ON THURSDAY, 3ULY 1S, 2004, AT 6:30 P.M.
.leanne Heavilin, Chair
Henderson Tillman, Vice Chair
.lames Barretta
Alexander DelVlarco (arrv'd. 7:35 p.m.)
Don Fenton
Marie Horenburger
Steve Myott
Doug Hutchinson, CRA Director
Quintus Greene, Development
Nike Rumpf, Planning & Zoning
Lindsay Payne, Board Attorney
T. Call to Order
Chair Heavilin called the continuation of the regular meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
VII. Director's Report
Mr. Hutchinson, CRA Director, offered to answer questions about the Director's Report.
Mr. Hutchinson commented that the CRA staff was working on the agenda packet
quality and had initiated some methods that would assist the reader. He solicited
comments from the Board.
Ms. Vielhauer and Mr. Hutchinson were at the Metropolitan Planning Organization
(MPO) meeting on the day of this meeting in West Palm Beach along with the County.
He was happy to say that the CRA had been awarded a $360K grant for the trolley
system. They also received notice that issues of strategic planning should be addressed
at the CRA level. Boynton Beach was in good shape on things it had done that would
be mandated in the future.
The double-tracking project of Florida East Coast Railway (FEC) was evolving as the
number one priority at the rvlPO because of the downtown transportation linkage. The
IvlPO also wanted to consider land use and densities along with mass transit.
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Community Redevelopment Agency Continuation
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 15, 2004
The South Florida Water Management District had announced that the CPA's permitting
application was complete. This was a major milestone since building permits normally
followed permit application approval. This meant that the CPA projects and the Marina
could be getting building permits in the next four weeks. Mr. Hutchinson praised
Kimley-Horn for their work on this and also the City for its assistance with the
mangrove issue at Jaycee Park. This accomplishment had involved a comprehensive
effort by the community, product developers, engineers, the City, and the CRA.
Chair Heavilin inquired whether the MPO award was for three years and whether it was
matching. Mr. Hutchinson responded that it was for $120K for three years. The CPA
had to provide the bus services, and this was how much the IvlPO put towards it. The
CPA was planning to generate money from advertising and there was about $170K in
the budget.
Mr. Hutchinson related that the MPO had been pleased to hear from Boynton Beach,
Delray Beach, and West Palm Beach and were trying to get other communities to step
up to planning issues also.
Mr. Hutchinson had high praise for Ms. Vielhauer who had achieved a grant on her first
attempt to obtain one.
The CPA's secretary, Ms. Garinay Ghazarian, was leaving to work in the Office Depot
executive offices. The CPA was advertising to fill that slot and hoped to find someone
of the same caliber to maintain the standard she had set. Mr. Hutchinson observed that
Ms. Ghazarian had done a great job for the CRA and they hoped to find someone who
would maintain the caliber of work that she set.
Ms. Horenburger asked who owned the parking in connection with the Tri-Rail station.
Mr. Hutchinson responded that FEC had property on which to put a station and across
the street from that, the City owned a lot and a project was being designed that would
be over parked for additional public parking to serve that area.
Ms. Horenburger stated she had served on the Tri-Rail Board, which was now the
Regional Transportation Authority (RTA), for ten years. ]:n order to make the Tri-Rail
project work, the FEC, along with the State and Federal governments, would be looking
for more local matches of property and/or money, and the Board should be prepared
for this. Formerly, the Federal and State governments put in the preponderance of the
dollars on the matches. The local matches were like 20% and they were now 40 to
50%. No one seemed to know where the dollars were going to come from to purchase
the right to use the corridor initially, and then the operational dollars would be on top of
that. While it was a number one priority, local governments had to get ready to be
asked to provide land for stations, parking, or money.
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Boynton Beach, Florida
.~uly 15, 2004
Mr. Hutchinson said that in that area they would have two major parking structures of
over 700-car capacity that would give a surplus of up to 400 cars. Also, the trolley
system would reach the station and have an impact. This was one of the few
communities that was somewhat prepared if FEC decided to move ahead with this
Mr. Hutchinson said that the traditional CRA role of acquiring land, tearing down
buildings and doing a streetscape was evolving into a much broader role. The County
was going to be putting more and more pressure on the T.t.F. dollars to participate in
inter-linking/mass transit issues. The loading in population could not be supported
unless the CRA started to understand its role in this.
