Minutes 02-16-88 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING HELD AT PINELAND PLAZA, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1988 AT 7:30 P. M. PRESENT Nick Cassandra, Mayor Ralph Marchese, Vice Mayor ~zell Hester, Commissioner Leonard Mann, Commissioner Dee Zibelli, Commissioner Peter L. Cheney, City Manager Betty S. Boroni, City Clerk Raymond A. Rea, City Attorney Mayor Cassandra called the meeting to order at 7:32 P. M. ~he Invocation was given by Rabbi Leon B. Fink of the Congregation Beth Kodesh of Boynton Beach, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Commissioner Zibelli. AGENDA Commissioner Mann added the following after the "CITY ~ANAGER'S REPORT": A. Report on the February 8, 1988 Trip to Tallahassee; B. Cemetery Board of Governors; C. Shooters; D. Legislation on Group Homes; and E. Police Letters. Commissioner Mann also added under "ADMINISTRATIVE", J. Reference to Board Alternates. Vice Mayor Marchese added under "OLD BUSINESS", Item C. Reports on Florida League of Cities Trip; and under "NEW BUSINESS", Item C. Commission's Responsibility Relative to City's Internal Affairs. 2ity Manager Cheney added under "DEVELOPMENT PLANS", Item C. ~ite Plan Time Extension for Watersedge. Under "NEW BUSINESS", he added Item D. Consider Community Development Application for Funds, and under "ADMINISTRATIVE", he added Item K. Consider Approval of a G.A.L.A. Special Event Sign. ~ommissioner Hester move~'to approve the Agenda as ~orrected. Motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Marchese and ~arried 5-0. ~NNOUNCEMENTS · Proclamation - Poppy Days - February 26 - 27, 1988 .ayor Cassandra read the proclamation which declared February 26 - 27, 1988 as "Poppy Days" and called upon all ~itizens to wear a poppy in paying tribute to the memory of ~hose who gave their all that justice might be supreme and ~s a reminder of the great sacrifice of our disabled ~eterans. Jane Zimmerman, representative of the Auxiliary, -1- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 16, 1988 came forward to receive the executed copy of the Proclamation. · Proclamation - G.A.L.A. - March 4, 5, 6, 1988 ayor Cassandra read the proclamation which established March ~, 1988 through March 7, 1988 as Boynton's G.A.L.A. to pro- ~ide cultural activities, to expose high quality art, enjoy )rofessional entertainment, and to provide the opportunity lo support local business. A warm welcome was extended to all on behalf of the City of Boynton Beach. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT G.A.L.A. ~ity Manager Cheney reminded everyone that the G.A.L.A. will be 'held on Ocean Avenue east of Federal Highway in the area of Barnett Bank this year. Award for National Arbor Day ~ity Manager Cheney announced that the City had received an ~ward from the National Arbor Day Foundation for the past ive or six years. Recently the City has been named the 1987 Tree City" and he expects we will continue receiving ~ihis award as the City is doing much in the area of beautif- ication and planting. Second Meeting for Public Information Regarding 20 Acre Park ~he second meeting will be held Wednesday night, February .7, 1988 at 7:30 P.M. at the Wilson Center. The first ~eeting was held last week and 21 people were present - but )nly 4 citizens present. The third meeting will be held 'ebruary 24th at the Royal Palm Clubhouse. Status of Woolbright Road ~ity Manager Cheney reported that he attended a Boynton leach Bouelvard Task Force meeting last week where he disco- ,ered that apparently the 90 day period for Quail Ridge to 'eview the traffic information provided by the County has Lot yet started. Apparently Quail Ridge has not determined .he information they have received is all they need, and lity Manager Cheney did not feel they would ever accept that .he information they receive is adequate. City Manager ~eney suggested that the City Commission authorize him to 'rite a letter to the County from the City and request -2- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 16, 1988 information relative to what is going on with Woolbright and ;hen work will begin. It was the consensus of the City ~ommission that City Manager Cheney write the County :equesting information. Report on Florida League of Cities ~ity Manager Cheney summarized his report noting that they lad met with two departments in Tallahassee. Meetings were leld with the Department of Natural Resources and the )epartment of Environmental Regulation. The Department of ~atural Resources was concerned that the CARL process amount of dollars and the guidelines for spending those ~ollars) was not going to be approved. They suggested that ~he Recreation Division would provide some design advice for :he City as to how the mangroves might be developed in a )ark-like, passive setting. This had been the objective use )f the area originally. A meeting was held with the Department of Environmental ~egulations to determine what the land could be permitted ~or. A Comprehensive Plan must be developed as part of the requirement. This will have to be done by March of next ~ear to determine what this land can legally be used for so it can be addressed in the Comprehensive Plan. The )epartment of Environmental Regulations did not feel that :he land could be fully developed. They did feel it could lost likely be developed in a more passive way. They stated ~hat it made no difference who owned the land when an appli- cation was submitted. City Manager Cheney felt that the )est way to proceed would be to submit an application for !ull development and also one for passive development at the ~ame time. He felt that it would make sense to hire a con- iultant knowledgeable in the area to assist with this. ayor Cassandra pointed out that City Manager Cheney has all the material from the meetings available in his office if &nyone wishes to see it. The City Manager's Report was accepted as presented. A. CARL Application Commissioner Mann wanted to clarify that after spending much ~oney on the CARL application that this project was beyond the current policy and funding of the Department of Natural Resources. He could not understand why so much money was spent when the project was never within the state's interest. City Manager Cheney felt that those who applied had some feeling that this was the way to proceed. -3- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 16, 1988 Commissioner Mann did not understand why the City was con- ~idering development of a private site. City Manager Cheney did not know whether the site could be developed for passive purposes only or for the existing zoning for the Central usiness District (CBD). In order to make a realistic pro- ~osal on the Comprehensive Plan, City Manager Cheney stated ~hat the City must have some direction. It makes no dif- ference whether the land is private or City owned. qity Manager Cheney felt the City would face similar ~nvironmental problems on the piece of land on South ~eacrest. Commissioner Mann was concerned that City Manager ~eney had said that the City is depriving the people of ~sing the land, but he wanted to clarify that it is the ~tate or County - not the City. City Manager Cheney felt hat when the City develops the Comprehensive Plan, the City ~ould be depriving the citizens use of their land. · Cemetery Board ommissioner Mann asked why the City was considering selling ~xcess lots for indigent burials. He questioned how the ~oard knows what the Commission wants to do. City Manager ~eney felt that the Commissioners would read the minutes of he Cemetery Board Meeting and could express their feelings t that time. Commissioner Mann did not understand why the ~ity would consider selling lots for the County to bury .ndigents. He wanted to know what they were selling them ~or, when the cemetery would be filled, and when the next ~ould be built. City Manager Cheney stated that there is an ~stimate of length of time the main cemetery will be ~vailable. This is a long time with the mausoleum. Sara imms has not had much interest and City Manager Cheney felt t!his might be an appropriate use for that area. At the suggestion of Commissioner Mann, it was agreed by the City Commission that this would be added to the agenda for some future meeting. C. Shoot er s It was agreed that this subject would also be placed on the agenda for the March 1, 1988 meeting. D. Legislation Regarding Group Homes ~ommissioner Mann clarified that group homes are now ille- gal. Mayor Cassandra stated that the City Manager and the ~lanning Director have been directed to research this issue and bring back a report to the Commission. Group homes are -4- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 16, 1988 and have been illegal. City Manager Cheney stated that those involved have been notified and realize they must Mayor Cassandra stated that the research should be in two or three months and this item would be on after that time. E. Police Letters ommissioner Mann stated that he was referring to the nsigned letters the Commissioners had received. Mayor Cassandra felt unsigned letters do not deserve an answer. City Attorney Rea stated that if the unsigned letters were made public, and there are derogatory statements about individuals, the City might be liable. He pointed out that everything the City receives is public information, but he suggested the letter not be made a part of the record. ~ommissioner Mann agreed to withdraw the unsigned letter. He asked what would be done about the signed ones. Mayor suggested that the Mayor and Commissioners read of the Task Force findings and set up a workshop ~o discuss the report and findings with the Task Force. CONSENT AGENDA A. Minutes 1. Regular City Commission Meeting of February 2, 1988 Special City Commission Meeting of February 10, 1988 Bids - Recommend Approval - Ail expenditures are approved in the 1987-88 Adopted Budqet Two (2) Entry Vests S.W.A.T. Model American - Police Department he Tabulation Committee recommended awarding the bid to the · west bidder - Metro Public Safety Distributors, Inc., iialeah Gardens, Florida in the amount of $1,520. One (1) Golf Course Range Ball Dispenser - Golf Cour s e he Tabulation Committee recommended awarding the bid to the · west bidder - Teutonix, Inc, South Bend, Indiana in the mount of $3,050. -5- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 16, 1988 3. Two (2) Baseball Dug-Outs for Pence Park - Recreation & Parks Department The Tabulation Committee recommended awarding the bid to the ~owest bidder - Vincent J. Connell, Boynton Beach, Florida in the amount of $5,600. 0 Replacement Pumps and Motors for Wells ~9 and ~14 - Utilities ?he Tabulation Committee recommended awarding the bid to the .owest bidder - Florida Electric Motors, West Palm Beach, ~lorida in the amount of $6,675.92 (Base bid). One (1) Electronic Computerized Engine Analyzer - Public Works ~he Tabulation Committee recommended awarding the bid to the )est bidder - Sun Electric Corporation, Deerfield Beach, ~lorida in the amount of $17,226.56. Robert Eichorst, ~cting Director of Public Works stated that the bid from ~nap-On Corporation did not meet specifications. City {anager Cheney explained this is an analyzer which has .nterchangeable cards in it. 6. Replacement pumps and motors at the Lift Stations - Utilities ?he Tabulation Committee recommended awarding the bid to the )est bidders - Flanagan-Metcalf and Associates, Tampa, ~lorida and Sanders Aspinwall and Associates, Ft. ~auderdale, Florida in the respective amounts of $12,480.00 ~nd $117,754.50 (total $130,234.50). Mr. Guidry, Director )f Utilities substantiated this award. . ResOlutions Proposed Resolution No. 88-F Re: Bond Reduction - Boynton Isles Plat 2 (North of Greenbriar Drive, East of US ~1, South of Sterling Village) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, REDUCING THE PERFORMANCE BOND FOR BOYNTON ISLES, PLAT NO. 2, A REPLAT OF TRACT "A" IN BOYNTON ISLES, PLAT NO. 1 IN SECTION 27, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 45, PAGE 109 OF PALM BEACH COUNTY OFFICIAL RECORDS ity Attorney Rea read the proposed resolution in title )nly. -6- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 16, 1988 Proposed Resolution No. 88-G Re: Release of Bond - Post Landing (North of NW 22nd Avenue, West of Congress Avenue) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, RELEASING THE PERFORMANCE BOND FOR POST LANDING IN SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST City Attorney Rea read the proposed resolution in title only. · Development Plans DOWNTOWN REVIEW BOARD Consider request submitted by W. E. Swanson, Jr. for tenant sign approval for Inner Rhythm Surf and Sail located on the south side of East Ocean Avenue, between Federal Highway and the Intracoastal Waterway. ity Manager Cheney deleted this item from the agenda. s on the agenda for the Community Redevelopment Agency leering. It PLANNING AND ZONING Consider request submitted by Milan O. Novotny for approval of an amended site plan to permit the addition of an overhead door at West Industrial Park which is located on West Industrial Avenue, between the dead-end and the Boynton Canal. (West Industrial Park) ~armen Annunziato stated in his memorandum dated February .1, 1988 that the Planning and Zoning Board (P&Z Board) lnanimoUsly recommended approval of this request subject to ~taff comments. Consider request submitted by Mickey Fiori for approval of an amended site plan to permit minor changes in the parking lot layout and design to Perkins Restuarant which is located on North Congress Avenue at Old Boynton Road, in Oakwood Plaza. (Perkins Restaurant at Oakwood Square) [ayor Cassandra removed this item from the agenda. Consider request submitted by C. Danvers Beatty for approval of an amended site plan to permit a parking lot addition at Motorola which is located on North Congress Avenue at NW 22nd Avenue, southeast corner. -7-  INUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING OYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 16, 1988 Carmen Annunziato in his memorandum dated February 11, 1988 stated that the P&Z Board unanimously recommended approval of this request subject to staff comments. 