Tom Balfe, Chairman
John Bebensee, Vice Chair
Barbara Madden, Secretary
Julianne Alibrandi
Mark Bobich
Bill Coup
Dominic DeMauro
Glenda Hall
Franz LaFontant
Carisse LeJeune
Brenda LeVant
Chris Mitchell
Glendon Morgan
Barbara Scott
Tim Valentine
City Clerk
Risk Management
Public Works
City Manager
Eric Falstad
Dorothy Mack
Golf Course
Human Resources
I. Call to Order
Chairman Balfe called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m.
II. Roll Call
The Secretary called the roll and declared a quorum was present.
Division Chief Valentine announced that Kevin Nuggent would be replacing him on the
Safety Committee. Chairman Balfe will add his name to the distribution list.
II1. Acceptance of Minutes of May 10, 2004 Regular Meeting
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 14, 2004
Bill Coup moved to accept the minutes. Motion seconded by Glenda Hall and
unanimously carried.
IV. Safety Committee Education and Training Program
A. Video
Members viewed a video entitled Back Injury Prevention - Lifting Safely
V. Old Business
A. Fire Drills
Chairman Balfe reported that he received some information from Deputy Chief Rodger
Kemmer regarding fire drills. A meeting had been set up, but was postponed because
Deputy Chief Kemmer could not make the meeting. Chairman Balfe anticipates having
more information at the next meeting.
B. "Proud to be a Safe Worker" Awards
Ms. Hall reported that Alberto Freeman and Alex Carrion, when leaving the Public
Works Compound after lunch, came upon a small fire burning in the mulch at the
entrance to the Compound. They got out of their truck and tried to stomp it out.
However, when the fire kept smoldering, they went back into the Compound and filled a
5-gallon bucket with water to thoroughly douse the smoldering much. This easily could
have become a major fire considering the current dry conditions. Their quick response
and continued follow through is to be commended. A copy of the Award was presented
to the Secretary for inclusion with the minutes of the meeting.
Vice Chair Bebensee noted that this had occurred three times at the Beach over the
past couple of years and inquired if there was something that could be done about it.
Chairman Balfe reported that the irrigation in the areas referred to by Vice Chair
Bebensee was improved to alleviate the dryness. Chairman Balfe was not aware of any
problems in these areas since the irrigation was improved.
Ms. Hall stated that they are being directed to irrigate less in order to conserve water
and the City wants staff to use more plants instead of turf. As a result, there are more
areas that contain mulch instead of turf. Chairman Balfe reported that the Parks staff
has been working with the Utilities Department to install Iow volume irrigation to alleviate
the dry conditions.
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 14, 2004
Ms. Hall recommended that the City send out reminders that smoking is allowed in
designated areas only and all lighted materials must be put out in approved receptacles.
Chairman Balfe pointed out that smoking is prohibited in all City vehicles.
Mr. Bobich reported that a contractor, who was working at the Boynton Beach
Boulevard Extension project, was in the process of unloading a track hoe from a lowboy
trailer and had the boom slightly elevated for stability. As he unloaded the equipment,
the boom caught the overhead FPL wires that feed power to the City's Lift Station #356
that services most of the southeast section of the City. As soon as the lines were
severed, the emergency generators came on automatically. Brent Allen and Cliff
Rockey were working in the area and witnessed what was taking place. The lines
started sparking and were bouncing against the fence of the lift station. Mr. Allen and
Mr. Rockey immediately kept everyone away from the area and the tractor operator
drove his vehicle to block the entrance to the marina to keep people out. They
proceeded to block off the entrance to NE 6th Court at Boynton Beach Boulevard to
keep people out. Mr. Allen called FPL to report the incident and the pump station
personnel who also responded. Mr. Allen and Mr. Rockey stayed at the site until FPL
arrived and turned off the power to the lines to make the area safe.
Mr. Bobich pointed out that these two employees did an excellent job in keeping the
area cleared and people out. He will provide a copy of the Safe Worker Award to
Chairman Balfe and the Secretary as soon as it has been prepared. (Received by the
Secretary on Thursday, June 17~h and filed with the records of the meeting.)
C. Departmental Inspections & Safety Meetings
Chairman Balfe reported that Mr. Magazine has updated matrixes, and they will be sent
to the members shortly. (Ms. Alibrandi E-mailed the updated matrixes to members on
June 14, 2004.)
D. Defensive Driver Course
Ms. Alibrandi reported that Ms. Webb informed her that the program should be up by
the end of the Summer.
E. Incident Review Board Referrals
VI. New Business
A. "Departmental Safety Issues"
B. Pigeons at City Hall
Meeting Minutes
Safety Committee Meeting
Boynton Beach, Florida
June 14, 2004
Chairman Balfe reported that Richard Fiege, of Facilities Management, received a
memo from one of the City's Building Inspectors stating that the Building Division was
concerned about the pigeons located on the second floor of City Hall and outside the
office windows of the City Manager and his staff. Mr. Fiege purchased an ultrasonic
bird repeller that gives out sounds of pigeon predators, and he feels that it is working. A
flyer on the bird repeller was passed around for members to view. Mr. Fiege is
considering ordering a larger model with four speakers.
VII. Announcements
VIII. Next Meeting Date: Monday, July 12, 2004 at 10:00 a.m.
IX. Adjournment
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 10:35 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary
(one tape)
(June 16, 2003)