ON MONDAY, JULY 26, 2004 AT 6:30 P.M.
William Orlove, Vice Chair
Lisa Peterfreund
Betty Thomas
Tom Williams
Pamela Winters
Jack McVey, Alternate
John Spannuth, Alternate
Wally Majors, Recreation & Parks Director
John Wildner, Deputy Recreation & Parks
Elizabeth Pierce, Chairperson
Margaret Murphy
I. Call to Order
In the absence of the Chairperson, Vice Chair Orlove presided and called the meeting
to order at 6:40 p.m.
I1. Attendance
Vice Chair Orlove called the roll and declared a quorum was present.
II1. Approval of Minutes of June 28, 2004
Mr. Majors addressed a question that Ms. Peterfreund raised regarding the
questionnaire that was mailed out to Homeowner Associations referred to on Page 10 of
the minutes under "Monthly Reports." Mr. Majors noted that the questionnaire was done
as part of the Recreation and Parks accreditation efforts.
Ms. Winters and Mr. Spannuth reported that they did not receive the minutes. The
Recording Secretary responded that they are mailed to member's homes approximately
one week after the meeting and confirmed that the records contained the correct
address for those members. Mr. Majors stated that if any member did not receive the
minutes, to please let him know.
Ms. Thomas moved to approve the minutes. Motion seconded by Mr. McVey and
unanimously carried.
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 26, 2004
IV. Unfinished Business
A. Comprehensive and Strategic Plans
Mr. Majors reported that on Tuesday, August 24th at 9:00 a.m. in the Library Program
Room, a kick-off meeting for updating the recreation and open space element of the
City's Comprehensive Plan and development of the Strategic Plan for the Department
will be held. The consulting firm of Glatting & Jackson that is working with the
Department on these projects will be in attendance. Mr. Majors felt that there would be
an opportunity for interaction among members of the Board and the consulting firm.
The meeting will be primarily devoted to getting acquainted with the firm and to discuss
what the projects actually involved. These are very significant projects since the
Comprehensive Plan is an essential element of the State requirement that various
components of the City's government must provide their long-term plans to the State.
It is anticipated that the strategic plan will give the Department a sense of direction.
Members planning to attend should inform Mr. Majors prior to the meeting. Ms.
Peterfreund requested that Mr. Majors send out a mailing reminding members of the
meeting with a request to RSVP. Ms. Peterfreund also inquired if a schedule of the
meetings was available. Mr. Majors stated that this is the first meeting planned. He will
send out reminder letters as requested.
Vice Chair Orlove inquired if minutes would be taken at the meeting. Mr. Majors stated
that minutes would be taken since members of the City Commission have been invited,
and he anticipates that one or two Commissioners would be attending. Vice Chair
Orlove requested that minutes be distributed, especially for those members who are not
able to attend. If a quorum were not present from either this Board or the City
Commission, Mr. Majors would not expect the City Clerk to provide a Recording
Secretary. If that happens, he will have someone take meeting notes. In any event, a
report will be provided.
Ms. Peterfreund asked about the greenways plan. Mr. Majors stated that the conceptual
greenways plan would be brought to the Commission for endorsement at their second
meeting in August. If the City formally endorses a greenways plan, it would be beneficial
in the City's application for funding from the Florida Community Trust for the Jaycee
Park acquisition.
B. Woman's Club
Mr. Majors reported that this would also be on the Commission Agenda for the August
17th meeting. The report that the Commission previously received was an elaboration of
the analysis conducted by Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jemigan, Inc. of their assessment of
the condition of the Woman's Club. Also included in the report was a list of items that
required long-term maintenance. It was determined that there were no major problems
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 26, 2004
with the Woman's Club, but there are some long-term maintenance requirements that
have to be addressed.
One or two of the air conditioning units have to be replaced and the building needs an
intensive termite inspection. The biggest issue is the restrooms. There are two
restrooms on the first floor and two on the second floor, none of which are handicapped
accessible. If the City decides to move forward and enter into a lease arrangement with
the Woman's Club, the City would have to address the restroom issues. The projected
costs to upgrade the restrooms would be approximately $20,000, but this needs more
(Mr. Wildner arrived at the meeting at 6:56 p.m.)
