Minutes 05-17-88COMMISSION AGENDA May 17, 1988 CRIMMINS COMPANY, INC. 15,000 forms for Personnel Dept. Pay from General Fund---001-135-513-40-72 MAY 17 1988 APPROVAL $ 1,190.15 DAVIS WATER & WASTE INDUSTRIES, INC. Repairs to Submersible EMU for Lift Station. Pay from Water & Sewer Rev---401-352-535-40-33 DET.RAY FIRE EXTINGUISHER SERVICE, INC. Repair Fire Pumper/Ward LaFrance #810 for.Fire Dept. Pay from General Fund---001-221-522-40-33 1,845.11 7,432.30 DI{RS, OFFICE OF LABORATORY SERVICES Water Testing Laboratory Renewal Application for License certification period from July 1, 1988 to June 30, 1989. Pay from Water & Sewer Rev---401-332-533-40-99 1,000.00 FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY 4 Training Workshop Sessions - Customer Relations Pay from General Fund---001'-121-512-40-7Q 1,020.00 DIVISION OF LABOR & EMPLOYMENT SECURITY Unemployment benefits quarter ending 3/31/88 Pay from General Fund---001-195-513-10-32 Pay from CRA ............ 621-136-513-10-32 181.38 2600.00 2,781.38 }IECTOR TURF, INC. 1Ryan GA 30 Model #544875 Riding Greens Aerator for Golf Course. Pay from Golf Course---411-726-572-60-8H Per bid 3/22/88, Commission approved 4/5/88 8,195.00 JONES CHEMICALS, INC. Chlorine & Hypochlorite Solution for Water Treatment. Pay from Water & Sewer Rev---401-332-533-30-63 5,368.00 LONG ASSOCIATES Professional Consulting Services in the conduct of the Management and Organization Study of the South Central Regional Wastewater Plant. Pay from 1985 Constr. Fund---409-000-169-12-00 2,500.00 MAC PAPERS INCORPORATED 100 Cartons Quick Copy Paper for Purchasing/COS Pay from General Fund---001-000-141-01-00 "State Contract" 2,009.40 11. MILLER & MEIER & ASSOCIATES, INC. Architectural Services Boynton Beach Municipal Facilities Project from 4/5/88 to' 5/4/88. Pay from Bldg. Improve. Fund---304-194-519-60-4E 2533.18 " " " " " 304-211-521-60-4M 2533.18 " " " " " 304-221-522-60-4G 2533.18 7,599.54 1 3. 14. 15. 6. t. 8. 9. 20. [. MORGAN, LEWIS & BOCKIUS Legal services rendered month of March for PERC matters. Pay from General Fund---001-141-514-40-6N 4,807.95 ORTON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Estimate No. 1 and Final for Water Main Relocation - Old Boynton Road & Boynton Beach Blvd. Pay from Utility General Fund---403-000-169-01-00 9,247.20 AL PACKER FORD 1988 Ford Chassis for Fire Dept. Pay from Vehicle Service Fund---501-193-519-60-89 Per bid 3/14/88, Commission approved 4/5/88 13,299.05 PALM BEACH COUNTY SOLID WASTE AUTHORITY Use of County'Landfill for month'of April, 1988. Pay from Sanitation Fund---'431-341-534-40-gA 110,595.17 PALM BEACH JUNIOR COLLEGE Academy Tuition for 5 Recruits. Pay from General Fund---001-211-521-40-7Q 2,205.00 PALM BEACH NEWSPAPERS, INC. Ads for various jobs listed by Personnel. Pay from General Fund---001-135-513-40-75 1,292.47 PALM BEACH NEWSPAPERS, INC. Legal ads for month of April listed by City Clerk. Pay from General Fund---001-122-512-40-75 654.36 " " " " 001-122-512-40-7M 1263.94 1,918.30 PEROXIDATION SYSTEMS, INC. 50% Peroxide for Lift Station odor control. Pay from Water & Sewer Rev---401-352-535-30-65 9,909.00 PITMAN PHOTO Photo supplies for Police Dept. Pay from General Fund---001-211-521-30-8A "Bid Items" 3,010.83 PROFESSIONAL ADMINISTRATORS, INC. Worker's Compensation reimbursement for April, 1988. Pay from various departments. COMMISSION MAY 1 ? 1988 APPROVAL 9,249.78 MA'~ --' ]988 S.G. PHILLIPS CONSTRUCTORS, INC. Requisition No. 26 & Final payment regarding Regional Plan Expansion. Pay from 1985 Construction Fund---409-000-169-12-00 23. Q. & Q. INC. Requisition No. 2 regarding construction of Odor Control Facility. Pay from 1985 Construction Fund---409-000-169,12-00 2 2 2 8. 29. ]. SEPPALA & A HO OF FL., INC. Final release-of payment for Phase I Communications Bldg. Pay from Building Improve. Fund---304-194-519-60-4F SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT BOARD Requisition No. 5 for Engineering Services by Hazen and Sawyer regarding Odor Control Facility. Pay from 1985 Construction Fund---409-000-169-12-00 SOUTHEASTERN MUNICIPAL SUPPLY Supplies for Water Distribution and Sewerage Collection. Pay from Utility Cap. Improve.--- 1605.20 Pay from Water & Sewer Rev ....... 3525.00 SYNDICON PROPERTIES, INC. Pineland Plaza Rent(S6,700) plus pass through charge(S1256.25) per month for June, 1988. Pay from Building Improve. Fund---304-194-519-60-4W TM SOUND & LIGHTING Labor & materials for installation of microphones and equalizers as per proposal for Commission Chambers. Pay from Building Imrove. Fund-'-304-194-519-60-4J Commission approved 4/5/88 TRANS-FLORIDA SUPPLY CO. 3 Fire Hydrants, Valves & accessories for Water Distribution. Pay from Water & Sewer Rev---401-333-533-60-54 "Bid Items" UNIJAX Supplies for various departments thru Facilities Management. Pay from General Fund, Golf Course and Vehicle Service Fund. 12,500.00 11,245.50 49,507.64 11,787.11 5,130.20 7,956.25 6,945.30 2,385.56 3,371.67 COMMISSION MAY 17 1988 APPROVAL The bills described have been approved and verified by the department heads involved, checked and approved for payment. Grady W. Swann, Finance Director I therefore recommend payment of these bills. pe~r~L~. ~heney~, C~ity~Minager COMMISSION MAY .1,? 1981: APPROVAL MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING HELD AT PINELAND PLAZA, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, TUESDAY, MAY 17, 1988 AT 7:30 P. M. pRESENT ick Cassandra, Mayor zell Hester, Jr., Vice Mayor ~eonard Mann, Commissioner Ralph Marchese, Commissioner Robert Olenik, Jr., Commissioner Peter L. Cheney, City Manager Betty S. Boroni, City Clerk Raymond A. Rea, City Attorney Mayor Cassandra called the meeting to order at 7:31 P. M. he Invocation was given by Reverend John Block, St. Mark's atholic Church, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the i lag led by Commissioner Bob Olenik, Jr. ENDA APPROVAL mmissioner Mann requested that items IX. B, C, and D be oved up on the Agenda after the CITY MANAGER'S REPORT. Commissioner Marchese removed Item D.17 from the CONSENT AGENDA and placed it under VI. DEVELOPMENT PLANS as item H. Under ADMINISTRATIVE he added F. "Chamber of Commerce Payment." ~ity Manager Cheney added two bills under CONSENT AGENDA, iayment of Bills: Seppala & Aho of Florida, Inc. (General ~ontractor for the City's municipal complex) in the amount tf $259,743.50 and prepayment for the umpire for the soft- ~all tournament for the upcoming weekend in the amount of :1,755.00 (amount to be reimbursed at a later date). ~ommissioner Olenik added Item 3. "Statement about Police ~rk" under ANNOUNCEMENTS. He also wished to raise a luestion regarding the Special City Commission Meeting on 20 cre Park. He also wished to bring up a couple of points nder the CITY MANAGER's REPORT. ity Attorney Rea deleted Item D.2. "Code Fine Settlement - umberland Farms" under LEGAL. ayor Cassandra added Item H. "Travel Procedures" under DMINISTRATIVE. He wished to ask some questions of the ity Manager under CITY MANAGER'S REPORT, and he added 3 items under ANNOUNCEMENTS. ice Mayor Hester moved to accept the agenda as corrected. otion was seconded by Commissioner Marchese and carried --0. -1- MINUTES - CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 17, 1988 ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. City Hall will be closed Monday, May 30, 1988 in observance of Memorial Day. [ayor Cassandra announced that City Hall would be closed ionday, May 30, 1988 in observance of Memorial Day. 2. Board Orientation Meeting - Tuesday, May 31, 1988 - 7:30 P.M. iayor Cassandra stressed that it was important for all oard members who will be serving the City on the various oards to attend this orientation meeting. 3. Police Department ommissioner Olenik stated that recently he had noticed a ehicle which looked suspicious and had called the 911 umber. The officers were out in a couple of minutes to nvestigate. The incident turned out to be legitimate busi- ess, but Commissioner Olenik wished to thank the Police epartment for the quick response and the courtesy they xtended him in calling him back to let him know the results f the incident. He felt that the Police Department was ppreciative of a citizen's involvement in reporting things f a suspicious nature. 4. Event at the Women's Club iayor Cassandra had attended an affair at the Women's Club t which the members expressed their thanks to the City of oynton Beach for their assistance. Commissioner Olenik Recipient of Bronze LeaderShip Award for Contributions to Junior Achievement ayor CasSandra read the letter from C. Eugene Musser, xecutive Vice President of Junior Achievement of Broward nd South Palm Beach Counties, which expressed congratula- ions and thanks for Commissioner Olenik's support. 6. Holiday Inn at Catalina Centre ayor Cassandra extended an invitation to the Commissioners, r. Annunziato, City Manager Cheney and Owen Anderson from he Chamber of Commerce to attend the affair at the Holiday nn between 5:00 P.M. and 6:30 P.M. Friday evening. -2- MINUTES - CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 17, 1988 ~IT¥ MANAGER'S REPORT Memorial Day ity Manager Cheney reminded the Commission and the audience :hat City Hall will be closed for Memorial Day on May 30, .988. He also stated that a memorial ceremony will be held Lt the Boynton Beach Municipal Cemetery at 11:30 on that [ate. Groundbreaking Ceremony - WXEL lXEL will hold a Groundbreaking Ceremony on May 24, 1988 on land the City gave them along South Congress Avenue. Legislative Actions which impose restrictions on Cities lity Manager Cheney noted that since 1981, 160 legislative Lctions have been imposed on Cities - 60 of which restrict ~evenue. These actions make it tougher for Cities all the :ime. Notice required by Safe Drinking Water Act City Manager Cheney suggested that Boynton Beach Utilities oin with other municipalities in advertising information Which is required in regard to the possibility that lead may be in drinking water in some areas. He stated that Boynton Beach does not have lead in the drinking water, but the [otice must be sent out to the people anyhow. As far as he [nows no city in this area has lead in drinking water. It Pas a consensus of the Commission that City Manager Cheney loin with the other municipalities (Palm Beach County ltilities, Boynton Beach, Boca Raton, Seacoast Utilities Lnd Delray Beach) in getting this notice out to the people Lt a cost of between $200.00 to $500.00. Update on Construction of N.W. 22nd Avenue - Requested by Commissioner Olenik ~ity Manager Cheney stated that he would give an update at .he next City Commission Meeting. Mr. Annunziato stated .hat the contractor knows he is behind schedule. The bridge fork is commencing ahead of schedule, however. A written ~chedule regarding completion dates will be available after .he parties concerned have a chance to sit down and talk. -3- MINUTES - CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 17, 1988 Controlled Burn on Tradewinds Property - Requested by Commissioner Olenik ity Manager Cheney stated that the controlled burn was done y fire fighter students from South Tech as part of their raining program. The land belongs to the First Baptist hurch of Boynton Beach and they asked that the buildings be estroyed in this matter. City Manager Cheney noted that it s difficult to find buildings which can be used for prat- ice by the students. He felt that Boynton Beach Fire epartment could benefit by this if some of the students raduate and come to work here. The residents in the djoining area were contacted prior to the burn and had no bjections. The area was checked at regular intervals after he fire to be sure the fire was completely extinguished. Signal Lights installed by Palm Beach County Dmmissioner Olenik noted that along Congress Avenue and oynton Beach Boulevard where Palm Beach County has finished nstalling the traffic lights. He noted that the work has een completed for approximately a week, but they left the ld strips at the intersection. He suggested that a letter e written thanking the County for the traffic lights and equesting that the area be cleared of the debris left by his construction. LD BUSINESS C. City Manager Response to Community Relations Task Force Panel (Material available on Monday, 5/16/88) This item was moved up on the Agenda at the request of Commissioner Mann. Yeoletta Wright, 301 N,E. 26th Avenue, a member of the Task Force, stated her concern and the concerns of the people who had called her relative to the City Manager's report and the selection of Officer Hawkins as the Ombudsman. She had hoped that position would be open to the public in Palm Beach County. She wanted to see the position advertised and interviews conducted. Ms. Wright noted that two policemen had recently been hired, but there is still a big difference in the ratio of blacks to whites in that Department and she wished to see Officer Hawkins remain in the Police Department where he is doing a good job. loria H. Skinner, 806 N.W. 4th Street, a Task Force member as well as a member of the Concerned Citizens for the Betterment of Boynton Beach, stated her concern that only 8 of the 20 recommendations made by the Task Force had been addressed in the City Manager's report. She noted that the Task Force had been selected from a cross section of the -4- MINUTES - CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 17, 1988 Community and felt that the members were a good represen- :ation of the Community. She left the other comments up to he spokesperson for the Task Force. everend Dye, spokesperson for the Task Force preferred to isten to City Manager Cheney's presentation prior to making Lis comments. ~ity Manager Cheney was not surprised that some of the ,eople had questions regarding his response to the report. [e also noted that he had prepared his report in response to · request by the Mayor and City Commission and his report Lad been prepared for presentation to the Commission. City [anager Cheney also clarified that he had addressed more ~han 8 issues as some of them overlap in his report. He elt that Officer Hawkins was the best person to serve the ~ity as Ombudsman as he is well known and trusted by the ~itizens, and he knows the City. He could move into the job .nd start to function very quickly. Advertising the ~osition, selecting a committee to interview, reviewing .pplications, interviewing applicant and making a selection ,ould possibly take three or four months. He wished to see ~he position filled quickly so that the City could move .head. !ity Manager Cheney stated that the police and community ensitivity training is already underway. The first session 'ill be held in early June, and with the assistance of Mr. .attles, a leader for the session has been selected. A com- mittee of 5 or so people has been selected (with the help of ~fficer Hawkins) who will assist in selecting 18 to 30 citi- .ens for the first workshop. Workshops will continue as ong as necessary to ensure that all in the Police ,epartment are trained. The first workshop will be funded ,y the State, but the City is responsible for those to ollow. Cost would probably be $15,000.00 or so, excluding ~ost for overtime which would be required for most of the ,olicemen. fity Manager Cheney stated that he had not recommended a atellite police station as he did not feel it would be cost ffective and Police Chief Hillery agreed. Substations