5. Consider request submitted by J. W. McNamara and Sons, Inc. for approval of an amended site plan to permit the addition of two overhead doors at Nine Bay Industrial Building which is located on the east side of South Congress Avenue, south of SW 30th Avenue. (Nine Bay Industrial Building) armenAnnunziato in his memorandum dated 1988 February 11, ~tated that the P&Z Board unanimously recommended approval 6f this request subject to staff comments. Consider request submitted by Enrico Rossi for the approval of modifications to Plat No. 3 and replat of Plats No. 9, 10 and 11 in connection with a pre- viously approved master plan modification for the Quantum Park of Commerce Planned Industrial Development. Also included are landscape plans for the road rights-of-way and water bodies. Quantum Park of Commerce is located west of Interstate 95, between Miner Road extended and the Boynton Canal (C-16). ~armen Annunziato in his memorandum dated February 11, 1988 ~tated that the P&Z Board unanimously recommended approval ~f this request, subject to staff comments. Consider request submitted by Enrico Rossi for approval of the construction plans and preliminary plat which provides for the construction of infrastructure improvements and landscaping to serve 210 single-family detached zero lot line units in connection with a previously approved Planned Unit Development. This project is located at Lawrence Road at LWDD L-19 Canal, southeast corner and is known as Lawrence Groves. armen Annunziato in his memorandum dated February 11, 1988 tated that the P&Z Board had unanimously recommended appro- al of this request, subject to staff comments. Bm Consider request submitted by Jeff Falkanger, for site plan approval to construct a 24,482 square foot professional office building on 1.6 acres (lot 21 of the Quantum Park of Commerce PID) located west of Interstate 95, between Miner Road extended and the Boynton (C-16) Canal. (Quantum Office Park) -8- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 16, 1988 ~armen Annunziato in his memorandum dated February 11, 1988 stated that the P&Z Board unanimously recommended approval )f this request, subject to staff comments. Additionally, ~he Forester's memo of February 4, 1988 was referred to the ~ommunity Appearance board for recommendations. Consider request submitted by Charles Kramer for site plan approval to permit the reconstruction of the drive-thru facility and parking lot at Sun Bank which ils located on South Federal Highway at SE 2nd Avenue, southwest corner. (Sun Bank North) ~armen Annunziato in his memorandum dated February 11, 1988 ~tated that the P&Z Board had unanimously recommended appro- 7al of this request, subject to staff comments. · List of Payments - Month of January, 1988 ee attached list. Approve transmittal of Road Improvement Fees to Palm Beach County. in his memorandum dated January 26, 1988, Grady W. Swann, )irector of Finance stated that he had reviewed the collec- ions and found them to be in order and recommended they be ransmitted to Palm Beach County. . Report on reduction of accumulated annual leave ity Manager Cheney provided information in his memorandum dated February 16, 1988.  . Further exploration of Eastern Well Field Well-~No. llE ~ohn A. Guidry, Director of Utilities, in his memorandum of ~ebruary 9, 1988, transmitted a quote from Diversified Drilling Corporation and a recommendation from Geraghty & }~iller, Inc. at a cost of $22,000. · Temporary construction of City parking lot on private property west of Public Works Complex nn Toney, Assistant to the City Manager, in her memorandum [ated February 10, 1988, explained that a temporary parking .ot has been provided at St. John's Baptist Church with the Lpproval of the church's Board of Directors. The cost for .he temporary lot will come from the Capital Improvement ~rogram Budget-Building Construction Fund. -9- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 16, 1988 Approve request for zoning approval for Alcoholic Beverage License Beefsteak Charlie's 398-1 North Congress Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33435 ~ayor Cassandra was concerned that the restaurant was already open and serving alcoholic beverages when the ommission had not approved their request. City Manager Cheney explained that the City Codes do not require the approval of the Commission These requests do come before the Commission so that the City is aware of which businesses ~re serving alcoholic beverages. In this particular case, ~he representative was not aware of the requirement, and had ~cheduled a meeting with the Liquor Control Board on Friday. If the representative had missed this meeting, they would lave had to wait an additional 45 days to reschedule the ~ppointment. City Manager Cheney gave them a temporary ~pproval contingent upon the approval of the City Commission at this meeting. Vice Mayor Marchese felt that an ordinance should be drawn ~p to prevent City Manager Cheney from being placed in this position in the future. K. Removal of sludge from Public Works Compound ~his item was removed from the Consent Agenda by Mayor ]assandra and placed under "NEW BUSINESS." Purchase of sampling equipment for industrial pretreat- ment program (per SCRWTD requirements) rohn A. Guidry, Director of Utilities, in his memorandum [ated February 10, 1988, gave the rationale for the ~mergency purchase of the sampling equipment at a cost not exceed $13,000. Approve request for refund Cemetery Lots 487 A & B, Block N, Boynton Beach Memorial Park Addition 91 ~nna Falgiano in her letter dated January 27, 1988 requested refund of the purchase price less 20 percent. Approve recommended street marking (Striping) ~om Clark, City Engineer, in N0, 1988 submitted the list stimated cost of $8,156.90. his memorandum dated February of recommended streets at an -10- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 16, 1988 Consider request submitted by Mr. Mark A. Phillips, Project Manager of Brice Building Company, Inc. for approval to place the following: One double-wide office trailer; one single wide office trailer; and two storage trailers. These trailers will be used in con- junction with the construction of Publix Dry Grocery Distribution Center, located at 5500 Quantum Circle, Congress Avenue and 22nd Avenue (Quantum Park). Medard Kopczynski, Deputy Building Official, in his memoran- dum, stated that the Building Department recommended appro- 9al for one year in accordance with Chapter 25, Section 25.7 Df the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinance. · Approval of Bills ee attached list. rice Mayor Marchese made a motion to approved Consent Agenda items A.1, 2; B.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; C,1 (Resolution 88-F), 2 Resolution 88-G); D. 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; E; F; G; H; I; J; J; M; N; O; and P. Motion was seconded by Commissioner :ibelli and carried 5-0. D.3. Discussion Iayor Cassandra was concerned that the new location for the [rease trap had not been approved. He wanted a statement !rom the department head saying this was approved so that .he Commission would know that the relocation was acceptable. 'ice Mayor Marchese made a motion to approve Consent Agenda item D.3. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Zibelli and tarried 5-0. Bond Money [ayor Cassandra wished to have an update on how much Bond Loney the City has remaining. City Manager Cheney stated .here was $800,000 or $900,000 remaining and that the plan ~as to request another Bond in June or July. City Manager ~eney agreed to submit a report to the City Commission ~egarding the remaining Bond money. ;IDS [one -lin MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 16, 1988 PUBLIC HEARING Consider request submitted by Wilda Searcy to abandon NE 3rd Street (platted and dedicated as NE 1st Street) between Washington Avenue (NE 13th) and Lincoln Avenue (NE 12th) (TABLED at Planning & Zoning Board Meeting) ................................................ TABLED Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Legal Description: N.E. 3rd Street (platted and dedicated as N.E. 1st Street) Wilda Search City of Boynton Beach N.E. 3rd Street between Washington Avenue and Lincoln Avenue A portion of N.E. 3rd Street between NE 12th Avenue and NE 13th Avenue in Section 21, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: A 40 foot by 190 foot portion of land platted and dedi- cated as First Street, a public right-of-way lying between Block 1 and Block 2 on Happy Homes Heights, a sub- division in the said City of Boynton Beach and recorded in the official County records of said Palm Beach County in Plat Book 11, Page 30, said portion of land being bounded on the north by the south right-of-way line of Washington Avenue and bounded on the south by the north right-of-way line of Lincoln Avenue both referenced in said subdivision. This item remained on the table as the P&Z Board had tabled it at their meeting. Consider request submitted by Cormac C. Conahan, Esquire, for Boynton-JCP Associates, LTD, and the Lake Worth Drainage District, to annex a 6.92 acre tract of land and an abutting 85 foot wide canal right-of-way (2.787 acres). This property is located on Javert Street at Boynton (C-16) Canal, southeast corner ..... ................................................ TABLED Project Name: N.W. Corner Boynton mall Annexation Agent: Cormac C. Conahan, Esq. Owner: Boynton-JCP Associates, Ltd. (Parcel A) Lake Worth Drainage District (Parcel B) Location: Javert Street at Boynton (C-16) Canal, southeast corner -12- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 16, 1988 Legal Description: See Exhibit "A" attached to the original copy of these minutes in the Office of the City Clerk ommissioner Hester made a motion to remove this from the able. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Zibelli and carried 5-0. Commissioner Hester made a motion to open the discussion to  he public. Motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Marchese and arried 5-0. ~ac Conahan, representative, explained this was an annexa- tion request for an outparcel for the Boynton Beach Mall. {e apologized for the length of time his company had taken ~o bring the request back to the Commission. Mr. Conahan ~tated that the first time they came to the Commission with ~heir request they had not done their homework. They have ~aken the time to speak with the residents in that area to find out what they would want in regard to this request. ?hey had attempted to meet the needs of the residents and ~ere now ready to present their request to the Commission. )ick Greco explained that a 4' chain link fence in a free form design will be installed. This will be hidden by half ine trees and other type trees. Wax Myrtles will be used long the fence. Mr. Greco agreed that the existing fence looks bad and the landscaping should help. The swale will ~e filled in and sodded, and 46 trees will be added behind it. This should look nice, and Mr. Greco noted that the esidents seem to be pleased with the plan. Four foot wide idewalks will be installed and lighted so that residents gan gain entry into the area. Obstacles will be installed ~o prevent motorcycles from cutting through the area. Mayor assandraclarified that Mr. Conahan would provide more trees than specified if it was felt they were needed, and Mr. Conahan agreed. He felt that he had already provided ~any more than required, but if additional were needed, he !elt they could be provided. Iayor Cassandra asked if anyone wished to speak IN FAVOR of :he request. Iary McCulloch, a resident in the area, spoke for the resi- dents. She felt the applicant had done a good job and had given the residents everything they had requested. She ~tated they would lose approximately 77 trees, but these ~ere being replaced with 41 Acacia trees which are much ~icer trees. As no one else wished to speak IN FAVOR OF or AGAINST THE request, the PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. -13- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 16, 1988 Commissioner Hester made a motion to accept the annexation request and directed the City Attorney to draw up the ~ecessary papers. Vice Mayor Marchese seconded the motion Which carried 5-0· Vice Mayor Marchese thanked Mr. Greco for going above and beyond the requirements and noted it was obvious why he is so successful Mayor Cassandra asked if he would be interested in the downtown project. Mr Greco stated that he wold take a look at it, but he has several projects l hich are ongoing at this time. EVELOPMENT PLANS Consider request submitted by Tom McMurrain for appro- val of an amended site plan and shared parking alloca- tin to permit the addition of a 205 seat (8,663 square foot) restaurant at a .923 acre outparcel located in Plat No. 1 at Catalina Centre located on North Congress Avenue at the Boynton (C-16) Canal, northwest corner. (Marie Callender's Restaurant) Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Project Name: Marie Callender's Restaurant at Catalina Centre Shopping Center Tom McMurrain Walboyn, Inc. North Congress Avenue at the Boynton (C-16) Canal, northwest corner A .923 acre outparcel located in Plat No. 1 at Catalina Centre located on North Congress Avenue at the Boynton (C-16) Canal, northwest corner. ity Manager Cheney requested that this be left on the table s the applicant did not have the material available for the ommunity Appearance Board. Commissioner Hester made a otion to keep it on the table. Vice Mayor Marchese ~econded the motion which carried 5-0. Consider request submitted by Tim Lynch for approval of an amended site plan to allow for changes in the pedestrian circulation system at Willowbrook which is located on the west side of North Congress Avenue, south of Hypoluxo Road. (Willowbrook) Project Name: Agent: Willowbrook Tim Lynch, Project Manager -14- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 16, 1988 Owner: Locat ion: Legal Description: Boynton West Corporation West side of North Congress Avenue, south of Hypoluxo Road Tract A, Meadows 300 ~r. Annunziato explained that this item should have been on ~he Consent Agenda. The request would allow the construc- tion of sidewalks at the Meadows. The P&Z Board unanimously ~ecommended approval subject to staff comments. Tice Mayor Marchese made a motion to approve the request for amended site plan. Motion was seconded by Commissioner ~ibelli and carried 5-0. Consider request submitted by Frank T. Pilotte, Esq., on behalf of J & J Ventures of Florida, for a one year extension of the site plan approval which expires on February 17, 1988 for the development of a project at the old Sea Mist Marina. Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Legal Description: Water's Edge Marina Craig Livingston, AIA, Siteworks Architects & Planners, Inc. J & J Ventures, Inc. 743 N.E. 1st Avenue, Boynton Beach Parcel 1 - Lots 37 & 38 in Dewey's Subdivision, Plat Book 1, Page 37, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, less the right-of-way of Casa Loma Boulevard and less the right-of-way of Orange Grove Boulevard. Parcel 2 - The E~ of Lot 39 and the E~ of Lot 42 in Dewey's Subdivision, Plat Book 1, Page 37, Public Records of Palm Beach County, FLorida, less the South 30 feet of said Lot 42 as shown in Deed Book 341, page 188 ty Manager Cheney stated that he had received a letter from Attorney Pilotte requesting a one year extension of'the ite plan approval which expires on February 17, 1988. ttorney Pilotte explained this was necessary due to a delay in obtaining financing and obtaining the necessary permits. r. Golden stated in his memorandum dated February 12, 1988 hat site plan modifications could require that the reqUest go back before the Technical Review Board for evaluation. CitY Manager Cheney stated that at this poin't the City is ~ot sure just what the project will be. If the proposed Parking garage is eliminated, it will be necessary to show -15- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 16, 1988 additional parking. City Manager Cheney suggested that a Six months' extension be granted. ¥ice Mayor Marchese made a motion to grant a six months' extension of the site plan approval. Commissioner Hester seconded the motion. ~ommissioner Mann urged that an extension not be approved. City Manager Cheney read the letter from the attorney into he record (a copy of which is attached as Exhibit "B" to 'he original copy of these minutes in the Office of the City Clerk). Eugene Murphy, Attorney, Murphy, MacLaren, Pilotte & ~ilkinson, P.A., was present representing Mr. Hall. He ~xplained that the purpose for the request for the delay was Go give time to obtain financing and to obtain the necessary ermits. Commissioner Mann questioned how a six months' xtension would help. Attorney Murphy again explained that additional time was needed to obtain financing and permits. A vote was taken and the motion carried 4-1 with ~ommissioner Mann voting against approval of the six months' extension. After a short break, the meeting resumed at 8:41P. M. LEGAL · Ordinances - 2nd Reading - PUBLIC HEARING Proposed Ordinance No. 88-4 Re: 23rd Avenue Rezoning - SE ity Attorney Rea read the proposed ordinance in title only: 'AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON ~EACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 80-19 OF SAID CITY BY ~ZONING A CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF BOYNTON ~EACH, FLORIDA FROM C-3 (COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL) TO C-2 NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL), SAID PARCEL BEING MORE PARTICU- JARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN; AMENDING THE REVISED ZONING MAP ~CCORDINGLY; PROVIDING A CONFLICTS CLAUSE, A SEVERABILITY ~LAUSE, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES" As no one wished to speak IN FAVOR OF or AGAINST the pro- posed ordinance, THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. ommissioner Hester made a motion to approve proposed rdinance No. 88-4 on 2nd and Final Reading. Motion was -16- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 16, 1988 seconded by Vice Mayor Marchese and a roll call vote was taken by Betty Boroni, City Clerk: Commissioner Zibelli Mayor Cassandra Vice Mayor Marchese Commissioner Hester Commissioner Mann Aye Aye Aye Aye Nay ~otion carried 4-1. 2. Proposed Ordinance No. 88-5 Re: Rezoning - Crestview, Lot 23 3ity Attorney Rea read proposed Ordinance No. 88-5 on 2nd ~nd final reading, by title only: 'AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON ~EACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 80-19 OF SAID CITY ~Y REZONING A CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF ~OYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FROM R-3 (MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) ?0 C-2 (NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL), SAID PARCEL BEING MORE ?ARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN; AMENDING THE REVISED ZONING {AP ACCORDINGLY; PROVIDING A CONFLICTS CLAUSE, A SEVER- ~BILITY CLAUSE, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES" ~s no one wished to speak IN FAVOR OF or AGAINST the pro- )osed ordinance, THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. rice Mayor Marchese moved to approve proposed Ordinance No. 38-5 on 2nd and final reading, seconded by Commissioner tester. Mrs. Boroni took a roll call vote on the motion, as !ollows: Mayor Cassandra - Aye Vice Mayor Marchese - Aye Commissioner Hester - Aye Commissioner Mann - Nay Commissioner Zibelli - Aye lotion carried 4-1. Proposed Ordinance No. 88-6 Re: Rezoning - Crestview, Lot 20 lity Attorney Rea read proposed Ordinance No. 88-6 on 2nd Lnd final reading, by title only: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON lEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 80-19 OF SAID CITY MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 16, 1988 iY REZONING A CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF OYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FROM C-3 (COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL) TO -3 (MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL), SAID PARCEL BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN; AMENDING THE REVISED ZONING ~AP ACCORDINGLY; PROVIDING A CONFLICTS CLAUSE, A SEVER- ABILITY CLAUSE, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES" As no one wished to speak IN FAVOR OF or AGAINST the pro- iosed ordinance, THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. ommissioner Hester moved to approve proposed Ordinance No. 88-6 on 2nd and final reading, seconded by Commissioner Zibelli. A roll call vote on the motion was taken by Mrs. ~oroni: Vice Mayor Marchese - Aye Commissioner Hester - Aye Commissioner Mann - Aye Commissioner Zibelli - Aye Mayor Cassandra - Aye lotion carried 5-0. e Proposed Ordinance No. 88-7 Re: Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 87-44 to correct a scrivener's error ]ity Attorney Rea read proposed Ordinance No. 88-7 on 2nd ~nd final reading, by title only: 'AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON ~EACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE NO. 87-44 TO ]ORRECT A SCRIVENER'S ERROR CONTAINED THEREIN RELATING TO ?HE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF A PARCEL OF LAND ANNEXED INTO THE ]ITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH; PROVIDING THAT ~ACH AND EVERY OTHER TERM AND PROVISION OF ORDINANCE NO. 37-44 SHALL REMAIN IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT AS PREVIOUSLY ~NACTED; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES" ~s no one wished to speak IN FAVOR OF or AGAINST the pro- )osed ordinance, THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. v ice Mayor Marchese moved to adopt proposed Ordinance No. 88-7 on 2nd and final reading, seconded by Commissioner ~lbelli. Mrs. Boroni took a roll call vote on the motion, ds follows: ~ Commissioner Hester Commissioner Mann MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 16, 1988 Commissioner Zibelli Mayor Cassandra Vice Mayor Marchese Motion carried 5-0. 5. Proposed Ordinance No. 88-8 - Aye - Aye - Aye Re: Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 87-47 to correct a scrivener's error ity Attorney Rea read proposed Ordinance No. 88-8 on 2nd nd final reading, by title only: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE NO. 87-47 TO CORRECT A SCRIVENER'S ERROR CONTAINED THEREIN RELATING TO THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF A PARCEL OF LAND WHICH CHANGES THE ~AND USE DESIGNATION FROM PALM BEACH COUNTY MEDIUM-MEDIUM iGH RESIDENTIAL TO CITY Or BOSTON BEACH LOW DENSITY RESI- 'DENTIAL FOR SAID PARCEL,-- PROVIDING THAT EACH AND EVERY OTHER TERM AND PROVISION OF ORDINANCE NO. 87-47 SHALL REMAIN IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT AS PREVIOUSLY ENACTED; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES"  s no one wished to speak IN FAVOR OF or AGAINST the pro- osed ordinance, THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. ommissioner Zibelli moved to approve proposed Ordinance No. 8-8 on 2nd and final reading, seconded by Commissioner {ester. Mrs. Boroni took a roll call vote on the motion as !ollows: Commissioner Mann Commissioner Zibelli Mayor Cassandra Vice Mayor Marchese Commissioner Hester - Aye - Aye - Aye - Aye - Aye lotion carried 5-0. Proposed Ordinance No. 88-9 Re: Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 87-49 to correct a scrivener's error City Attorney Rea read proposed Ordinance No. 88-9 on 2nd ind final reading by title only: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYlgTON EACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE NO. 87-49 TO ORRECT A SCRIVENER'S ERROR CONTAINED THEREIN RELATING TO -19- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 16, 1988 THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF A PARCEL OF LAND WHICH IS ZONED AS · PROVIDING THAT EACH AND EVERY OTHER TERM AND PROVISION OF 6RDINANCE NO. 87-49 SHALL REMAIN IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT AS PREVIOUSLY ENACTED; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES" As no one wished to speak IN FAVOR OF or AGAINST the pro- posed ordinance, THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Commissioner Zibelli moved to approve Ordinance No. 88-9 on 2nd and final reading, seconded by Commissioner Hester. A roll call vote on the motion was taken by Mrs. Boroni: Commissioner Zibelli Mayor Cassandra Vice Mayor Marchese Commissioner Hester Commissioner Mann - Aye - Aye - Aye - Aye Motion carried 5-0. B. Ordinances - 1st Reading 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 88-10 Re: Amending Or~inization Chart ~ity Attorney Rea read proposed Ordinance No. 88-10 on 1st ~eading in title only: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AMENDING THE CITY ORGANIZATIONAL CHART; PROVIDING FOR A REPEALING CLAUSE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES ~ommissioner Hester made a motion to approve proposed )rdinance No. 88-10 on 1st Reading. Motion was seconded by ~ommissioner Zibelli and a roll call vote was taken by Mrs. loroni as follows: Mayor Cassandra - Aye Vice Mayor Marchese - Aye Commissioner Hester - Aye Commissioner Mann - Aye Commissioner Zibelli - Aye lotion carried 5-0. -20- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 16, 1988 C. Resolutions c 1. PropOsed Resolution No. 88-H Re: Interchange at 1-95 and NW 22nd Avenue ity Attorney only Rea read proposed Resolution No. 88-H in title A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, RELATIVE TO AN INTERCHANGE AT 1-95 AND N.W. 22ND AVENUE ~ity Manager Cheney stated that the following amendments ~hould be made to the proposed resolution: Page 1 - 4th paragraph - Change the word "hearing" to read "information meeting." Page 2 - 2nd paragraph - Change the last part of the sentence from "being completed by August of 1988" to "been started by Keith and Schnars, under contract to Quantum and will be completed by August of 1988." ~ommissioner Hester made a motion to approve Resolution No. ~8-H. Motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Marchese and ~arried 5-0. D. Other Code and Resolution Amendment/Membership on City Boards ~ity Manager Cheney stated that at the request of Vice Mayor ~archese the Talent Bank form had been redone. On the back ide of the form all the Boards are listed along with per- inent information regarding each. [ayor Cassandra pointed out that the Codes Enforcement Board lo longer has alternates. City Manager Cheney stated that ~he errors will be corrected and the form will be reprinted. te clarified that Board members must reside in the City. layor Cassandra agreed that the prerequisites for membership )n a board should be spelled out on the back of the form. ~UBLIC AUDIENCE Police Department 'rank Priore, 2107 S.W. 15th Street, Boynton Beach eisureville Association Board of Directors, stated that he f eels Boynton Beach .has one o the finest Police Departments. MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 16, 1988 Golf Association Bernard H. Kahn, 1441 S.W. 26th Avenue, Representative of the Boynton Beach Ladies and Men's Golf Association, asked for approval of three items: 1. Solid block starting times, 2. Discontinuance of the 50 cent surcharge, and 3. The Golf hdvisory consist only of Annual Permit Holders. He met with e City Manager in October and had expected these items to be placed on the agenda. They have not yet appeared on the ~genda and he was present to request that they be placed on the next agenda. Mayor Cassandra assured Mr. Kahn that this will be included on the next City Commission agenda. Work for City's Youth, Fishing Pier, Housing Repairs Wilda Searcy, 402 N.E. 13th Avenue, referred to an article ~bout youth work programs set up by Reid Daniels. She Wished to see such a program started for the City's youth. She felt a good work program would keep the youth involved in something constructive and keep them off the streets. ~he requested that a fishing pier be built so the people lould not have to walk along the railroad tracks to get to ~he canal for fishing. {s. Searcy also wanted to see the rental housing repaired. ~he did not think people should have to live in such ~errible housing. She felt that money was available for ixing these up and it should be done. She has made a sur- ,ey of the area to find out which families own and which )nes rent their houses. She will provide that for the ~ity's use if they are interested. Mayor Cassandra wanted to know if the rental law had been passed. City Manager Cheney stated that it had not been :hanged as yet, but it should be very soon. Task Force ~everend Joseph T. Dye, 1175 S.W. 27th Avenue, stated that Le and 6 others from the Task Force were present at the teeting. He thanked the City Manager and his staff for .heir help as well as Police Chief Hillery and the men in ~is department. He also thanked the press for allowing them .o meet with the people in privacy. He felt the level of ~rivacy allowed them to accomplish something that could not ~ave been done otherwise. Reverend Dye also