Ms. Horenburger stated that she had been involved in discussions, though not official,
about having an overlapping T.I.F. district for the length of the corridor to help pay for
that corridor and the CRA needed to keep that in mind as well.
Ms. Horenburger stated as a matter of information that the Treasure Coast Regional
Planning Council came to the last Tri-Rail (RTA) Board meeting and proposed that they
work closely with them for a fee of between $300-700K over the next few years. There
was some push to get dual seats on both boards but that had not happened. Their
region for transportation did not fit the region for planning and this was being worked
out at present.
Chair Heavilin asked about the LDR rewrite and the status of the mixed-use districts.
Mr. Hutchinson stated that part of this had been resolved by the recent action to
change the highway designation on several roads. The rest of the resolution of this
issue should be forthcoming in the next 30 days so this could get back on schedule for
the Fall.
Chair Heavilin noted that in the grants update, it was Colonial Club Condominium, not
just Colonial.
VIII. Old Business
IX, New Business
Chair Heavilin asked if the Board could move up consideration of the Property
Acquisition Contracts in HOB Phase ! Project Area to follow the Consideration of the
Contract for the Police Pilot Program. This met with the Board's approval. IX. New
Business items B, E, F, G, H and ! were considered at the .luly 13 CRA meeting.
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Boynton Beach, Florida
July 15, 2004
Mr. Fenton moved to accept the reordering of the agenda. Vice Chair Tillman seconded
the motion that passed 6-0.
A. Consideration of Contract for the Police Pilot Program in the CRA Boundaries.
Mr. Hutchinson stated that this had been a lengthy project between the Legal teams,
the CRA, and the Police Department. He believed that this would be a great thing for
the community and that the Police had exercised great care to provide officers of the
highest caliber for the CRA area.
I~larshall Gage, Chief of Police, thanked the Board for inviting the Police to this
meeting. He introduced each of the officers: Officer Chris 'Doc' Davis, Officer Rick
Lauture, Officer Eric Reynolds, and Officer Frank Danysh. Between them they had 28-
30 years of experience. The first two officers were going into the Heart of Boynton and
the second two were going into the downtown district. The CRA and the Police
Department had jointly agreed to some minor changes in the uniforms that would
clearly identify the officers as being assigned to the CRA area.
Chief Gage expressed appreciation for the serious hard work on the part of the CRA
legal staff to help bring this project to fruition. His staff, Assistant Chief John Smith,
also put a lot of work into this. He thought that the officers were going to make
everyone look good. He appreciated the joint partnership between the CRA and the
Police Department and he fully expected it to be successful.
Mr. Hutchinson commented that a lot of the expenditures in the contract were for
equipment that would last for many years. The CRA would own the Police cars and
bicycles and they would be leased to the Police Department. The budget before the
Board included more details. The officers would be full-time in those two areas. They
were chosen in part because of their sense of humor and their understanding of the
community service aspect of this job. They all had a great deal of compassion about
how to approach situations. They also understood the community liaison part of this job
and would be the CRA's eyes and ears on the ground.
Mr. Myott asked what hours they would be patrolling. Chief Gage said there was some
flexibility in the hours and this had not been definitely decided yet. They were going to
identify the best hours for each of the areas. They would get one officer per day for
each of the areas and they would float them depending on the area and according to
the needs of the businesses and residents in each of the areas. Mr. Myott asked if it
would mainly be daytime hours. Chief Gage responded that it would span daytime and
evening hours in both of the areas, probably beginning at noon.
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Boynton Beach, Florida
July 15, 2004
Chair Heavilin stated that Exhibit C called for 11.5 hours per day. Chief Gage said their
contract allowed 11.5-hour shifts. One officer would be in each district :[:[.5 hours a
day, seven days a week.
A car would also be assigned to each area. These officers would be fully equipped with
the same type of equipment as provided to officers in other parts of the city.