are ~.ore effective in areas where the density of people is very ~igh. He felt that an officer should be out in the Cherry 5ills area and one in the area of Martin Luther King 5oulevard. These officers would not be assigned regular duties, but would be available to talk with the people during day-time hours. The same officer would be assigned to an area. Three officers would be needed - one for Cherry 5ills, one for Martin Luther King Boulevard, and one to fill -5- MINUTES - CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 17, 1988 in on weekends and for another officer when he had to have iime off. This would allow that officer to get to know the eople in his area and they would get to know him. These fficers would be a vital part of the drug education rogram, the summer program, Wilson Park, Poinciana School, ~tco lity Manager Cheney felt that his suggestion that Officer iawkins assume the role as Ombudsman due to his experience .nd rapport with the people. Officer Hawkins had indicated .is willingness to serve in this capacity and Chief Hillery 'ould be agreeable. Officer Hawkins was available to assume .hese new duties immediately. More money would be needed in .he budget, as Officer Hawkins would have to be replaced by nother officer in the Police Department. City Manager !heney felt that the Ombudsman should report directly to the lity Manager. City Manager Cheney spelled out the duties of he Ombudsman as he saw them to be. !ity Manager Cheney stated that the position of Public nformation Officer had already been established and the ,osition advertised, and an appointment had been made. This ,erson should be a great asset in getting the news out to he people. ie felt that the Community Improvement Department would be he greatest asset in improving life in this area. Housing ,rograms are available and the new Director understands the ,rograms. City Manager Cheney stated that one big problem ~as been in finding an investor interested in developing the vailable land in the City. [,rugs continue to be a big problem for the City, but several ~,eople have been put in jail during the last few months. qhere is still a great need to present information, train he people and educate the youth about the problems asso- iated with drugs. The County Drug Abuse Foundation ~roposed a program to the City which would do treatment and Education. The cost for this program was around $130,000, due to the treatment cost. City Manager Cheney wished to ee two people in this area to assist with the problem. his would be a start, and would eventually involve the chools and neighborhood to develop programs for the youth. ayor Cassandra had heard a presentation of a drug program ~iven by Reverend Masters. Reverend Masters had been suc- cessful in obtaining a building and setting up a program for a small amount of funds. City Manager Cheney and Mayor fassandra agreed that all avenues should be explored to pro- bide the best program for the citizens of Boynton Beach. -6- MINUTES - CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 17, 1988 Commissioner Olenik wished to see the City establish a ~rogram which was unique to this area. It was agreed that %here was a need to use all resources available for the rogram. Mayor Cassandra pointed out that the drug problem is not just in Boynton Beach but in all communities. ~ity Manager Cheney felt that in the area of recreation, .he City has always had an active program. As far as trash ~ollection is concerned, City Manager Cheney felt that the ~ity is doing a good job in this area. He felt that the ~itizens should assume more responsibility and take pride in .heir own environment. 'lorida Power and Light Company has cooperated in 'epairing/replacing all the lights which were out in the ~ity. lity Manager Cheney stated that all the recommendations of .he Task Force have been considered. They cannot all be mplemented at one time, but they have been studied. [everend Joseph Dye, 1175 S.W. 27th Avenue, spokesman for .he Task Force, stated that the group was appreciative of .he work that had gone into the report by the City Manager. wanted to see the Task Force involved in the selection of ~itizens who would attend the sensitivity training. ~everend Dye and the Task Force were very happy to see that ~fficer Hawkins had been selected as Ombudsman. He xpressed his concern that more activities had not been .lanned for the Wilson Center. Reverend Dye was very appre- iative of the job done in regard to the lighting. iayor Cassandra stated that there was no possibility of ~etting a high school for Boynton Beach as land is not available for a school other than the Tradewinds property. 5.e wished to see the City move forward in areas where ~.ossible and not try to do the impossible. Reverend Dye tated that the Task Force members would have appreciated aving the report at an earlier date so they could have addressed the issues in more detail. City Manager Cheney again pointed out that the report was done in response to a Iequest by the Commission and was prepared for them. Mayor £assandra pointed out that there was still time for the Task ~orce members to review the report and discuss it. Perhaps another workshop meeting might be needed. Reverend Dye again expressed that he and the Task Force wished to see the £ity move ahead~promptly and positively in implementing the ~ecommendations. ~ommissioner Marchese ad presented a good stated that he felt the City Manager report, and the City is ready to move -7- MINUTES - CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 17, 1988 ahead in implementing those recommendations which are feasible at this time. He wished to see Officer Hawkins Ssume the role as Ombudsman immediately, and he felt that e was an excellent choice. Commissioner Marchese referred Go the excellent job Officer Hawkins had done in the crime watch efforts. Mice Mayor Hester felt that Officer Hawkins was the best ~erson to fill the position of Ombudsman. There was further discussion regarding the drug program for Boynton Beach. Commissioner Mann expressed that he was in agreement with City Manager Cheney's report. He felt that the three police Qfficers ~o be hired to patrol the Martin Luther King oulevard area and Cherry Hills area should be black. He had not been in favor of an Ombudsman, but he was in total agreement with the selection of Officer Hawkins. lommissioner Mann felt that the Task Force had completed heir job and that they were no longer needed. [ayor Cassandra suggested that the Task Force check with the ¢~ommunity again to ensure that the problems they expressed ¢~riginally were still the concerns of the people. He felt hat the Ombudsman should have the authority to report irectly to the Mayor (or Commission representative) if an issue related to the City Manager or his Department. In ¢.ther cases, the Ombudsman should report to the City 51anager. (!ommissioner Olenik felt if there was a problem with someone n the City Manager's Department, that should be reported to he City Manager. Any problem with the City Manager should co to the Commission. ommissioner Olenik moved that the City Manager's recommen- dations in response to the Task Force be initiated quickly ~ith the exception that the Ombudsman ~eport directly to the ity Commission representative any problems which might ~rise with the City Manager. Vice Mayor Hester seconded he motion, officer Hawkins was introduced to those in the audience who might not know him. Motion carried 5-0. Mayor Cassandra requested that the City Manager set up a ate for a workshop meeting (see last page of these ~inutes). · ity Manager Cheney stated that the money to fund these rograms (approximately $111,000) would come out of the alance of $300,000.00 remaining in the budget. -8- MINUTES - CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 17, 1988 ~ommissioner Marchese moved that the Task Force be main- ~ained. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Olenik and iarried 4-1 (Commissioner Mann voted against the motion). fter a short break, the meeting resumed at 9:06 P. M. LD BUSINESS (Continued) · Utility System Studies and Expansion 1. Selection of Utility Consultant 2. Review of Reverse Osmosis and Lime Softening Technoiogy and Results of research of using RO reject water for irrigation 3. Review of water capacities and expansion of wter utility system 4. Summary of r~ecommended actions by City Commissioners ayor Cassandra stated that the recommendation was that IH2M Hill be hired as the water consultant and that reverse ~smosis (RO) was the best way to proceed for the future as ar as irrigation was concerned. $30,000,000.00 would be eeded for the entire project of expansion of the Utility .ystem. This would include renovation of the present facii- ty taking it up to 20,000,000 gallons. Iommissioner Olenik felt that the idea of hiring a con- ultant was so that he could study the regulations, etc. lity Manager Cheney stated that at some later date CH2M Hill ight be hired to design the new plant, but initially he ~ill be asked to assist with doing those things necessary ~or the application to DER, with Water Management, assist ~ith understanding the Safe Drinking Water Act, etc. Bill £1onlin has changed firms, but he stands behind the report he save the City. £ill Conlin, representing Post, Buckley, Schuh, and d~ernigan, gave a short presentation regarding studies his company had done regarding Reverse Osmosis Technology vs Iime Softening. He pointed out that studies indicate that the Western wellfield water would function well with the RO ~rocess. He felt that another process would have to be used in the future for the disinfectant process for the City's ~ater, which would raise the costs somewhat. Mr. Conlin ~ointed out that from tests conducted in their laboratory as well as the City's laboratory, mixing of water from the two ~rocesses, no matter what the percent-age of the mix, resulted in no adverse effects. In answer to Commissioner Clenik's question, Mr. Conlin explained that RO water would taste flatter than lime softened water as more minerals are -9- MINUTES - CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 17, 1988 ~emoved, and the RO water was colorless. He suggested that ~he City give some thought to what they were going to do Tith the lime sludge disposal in the future. New regula- tions are coming out regarding disposal of lime sludge. Mr. ~onlin stated that they looked at the organic contaminants ind found that those reported were below detectable limits. qr. Conlin stated that to his knowledge the RO process is ebest available that he knows about at this technology ~ime. here was some discussion regarding the soil pH. Mr. Guidry ~xplained that it was the responsibility of the utility ~lant to pretreat the water before it goes out into the toil, and he felt this would be a manageable task. The ~heapest means seems to be through the Intracoastal. Ir. Guidry, Utilities Director, pointed out that studies are :omplete as far as Post, Buckley, Schuh, and Jernigan are ~oncerned as they have provided the report as requested. [is main concern at this point is in the area of disinfec- tion. City Manager Cheney felt that the City could go ahead Pith a new consultant, but that consultant would have to Pork with the City as new regulations are passed. Mayor ~assandra was concerned that the Commission would be asking ~he people to vote on a $30,000,000 bond, and he feared ~here may be some research needed in the area of RO. Mr. ;uidry encouraged the Commission to move forward. Commissioner Olenik pointed out that the bond issued is ~eeded to get the additional water plant on line, irre- gardless of the system used. ayor Cassandra stated that the Commission liked to review all the Requests for Proposal (RFP) which are submitted. There was some discussion regarding problems encountered with Post, Buckley, Schuh, and Jernigan. Mr. Simpson, epresenting that firm, stated that personnel from his firm ad indicated that the delays were caused bY City employees. ity Manager Cheney stated that he would research this Latter. Mr. Guidry felt that most of the problems were due .o lack of human resources on the part of Post, Buckley, :chub, and Jernigan. lity Manager Cheney wished to see a consultant selected to ~e the City's consultant on all issues as ~far as the Safe Lrinking Water Act is concerned. He explained that he felt ~hat CH2M Hill is qualified to be the consultant, and Post, luckley, Schuh, and Jernigan did not submit a RFP. Mice Mayor Hester moved that negotiations begin with CH2M ~ill as water consultant with list of things to be done to -10- MINUTES - CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 17, 1988 be defined. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Mann and carried 5-0. ~ommissioner Marchese moved to approve replacement/ ~onstruction of Wells 10E, llE, 12E, 14E, Monitor Well, and .3W with City staff. Motion was seconded by Commissioner )lenik and carried 5-0. Planning Department report on group homes, emergency shelters and related facilities. ommissioner Olenik stated that he felt Tim Cannon had done good job in putting this report together. Vice Mayor [ester wished to correct a statement he read in the ~ewspaper. He was quoted as saying he was in favor of .aving group homes in residential areas, but what he said ,as that the report indicated that some should be in resi- dential areas. [ayor Cassandra referred to the table which compared Boynton ~each with the other cities in regard to provisions for 'roup homes, etc. He felt that the chart shows that Boynton leach is doing well in comparison with other cities. He eiterated that the City has codes and should abide by them. 'he Codes Enforcement people should be allowed to enforce .he code as it is designed. There was no action required on his item. IONSENT AGENDA ~. Minutes Regular City Commission Meeting Minutes of May 3, 1988 ommissioner Olenik stated that on page 2, top of the page, e said "dynamic spot" and not "dynamite spot." · Bids Two (2) Trash Hauling Vehicles 25,500 pounds minimum - Scowbody - and One (1) Trash Hauling Vehicle 25,500 pounds minimum with self loading attachment - Public Works ~he Tabulation Committee recommended that the bid be awarded to Heintzelman's Truck, Orlando, FL (low bidder who met all specifications) in the amount of $71,586.00 (3 trucks), $2,610.00 (3 tilt hoods), and $14,200.00 (1 self-loader) - ~otal Amount $88,396.00. -11- MINUTES - CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 17, 1988 2. Backhoe Attachment - Parks Department he Tabulation Committee recommended awarding the bid to the lowest bidder Trail Ford Tractor, Lake Worth, FL in the .mount of $5,990.00. 