thanked Mr. ~attles from the Justice Department for assistance with the ~ntire process. He requested that a workshop meeting be set [p for the Task Force to present their findings to the City ~ommission. -22- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 16, 1988 After some discussion, Thursday, February 18, 1988 at 7:30 at Pineland Plaza was established as a workshop date. cA~.o~D .one else ILD BUSINESS A Approval of Coastal Zone Management This item was deleted by City Manager Cheney. wished to speak, the PUBLIC AUDIENCE WAS Consultant Contract B. Approval of Conqress Avenue Park Consultant Contract At the request of ~ointed out that the Lump Sum Mayor Cassandra, City Manager Cheney cost was shown on page 8 of he Agreement - $33,500. Charles Frederick, Director of ecreation and Park Department, pointed out that this is a ~omplete master plan of the remaining acres at Congress avenue. He further explained that it would be necessary to ~o back and negotiate for Phase II. Mr. Frederick clarified ~hat this includes moving of the Madsen Center and the addi- ional tennis courts. He also pointed out that the senior ~itizens will be interviewed before the final design so that ~heir input can be considered. rice Mayor Marchese made a motion to approve the contract at ~ not-to-exceed price of $33,500. Commissioner Zibelli ~econded the motion which carried 5-0. · Reports from the Florida Leaque of Cities ice Mayor Marchese passed out the information he had )btained at the Florida League of Cities conference. ~W BUSINESS Review recommendation for increased general employees pension benefits ~ice Mayor Marchese stated that he had read the information Lnd had many questions. A workshop on Employee Pension was ~et up for Thursday, February 25, 1988 at 7:30 P.M. to be [eld at the Library. ~ommissioner Zibelli made a motion to table this item until Lfter the workshop meeting on the 25th. Motion was seconded ~y Vice Mayor Marchese and carried 5-0. -23- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 16, 1988 Approval of Revocable License Agreement for NE 3rd Street (Wilda Searcy) ~ity Manager Cheney recommended that the City license the 9se of this property to Ms. Searcy on a revocable year-to- ~ear basis. Ms. Searcy proposed to install a fence along the westerly portion of the property between NE 13th and NE i2th Avenues. She also proposed to asphalt a portion of the property adjacent to her existing driveway to use for parking additional vehicles. She further agreed to grass and ~andscape the entire area and maintain it on a regular ~asis. She understood that the City must have access to the ~roperty. Ms. Searcy did not understand why she should ~arry insurance on City owned property. City Manager Cheney explained that she must agree to hold the City harmiless if The is to use the property. Ms. Searcy decided to wait until March 1st to make a decision. In the meantime her ~ttorney will contact City Manager Cheney to be sure that he ~nd Ms. Searcy understand the Agreement. Commissioner Hester made a motion to table action on the Agreement until the next City Commission Meeting. Motion Was seconded by Vice Mayor Marchese and carried 5-0. Commission's Responsibilities Regarding Internal Affairs ce Mayor Marchese made the following statement: "On February 11, 1988, I read in the Boynton Times, some comments made by one of our City Commissioners relating to internal disciplinary problems within our Police Department. When asked about the recent allega- tions of intoxicated driving of one of our Police Sergeants, Commissioner Mann stated, 'This is an oppor- tunity, if Sheridan is let go and there is an opening, to fill the vacancy with a qualified minority.' Mann said he has a specific person in mind, but did not elab- orate. For the record, police promotions and selections are the responsibility of the Police Chief in accordance with the Union Contract and Civil Service Rules and Regulations. City Commissioners must respect our legal obligations to our valued employees and not make statements that have upset some police officers and other City employees. -24- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 16, 1988 Further, it is totally inappropriate for any member of this Commission to get involved in the internal affairs of our Departments as it related to hiring and firing decisions." Mayor Cassandra felt this was a good reminder for the City Commission. D. Community Development Application for Funds City Manager Cheney passed out a report to the Commission and summarized the contents. He pointed out that they are about to submit applications for funding for Community )evelopment (CD). He had been told at a recent meeting that ~D has all the money the City wants or needs. This state- bent came after a previous meeting where the City was told ~here was not enough money to complete the current year's ~rojects. City Manager Cheney put together a series of ~pplications to submit to CD for the coming year. One is ~ase V to complete the street work left over in the Cherry {ills area. This is a request for approximately $200,000 ~or street furnishings, plantings and beautification work [eft to be done in accordance with the neighborhood strategy ~lan done in 1982 and 1983. The second item involves sub- bitting an application for at least $400,000 to assist in ~he housing program. This would be added to the $350,000 ~his year and the assumption of $350,000 next year. He ~uggested that CD pay for some of the 20 acre park project. ~D has given other cities assistance with their senior cen- ~ers and City Manager Cheney felt they should assist us with urs. He proposed that CD provide funds for the completion f Sara Simms Park. $42,000 is already available from CD. ~e proposed to complete the project with lighted basketball ~ourts, handball courts, landscaping and irrigation system ~hat will assist the park. The area on Seacrest has never ~ad enough recreational activities. ~ity Manager Cheney stated that at one time the City pro- )osed to buy some small neighborhood properties. The ~idewalk project which has been requested for 12th and 13th ;ould cost about $63,000 per street. With a 4' wide ~idewalk, turnouts at driveways and street corners and swale ~onstruction to solve the landscaping problem, that cost ;ould be about $126,000. ~ity Manager Cheney recommended that these projects be sub- litted to CD. The applications must be in prior to March .st. Mayor Cassandra felt this should be added to the ~genda for the workshop meeting. . Removal of Sludqe from Pulic Works Compound ee page 30 for discussion. -25- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 16, 1988 ADMINISTRATIVE ae Consider replacement to fill alternate position - Building Board of Adjustment and Appeals - Term expires 4/1988 - Appointment to be made by Commissioner Ezell Hester, Jr ....................................... TABLED Commissioner Hester wished to leave this item on the table. Select City of Boynton Beach representative to Palm Beach County Planning Council (Postponed at City Commission Meeting of February 2, 1988) It was pointed out that Boynton Beach would be eligible to ~elect this representative for the next three years even if )elray Beach should push ahead of Boynton in population luring that time. 4ayor Cassandra moved that Lynn Huckle be selected for this ~osition due to her experience, concern and knowledge of ~oynton Beach. The motion was seconded by Vice Mayor 4archese and it was the consensus of the Commission that she )e appointed. City Manager Cheney was asked to write a letter to the Palm Beach County Planning Council to let them [now who our representative will be. Select City of Boynton Beach representative to Palm Beach Municipal League. ommissioner Zibelli made a motion that Mayor Cassandra be ~he Boynton Beach representative to the Palm Beach Municipal ~eague. Motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Marchese and ~arried 5-0. Select City of Boynton Beach representative (alternate) to South County Council of Government fter some discussion, it was decided that the South County ouncil of Government be contacted and requested to set the eetings for 4:00 P.M. If this cannot be done, Boynton Beach cannot participate. Once a favorable reply to this request has been received, an alternate can be appointed. i. Revi. ew~of. City. Commis. sion~trav, el.~llocation fter some discussion, City Manager Cheney clarified that he as only submitting a report to the City Commission. City anager Cheney reminded the Commission that each person is limited to $1,000 at the present time· -26- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 16, 1988 Accept resignation from William Howell, City Alternate, Golf Course Advisory Committee - term expires 6/6/88. Howell resigned as City Alternate for personal reasons in his letter dated February 1, 1988. Commissioner Hester made a motion to accept the resignation. Motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Marchese and carried 5-0. The City Clerk's Office was requested to write an appropriate letter to Mr. Howell. Consider replacement to fill alternate position - Golf Course Advisory Committee - Appointment to be made by Commissioner Leonard Mann ~ommissioner Mann made a motion that this item be tabled ~ntil the next meeting. Motion was seconded by Commissioner ~ibelli and carried 5-0. Consider replacement to fill vacant alternate position - Community Appearance Board - Term expires 4/89 - Appointment to be made by Mayor Nick Cassandra. here was some discussion regarding the last selection made ~o this Board relative to why the alternate was not selected. Commissioner Zibelli stated that this was her ~ppointment and she did not receive a letter from Mrs. ~human prior to making her selection to this Board. ~ommissioner Zibelli spoke with Mrs. Shuman and explained ~he situation to her. Mayor Cassandra stated that the ?alent Bank form from Mrs. Shuman was distributed but ~ommissioner Zibelli did not receive her copy. It was ~greed that the procedure of notifying the alternates should )e refined· ~bert Olenik, Jr., Chairman of the CAB, spoke on behalf of {rs. Schuman and expressed her concern that she had been )assed over several times as a regular member of the CAB. {e felt that a procedure should be drafted which clearly ~xplains how alternates are to be moved up on boards. It is lp to the Commission to make the selection and an alternate loes not have to be selected if he/she is not the best ~hoice. The alternate should at least be aware the position s open.  ommissioner Hester agreed that the alternate might he best selection for a board. otlon was made and seconded to table replacing the hate on the CAB. Motion carried 5-0. not be alter- -27- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 16, 1988 Approval of Increase in Dispatch Personnel Staffing Levels ~ity Manager Cheney reported that when the dispatch posi- ions were established, they were too conservative. They did not realize that lunch time, breaks, etc. would cause such 0roblems for the dispatch staff The number of calls and ~he large volume of activity ha~e taken their toll. Also, new employees have had to be trained. City Manager Cheney eferred to the memorandum from Craig Grabeel, Management ~ervices Director and Hugh McCaffrey, Communications Manager ~hiCh explains the need for the additional personnel. The 2oat for the additional personnel would be $53,000. This could provide for a shift supervisor and 4 dispatchers. ~ity Manager Cheney noted that each year when the budget is ~dopted, a line item is put in called "Compensation adjustment." This year it started out at $750,000. Much of ;hat was used for adjustments to the pay plan. Some is :eserved for a 6 months' analysis. This will be done in 4arch or April. $140,000 or so remains in the account. ~ity Manager Cheney suggested the $53,000 be taken from that ccount and leave the balance for the 6-month analysis. ayor Cassandra was con6erned and wanted to know what the ~udget looked like for the six-month period. He felt that ome money will be needed if the Task Force issues are Addressed. The foot patrol would require additional person-  el. He felt that the Commission should know how the City tands as far as the budget is concerned.  ity Manager Cheney stated that the six month report could ot be done earlier, and if he tried it would only be a ~uess. Mayor Cassandra felt there were items in the budget e did not consider important - staff attending seminars and ~oing on trips, etc. City Manager Cheney stated that those items do not add up to much. ~fter additional discussion, Vice Mayor Marchese made a ~otion dispatchers be hired. Motion that the additional econded by Commissioner Mann and carried 5-0. was I. Consideration of board reappointments and filling vacancies by alternates. Requested by Vice Mayor Ralph Marchese. 