Vice Chair Orlove inquired if the Board needed to take any action on this issue. Mr.
Majors felt that it was not necessary at this time until the Commission makes a decision.
Mr. Majors also pointed out that the City is moving forward with the Intracoastal Park
facility that could accommodate most of the activities that take place at the Woman's
Ms. Peterfreund inquired what would happen to the Woman's Club if the City decided
not to support it. Mr. Majors felt that there would always be some kind of support for the
Club through other partnerships. The Woman's Club is only one of two buildings in the
City that is on the National Historic Register.
C. Senior Center
Mr. Majors noted that Phase 2 is completed and staff is moving into the new offices.
Discussions are taking place for the design of Phase 3.
Mr. Williams inquired if there would be any staff assisting with the exercise equipment.
Mr. Majors responded that staff is looking into this and have spoken with local health
providers for assistance. Mr. Williams felt it was important that there be qualified people
available to avoid possible injuries. Ms. Peterfreund recommended contacting the
YMCA to determine if they could offer assistance.
Mr. Williams asked when the State Parks and Recreation Conference was scheduled.
Mr. Majors stated that it is scheduled for August 29th through September 2nd in Palm
Harbor, Florida at the Innsbrook Resort. Ms. Peterfreund asked if the Board paid for
members to attend. Mr. Majors noted that when it took place in Ft. Lauderdale, the City
provided a van. If any members would like to attend this conference, please advise Mr.
Majors and he will determine if there are funds available. Mr. Williams stated that he
intended to attend and would be driving to the conference. Mr. Majors noted that when
the conference was held in Ft. Lauderdale, there were workshops devoted to
Recreation and Parks Boards. Mr. Majors felt that the Conference was very worthwhile
and he will look further into it.
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 26, 2004
D. Congress Avenue Community Park- Boundless Playground
Mr. Wildner presented an artist's rendering of a previous master plan for the Park, which
he reviewed for the members. This was an illustrative plan of an example of what could
be done with the Park that included the existing tennis courts. It was designed so that
the main entrance would be on Congress Avenue. This plan was drawn up in the mid-
1980s, at which time the City was looking at revenue-generating programs. As a result,
the plan includes a miniature golf course, batting cages and other revenue producing
activities. These types of activities are no longer in vogue in parks.
The shuffleboard courts at the Madsen Center would have also been moved to the Park
and a small building would be built that would align up with the pro shop at the Tennis
Center. The plan included an amphitheater and a dock extending into the lake. Mr.
Wildner explained that the lake belongs to Hunter's Run. Therefore, staff would have to
discuss this with Hunter's Run if a dock was included in the plan. The area where the
dock is shown on the plan is full of exotics. The weed trees that were located west of
the Tennis Courts have been removed and replaced with native trees that are doing
Ms. Peterfreund inquired if the City was going to continue to treat the weeds. Mr.
Wildner reported that the residents of Hunter's Run requested that the weed treating be
discontinued. Ms. Peterfreund would like this reinstated since there is a great concern
regarding the spread of exotics. Mr. Wildner noted that Palm Beach County offers
grants to encourage the removal of weed trees on public property, which the City
utilized at Hester Park. Mr. Wildner noted that the residents of Hunter's Run had a
concern about the removal of the buffer. He felt it would be best to gradually remove the
exotics and replace them with natives.
An open play field was included in the plans and Mr. Wildner reiterated that this plan
was only an illustration of how the park could look.
Ms. Peterfreund inquired what activities were proposed for the building. Mr. Wildner
explained that there were game rooms, a meeting room and small conference rooms.
There was one large multi-purpose room that could accommodate sizeable gatherings.
Also included was a dance studio with two indoor racquetball courts. There are no
indoor racquetball courts in the City, and staff felt that this would be a good addition to
compliment the tennis courts.
Mr. Majors noted that they are trying to move forward with the Boundless Playground.
This is a very worthwhile project and the Park would be a perfect site for it. Staff would
like a formal endorsement from the Board to bring forward to the City Commission in
order that staff could begin the design and planning of the Playground.