3. Printing Quote - Various Departments 'he Tabulation Committee recommended awarding the printing ~o 2 printers: MDH Graphics, West Palm Beach, FL and nternational Printing, West Palm Beach, FL in the amount of 683.27. After some discussion regarding award of this bid ~o two printers instead of all to one, it was the consensus .f the Commission that the lowest bidder would receive the .id in all cases where he meets specifications. e Construction of Water Main Extension, Lawrence Road - Phase I - Utilities (Contingent upon receiving funds from National Housing Partnership per Joe Swan) qbe Tabulation Committee recommended awarding the bid to the owest bidder who meets all specifications - Stuart ingineering Contractors, Inc., West Palm Beach, FL in the mount of $99,368.00. Electrical Installation of Wallace & Tiernan Weigh Belt Feeder and Lime Slaker at the Water Treatment Plant - Utilities he Tabulation Committee recommended awarding the bid to the ow bidder - Edwards Electric, West Palm Beach, FL in the amount of $3,920.00. · Resolutions Proposed Resolution No. 88-II Re: Release of Bonds - Hunters Run, Pod P (Eastgate) (North of Summit Drive, West of COngress Avenue) "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYlqTON BEACH, FLORIDA, RELEASING THE PERFORMANCE BONDS FOR POD P OF THE SUMMIT PLAT NO. 1 ALSO KNOWN AS EASTGATE AT HUNTERS RUN IN SECTION 6, TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST" om Clark, City Engineer, stated that the bonded improvements ave been completed and the Technical Review Board had no bjections to the release of bond. -12- MINUTES - CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 17, 1988 Development Plans PROJECT NAME: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Lawrence Groves Plat No. 1 Enrico Rossi, P.E. K. Hovanian Companies of Florida, Inc. Lawrence Road at the L.W.D.D. L-19 Canal, Southeast corner PRELIMINARY PLAT - Request for the approval of the construction plans and preliminary plat which provides for the construction of infrastruc- ture improvements to serve 112 single-family zero lot line units in connection with a modification to a previously approved preliminary plat to allow for the creation of two phases. he Planning & Zoning Board unanimously recommended approval cf Plat No. 1, subject to staff comments. The P&Z Board further recommended that the City Commission accept $49,442/acre as the land value for recreation and parks dedication purposes. PROJECT NAME: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Lawrence Groves Plat No. 2 Enrico Rossi, P.E. K. Hovanian Companies of Florida, Inc. Lawrence road at the L.W.D.D. L-19 Canal, Southeast Corner PRELIMINARY PLAT - request for the approval of the construction plans and preliminary plat which provides for the construction of infrastruc- ture improvements to serve 98 single- family zero lot line units in connection with a modification to a previously approved preliminary plat to allow for the creation of two phases. he Planning & Zoning Board unanimously recommended approval of Plat No. 2, subject to staff comments. The P&Z Board further recommended that the City Commission accept $69,500/acre as the land value for recreation and parks dedication purposes. -13- MINUTES - CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING ~;OYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 17, 1988 PROJECT NAME: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Citrus Trail at Citrus Glen Enrico Rossi, P.E. Citrus Glen Limited Partnership Lawrence Road at Miner Road extended, Southeast corner PRELIMINARY PLAT - Request for the approval of the construction plans and preliminary plat which provides for the construction of infrastruc- ture improvements to serve 104 single-family zero lot line units in connection with a previously approved planned unit development. 'he Planning & Zoning Board unanimously recommended approval .f Citrus Trail preliminary plat, subject to staff comments. ~he P&Z Board~further recommended that the City Commission ccept $36,726/acre as the land value for recreation and ,arks dedication purposes. PROJECT NAME: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Executive Estates at Citrus Glen Enrico Rossi, P.E. Citrus Glen Limited Partnership Lawrence road at Miner Road extended, Southeast corner PRELIMINARY PLAT - Request for the approval of the construction plans and preliminary plat which provides for the construction of infrastruc- ture improvements to serve 92 single- family zero lot line units in connection with a previously approved planned unit development. he Planning & Zoning Board unanimously recommended approval f the request, subject to staff comments. The P&Z Board urther recommended that the City Commission accept 36,726/acre as the land value for recreation and parks edication purposes. PROJECT NAME: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Hunters Run Tract H "Sutton Place" Gregory J. Fagan, Project Engineer George Culverhouse Properties, Inc. West side of South Congress Avenue, between the L.W.D.D. L-28 and L-30 Canals. PRELIMINARY PLAT - Request for appro- val of the construction plans and preliminary plat which provides for the construction of infrastructure improvements to serve 19 single- family detached dwelling units in connection with a previously approved planned unit development. -14- MINUTES - CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 17, 1988 The Planning & Zoning Board unanimously recommended approval of this request, subject to staff comments. PROJECT NAME: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Hunters Run Tract H "Sutton Place" Charles N. Gilbert, Project Architect George Culverhouse Properties, Inc. West side of South Congress Avenue, between the L.W.D.D. L-28 and L-30 Canals SITE PLAN - Request for site plan approval to allow for construction of a privacy wall and common area landscaping.  he Planning and Zoning Board unanimously recommended appro- al of the site plan, subject to staff comments. PROJECT NAME: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Citrus Glen Delfin Menendez, Project Architect Citrus Glen Limited Partnership Lawrence Road at Miner Road extended, Southeast corner SITE PLAN - Request for site plan approval to allow for a private recreation area/signage and recreation area landscaping ihe Planning & Zoning Board unanimously recommended approval f this site plan which provides for construction of a pri- ate recreation area, project signage and recreation area andscaping, subject to staff comments. 8. PROJECT NAME: Stanford Park AGENT: Donald E. Hearing OWNER: GBS&H Architects-Planners, Inc. LOCATION: South side of Hypoluxo Road, west of High Ridge Road DESCRIPTION: SITE PLAN - Request for site plan approval to construct a 220 unit ACLF (298,826 square feet) and a 6,300 square foot medical office building on tracts 2, 3, and 4 (18.39 acres) at the Stanford Park Planned Unit Development. Planning and Zoning Board unanimously recommended appro- of this request, subject to staff comments. -15- MINUTES - CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 17, 1988 PROJECT NAME: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Gustafson Industries, Inc. Michael Gustafson Michael and Marcia Gustafson S.E. 1st Stret at S.E. 7th Avenue, Northeast corner SITE PLAN - Request for site plan approval to allow for the renovation and expansion of a former single- family residence into a 1,187 square foot contractor's facility. !he Planning and Zoning Board unanimously recommended appro- ,al of this request, subject to staff comments. ~ommissioner Olenik stated that the Community Appearance toard had recommended that existing Malaleuca trees be Lllowed. It was the consensus of the Commission that the ~ode should be followed. 10. PROJECT NAME: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: K-Mart at Causeway Square Shopping Center National Property Analysts, Inc. National Property Analysts, Inc. South Federal Highway at Woolbright Road, Southeast corner SITE PLAN - Request for site plan approval to construct a building mounted satellite receiving dish at the K-Mart Department Store. 'he Planning and Zoning Board unanimously recommended appro- val of this request as submitted. Mayor Cassandra felt that · code should be established for commercial and residential atellite dishes. The problem of wind stress was also iscussed, and Mr. Howell, Building Official, stated that these must be able to withstand winds up to 110 miles per ~our. 11. PROJECT NAME: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Pine Point Villas Fritz Massie, Fritz Massie Fence Company Harold E. Minster West side of North Seacrest Boulevard, South of Hypoluxo Road SITE PLAN - Request for site plan approval to allow for the construc- tion of a chain link fence. ~he Planning and Zoning Board unanimously recommended appro- Ual of this request, subject to staff comments. There was some discussion relative to the landscape plants at this -16- MINUTES - CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 17, 1988 site. The plants have been installed but need some time to grow to fill in the area. 12. PROJECT NAME: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: High Point Villas William Pfeiffer, Main Boulevard Association President, High Point Section III Main Boulevard Association West side of South Seacrest Boulevard, south of Woolbright Road SITE PLAN - Request for site plan approval to allow for the addition of an awning onto an existing clubhouse building. ae Planning and Zoning Board unanimously recommended appro- 1 of this request as submitted. 13. PROJECT NAME: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Lloyd's Laundry at Lloyd's Plaza Lloyd Millanise Lloyd Millanise Boynton Beach Boulevard at N.W. 3rd Street, Northwest corner SITE PLAN - Request for site plan approval to allow for the relocation of an existing door.  he Planning and Zoning Board unanimously recommended appro- al of this request as submitted. 14. PROJECT NAME: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Hunters Run Tract O "Glens" David Beasley, Culverhouse Construction Company Glens East Association West side of South Congress Avenue, between the L.W.D.D. L-28 and L-30 Canals SITE PLAN MODIFICATIONS - Request for approval of an amended site plan to allow for an optional side room addi- tion for the type VI units. he Planning and Zoning Board unanimously recommended appro- al of this request, subject to staff comments. There were omments made regarding these type requests which seem to ome to the Commission often. 15. PROJECT NAME: AGENT: OWNER: Hunters Run-Pump House Charles N. Gilbert Summit Associates, Ltd. -17- MINUTES - CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 17, 1988 LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: West side of South Congress Avenue, between the L.W.D.D. L0-28 and L-30 Canals SITE PLAN MODIFICATIONS - Request for approval of an amended site plan to allow for the renovation and expan- sion of an existing sprinkler pump house. he Planning and Zoning Board unanimously recommended appro- 'al of this request, subject to staff comments. 16. PROJECT NAME: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Lionel Playworld John Rowland, Peterson and Associates Architects/Engineers, Inc. Lionel Leisure, Inc. West side of North Congress Avenue, North of Old Boynton road SITE PLAN MODIFICATIONS - request for approval of an amended site plan to allow for the addition of a freestanding project identification sign. Re planning and Zoning Board unanimously recommended appro- 'al of this request, subject to staff comments. idditionally, the Board conditioned this recommendation for spproval upon the applicant deleting the logo on the pro- ~osed sign, replacing the logo with the words "Playworld oys" and presenting, the amended sign layout to the °mmunity Appearance Board and the City Commission. There was discussiOn regarding deletion of the logo and the uommission was shown a copy of the sign that will be used. ~he wOrding on the Sign is: "Lionel Playworld Toys." It ~as decided that this issue of logos on free standing signs hould be specifically addressed in the new Sign Ordinance. 17. PROJECT NAME: Catalina Centre Plat No. i AGENT: Jess Sowards, Currie Schneider Associates OWNER: Walboyn, Inc. LOCATION: North Congress Avenue at the Boynton C-16 Canal, Northwest corner DESCRIPTION: SITE PLAN MODIFICATIONS - Requet for approval of an amended site plan to allow for elevation changes and the addition of a fountain and various other site improvements. he Planning and Zoning Board unanimously recommended appro- ual of this request which reflects changes made during construction of the HolidaY Inn, as submitted. -18- MINUTES - CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 17, 1988 This item was removed from the CONSENT AGENDA by Commissioner Marchese and added under DEVELOPMENT PLANS as ~tem H. E. Approve pilot testing in Wastewater Collection System iohn Guidry, Director of Utilities, recommended a trial eriod and evaluation of the results prior to recommending o the City Commission a contract with Peroxidation Systems, nc. for the entire collection system or a return to the dophos for this section of the collection system. · Consider Golf Course CIP Funding - Expenditure for Trees ecommendation from Kevin Hallahan, Forester, detailed a ,lan for tree underplanting on the golf course according to ~on Hagge and Devlin's original plans, with tree species ubstituted for those originally specified, based on cost, .vailability, appearance, maintenance and rate of growth. n answer to Mayor Cassandra,s question, City Manager Cheney tated that the trees have not yet been ordered, but should ,e ordered in June or July. C.. Approve Emergency Repair/Rewind-Rebuild Burned Out Motor - Lift Station 807 - Utilities C'ohn Guidry, Director of Utilities, stated that emergency epairs were necessary. Funds are available for the payment o Palm Beach Electric Motors, West Palm Beach, FL in the mount of $1,056.38. 51. Approve Two (2) Medical Radios with Desk-Top Rapid Charger - Fire Department ¥'illiam H. Sullivan, Purchasing Director, recommended ~.urchase of the medical radios with charger in the amount of 2,398.00 ($1,199.00 each) from Motorola. ommissioner Olenik abstained from voting on this issue and ~orm 8B, Memorandum of Voting Conflict for County, 91unicipal, and Other Local Public Officers is attached to the original copy of these minutes in the Office of the City Clerk. Approve Contingency Transfer 1. City Attorney's Office Expenditures for title searches or appraisals which were not foreseen at the time the budget was prepared necessi- tated the transfer per memorandum dated March 18, 1988 from lity Attorney Rea. -19-  INUTES - CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING OYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 17, 1988 2. Risk Management £1ivia McLean, Risk Manager, recommended that the increase n premium be taken from the contingency fund due to an ncrease in the renewal premium (increase to $26,059 for $1 illion worth of coverage) and the increase in deductible rom $10,000 to $25,000. · Approve Sole Source Radio/Alarm Test Equipment - Engineer Service Corporation ~'illiam Sullivan, Purchasing Director, in his memorandum dated May 9, 1988, recommended approval of the request to ~urchase a Radio-Alarm Test Eqauipment from Engineer Service £orp, Jacksonville, FL in the amount of $6,700.00. F. Approve purchase of a Die Cutter and Accessories - Public Works ~.obert Eichorst, Acting Public Works Director, in his ~emorandum dated May 9, 1988 recommended money budgeted for a heat lamp applicator be transferred to cover costs of the die cutter and accessories. Upon a question from fommissioner Olenik, William Sullivan, Purchasing Director stated that the issue of sole source vendor in this case had ~een investigated, and he felt this was the sole source ven- dor for this product. City Manager Cheney explained that this will be put in the truck so the workers can make street signs on site. I. List of Payments - Month of April, 1988 ~he following two bills were added by City Manager Cheney: 3259,743.50, Seppala & Aho of Florida, Inc. and $1,755.00 for the Umpire for the Softball Tournament for the upcoming ~ eekend. ~. Approval of Bills Iist attached. There was discussion regarding some of the ~ills by various members of the Commission. ¥ice Mayor Hester moved to approve CONSENT AGENDA Items A.1; ~.1, 2, 3, 4, 5; C.1 (Resolution 88-II); D-l, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (with the stipulation that the code will be followed), 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 (with the deletion of the logo); E; F; G; H; I; J; K; L (with addition of Seppala & Aho in the amount of $259,743.50 and prepayment for umpire for the softball tournament in the amount of $1,755.00); and N. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Mann and carried 5-0. -20- MINUTES - CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING BOSTON BEACH' FLORIDA MAY 17, 1988 BIDS lone. UBLIC HEARING one. DEVELOPMENT PLANS ~, Review of guidelines and standards for granting con- ditional uses (Postponed at Commission Meeting of April .19,___~1988)....________~...__t....__...__~.~._a.~ ................. TABLED ~'his item remained on the table. PROJECT NAME: AGENT: OWNERS. - LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Seaway Villas Tele-Key, A & A Fences ~Seaway Villas Property Owners' Association East side of South Seacrest Boulevard, North of S.E. 21st Avenue SITE PLAN MODIFICATION - Request for approval of an amended site plan to permit the addition of a security gate and fence ....................... TABLED ommissioner Olenik moved to remove this item from the able, seconded by Commissioner Mann. Motion carried 5-0. ity Attorney Rea explained that a problem had arisen ue to the fact there was access to the development only rom the gate. After some discussion, the applicant agreed o work with City staff to work out a solution to the access roblem. Commissioner Mann moved to put this item back on he table until the next City Commission Meeting. Motion as seconded by Vice Mayor Hester and carried 5-0. PROJECT NAME: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Meadows 300 Tract N "Wellesley" Donald Hearing, GBS&H Architects Burg & DiVosta Corporation West side of North Congress Avenue, south of Hypoluxo Road SITE PLAN MODIFICATIONS - Request for approval of an amended site plan to allow for a change in building layout and design. -21- MINUTES - CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 17, 1988 a he Planning and Zoning Board unanimously recommended 1 of this request, subject to staf~f comments. Mr. nunziato stated that the public does not have to be notified when a site plan modification is requested. appro- lay Royce, 450 Royal Palm Way, Palm Beach, Attorney, repre- senting Burg & DiVosta introduced Don Hearing, Planner and Jandscape Architect; Mr. Score, their Engineer; and Mr. ~arles Hathaway, Vice President of the Company. Mr. Royce ~ointed out the location of the development on the drawing tLe had before the Commission. He explained that 112 of the lellesley units have been constructed. There are 176 units n the second phase (44 buildings) which have not been ,uilt. Attorney Royce stated that the units have not been ~elling as quickly as they would have liked, and they pro- ~osed to build a different unit in Phase II. He explained .hat the new unit would be somewhat larger and have a larger ~atio. The old units have more open area and he explained ,ther differences in the two plans. The architectural style rould change from Cape Code to a more contemporary style. [e felt that the style was a matter of personal preference. Ir. Royce felt there was more demand for the more contem- porary unit. This strategy had been used at Martin Downs .nd proved to be very successful, and he felt it could work n this area as well. The price of the new units would vary rom $75,000 to $88,000, depending upon their location. ~ob Confoy, 1201 Copley Court, stated his concerns, he had ,een told that the units in Phase II would be the same as .he one he had purchased. He feared the new prices would .ttract the rental market, and did not wish to have rental [nits in his neighborhood. 'homas Hotz, 1703 Chadwick Court, stated that he moved to ~he area due to the quality of life. He was told that the .rchitectural style would continue in Phase II. He feared ~hat the new priced units might bring undesirable people nto their area. [itchell Krouse, 2103 Chadwick Court, stated that he bOught .is home due to the excellent reputation of Burg & DiVosta .nd he was disappointed as he felt this change had been ,lanned from the very beginning. He felt that the developer .ad misrepresented their product and would cause damage to ~oynton Beach as well as the homeowners. tanley Cooper, 403 Andover Court, was told that Burg & ,iVosta was the best company to deal with. He stated that he Stanford model in Sandlewood is the same model that Burg DiVosta is proposing as the new Wellesley model. The -22- MINUTES - CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING HOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 17, 1988  andlewood could be purchased for $8,'000 or so less than the ew Wellesley. He did not feel this was right. enneth Conley, 1502 Chadwick Court, noted that the idewalks in Phase I are nice and winding but the ones pro- Osed for Phase II are squared off and not aesthetically pleasing. He was told that Phases I and II would be the same. ohn R. Reis, 1304 Copley Court, feared that property values ill drop if the new models are built. r. Royce did not feel that the new model would attract rent- rs. He also did not feel that the price for the new units ~s unreasonable as some of the units would border Congress venue with its traffic and noise. Those units must be riced lower if they are to sell. He did not feel there as evidence to support the idea that this change was lanned for in the beginning. In Martin Downs this had been 9ne very sUccessfully and the price of the units sold had isen by nine percent after the new models were built. He ad driven around the area and noted that there are many ifferent styles of homes in that area. ice Mayor Heater asked if Burg & DiVosta could sell the ~nd to someone else and Mr. Annunziato stated that was a ossibility. ~yor Cassandra felt that this item should be tabled to give he developer more time to meet with the residents to work at a solution to the problem. Dmmissioner Marchese stated that he personally liked both esigns. He also pointed out that if the developer was not llowed the modification, they might decide to sell to ~other builder. The residents would then have no idea what tyle building would be built. He also suggested that some dditional landscaping might help. ~. Himelfarb made a statement from the audience. He felt hat a compromise in price for the units might help. he developer had no problem with tabling the issue. ommissioner Olenik moved to table this item until the June th meeting. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Mann and arried 5-0. fter a short break the meeting resumed at 11:35 P. M. -23- MINUTES - CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 17, 1988 PROJECT NAME: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Boynton Commercenter Erwin Gold, Leasing Agent M.G.I. Associates South of Woolbright Road, between the L.W.D.D. E-4 Canal and the Seaborad Airline (S.A.L.) Railroad SITE PLAN MODIFICATIONS - Request for approval of an amended site plan to allow for the addition of a new project identification sign. he Planning and Zoning Board unanimously recommended denial f the proposed modified site plan, noting staff comments nd limitations imposed by code. his item was removed from the agenda. Consider approval of request for Retroactive Extension - Jacobs' Office Building ~.fter a short discussion Commissioner Olenik moved to approve a 60 day retroactive extension to Dr. Jacobs. 9.otion was seconded by Vice Mayor Hester and carried 5-0. Consider approval of request for Master Plan Modification - Meadows 300 Tract B "Baytree" his request was to allow a Florida room to be added on the nits which back up to the canal. Don Hearing, GBS&H spoke or the homeowners. He pointed out that Lot 33 would not e included in the request. Mr. Annunziato recommended that finding of no substantial change be made and that this e forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Board for action. 'ice Mayor Hester moved to approve the request with a inding of no substantial change subject to staff comments, nd that this be forwarded to the P&Z Board for action. ommissioner Marchese seconded the motion which carried 5-0. . Annexation Policies t was felt that it was too late to forward this to the ounty. The municaplities must work hand in hand with the ounty in annexing the enclaves. It was felt that a resolu- ion should be drawn up in this regard. PROJECT NAME: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: Catalina Centre Plat No. 1 Jess Sowards, Currie Schneider Associates Walboyn, Inc. North Congress Avenue at Boynton C-16 Canal, Northwest corner -24- MINUTES - CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 17, 1988 DESCRIPTION: SITE PLAN MODIFICATION - Request for approval of an amended site plan to allow for elevation changes and the addition of a fountain and various other site improvements. t~~his item was moved on the agenda at the request of ommissioner Marchese. He was concerned that changes are de in the field without approval of the City staff and at the developer comes in after the fact and asks for approval for what has been done. He read a statement made ky the Technical Review Board in this regard and did not ~nderstand why this was allowed. He could not vote to approve the request and he did not feel this was the proper way to make changes. t .r. Howell stated that as long as there are no elevation hanges or changes in the appearance which requires engi- eering review, the developer can make minor changes in the ield. The Building Department personnel try to work with he builders and they were aware of the changes being made. ommissioner Marchese feared that these changes could go nnoticed and the plans would not show a true picture of the nd product. ity Manager Cheney stated that there will always be changes n the field. The inspectors must make the judgment of hether those changes affect the structure. If the City ommission does not approve the changes, the developer must o back and build according to the original approved plan. hat is a chance the developer takes when he makes changes n the field. om McMurrian, Walboyn, Inc. stated that he realized he was aking a chance when the changes were made without prior pproval. He felt they were good changes and the drawings id not indicate the change was needed. When a building is oing up, some changes become evident that were not xpected. He pointed out the changes on some drawings he ad before the Commission. The architecture was changed to atch the awnings. Brick inlay was added along the roof inei to keep the room from appearing so massive. The devel- )er looked at the changes as improvements to the building. . Howell clarified that the inspectors were infOrmed as oon as the developer realized changes were needed. ¥ice Mayor Hester moved to approve the site plan modifica- tions for Catalina Centre. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Mann and carried 4-1 (Commissioner Marchese ~oted against the motion). -25- MINUTES - CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 17, 1988 LEGAL · Ordinances - 2nd Reading - PUBLIC HEARING Proposed Ordinance No. 88-22 Re: Amend Ordinance 80-19 - Rezoning - Tara Oaks ity Attorney Rea read proposed Ordinance No. 88-22 on econd and final reading, by title only: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON EACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 80-19 OF SAID CITY BY ~ZONING A CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF BOYNTON EACH, FLORIDA FROM R-1AAA (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL), TO 'LANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT WITH A LAND USE INTENSITY OF 4 PUD LUI = 4), SAID PARCEL BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED iEREIN; AMENDING THE REVISED ZONING MAP ACCORDINGLY; PRO- 'IDING THAT ALL DEVELOPMENT OF SAID PROPERTY SHALL PROCEED N STRICT COMPLIANCE WITH THE DEVELOPMENT PLANS AS SUBMITTED ND APPROVED AND ALL APPLICABLE ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF .OYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA; PROVIDING A CONFLICTS CLAUSE, A EVERABILITY CLAUSE, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER ~URPOSES" 'o one wished to speak in favor of the proposed ordinance. ~illiam Morrow, Stonehaven Homeowners' Association resident, stated that he was not in favor of passing this rdinance as some of the people concerned had not been per- onally notified. He requested more time to look into the .atter. ,aniel Bonczyk, 1835 Banyan Creek Circle North, stated that e was concerned with the road and how the traffic would be uffered. ity Attorney Rea stated that there was a small legal roblem in that there was a mixup and less than 100 percent overage was not given in regard to distribution of the otice. He pointed out that the C~ity provides more notifi- ation than is actually required, but felt that in this case he issue should be continued until the next meeting. ommissioner Marchese moved to continue this item until the eeting scheduled for June 7, 1988. Commissioner Olenik econded the motion which carried 5-0. 2. Proposed Ordinance No. 88-23 Re: Amend Appendix A Section ll-H.4 Parking Lot/Garages and Driveways in Multi-Family Projects -26- MINUTES - CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 17, 1988 ity Attorney Rea read proposed Ordinance No. 88-23 on econd and final reading, by title only: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON EACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING APPENDIX A SECTION ll-H.4, TO ROVIDE FOR DRIVEWAYS SATISFYING PARKING SPACE REQUIREMENTS T MULTI-FAMILY DWELLING UNITS CONTAINING GARAGES; AMENDING RTICLE X. PARKING LOTS, SECTION 5-139, BY CREATING A NEW BSECTION (e) EXEMPTING MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS ICH CONTAIN GARAGES; AMENDING ARTICLE X. SECTION 5-141(i), TD PROVIDE AN EXCEPTION FOR MULTI-FAMILY UNITS CONTAINING G~RAGES WITH A MAXIMUM OF FOUR PARKING STALLS; PROVIDING A CONFLICTS CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING AUTHORITY TO CODIFY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES" As no one wished to speak for or against this proposed Ordinance, the public hearing was closed. ice Mayor Hester moved to approve proposed Ordinance No. 8-23 on second and final reading. Commissioner Marchese econded the motion and Betty Boroni, City Clerk took a roll ¥ 8 B N F P C D A all vote: Commissioner Marchese Commissioner Olenik Mayor Cassandra Vice Mayor Hester Commissioner Mann otion carried 5-0. Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye 3. Proposed Ordinance No. 88-24 Re: Sign Code Variance ity Attorney Rea read proposed Ordinance No. 88-24 on econd and final reading, by title only: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CiTY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON EACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 21 SIGNS. BY CREATING A EW SECTION 21-27. VARIANCES FROM REQUIREMENTS; TO PROVIDE OR VARIANCES FROM THE STRICT APPLICATION OF THIS CHAPTER; ROVIDING A cONFLICTS CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY LAUSE; PROVIDING AUTHORITY TO CODIFY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE ATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES" would very Robbins spoke in favor of the proposed ordinance. He tated that they were requesting permission to put a sign on he North end of the building overlooking 1-95. The sign have 4 foot letters identifying Boynton Commercenter. -27- MINUTES - CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 17, 1988 n answer to Commissioner Olenik's question, City Attorney ea stated that if a sign is specifically prohibited by code, it could not be permitted. As no one else wished to speak for or against the issue, the public hearing was closed. ommissioner Olenik moved to approve proposed Ordinance No. 8-24 on second and final reading. Motion was seconded by ice Mayor Hester and a roll call vote was taken: Commissioner Olenik Mayor Cassandra Vice Mayor Hester Commissioner Mann Commissioner Marchese otion carried 5-0. - Aye - Aye - Aye - Aye - Aye .s Mayor Cassandra left the room, he handed the gavel to ice Mayor Hester to proceed with the meeting. 4. Proposed Ordinance No. 88-25 Re: Establishing Buildinq Security Code ity Attorney Rea read proposed Ordinance No. 88-25 on econd and final reading, by title only: AN ORDINA~NCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON EACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 5 - SECTION 5-8 OF THE ODE OF ORDINANCES; ESTABLISHING THE BUILDING SECURITY CODE; ROVIDING FOR TITLE; PROVIDING FOR RULES OF CONSTRUCTION; ROVIDING FOR ADMINISTRATION; PROVIDING FOR DEFINITIONS; ROVIDING FOR RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES; PROVIDING FOR OMMERCIAL STRUCTURES; PROVIDING FOR LIGHTING REQUIREMENTS; ROVIDING A CONFLICTS CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY LAUSE; PROVIDING AUTHORITY TO CODIFY; PROVIDING AN FFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES" s no one wished to speak in favor of or against the pro- osed Ordinance, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Marchese moved to approve proposed Ordinance ~o. 88-25 on second and final reading. Commissioner Mann seconded the motion and a roll call vote was taken: Vice Mayor Hester Commissioner Mann Commissioner Marchese Commissioner Olenik Aye Aye Aye Aye -28-  INUTES - CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING OYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 17, 1988 Notion carried 4-0. 5. Proposed Ordinance No. 88-26 Re: Temporary Closinq of State Roads ity'~ttorney Rea read proposed Ordinance No. 88-26 on second and final reading by title only: "AN ORDINA~NCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON ~EACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SIGN ON ~EHALF OF THIS COMMISSION ALL REQUESTS FOR TEMPORARY CLOSING CF STATE ROADS; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER ~URPOSES" ms no one wished to speak in favor of or agains the proposed Crdinance, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Marchese moved to approve proposed Ordinance No. 68-26 on second and final reading. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Olenik and a roll call vote taken: Vice Mayor Hester Commissioner Mann Commissioner Marchese Commissioner Olenik Notion carried 4-0. Aye Aye Aye Aye C T C 1 H ayor Cassandra returned and took the gavel. · Ordinances - 1st Reading: Proposed Ordinance No. 88-27 Re: Annexation - Bedding Barn ity Attorney Rea read proposed Ordinance No. 88-27 on first eading, by title only: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON EACH, FLORIDA, ANNEXING A CERTAIN UNINCORPORATED TRACT OF AND THAT IS CONTIGUOUS TO THE CITY LIMITS WITHIN PALM BEACH OUNTY AND THAT WILL, UPON ITS ANNEXATION, CONSTITUTE A EASONABLY COMPACT ADDITION TO THE CITY TERRITORY, PURSUANT 0 A PETITION OF THE OWNER OF SAID TRACT OF LAND, REQUESTING NNEXATION PURSUANT TO ARTICLE I, SECTION 7 (32) OF THE HARTER OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AND SECTION 71.044, FLORIDA STATUTES; PROVIDING THE PROPER LAND USE ESIGNATION AND PROPER ZONING OF PROPERTY SHALL BE EFLECTED IN SEPARATE ORDINANCES TO BE PASSED SI~JLTANEOUSL¥ EREWITH; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES -29- MINUTES - CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 17, 1988 IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR ADVERTISING; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; PROVIDING A3THORITY TO CODIFY; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE FILED WITH THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, UPON ADOPTION; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES." C)mmissioner Olenik moved to approve proposed Ordinance No. 88-27 on first reading. Motion was seconded by Vice Mayor H ester and a roll call vote taken: Commissioner Mann Commissioner Marchese Commissioner Olenik Mayor Cassandra Vice Mayor Hester )tion carried 5-0. 2. Proposed Ordinance No. 88-28 - Aye - Aye - Aye - Aye - Aye Re: Amend Ordinance 88-17 to correct Scriverner's error City Attorney Rea read proposed Ordinance No. 88-28 on first reading, by title only: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 2, APPENDIX A - 3.1 OF ORDINANCE NO. 88-17 TO CORRECT A SCRIVENER'S ERROR CONTAINED THEREIN RELATING TO ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONING DISTRICTS; PROVIDING THAT EACH AND EVERY OTHER TERM AND PROVISION OF ORDINANCE NO. 88-17 SHALL REMAIN IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT AS PREVIOUSLY ENACTED; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES." V 8 M M ice Mayor Hester moved to approve proposed Ordinance No. 8-28 on first reading. Motion was seconded by Commissioner ann and a roll call vote taken: Commissioner Marchese Commissioner Olenik Mayor Cassandra Vice Mayor Hester Commissioner Mann Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye otion carried 5-0. 3. Proposed Ordinance No. 88-29 Re: Newspaper Racks City Attorney Rea read proposed Ordinance No. 88-29 on first reading, by title only: -30- MINUTES - CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 17, 1988 'q%N ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR SHORT TITLE; PROVIDING FOR RULES OF COSNTRUCTION; PROVIDING FOR DEFINITIONS; PROVIDING FQR AUTHORITY AND LEGISLATIVE INTENT; PROVIDING FOR S~ANDARDS FOR MAINTEN~.CE AND INSTALLATION; PROVIDING FOR LQCATIONPROPERTy,AND PLACEMENT, PROVIDINGABANDONMENT;FOR NEWSRACKS LOCATED ON PRIVATE PROVIDING FOR PROVIDING FOR ENFORCEMENT OF NEWSRACK VIOLATIONS; PROVIDING AUTHORITY TO CODIFY; PROVIDING A CONFLICTS CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES." ommissioner Olenik stated that he felt Ann Toney, Assistant o the City Manager had done a good job in obtaining the nformation for this proposed Ordinance. Commissioner archese wished to see the Commission choose one color to be sed for all the newsracks for the City. There was further iscussion regarding whether or not the City's right-of-ways hould be used for the racks as is presently being done. s. Toney stated that in her research she had found that if he racks cause damage to the swales, they can be prohibited. t was noted that some actions to prohibit might be con- idered as infringing upon the rights granted by the First mendment. Mayor Cassandra requested that further research e done in regard to the right-of-way issue. ommissioner Marchese moved to approve proposed Ordinance o. 88-29 on first reading. Motion was seconded by ommissioner Olenik and a roll call vote was taken: Commissioner Olenik Mayor Cassandra Vice Mayor Hester Commissioner Mann Commissioner Marchese Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye otion carried 5-0. · Resolutions None· Other 1. Agreement for Water Service Mr. and Mrs. William Herzer 7804 OverlOok Road, Hypoluxo b. Diane Lookreitis, Grove Road -31- MINUTES - CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 17, 1988 ice Mayor Hester moved to approve Water Service agreements or Mr. and Mrs. Herzer and Ms. Lookreitis. Motion was econded by Commissioner Marchese and carried 5-0. 2. Code Fine Settlement - Cumberland Farms his item was deleted from the agenda by City Attorney Rea. City Attorney response on shared parking restric- tions at Forum Plaza/Bavarian Haus ayor Cassandra noted that City Attorney Rea had provided nformation on this subject in his memorandum to City anager Cheney dated May 12, 1988. City Attorney Rea larified for Mayor Cassandra that it might be desirable to pprove site plans in phases to eliminate the type problem hich has occurred in this situation. Once a site plan is pproved, vested rights are locked in and can be bought and old. UBLIC AUDIENCE incent J. Connell, 2513 N.E. 3rd Street, did not understand hat City Attorney Rea had said about shared parking. He sked if once a site plan had been approved, it was true hat no changes could be made regarding the amount of eating. City Attorney Rea did not say that, but that the ite plan was approved in most part based on a shared arking agreement that all parties entered into. Once pproved the parties are locked in, however, there are ~tions to be entered into. C.ty Manager Cheney stated that the City needs to get a completed report from Kimley Horn in order to pinpoint the problem. There was some discussion that a 10 percent tolerence factor had been built in and that perhaps some spaces were available. Mr. Annunziato did not feel that there were 10 percent of the spaces unaccounted for. J t r r w n M t ohn Benditz, Kimley Horn and Associates, Inc. stated that hey were attempting to update the 1985 report. He equested guidance in knowing exactly what the City was equesting. Mr. Annunziato stated that he and his staff ould meet with Kimley Horn to clarify any requests they did ot understand. ayor Cassandra felt that the applicant who has filed with he Board of Adjustment should have his $275 returned if a solution is worked out regarding the matter before the Board has met to hear the case on June 13th. -32- MINUTES - CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING B~YNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 17, 1988 ¢ t ynthia Greenhouse, Attorney at Law, 618 N.E. 20th Lane, tated that the City Manager had done as he was instructed. he offer was made on the Morey's property in the amount of 95,000. The offer was rejected, and she wanted to know hat would be done next. She suggested that the City should alk with Attorney Bob Cogan as she did not feel that the ity was being taken seriously enough. She felt that they uld be given until June 7 to make a counter offer. If do not make an acceptable counter offer by the 7th the should "fish or cut bait." She felt the City should roceed with the condemnation process if no acceptable ounter offer is made. Attorney Greenhouse suggested this ight be the proper time to release the appraised value of he property to the owners of Morey's. She felt this might rompt them to make a reasonable counteroffer and take the ity more seriously. Attorney Greenhouse felt that a reso- ution should be drafted which would start the condemnation rocess. ity Manager Cheney stated that he had read in the paper hat the City's offer had not been accepted but he had not eceived anything to that effect. He felt that the next tep would be to make a decision as to which attorney would andle the condemnation and consult with that attorney efore moving to the next step. ity Attorney Rea felt that this might be the time to let he owners of Morey's know what the appraisal was to see if his would prompt a counteroffer. here was some discussion regarding whether or not City ttorney Rea should handle the condemnation procedure. City ttorney Rea felt that the best procedure for all concerned as to avoid going to condemnation, if possible. He pointed ut that a resolution of condemnation is a simple matter. ayor Cassandra and the Commissioners agreed that the owner f Moreys should be told what the appraised value was and hat the City is waiting for their answer. The next agenda ould note that the City is moving toward condemnation. ity Manager Cheney pointed out that the appraisal that the wners of Moreys provided the City ($1 million) included the ale of the entire business which included the license. The ity is not proposing to buy the business, but the real state only. £ t will consider proceeding to condenmantion. ity Manager Cheney and City Attorney Rea are going to get ogether and submit the appraisal to Mr. Cogan. If nothing cceptable has occurred by the June 7th meeting, the City City Manager -33- MINUTES - CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 17, 1988 C~eney pointed out the costs nation. OLD BUSINESS ~. Code and Charter Update (requested by Mayor Nick Cassandra) ................................. TABLED involved in going to condem- his item was left on the table at the request of Mayor assandra. · Utility System Studies and Expansion his item was moved up on the agenda after the CITY ANAGER'S REPORT. · City manager response to Community Relations Task Force Panel his item was moved up on the agenda after the CITY ANAGER'S REPORT. Planning Department report on group homes, emergency shelters and related facilities. his item was moved up on the agenda after the CITY ANAGER'S REPORT. EW BUSINESS one. DMINISTRATIVE Consider appointment to fill vacant alternate position on Board of Adjustment - Term expires 4/89 - Appointment to be made by Mayor Cassandra ................. TABLED ayor Cassandra moved to take this item off the table. otion was seconded by Commissioner Olenik and carried 5-0. ayor Cassandra made a motion that James Miriana be ppointed to the Board of Adjustment as an Alternate member ith his term to expire in April 1989. Motion was seconded y Vice Mayor Hester and carried 5-0. Consider appointment to fill vacant position - Code Enforcement Board - Term expires 9/90 - Appointment to be made by Commissioner Marchese -34- MINUTES - CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING BDYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 17, 1988 C~mmissioner Marchese made a motion that Robert S. Marsh be appointed to the Code Enforcement Board with a term t° expire September 1990. Motion was seconded by cOmmissioner ann and carried 5-0· Appoint alternate representative to South County Council of Governments .................................. TABLED ommissioner Mann moved to remove this item from the table. otion was seconded by COmmissioner Marchese and carried --0. ommissioner Olenik moved that Commissioner Marchese be ppointed as Alternate to the South County Council of overnments. Motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Hester and arried 5-0. · Six Month budget Review 1. Personnel Adjustments ....................... TABLED 2. Review of Management Package ................ TABLED 3. Review of Policy for Anniversary Dates ...... TABLED 4. Accept Six Month Department Activity Report.TABLED 5. Six Month Budget Report ommissioner Mann moved to remove Items D.1, 2, 3, and 4 rom the table. Motion was seconded by Commissioner archese and carried 5-0. O C C a i q Boynton Beach employees up to other cities. to see the merit system working. ayor Cassandra referred to City Manager Cheney's memorandum f May 16th which explained the reasons behind the proposed hanges. Mayor Cassandra was concerned that grade classifi- ations were changed now that the City is in the top 3 or 4 s compared with other cities. He noted that the City's ncrements are small and the employees do not rise as uickly as other cities. This necessitates changes to bring He also wished 1. Personnel Adjustments M~yor Cassandra reviewed the various positions which were p~oposed for grade changes. He suggested that the ASsistant to the City Manager might need to be raised two grades rather than one as proposed. He questioned raising the Risk Manager's grade as Boynton Beach ranked 4 out of 9 when comparing this position to other cities. City Manager Cheney explained that in making the recommen- dations, he looked at: comparative pay in other similar -35-  INUTES - CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING OYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 17, 1988 t f t S o e a ities, inter-relationship with other related City posi- ions, and market availability and difficulty in filling acant positions and/or turnover. He pointed out that in eviewing the grade levels, they looked at the beginning alary and not what that person may be earning at the resent time. ~yor Cassandra wished to see the reclassification issue ddressed at a later date. ommissioner Olenik moved to approve all the grade and eclassifications as listed in City Manager Cheney's emorandum to Mayor Cassandra dated May 16, 1988. Motion as seconded by Commissioner Mann and carried 4-1. (Mayor assandra voted against the motion). 2. Review of Manaqement Packaqe ayor Cassandra expressed that he did not feel the manage- ent package was the way to go. He again suggested that the erit system would be a better way to review personnel. ity Manager Cheney noted that the management package was stablished as there was already an evaluation system in the ity, and it was felt that it made sense to add a one time a ear payment to give Boynton Beach a little extra that other ities do not do. This amount does not escalate. He felt hat to take this benefit away would prove disasterous as ar as the employees are concerned. Mayor Cassandra felt he system must be changed as times have changed. William ullivan, Personnel Director and City Manager Cheney pointed ut that the City already has a merit review system. Each mployee is reviewed annually on their anniversary date. If person reiceives an unsatisfactory, their increase is held up for three months. i s S m S C P If it is unsatisfactory a second time, t is held up another three months. If unsatisfactory for ix months, the employee is usually terminated. Mr. ullivan stated that there are two department heads who have ot received their annual increase this year. The manage- ent package which has been approved will not be given until eptember this year. There was further discussion. Dmmissioner Marchese moved to approve the management ackage as recommended by City Manager Cheney. Motion was ~conded by Vice Mayor Hester and carried 4-1. (Mayor assandra voted against the motion). 3. Review of Policy for Anniversary Dates Mr. Sullivan stated that a 5 percent merit increase is given to each employee on their anniversary date assuming that -36- MINUTES - CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 17, 1988 employee gets a satisfactory rating and they are in their first five years with the City. After 5 years, an employee goes into the longevity program. Under the longevity ~rogram, a person does not receive an increase each year. Each person under the longevity program still receives an annual evaluation. After discussion, the policy was left as it presently exists. 4. Six Month Budget Report ayor Cassandra wanted to be sure the Commissioners nderstood the report. City Manager Cheney noted that hanges can be made to the report at a later date. ayor Cassandra stated that the report was accepted as pre- ented. Discuss Value of Projects - Staff Approval (requested by Plannin9 and Zoninq Board) ayor Cassandra stated that he felt that the P&Z Board had reviously been directed as to what the Commission wants. here was further discussion regarding whether or not infor- ation from the City Commission is provided to the P&Z oard. Mr. Annunziato stated that this information is pro- ided to the Board. City Manager Cheney felt that the P&Z oard would like the Commission to change its policy. Mayor assandra was concerned that the information may not be etting to the Board. He did not want to put a dollar value n projects. He suggested that a consent agenda type pproach might be the way to proceed. These could be pulled ut for discussion if there were questions on a particular ssue. A fee schedule will be considered at budget time. r. Annunziato stated that they would respond back to the &Z Board. Mayor Cassandra felt that if a person is unhappy ith the situation, perhaps they should leave the Board. his will be brought up at the Board Orientation meeting. · Chamber of Commerce ommissioner Marchese stated now that the City has a Public nformation Officer on board, he saw no reason to depend pon the Chamber of Commerce for those duties. He suggested ending a thank you letter and that the monthly payments to he Chamber be discontinued as of May 31, 1988 (the date the ublic Information Officer reports on board). The Chamber as been the information arm for the City in the past and as given an account of their activities to the City. They re paid $16,000 yearly. -37- MINUTES - CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 17, 1988 C t C P C C 1 W f d t C C ommissioner Marchese felt that it was important to let veryone know that the City now has a person on staff to ~rve in this capacity. City Manager Cheney would ensure %at the Chamber was informed regarding this matter. Mayor ~ssandra was concerned that the Chamber of Commerce did not ut the interests of the City first. ommissioner Marchese moved that a letter be written to the hamber of Commerce notifying them that effective May 31, 988 their services will no longer be required as the City ill have its own Public Information Officer on staff, and urther, that the monthly payments to the Chamber will [scontinue effective May 31, 1988. Mayor Cassandra handed %e gavel to Vice Mayor Hester and seconded the motion which arried 4-1. Vice Mayor Hester voted against the motion. · 20 Acre Park ommissioner Olenik was concerned about a possible conflict n the meeting on 20 Acre Park set for May 23rd. He noted that there is an annual meeting and election of officer for t H V C I r F he County Wide Municipal League on that same evening. It as a consensus of the Commission that themeeting for 20 cre Park was important and should be left as scheduled. )mmissioner Olenik wished to attend the County meeting, but .so felt the 20 Acre Park meeting was important. · Travel Policy ayor Cassandra noted that a Commissioner had exceeded the 1,000 amount and must obtain approval of the Commission efore he can be reimbursed. ice Mayor Hester moved to approve the expenditure. ommissioner Marchese seconded the motion which carried 5-0. t was noted that money from the original $5,000 Still emains in the budget. orkshop Meeting between the City Commission and the Task orce C~ty Manager Cheney stated that S~heduled for June 17, 1988 for Task Force. a workshop meeting has been the City Commission and the T ¢ here being no further business to come before the )mmission, the meeting properly adjourned at 2:03 A. M. -38- MINUTES - CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 17, 1988 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH C TTEST ity C~e~k ecording Secretary (Six Tapes) Commiyioner w_,~ Commissiol~3~v- Comm~sioner -39- CITY OF 80¥NTON BEACH PAGE 25 41353 235395 4!354 205513 41365 205533 4135~ 210107 41357 210139 4135~ 2101~.$ ~.359 ~,1370 ~!373 4137 '~. ~,1375 41376 ~-1377 ZIO lei8 222303 23054] ..... 2~i 535 Z 70040 4!3~! 413~2 ~1373 300331 41379 39093% 390103 %20004 - '~"Z0353 ~061 ~50325 ~13~7 ~5335~ SU'~STATE METER & SUPPLY 4-/Z9/8S 114. o84. SUNNI LAND CORP. q./29/85 750.00- SUPER SPORTS INT'L 4/ZD/B~ /RANS-CLORIOA SUPPLY CO. ~/29/88 895.62 TRANSI-T~ONI CS~~ : ... INC. ~/29/83. 9 0 .0 0 - U S POSTMASTER 4/29/88 500.00 VI -'] E 2 LI3RARIAN 4./29/~8 35.00 WATE~. 2EPARTMENT ~/29/8~3 H,.4. Wt LSON:-CO,-.-::-. :'- -. 4/29/88 . I20~00:.:ii::::.:~ - XEROg CO~,P,':'...:.:':-:::"'..::':' :'.::':..::":' ~/29/85 ...... '"":'" ' . ' ' 490:~'791111:':":' ' AN.%ELa Lo :. AGDSTO:':::.:' '::: ': ": .... ~/2g/SB ':" j" ROBERT 8AYERL KENNET-~ CLAYTON JOHN DREVAS ~./29/8~ 63.00 4'/29/88 330.87 z~/29/88 4'5. O0 4./29/88 4/29/88 HUSH M,C CAFFREY OAVI] NI SSENSOHN JAMES ;~,. PATTERSON . I ~ rt~ E L ~'U M PF: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :.'.':;::::. ::::": :::.: :'::-'::.:: ...... .:::': ~ A R ~'-E N:. 'H :":: S H E'~'H l M:~ R ':":' :::::::: ': '"" :" ::::-::: ;:::.:: 4/29/88 4/29/8~ 4/29/88 4/19/$8 91o40 95.00 I32o00 150,001-:. ':'j:.:: '.' :::- '1'3'; 95::::::i:~:..:':'::' ":::_.::'.'-.'. '15 o 01.:':: :::)A'I l E L SZYCHOWSK[ 4'/2 g/8-:3 15.19 TAMMY ST-%NDIFER 4/29/8,4 427.95 4,762j 363.28 3 I i ORM $! MEMORANDUM OF VOTING CONFLICT FOR 'l OONTY, MUNICIPAL, AND OTHER LOCAL PUBLIC' OFFICERS ~.'AiLING ADDRESS THE BOARD, COUNCn.,~OMMISSION, AUTHORITY, OR COMMI~EE ON CITY ~AIE ON WHICH VOlE OCCURRED COUNTY WHICH ! SERVE IS A UNIT OF: ~ Crl Y ! ~ COUNTY -: OTHER LOCAL AGENCY NAME OF POLITICAL SUBDIVISION: MY POSITION IS: ~ ELECTIVE · ~ J APPOINTIVE ],~r~.This form is: :ouncil, comi with a voting the use of th Your respons on whether y, before comp] WHO MUST FILE FORM 8B br use by any person serving at the county, city, or other local level of government on an appointed or elected board, nission, authority, or committee. It applies equally to members of advisory and non-advisory bodies who are presented conflict of interest under Section. 112.3143, Florida Statutes. The requirements of this law are mandatory; although is particular form is-not, required by law, you are encouraged to use it in making the disclosure required by taw. bilities under the !aw ~,hen faced with a measure in which you have a conflict of interest will vary greatly depending )u hold an elective or aPPointive position. For this reason, please pay close attention to the instructions on this form' eting the reverse side and filing the form. INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION t'12.3143, FLORIDA STATUTES ELECTED OFFICERS:] ~/" ' A person holding elective county, municipal, or other local public office MUST ABSTAIN from voting on a measure which inures to his special private gain. Each local officer also is prohibited from knowingly voting on a measure which inures to the special gain of a principal (other than a goVernment agency) by whom he is retained. In either case, you should disclose the conflict: PRI?R TO THE VOTE BEING TAKEN by publicly staling to the assembly the nature of your interest in the measure on which you are abstaining from v0ting; and WITHII~' 15 DAYS AFTER THE VOTE OCCURS by completing and filing this form with the person responsible for recording the mint tes of the meeting, who should incorporate the form in the minutes. APPOINTEI OFFICERS: .~[~.A person h'ol ing appointive county, municipal, or other local public office MUST ABSTAIN from voting on a measure which mutes to ~is ~pecial private gain. Each local officer also is prohibited from knowingly voting on a measure which inures to the special gmn, f a principal (other than a government agency) by whom he is retained. A person ~ol~King an appointive local office otherwise may participate in a matter in which he has a conflict of interest, but must disclose the n: ~ture of the confhct before making an) attempt to influence the decision by oral or written communication, whether tnade by the )fficer or at his direction. · ~,~IF YOU I: TI~ND TO MAKE ANY ATTEMPT TO INFLUENCE THE DECISION PRIOR TO THE MEETING ~T WHICH ~'~' 'HE VOl : WILL BE TAKEN: . .. · You sho d~omplete and file this form (before making any attempt to influence the decision) with the person responsible for recordin t~e minutes of the meeting, who will incorporate the form in the minutes. ' · A cOpy ? t~e form should be provided immediately to the other members of the agency: · ~he fort sl~ould be read publicly at the meeting prior to consideration of the matter in which you have a conflict of interest. nil lO-gl PAGE ~,, ~IEYOU MAKE NO ATTEMPT TO INFLUENCE THE DECISION EXCEPT BY DISCUSSION AT THE MEETING." :~*%~ou should disclose orally the nature of your conflict in the measure before participating ~'~;~¥ou:should complete the form and file it within 15 days after the vote occurs with the person responsible for recording the minu ~'.~'~¢:6f~the meeting, who should incorporate the form in the minutes. ' i. DISCLOSURE OF LOCAL OFFICER'S INTEREST Will coi!e ~R..., hereby disclose that on ~f~ '"~ before my agency which (check one) ' · L-i inured to my special private gain; or .. ..... .. inured to the special gain'0f' ....... (b): The measure before my agency and the nature of my interest in the measure is as follows: , by. whom Yam retained. 'Date ;.Filed Signature '~i~D~ ' '7~!~ ~E: UNDER PROVISIONS OF FLORIDA STATUTES {}112.317 (1985), A FAILURE TO MAKE ANY REQUIRED- .D1SC~SURE CONSTITUTES GROUNDS FOR AND MAY BE PUNISHED BY ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: IMPEACHMENT, REMOVAL OR SUSPENSION FROM OFFICE OR EMPLOYMENT, DEMOTION, REDUCTION IN SALARY, REPRIMAND, OR A CIVIL PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED $5,000. FOR.M 'rSg -'10-86 PAGE. ~07 'HECK ,~ ,.':.VENDOR ·CITY DF BDYNTON U R R E N T MONTH 2 BEACH III. CONSENT AGENDA L cc: Finance, Mgmt PAGE 1 Util CHECKS ..-.: ~-!ii?;k'~/,~i ~.. ,'-'." ]: ':" "'-' -:.(.!:A :i .. i' '. 020~76 BARNETT ~ANK--FICA TAX 2/26/88 5,661~9CR 6 62 774 855 912 1589 ' 1595 1596 ". 020~,76 BARNETT BANK--FICA TAX 2/12/89 ~t47o48CR 022~76 BARNETT BANK--FICA TAX z*/01/85 1~694o82 . 02~76 ~];";"::;:~'~A~NETT BANK'-FICA"~.TAX;:~.;.~(~'- ~:i~:~,-:~]~-.-~&/8~ '.L:,?~-~: if; ' ]; 1,b&6.Z~CR 020~76 BARNETT 8ANK--FICA TAX 3/25/88 1,65~.99CR 020500 BRADFORD BAXLEY ~,/01/8 B 913.07 020~.76 BARNETT BANK--FICA TAX 1/29/88 1,406o24CR ~ 80020 '.-f 'R I'& H A R D 3 E A N .:/!.;:'~:~!?~!!?~::::?i.!~::!~:il~ .?..'!:.=!:'~-:~?i;! ~ ;'"' ':- 2 / 01 / 88' .:" .:i ..~ ':-~':~=..~:i': ::.':! ~:=' ~!~' 29C7. ~,~ Z 8 ~002 g .. :" '.~'.].;-R1. C HA R D B E A N ". '::: ::[ "'-r:!i;i!!!]::i:.i;~::!!:!:!'iiii;?i:] .:-!'iiii?ii?i;': ::";-" '2/01 / 88. ;. ';"[ "./?;!;:- ;: ~ ';:i' 290 o 4~C R 1692 I772~ 18~+7 -'- i'855- 1661 1952 1~53 020976 BARNETT BANK--FICA TAX 2/26/88 5,661.29 020~76 BARNETT ~ANK--FIC~ TAX 3/04/88 2~313o02 020~?$ BARNETT BANK--FICA TAX 3/18/88 277.53 020~75 BARNETT BANK--FICA:-:-TAX ¥:i:::'-:- 3/25/88.- . ":-1,65~o99 202~2 ] ::THE CREDIT UNION OF PALM .... -:" '-'" 4/01/88 ..... -~3,~99.85 020~76 '.".BARNETT ~AN~--FICA TAX - · .':':" ~/01/88 '" ":':;-~7~582o60 020&71 BARNETT BANK - WITHHOLDIN 4/01/88 ~7,088.97 185~ 1865 1866 032895 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 4/01/88 328,079.27 1'32810 MINT.O BUILDERS (FL) INC. 4/01/88 78,058.55 "-r':':':'2TOO15!::.~::':?::H~NRY AL~ERS .... :.:.:!':::-~!?:.,.'"' -:':,:: .... ~/01/88'.."~'.-::'i'i'--":i"..~'' 6~8oO0~-- 020~05-:::::..:~CONSTANCE BAISH '..:::::":.':' '::~" :' 4/01/88 ...... ..'i?"'~f:'.'!' 53°79 25002~ ..... :RICH~ ARg 8~AN ' ' .... -.'" - .-'- 4/01/8 8 ':. . '. ':;:('.. 'i-;::~;:'::':'!.-::-.