Chief Gage extended an invitation to the Press to ride along on the bikes with the
officers on their tours of duty.
Chair Heavilin said there were two cars, one for the Heart of Boynton and one for the
Marina area and four bicycles, but only one officer per shift. She questioned that. Chief
Gage said that the bikes would last longer and give better service if they did not have
to be individually adjusted for each officer during shift change.
Chair Heavilin asked if the CRA officers would be supplementing other officers in these
areas. Chief Gage stated that each of the areas was part of an existing zone and they
were overlapping. Each area had a minimum of one officer assigned to the zone. The
Heart of Boynton was part of an existing zone. The Heart of Boynton has two officers
assigned to that district and those officers would stay there. The existing staffing levels
would remain the same.
Ms. Horenburger moved approval of the Police Pilot Program in the CRA Boundaries. Mr.
Barretta seconded the motion that passed 6-0.
Chief Gage stated that Leadership Boynton had visited the Police Department on the
day of this meeting. Part of his presentation was that in this Police Department,
responsibility and accountability was required and a sense of humor. He was glad that
the Director had mentioned that having a sense of humor was important. Each of the
officers chosen for this task had a sense of humor, and they planned to maintain that.
Consideration of Property Acquisition Contracts in HOB Phase ! Project Area
Mr. Hutchinson introduced Ms. Barbara Matlack of the Urban Group.
Barbara Hatlack, The Urban Group, reported that there was a contract with ~lohn
Dimke, :[23 NE. 9th Avenue, Boynton Beach, for $95,700 as a counter offer to an initial
offer of $87,000. The Urban Group believed that this was a valid, reasonable offer. The
appraisal came out a bit Iow, but there had been a lot of market activity in the area
recently. Also, this type of negotiation was not an arms-length transaction where there
was a meeting of the minds and where the owner wanted to sell. She believed that the
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Boynton Beach, Florida
July 15, 2004
increase in the initial offer was valid in this case. ]:t was a nominal increase of under
10% and represented a good deal.
Mr. Hutchinson stated that The Urban Group had presented all the other monies to
which the seller was entitled under the HUD guidelines. The Board had asked for the
maximum impact for this purchase and the maximum was $116,425 for this property.
Some of the funds did not go to the property owner. He agreed about the brisk activity
in sales at the moment in the Heart of Boynton area on and off MLK Blvd. Also, this
was an improved property and not a vacant lot.
Mr. Fenton asked why they were not going with the appraised value. When considering
the Kelly property at an earlier meeting, the Board wanted to go with the appraised
value since it did not want to set a precedent to go above that. The next property
before the Board was this one and the Board was being asked to approve a purchase
price above the appraised value of the property.
Ms. Matlack said that The Urban Group had ended up correcting the transaction to
which Mr. Fenton referred. She commented that it had been a particularly difficult deal
where the Board was trying to assist the displacee.
When asked again by Mr. Fenton why they were not going with the appraised value,
Ms. Matlack responded, "Because we would not have a contract signed. :It was
unacceptable to the owner and for good reason." He had purchased it with the
prospect of maintaining that property for the purpose of investment for ten years, had
no idea about the project coming on line, and would never have purchased that
property if he had known. Mr. Fenton stated that this was his fault and that had
nothing to do with the CRA buying it.
Mr. Myott asked how much the property owner had paid for the property. Ms. Matlack
stated he had paid $85K in December of 2003. He also asked how this property fit into
the overall plans of the CRA. Mr. Hutchinson stated that this was just above the Baptist
Church and that was critical to getting the full depth of the block in order to have
redevelopment. It was east of Seacrest Boulevard, above the Baptist Church, and south
of Martin Luther King Ir. Boulevard.
Mr. Myott asked how the other property acquisitions were proceeding. Mr. Hutchinson
stated that they had already bought the Kelly property, and the rest were coming along
pretty well.
Vice Chair Tillman said it was important to understand as the Board moved forward with
acquiring these properties, that there had been a great deal of public knowledge about
the CRA's plans and this knowledge had begun to drive the market. The Board had to
understand this, consider it, and be professional about its activities.