Vice Chair Orlove inquired if the Board endorsement of the Boundless Playground
would also include plans for the remainder of the site. He pointed out that he would be
meeting with another homeowner association for their input. He was in favor of
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 26, 2004
endorsing the Boundless Playground, but he felt there were issues and activities for
recreation at the site that still needed to be addressed. He was not certain if the
Playground should be endorsed separately until these activities have been determined.
Vice Chair Orlove inquired if the Board would be discussing what other activities they
would like to include in the Park tonight. Ms. Peterfreund concurred that if they only
approved moving forward with the Boundless Playground tonight and then later the
other activities were introduced, this might cause concern to some residents.
Ms. Thomas inquired what objections Hunter's Run had to introducing a building at the
Park. Vice Chair Orlove noted that Hunter's Run felt that the homeowner associations in
the area had their own clubhouses for activities and that this building was not
necessary. Members felt that having a building on the site would be utilized by more
than one particular homeowner's association and would be used for bringing people
from other areas together for events and activities. Ms. Peterfreund pointed out that this
is a public park and the City has a responsibility to provide for all citizens.
Vice Chair Orlove inquired if there was urgency for the Board to endorse the Boundless
Playground tonight. Mr. Majors felt it was important to show the City Commission that
there was a consensus among the members that there is a need for this type of facility
and to allow staff to move forward with looking into other opportunities for the Park. If
the Board wanted staff to provide a master plan, this would involve additional costs and
Mr. Wildner noted that with the Board's endorsement tonight, staff could begin to raise
money. It was Commissioner Ensler that recommended that once the Board endorsed
the Boundless Playground, the City Commission could endorse the soliciting of
donations. Mr. Majors explained that staff could go out and seek support from
community foundations and grants for the Boundless Playground. With regard to the
other amenities that would be introduced in the Park, the funds for those would come
from the City.
Mr. Majors recommended that the Board draft a letter of endorsement for the Boundless
Playground, especially since the Comprehensive Plan is being revised. Ms. Peterfreund
recommended that the letter include that Vice Chair Orlove met with homeowner
associations to gather information regarding the Boundless Playground and there was
strong support for it. The Board, however, should keep an open mind about including
other opportunities in the Park.
Vice Chair Orlove noted that a meeting had taken place recently regarding the Park that
he was not able to attend. He felt that the Board should be advised of what transpired at
that meeting before the Board moved forward with an endorsement. Mr. Wildner noted
that he had been invited to the meeting that was organized by Commissioner Ensler.
Chairperson Pierce was in attendance.
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 26, 2004
Mr. Wildner reported that the meeting was attended by two members of the Children
and Youth Advisory Board that live in this area and two residents from Hunter's Run.
One of the Hunter's Run residents is an artist, and she presented some concepts of
what she felt could be placed in the Park. She included a Boundless Playground that
took up most of the space. Mr. Wildner pointed out that the Boundless Playground that
the Board members visited only occupied four to five acres. Mr. Wildner thought that a
subsequent meeting took place where this resident presented a revised plan that
included the Congress Avenue entrance. He also thought that Mr. Bressner might have
attended this subsequent meeting.
At the first meeting, discussion took place about including a small building that would be
about the same size as the Boat Club Park building. Currently the Cerebral Palsy
Association has a camp at Boat Club Park and that size building is sufficient for their
needs. The building proposed would be a modest building and would be open with one
large room with perhaps a patio.
Vice Chair Orlove felt that a motion would be in order that would state the Board
endorses the concept of the Boundless Playground for the Congress Avenue
Community Park. The Board, however, will continue to discuss and look into other
activities and other possible recreational components for the use of the Park. They
agreed that the sole purpose of the Park is not a Boundless Playground.
Ms. Peterfreund felt that the motion should include that the Boundless Playground
would not exceed five acres. Discussion ensued on whether the size of the Playground
should be included in a motion. Ms. Peterfreund recommended that the Boundless
Playground that the Board is recommending incorporate all age groups. Vice Chair
Odove requested that the motion state that the Boundless Playground would not
encompass the entire site. Ms. Peterfreund felt that stating an acreage limitation was
important in order to keep the concept of the Park alive. Ms. Peterfreund pointed out
that the Park would serve the entire City.