'erbatim transcript: [archese: The other night I was fortunate enough to attend the Community Appearance Board Meeting as an observer. Just to find out what's going -28- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 16, 1988 Marchese Continued: on. I was a little bit appalled. People on that board must understand that everybody in this Commission, I will say that quite freely, we appreciate your efforts. We appreciate what you do for the City and we realize that you do it free. There's no compensation other than the big dinner you get once a year. I come away from that meeting, I'll explain my thoughts. I came away from that meeting with some thoughts I am going to pass along to you. There is beyond a doubt, lack of communication. One of the reasons I pressed for the new talent bank form is because not only does it list some of the qualifications that you need to be on the various boards, but it also permits you to say my preferences are 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. What I think has to be done is this - when the City Clerk makes up the new roster of people that are on the various boards, there should be an indication of whether they are builders, archi- tectural engineers, so that when it comes up before this Commission we could look to see how these boards are staffed. I am all for moving the senior alternate into that position if a permanent vacates. If the position that is going to be vacated or is coming up for reap- pointment is by permanent, then that permanent person ought to let it be known that they would like to continue to serve. The one big dif- ference I would like to spell out is this - let's go back to the Community Appearance Board. We d0 not have an architectural engineer on that board. We sorely need one. I think the talent is within the City. God, there's an awful lot of retirees, and I'm sure if we get the word out we will get somebody who is qualified. That's the only time I would make an exception. I would like to see this put down as a rewrite of the policy and updated, and be sure that every member on every board gets a copy of it so that we won't have the misunderstanding of saying, "Gee, they passed me over." Because that is not the intent. I trust that I have made my point clear to this honorable body and that we can get this thing rewritten so that the policy is clear, not only to the Commissioners, but to the good people who serve on our boards. I thank you. -29- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 16, 1988 J. Approval of G.A.L.A. Sign City Manager Cheney requested approval to place one tem- porary sign on private property. This would be at the Mobil station on Congress and Boynton Beach Boulevard. The ~obil station manager has given his approval but the City Commission must give their approval before the sign can be installed. Commissioner Hester made a motion to approve the temporary sign at the Mobil Station. Motion was ~econded by Commissioner Zibelli and carried 5-0. ~EW BUSINESS (Continued) · Removal of Sludge from Public works Compound his item should have been discussed under New Business but ~ue to an oversight was not discussed. City Manager Cheney stated that there is an old tank at the public Works site which must be moved. Nine 55 gallon drums fmaterial from the old waste and from the pit some grease pits have been removed. These must be moved according to environmental standards and there is no estimate of costs involved. The material was contained in a concrete con- tainer but has been removed to the drums. City Manager ~heney only wanted to inform the City Commission of the action taken. ADJOURNMENT ~here being no further business to come before the City Commission, the meeting properly adjourned at 10:22 P. M. EST: · :rk Secretary (Three Tapes) CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Comm i s s ioner Commissioner 3/2/83 REF. DWG. 678-P2 BOYNTON BEACH P~RCEL ~7 6.92 ACRES A parcel of land lying in Section 19, Township 45 South, Range 43 East~ Palm Beach County, Florida, being more particularly desc!ibedL as followS: Commence at the center of said Section 19; thence N 0° 51' 51" W aton~ the North South !/% section line of said section, a distance of 35.00 feet to the principal point and place of begi~lning of the following description: Thenze N 0° 51' 51" W along the said North South 1/4 section line a distance of 1191.31 feet to a point on the South right-of-way line of Boynton Canal; thence N 88° 05' 26" E along said South right-of-way line a distance of 387.9~' feet to a point; thence S 0° 05' 26" W a distance of 142.02 feet to a point; thence 233.87 feet along an arc ~o the right having a radius of 335.00 feet and a c~ord of 229.15 feet bearing S 20° 05' 26" W; thence 372.10 feet along an arc to the left having a radius of 410.00 feet and a ch ~d of 359.46 feet bearing S 14° 05' 26" W; thence S 11° 54' chor alon chor ~39" alon chor~ W a cont a distance of 70.00 feet to a point; thence 172.26 feet an arc to the right having a radius of 235.00 feet and a of 168.~3 feet bearing S 9° 05' 26" W; thence 182.18 feet an arc to the left having a radius of 325.00 feet and .a of 179.81 feet bearing S 14° 01' 53.5" W; thence S 02° 01' a distance of 23.67 feet to a point; thence 94.25 feet an arc to the right having a radius of 60.00 feet and a of 84.85 feet bearing S 42° 58' 21" W; thence S 87° 58' 21" distance of 90.60 feet to the point of beginning and ~ining 6.92 acres of land more or less. EXHIBIT "A" BOYNTON BEACH DESCRIPTION OF THE CENTERLiNE OF AN 85 FOOT CANAL RIGHT OF WAY A Parcel of land !ying in Section 19, Township 45 South. Range 43 East. Palm Beach County, Florida, said parcel being on 85 foot canal right of way, the centerline of which being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the center of (asSumed) along the east Section 19, a distance of parallel to the north south 19 des fee nor hav a d the alo cen poi 277 said Section 19; N 87° 58' 21" E., west quarter section line of said 20 feet; thence S 00a 51' 51" E, quarter section line of said Section a distance of 7.5 feet to the point of beginning of the terli~e of an 85 foot canal right of way, to be herein ~ribed; thence N 87° 58' 21" E, parallel to the east west ~ter section line of said Section 19, a distance of 71.48 t, to a point of curvature of a curve concave to the thwest; thence northeasterly along the arc of said curve ina a radius of 102.50 feet and a central angle of 90 [stance of 161.01 feet to the point of tanqency of said curve; ncc N 02° 01' 2g" W, a distance of 23..67 feet'to the point of ~ature of a curve concave 'to the east; thence northeasterly ~g the arc of said curve having a radius of 282.50 feet and a :ral angle of 32° 05' 07", a distance of 158.36 feet to a ~t of reverse curvature of'a curve concave to the west; thence :hwester!y along the arc of said curve having a radius of 50 fee~ and a central angle of 42° 00' 00", a distance of 203 42 feet to the point of tangencY for'said curve; thence N il° $4' 34" W, a distance of 70.0 feet to the point of curvature of a of sat~ 40~ of to ri~ re concave to the east; thence northeasterly along the arc of curve having a radius of 367.50 feet and a'centr~! angle of 00' 00" a distance of 333.53 feet to a point of reverse curve curve concave to the west; thence northerly along the arc of curve having a radius of 377.50 feet and a central angle of 00' 00",. a distance of 263.5%'feet to the point of tangency ;aid curve; thence N O0~ 05' 26" E, a distance of 143.51 feet the point of ending of said centerllne of an 85 feet canal ~= of way. EXHIBIT ?'.!~" LAW' OFFICES OF MAcLAREN, P~nOTTE & W~:.~:vsON, p. A. 040 ROYAL PALI~I ~rAy P- O. BOX 2525 PAL}d BEACH, FLORIDA [13zl/lO TELEPIION~ 6'~5 ' *lOGO AREA CODE 005 February 11, 1988 TELEPI-IOAIE (GOB) 5~7 - G,14~O HAND DELIVERY Ca~men Annunciatio, Di:ector of Plannin '.. ~0 .... g C~ty of Boynton Beach z- ~ North Seacrest Boulevard Bo~nton Beach, Florida 33435 Re: J & J Ventt]res of Florida, 'Site Plan Approval Our File No. HA03010 r Mr. Annunciatio: Our Firm represents J & J Ventures of Florida, a Florida general partnership. J & J Ventures, previously had obtained from the City of Boynton Beach the City's approval for a site plan for development of a project at the old Sea Mist Marina. This site plea approval expires shortly. My client has requested that they be ranted a one year extension on the approval. The aforementioned extension is being reques'te~ because the partnership has experienced delays in gert:in financing and developmental permits . ~ the required occasioned, in na~ ~ ...... · These delays have · bridge that is ~~ ~~e or .pncertainties relakin to pro~ert_ and ? ~= _~u&~ on the north side of t g . · 3 because o~ the ~ . he subject ~'h ~- - - - concommt~ent effects on permits for ~:~e bulkBeaoing on the north side of the property and for mangrove relocation. My client anticipates a sucessful resolution of these Problems and looks forward to providing the City an attractive and suc~ essful development. Mr. James Hall, the spokesman for the partnership, would to attend the public hearing on the extension in order to )nd to any inquiries. Would you please let me know when this Lng will take place. If you have any questions or require additional :marion, then please do not hesitate to call me. /Y~y truly y~ur.s,/-~ lik~ resp hear info 0070I FTP/b cc: rs James Hall Craig Livingston EXHIBIT "B" III. CONSENT AGENDA lf31/$'8. CITY DF BOYNTON BEACH PAG~ 1 cc: Finance 50T C U R R E N T M O'N T H C H E C K S Mgmt Serv 89 020%76 BARNETT BANK--FICA TAX ~-'- 1~91 202~Z THE CREDIT UNION OF PALM 1/08/88 ~119.79 ~ l~9Z 020~75 ~ARNETT BANK--FICA TAX 8/0~/88 "1~95' 2'80020 R I'EHARD 'SEAN ........ ' 1/0'[/88: ' .......... .00 ..... -' l~g~ ZSQOZ3 RICHARD 5EAN [/01/88 290.~" l~gT OZlS~O FRANK A. 8EDNARICK 1/01/88 108.59 1501 ZgO01O CHARLES L CASE l/OtlB~ '00 - 15~2 2g0005 PE~RY A. CESSNA 1/01/88 6~5.80' 0~503 CALLIE CLANTON 1/01/98 ~0.]5 07 3~0007 GUS R. H~RT 1,508 3~0015 CARROLEIZER HERRING 1509 3%0013 T. B- HICKS 151.2 1513 1514- 15t5 1517 1518 ...... t519 1520 1521 ......... i-5-2' 2 152'3 1525 i525 I527 "1523 I52g I530 t5~2 15~ 1535 1536 1531 1538 1539 104510 .]:~.-JOH 111550 BERT KEEHR 370013 VIRGINIA Eo REtSTER 111636 DDRO/HEA M KENNEDY 1/01/88 53e,.1 3 1/01/88 255.35 1/01/88 193.71 I ! o 1 / §'§': .......... ~:~ ~:~:. I/OttSS ":' :~::: ::':~ ?.2 1/O1/88 268.0~ 1/01/88 1/01/88 218.07 :- ':'. :3 aooo ".:. ===================== _ZPl/88: :.--: '- 120500 50~ L. LATHAM i10L/88 30S.4~ 380002 VERA LEWIS 1/01/88 3~6.5Z 380005 GRETCHEN LUBY 1/01/88 309.~9 15035D !E~EE.SA]..PADGETT,= ~20011 '~"~A R L ~S-~-~ S S E R 16530~ ELEANO! PUFFER 1939~5 JDHN SCHNEIDE~ 192592 "ADA SHOOK ...... 192500 SARAH/E, SHULL ~60005 MA~Y TENK 202515 LE~ TH]MAS ~50009 ~NNETTE ~. TINKER ........ ~-~g 15 ....... ~'~--~-~ T H U ~-'~%T'E R S ............................................ i/01/85 .......................... ~90002 WOJCI E2HDWSKI, RAY 1/01/88 ' 172.53 28590g M[LD~E3 A. ZWART 1/01/88 77.13 16035~ TEtEESA PADGETT 1/01/88 270011 FEDRICKO E. ALVARENGA 1/01/88 ~82.37 020500 BKADFO~D 3AXLEY 1/01/88 ..?.?=..-~..~ ....... ~'vr ~=-'].]~....~.. ~.::.= ~:=~:5:"?= ........ T~ . '. -...~ . ..... . ,'. ~.~.~:: ':: :.~: -: :-. . . .. :~..~.~- 1/01/88 270.31 1/01/88 91.28 1/01/88 1 33.20 1/01/88 ...........................253 ~'8-~ 1/01/89 202.21 1/O1/88 1 97 o01 :i/?i. 1/O1/88 238.95 1/01/88 739.91 1/O1/8~ 527.~2 1/31/88 CITY ]F BOYNTON BEACH PAGE '2. A507 C U R .~ E N T. M 0 N T H C H E C K $ CHm~,,..~.~ .~,, .VENOOR.,> ~- .: :~?.~:~N~O~ ~ ~AM~ ..... · ........ ~- .... ~ ..-CHECK :O~TE~~ TO 'A · ....... 0 ................ ..................... i)0 ...... ":?:?='": 15~i 330008 ~OHN 6ARONER 1/01/88 1,8%7.7 15%2 0803~ LIAM R. MAMILTON 1/01/88 I~8 1546 15 ~7 132780 MI LLE R l/Orl /8 7 .1 1559 1560 1 390012 390052 82770 2O6300 222795 202 ~.i+.' 2 1565 020~?1 1565 020~71 1557 020a-.71 i~ARD MITCHELL YQUIST NLEY.-C, PORTER ~';:~ J:DHN M, TUITE AIdE V IC.KI REOIT UNION O~'iiiPALM CREDIT UNION OF P~LM' 1/o1/a8 1/01/88 TT BANK WITHHOLOIN NETT BANK WITHHOLDIN ETT BANK WITHHOLOIN NETT!"BAN~:-' ~tTHHOLBIN .__ . 1/08/887:: . 157~ ~NTON BEACH i:. 1571 2 lO] POSTMASTER 1572 Z0Z~Z CREDIT UNION OF PALM 1/15/88 ,~6 981:,,36 '. ':'71'?. :.-I"8 91 ,. 5-0 1/0 822'23 1/01/88 80 I '00 )0 4~+,613,57 1573 032895 C TY DF BOYNTON 5EACH 1/15/88 325~313.%1 15~a ozozos 5 3 ~ F ~/~S/8~ too,oo I579 0~37I~ ~RIDA LEAGUE OF CITIES 1/15/88 25.00 ...... [58'3 .......~2~Z [HE CREDIT UNION OF PALM I/Z~/B8 ~2~8~ ISB~ 03Z~95 CITY OF ~OYNTON ~EACH 1/21/88 1585 020471 BARNETT ~ANK- WITHHOLDIN 1/21/88 53~972.65 I5~7 202~N2 THE CREDIT UNION OF PALM 1/29/88 i588 032895 CITY OF ~O. YNTON ~EACH 1/29/88 1590 020~7I MAANETT BANK- WITHHOLOIN 1/29/8~ 15840 032895 CItY DF BOYNTON ~EACH 1/21/88 N5~930.~9 1/31/88 CITY 3F BOYNTON BEACH PAGE 3 507~'' C U R ;~ E N T M O N T H C H E C K S B2~S5 1St5~8 MECKLE~ PUBLISHING 8/28/87 68.56CR- 02~78~ ~O~NTO. TRAVEL AGENC~ INC I2/I8/87 290.00CR ~ l 2/18 "- ~%00~2 ROBERT &UARK 12/31/87 266.00CR 36828 530231 A,,O. STILWELL CO. INC,, 12/31/87 33.69CR~ 5~*0937 ,VICTOR BONACCORSI 12/31/87 8B'3gCR 36858 3587' 3 013715 kKD ALLEN 013768 ALLIED ELECTRONICS 013772 ALLIED PRODUCTS COMPANY 013783 ROBERT K.'ALSOFRO~ PH.D. 013871 AMANA ~EFRIGERATION 0139:r0 AMERZCAN HEART ASSOC!ATIO 0139~3 ANEZICAN HEAT VIDEO 01~.053 AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIA :'0l~Z~I ' CHARLtE ~NDREWS 015000 APPRAISAL.)a ACQUISITION C 1/08/88 15~'86 1/08/88 1 ~960'00 1/08/8-8 10~7~,1o83 1/08/88 :- 570'00 1/08/88 30.00 1/08/88 650°00 1/08/88 31.20 1/0~/88 70.20' ";'! 015701 ASGRDW FLORIDA CO. 1/08/83 798.95 '01~919 ASSOCIATED BAG COMPANY 1/08/88 z~6.75 01503~ ATTO2NEY'S TITLE SERV INC 1/0-3/88 165.20 ' . :/os/8 '.'.: t ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1/08/88 ' ': 6.001'.'.'::::?:'"':" =. 0]15~6 BEKZNS MOVING E STORAGE 0235~9 BLANCHAR~ MACHINERY 1/08/88 272.70 02~803 ~LUE CqOSS OF FLORIDA 1/OB/Sfl ...... 02473',3": .....BDYNTO~i:': 'BEiCH' RETIREMENT .................. 1/08/88 .......... ' ...... iO',Z 96.--92y ......... 024773' ,50YNTON MEDICAL OXYGEN 1/08/88. 119.00-."-' 36887 oz~786 SOYNTON TRAVEL AGENCY-tNC 1/08/88 3'688~' ........... '0~5585- ....... ~-~"O'O'K~'-'P"~-OGO C't S 176'8-78 a 2,130.00 36089 35890 36891 36892 35893 35agg" 35095 35896 35897 35899 36900 36.90t 36902 026~50 BUSiqESS MACHINES, INC. 1/05/88 1,194o00 030183 C.C. CONTROL CORP. 1/08/88 75.00 030193' "C ~ 'H"H'YDRA~LIC~--I'NC-~ ...........................1/09/88 ............. 39-~'5~--- ....... 03029~ J~DY CALANDRA 1/08/88 20.00 03'3597 ~E~T-ANNI ITALIAN CUISINE 1/08/88 108.00 ' .......... 0 3Z ~ ....... ~ ~'~-~6'q-'" U~ ~';---~C; ........................... 1 / 0 ~-78~ ......................... ~', ~'~';~-~ ...... 03249~+ CHLOqINATOR SERVICE INC. 1/08/88 115.59 032517 CHLJCK'S AUTO BODY PAINT 1/08/8~ 119.00 032901 Ci'TY O'F" B0?NTON "8E~CH ................ 1/08/88 ....... ~'7'~8'~' 032953 CITY PUELISHING CO. 1/08/88- 14-3.18 o3]s~5 ~4~CH~EL CLARK ~/08/8a 250.00 0336~9 CLEA~ VIEW ?4EDI A 1/08/88 033657 CLK ~F CIS-SUP.DEPT.-TRDY 1/08/88 74.00 033658 CLK OF COURTS-SUPPORT OEP 1/08/88 37.00 1/31/88 CITY DF BOYNTON.:BEACH PAGE '4'. J ~59T C U R R E N T M O N T H C H E C K S ~ ~ ~'o'3 ~' ..... ~;~'S'Es9 c~-~%F c°6~'~''~':'~6~'~6~F:~':~:'~?''¥''?~'¥': ': '~2o~ z ~ ~ ~ '~ ~: .~ ~-.'~-~-~.-.:::.-::~:,~'- 3590~ 033660 CEK OF CDURTSISUPPORT DEP 1/08/88 36905 03365~ CLK OF CTS-SUP.OEPT-~AMES 1/08/83 909 0336?2 DEPT .JOHN 36910 033573 CLK:, OF COURTS-SUPPORT OEP 911 t'/08/88 35913 i :" 35 5 78 i OF CDUR' 36916 033579 C'LK OF COURTS-SUP'PORT 35917 033581 CLK OF COO TS-~UPP,DRT 3 6'cj~ - ........ 033682 OF COURTS PPORT 35919 033683 CIiK;': OF"'[.DUAl 35920 033705 CAR .ALP, DISTRIBUTORS CARL V M COFFIN, ESQUIRE 36921 036-56I 36922 30923 036-672 36926-_ 03~878 36925 0349[7 35925 03~93 36927 0 34941 36928 035~25 36929 036237 36930 0~0307 35931 0~0505 35932 3S 0~L~21 '~593~ 0~1605 35935 0~1609 OEP B/8.