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Boynton Beach, Florida
July 15, 2004
Mr. Fenton said that if the CRA offered the property owner that price, he would be
making 12.5% on a mistake. Chair Heavilin said that in this market, that was not
unusual. Mr. Hutchinson said it was 1.7% a year right now in the CRA area. Chair
Heavilin pointed out that the difference was that the first contract was with a willing
seller and this was not.
Chair Heavilin asked if they were using the same appraiser for all their properties, and
Ms. Matlack confirmed that they were. The appraiser was D. Craig Keneipp, and the
review appraiser was Mendel R. Westberry of Ft. Lauderdale. Chair Heavilin asked if the
appraisers had to be HUD approved. Howard Steinholz of The Urban Group stated that
the appraisers had to be State certified. The review appraiser was a member of the
Appraisal Institute. It was the review appraiser that actually set the price and he agreed
with it in this case.
Chair Heavilin asked if the appraisers had sufficient local knowledge of what was
happening in the Boynton Beach market, since they were from Ft. Lauderdale. Also,
was there a possibility of getting someone more familiar with this local market? Mr.
Steinholz stated that Mr. Westberry was with Galleon and Wilson, who had offices in
Palm Beach. That firm was very knowledgeable about government properties and the
market itself.
Ms. Horenburger said it was difficult to get accurate appraisals with the dynamics of the
market in the CRA area. Comparables looked at in the previous month could change
upwards by the following month. As the synergy built, that would continue. She
appreciated Mr. Fenton's comment about setting a precedent but they would be seeing
some of these, particularly with unwilling sellers. She thought it was a pretty good offer
considering it was not a willing seller. She appreciated the ability of The Urban Group to
convince him to sell it to the CRA at any price in light of that.
Chair Heavilin confirmed with Ms. Matlack that the relocation costs were not-to-exceed
maximums. The owner was entitled to a $10K re-establishment expense reimbursement
benefit. It was their job to advise him of how to spend it and to insure that the invoices
were correct. He was also entitled to $1K search costs for another rental property. The
tenant's replacement housing payment and move costs amounted to $9,400, $1K of
which was move costs calculated on a room count method per the Uniform Relocation
Mr. Barretta asked the Director's opinion. Mr. Hutchinson said that considering
everything, prices were being re-established almost weekly in that area, and not just on
MLK Boulevard. This is what they hoped would happen, that people would go in, buy
structures, invest in them and have some good rental properties in the area. If
litigation were considered, this amount of money would be spent in the first round of
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3uly 15, 2004
preparing the paperwork. He concurred with TUG and thought the Board should buy
this property.
Chair Heavilin reiterated that the prices were moving weekly on everything east of 1-95.
Ms. Horenburger moved to approve the acquisition of the subject property in the Phase
1 project area. Vice Chair Tillman seconded the motion.
Chair Heavilin asked if the relocation expenses needed to be included in the motion. Mr.
Hutchinson agreed, saying that it would be for the entire amount including any
relocation costs on parcel number 120 with a total projected cost for the acquisition and
relocation being $116,425. Ms. Horenburger amended the motion to that effect and
Vice Chair Tillman agreed.
The vote was 5-1, Pit. Fenton dissent~rig.
C. Consideration of the Annual Report
Mr. Hutchinson said this was the previous year's report, 2002°2003. The annual audit
had been done. This was the CRA's first effort at doing an annual report, which gave
the financials but also told the story of what was going on and some of the things that
had happened. They planned to have a base number printed and available for reprints
in house. [t was also on the Web Site, and should be posted in the next two weeks. He
wanted to have this approved by the Board. There were two items he would send to
the Board with a poll for approval: 1) draft mission statement and 2) a request to
former Chair Finkelstein to provide a picture and letter as soon as possible. He hoped to
get this finished and distributed soon.
Mr. Hutchinson had read a headline published on the date of this meeting saying, "The
CRA set the ceiling of building heights," which was absolutely incorrect, and he wanted
to have that on record. The building height ceilings were not changed by the CRA, but
there was a provision in the City Code that allowed height extensions above the base
for equipment. The CRA did not raise ceilings above 150 feet.