-'..';' 290°44 0215~3 FRANK A. BEDNARICK 4/01/88 108o59 1857v:'::'.':' 1858 1870 1871 28000~ ARTHUR BLACK ~/01/88 1,041.27 __026980 OBE BUTLER ~/01/88 227.58 BYNES .-::. ':':.'":.??:!:..:':" ' ..... " ' ~/~'~-~'"~:'"":":::-.::'::'.':"?'-"'" 392.7i 29~09 ?"'::LINDA C CARDELL : ~/01188 "'"":'"':':::"'." Z9001g CHARLES L CASE ~/01/88 '.''' 563.~0 29D-ODS--PERRY ~. CESSNA 4/01/88 6~5o80 1873 1~75 1876 033500 CALLIE CLANTON 4/01/83 1877 300005 WILFqED J DENIS 4/01/89 ..... 187'6 .............. 3'3000'1 .......=-~O'~DDN'"E~'"'GREGORY~ .................................. 4/0i/8~' 1879 080~35 CLA~ LEE HARRIS 4/01/8~ 18~0~' 340007 GUS R. HART .... ~/01/88 1682 340313 To ~. HICKS 4/01/8~ 1383 09~653 MURIEL C. HOLZMAN 4/OI/BB 4~0.35 261o3~ -- 299-2-9 ~ 273°14 539.1 3 255.35 198.71 I6~.46 188~ ...... 18~5 l~7 19~8 18~9 1~90 i~91 1~93 I894 i895 ..... 1 0~.509 .......... GE] R G E-'A";'"--J O H N S ON ............................. 10~513 JOHN JOHNSTON 111553 BERT KEEHR 37-0 O-i-~' ---~-l'~'~-~FI"%~ .""' K~"~ ~ T E 111535 DOROTHEA M KENNEDY 37000% ..... 370002 380007 120500 380002-- 380005 390027 '-- 4/01/88 ............... 4/01/88 4lBi~sa ~/01/82 HUGH KENNED~ ..... RINN!E"L KI,~G ........................... ~" 4/01/88 H&RBERT LAESSER _~ g/01/88 BO~ Lo LATHAM JOSEPH ~3ELLER ~. ~ ~/01/88 5~51.19 258.04 195~33-- 218.07 375°63 260.88 342.T1 346°52 309.49 155.35 ]' ,-t SS AL,-~ C ~ C H E C < D A T i TCTAL '~. MCLI NT CITY OF BDYNTON BEACH PAGE 3 ~07 I9~,8 C U .~ 032895 1949 I950 1951 1952 1=953 195~ 1955 1!956 1;957 '-__1959 1!950 1~951 -1963 I96~ 010313 3233Z3 ~ZOOZZ 2024~2 032895 020475 ZIOISD 062~23 I35~23 AARO~ RENTS, INC. 4/11/88 594°00 ROEERT F]ANTZ 4/11/88 1,820.83 S A, U ~ L. P A Y N E ~':::r':'..::'. ,':.:...>:<~.i.;::?i~ii:::,?::.;:::.~:...:::'~:.~:-;.'.::?':?..:¥:~.:.:?...'... 4/i 4/88 BARN'ET[ BANK--FICA TA~ ...... ' ~/15/88 ' ~9,Z00.86:''''''''' ' BARNETT BANK--FICA TAX 4/15/88 U.S-POSTMASTER 4/18/88 FI qEME'~' S RELI EF~ENs I0'.:'-i'~?..:;.:.~,]. ~/21 MUNICIPAL POLICE' ~/]'if~,i?';:'¥-., ..:~ 4/21/83 THE CREDIT UNION 02C~.75 BARNETT BANK--FICA TAX 020471 9A~NETT BAN,~, - WITHHOLDIN 032895 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~ ~0 O 3 Z -EUD ~'E-"~ ~-~'E R T S . :.i ..- 19~597 S. CENT. WASTEWATE~: TREAT 150~I9 PALM ~EACH COUNTY HEALTH I~I535 DiA,~ EREESE 4/22/88 4/22/88 4/22/88 ' ~ZZ/Ba 4/23/88 4/26/88 4126188 47~06Z.69 1,500.00 ' ::' .:'.': ...... 49,232, 47,019.60 327,778°97 23{~5..: ~'--'... 118~51Z~.7Z.:: '. 50 ~'0 0'-.- .::".:? 341.00 1957 V50051 1958 022~09 020471 GRADY ~. SWANN EDRARD G. HILLERY~ JR. CITY OF SOYNTON BEACH. ~AR'NET[ BANK - NITHHOLDIN ~qNETT BANK--FICA TAX 1970 I97I I972 32629 37898 39588 39737 397Z7 3~937 40134- ~3Z93 43284 43~5 ~3285 ~;28T 43288 W~289 ~3Z90 40291 ~32~2 ~32~3 43298 ~0299 323~75 345435 330035 012811 55079~ 024552 02~739 02G713 4/26/88 4/27/88 · 41z9182 4/zg188 .- ~/29/83 4/29/88 8A~NETT ~ANK--FICA TAX 3/la/83 277.63CR DU.'-; & BR~,OSTREET BUSINESS 9/11/97 990.OOCR PE 3 R 3 3~'R Ci ~-" .': ~ ....... ::':';5;Y .... X-/-~-97 ~ ~ .... . .....:.v:.. ~ 502~0":~:~??:.:,:~::::~.· DR LENTS E ALBRIGHT??'''?' .... ':~"::"' 2/05/88 ; ': ::':": ~O~a~T NONDERLIC~ a/is/a z3,5ocR SA~NETT eANK - ~ITHHOLOIN a/2s/sa a99.6[cR JOE L 3~ENS 3/25/83 445o65CR ~[-'[F3 : PRESS, IqC";' ....... 3/31/a~ ..................... llO';O'OC-~:~-~ A & R PRINTING 4/08/8:~ 75.00 ~i:'J~ ' ACTION BOLT & TOOL-CO. ~/08/88 AL C~-T-E'L---['-~F'-~:~'~,-T'I ON S YS T-~ ~LLEN INSURANCE AGENCY 4/05/Ba ~LLIED PRODUCTS COMPANY 4/08/83 AMEffI C~'N LIGHTING"T~'~'[ NTESq .............. ~/08/88 A'~ERICAN STATES INSURANCE CHARL[E ANDREWS THE 5~(E] [ TAYLOR CO, ~/08/88 BGARJ'"jF CO0~T'Y COMM!SS"IO ......... 4/08/88 ..... ~Ow5'l SUPPLY COHPAx!y aSN~.t aMMONIA ~ CHEMICAL ~/08/~ 3OYNTON AUTO GLASS 4/08/88 BOYNTO'~ IUTO SUPPLY, INC. 265.10'.:.: .-:. 2,925.72 38,019.00 14,608.20 ....... 9'2'X~6Z 5,475.00 70.20 1,390.20 1,789.97 38.08 .................. 7~7'~77 ....... 254.14 982o~7 139.59 241.10 897.71 4/SO/8B CITY 3F 83¥NTON BEACH PAGE 507 CHECK 43300 40301 40302 43393 40303 ~o3o~¥- 40306 4030? 40308 40309 40310 ~03 11 40313 ~0314 40:315 40318 40319 C U R ~ E N T.~ M 0 N T H C H E C K S . ~ -' '-/?':i:/.;'.'..:?~::. ::"?': ~'.~.f. :.~.:-;F.;' ..~; '. ~ '.. '~7 :~!.::!.%1;).' ;....:' . i ?~.' - .... ' '.iJ'''':~;: '. ":.';:?i~ V E N) D R '~ · '?';!i;!V ENo o R. :: '.~t A.~E '. "~;'::i. '.'~ :.::ili;;:i;!!~iiiii!!i:i:i:!-::::;-:';:i:'': :".!'.. :::. C HE CF, D A T E :... ::i;:.. T O T A L'~..i: A MOU Ni'?ii:?;i~.!?!!??i~,i;.ii!: ':" :' ........... .: ....... 02~730 BOYNTO~ ~EACH RETIREMENT ~/08/8~ 10,885.t~ 02~773 BOYN~ON HESICAL OXYGEN .~/08/8~ ~29.00 0301~3 'C"C. CON1 . 'CAD LLAC ENGRAVERS PRESS~ INC. '$1~ i 030323'' CONSTR 03'0571 031502 TH 03151Z C'E ........ o.?,_Z..~.~.7 ...... _C..~ 03251T CH 03290i 033657 033658 033559 030280 030309 .-03o3o9 16.8~ . 189 R OF 03355g 'CLK OF COURTS-SUPPORT gEl:' .... 'o 3%i; '6'~'-~ Ek.---O~'"-' 'L~-S= '~,'0~-;; 'o ~'~'t'.-~ A ~ ~ FOi L-VOICE INC. S WEST S AUTO 30DY PAINT )F BOYNTON 5EACH OF CTS-SUP.OEPT:~-TROY COUrTS'SUPPORT OEP COURTS-SUPPORT OEP 4/0 4/0 033667 CLK OF 033655 CLK OF 033571 CLK 033672 CLK 033673 033574. 033575 CL:~ COURTS-SUPPORT DEP 4/0 CT-SUP,OEPT-EDWARO DF COURTS'SUPPORT OEP OF CTS-SUP DEPT.JOHN OF COURTS-SUPPORT DEP DF COURTS-SUPPORT OEP' OF COURTS-SUPPORT OEP 41 4/( 43327 033675 ~.33~_ B 035577 43329 ~3330 4S331 ~3332 40333 ~333~ ~3335 40330 033,~78 033679 033581 033582 _0 ~3583 03358~- 033585 033703 ~0337 4033~ 43339 ~03~O ~3343 43344 ~33~5 ~33~b 43347 4/( ,C_L_K OF C. OURTS_SUPPORT OEP 4/ CL~ OF COURTS-SUPPORT OEP 4/( CLK D-: COURTS-SUPPORT OEP 4/ 98 CLK OF COURTS-SUPPORT OEP 4/08/83 CLK"'DF 'COURTS-SUPPORT D-E'P ................ [.LK DF COURTS SUPPORT OEP 4/08/8~3 CLK DF COURTS-SUPPORT OEP 1,210o4 8 1,624.20 ' ;, ..:'3,915,5:5':'.'''i 3I.,00 4Io20 86 68. 1~2.56 88 36.05 185o40 41o20 ................................ 31~'00-- 61.80" CL~ OF COURTS-SUPPORT OEP ~/09/8~ 56.65 CLg,i~I~G AROUND 4/08/8~ 100.00 03370'5 .......... C~U'B"--CAR ................................................ ~/08/83 ............... 2'~'2i'~;'5'0 ........ 03~B9 COACHES CO~NER SPORTING G ~/08/88 393.48 03G561 COLD AIR DISTRIBUTORS 4/08/88 42.00 03~5~'5 ....... ~'O~[~-~'~-~"-~YCRAULI-~'~--~ .......... ~7'0~-~8-~~ ........... 035237 CUES I'~C. 4/08/88 3,401.68 040505 "oAVIS---'WATER'-"&w~ST~-' '~ INDUS-~" ............. ~/08/8B7 .............................. 19,078.80 ........ 040508 DR. JEFFREY DAVIS ~.D. 4/~B/9~ - 8 1~I50°00 0405C9 ~EBBY DAVIS ~/0 /88 87°00 041605 ]ELR&Y FIRE EXT. SERVIC- 4/08/8~ 128.50 041609 9ELRAY KAWASAKI ~/08/88 277.20 0~I53Z DELTA SUSIN~SS SYSTEMS IN ~/05/88 268.00 CI¥¥ gF 80YNTON ~EA~H' PAGE 5 :,507, C U ~ CHECK # VENDOR ~ E ~ [ M ON T H C H E C K S VEN)OR NAU, E '-;CHECK DATE JOSEPH L. 3EMARCO 4/08/88 213.00 ' ~,0350 0~I700 DESC2 HYDRAULICS CO. ,~0351 o,,25o5 OIAZIT CO. INC. 63353 062872 OIVE.~SIFIED-.DRILLIN[ ~035~ 050303 '.'~ EAS.T'.COAST:.FIRE:'E~ 43355- 050313 EASY PAY TIRE STORE 49359 ~,,0360__ ~3362 ~.0353 053903 055310 EMERGENCY MEDICAL ~ SAFET -=QUITABLE LiFE ASSURANCE 0555~9 053 9~0 060099 060103 FCCMA 4/08/88 55~;60' 4/08/88 74.58 ~0~70 ~D37i ~3372 /88 2,908.93 4/08/88 315.00 ~/08/88 13,704.31 05010~ F R P A DISTRICT VIII 060197 F R P A 050~27 PASO ML~S-i~--'-~'~"C:~-''-T-~--- ....... T.'"-';¥'-~- ........ -2~'/08/8-8 ..........-~??--T-~-~-Ob--.---~- 052823 FtREMEN'S R~:LIEF & PE'NSIO 4/08/88 3~328,~,-~ 4/08/88 389.00 4/08/88 210.00 ~/08/88 40.00 06300g FISHER SCIENTIFIC 053653 FLORIDA ~TLANTIC UNIVERSI 4/08/88 05370~ FLORIDA ~R~KE £ TRUCK PAR ~/0B/88 053773 FL, ECDNOHIC DEVELOP CNTR 4/08/88 06377~ FLORIDA POWER &,LIGHT - ~/08/$8 05~595 cOSTER/FLA. PHYS. SUPPLY ~/08/88 05~500 FOUR SrE£L CORPORATION ~/08/88 0655ID KI~K F~IEDLAND =' 065522 )ENNIS FRONRATH CHEVROLET 070003 S M ~ C ~/0~'/8'5 0733~ ~ILLI~ 5. GAL~R4ITH ~/38/83 07~55; ~ERAL ~ aN~ TRUCK SALES £ ~/0~/~ 0715~5 GENERAL [I~E SERVISE ........ 4/08/88 071580 GEDMETRI2S, INC. 4/08/88 07158~ G~RAGHTY g MILLER, INC. ~/08/8~ 07~_e8 DENNIS C. GRABEEL ~/08/88 075395 W.W. &RAINGER~ IbiC. 4/08/83 075~53 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC-CO. INC-~ ...... 07551] ~R~LIER EOUCATIONAL CORP. ~/08/88 075515 EQUICOR HEALTH PLAN OF FL 0903i] ~ALSEY £ GRIFFITH INC. 080~Z~ ~A~D~i?E$ OF DELRAY, INC. 0~5 ~A~DJS ..... .4/08/8~ 0335B~ ~E2TDR TURF, lng ~/08/88 O~5~5 HOLI)AY INN OB~5)Z HoLI]a'¥ INN ......... O86~20 GEgRG~ No HUNT ~/08/89 189,72'. z.o?~',~a 2,040.00 135.96 .... '": ~6-?~%-~~- - ' 20.00 2,180.00' ~00 208,~2 188.66 -" ':" :.' 1,668A~ ' "'~07,59:"- '- 1,012.30" 89.45 323.17 ............. ~',359'~7'5 ............ 622.00 10,057.00 --355.oo 105.30 Z65oZ3 59~- 2-9- ......... ~61,50 23,949.45 105.34 378.95 20,957.27 ........ I'i'~'~12 ........... ~9.32 20~.00 '59.t5 ........ 632.77 090095 ~/30/88 CITY 2F BOYNTON BEACH PAGE 6 ~507 CURRENT'MONTH CHECKS 090101 ~.B.H ;O~PDRATION ~/08/88 1,522.37 0~0108 ICMA RETIREMENT CORP. ~/08/88 2t~TO.g3 -' Ogl2ZB IDEAL PAINT & BODY SHOP ~/08/:88 0 IE:'L 09~28 B Og~Zgi PRDCEE 095~5B IRON A~E PROTECTIVE C.OMPA 8/88 IOOZO2 ' J & J ~EPROGRAPHICS ~/08/88 ZS~O0 100208 J E L FEED ~ SUPPLY INC. ~8/88 135.86 [OZt5~t7 JO~ES ~.HEMICALS INC' 110092 K-MART 4/08/8B I77o22 __i i0291 ~.~_OR E ~ KAL[N 1t2817 HAEL"KIRRMAN .:'- -- ~/08/8B ?' .... ~O~IB 12gB~5 LAINEART PDTTE~ HARDWARE ~0~19 123~b5 LANZD ;D'~ST~UCTIDN CO,PAN ~g~2O 121525 GUS ~ ANN LEBLANC ~/08/88 ~22 122912 ':".LLOYD'S DF BOYNTON ~3~2~ 133202 M:P ~ INDUSTRIES INC ~2~25 132~35 MAINST~EET ~A~ WASH ~/08/8B ~3~26 L30~55 MANTEK ~/08/8~ 40~29 130~53 NILLtE RUT.~ MCGRAOY ~/08/88 43~.30 131568 TIMOTHY J. MESSLERt PoE. 4/08/8B ~,0~31 IJloTB METRO-gAgE POLICE DEPT. ~/08/8.~ ~3~r32 132713 MIAMI TOBACCO & CANDY CO. ...... ~0~]3' - '132753 .......... [-~'~YO q;" MILANISE ................................... ~/08/8B ~3~3~ 132773 MILL~R BEARINGS ~/08/88 60~35 132771 MI LLER DDDSE ~/08/8] . ILL~"-~-'~HEIER"AS~C iNC ~]~37 1327B9 MILNER BJSINESS PRODUCTS 4/0B/85 ~3~ i~2799 ~M DgGE07b IRLI ~/08/88 ~3~39 't 3~577 ........ TI MOTH~-E'-"MDRMAN ........ ~/08/'88 ~3~0 13~TDI ~DTD2OLA iNC. ~g~l Z35~2~ M~MI:IPAL POLICE ~/08/B8 40 "25 i5 86,00 LO ,ZO 1 1,015 50 I ............. ~T ...... 8 ] 20~,66 2°33 13~302.Z3 4,893.16 1404.9Z NATIENAL NELDCO 141701 NEPTUNE qETER CD. ! 4~-, 586 ..... N'OR 'r ;,! "A M'E R-i: c A N M E ~'i C A L."-"'~ ................... 153~25 OCEAN PROPERTIES, LTD. iEi3~r? OFF I.~E DE P']T 4gG~9 i6009g PGA PA:KAGING 43450 150351 PADGETT-THOMPSON ............................................................................................... :":" T ':. ~ ............. z,/08/8~ Z93.70 4/05/8B 20,960.00 4/0B/8~ 82.00 4/o8/88 z6~..oo 4/ua/sa 9e..oo .. 4/3~/88 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE ? ~507 · CHECK TOTAL:AMOUNT ..:-:' ':..')" ;;' '. 49~51 169392 P.B. [.3UNTY SOLID WASTE A 4/08/88 .108,156.27 49452 16342~ PALM BEACH NEWSPAPER~ INC ~/08/8~ 188.70 ~3~53 151513 S.G. PHILLIPS CONSTRUCTOR 4/08/83 7,260.00 161721 PETTEGROVE TRUCKING COMPA 4/08/88 1,942o~ 162759 PIr-A.~D CHEMICAL CO. 4/08/88 1,384.00 4045' 16ZT~B_ _ PIFE~ .IN~.' ~/08/8~ 52.1~ ' PAe- AZ LEGAL 4)~ 1553,09 PRENTI: E-HALL, INC. ~/08/85 45.07 165498 PR]FESSIONAL ADMINI ST~ATO 4/08/88 11 ~040.84 z 16517T PDGLIC WORKS/PUBLICATIONs.:`/.`` ~/28/88 ___~3~_5.~___ l~b3O5 PURDLATO~ COURIER-CORP - ;:':" ./:~:J':::~/08/8~ -...'.. 26.90 ~D~59 Z76397 R.C. SPORTS ~/08/88 ...... 48.00 ~O~70 180465 IA~D M%N~LLY 1 183~95 ~A~GER CONSTRUCTION INDUS 4/08/83 3,551.09 43~73 1865~1 INA RODRIGUEZ " ": ...... _~.O ........ 18532¢ RUSS C.]E TRUCKING / -.: .':::':-' :~."4/08/88 ' ::'~[~:~:~:-..672.50 '- ~3N75 185522 GLDRt A RUTLIN ~/08/8a 90.00 6~676 191515 SE&CREST PHARMACY 6/08/88 101.13 ~D~77 191503 SEPPALA ~ AHO OF FL.,INC. 4/08/88 386t935.20 ": ...... ~ g~'7'8 ...... ~1-92~U~TR~q%'~:;~EMW'i-CK77~ ~D~79 192~8~ "SHE'RATDN:':BAL'HARS'oR~' ::~:~-:';.~j-'~'.?'?.:"~"':'"~':.JL4/O8/88 '"~:::~:~:~j~195:"~'00.'~-~:~'. 81 193979 SMOOTHIE 19~59T S. CENT. WASTEWATER TRECT -'1'94706 ..... SJUTJEqN'"BUtLDING' CODE-CO 194713 SOUThEASTErN MUNICIPAL SO 19~811 SPEEDY S~FETY SUPPLY INC. ---i-959~9'T" ~T'~'~L~Y"-~TE-~-~'~-R--C-A~=P~-~-[ SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMEN 43~2 42~83 4948~ ~D466 43487 40485 196425 43~89 196899 4D~90 ..... [9690D u* ~ 2014~5 ~S~92 20175D 4~493 ..... J'iOI~4 4D494 210145 404~5 216392 40~96 21641g ~0~97 ZZ150I 40500 234625 ~05~I 23~856 4/08/88 1,540.09 4/08/98 114,541.77 ..... 4/08/88 .......................... 50-;00 4/08/8.3 q,~39Z.56 4/08/83 90.75 ~-/0-87'8-~ 4/08/8.J, 288.00 SRAD~' 4. SWANN 4/08/88 214.25 .... SUS'A"~'-- S W'E E T ................................................ '4/0'8/85 ..................... TEAC-~E~ CE~TIFI£ATION PUB 4/08/88 1~+o00 TEUTDNI X INC 4/08/8~3 3,050=00 U. S. =DUNDRY g MFG. CORP 4/05/53 595.9-0 USDM DEFERRED COMP. PRO. 4/08/83 4,200.83 UNI J~ X 4/08/88 2,214.11 'ON'I T E O' W A"~-'O'F: -- P AL M '" B'C-H ;-- ..................... :' '~'/'O al S a ..................... i ,'9'S'~8 .... VA~ WATERS ~ ROGERS 4/08/8~ 509.00 WATER RESOURCES 4/08/83 12,053.24 ~i [SO'~' S' ~OS-tL--SER,V ~' ................. ~/O~/SS 57. O0 J-J.A. WOLF 4/08/88 11.25 NODDSORY CHEMICAL CO. ~/08/88 1,267.50 4/3O/88 CITY ]F BOYNTON BEACH PAGE 537 405O3 405 280081 BRIAN BEJCLER 4108188 45.00 Z 9A1 IS 4/ 18a 45.00CR 405 300D59 ::KA R,EN DWYER 4/08/85 ~053 '3 003~ 405 '-':.' 410005 11 410023 4051] 410OLD ~0512 420022 -40514 %60035 405£~ %60055 40515 %9030% EICHORST 4/08/88 ~AN [CHARD O'CONNOR 4/08/88 RIE. HARD O'CONNOR 4/08/88 PAYNE :'~:?.~'. ~:i':: ::,;:~?::::?':iii;?i!:~'-.-:'::::i::.~:?~:::'?~::· :'::~:i:::~:!!::.: 4:?-b'8188 T ~ 0 ~ ~ S ~ O0 P ~ ~: :~?.;:?: :. ::'-:::?~,~,?'::; ~.~ ;:.::: ~10 O / 8 a TNO,MAS-HOOP~R 4108183 ST]PHER WANDELL ~/08/88 · .i~08 87, 4051~ %90075 ....... %-0'5~'~ ......... 40517 40518 43521 40523 43525 49527 43528 43529 43530 43531 43532 4353b 435]4 43535 43535 43537 43538 43539 43540 ~05~1 ~542 43544 43545 18 013773 ~M~-~ ~.HEMICAL CO. INC. 4115188 014030 AMERICAN SPEEDY PRINTING 4/15/88 014241 CHARLiZ ~NDRENS 4/15/88 '- O1% 91 O ......... -~'P'D E'L-g---T E' RM IT'E'" P E ST'-'C ONTR 01570~ ASSRDW OF FLORIDA . -015973 HEIDI ~TCHISON 4/15/~8 ..... 0-1 b 98-~ .... ~'T~-~-~ T ~w__q~. R'~'~OTT M ~RQU ! S 015987 ATLANTA HILTON g TOWERS 01~03~ ATTORNEY'S TITLE SERV INC 659 289.( 10] 225. 610.50 210. OZ0091 ........... 5"-'~"'"2~ r-URF- -P R ODUC T $""'C O. ..................... zJ 15198 .............. 10: "- 020%58 BARKER UNIFORMS, INC. 4/15/83 469.90 021703 BETHESDA MEMORIAL HOSPITA 4115/88 ......... o z~ a z 3 ..... -~-0'~"-S-"~'~-~ ~f~'~o E S .......... 41 924~79 aDB BO~OEN 4/1.5/88 12.00 02G710 5QYNTON ~UTO SUPPLYt INC. ~/15/88 02~3 ..... 50'YNTON' 5E-~'C"H RETIR-EMENY .................. 6/15/88 .......... u2~773 50YNTO~ MEDICAL OXYGEN ~/15/88 I52.00 ....... 0_2~03 BOYS L[F~-BOY SCOUTS OF A 4/15/88 13.20 025585 S~DOKS P~ODUCT S 4/15/88 5~850.00 025~0D 8~3HA~g PUMP ~ SUPPLY CO. ~/15/88 101.70 ......................................................................................................................................... ]~ ........................ : ....... CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE 9 ]HECK ;~ 4354.6 CUR VENDOR ~ 026387 VENDOR BU:~G M 0 N T.H ~.'C H.~E. C K.S ~ DIVDSTA CORP. 4/15/88 4Z~O0 40547 43548 4055I 40553 49554 43556 4~55i 43559 ,05~'i .... 40562 40553 ~3564 43565 40566 43569 U26450 BUSINESS MACHINES~ INC. 4/15/88 84.50 039183 C=C. CONTROL CORP. 4/15/88 246.50 032901 CITY O~ BOYNTON BEACH 56,.36 033657 CL,( OF CTS-SUP.DEPT.-TROY 4/15/88 7~.00 033658 CL~ OF COURTS-SUPPORT DEP ze/15/8B 31'00 o336 ,0 0335~4 0330,57 0336,58 033671 ........ 