~ 4! DEP 1/0'8/88 31,00 6 ~88 08/8~ CONGRESS[ONA'L )8/88 ORATE Dt }R 1/08/8~ 6 COTTLE 1/08/89 COUNTS RESCUE EQUIP INC. 32 CREDIT MARKETS 1/08/88 CUES ~C. 1/0~/88 AT.EK g:::W 1/08/88 TURF 4g.!:..INDUSTRIAL 1/08/88 ' · -:-;.: -:'. .... : 1 DECISION DATA SERVICE INC i~-~'~3-/8.5 1~ DELRAY FIRE EXT. SERVICE 1/08/88 DELRAY KANASAK[ I~08/88 4 35936 35937 35938 35939 35940 359~1 369~+2 3694~ 3~9~5 36946 359~7 359~8 3~9~9 3~9~0 '35952 35952 35953 0'~' 2' 70-~ ...... :"-O-t'~:'TA 'P'H 0 :~ E ........ ::-'=~": ............. =T' l-/0 B / 88 ........................ 5 042867 DI'S ~-LE..TRIC...SU. PLY 1/08/8~ 04,6-55l DONNELLY COMPANIES :. : 1/08/88 "'0'502'0~ ........ ~'-~-~----'~'Oq~ ~-~'E~-~ ....................... -iYb':B/-8':~ -' 050310 EASY PAY TIRE STORE 050381 ECONO AUTO PAINTING OF DE 1/0~/88 051309 "EDWal'DS 'ELECTRIC COkP' .......... 1/08/8~ 053595 EIHCO 1/08/88 0555~9 5R~tST ~ WHINNEY L/0~/88 "bTO 113 ~'H'~---F ~-:-T OR-~ ................................... i/08/88 060L15 FAIRCHI L3-LOWELL CORP. 1/C8t88 127 051507 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP. 1/08/85 lO1 ,75 0~150~ F'E~GO'SD N 'E NT~'RPR't ~'ES' ...................... ~0'~/:8'~ ......................... 062820 FIREME~I'S RELIEF & PENSID 1/08/88 06357~ FLORIDA APCD~ INC. I/0~/88 O0 053700 FLORIUA BRAKE ~- TRUCK PAR 1/03/88 191~30 063739 FLORIDA INNOVATION GROUP 1/08/88 1',500~00 1/3[/88 C U CITY OF 80YNTON BEACH PAGE 5 CWECK VENDOR 3595~ 0537~1 FLORIDA ELECTRIC MOTORS 1/08/88 35955 053752 FbORIDA MUNICIPAL LIABILI 1/08/8B 36956 06)757 FLORIDA PHOTO NEWS 1/08/88 2,171.81 19,829o00 99.00 36961 05~59T FD~Y 10~3 1/08/88 065522 DENNIS FRONRATH CHEVROLET 1/08/88 069999 GA INDUSTRIES, INC. 1/08/88 50.00 193o50 "3595~ 36965 36957 35958 359T0 071551 GENERAL BINDING CORP. 071555 GENERAL TIRE SERVICE 071581 GEg-TEC, INC. ]~-}'~-~ -:'.:GERAGHTY'-~ MILLER, INC. 07~556 "GOLF .ASSOC, SCOREBOARD CO" ' 07~59T GOVERNMENT FINANCE. OFFICE 1/08/88 1/09/88 1/08/88 I/OS/9~ 1/0a/88 1/08/8~ 104.85 5,200.00 35973 35 3~ 35 36 07~615 GOV'T TECHNOLOGY SERVICE 075396 W.W. 3RAINGER, INC. 075~79 GRESSC3 LTD 08~582 HECTOR TURF 082799 EDWAqD G. HILLERY~ 084497 BEN HOGAN CO. 090~07 09010~ ~;4A RETZR~ENT 09¢Z~ '" 09qZOI':':'jJ~;j",':IRS LEVY:PROCEEDS-EDDIE [O~bbb JET VA: SANIT~RY SERVICE 10q603 JONES E~U IPMENT I10~Og JEAN KAR~;':~ i10~50 'KARSTEN MFG. COR~. ~. lliEZi WALTER H. KELLER JR.,INC.-- 1/08/88 1/08/88 1/08/88 1/08/88 1/08/8B 1/08/88' 241.20 i08.15 ~3o5T 1/08/88 359~30 1/08/88 1,000,00 1/08/88 381-50 1/08/89 : .:... <.. 1/08/88 1 1/08/88 2,34~.73 1/08/88 65.16 1/08/88 1/08/8~ i-/b-878 a 1/o8/8a 1/o8/8~ i/0 ~'/8~- .............. 5'(0'~ 2?5'0 ........ 1/08/8~ 11,00 1/08/8~ 373 370.[7 450.11 420.q-0 1/08/88 1,050.00 l!ZBq-9 ROBERT D. KLAUSNER, P.A. l/O8/B5 1,200.00 iI4Z~B KNAPP INC. 1/,98/58 517.82 ............ -1-202 ~ -3 ..... L-~'E"- E'~'B'~,'O¥¥ ........................ ~ ........................... 1-70 ~78'~1- ..................... 1205~-5 LA~MEN'S a SHOOTER'S SUPP 1/08/88- 1,715.~5 12155~ L~SCO INC, 1/03/88 365.95 1217~0 SALLY LEWIS 1/08'/88 60.00 122786 THE LINCOLN HOTEL 1/08/88 420.00 130319 ~ACM[LLAN PUBLISHING CO. 1/08/88 t/3t/88 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE "' :: :.~':'-::-- :: ..~:::." '."::'"'~;." ':~:' .... : :::' ': :'":':"':' h:-. - :~ .-:~::~' ': i!i: :; :':! {i::? ..... ' -:' ': 5! ~ ' : '" ' ': ' :: ' · -? ':'-':"" ii ~:-~::~ ~ ~j~:i~i: C H E C K .-. ~:-', ';. · V m N D 0 R.::::: ~::::~:: :. :.:.: .'.....V ~ N ~ OR: :::.N.A~ E :.':::'::::::~:;:::;'.-:::: :':'::.:~::.:":::::?:::,:::; :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :. ::~ ?::..:;::'C.H E .C K ':.: O A f E::::: %: T 0 T A ~:":': A M:: ::::::::;?:::::::::::::::: ;:~?' % .........': ............. ' ..................................... ]7006 1305:5~ ~ARTEC ASSOCIATES, INC. 1/08/88 ~, I3~55~ MARTEC ASSOCIATES~ INC. )EX 13i~ ~ EQUIPMENT 370Z0 136601 1~0~09 1~0~20 140~57 2 37035 CHEVROLET GAN, LENIS F. BOCKIUS NI ~. IPAL POLICE MU N'R 0 :]'UAL' FUND FORECASTER L ASSOCIATION .NAT, IONAL AUTO~4-O-~.'iLE 'DEALE NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIE TRA NS MI SS 1 ON S 4-3 I/08/8 8 t, 03:- 87 ::151310 ' OR:: CO; FE 160382 8EACH JR.. COLLEGE 160393 P-Bo C*4TY. CITY MANAGEMEN I60~15 M. 8EACH COUNTY MUNICIP 162 MAN P~OTO': i6~702 T-~-LETB 165~02 PRE:CISIO)~ SECURITY SYSTEM 166168 P.UB~LIC LIBRARY ASSOC. ~3 1/08/88 I/0 88 1/08/88 1/0 1/08/83 1/08/88 3;70~& 181600 R EL;lAdLE REPROGRA~HICS 1/08/88 370~2 I82771 JAMiES AHODE~I SR. 1/08/88 I 370~3 ...... I82800 ..... -A:NKEA "HATE~I'A[S 'C'OAP; ......................... 1/08/89 ................................ 370~4 18~T0~ RD~LAND TRUCK EQUIP,~ INC 1/08/88 3706~ ~8~703 ROWL&N~ TRUCK EQUIP,, iNC 1/08/88 370~6 I90180 SCAWTD BOARD 1/08/83 5~0 37067 190188 S ~ ~ CAAM SUPPLY INC. 1/08/8~ 37049 19J39g SAL:'S SPORT SHOP 1/08/88' ..... ~-~-~- -~ .... I91520 SEAC,.cST' R'- VETERINARY CENTE 1/08/8a 3.7052 I91523 SEAL-TITE PLUMBING C0. 1/08/88 68 OCR lf31188. 507" C .c.-~ ECK ,~, VENDOR 37054 191600 ,.37055 1 92802 3]'056 19~300 37057 ...' 37058 37059 3]'060 .19%815 37051 1 37062 200383 37055 ".201590 CITY OF BOYNTON E~EACH · ~ E ~ IF M O N T H C H E C K S PAGE 7 37058 37059 37070 :37071 37073 370 370 370 37( SEPPALA & AHO OF FL,,INC. SIRCHIE FINGERPRINT LABOR SNOW CONCRETE CORP, 370B3 37995 37086 37057 37088 370~oc) 37090 37090 37091 37092 37093 37092~ 37095 ~709.6 37097 37098 37099 37100 37101 37102 37103 1~.7~910.00 .-. 237.89 269.50 CITY OF OOYNTON 5EACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH .............. 1/0 878a- .................. 50,-o0 t/os/a8 1z .51 5o.oo SPECIALTY ADVERTISING-INC 1/08/88 232.50 WILLIAM SULLIVAN 1/08/88 29.01 -' TALLAHASSEE HILTON 1/08/88 290.00 ZO~695 TO~N C~IER NEWSPAPERS 1/08/88 Z05533 TRANSI-TRONI CS~ INC. 1/08/88 80.00 Z1010~ U'. S. FOUNDRY ~ MFG..CORP 1/08/88 716.00:-'-' Z~O~St U.S. POS~ASTER ~/0~/8~ Z~O00. O~ 215392 ~NIJAX 1/08/88 3v508-7~ Z16~35 ~NLI MITED PRESSURES ~/08/88 77.40 221~79 VALeNCiA COMMUNITY COLLEG 1/08/88 :22279% VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS 1/08/88 22~595 VONHAGSE 6 DEVLIN~ INC. 1/08/83 8~000.00 230~51 WALLACE ~ TI'ERNAN 1/08/8a 231550 WEEKLY 5ROTHERS INC. 1/0B/88 82~925.50 '232800 :WILsoN SPORTING GoPDs':":~:;]:]: :' 1/08/88 23~625 J.J.~. WOLF 1/09/88 11.25 23~702 WOqTHINGTON HOTEL 1/0~/8a 280.00 2~1b03 XEqOX COqP. 1/0a/8~ TB7.75 280037 JUSTU'S.8~OWN ' '" " 1/0B/98 30.00 290057 LARRY CLAUDE ' : 1/08/88 282.83 - 300005 KO:~E~T gqAKE 1/08/8~ 115,50 300060 GWEN DAVIS 1/08/8~ 54.00 300061 GAETAN D. EBROSSE ....... 1/08/89 ..... 935.25 3N007~ ~ARY HENqY ~/08/~2 350005 ~DSA INM~N 1/08/88 390002 NILLI= MOODY JR. 1/03/8~ 393.38 N~O0~ I HICHAEL ~YAN 1/09/88 2 6~.00 ~005~ ~HqlSTINE ROBERTS 1/08/89 19.12 530321 ALPHA 3ESIGN 1/08/83- 33.69 ~0393 NORNAN CONSTRUCTION, INC. 1/03/88 PAGE ~A507 C U R R E N t' M O' N T H C H E 'C K S 37Ill Ol~-Z~-I 37111 01~+2~. 0 37113 37 371 37116 37117 3711-8 37119 37120 37122 37123 37124 37125 37126 .... 37127--: 371Z8 024641 02~+710 .......... -~24733 024732 .024.773 0Z4785 025500 03150~+ 032895 03Z897 BUSINESS IN f88 --R AMMONIA g. CHEMICAL 15/88 TO~ ~,UTO SUPPLY~ INCo 1/15/83 .... ~E'~ ~'~t ' RE TI.~'~'E'NT ............... :::':--~.-'/I 5/8~ -': .............. :i EACH MEMORIAL PA YNTO~ .MEDICAL OXYGEN RESTAURANT SUPPLY PUMP ~. SUPPLY CO. CENTRAL AUDIO VISUAL INC. ..... '.-;:CITY OF B'OYNTON BEACH 033657 .'~.CE'K:::.OF CTS-SUP.O~PT..TROY 033559 C DF COU~TS-SUPPO~T DEP 6 99 1,5 9~9 1/15/88 . . ..5',~85 5/88 1 1/15/88 1/15/88 58 1/15/88 2 ......... =---i:/15/88 .- .-. 1,5 1t1~18~. '. ':-::.' 3'7 : 1t15/88 .: ..-?:.::.' ' ~.' 1/15/88 3' 1/15/88 76 .20 ~-52 37131 37.1_32' 37133 37134 37135 37136 37137 37138 -37139 37140 37141 37142 37143 371 ~+4 371q5 37147 37148 37149 37150 37151 37152 37153 '033657 .0 33 66 8 033671 ,.L OF COURTS'SUPPORT OEP 033672 CLK DF CTS-SUP DEPToJDHN 033573 CL< OF COURTS-SUPPORT OEP -' -O'3357 ~,'"':' :-.' C'L'K'7OF' 'C'O U R T S :: S U P P O RT~-D E'P' 033575 CLK OF COURTS-SUPPORT DEP 033675 CLK OF COURTS_SUPPORT OEP COURTS-SUPPORT' OEP '-1/15/88: ":":", .i: :.'.-. OF CT~SUP.DEPT-E:DWARD · :I/15/88 . '- 1/15/88 3 1/15/88 15 ~.01 1/i5/88 z,~.oo .......... i/15/88 ............ 1115/88 I/15/88 033~77 ,-LK Or cOURTS-SUPPORT OEP 1/1~/88 033~78 CLK OF COURTS-SUPPORT OEP 1/15/88 033679 CL< OF COURTS-SUPPORT OEP 1/15/88 033581 '"CLK':"'OF COURTS-SUPPORT OEP 1/15/8.8 033682 CLK OF COURTS SUPPORT OEP 1/15/88 0345~6 TiM CON:BOY 1/15/88 61'80 185.40 ~1.20 31;00- 61.80 160-00 cOuNTS RESCUE EQUIP IN~. 1/15/88 82. 0 03540ff CRANFO~D GAaAGE DOORS OF 0~14L9 DE S~A TU~F S INDUSTRIAL 0~1605 DELRAY CONCRETE PRODUCTS o~t6~o OE~O~,L Z 06t685 DEPT OF 8US. ~EGUL~TION 1/15/88 29.90 1/15/88 282.70 1/15/88 52-00 1/15/88 159.85 1/15/88 6Z.O0 1/31/88. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE 507 C U ~ R E N T M O'N T H C H E C K S 3715~ 0~2912 DIXIE AUTO PARTS INC. 1/~5/B8 33.27 ~-'~7~55 0~6~80 DUNLOP SPORTS CORP. 1/15/88' 276.63 J7~56 0503~0 EASY PAY TIRE STORE 1/I5/88 2~872.83 ' ~7160 062755 FIRE CHIEF'S ASSO~ OF-PBC 1/~5/88 *0.00 37151 062820 FIREME~'S RELIEF & PENSIO L/15/88 37162 063600 LANAGAN-METCALF ~ ASSOC. [/I5/8~ ~72.22 063773 FLORIDA POWER E LIGHT 37167 063779 FLORIDA SERVICE ENGINEERS 37168 063787 FL3RIDA PUBLIC UTILITIES 37170 07&59S' GO~DON 6~OTHERS " ~_?~Z~___ 075~51 GREAT.DECISIONS '88-.. - I/[5/88 1~5.00 1/i5/8~ 1~823.00 1/15/88 19.10 1/15/8~ 82.50!' l/15/88 "-::-163.22~ . '. 37172 075611 GULFSTrEaM LUHBER 1/15/88 645.51 37173 075615 GULFSTREAM HEALTH PLAN 1/15/88 22,486.70 37174 08030~ HACH COMPANY- 1/15/88 167.78 ~37 f't-5-': .............. b 803i O-~: ]---3~-7~' 082710 ~ISH TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS 1/15/88 37i79 0~4552 HOL[ DA Y' 'INN 371~0 084697 HOSPICE BY 1'HE SEA 1/15/88 1/15/88 371~4 091228 IDEAL PAINT E BODY SHOP 1/15188 37185 09/.221 INGRAM 1/15/8.3 37186 09~288 IRS SE~VtCE CENTER 1/15188 30.00 350.00 Z,O00.O0 267.00 372.39 i0.00 37191 37192 37193 37194 37195 37196 37197 37198 37199 37200 ~7201 1/15/88 100.00 115595 LORRAINE KRUPOWIES 1/15/88 13.00 12gB~& LA~MEN'S E SHOOTER'S SUPP 1/15/88 275.00 122886'- LIQUID 'AG SYSTEHS~ "INCo - .... 1/15/88 .................... 130332 MAINTENANCE ENGINEERING 1/15/88 495.I5 130400 MANHATTAN TROPHIES 1/15/88 130415 MANGO TREE 1/15/88 788.33 130540 MA~INE ENGINE EQUIP. CO. 1/15/88 263.5~ I3054~ MARQUIS WHO'S WHD~ INC. I/I5/88 ~30.50 'i30~53 ~I'[LI~"~U'T~""MCGRA'D'? .............................. ~'1':~'5/8~'] ................................ 131575 MEMINDEX i/t5/88- 4.38 131~15 HERK~L GLASS SERVI~E 1/15/88 320.09 37203 132802 MILNEP, DuCUMENT PRODUCTS 1115188 Z7.90 .... 3~_0_.~..~. 13~599 MONDAY THURSDAY COMMUNITY .... ~/_1.5.~.~___ 128.~0 1/31/88 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE 15 507 C U R R E ~ T M O N T H C H E C K S 37206 136~20 MUNICIPAL POLICE 1/15/80 4~761.33,~ 37207 1~992 'ICAL 'SUPPLY CO. 1/15/88 93.90 3 11 88 37212. 160378 PALM BEACH DODGE INC. 1/I.5/88 3- 160~ 37-215 '.17 160tt~ 37218 160503 37219 1~1585 37221 161709 . 37~.~2 161,7t0 37223 162750 3722~ 1,5287Z 37225 1 62875 OF FL P,AUL,S PLUMBING, SALES [ S 1/15/88 52 0 ~I~SULAR ELECTRIC DIST. 16 ASH' PETTY. CASH'.RECREATION PI.CARD CHEMICAL CO. PITNEY BOWES INCo PITMAN PHOTO'S INC. 37Z27 166209 iPU~LIX MARKETi._~ 37228 176293 ~S. 37229 180~03 ADCLIFF 37230 180421 ~AINBOW SALES 37231 180~9~ RANGELINE FEED 1/15/89 1/15/88 15-75 3 7 t/ts/os.. SUPPLY t/1~ Z88 1/15/88 1/15/88 ~12'35 ........ 37233 3723~, 37235 3723~ 3?237 37238 37239 372~0 z 1 829( 18~+682 lBttTO1 ~ L ROSENTHAL ASSOC. INC. CINDY ROJSE .... 18 ~ 70 5 ......S-- ED'"'R OT H R3 C KT'"'=':''-=':':''''''':==~-' 19034,7 'SAFETY E~UIPMENT'CO~ OF F 191100 SCOTTY' S 372~2 19~69~ SOUTH. FLORIDA MACK TRUCKS 372~3 19~703 SOUTHERN ~ELL TELEPHONE 372~ 19~T12 S CNTY O~U~ A'~USE FOUNg-; 372~5 19~770 S~UTHLANO EQUIPMENT CORP. 37246 19~800 SPALDING 1/15/88 1/15/88 ............ i/~-5/88 1/15/88 1/t5/88 1 Z8,Zt7 365-00 ....................... 8 00' 00' 1/15/8 s 1/15/88 119.56 1/15/88 1/15/88 ..... .~,ooo,'0o 1/15/88 31.23 ~/15/8~ 45~.08 372~7 3724~ 37229 37250 37251 37252 37253 3725w 37255 195032 STATE OF FLORIDA 1115188 703.~0 195953 SY~OISTAR INC. 1/15/88 150.00 2046:93 TORCHI]'S 1/15/8~' ~1.70 2101~5 USCM DEFERRED COMP. PRO. 1/15/83 ~,695.83 I./31/88 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE ii ~507 C U R R E N T M 0 N T H C H E C K S ~mHECK 5':'--vENDOR '::~: :;::>~ DAT' ':''':::c, ::.'. TOTAL.::'AMOUNT...?~:::~:-:~:;;t'~::.~::,~:,:¥:.::':.:'"~' ::: : ":::~'~:'?[):';:??~':'::' ::::;'-,.: B7256 Z2150Z VAN WA~ERS ~ ROGERS 1/15/8~ 156.00 "- -~TZET 2~I57~ WE'IR AUTO ELECTRIC INC. 1/I5/88 72.00 ]7258 2~2500 J. WILLiaMS PUMP SERVICE .._ I/I5/88 487.50 37 3726t. 37262 37263 37254 2t, lEOZ XEROX :ORPo 1/15/88 26I.52{) ZEE MEDICAL SUPPLIES 1/15/88 55.~5 300055 PHYLLIS A. DIXON 1/15/88 115.50 a 5ooo~ -~ oS:~:::~'~'~S~77~~ ~ ':':~::<:. "::~?:?".?"~7~ ~./' ~' 8~~~ ~'~:' ~- · .. = :.,. ::~::. · ~3~. ~ ~.--::? ?~:::-.~.-¥:.-:- :::''?~ .... a 7 7 ~ o a o a .. 'c ~ r ~...-. o'~:~.~.:~ o ~ N TO ~ ~ E:~ ~'H .... ::?; :.::': Z / t S / ~ a ::. .~".:-.-.-:: '.-.., ~ Z, ~.0'::::.?~~. ;::.-:- 010285 A,T.E T. INFO. SYSTEMS 1/22/8~ 1,039,0Z 37269 OIO)ZI ABLE LAWNMOHER SALES AND 1/22/83 OIOgO~ ACTION BOLT E TOOL CD. 1/22/83 ......... 0114'0-~ ......... A D;~'~'~'CE D'T~'~'BR I C ~ TD~-~ ........... = ........... 1'/22/88 ........ = 8.59 ]727 oiazls ED~AiO 'ALLEN i/zz/ea 90,0o-. :. O1]TZO ALLEN INSURANCE AGENCY 1/22/88 ~19,00 37275 Ole05~ AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASS !/ZZ/8B 15.00  7276 0t~205 ANCHD& SCIENTIFIC INC. 1/22/8~ 762.2~ '7'2'7T' OI~'2'~'i .... CH RL. Im ANDREWS ' 1/22/88 ................................... 55-16 ",' ..... a72~8 Ol~30O CA~MEN ANNUNZIATO - 1/22/88 O1~910 APOLLO .TERMITE PEST CONTR. ..................... 1/22/88 ~O,~O']::.:~;~ . O15000 APPRAISAL E ACQUISITION C 1/2~/8~ Z~5OO. OO ~7291 015~80 GOLD N~GGET UNIFORHS INC. 1/2~/88 217.50 372'82 O157OI ASG2DN FLORIDA CO. 1/22/98 ~09.50 ..... ~ ; ........ O-i~-O'5On-~:s~iTL~'~i-~i~HZ~'D~AR'E:;=i'MC'; . -= ...... 1~22/8':~" ' O160~ .:ATTG~NEY~S.TITLE SERV INC 1/22/88 "" 37285 020091 B ~' C'~.'TU~F PRODUCTS CO. 1/22/8B . ' 37287 020205 B O ~ F 1/22/8a ~00,00 37288 020~35 BARBARA BALDWIN 1/22/B8 2~.00 aT2e9 0 20~39' r HE'" BA'~'E'~' ~ "TAY LO~""C'O. ' .................. t/2Z/8~ ....... ' ............. ~-~"Z'O"::=: ..... ~7290 OZO~O THE BA4ER E TAYLOR CO. 1/22/8B 867~6~ &72:91 020441 JOSEPH BALDx~tN 1/22/B~ 2~.00 :.. 3'729'2 .......... 02 ~5'~'0- .... B-E'A"~i E '"'EX TE R M I N ATi"N~- C O' ~ l/2Z/B'5 Z28.00 37293 0215~6 BEKINS MOVING fi STORAGE 1/22/8~ 3722~ 023~i~ BLUM5ERG COMMUNICATIONS, 1/22/88 155.56 37295 02450D .... BETTY' 50RONI ..... !/22/88 ....... T 5"~-0 O- ...... 