Ms. Horenburger asked why they were publishing an old report at this time. Mr.
Hutchinson said that they expected this report to be out about six months earlier next
Ms. Horenburger commented that some years ago, Tri-Rail (RTA) had stopped doing an
Annual Report and instead, did a monthly newsletter. Mr. Hutchinson said that a
quarterly newsletter would be on the Web Site. ff they had developers or investors
who asked what happened last year, this was something to give them. This was a
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July 15, 2004
marketing tool or "brochure" for the community. Ms. Horenburger commented that it
might be confusing for the persons receiving this report to have the name of the former
Mayor and Board Chair if they wanted to contact them. Mr. Hutchinson did not think
this would be a problem.
Ms. Horenburger moved to approve the Annual Report per staff comments and
recommendation for the year 2002-2003. Mr. Barretta seconded the motion that carried
D. Consideration of Legal Services Task Force
Mr. Hutchinson sought Board comments about this item. He envisioned a task force of
himself and two other Board members to work on this. The Board's legal needs had
grown. When this item was discussed the previous year, there was some sense of
conflict about the City and the CRA being served by the same law firm. Although Ms.
Undsey Payne was extremely competent, the workload was intensive.
Vice Chair Tillman asked if any particular task areas for this work had been identified.
Mr. Hutchinson thought that the additional services would be needed across the board.
The lawsuit filed against the City for height affected the CRA and the same firm was
representing two positions. With the Hall property and inter-local agreements, he
wanted to have a Task Force study this to see how people felt about it.
Mr. Fenton wanted to go right to an RFQ and not have a Task Force. He felt
uncomfortable having the same legal representation as the City. The CRA was a
distinct organization and needed to have its own attorney. Tf there were two opinions
on the 150-foot height limitation from two different legal firms, he would feel very
comfortable about it. At the moment, he did not feel comfortable having only one
opinion. Mr. Hutchinson stated that the current firm would be eligible for the RFQ.
A~ Del~larco arrived at the meeting at ?:25 p. m.
Vice Chair Tillman said if there were some specific legal service areas that were needed,
that should be in the RFQ. Mr. Hutchinson stated they would look for firms having a
substantial track record in CRA representation because they had everything from in-
house personnel issues to multi-million dollar incentive programs. They could have an
RFQ to develop a short-list and interview from that list.
Ms. Horenburger asked that the RFQ specify a length of time the candidate had been
involved with a local governmental district, agency, or authority. She thought it should
be from 5 to 10 years. Mr. Hutchinson believed the draft RFQ had a 5-year minimum,
but if the Board wanted it to be longer, that could be done.
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3uly :[5, 2004
Chair Heavilin thought the Task Force was a good idea so the legal tasks could be
defined and then the RFQ requirements, if it were decided that an RFQ was a good
Ms. Horenburger thought that across-the-board experience would be required from
inter-personal issues to inter-governmental issues, real estate issues, and so forth.
Mr. Fenton suggested having an RFQ and then have the Task Force evaluate the
candidates and make a recommendation to the Board from the short list.
Mr. Myott asked if this would have any impact on next year's budget. Mr. Hutchinson
responded that they had looked at other CRAs and the rate they were paying and the
amount of work they had, and they should be in good shape on the budget. He had
$:[00K reserve in the budget for Legal - Other Services.
Board Attorney Lindsey Payne clarified the lawsuit matter, saying that there was no
technical conflict because the CRA was not a party to the suit. Although her firm
represented the City, she realized that Mr. Hutchinson might want a second opinion
because of that. Also, the CRA was only a recommending body to the City Commission
and therefore, there was no real legal conflict.
Mr. Myott verified with Attorney Payne that the parties to the referenced lawsuit were
Save our Cities vs. City of Boynton Beach.
Ms. Horenburger stated that while that might not be a conflict, there was no guarantee
that conflicts would not arise in the future. All of the CRAs of which she had knowledge
had legal counsel independent from the cities they were in. Board Attorney Payne
responded that it was done both ways.
