munley did not see that there was anything about stopping the grievance
procedure from proceeding to arbitration. Mr. Hawkins said that the Union would
want to push certain things to arbitration.
Meeting Minutes
Joint Blue and White Collar Union Session
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 12, 2004
Ms. Munley said she was hearing that they needed to agree what kind of
disciplinary actions would go beyond Step 2. Mr. Hawkins said that if anything
that was done could go to arbitration, it was overkill.
Mr. Hawkins had some verbal comments on Task, using the Union's 4/8/04
proposal as a point of reference.
The item that was of most concern to the City Manager and the Department
Director was 2A, concerning the holidays and being scheduled to work on
Saturdays. :In order to provide optimal service with flexibility, management
wished to retain the right to schedule employees to work on Saturdays if
necessary. It is assumed that the City would give advance notice of such
scheduling changes. The City is wiling to talk about proper compensation for
scheduling people to work on weekends.
Ms. Munley understood this to mean that if the Union backed off on 2A, that the
rest of Task was acceptable, and Mr. Hawkins indicated that this was the case.
The comment was made that the holiday "make-up" day had been on
Wednesdays for 20 plus years. Mr. Kruper felt that the City's unwillingness to
change back to Wednesday from Saturday was probably because a letter had
already gone out to the residents about this, and Mr. Hawkins advised Mr.
Kruper that this was not the case. It was a matter of management rights and
flexibility. The City did not want to "memorialize" certain days/dates in the
contract and wanted to be able to assign employees to accomplish certain tasks
and goals when they come up. Mr. Hawkins said that employees normally
scheduled to work a Monday through Friday schedule, if asked to work on a
Saturday or Sunday, would be compensated with overtime.
A comment was made that many companies paid employees double time for
working on a Saturday or Sunday. Mr. Hawkins was willing to talk about this,
although he thought it was somewhat covered in B & C already.
Mr. Hawkins stated that staff had done comparisons on a statewide basis using
the PEP1 study and the Florida League of Cities study, and the conclusion was
that the positions looked at were being compensated appropriately, compared to
the market across the state.
Meeting Minutes
Joint Blue and White Collar Union Session
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 12, 2004
The City is continuing its offer of a 3% market adjustment retroactive to October
1, 2003. A 3% increase would be given for "meets standards," and would be
applied on April 1.
Ms. Lytle said that she had the White Collar PEP]: study and the White Collar
workers were in the lower third of it. Mr. Hawkins recognized that this was true
in the White Collar unit, but he was addressing the Blue Collar unit. He said that
people should keep in mind that this was a one-year contract. Ms. Lytle felt that
more should be given since it was only a one-year contract.
Ms. IVlunley asked if the wage increase that was on the table went into the base
for everyone, regardless of where they were in the scale. Mr. Hawkins responded
affirmatively. Mr. Lee said that she was talking about redlining the individuals
who were already topped out. Mr. Hawkins said that if they were not topped out,
it would go into their base.
Mr. Stone said that the Union's proposal was that everything would go into base,
even for the topped out people. Ms. Munley said that everything goes into base
- both raises, regardless of where they are in their wage scale. Mr. Hawkins said
that this was correct, but it was the 3% market adjustment only. Ms. Munley
said it was both of them. Ms. Munley said that the across-the-board would raise
the tops. Mr. Hawkins agreed. Ms. Munley asked if it would be possible to
determine how many people were topped out. She asked if this could be done
while they were caucusing. Mr. Lee stated that he would ask Payroll to initiate a
search for this information and provide it as soon as possible.
]:n regard to a question from Mr. Stone about the topped out individuals, Mr. Lee
brought up Mr. Hawkins' comment that in the next fiscal year, there would be a
pay classification study and this would be looked at then.
Mr. Stone asked if the City's proposal was that individuals receiving between 1
and 2 would get an equivalent raise to that score. Mr. Hawkins said this was
correct. ]:f they get 1.5%, they would get this amount of an increase. Also, if
they got over 3%, they would get whatever that percentage was. Anyone getting
below 1 on the appraisal would not get a merit raise.
Mr. Hawkins said that the 3% cost of living or market adjustment retro to
October l, 2003 would go into base. Ms. Munley asked what would happen to
the folks who were outside their scale, on the merit side. Mr. Hawkins said that
normally, they would be given a lump sum. Ms. Munley asked if it could be put
into base and redline them as discussed before. Mr. Hawkins said this was what
they had said. Mr. Lee said that redline was if a person were at his max and got
an increase, they would get the increase on top of the base, which means they
Meeting Minutes
Joint Blue and White Collar Union Session
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 12, 2004
are outside of the official range. You have to redline them. You identify that
these people are redlined until a pay plan adjustment is made to bring them
back into the range.
Ms. Munley asked Ms. Lytle if there were any more issues for the White Collar
unit, and Ms. Lytle did not have any.
Mr. Kruper said if he were not redlined, the merit raise would not go into his
base pay. Mr. Lee said if he were not topped out, he would get the raise in his
base. Mr. Lee said if a person were not topped out or close to 6%, then both
raises would go in the base (merit and market adjustment.)
The parties caucused at 11:15 a.m,
The meeting resumed at 12:03 p.m.
Contract Grievance
Step i - Ms. Munley said that there was no meeting mentioned and it was
needed. Mr. Hawkins said this was the Union languagei Ms. Munley thought it
might have come out during one of the changes.
Mr. Osborn called attention to Step 2. Ms. Munley stated that Step 2 had the
correct language.
Disciplinary Appeal Procedure
Ms. Munley stated that in F. of Step i of the Disciplinary Appeal steps, it called
for the Union to provide a statement identifying the names and positions of the
class of workers affected (in a class action grievance.) This was not acceptable to
the Union.
