THURSDAY, MAY 27, 2004, AT 7:00 P.M.
Mary Morera, Vice Chair
Hattie Miller
Steve Miller (arr'd 7:13 p.m.)
.lulie Claude, Regular Voting Member
Renee Roberts, Regular Voting Member
Laura Woozley, Regular Non-Voting Member (arr'd. 7:15 p.m.)
Sherri Claude, Assistant to Director
of Recreation & Parks
Stephen Waldman, Chair
Evelyn Geathers
Betsy Veaner
Willie Pearl Wilson
I. Call to Order
Vice Chair Morera called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m.
I~. Pledge of Allegiance/Moment of Silent Prayer
Vice Chair Morera led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, followed by a
moment of silent prayer.
III. Approval of Minutes of April 22, 2004
Ms. Miller moved to approve the minutes as presented, seconded by Ms..lulie Claude
and unanimously carried.
I'V. Approval of Agenda
Vice Chair Morera moved Mr. Majors'
presentation up to
Ms..lulie Claude moved to approve the agenda as amended. Ms. Miller seconded the
motion that carried unanimously.
Meeting Minutes
Advisory Board on Children & Youth
Boynton Beach, Florida
May 27, 2004
V. An nou ncements/Presentations/Correspondence
Wally Majors, Recreation & Parks Director, advised the Board of a significant project being
undertaken by his Department, updating the Strategic Plan and the Recreation and Open Space
Element of the City's Comprehensive Plan.
The Recreation and Open Space Element is an essential part of the City's Comprehensive Plan.
The State mandates that the Plan be updated every five years. The analysis that the City
undertakes in order to do this goes into a long-range development plan that usually stays in
place from 5 to 10 years. The Plan provides recommendations pertaining to the allocation of
The Strategic Plan makes up the bulk of the project. This is a Plan that provides direction and
focus for the Department and a significant portion of it is an analysis where the Department
takes a look at its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and problems. This analysis will
provide a vision of where to go in the future.
The Recreation & Parks Director sent out a Request for Proposal to various planning firms to
assist in this effort. The Recreation & Parks Department is recommending a very prestigious
local planning firm, Gladding-Jackson, that will work with the Department to update these Plan
In order to gain credible information, the Recreation & Parks Department wishes to obtain input
from as many people as possible. The proposal to hire the planner is going before the City
Commission. Tf it is approved, Mr. Majors will arrange a meeting between the Recreation &
Parks, Senior Advisory, and Children & Youth Boards to get feedback about the Recreation &
Parks Open Space Element of the Comprehensive Plan. He hoped the Advisory Board on
Children & Youth would take an active role in this project.
The Board thanked Mr. Majors for his presentation.
There were no other announcements or presentations.
Ms. Sherri Claude mentioned that she had received a thank you note from Ashley Lockett, who
received third place in the recent Bob Borovy contest. She read the note into the record as
follows: "Dear Bob Borovy Scholarship Organization, ! would truly like to thank you for the
scholarship received from you and appreciate everything you have done, Always, Ashley
V'~. Public Audience
Meeting Minutes
Advisory Board on Children & Youth
Boynton Beach, Florida
May 27, 2004
VII. Old Business
A. Teen Center
Vice Chair Morera stated that a meeting was held on this topic on May 12 to discuss preliminary
ideas about forming a Teen Center. It was decided that more planning was necessary, along
with establishing focus groups, and that a big kick-off could take place in the Fall. Their goal
would be to have a plan concerning what the teens would be doing in the Center. A Youth
Board would be formed and the first steps of how to establish a Teen Center would be their first
order of business. The next meeting is on .lune 3, 2004 at 4:30 p.m. in the Library. Ms.
Shanna St. 3ohn, the former Board Chair, plans to attend. Also, surveys were done through the
water bills a few years ago and that information should be tabulated. Theoretically, a Teen
Center would have recreation, study rooms, music rooms, computers, televisions, games, and
so forth. Finding a place to have it and finding a group to support it are two key projects.