Ms. Winters felt that the motion should include support for the Boundless Playground,
as well as a recreation center and park improvements.
Vice Chair Orlove withdrew his recommendation for the motion.
Mr. McVey moved that this Board endorse a scaled-down version of what the members
observed at John Prince Park and for staff to move ahead with obtaining funding for the
Boundless Playground.
Vice Chair Orlove inquired if it was the City that wanted the Board's endorsement. Mr.
Majors stated that the request was coming from staff so they could move forward. He
explained that the Boundless Playground Agency must be notified that the City is
making a formal commitment for the development of the Playground. After this
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 26, 2004
notification, representatives of the Boundless Playground could then provide direction to
staff on how to proceed to obtain funding and eventual development.
Ms. Peterfreund seconded the motion. Vice Chair Orlove requested that the motion be
amended to state that the Board supports the Boundless Playground as one aspect of
the total development of the Park with other recreational opportunities for that Park. Ms.
Peterfreund seconded the amended motion that unanimously carried.
Mr. Majors announced that on August 18th at 3:00 staff is meeting with some people
who are interested in the project. Tim Granowitz, the Principal Planner for the County,
would also be attending. Mr. Majors noted that only one Board member could attend,
otherwise, the meeting would have to be noticed. If more than one Board member
would like to attend, he will notice the meeting. Ms. Peterfreund recommended that
Chairperson Pierce be consulted first to determine whether she wanted to attend. If she
does not, then Mr. Majors could contact other Board members to see who would like to
attend. Ms. Thomas and Mr. McVey stated that they would be interested in attending.
V. New Business
A. FRDAP Grant for Wilson Park Project
Mr. Wildner reported that the City is applying for a FRDAP Grant for the Wilson Park
Project. The City is allowed to apply for up to $200,000, and the City would have to
match an additional $200,000, making the total grant $400,000. If they apply for less, it
would be matched accordingly. The project includes the Wilson Center, as well as the
Park. Currently, there are estimates of $4 million that would cover the building, the pool
and related uses. The building itself will cost over $2 million.
Vice Chair Orlove requested that the Board discuss the Commission's vote on the
Winchester property and the development of the area between Gateway and Old
Boynton Road. Vice Chair Orlove noted that even though the Commission voted on
this, the plans for the "urban village" and Super Target are still in theory. The developers
would have to come back to the City with site plans for approval before the property
could be developed.
Mr. Wildner explained that the Commission voted at the last meeting to transmit the
concept to the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council. Because the project equates
to a Development of Regional Impact (DRI, it must be reviewed by other agencies. After
the Treasure Coastal Regional Planning Council reviews the plans, they would make
recommendations on how to proceed with the site plan. The project consisted of two
components. One component was a Suburban Mixed-Use Zoning District that would
include shops and residential units in an urban village. The second component would be
a 20-acre parcel on the southwest corner of the property that would allow for a major
"draw." It has been indicated that Target may be relocating there, but Target is only one
of three potential regional draws that could be located at that site. The developer felt it
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 26, 2004
was important to have a major anchor in order to attract customers to the smaller shops
located nearby.
Discussion has taken place about putting a "big box" on the site and whether or not this
was needed. It was noted that there are ways to make the Target more appealing by
changing the design of the store to make it more attractive.
Vice Chair Orlove inquired when the public would be able to address the plans and
inquired if citizens could express their opinions to the Treasure Coast Planning Council.
Mr. Wildner explained that the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council addresses
the regional impact of a DRI and a traffic study must be submitted to the County as well.
Vice Chair Orlove expressed concerns that there would not be a sufficient amount of
open space. Mr. Wildner felt it would be appropriate for the Recreation and Parks Board
to begin to express what they would like to see on the site. A lot of agencies will be
providing input and this Board could also provide its input. Mr. Majors recommended
that this become an item on the agenda so that he and Mr. Wildner could keep the
Board updated as things progress.