03~-:~'72 033573 03367~- OF CT-SU P. DEPT-EDWARD 4/15/88 OF COURTS-SUPPORT OEP 4/15/B8 DF COURTS-SUPPORT DEp :{::: 4/15/88 DF COURTS-SUPPORT-OEP 033675 033675 033577 033678 033679 033681 CL<. ~.L< CLK OF C2URTS-SUPPORT DEP DF COURTS_SUPPORT OEP DF COURTS-SUPPORT OEP 27.00 68.08 31.05 4/15f88 61.80 4/15/88 61.80 4/15/88 36.05 OF COURTS-SUPPORT DEP OF COURTS-SUPPORT DEP.':?' OF COURTS-SUPPORT DEP- :.." 43570 40571 435?2 CL( OF COURTS SUPPORT OEP 4/I5/88 Ol,,SO CLK OF COURTS-SUPPORT OEP 4/I5/88 20,50 ~L< OF [3URTS-SUPP~RT DEP 4/15/88 66.95 -"C'['-(--O F-'t-OO~R-¥'S-" S-O'P'P'~'-R T --O~'P~~:'-~-/i'5 /~'~"~-=:- '-'::::~~-~'&"~Z: C ' ~ ~ ~ ' o ' : ~:;"~u::;~?'::~":':~:~?''. .... ." "?.:-:-:;~:::::[/:"~;~-.:~::;:;?}' ::' "': :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~DNS~LZDA, ~D ELECT,.ZC SU.. :-..~ .... ~/15/88 ..".::..:.::'..:...--.?. 67.78:-:.:::":--::.' DD~SUHER ~ES[ARCH, ': [NE. ' '":"" ~/15/88 "';::"' ';.q:'::?¢::-' ZS";'O0::~.::: 033682 033583 033685 43574 034678 43575 03487~, 43577 4;578 041~19 43579 0~488 ' 40581 041605 435~ 04Z670 4~584 ~3585 062912' 435~6 0~475~ 40587 0454~5 40598 q3589 053595 ~SgO 0553L0 40591 050102 45592 062733 ~3593 062B~ 43594 053699 40595 0537~9 ~ESGIE CUTTLE 4/15/88 60.00 COUNTS RESCUE EQ'JIP INC. 4/15/88 188.83 DE 5!4 TJ.RF _r. INDUSTRIAL 4/15/88 303.33 DEER:IELD 6CH FIRE"RESCUE ....... 4/15/88 ................... llO~'O0 ......... DELR~Y CHEHICAL CO. 4/15/88 130.~0 DELR~Y FIRE EXT. SEgVICE . 4/15/88 6~6=60 ............................................. DIAZ!T CD. !NC= ' .... g~i'5/B~ 10.32 ._~C] qY)kAULICS CO. ~/15/88 DI'S ELECT~.IC SUPPLY ~/15/88 59.77 DOS COMPJTEi(S, INC. 4115/~B 25.50 DUN AND 3RADSTREET ~/15/88 540.00 EO-RENE T r ELITE ~" ,,oSIS PRODUCTIONS 4/15/88 400.00 5r~UITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE 4/15/88 15.342.78 FkPA OISTIICT V ....................... :~/i5/85 ........................ ~o'~'06 .............. FI'tDLEY ,~ELDING SUPPLY 4/15/88 136.49 FI~E'i'S-R~LIEF & PENSID 4/15/89 3,434.01 FLORIDa CHAPTER, "~PEC IAL ..... ~/15/88 .......... 70'. O0 FL]RID~ INNOVATION GROUP ~/~5/88 ~0.00 FL]RIOA MUNICIPAL LIABILI 4/15/88 19~829.00 · CITY IF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE IO ,bO7 -.~.~-~-- 075¢53 4~09 ~O~12 ~0513 ~0~I~ 40GI5 40~i7 ~0~!~ ~0~19 ~3523 ~]5Z4 ~3~Z5 ~27 ~352~ ~b3i 075605 075615 080Z89 08D42~ 0 0816~1 082799 0~448~ 08q, 497 0545G9 084552 084620 090101 o~0~ 090108 0~4205 09.221 09~288 09%291 .-. 09~2'92 D9~293 09~309 FO2TBALL NE~S COMPANY GE~IERAL RENTAL CENTER FRED GOL~ 'SA 88 88 [REMENT 88 RIAL FQRGE I ~I~L SUPPLIES CD. 88 IN~R~M 4/15/BB S'E~VICE CENTER 4/15/88 '"S'E~V"::-CENTER-NATHA LECY'PROCEEDS-EDDIE IRS SErViCE CENTER-JOHN IRS - ~AY W~LSH INTERNATIONAL GOLF INC. 88 0 r15/8,-3 o 41t-57'~,~ 4/15/88 4/15/88 1 0031' 3' ........ :"'~IA-,r-'K ' S"-'CAMER,;Y"'CENTER' ................................... 4/15/85 101475 JDHNXlY J~f 4115188 10~52_ 4 0-~ NSON 4/15'/88 336 395.00 6~to00 ' 256.i ::".' 156 ' ~ .:::-.,:. "- -'-':'-'.'::: 63.10. /...-. b5 .z4 247.50 628. - 91' ,. 2,370'93--- 65.16 lOoOO . :: ?'::?:~.?:" ::-..' : 62, 307. 170.32 ~.39.00 ........... 7 ....285;6'4 195.00 132.00 . ~534 ~C535 ~5535 ~DS~i ~]~2 ~3 4~54W 4~546 10976i ll~-50D KDPY KING PRINTING CENTER 4/15/8~ 245.00 115595 ...... '-L DRR~ I ~E" KRUPOW I ES ............................. 4/15/8~ ...................... i3"~'0'0 ........ .~__ 1Zl532 DR KENNETH LEE 4/15/88 890.00 1-21581 ...... LESCO 4/15/88 990.00 tZt7~2 SALLY L a ~i'-~ ........................... 4/t5/88 ................. 2'O';~b-- ...... 122~3 LISR~R~ HOTL IN~ ~/15/8~ 59.O0 ~22~5 LIQUID A~ SYSTEMS~ INC. ~1~/8~ 72~.00 130543 MA~I'~E E~GINE EQUIP. CD. 4f15/8~ 665.69 131565 MAURY'S TOOL CHEST ~115/88 47.75 ~31571 MEI~EKE OISCOUNI MUFFLERS 4/15/88 381.30 132773 MILLER BEARINGS ~/15/88 ' 10~,67 . . ." ~-].. - E N~[i R-ON ME NT-~-L--'C O~-S-U'- 4/'['5 / B8 ................ 995-~'(F0 .... KELLY TRACTOR CO. 4/15/B8 1,33q.78 CITY OF B]YNTON BEACH PAGE II 5g7 CHECK 436~7 CUR 134607 · ~ E ~ ¥ M 0 N T H , C H,:& C K S YEN~OR NAME . . ' :i:..' ' .;:.;.;.;!'-..'!"i.::i.i..:. ~ ..;.?CHECK OATE TOTAL AMOUNT:i '~','-' NINA MDNTESANO 4/15/88 33.00 406%8 406%9 ~0650 40,651 40052 43653 14172 5 1 55615 160100 MUNICI?AL POLICE 4/15/88 NATIONAL WELDCO 4/15/88 45°00 T HE ¥. ~ E W S. :, ': ;::.'~:::.:~!:? ~..'...:~:.' '.~ :' ~::~..: ';:.::~ :..':.~::?': ~.:~ ~:~ . ~ ::.~ ~/~5' -" -": :'. ,:~-:-:~ ' "116 ~ 25 ~' ' ' -:.c. OD~M~ S'-;'PDT'FI'NG ."SO1 ~;;~ :~:;;:.~;;~ ~[':']~?j~;;~?~:~[:.;~???~/15/88"' ';~.:~:.;t-~/: :;.. ;_.;~.~ :. ZOO; :: :::-T- z.z .oo P & : DISTRIb'UTORJ" ......... "' ......... ~/I~/88 ...... zg'.o0" 43654 40055 43650 4,0662 I5D3~9 PADDOCK POOLS 4/15/88 200.99 150372 PALM BEACH AUTO PARTS 4/15/88 478.51 160407 PALM BEACH HYDRAULICS 4/15/88 160415 PALM BEACH LINCOLN MERCUR 4/15/88 16-)424 PALM BEACH NEWSPAPER, INC 4/15/aa I61705 PETTY :ASH POLICE ~/i5~ 305.00' Z~778.I3 259.00 38.40 33.00 42o7~ 202.Z1 83.50 162875 164603 164703 164703 165308 16551% 1'65Z03 180%96 18D497 181587 181503 PITMAN PHOTO'S INC. 4/15/'88 EMMA P]MARICI: .... pDRT E ~ P A I NT C 0 o'i:';"-;i:ii!~::~i::!iii:!:; -' .'i~!iiiiiil:' !~:"~' ";' 4/15/8 5 PDSTON'S WORLD OF:IDEAS.:-!;?.iii::;: 4/15/88 PRENrI-- E-HALL, INC. PR]PERTY APPRAISERS OFFIC 4/I5/88 PUELIX MARKET 4/15/88 ~-~-~E ~R::!' :CONS T RUC T I 0 ~5D~~~'~ :~;-'--MI LOR'E~. ~ ANOMER '-::~::::?~?~??~:. :":'~:../:/~?~?~:~'~' ~:~;; 4/15/88 ~ELI&BLE REPROGRAPHICS 151.41 17.80 1 27.35 59.95 22.40 275.59 ....... 378.00 33.12 ~b~l ~]~5 ~05~? ~0538 4~689 ~3693 435~2 ~3693 4369~ ~0697 181540 REMEX -oR~. 4/15/88 1~701 CINOY ROJSE 4/15/88 191100 SC]TTY' S 19110~ SCOPE ~UBLICATIONS INC 194302 SN]N CDNCRET5 CORP. 19469% SOUTH =LDRIDA MACK TRUCKS 194703 ..... S~'T~ N BELL TELmPHONE 194706 S2UTHERN B~ILDING CODE CO I94757 SOUTH FL3RIDA CHAPTER - P i94773 SOUTHLAND E~UIPMENT CORP. [94511 SPEEDY S~FETY SUPPLY INC. 4/I5t8~ 19~013 STATE IF FLORIDA 4/I5/~ 196015 STA~KIEWICZ DISTRIBUTING 4/15/8~ 1~b332 ......... STATE ~F FLORIDA 4/15/8~ 196~33 STATE' jF FLORIDA ............................ 4/15/8~ 196393 SU~ TRAVEL AGENCY INC. 4/15/85 ~.~99oa SUSA,~ S~EEr 4/1~/8s 105.00 9iS.00 .............. ~ ....... 463~-5'0 4/15/88 4/15/88 ~7i 5/Sd ........ 4/1'5t8~ 4115/83 4/ts/sa ......... 4115/88 4115t8~ 4115/'88 lgz.z6 68.00 20.48 750.75 aZ6.ZO -Z','$ 145.00 15~.00 279..36 120.70 189.16 ........ 53.30 605.74 lO,Z47~55" 868.00 70.00 4/30/88 CITT ]F BOYNTON BEACH PAGE 12 ~DOg8 200351 TAB PR]DUCTS CO ~o)oo 2o5~99 o ~ C~owE OTAL AMOUNT. ~':-:~;.~::~:~:~:-~,:..,:::':.. 665.00 400.77 21014,6 40705 2LOLSO 407 210151 216Z+l 5 ': 40708. ~DTD9 '- ..... ~a71~ 2~17o9 ~071 z. 23~771 ~0713 23~66~ ~071~ 2~1595 40715 241602 4971b 261520 40717 280005 40718 3039~9 ........ b~'it8 4o7z9 '~O~?B · 0720 380012 GO?2I ~0355 ~0722 ~40058 DEFERRED COMP. PRO. ~/15/B8 ~2]0 PSSTMASTER ~/15/88 1,320 POSTMASTER ~/15/8B Z~50( PALm BEACH CELLULAR PJBL iSHING CO. S"'PRDDUCT S CORPo.'? .... v:.-,... s o :~ P .. '??."::' '; ":'.: ';':. ~'~' ...... ."'.' '::~'.,-:. '. 4/15/88 ~Z15/BB 2 176~ 65. Z ~E MEDICAL SUPPLIES ES BOYO To DOBRINI£H 4/15/88 4/15/88 251 T, DOBRINICH". N ~ENRI'QUES ]RD C..iLENIS . D AD REA CH~ISTIN~ ROBERTS ~/15/88 4/15/85 N0723 ~50995 ~A~Y ANNE SARKA ....... ~7' Z'~ ........ -~'~"?'~C-~:~'~ ~"P'~-~-~N-~'E EL .. - PATRtC( COLE~ANK ~3725 55D794 ".:"RO]ERT W NDERLICK · 43726 750~9~ ~ ~g728 790312 CITY D~ 50YNTON ~EACH 5 o7~ 4/15/8B :.,:.:...;:.- .- ~/~787~ - .: : ~I15/88 "-'-' "- .... z5 4/15/88 .:~- '~0730 40731 40732 43735" ~373~ ~3735 40736 40737 40738 43739 ~DT~O 407~1 ~3742 q37~3 ~37~ 407~6 43747 4/15/88 ~/15/88 0131~9 A-1 INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY INC 4/22/83 '"O'103ZI' '-~B'E'E'"EANN~DWEK'"SAL'E'S"'AND ................. 4/22/85'' 011608 AE~2PTICS ~/ZZ/83 - 013722 ALLEN INSURANCE AGENCY 4/22/B~ ...... 01405'3 ...... ~-ER-'ICA'N'-SE'E'O'R'ITY"-'-EDUC~] .......... 4/22/B~ Old,iD ANCeSTrY INC 4/2Z/8~ OI~Z~I CHA~LIE ANDRENS ~/22/88 "0I~03 ...... ~A~MEN-'ANNUNZIATO ....................... 4/ZZ/8~ ............. 01603~ ~TTORNEY'S TITLE SERV INC 4/22/83 020~]5 BA~Eq ~ TAYLOR COMPANY 0215k5 BEKIWS HDVING & STORAGE OZl$Ol BELL & HI,YELL DOCUMENT M& OZlTOD .... BETHE'SDA M~'i~'ORIAL"HOSPI'TA ' ' 4/22/88 021718 BETTER ~JSI~ESSFn~~. ,-,~, IN ~.~)~Q.Q .... ~LJE C~OSS OF FLORIDA 4/ZZ/SS OCR 36.: 2 L ~%"96~ ......... 62.25 33,5 ~9.:00' 70,~ 02Z~503 BETTY 50RONI ~/22/8~ 024720 BOYNTOW BEACH CHAMP. ER OF 4/22/8~ 024733 50YNTON BEACH RETIRE.,ME~T 4-/22/88 44.90 250.00 7~+o63 .............. 1 oe';~' ........ Z~Oz~Oo86 30,0~5 75 10,144.55 4/30/88 CITY IF BOYNI'ON BEACH PAGE 50~ C U R ~ E ,~I T M 0 N T H C -H E C K S ............................. T'~"~'"-~"~[~:~.. :.-~?i!-.~-: ....... T'- .. - '~.=-:T':~'~'~Tt=~.~ ' CHECK ~ VENDOR ~ VENDO.~ .~A'~E. -.. :'""~."h::: CHECK' DATE ~' ~'~8 ..... 02~77~ ~OYNTON MEDICAL OXYGEN ~/22/8S TOTAL AMOUNT 51.o00 407~9 024780 30YNTON PU~P & SUPPLY ~9750 025~25 B~EV~RD COMMUNITY COLLEGE 40751 02b~60 ':'-.'.SUS: 40752 030558 .. :-.NICHOLAS ~0753 '.032399 032%i5 032901 033529 033631' ' 033633 033657 ' 033658 CL~ OF 033659 CL4 OF 033650 CL.~ OF PETER Lo CHENEY CITY OF BOYNTON ALLE~ ~. CLA~K BEACH ~/ZZ/OS /88 4/22/88 4/22/88 CLA~K CTS-SUP.OEpT;-TROY.:..:::.:-?;:::~i:i:~:i::~:~iZZ/88-. COURTS-SUPPORT OEP COURTS-SUPPORT OEP :. OURT S-SUPPDRT DEP q-/Z2/OS 4/22/88 ~/ZZ/88 ~/22188 4/ZZ/8B ~/22/88 033673 CL~ OF COURTS-SUPPORT DEP ~/2Z/88 03'J'~7~ ...... CL(~'"cOU~YS=~O~ORT.. OEP 033675 CL{ OF COURTS-SUPPORT DEP .'. ". 033575 CL( OF COURTS_SUPPORT OEP '~ 4/22/88 033678 CL( OF COURTS-SUPPORT DEP ~/22/88 033579 CL( OF COURTS-SUPPORT OEP ~.Di776 1,400.95 I95-00 ~00.00' 50.36 71 31.00 41.20 86°52 31. 142,56 25.00 61~80 ' ' "-61.80 185.~0 4I ~0 .......... 03 ~ -~ 8'i ...... :C L ~0 F~:TC O U ~'T' S'=-Sb'P'P D'R~':: "Q-EP'i:~.._.-.. ?T4'/~'Z 78 S':'-:~? T~- 033682 ' :'CL4:.~::'~:OF: COURT'S. SUPPORT DEP:'~..]'~':::.:::':.:~.~':]:~::~4/22/88 ]~:~?';. ""? 033683 CL:('' DF COURTS-SUPPORT OEP'"':' ~:"~ .... 4/22/8S :'.": ~37 80 ~3782 ~3783 ~3785 ~OTab ~788 ~3739 43790 ~3791 ~3795 ~D196 ~0797 ~0798 03358q- CL'~ OF COURTS-SUPPORT DEP z,/22/88-- 66.95 033585 CL~, OF COURTS-SUPPORT DEP 4/22/8:~ 56°65 033686 CL~ DF COURTS-SUPPORT DER ~,/22/8~ 29.71 032~.89 COACHES CORNER SPORTING G ~/22/8~ .......... ZOO*'30 03A550 COCA COL~ BOTTLING CO. ~/ZZ/88 ~9.9Z 03~5S7 TH3;4AS E ~ LINDA L COFFEY 4/22/8~ I,ZO0=O0 03~685 &ONSDLI DATED PLASTICS 4/2Z/SB 76.0Z 03~9~8 N[LLIA~ COUP 035565 CRYSTA[ WATER .................................. ~/ZZ/8,5 ............... 2 65 ~'2'5- ........ 036310 CU~SNT HISTORY ~/ZZ/8B 0405OB DF(. JEFF:~.EY DAVIS M.D. 4/2Z/8::.3 1,160.00 ' 07+14'i'8 :~_--'--~'~ ~'-"~r[I ~?"'~-"-I N~:'j~-TR I'-~'[ ................ ~ 7"~'2-~ ~ ~ 5 ~'~'~-~ ..... 041.~Z3 DECO~A OFFICE FURNITURE ~/22/~8 1,215.79 0~1563 CAPT. JOHN DELOACH ~/22/85 65.00 0~1500 ~ELR~Y CHEMICAL CO'~ .................. -~/22/8.5 .................. ~'5':00 ............... "R ~ SE IC .. 0~ 6'05 DE~..AY FI EXT, RV E ~/2~/89 16~.05 0~15~} DETECTIVE ~OgK CLU2. ......... ~/22/83 35.92 O~Tb~ 30qAL HOTEL ~/22/85 ..... 387~00 ........ 0~6~52 JOH~ ~, DUNKLE ~/22/88 2,228.60 0503~3 GEORGE EBBS ~/ZZ/8~ ZO0.O0 4/30/88 ! cHECm 40801 40802 6080~ 40805 ~0805 ~0~37 49808 ~9839 CITY DF 50YNTON BEACH CURRENT MONTH CHECKS :. i~i!i:i:i::::i :"F:~.iiii::::i.!i:.:i::::.;~ '¥~ .:.. -.:: ........... :.-' . .... '..-. .... · . ' :,-:;::::.:~.. ......... .... · .'. '; · .... ..??:.:~:<::':~;:':', ?:. ¥.:,?': :.'.: · :,..,'. :::.;.:. ..... ...:..';. C - C. D A T = . 050403 ECIEL 4/aZ/Sa ~/12/88 060105 051507 06] 063573 060779 063788 0638II 055599 070357 40810 074615 40811 075288 40812 075395 FACTS 3N FILE FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP. ........ 40813 ........... 075~76 4081~ 075619 -~0515 080309 4OSlb 0~0577 40817 083582 ~0818 08158~ 406Z0 081555 EZELL HESTER:! - FLORIDA SERVICE ENGINEERS FLORIDA RETIREMENT SYSTEM FLORIDA NATIONAL BANK CHARLESL ~REDE 2TEV= . SALE ':i:ii!:;::i?.i.!ii:i:i ';:]::::::'::: .:. g E a':' f E C '~"; ':.: I N~?~:?!?.::;!jj??f::<-;; 6DV"T TEZHNOLOGY SERVICE DENNIS C. 2&ABEEL 4-4- G{AINGER~, INC. 4/22/88 4/22/88 PAGE 14 TOTAL. 'AMOUNT 4, .522 ............ GULFST~E-AM LUMBER'-COo. ~/22/85 HALSE¥'S ;"- ':~ 4/22/88 8~ ~-~- HEADLEE COMPANY 4/22/85 HECTOR TJRF~ INC 4/22/88 HEATH/ZE~I'TH ¢/22/85 ..... -~' ....... ~/22~8-~- 4/22188 ' HOLIDAY INN.. O&EANF:~BNT HOLI]A¥ iNN - PALM WAY 4/22/88 ~3823 084893 EDGA~ HOWELL 4/22/88 40~24 08469~ ROBERT H3WELL 4/22/88 438Z6 086~31 HURRICANE sPoRTsWEAR" '":" 4/22/85 40827 OgOlO1 I.B.q 'ORPDRATION ~/22/88 43829 09010¢ I£.~A REflREHENT CORP. ~0831 096221 IN~R~M .......................................... ~38~2 09~288 IRS SE.qViCE CE~TER 42~33 09~289 IRS SE~V. CEN/ER-NATHAN[A 4/22/8~ 4~3~ 094291 IRS LEVY P~OC'EEDS'-E~OJE-'-j ............. 4/22/8~ 43535 09~29Z IRS SERVICE CENTER-JOHN D 4/22/88 ~3835 0~6293 IRS - (AY ~ALSH 4/21/88 ~3837 116225 TE3 KNIGHT ........... 4]838 II6595 MEPARD KDP2ZYNSK[ 4]8~9 I155~5 L~RRAINE KRUPO.WIES 4/22/B~ 4964i I205~5 LAHMEN'S g SH]OTE.R'S SUPP 6/22/89 438~2 12U557 LA~SDN PRODUCTS INC, 4/22/88 6Da~3 121555 LEON I~DJS/RIAL SUPPLY ...... 4/22/5~ 43544 121661 LE~GEMANN OF FLORIDA? INC ~/22/8~ izl a LESCa 4/zz/Ba 4 047 CHARLIE .AKA EXICZ 4/ZZ/88 49868 150400 MANHATTAN T~OPHIES 4/22/8~ 5~ ~7.3I 2 29 ,8 15 - 8 5 2,34 287, 2~; 10.~ ~02 153o85 85,1~ ~00 I 1,045.~)0 365 ~ ....... 21~ ~ 515 99 Z( ) 50.00 378.92 - CHECK,. CITf 3F BDYNTON B_EACH 40850 43851 VENDOR ~ '-'~'":VENDOR'NA~IE '- 40852 42853 40854 130440 LEONARD R. MANN 130505 MANUFACTJREKS NEWS 130549 MARTIN'S LAMA~ 4'0S63- ~0864 PAGE 15 40857 H C H:'E C K S i.: .].:...-1~.:~7'--: ":::-i<::?:"-.'::'.?~!~.- . ' CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT.:..::'!:i::;ii;.:':<:;:i:i.:::::' -: '". ?..'" ;.'.-.: <;..,,.. :-' .. :. ....... : ...... - 4/ZZ/88 350'°00 - INC 4/ZZ/B8 85.00 4/22/88 133o60 13168ZMETRD-TECH EQUIPMENT CDRP 132715 MI~E MICHAELS 132740 MIr ' ~K~ER'S FLD~IOIA~A INC. *087 4088 'lD2772"'" ;' MILLER ~ MEIER ASSOC"INC-::. 134662 MO~NINGSTAR, INC. 134702 ~OfOROLA INC. 134700 MOTOROLA I~Co 13-5'~S .... -~-~'I~AL 'TOY COo~ IMCo 140485 NATIONAL CAREER WORKSHOPS 14172~ NEW YORK TI~ES SALES 1~1725 THE NEWS 1~1728 NE~S A~D S~N SENTINEL CO. 144492 NOLA~D-T~OPICAL SUPPLY CO 160323 PACE MEDICAL ELECTRONICS 160~92 P,Bo CDUNTY SOLID .WASTE A 4/2~/85 BDWES" INC. ' ............................... 4/22/85 P4OTO,S INC. 4/22/8~ P]CSIK ~'~22/8~ 150399 PALM 8~H COdNTY SHERIFFS 150417 PAlM 8EACH COUNTY WATER U 16042~ PALM BEACH NEWSPAPER, I~C Si'TEC~-~'E~E-R~.... .. . 16IC~O '"PERO~IOATIO~ SYSTE~S'INC~'. 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MUr'~DT 4/22/8~ 45.50 .... ~ICH~R] =o MURPHY 4/22/88 24.40 KIMBERLY M~RRAY ~/22/88 20.62 ................................ T ~507 CITY 3F BgYNTON BEACH VSND3R ~ 411D2 41104 41108 41110 41115 41120 41122 ...... 41129 ~I13i .... ~1~32 ~I1 33 ~113~ ~ll3b ~1133 ~1149 PAGE 20 C U t ;~ ~- ~ T M O N T H C H E C K S ;::.:'i:./'Ti:'L ,:..:.': ":~:ii.~:.:i,i:.~::i';'~i.:. :' :. ..-.-:-.::..-...... ...... · '.. "-','.": '-" ': '": ,:::~:':?::'. ::"::', -:/:-i ~:7::":. :?'.i-.~)'::i'::i:,~>'?F~?:'::': :'.'::":"]:-:~:h:::: :.i.:?]S.':'.!:-..,.. ::. - ' . :...: .- '. . :.'.' .-.-':.~ ....... '. . · :' ~ ~-~ t ": '- .::.!:~' "~:~!.:: ? :';;!:i!-;:i~i~i~:~!'!::?'/::?-::L-.'i-i!:,':: '-:-'.:¥': · .. '..: ' .... ' ': ':;..7 :~- ,7 7 .- :~;' :'. '..;'-': ::L~:. :' ' . ...... V~,NgO: -:..~IA~I::.-,:......- ..:.-:..., ............ -::: .¥:.-:-:. ...... .~ · . -- ..:. .... ....... ........ : ................................. · ........... HEC~.. DATE .... 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