Vice Chair Morera asked the teen members to spread the word and come to the meeting if at all
B. Youth Volunteer Project/Adopt-a-Spot Program (August 7, November 6)
The next project will be on August 7, 2004 and Ms. Sherri Claude stated that it was a clean up
meeting unless Ms. Veaner had something else in mind.
Ms. Sherri Claude reported that the Youth had met at Rolling Green Elementary School on May
:~ and in addition to picking up trash for Adopt-a-Spot, they started working on the plants in the
project garden. They trimmed, pruned, and cleaned up. Ms. Veaner can finish this update at
next months' meeting.
C. Youth Volunteer Bank
Ms. Sherri Claude reported that the Youth Volunteer Bank banquet was held on the Saturday
night before this meeting and approximately 100 persons attended. Each of the 58 youth who
turned in hours this year was given a certificate and an award (bookmark, gift bag, or savings
bond). $1,300 in savings bonds was awarded. A press release will be going out next week on
this event. Also, a press release will be going out on the Youth Volunteer Program in general to
try to generate more interest in the program.
Vice Chair Morera gave a big thank you to Ms. Sherri Claude on behalf of the Board. Her hard
work was much appreciated. To demonstrate their regard, the Board presented Ms. Claude
with a gift certificate to be used for a dinner.
D. Bob Borovy Award
The first place winner of the Bob Borovy Award was Ms. Megan Melear; the second place
winner was Ms. Angelica Stickle; and the third place winner was Ms. Ashley Lockett. $Z,500 in
cash was given to the award winners.
Meeting Minutes
Advisory Board on Children & Youth
Boynton Beach, Florida
May 27, 2004
All of the award recipients were present at the event. Ms. Sherri Claude will be sending out a
press release about this. She will also ensure that the program is advertised in the Spring issue
of FunFare magazine so the word can get out to the kids even earlier next year.
Vice Chair Morera asked the Board members to spread the word about sponsorship for this
event. The sponsorship can be for this or any or the Board's other annual projects such as the
Youth Volunteer Bank, Youth Expo, and the Bob Borovy Award.
Ms. Bob Borovy was present at the event and has supported it every year.
E. Bowling Tournament (July 25)
The Bowling Tournament is set for July 25. Chair Waldman has reserved the Boynton Lanes and
the event usually starts at 2:00 p.m. with registration starting at 1:00 p.m. Ms. Sherri Claude
will be doing a press release on this and will do a flyer. Ms. Sherri Claude asked the Board if she
could advertise that the proceeds would benefit the Bob Borovy Award rather than the Advisory
Board on Children A Youth. The Board agreed that this was a good idea.
Mr. Miller moved that the proceeds of the Bowling Tournament would be for the Bob Borovy
Award. Ms. Miller seconded the motion that carried unanimously.
The Board decided that there was time enough to plan the rest of this event at its next
F. Youth Expo (October 30)
Vice Chair Morera said this event was in the early planning stages right now. The main thing
was to get the word out to the schools so the students could submit their contest entries.
Entertainment also has to be scheduled. The theme this year is Bridging the Gap - Youth to
Seniors, so the Board is considering involving the seniors somehow so that the event can
benefit both Seniors and Youth.
G. Guest Speakers
Vice Chair Morera stated that no guest speakers were scheduled at present and asked for
suggestions. The Board members will think about this.
H. Other
Ms. Laura Woolzey's mother was in the audience along with Ms. Woolzey, a non-voting student
member, and asked if the Youth Expo would be something in which Ms. Woolzey could
volunteer to participate. The response was that she certainly could do so.
Meeting Minutes
Advisory Board on Children & Youth
Boynton Beach, Florida
May 27, 2004
New Business
A. Recreation & Parks Department Strategic Plan (heard out of order)
Mr. Miller moved to defer the Board elections until the next Board meeting.
seconded the motion that carried unanimously.
Future Meeting Dates: June 24, 2004
July 22, 2004
X. Adjournment
Ms. ]ulie Claude
Since there was no further business before the Board, the meeting was duly adjourned at 7:30
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Collins
Recording Secretary