Mr. Wildner noted that at the Commission meeting there was a great deal of discussion
about greenspace and several people spoke about this during the public audience
portion of the meeting. Some people would like to see 50% of the development devoted
to greenspace in return for approving the change in zoning. The actual recreational
requirement for the site would be a fee based upon the number of units that could either
be money or land in lieu of the fee. Under the current code, they could purchase land
from the developer
There was discussion about the 1,120 units that would be built. If this were the case,
and using a formula that would assume that the average unit would be a townhouse at
$771 per unit and $560 for each multi-family unit or apartment, this could equate to the
developer having to dedicate approximately $800,000. Since the value of the land is
costly, and an acre of land in Renaissance Commons has been determined to be worth
close to $400,000, the City would only get two acres.
Mr. Wildner explained how this would have worked under the old code where the City
would have actually ended up getting close to 6 acres if land were dedicated in place of
Ms. Peterfreund asked how this Board could assist in showing that there is a need for
recreation and parks on this site. Mr. Majors indicated that Board members could speak
at Commission meetings to express their views. Mr. Wildner also recommended that the
Board pass a motion on this issue stating that as a result of the acquisition of additional
land (the Winchester property) by the developer, there are items that this Board would
like to see incorporated into the site. Mr. Wildner felt that the Commission would like to
see some land included in the development. Since the City granted the developer
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 26, 2004
higher density, it would be appropriate for the developer to negotiate with the City for an
appropriate amount of land to be devoted for recreation.
Vice Chair Orlove recommended that this be added to next month's agenda for further
discussion and consideration. Members should bring their thoughts and opinions to the
next meeting on this subject and how they would like to address it.
Ms. Peterfreund inquired that if the Board sent a letter to the City Manager would he
reply in writing. She felt that the City has an obligation to make sure that there are
sufficient recreational opportunities in the City when new developments come onboard
as a result of changes being made to the City's zoning that benefit developers. Also,
Ms. Peterfreund felt that the "big box" look should be addressed to make it more
Mr. Williams stated that the City needed more recreational facilities, including new
baseball fields. He thought that the land at Gateway, west of 1-95, would be appropriate
for this purpose. Mr. Wildner noted that at one time the City actually owned this land
and the original developers of Quantum wanted the land in order to have access to the
railroad tracks. As a result, the City swapped this property for another piece of property
of similar size located elsewhere within Quantum Park.
Mr. Williams inquired if the site that the City owns in Quantum Park could also be
developed as a playground. Mr. Wildner stated that this was possible. Originally the City
felt that this would be a good place for active recreation since Quantum was intended as
an industrial park and there would not be any residential uses that would object to lights
and ballpark noise. However, things have changed and there are now townhouses
located next to this site.
Ms. Peterfreund inquired if this Board could have any impact on this development since
Planning and Zoning already approved the 25' buffer. Mr. Wildner stated that this only
applied to the Renaissance Commons project. He explained that the site plans for the
Winchester property have not been submitted and it is not currently known what their
plans are. Ms Peterfreund requested that staff keep the Board apprised of
developments for this property.
Mr. McVey requested that an item dealing with the Little League Park be placed on the
next agenda. He noted that the Little League Park is in need of improvements and he
would like this Board to address them. Mr. Majors will also add this as an item to the
next agenda.
Mr. McVey will prepare a list of items of what needs to be done to the Park. He felt that
maintenance of the Park was a problem because of the lack of staff. He would like to
see more staff dedicated to the active parks. Mr. McVey recommended the Board visit
the Park so that he could point out what needs to be done at the Park.
Meeting Minutes
Recreation and Parks Board
Boynton Beach, Florida
July 26, 2004
B. Monthly Report
No discussion.
C. Items for the City Manager's Attention
Mr. Williams reiterated that the City needs another bus for the City's recreational needs.
Vice Chair Orlove felt it would be beneficial to have backup as to why another bus is
needed. He requested that this be placed on next month's agenda. Staff will work with
Mr. Williams to prepare justification for a new bus.
VI. Next Meeting: August 23, 2004, 6:30 p.m. at the Senior Center
VII. Adjournment
There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara M. Madden
Recording Secretary
(July 28, 2004)