Mr. Fenton moved to issue the existing, standard RFQ for independent legal services
and when the RFQs were received back in house, a Legal Review Task Force would be
created to review the submissions and make a recommendation to the Board. Vice
Mayor Tillman seconded the motion.
It was agreed that Task Force and Selection Committee were the same thing for
purposes of this motion.
Mr. Hutchinson asked if the Task Force could be determined at this meeting or whether
it had to be brought back to the Board to choose Task Force members at a later date.
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July 15, 2004
Ms. Horenburger thought, the Task Force should be selected at this meeting. They
would not have to actually meet until the responses came back.
Chair Heavilin was still in favor of having a Task Force to consider the way legal staff
was being utilized and the need for an RFQ.
The vote was 6-1, Chair Heavilin dissenting.
K. Consideration of New CRA Office Space Rental
Mr. Hutchinson reported that they had been able to find an office that was three doors
down from the existing office on the first floor, Office Number 103. The cost to rent this
space would be $1,600 per month with a one-year lease renewable upon agreement of
both parties into the future. The office had been completely redone with new, modern
Berber carpet, a nice bathroom, separate offices for the accounting personnel, a
separate lobby area, a huge conference room with space for the CRA model, plus a
copy and work room to facilitate paperwork, l~t fit the layout very well and afforded the
privacy that the CRA needed. The rent was reasonable and Mr. Hutchinson had been
looking for a long time. Also, in the budget for next year, there was an item for rental
of substations in the area for the Police Department. He proposed retaining the old
CRA office for this purpose. Operating in the existing office was becoming untenable
and he hoped that the Board would consider allowing this rental.
Mr. Fenton was happy to hear they would be moving. He asked if there were any
relocation costs built into the budget for this move. Mr. Hutchinson said that in the
revised budget they had allocated funds for relocation to that office and a little bit of
new furniture and equipment. He asked if the Police would be renting the existing
space? Mr. Hutchinson stated that part of the $350K was set aside for office rent
($18K). The CRA would continue to pay it. it was $1K a month, so they were way
under budget on that item.
Chair Heavilin asked what Mr. Hutchinson had meant by "the potential to acquire key
office furnishings." She asked how much money was involved. Mr. Hutchinson was not
sure about that. The former tenant was .]eft Douglas and he was keeping an office in
the area, so he would be keeping his furniture. There was money in the budget to
upgrade some of the existing CRA furniture. A lot of what they already had could be
used in a back-up kind of way. Everything had been purchased used for the existing
Mr. DeMarco recused himself from voting on this item since he had been involved in the
negotiations for the rental.
Chair Heavilin verified that the monthly rent would be $1,680.
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Vice Chair Tillman moved to accept the Director's request for rental of additional office
space. Ms. Horenburger seconded the motion that carried 6-0.
Chair Heavilin asked Mr. Hutchinson if he desired to have a motion on the use of the
existing office space as a Police substation. He responded that he was just going to
keep paying the rent. From now to October 1, it was in the budget. After that, if the
Board decided not to have a Police program, there would be points at which it could be
cut off.
X. Commission Action
Mr. Hutchinson said that lots of action would take place at the next Commission
meeting on July 20. The IPUD was coming up, the height exception, and also the
Renaissance and Winchester properties. The latest Commission action had been the
two Board appointments for the CRA.
XT. Board Member Comments
Ms. Horenburger addressed the state of the agenda packets. She stated that she had
been on boards since the late 1970s and was astonished at how the agenda information
was delivered to the Board members. She asked for binders containing at least most of
the needed information to be delivered to the Board members earlier and appropriately
separated with tabbed dividers. She had talked to Mayor Taylor about trying to get the
Planning & Development staff to deliver the information to the CRA earlier so the Board
members could get the information all at one time instead of in pieces. She referred to
a discussion about being short of staff and having to make so many copies. If the
Planning staff started to deliver items in a more timely fashion, the CRA office could go
the high school to recruit a student who might be in training to work in an office, to put
the agendas together and make the copies. Or, it could be put out for printing and
collating somewhere else.