37296 02~5~2 BOSWDRFH AERIAL SURVEY'S i/2Z/B8 Z~195.00 372Q7 02~T27 ~OY~TO~I BEACH MUNICIPAL G 1/22/88 i~5.00 _ 57298 O2~7~0 8OYNFON BEACH RET!REM2NT 1/22/85 iO,SBI.81 37299 O2~786 BDYN/DM TRAVEL AGENCY IMC 1/22/88 37~00 025591 BRCWARO ~OMMUNITY COLLEGE 1/22/88 150.O0 37301 025603 RO~ER/ BROWN ......... 1/22/88 ................. 1'5-~-0o 373:~2 026~0~ BUILDING OFFICIALS ASSN 1/22/88- 625.00 37303 0263BD BULLDO~ FENCE COMPANY 1/22/88 385.00 37395 D26~50 BUSINESS MACHINES, INC. 1/22/B8 650.20 '3 ~ub 030203 C P T IN PALM BEACH 1/22/8B 260,00 1/3I/8B CITY DF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE I'2 507 C U R R E N [ M O N T H C H E C K S ' '"" ............. ¥'::':?~:?::~: ~::~{::?:::?;:::~:~;::~::?:: ;':"" '::: :: ' ......... ' ..... '"""': ' ............. o,o**z ............. ............................ ;'""'" .............................. ' "':'t/ z, / * *' :";' "' ": "'"" ................. :"*¥'"::* ............... 37308 030558 N~CHOLAS CASSANDRA 1/22/88 375. 37]0.9 031502 fHE CENTER F]R FAN SER 1/22/8B 7,313 03; 37314. 03363 I 373].5 033 MAS A,. CLARK OF CTS-SUP.OEPT.-TROY 3 ,20 37323 3732'5- 37326 37327 37329 0 33 66~- OF CTS'S1 033657 CLK OF COURTS-i. 033608 ':CLK OF CT-SUf .......... 03:~671 033672 ~:i:.' ~EK..OF CTS-SU OF COUR 03357~, 033575 033675 033677 'CLK OF COURTS-! Cl~ OF COURT CLK OF COURTS_ OF COURTS'=SL I 033681 '332 '333 033683 )3~608 ':-'.: :' 03q. O 7 5S :p ~--~7 03q910 37338 0q0508 3'7339 041~18 ~ORT :P ~ OF COURTS-SU ~LK OF COURT'~SuPP,3RT OEP CLK OF COURTS-SUPPORT OEP ,( FRANK CORNETTA, DR. JEFF;<EY DAVIS DE BRA TURF & INDUSTRIAL .2 it; 2/8 .... t/ 1/22/88 " ii'~'~-/'~-~'-' t/2:2/88 1122/88 I )0 37342 04b~45 DUNCAN EDWARD CO~ -' -= ~ INr 0503q3 GEORGE EBBS 200.00 3 '345 0~590~ EXeCUTiVE PROGRAN 3 '347 0-50200 F L & C E P 1/22/88 37348 061507 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP. 1/22/88 373B0 063003 FISH:R SCIENTIFIC 1/22/85 ~735: ~73~ FLgalDA tab, OVATION OROUP 1t2Z/88- t 3'7~5~ 0S~779 FLORIDA SERVICE ENGINEERS 1/2~/8~ 1,061.( ~73~6 o~37~ FLOZZDA STATE UNIVERSITY l/aZ/aa 37357 0638~1 FLOWERS BY SIANA 1122/88 1/31/88. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE ,'507 C U R R E N T M 0 N T H ' C H',~E~ C K S ~,~E~ ~ ~' .' : . ~ '.':.:'::: -:.:':.~ '~" · ' :::': ..... . .:.'::: s/:. :H::.~:~,.~::..~?::'j~'::~,~:~ ~::~::.:~:- ,:- : "~.: '. · ' ' . ~ · · ,.-:. ':. - ,. ~ .:.-: :-:VEND~R · m-<:-:~;~9::?: V. FN.DO~::'~:: "'::.CHECK .:: D~TEL::.':Y..': .TOTAL. AMOUN[;~:~.-:: 37358 063867 UOP FLUID SYSTEMS 1/22/8~ ~ '~7359 06~55T FOrESTrY RESOURSES INC. 1/22/88 37360 06~697 FOXY lOgO 1/22/88 50.00 373 31 070003 G M A C 1/22/88 757.35 37365 071560 GENERAL MEDICAL 1/22/88 229.85 3736 075288 DENNIS C. GRABEEL 100o00 37358 373i 37370 37371 3737--3 3737~ 37375 37377 37378 37381 37382 37383 082799 08~551 ED~{ARD Go HILLERY';':':J~"' y'' '!- 1/22/8~ HOLIDAY INN:.:,SASAL;-PARK .- 1/22/88 ~75~,68 075603 GULFSTREAM NEWSPAPERS INC 1/12/88 ~1.6o 075618 GULFSTREAM PAINT & WALLPA 1/22/88 .............. _O~O..~.~O_.___ HA~LEY HOTEL OF ORLANDO _ 1/22/8~ 92.00 . 081556 EZELL".~ESTER i122/-88 ........... ' ':'?':.: ~:.-750 08~590 EDGAR HOWELL 1/22/88 086~20 GEORGE N. HUNT 1/22/88 08b~65 ~YATT 3RLANDO 1/22/8~ __~ ......................... 090108 'jICHA=."RETIREMENT:CORP'... 1/22/8B -:i=,.09425~ 'iii~i:i'I=NSTI'TUTE OF= POLICE.~.'.TECHN-. 1/2 09~Z88 -~--~vICE'"CENTER 1/22/88 09~291 IES LEVY PROCEEDS-EDDIE D 1/22/88 09~3~5 INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF 1/12/8~ 200°00 150.00 328.00 10.00 62o2~ 60.00 3738~ 37389 373~0 373"~ 37392- 373~3 .... 7 37395 37396 37397' 37395 37399 ¥65'2'" 10~7 6I' :'./?:OOYC E.::::': ENVIR'ONM~NT,AE~i· CONSU: .: 111535 KENNEDY JR, HIGH SCHOOL 111637 KENNEDY ~ KENNEDY 11~596 ME3ARO KOPCZYNSKi 1/22/8a 275--~00 1/22/88 115o25 1/22/83 527,.68 115595 11'56 O~Y 120GO1 120V59 120 51~9 130195 1303~Z LORRA I ~E KRU POW I ES :~:::~i.' 1/22/88 LAKE ?/ORTH FIRE EQU[PNENT 1/22/8~ LANTAN~ PEAT ~ SOIL 1/22/8~ ...... [A~SON~-'-'~D~L'E"~& ASSDC INC .......... 1/22/88 M ~ L ~OOFING 1/2Z/88 MACK FI NANCtAL:'CO~P. 3 55.00 595.00 ......... 2-' 17 1/22/83 171178 ........... OD I30V,q-O LEONARD R. MAN~ 1/22/88 350.00 13050~ MARCH EL~C[RIC CORP. 1/22/88 1,000.00 130545 RAORY'S [OOL CHEST 1/22/88 35.00 37401 37~02 37~'03 37404 3T~05 37406 13058~ MAYO CLINIC HEALTH LETTER 1/22/85 2~.00 37~07 130923 PATRICIA ANN MC CURDY 1/22/88 37q-08 130950 WILLIE RJTH MCGRADY 1/22/83 53.76 1/3i/B8 CITY 3F BOYNTON BEACH PAGE 507 C U R R E ~ T M 0 N T H C H E C K S c HEC ~ ~? :~"//V E NO0 ~;~.:~?.:::?~:? ~ :~'~ :::: 0~ ":~':~":.': TO.r~"~:~:: 37~09 13099.6 MC P~INT INSTANT PRINTING 1/22/88 37~10 131668 T~qOTH~ J. MESSLER~ P.E. [/22/88 37~11 132700 D 37 57 1354ZC IPAL POLICE 5,695 37416 1~,0391 3 lZ~0492 NELDCO 1.8 2-/; 37421 160383 P M COLLEGE 1/2 83 372~22 1602~17 ; P LM BEACH COUNTY WATER U 1/22/88 502.00 37~23 160~2~ BEACH NEWSPAPER~ INC 1/22/88 7,~13 37~2~ 151638 IV'-PE~L'~"': ................................................. -... -:~"-..-i95 37~25 151&~D P OXIDATION SYSTEHS:INC, : 2,906 37426 161705 ASH POLICE_~: ~.~:::~: .~ -.-.~ ~ 129. 37~28 16~500 ~0 POCSIK 1/; 8 8 z oo. o~ 37429 161~692 PDST~ BUCKLEY', SCHUH ~ JE 1/; 88 37~31 16~705: . P:O~E~ ::TOOL'.': lNG. .~" ::'":.::..::" .--:...":;' i, '8~ ' 37~32 16~707' PUHPS INC'~ ::~':'''~:':::':':.'::~:' ~ 165~05 P ISION SMALL ENGINE. CO 1/2 88 95.61 374B~ I65306 PRE-PAID LEGAL SERVICES I 1/22/88 6 37~B5 165~98 PROFESS IONAL ADMINI STRATD I/Z2/B8 3~70 37437 [ OT:R O N l C S -:' "::"::: '::':::": 3743'8 180496' ':~: .. RANGER CONSTRUCTION 37~-z*0 I8'~570 37~l+1 190180 3742~3 190~*~2 37446 191520 37~7 191700 374~'8 192 37N~9 19~703 37950 - 2~00 1/ZZ/8~ ~OLM/ISH 1/22788 3,267.52 SCRWTO BOARO 1/22/8~ 116 . ~ ....................... ~.-~, ................. ....~. . SANt-AIR SERVICE ' ':"' ' 1/22/88 28.00 JOSEPH SCIORTINO 1/22/88 150o00 SEAC~EST VETERIF~ARY CENTE t/22/88 518.40 SE,ELL HARDWARE CO. INC. 1/22/8~ 15~,8 SHER!F~ "DF' PALM'-S'EA'CH COO ............. 1/22/88 ............ 550~-00 ........... SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE 1/22/88 SQUTHE~N BUILDING CODE CO 1/22/88 37~51 37~52 37~53 37~55 ~T~5~ 37~57 1969~B 3?~58 201~30 37~59 201580 195983 ST, PETERSBURG ~EACH HILT 1/22/8.-~ 196015 STATE DF FLORID~ ......................................... 1/.22/88. [952[1 MARIE N. STRIPLING 1/22/88 I96~5 MARIA R. SUEIRO I96~II SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMEN 1/22/8~ 2~.00 , 1~255o0~ 23.~0 I29.00 TAYLOR MAOE GOLF COMPANY 1/22/88 118o08 TENNIS SUPPLY 1/22/88 55.19 1~31/88- CITY DF BDYNTON BEACH PAGE 15 ~507 C U R :I r- N T M O N T H C H E C K S ECK ,. VENDOR ,. .. V_NDu~ .~AME <:..- .' '.: ..:::.::/; ..~v ~...:.-.CHECK .DATE:. 201750 TEUTDNIX [NC 1/22/83 371. b2 37~63 ' 37464 374.65 37466 37467 374~9 37~70 3 37473 37q-Tq. 37~.75 37476 3T~77 37~78 37~79 374~30 37'431 "- 37'~ .... 37~ 37~8~ 3 ~"~ 7-- 37q88 37~89 37~91 37~92 37~93 37495 37~96 37~97 37~9~ 37~99 37580 3750~ ~. 37502 37503 3750~ 20~68D TORCqI3'S 2055&~* TRAVEL M~RT INC. 2101 2'101 216398 216~10 UNITED WAY OF PALM BCHo 2161,15 UNIVERSAL BEACH SERVICE 216~2 UMIVERSITY OF GEORGIA 21644~:~AN":DESIGN STUDI 230511 LESTER WARD ::'.:';~'..'. '231600 .:~-':i~H~M.~S'E, ~ENGLER'7:!'i.fJi:.':' 16-18 - ' 1/22/88 41.70 1/22/88 270.00 1/22/88 I~390.36 1/22/88 510.00 1/23/88 335°00 231769 WEST PALM BEACH CELLULAR 1/22/88 231780 WESTERN AUTO STORE 1/22/88 232809 WILSON S~ORTING GOODS 1/22/88 241595 261529 ZEE MEDICAL SUPPLIES 270005 REFUSE ANDREWS 3o-6'0'02 ....... 'E:;-~ 6 ~-~q~-~""-~;Su-~ L~,' ~ ........ 300031 WILL[ AM DUNKLEMANN 3000~ SAMUEL DI LLI NGHAM 3000~6 ......... ~0~ ~AVIS ................ 300050 BILL DE 300059 KAqEN OWYER 3~096~ WAYNE MERRICK 1/22/8~ 3~0075 MICHAEL HAAG 350007 JACK INGRAM 1/22/88 ........ o~'L XEROX~ ~ ............................................................... : 163.15 89.95 70.56 z/zz/8a z~6.oo ~/aa/sa 200.00 1/2~/a~ 63.00 1/za/o~ zoo,oo 1/22/88 ' 150.00 1/22/8~ ': 38.82 173.40 200.00 3a0020 ' 'DON'.JOHNSON ___aPOPz 0.__ _~_U..q_~_~::'.=_'.._._V_- __.._L_p__S~ .......................... ~Z._Z~_/.~.~ .......... 'L- _ ...... L~_,_S_P'.:_ __ 3900,39 RAFFAELE ~ARCHESE 1/22/8B 360.00 39009~ OLIVIA MC LEAN 1/22/8/3 337.,g8 390103 FRANKIE HC LEOD 1/22/S,.3 23,5.31 410013 RICHARD OLBRYCH 1/22/83 200.00 420013 CHARLES PERS iNO 1/22183 200.00 ~oooo ~v~'~ ouz ~,~ ~/~2/~ ~o.oo '~oos3 "o~,s~ ~OLL~,S ............ ~/~2/~s ........... ZOO.'O0 ....... ~SO0~O ~S.~L SOUT.~ ~/~z/sa zoo.oD ~6002k TE.~,STERS LOCAL UNION NO. 1/22/88 990.69 ~00~ ANN TO'4E~ ~/ZZ/8a ~00,00 51000~ DEE L. ZiBELLZ 1/22/88 350.00 530323 JOHN D. ABBATE 1/22/88 37505 53032~ DR. EVELYN ABRAHAMS ....... 1/22/88 ............. 3~53~ 5kglgg BOYNTON LAKES l/aZ/Sa' 37507 5~0771 5RENSHELL DEV. CORP. 1/22/88 37509 5~09~1 CYaIL BEEK 1/22/8~ 37510 5~09~2 L. PAUL BECK 1/22/88 26.82 1/31/88 CITY ']F BDYNTON BEACH PAGE ~507 C U R R E N T M O'N T H C H E C K S 37511 5409¢3 ROBERT BECKER 1/22/88 3~512 5509~6 H~NR~ BEIDE~BECKE 1/22/88 540950 R ALOE. BURK BALTER 3 3' 37520 25 3 5'Z6 375Z7 3 3 37 3' -3' 37~ 3i 37'. ? 55037~3 550~51 MEADGNS 1/; 33,75 5507~5 U8 MEADOWS III 1/22/88: 209.50 55076q- TY FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK 1/22/8B 15.61 .............. 55077t 550772 '--~:. ~ES CAS.SEUS : ": .... '-:';;" 55077~ 550775 SAL ~R~Z ~/~2/83 25.35 550776 DONALD L. CURREN, JR. 1/22/88 32.32 ........ T: -5 60'5'2 Z T?'~'1 'C H ~, R O: ~ ~'~ G R E S .... :-::'?i:']i':" .:.. :~ ~ i t'?2 Z/'8'81]'-']=' ~ ~'~:~=':.~: ' 560527 }".:]":~' TEW~RT. DAV IS :' ' ........... ...... " ........ '- - 560530 JAKE DOYLE 1/22/88 I6.75 56053I WILLIAM DUGGER 1/22/88 ZS.IZ 539 3 570 ELLIS ..... 3 570339 .~iE E: ELMORE IV 1/22/85 4~ 97 375t, Z 5703~0 _L[AMS R. EPPS [/ZZ/SB ~3.00 ~3 5703~i JOSEPH EVANS 1/22/88 29.8~ .... ~5~4 .......... 530189 "E.?}~"C'~' 'I'~C'~:5';"='~:-""~ ........... :'T'='~;~~ ................ : ..................... 1/Z'2/BB:=T: ........................ 17~'~2'5 ~]X-- ~5~5 58023~ ":FAIRMO~'~T"P'LAcE" ::.-'::~}~.~ ' 1/22/88' : ' ""' 26I.I 5 '.:'~, 375t*6 580t, 0~ .' JOSEPH ~A.8I, ~ 0 1/22/8:3 ..... 375'~- 7' ..........5-80 ~0:-5-- ~'I~-S='- -~"]'[-~-;~-'~F.~ L[-S 375~8 5~0~06 DA~ ~AY 375~9 580607 ERNEST FEHR 37550 580qOB ...... [15i A*' DEISTEL .......................  7551 580~0g F. FISCHER 7552 580~1~ KENAN E OLEY' B7553 580~II WISLER FRANCOIS 1/22/85 -1/22/88 15.00 1/22/88 ~5.50 1/22/88 10.50 1/ZZ/8S ................... 50,00 1/22/88 3.00 1/22/88 10.50 60.92 375 52, 37555 37555 37557 37558 37559 37560 37551 =- 80~i,TM AN.IETTE FYFIELD 1/Z2/88 1.00 5B0~13 FLORID~ SUPERMARKET 1/22/88 17.67 .......... 59 o 531 ........ ~'~T H U R'--'GO R'DO N ...................................................... ~-/z z-/8'~ .......................... 23-,-'f-b ...... 5935Sz, AL.ICIA GALAN 1/22/83' 50.00 ?* 590535 JACK GAYEGIAN 1/22/8~ 1.75 .......... 5-9053t~ ...... ~."I-~O-E ............................................................................ N GAYLE I/~Z)~SS .......................... 10.57 590537 GDS =O~iSTRUCTION 1/22/85 64.. 95 590538 RONALD GERACI 1/22/88 7.20 1/31/88. CITY DF BDYNTON BEACH PAGE 17 507 C U R ~ E N T H 0 N T H C H E~'C K S - CK ... V~NDO~.~.:.~,.:~.... ..... VENDO...~:::.:~:~A~ - .. :..:-.:::,~.::¥.r,-: ..'-. CHECK DATE:~. TOTAL 37562 590539 JOSEPH G[ONT[ [/Z~/8,~ ~6.[[ .... '~ ~756~ 5905~0 C~NDY GOOF~EY 1/22/88 ~755~ 5905~1 PAUL GOODMAN .... 1/22/88 31 - ' 5 375 37568 600575 'JOHN M. HALL 20o00 37569 600575 RAY Jo HAMMELL 1/22/88 I5.00 37570 600577 J EFF;I.E¥ HARPER 1/22/88 37575 37576 37~'77 37576 37579 ~7581 37582 37583 600581 SAMUEL HELLER t/-J2/sa 45°50 000582 DANIEL HOFEIT t/zz/8a 35.3~ 600583 LE3NAR9 HOLLANDER 1/22/88 50.00 600585 PHYLLIS: ~. HORNER 1/22/88 6oo585 GO~DON ~AZRISO~ Z/ZZ/~a 620~60 DONALD JOSEPH 1/22/88 620265 JOHNSON-DAVIS'~ INC. 1/22/88 34°50 623269 KENNETa E. JAYSON..,: . - '. 1/22/88 ,37585 620270 RONALO JEGLIE 1/22/88 37587 630~I2 ALFREO KAROFSKY 1/22/88 30.00 ~7588 630~13 JO~N W. X[OO I/ZZ/8~ ZZ.?O 37591 6~0'383 LA~ES DF'TARA " "' "'?' ' 37593 6~0~53 L [ ~ CONSTRUCTION 1/22/85 51.05 3759~ 6~0~5~ EVA ~o LAING 1/22/88 37595 ~%0%56 ~ON. LEH~OECK 1/22/88 51o93: 37597 640~57 ARTH~R'.I. LENOWITZ 1/Z2/8& 50.00 375Q8 ...... 6~0'~5'~ ..... NO'k-'~ER[ LESSARD '1/2-2785 I~oO0 37599 840~59 FR4NK LIPU~A 1/22/8B 45°50 37600 6~0~60 CINDY LOTRICH 1/22/88 15o34 37801 650007 ' MILNDR CORP. ' ...................... 1/22/85 ............ 37602 ' 650678 M.Go~o 8gILDERS 1/22/88 5°65 3760~_. 650715 ME~RILL LYNCH REALTY ....... I/~Z~8~ ....... 69.00 3750~ 650996 FH']MA S MAKELA 1/22/83 21o35 37005 651012 DANIEL L. MACK, JR. 1/22/88 18.65 S7606 6510!3 JEROME M~NN 1/22/88 3~o00 37607 65k0i~ RO~ER'T'-"~ARCHETTE .................................. 1/'2'2/8'8 ............ 37008 651015 VI~T3RIA L. MARTIN 1/22788' ~3.00 37609 6'51015 ~4C DEVITT & STREET 1/22/88 95.50 1/zz/sa zz.3z 37611 851018 CATHERINE MERCHANT 1/22/88 12.74 37612 651019 RAYMDND MIEHEL 1/22/8~ -:.... :--. !:., :: 1/31/88 CITY 3F BOYNTON BEACH PAGE · .a ',507 C U R R E ~ T M 0' N T H C H E C K S C H.C K ~ · V E ND:OR.: * VE ~DO~;.'~,~ A ~.E' :. --'-:' :,.':.,.:... :.: ::??~;;.>::':;:: '::.:?:.-'* ..::: .:.'::;.C HcC~ :DA T~:':.. *::/TOTA [:'. 3'~'I3 65i0~ BA~~' MC" GIRTH ................ ' :'"'"""l/2Z/88'" ............ ': ';"':::' .................. .at,ag 375I~ 6~0162 ANTHBNY NARGI 1/22/88 37815 660163 BORO~US NORZIL 1/Z2/8g 37 b [ 6 - ,".-:-', "?-:.-6701 ~ 2 :",¥:':'HA~'Y":':" 9 'DO NN E~ ~'¥*":::::':'::~:::~-~ .............. ':";:'" .......... ?<'?::'" ............. ~;:"::':' I~'2 7 88 ':::~:; ':~':'::~:?":: ~::'~:':'~:~::':':::~' ......... ~:':"~:'~:~ .... '?~::~ 7 ::::';';;; ....... :;~" ...... '":"~ ' ': ';~; ........... ~'? ..................... ;&;;; .... -.::LL: ~: ;J~ ....... L.: ,: .................. :::~:L;:;:..,: .......................... - ........... ?.¢-~ '~ ~TSt9 ;'" ..... :'6'701~5 "' ;'O~TX~D'SF P~L~ 'Sd'R 'I'NC'L ........... z~22/88 ............................... 595,50/ ....... ~76Z0 6701~S JO A~N OSTEEN t/ZZ/S8 ,oso P LAZZO 0 37.,524 6~ £ILLA PETTWAY 1 37.625 680513 Al EY Io PHELPS 1/22/83 37526 680514 EARL PHILLIPS 1/22/88 37627 ......... ~05/5 ....... :'~'E'~ GE-' 'P .'-' P'~ Z Z t .............. ='= ....................... 1/22/88 37628 680516 ~0~ PARKER : 1/ZZ/88 37529 700083 Tg DEV, OF FLA, RI CIUTI CO~HSTRUCTI~N 37631 37632 37633 37634 3 ? 6-~J~O ...... 7003'g5 7005~,2 7005~+3 700545 -700545 37m37 7005~8 37~38 7005%9 3 7539 ....... - 37640 ' 71079~- 375~1 710834 3764Z 7110~9 375A.3 711077 376~4 7 11078 .... 3~645 .... 7'11079 376~o 711089 37647 7 11081 376~8 ..... 