The City felt that the Union would know who the affected employees were and
should include them in a statement, along with the classification. The Union was
very much against this and stated that while the City could talk to their
witnesses, the Union did not want the City to go to their witnesses and
intimidate them.
Ms. Munley continued to comment on this item. In Step 3, after sub-paragraph
(a), it should not reference terminations, since they were talking about
grievances. It should say, "When a grievance appeal is not settled, etc." In the
third line where it says "or termination," this should be taken out.
Meeting Minutes
.loint Blue and White Collar Union Session
Boynton Beach, Florida
April ~.2, 2004
In Section 5, the hearing shall NOT be formal - it now reads that it shall be
In Section 2, Ms. Munley wanted to say, "Disciplinary action that is more severe
than a written reprimand may be appealed through Step 3 of this appeal
In Section 4, Ms. Munley wanted it to say: "Subsequent to the pre-determination
hearing of an employee who has been suspended or received more severe
discipline by the City and the employee or this Union desires to challenge this
discipline, arbitration may be requested, which shall be filed with the Human
Resources Director at Step 3 of this process."
Ms. Munley said that Step i needed the same sentence about a meeting. Within
5 days of receipt of the grievance, the Human Resources Director will contact the
aggrieved employee and schedule a meeting within 5 days to discuss the matter.
The Human Resources Director or designee shall respond in writing to the
employee within 5 days of the meeting (with the outcome.)
Under F, the Union did not wish to disclose individual names.
In Step 2, the language about the meeting needed to be applied. After "receipt
of the Department Director's decision," a sentence should state: The Human
Resources Director will contact the aggrieved employee and schedule a meeting
within 5 days to discuss the matter.
In Step 3 (b.) the language should be changed to read, "In the event of a
suspension or more severe discipline, etc. (instead of termination).
Section 5 should call for an informal hearing, not formal.
Ms. Munley requested that the City's holiday schedule be published in December
for the following year. Mr. Hawkins said that it was now published around
Ms. Munley related that the Union was willing to work Saturdays and Sundays, if
required to do so, for double time and a half.
Meeting Minutes
Joint Blue and White Collar Union Session
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 12, 2004
Ms. Munley explained her understanding of this article. There would be a 3%
market adjustment that would go into the base for all employees, retroactive to
October 1, 2003. On April 1, 200~,, there would be a 3% merit increase, which
would also go into the base for all employees. If someone were beyond the
max, they would be redlined until the pay class study next year. :if a person gets
below 1 on his or her evaluation, they would not get a merit increase. :if a
person gets between 1 and 2 on his or her appraisal, they would get a
percentage equivalent to the score. :If they get between 2 and 3, they would get
3%. If they got over 3, they would get the percentage that was equivalent to
that score. Mr. Hawkins said that was correct.
Mr. Lee said that the Union was proposing that no matter what they get, it goes
into the base, whether at max or not.
Mr. Hawkins said that he would have to speak with the City Manager and the
Public Works Director. A final draft contract will be put before the parties on April
22 at 10:30 and they could T.A. each page of it at that time and compare the
final draft language to the language agreed to in the T.A.'d articles. Hopefully, if
there were problems, advance notice could be given to either party. Mr. Hawkins
intention is to get a final draft document to Ms. Munley by Thursday, April 15.
The Union will get together to proofread this and hopefully ratify it as soon as
Mr. Hawkins said that as far as he was concerned, tentatively, it appeared is if
they had a deal. He had to discuss it and prepare the final draft document and it
had to be T.A.'d first. After Union ratification, an executive session would be set
up with the Commissioners, possibly in about three weeks' time. He actually
envisioned that the contract would be presented to the Commissioners around
the end of May.
Mr. Lee brought up Progressive Discipline for the Blue Collar unit, and Ms.
Munley said it was way too late to look at this. They would be coming back to
begin the next year's contract in a month.
Ms. Munley asked about the changes to the Pension. Mr. Hawkins thought they
had been done. Ms. Munley said they agreed to them but felt they needed to be
included in the ratification vote. There were some changes brought up by Mr.
Stone, and Mr. Stone said he had already notified the Pension Administrator.
The Pension Board voted to approve the changes. Mr. Hawkins said he was not
sure they wanted to have these on the same agenda.
Meeting Minutes
Joint Blue and White Collar Union Session
Boynton Beach, Florida
April 12, 2004
Ms. Munley asked what order the articles would be in and Mr. Hawkins said they
would make up a table of contents and number the articles.
Mr. Lee said that this article had been T.A.'d more than once and he had found
an error in it. He asked the Union to look at this article again. From non-exempt
to exempt should be reversed to read "from exempt to non-exempt" Also, the
numbers should be minuses and not pluses. Ms. Munley said it was existing
language, although there was one mistake in it. Mr. Lee said it was existing
language on the promotion, but there was no language on the demotion article.
Ms. Munley said she was going to ask the City to let some of the stewards work
with her on the ratification vote because they wanted to try to get Union Time
Pool and the payroll authorization for the voluntary Committee on Political
Education (COPE) deduction. They also wanted someone to be available to
speak to the Union members at the door and encourage them to vote.
Pay Plan/3ob Classifications
Mr. Lee said he and Ms. Lytle were talking about notifying the Union before
making changes in Union employees' job classifications - as happened recently.
Mr. Lee said they needed to say it was all right to go ahead and do the rest of
them and H.R. will proceed with it and make it a part of the agreement. In the
future, such changes will be presented to the Union as they requested.
The meeting ended at 12:42 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Collins
Recording Secretary