Mr. Barretta also found reading the agenda packets challenging due to the manner in
which they were presented.
Mr. Hutchinson said that his problem was that the agenda contained official documents.
He had gotten calls from people stating that pages were missing, and this had legal
ramifications under certain circumstances. He did not want that in the hands of high
school students, even if done in the office. If they did that, they would still have to
have a staff person verify that it was done correctly, which would take almost as much
time as having a student do it. Mr. Hutchinson continued, saying that in the next
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budget, they were asking for one more person in addition to the replacement for the
The agendas often went to more than 500 pages, and not all the information was
generated by the CRA. A person was needed to make sure that everything came in at
the right time and in the right way. ]~t might be necessary to designate someone to be
dedicated to public information. Citizens appeared at the door and want things as well.
They would try to update the binders and he asked for forbearance while they tried to
do that.
in regard to the Planning and Development Division agenda item preparation, Mr.
Hutchinson did not direct City staff. He had been given direction from the Board to
discuss this with City staff, had done so, and had received e-mails in return that he
shared with the Board. The problem was not solved. He could not get those materials
to the CRA any sooner.
Mr. Hutchinson thought that the Planning & Development Division might want to
examine its submittal schedule from the TRC review cycle onwards, to see if it was too
tight. The CRA was getting packages from them at 5:00 p.m. on a Friday night, causing
the CRA staff to put everything together and deliver it to the members at 8:00 p.m. that
night. Now, they tried to get the packets out on Mondays so the Board would have a
full week to look at them. :It might be that Planning & Development staff needed to
consider their schedules going back through the TRC review cycle, to give the CRA the
courtesy of more time to prepare its agenda packets. Mr. Hutchinson commented that
some major things were found to be missing from the agenda packets because they
were being so pressed. Part-time help could possibly help if the deadlines were not so
tight. On the other hand, if skilled personnel were not doing the agenda packets,
serious mistakes could occur.
Chair Heavilin said that the downside was penalizing the applicant with a longer time
frame than expected to get the needed approvals. Mr. Barretta asked if they could
institute something whereby if an item were not received by a certain cut°off date, it
would automatically be considered at the following meeting. Mr. Hutchinson said they
did have that, but the applicants had been told the timeframe and that if they met a
certain date, they would be in front of the Board by a certain date. Mr. Hutchinson said
that they needed to be fair to the applicant at the beginning of the application process,
advising them that delays might occur.
Ms. Horenburger said it was her understanding that Planning & Zoning sent one copy to
the CRA and the CRA had to make 22 copies and collate them. That was a demanding
task and one that needed to be addressed. She also thought that the Board had to start
protecting itself. There had been a very long meeting on Tuesday night and they were
back for a second time.
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency Continuation
Boynton Beach, Florida
.luly 15, 2004
Mr. Hutchinson stated that the Planning & Zoning staff had to respect the CRA's
Ms. Horenburger commented that if the situation did not get resolved through a part-
time person or some other way, the Board should ask the City Commission to address
the situation and determine if the Planning & Zoning timeframes were reasonable.
Some of the other Board members were not as concerned about the agenda packets.
Chair Heavilin commented that she was hearing two issues: 1) when the CRA received
the material, and 2) the way it was presented to the members in the agenda packets.
She felt that it only took her about five minutes to put the separate packets into their
correct place and that was not a problem.
Ms. Horenburger stated that there should be tabs for each item. Some other members
did not agree. Ms. Horenburger did not think she should have to spend her own time
sorting things out. She stated that other organizations did better than this and so could
this one.
Mr. Myott commented that after 8 years on the Planning & Development Board, he
greatly appreciated the quality of the agenda packets provided by the CRA.
XII. Legal
XIII. Other Items
XIV. Future Agenda Items
A. Budget Workshops (August)
B. City/CRA Workshop (August)
C. Direct Incentive Program for the Promenade - undetermined
XV. Adjournment
Since there was no further business before the Board, the meeting was duly adjourned
at 8:0! p.m.
Meeting Minutes
Community Redevelopment Agency Continuation
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 15, 2004
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Collins
Recording Secretary