7'llOBZ 376~9 7110:53 37550 71108+ 37~51 711985 37o52 711085 37653 7110~7 3765~ 7110~3 37~55 7110~9 37556 7110~0 37557 711091 37658 711092 37659 711093 37661 37b~2 7203~9 R.DoB. I~VESTMENTS I CONCRETE INC. ~.ARL No ROBERTS ROBIN'S TRAVEL JAMES ~OLLYSON E~T SUBURBAN MFD,HOME' SALES.. RA~OALL SZSZ MILDqE~ L, SELVER~ ESTATE ~GBERT SEMPELL SA'EVA 52 R H, '- S E NTHAMAT RICHARD SHERER 1/22/ 1/22/88 1/22/88 1/2218'8- 1/2Z/88 -. 1/22/88 .i.:-: 1/22/88 1/22/88 30,00 ~3o00 z,~,,. 60 11-00 22. 1'/22/88 112-2-/,88 z/zz/~ 15.oo 1/22/88 5.75 '1/22 / 88 ..................... 7 ............ 35'-; l/ZZ/8~' . lO, ALAN SI LVERBERG 1/22/8,3 27:.z CY~tTH !4 S[ NNDTT 1/22/83 12.70 RO~qALD E. SMITH 1/22/88 '3OMN S~ELL ........... 1/22/88 IR~ i~'3 SOMERSTEIN 1/22/83 58.88 JO,.. STANLEY 1/22/88 41.75 HELEN M. STEARNS 1/22/88 EGN I~i STEIN 1/22/88 20.50 KENNETH STEPHENS 1/22/88 3.00 "LAMA E'iC E STRANGE ........................... ~-X22/88 ....................... FRED L. STRAUSS l/2z/aa' 25.50 MARTHA L, STERLING 1/22/88 22.20 THE BABCOCK COMPANY 1/22/88 66.50 o~eoa~ TAYLOR ~/Z~/Sa lf31/.~8- CITY OF BDYNTON BEACH PAGE 19 507 C U R R E .~t T M O N T H C H E C K S 37653 720350 JOE TOM6ERG 1/22/88 5~.~0-' 3766~ 720351 EDGAR03 TORRES 1/22/88 35.50 ~7565 720352 DORIAN 72,01%5 J ~K VANOERHEYM 1/22/88 59.58 37670 753~70 RUTH ~ALLACE 1/22/88 25.50 37671 750~71 INGEBDRG WALLENNE IN 1/22/88 Zz~. 15 750'%73 750~75 AN'~Y WILLIAMS 1/22/8:~ 26.82 37676 750z*76 ANGELA WILLIAMS 1/22/88 ~8.10 37677 770060 JAMES L. YAEGER l/Z2/8a 37679 780055 JOSEPH ZEGER~ DOS - 1/Z~/88 55=50' ']." 37680 790000 CITY OF BOYNION BEACH 1/22/88 3~7~8~ 0101%9 ~-I INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY INC i7Z'9/89 ~7582 010199 A.A. ELECT%IC CO. 1/29/88 010~00 ~CME PLASTICS 1/29/8B 287.00 '~'"'3768~ OI~08Z AMERICAN STATES.INSURANCE. 1/29/88 01~150 aMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSO 1/29/8~ 278 37687 01~2~1 CHARLIE ANDREWS 1/29/88 70, 57688 01,)00 CAP, MEN ANNUNZI ATO 1/.29/B5 367.52 015502 ARNO JR RESEARCH COMPANY 1/29/8~ 189,50 020091 B S C 'TU~F PRODUCTS CO.' 1/2~/8~ -2~-~' 3769~ 020~36 BA~E~ ~ TAYLOR COMPANY 1/29/88 85.65 37695 020~39 THE 6A~E~ [ TAYLOR C0. 1/2q/88 376~8 0Z0~78 FRED ~SS~ SAND DIRECTOR ~/Z9/88 37700 02170~ BETHESDA MEMORIAL HOSP. 1/29/85 137.51 3770[ 021718 BETTER ~'" '- ' ~ -UaINESS rORMa~ IN 1/29/8~ 335.80 57702' OZZBZ9 ..... BI RKENS'HAW'' ~'E'C HA*.i i C AL' 'A/C ............ 1/29/88 37705 02380~ ~LUE C~OS5 OF FLORIDA 1/29/~3 79,237.11 3770~ OZ~590 THOM.AS 83UREGY [ CO, 1/Z~/88 3~705 02~722 BOYNFO~ BEACH LITTLE LEAG I/2g/8.~ Z~800,O0 37707 02~723 80YNTD'~ BEACH CHILD CARE 1/29/88 5,625.00 ~7708 02~730 ' 60YNTO'% ' BEAC'~' R~Ti'~EM~'T .................. i-X2'g/Ba .................. 9 37709 024773 BOYNTO~ MEDICAL OXYGEN 1/29/8a' 87.00 377.1~_ 02~780 50YNTON PUHP ~ SUPPLY 1/29/88 632.27 37711 02~T87 BOYNTO~.~ tRAVEL AGENCY 1/29/88 696.00 37712 025580 BRSO~RT ~ INC. 1/29/8~ 21~.88 377l~ 025610 STEV~ 5RJNNER 1/29/88 1/31/88 CITY 3F BOYNTON BEACH PAGE 20 , ~, 507 C LI R R E N 1' M O N T H C H E C K S ~ 3?TI& 026395 BUREAU DF FIRE STANDAROS 1/29/88 60'00 3T715 030183 CCC. CON[RDL CORP. 1/29/88 I8 37716 030185 C. S LOCKSHOP, INCJ 1/29/88 3 21 032399 MANHATTAN SVS. CORP 1/29/88 1,737.5! -~ ...... W MEDIA Z~ 3i 7 3i 37733 03365 9 033650 03366% 033668 033671 033572 033673 ]F URTS-SUPPORT OEP ( OF COURTS-SUPPORT OEP 1/29/88 ', ,OF CTS-SUP.DEP~-JAMES OF'COURTS=SUPPoRT"' DEP?: ........ ~=-"" /8'8 ...................... CLK DF CT-SUP.DEPT OF COU~TS- (T .~ DF CTS-SUP DEPT-JDHN /88 CL~ OF CDURTS-SUPPORT DEP 1/29/85 27. 68-( 158' Z6.00 3773~ 736 37 03367G CLK O~ COURTS-SUPPOR, D~P 1/29/88 31 3i'742 3 ~-3 033675 033677 033678 39 033~79 ?__~.9. .............. _033~8i '7~+I -'03: 033683 CL~ DF CL~OF CLK OF CL~ OF OF COURTS_SUPPORT OEP;: COURTS-S~ DRT DEP ,., COURTS-SUPPORT OEP COURTS-SUPPORT OEP COURTS-SUPPORT OEP V M.'COFFI_~!LESQUIRE 3774~ 37745 37746 3~7~7 3~7~9 37750 03~599 03~890 0~0307 COMMERCE CLEARING HOUSE COOKS 600K COMPANY O & S PUSLISHERS~ INC. 1/29/8~ 1/29/88 1/2,9/8a 6] 1 ~.1.20 31-00 1/29/88 1/29/88 25.50 0'z+0,%'00--" g~T A-'D i'F~ E'C-T iON $-: ==:T?!':i::.T: '--'~-'-]'?:':]T?:~:-::.:'":'" i /Z 9/88 .... : ..... 0~1421 gECISION DATA sERv'IcE INC'?' :' I129/88 ' 162*00 37751 37752 37753 37754 37755 37756 37757 37758 37759 37760 3776I 37752 37763 37764 04148~ 041610 0~L63~" 0~I703 0~28~7" 0~287D 0~6%53 050301 054~00 0601L5 060119 DEER~IELD 8CH FIRE RESCUE 1/29/8B 150.00 DELRAY ELECTRIC SUPPLY 1/29/88 10~.15 OE'LTA ~USI~ESS SYSTEMS "IN .......... 1/29/8~ .... iO0~O0 DESC3 HYORAULICS COo 1/29/88 19o99 OICKSON COMPANY 1/29/88 LEONDRA D[ STEFANO 1/29/88 27.00 JOHN B. DUNKLE-CLERK OF T 1/29/88 172.90 EAST LAKE MIDDLE ~.HOOL B I'/29/88 200.00 EMERGENCY MEDICAL ~ SAFET 1/29/8~' 19o50 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES OF 1/29/~3 3~5o00 FA[RCHILD-.LONELL CORPo 1/29/88 351.00 TROY FAIN INSURANCE INC 1/29/B8 38.50 1/3t~/~8 CITY IF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE 21 ~507 C U R .~ E N T M O'N T H C.H.~E C K S 37765 061507 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP, 1/29/88 38,00 ~-'".377~6 06276~ FI:~A'~CIAL VIOEO RESOURCES ~3775'7 062780 FI~DLE~ WELDING SUPPLY 1/29/88 I23,50 063780 063?90 37775 37776 1/Z9/88 119,50 1/Z9/88 Zl'5,00 -~ 1/29/88 83,~97,38 DIESEL TRUCK [ IN SERV.ICE ENGINEERS FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT CD- -FL KY. LE FORBES GAY:LORD ~ROTHERS GENERAL RENTAL CENTER THE GLIDDEN £OMPAt~Y 0.70410 1/29/88 1,039.50 377718 '071558 1/29/85 50'00 37779 073584 1/Z9/88 ~8.80 i 37780 0 7~53~. GOLD COAST"CHEMICAL ................ 1/2-x/85 364o00 -: . 37781I 074547 GOLDF..OA ST TENTS .. 1/29/88 1~66'00~ 37782 07~561 GDLFWEEK~ INC. 1/29/88 525,00 075~10 MILTON G~ANVI LLE 1/29/85 75.00 075~50 GRAYBAA ELECTRIC CO. INC= 1/29/8,~ 5~.7Z 37787 07553~ WILLIAM GULBAANDSEN 1/29/88 37788 080305 G.K. HALL g CD= 1/29/85 37790 080310 HALSEY g GAIFFITH INC. 1/2g/88 I35.0~ o8o~5~ AL[CE HAZSTO~ Z/Zg/S~ ZT.00 377g:5 09~20g INDIJST~IAL,NELDING INC. 1/29/83 520.00 37797 09~288 IRS S~]VICE CENTER 1/29/8~ ]7799' 09~295 INTL ASSDC OF ELECTRICAL I/Z9788 ]7800 09~]09 INTERNATIONAL GOLF INC. 1/29/88 783'00 378~Z 100310 JACK*S CANERA CENTER 1/29/8:~ 417.18 378~3 110291 ~NOREW K.~L IN 1/2g/85 30,00 37~]~ lIO~O3 JEAN K~R~ [ C~. 375]~'5 llO~SO KA~STE~ MFG= CORP. 1/29/8~ 37836 111637 KENNEDY ~ KENNEDY 1/29/88 82,00 378~7 I[I55[ ' K'EYE P~ODUCTIVITY CENTER 378)8 1[3507 JEAN ~LEPPER I/Zg/88 27,00 37839 11~2Z5 J~ANN~ KNOLL I/Z9/88 37~[0 115595 [O~RA[ ~E ~RUPDW[~S 378[I 120~2~ LANCE, I~C. 1/2g/8~' 84.60 378~.2_ I205 8 LAWYERS COCPERATIV_ PU~LI 378[~ IZl~SZ LESCO 1/29/~9 316.50 ~78 IZIT~O SALLY LE~[S ~/29/88 ~ [/3[/88 CITY DF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE ZZ ~507 C U R .~ E ~ 1' M O N T H C H E C K S ' ' ~-- 37816 [30513 MARKET G~IDE I/~9/B8 210'~00 ~ 37817 130549 MA2T[N'S LAMAR 1/29/83 67.80-- ~ 3781~ I30950 WILLIE gUTH MCGRADY 1/29/88 37823 37824 l~O~?~ SAFETY COUNCIL i/2:g/~8 Z9 1~0~9Z, L WELDCO 1/~9/88 237.51 1~0~95 .NATiIO.~AL YOUTH 'SPORTS CO 1/29/88 Z~O.O0 378'~3 Z~5~O :.='~U~I ELEC[RO~IC SUPPLY 57~35 156~01 , 3UTIN~ CENTER iNC 1/'29/5~ 25.00 a~8)6 160105 P ~ W TAPPING 1/29/88 378B8 150~07 : PALM BEACH HYDRAULICS 1129/88 76 37839 1~0~15 -.' PALM BEACH LINCOLN MERCUR 1/29/B8 161563 PERS~NN_L JOUR~AL 1/29/88 ~-~-~'~ ~ 378¢1 lb[723 PETTY CASH WATER C SE~ER 1/29/~8 37~2 162750 PICA~D CHE~!ICAL CO. 1/29/83 ~28.55 378~9 ...... [8279[ "':R['~G B~Ogg,' INC. .................. 112918~ ............. 0[~;58 ...... s7ss[ [ ts[s SE C . ST PH ,ACY [/Z /eS ZO.OO 3:7852 L91579 SECURITY SYSTEM. S 1/29/88 37B53 I 92~03 TH~>tA S SHEMW[C~ L/29/8~ TZ.I2 37~54 19279;3 CAROLYN S[~4S I/~g/8~ ZO.O0 37855 19391D ....... R'iC HARD S~qlDD ............ 1/29/88 ............... 78.00 .... 37856 1939!~ SM[TH ~RD'THERS FILM DROP 1/29/8~ 122.00 37557 19~30~ SNOW CONCRETE CORP'. 1/29/88 425.00 37858 [94593 S~UT. T'~'C-H'NJCAL ~'66CATION ............ 1/29/8~ ........................... 39.70 37850 ...... 19~703 S3UT:-iERN BELL TEL.~?~NE ............. 1/29/88 .................................. 37a63 19~713 SOUTdE~STE~N MUNICIPAL SU 1/2'~/88' 725.0o ~7804 I947~5 '-'SOUTH :LORIDA TURF PRODUC " 1/29/68 ...... 37~65 19~776 SPACE E~VI~O~MENTS~ [N~. [/2g/83 37686 19~.~I[ SPEEDY S~FETY SUPPLY I~C. I/2~/8~ I18.25 CHECK' N 37867 37868 3?870 CITY DF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE 23 CU :~ ~ E N T MONTH C H E C KS "~: . ':.:"-~.. -.-'~ ~ '~ ~:" ' ." ...': '.::-::::?-:::-::-'.'~:': :::::::::::::::::::::: ~.~':::::~:: ...... ~- ' ·, '- · "'':": :' : ~: ::.:-. .-:- ' ' '. --..-': ....... -' ENOOR ~ ': ".. V:N~O~..:.:NA~E.:::.:;:;:~.~:??;:L:.;.:-::, :::-;~'L?~??:~?:-:~::~:~;:;?-":':: CHECK:-DATE: ........ TOTAl:. 196020 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPT. 1/29/88 32.60 ~96~90 EDITH STORRI E 1/29/88 L 96392 W~LLIAM SULLIVAN 1/29/88 23.00 37873 221516 3787~ ZZ1711 37875 230~51 37877 ~" 37878 '" 37879 2317~- 37880 231771 37881 23178~ GAY VELTO 1/29/88 VINCE'S COTTAGE GARDENS 1/29/8.3 125.00 .,z WALLACE 5 TIERNAN 1/29/88 wE x Z"-'AUrO::::::EL ECT~ X C.::?X'.~C;:.: '::- :'-:. ~:: :'.'X/Z.g/.~,~ ~:.~:: WESTLA~E HOUSE WEST PUBLISHING CO. WESTERN AUTO STORE 37883 23~663 WODD BUSINESS PRODUCTS 3788~ 23~666 WODDBUAY CHEMICAL C'O.' · 37885 2~/595 XEROX CORP. 37886 261520 ZEE MEDICAL SUPPLIES 37887 266310 ZUCC&LA' S '~37890 29006[ RO~ERT E. g'O~K SR. 3789~ 3~007~ HENRY ~AAVEY 37~93 39009~ OLIVIA MC LEAN 37896 ':'-790305":':.'=':""'CITY ~:OF BOY'N~ON:.: BEACH'.. 1/29/8S 1/29/8S 1/29/88 1'/Z'9~88 1/29/88 1t29/88 207.90 38,50 L~OOT. gb 1/29/83 /~327o93 1/29/88 80.90 1/29/88 40o0~ ~7'~'g/-i~S-"-'~' :" :': :-: :?.':' :"-'?!=::."?'~ ~§'*0 0'. ~:.:::::?:-:';:: ~= ~ Z z 9 / a ~' .~ ..';: .' :;;.' ":::.-:"- z 5 6; 9~.:-'.-.-~;~::~; ~: :.~ 1/29/88 5~271.Z0 1/29/88 3~556.97 1/29/88 38°00 · :..':-: 1'/2~-78 ~'.:.~i::i.~. AGENDA February 16, 1988 BRUNO AUTO BODY & PAINTING Repair of Police Vehicle #305 - Accident 12/16. Pay from Vehicle Service Fund---501-193-519-40-49 1,240.31 CLUB CAR January, 1988 Lease of 30 Carts. Pay from Golf Course Fund---411-727-572-40-33 " 411-727-572-40-99 2,218.50 COVEY'S RADIATOR SERVICE Repair Radiator at Lift Station #359 with "T" Type Core. Includes New Hoses, Clamps, and Anti-Freeze. Pay from Water/Sewer Revenue Fund---401-352-535-40-33 3,923.00 DAVIS WATER & WASTE INDUSTRIES, INC. Odophus Liquid No. 1. Pay from Water/Sewer Revenue Fund---401-352-535-30-65 16,380.00 EQUIPMENT SALES 1Heliarc Welding Unit. Pay from Water/Sewer Revenue Fund---401-396-539-60-42 4,320.00 ERNST & WHINNEY Professional Services Rendered through 12/31/87 in Connection with Annual Audit. Pay from General Fund---001-131-513-40-66 Pay from Water/Sewer Revenue Fund---401-393-539-40-66 8,500.00 FLORIDA SEALING PRODUCTS, INC. 2 Chesterton Split Seals for High Service Pump #2. Pay from Water/Sewer Revenue Fund---401-332-533-30-45 1,805.40 GENERAL TIRE SERVICE General Tire Services and Repairs. Pay from Vehicle Service Fund---501-193-519-30-22 6,179.87 GERAGHTY & MILLER, INC. Professional Services - 11/29/87 thru 12/26/87. Pay from 1985 Construction Fund---409-000-169-01-00 1,799.99 10. GERAGHTY & MILLER, INC. Eastern Wellfields Improvements for 11/29/87 12/26/87. Pay from Utility General Fund---403-000-169-01-00 1,028.84 JAMES K. GREEN, ESQUIRE Tradewinds - 10/25/87 thru 12/23/87. Pay from General Fund---001-000-247-1t-00 2,286.74 COMMISSION FEB.16 1888 APPROVAL 12. 13. 13. 14. 2 I. 21. HECTOR TURF, INC. 2 Club Car Carry Ail-II. Pay from Golf Course Fund---411-726-572-60-SH 8,590.00 BEN HOGAN COMPANY Supplies for the Golf Course. Pay from Golf Course Fund---411-000-142-01-00 1,177.10 IBM Various Computer Equipment for the Building Dept. and Data Processing. Pay from General Fund---001-241-524-60-7B " 001-133-513-60-7B 10,074.00 KARSTEN MANUFACTURING Supplies for the Golf Course. Pay from Golf Course Fund---411-000-142-01-00 2,527.14 LANZO CONSTRUCTION COMPANY North Seacrest Blvd. Project. Pay from Utility General Fund---403-000-169-11-00 24,668.81 MARCH ELECTRIC CORP. Electrical Work to Hook up Trailer and Rewire Tennis Court Lighting. Pay from Building Improvement Fund---304-194-519-60-4w 1,145.00 MILLER & MEIER & ASSOCIATES Architectural Services - Interior Design (Tasks 4 & 5) Pay from Building Improvement Fund---304-195-519-40-6u 3,276.00 MILLER & MEIER & ASSOCIATES Architectural Services Construction Document Portion of Fee. Pay from Building Improvement Fund---304-194-519-60-4E " 304-211-521-60-4M " 304-221-522-60-4G 7,599.54 MORGAN, LEWIS, & BOCKIUS Legal Services for month of December. Pay from General Fund---001-141-514-40-6N 1,835.13 MOTOROLA, INC. Maintenance Agreement for Microwave System (08/01/87 to 12/31/87) and Radio Contract (10/15/87 to 01/14/88) per Service Contract. Pay from General Fund---001-197-519-40-33 14,884.75 MOTOROLA, INC. 13,302.23 Maintenance Agreement for Microwave System (01/01/88 to 01/31/88) and Radio Contract (01/15/88 to 04/14/88)Pe~%~=%mm" ~"~---ON~;U~MI~SI Service Contract. Pay from General Fund---001-197-519-40-33 APPROVAL 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 2~. 3). T i NALCO CHEMICAL COMPANY 4 Drums of Nalco #7768 Polymer for Water Trmt. Plant. Pay from Water/Sewer Revenue Fund---401-332-533-30-65 PALM BEACH NEWSPAPER Ads for December and January - Maintenance, Utility Director, and Shift Clerk. Pay from General Fund---001-135-513-40-6A Secretary, Asst. PIFER, INC. Repair Engine of Cushman Truckster #15. Pay from Golf Course Fund---411-726-572-40-33 SEPPALA & AHO of FLORIDA, INC. Phase II Boynton Beach Municipal Complex - Payment Request #5. Pay from Various Depts. through Building Improv. Fund. SMITH OBST. ASSOCIATES A.I.A., INC. Architectural Services - Design Development Phase & Constr. Document Phase. Pay from Utility Service Tax Fund---302-642-564-60-8G SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT & DISPOSAL User Charges for the month of January, 1988. Pay from Water/Sewer Revenue Fund---401-353-535-40-gI SYNDICON PROPERTIES, INC. Pineland Plaza Rent Plus Pass through Charge for March, Pay from Building Improvement Fund---304-194-519-60-4W 1988. SOUTHEAST CATTLE COMPANY Swale Construction Contract - Final Payment Pay from Local Option Gas Tax Fund---104-411-541-60-3P DIVERSIFIED DRILLING CORPORATION Periodic Estimate #10 - Test/Production Well Program. Pay from 1985 Construction Fund---409-000-169-01-00 $ 2,365.00 1,583.49 1,383.00 133,807.50 23,481.25 121,591.64 7,956.25 60,598.65 20,790.00 bills described have been approved and verified by the department heads ~volved, checked and approved for payment. Gr~rector I therefore recommend payment of these bills. F£~ L'~ a 1988 APPROVAL Pet ey, ~ity Manager